#share names minus daemon with their dragonstone family
imhereforthetryus · 7 months
I legit cant go a second without crying over the velaryon boys, everytime i see an edit or photo of them i tear up. Those poor sweet brave boys none of them reached manhood and all of them were the perfect heirs, and perfect people.
Can you imagine how Joffrey must have felt not even 13 yet and now knowing he the heir to both the throne and driftmark. Did they pass by luke old room, did they have their own funeral burial burning luke toys because they didn’t have a body to burn. Jace dying trying to save Viserys and Aegon, believing he failed his little brother once again. It breaks my heart, I can’t stop thinking sad thoughts of them.
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pin-acolada · 2 years
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen OC
Description: Her warmth and love caress his soul making him hum with bliss. Having her presence near makes all of the dark thoughts perish, as she was the flowers that grew in the darkest part of him. She is the keeper of his soul. Holder of his heart. Without her, he is nothing.
A/N: thank you for being patient, been busy the past week. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
It has been two years since Eudora disappearance, and the atmosphere in the capital grew quiet since. In the beginning when everyone was set to find the princess, the King sent his intelligence agents to seek for the princess to Essos since she was no where around Westeros continent. Six months passed and when they came back empty handed, the royal family began to believe the hurtful truth they kept trying to deny: Princess Eudora Targaryen is dead.
They weren’t able to do a burial ceremony since there was no body for them to wrap and fire to, so for a month each member mourn in their own accord. In Dragonstone, Rhaenyra's three eldest sons watched their mother mourn and grew worried how distance she became. Daemon was the person who would reassure them that their mother needed time to herself, that Eudora death is something that she needs time to heal and accept. Lucerys didn't quite understand why at first, Eudora wasn't even her child – they may share the same blood through their fathers making them cousins, but she wasn't her blood.
Daemon, at first, wanted to slap the fourteen year old boy insensitivity and he had to leave the room before it went forward at the thought of doing that.
The three eldest children: Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Rhaena were lost as they did not know how to handle the depressive state their parents were in. Unlike the Queens children who had the privilege of being around Eudora, the two of them minus Jacaerys did not. Yes she may have spend her time at Dragonstone with them for two weeks, but majority of that time Eudora was spending her time training with Daemon, or in the library being educated. Nonetheless, Eudora tried to spend her time with them as much as she can, but because of her relationship with Aemons they grew distant with her, except Jacaerys who saw her as older sister. Thus, Lucerys, Rhaena, and Joffrey did not mourn like their family.
One night, sweet Rhaena came across to her father in the hall sitting by the fire. She watched him quietly cry alone as he kept murmuring Eudora's name and Maegor. Never has Rhaena seen her father in that state, not even when her mother died. It register then that Eudora was very special girl to her father, and she not may vocalize this due to her shyness but she was jealous.
When a month pass of mourning for Eudora, Rhaenyra was by the balcony looking over the beach. Staring off she began to relive a memory of her and ten year old Eudora.
Their dresses were wet by the end, and they splash water at each other having the time of her lives. Syraxes and Jyrot were laying by the sand, watching their riders bond like mother and daughter.
Rhaenyra wrapped her arms around Eudora from behind, and twirled her around making the princesses to laugh when Rhaenyra lost her balance and the both of them fell onto the black sand. Rhaenyra still had her arms around her daughter, and Eudora had her arms around her as she lay her wet cheeks on her chest. "I love you mother" the girl said.
"And I love you my sweet girl, more than you could ever know" Rhaenyra replied back.
"Ten thousand stars I love you!" Eudora said louder, proving to Rhaenyra that she loved her more than she did to her.
"Ten thousands stars! Who can out-beat that?" Rhaenyra said in shock. "Not even Daemon" she added making the two of them giggled. "I love you ten thousand stars as well, my love."
Coming back from that memory where their figures began to fade, was when Rhaenyra finally broke down terribly.  The whole entire palace of Dragonstone heard the Princess heartbreaking cry. Jace and Luce ran to their mothers open chamber to see Daemon holding her down while he too was in tears. The two Valeryon boys were in shock at the sight before them; never had they seen their mother in such agony, they didn't know to do but stay rooted where they were standing. They watched how tirelessly their mother hit Daemon on the chest, as she repetitively whisper "no".
"This can't be happening, not her, not my little girl, my daughter." Daemon looked up at the stone ceiling, clenching his jaw as he tried to compose not only his wife heartbreak, but himself. Daemon felt nothing, but anger that continue to boil within him. He was angry at himself for not keeping his promise he made to Eudora when she was six years old.
EudoraTargaryen, the anchor of House of Dragon embody a daughter to Rhaenyra. She cherish the young girl as if she had carried her for nine months, swarmed her with attention and with love. Eudora was the best thing that ever happened to Rhaenyra. When she looks at Eudora, her heart soften and her body hums with content. Eudora represented the light that lit at the end of the tunnel. Whenever Rhaenyra was lost, she will seek for her light and knew by the time she reached it that meant she was okay because she was reminded why does what she does. Now that her light is gone, she is in complete darkness. Her sons may not understand it, and may not know it till later on, but a piece of their mother was gone and went with Eudora.
As for the the rest located in Kings Landing, the atmosphere was dark. After Viserys came to see his niece is gone, the King had never once left his chambers as his sickness grew worse. Alicent, the devoted wife nurse her lord husband as much as she could until it came to the decision where the milk of the poppy was the only medicine to help him with the pain. But in result of that, it made the rotted man mind to fog making him be in his own world. Alicent heart broke at the Kings state, but her heart broke even more for her second son.
Aemond grew distant from his family. For six months he did not attend family meals, he always have them in his room. His room hold the memories of the two together, and he swore that every night he can hear her laugh in his walls. Sometimes he would even spend his night in her chambers, where he would skim over her book that she had been writing for the pass year regarding herbs. He would trace every word with his finger tips, and when he pushes the pages to his nose he could smell her. He still hold the letter she given him, and every night he would read it just to see if she hinted anything.
Aemond mind would always begin to wander what was so important that she had to do that it cause her to her death. But deep in his heart Aemond knows she's not dead, he would've know it. Eudora is half of him and she is the half of him. He would know if his soulmate left this earth when his heart stopped beating.
Aemond loves his heart and he can't come to it to say he hated her, but he can say he was angry. Angry that she could've just waited for him to tell why she had to go, angry that she made everyone to believe she was dead when he knows deep down she isn't.
He is angry, but he loves her so much.
Aemond would occupy his time training and riding on Vhagar, that became his routine the pass two years. Ser Criston Cole would inform his Queen of her sons progress that he even added that Aemond had gotten the title of being the best swordsmen in Westeros. The Queen was proud of her son, but she still felt sad because she knew that training was the only way for him to get out of his head that swirl only of Eudora. Till this day the Queen knows that no one can outcompete Eudora, she knows because she tested by mentioning Aemond about betrothing him to one of the Baratheon daughters.
Alicent did not expect for her son to snap at her, and for the first time she admit that she was afraid. How fast he got up and was face-to-face made the her stagger her steps, and she stopped breathing for a second. Aemond did not talk to his mother for two weeks, and he made sure she was to not see him. After that, Alicent never mention about betrothals to her son nor did she mention Eudora since that was sensitive topic.
Alicent voiced her concerns to Viserys regarding their son, but the man waves it off until she mentioned Eudora.
"Eudora, my sweet niece" he smiled. "She is the anchor to our house, it is..." to Alicent his words her nonsense, and when he begin to speak that language she grow immediately tired, and she would live never listening to his words.
"I-I've seen it.... The original.... who returns will revive our house. She carries the blood of the first. The Celestial Queen."
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Deep into fire woods lays a woman. She lays on the surface that radiates the warmth of molten rocks that felt like a blanket to her. The woman knees were up and there rested on top was a book in Old Valriyan. The woman voice out the words in low whisper, fingers following as she read each sentence.
It was until she heard a snap made her stop. Where her head rested began to move, and she look to her right to see her beautiful ruby dragon move to see who came to disrupt their peace and quiet. The woman stood from her feet and was met with the familiar silver hair man.
"The Gods have visited me through my dreams, they speak of the return to your home."
"It is time?" She questioned needing clarification.
"Yes, when Ovos enters Mercury we must descend to the skies. Your presences will be needed from there forward."
"I see," she realized. "Then I guess I must inform the rest – have them prepared. I acquire you to accompany me Nemrys, after all you will become my Master of Whispers."
"My Queen–"
"You will not argue with me, it is done. The Gods soft whisper to me that you will be part of my court, and to the next generation forward till you are no longer needed; it is your duty as druid."
"But what about the Kingdom? There must always be a Blackfrye in Valyria." He reasoned.
The woman walked up to the man, hands rested on both side of his cheeks. "For one hundred years you have taken care of our home, and you've done a wonderful job at that. But you must've known that it wouldn't not be forever; your path has taken a turn and you must follow that lead. Valyria will be in good hands, Toro will be regent. Besides, the amount of dragons we carry we mustn't worry cousin."
"Then I guess I will follow you to till the end. What do you think will happen once they see you finally after two years?" He questioned.
"Knowing my family, you can never tell what goes on in their heads. They are... difficult" she chuckled. "But I'm not focus on them, but mostly of him. His mind is hard to pick out, but I just hope he understands."
"Do not fret of the ruby prince Eudora, the prince practically kisses the floor you step on I wouldn't worry to much of him" Nemrys chuckled. "After all, you are the Queen of his Heart."
TQOHH taglist:
@jugheadisaweirdo​, @caspianobsessed,
@xcharlottemikaelsonx, @zgzgzh​,
@sawendel​, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1​
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