melikemordemjaponi · 3 years
✵"We are delighted that Zery returned safely to her family seven years after being kidnapped by Daesh.
After great efforts, our SDF managed to liberate the abducted girl in the al-Shadada area and return her safely to her hometown in Shangal/Sinjar."
Via Twitter- Farhad Shami/Head of the Office of media and information SDF(+video)
✵"DAİŞ tarafından kaçırıldıktan sonra yedi yıl olmuş  Zery'yi onun ailesine sağ salim dönmesinden dolayı çok mutluyuz.
SDG'miz büyük çabalar sonucunda El-Şadada bölgesinde kaçırılan kızı kurtarmayı ve güvenli bir şekilde Şangal/Sinjar'daki memleketine geri döndürmeyi başardı."
Twitter-Farhad Shami,SDG Medya ve Enformasyon Dairesi Başkanı aracılığıyla (orijinal metni ingilizce+görüntüsü)
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enkurd · 5 years
#duhok #zaxo #amedi #akre #semel #shexan #shangal #qasrok #badini #kurdistan #duhokcity #duhok❤️ #duhoki_ #duhok_university #auk #badinan #badinan_duhok #kurdistan🇹🇯 #kurdistani #duhokmusic #en_kurd #en_kurdish #badenan #badyni #دهوك #دهوك❤️ #دهوك_ئاکڕێ_زاخو_ئامێدی_بەردەرەش_شێلادزێ #دهوكيه #دهوكا_رنكين #بادينان (at دهوك - Duhok) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9o-RmsnfPA/?igshid=1hbute2zmqum9
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Please help the Yezidi children of Shangal🙏 deposit one dollar into the Yandex money account 🙏https://money.yandex.ru/to/410019000658740
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444names · 2 years
cities worldwide + countries
Abaice Adakan Adhing Afghanwei Agong Agpurg Ahasansk Ahranque Alatia Alexan Aleón Aloong Ambad Andaegrev Anseruss Anwei Araipetna Arthan Ataity Ateng Atnangda Auchanmir Aucheng Babad Badaldiv Badel-jad Badeshan Badosabir Badoulsao Baltan Bandu Banetnam Banewyon Banka Barisrang Baysiaou Beijia Belgon Belhon Belovakur Bermad Bhosiang Bincago Biroto Bonne Boumping Bragong Braka Bratao Bridjark Briopary Brizhou Brussey Bulgo Bulon Bulsan Burda Burnst Burut Cagres Cagujrad Calan Camania Canakhou Cardi Carusto Casakry Cashi Cauch Chadenia Chancia Chandi Chano Charu Chelphia Chend Cheng Chengadan Chengou Chenia Chentou Chentrosi Chiang Chiko Chilang Chitai Chuago Chujian Cochenla Coladaba Connang Coscon Cruzhong Cypru Cyrippo Daelém Dailegon Dalayes Dambazhou Damedad Dejeon Denhasian Densheng Detong Dombo Donacou Dongo Dubayan Edaelonea Edeontre Egosco Egualdi Egyiyang Elgizhou Elpizhou Emanan Eriamba Eshua Estraing Fahan Fordancis Forkis Frango Fuston Fuyad Galpin Gellín Ghandi Ghaoyan Gogrea Grash Greata Guade Guamstor Guanau Guanchai Guang Guanghan Guano Guanor Guater Guayermi Gueng Gujia Gujrailad Gujrasai Gwarsbul Hantalia Hanto Hantoalar Hengyao Henterd Huamand Huary Hujin Hunde Hundosare Huzbel Hànowitta Icaulgeou Icelém Indiver Injia Iracan Iscurs Istan Itenven Itzea Izaotswan Jabus Jadong Jadorg Jamsk Janban Jangong Jiangyi Jiankasui Jimace Jimang Jingchun Jorocan Kahakiv Kalba Kanjing Kaoza Karsk Kartamba Karthia Katia Katvia Khoul Kingogo Kobang Kolaj Kolittaia Koscow Kuadi Kuran Lajary Lalong Lannana Lashand Legre Lemirsk Lepang Leqinn Lesbounil Lesta Lestras Lexian Lezue Libyang Limong Lipinin Lisaizea Lisbo Liuya Liuyabad Liuyan Loreapurg Luancharg Luaraj Lucklan Lucknoi Ludivia Lufeira Luoka Luoyan Luoyanix Luxemel Luzhai Macolan Madaejan Makou Males Maleza Maloong Maluchels Manan Mangenia Manggujin Marabian Mardabin Maridade Mascelo Medkisba Medmoptia Meecheles Menista Mentina Mersabian Mexindon Miliu Minit Mirosheng Miroster Mogarang Monasan Monashang Mongjuáre Montalyan Monte Morez Morra Morraibia Mozhoparg Mudaban Mulgarban Mulines Münch Münchenla Müncixia Nacagou Nagou Nailla Naity Nammande Nands Nanquand Nashu Nashunia Neizhou Neizmiro Newyong Nisakand Nisham Odisik Omadidero Otand Otodou Pakah Palika Pallang Parbaopin Paushifah Perea Petheng Pethersk Petna Petodanti Phichan Phing Phires Phnona Pores Porgerra Porta Prach Prangde Prany Purkey Purum Pyong Pyongch Pyore Qihamad Qiund Qiuneing Quanjia Quintanan Quiyang Rakhavaty Ressey Reste Riamas Riscau Ritia Ritoul Riyang Rizand Rooccow Rosso Rotong Rumpin Rwayan Sabarican Saila Saing Sakie Saloon Sanancia Sanhaixin Santedend Santper Saozaou Sauda Sealeguay Sengeraj Senshmi Sericoit Shand Shangal Shangju Sheno Shenyanta Shiang Shuay Shuilan Shuzheng Sility Sintia Slomara Slong Sloonia Sofina Stong Sudavade Sunezue Sunmin Surgelan Surund Sweira Swicarken Syder Syricow Ségolgiu Ségoyan Taichana Taittang Tambida Taninei Taway Tbili Terong Tersk Thiong Tiand Tiang Tobar Toniguai Treallan Triagour Tromascen Tugaozhou Tunes Ugada Uguad Ultince Uragpung Urger Urgerad Uzhou Valbah Vating Verea Vidahad Vidamil Vidanji Visbue Wedagao Wuhen Wujia Wujing Wuxema Wuxemad Wuxembai Wuxemian Wuxia Wuxicash Wuxingera Xiangzhez Xicoita Xindi Xinow Xinshhao Xisamping Xuanji Xuzberus Yersk Yerton Yixia Yonderio Yonica Zecia Zholia Zhong Zhonteng Zhopt Zhujracel Ziladan Zilan Zilland Zimbinney Ziyan
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goransulaimani · 2 years
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مەڵبەندی ١٥ی رێکخستنی شەنگالی یەکێتی: ئەو لایەنەی دەیوت بە ١٢ ھەزار پێشمەرگەوە بەرگری لە شەنگال دەکەن لەکاتی ھاتنی داعش لە پێش خەڵکی شەنگالەوە پاشەکشەیان کرد و شەنگال و خەڵکی شەنگالیان رادەستی داعش کرد. PUK'S 15TH SHANGAL ORGANIZATION CENTER: THE PARTY THAT SAID 12,000 PESHMERGA WERE DEFENDING SHANGAL WHEN ISIS CAME TO SHANGAL, WITHDREW FROM THE PEOPLE OF SHANGAL AND HANDED SHANGAL AND THE PEOPLE OF SHANGAL OVER TO ISIS. مركز منظمة شانجال ال15 التابع للاتحاد الوطني الكردستاني: الحزب الذي قال إن 12,000 من البشمركة كانوا يدافعون عن شنغال عندما جاء داعش إلى شانغال، انسحب من شعب شانغال وسلم شانغال وشعب شانغال إلى داعش. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHF9urM7D7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Yezidi National Union to elect new chairman
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/society/yezidi-national-union-to-elect-new-chairman-69603-21-02-2021/
Yezidi National Union to elect new chairman
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The Yezidi National Union will elect new President during a congress to held in Yerevan on February 22.
The election will be preceded by the screening of a documentary dedicated to the late chairman of the National Union of Yezidis Aziz Tamoyan.
The film tells about the patriotic activities of Aziz Tamoyan, who was elected in 1988 and headed the organization for about 33 years, as well as about Armenian-Yezidi friendship.
The film will be followed by video messages from the heads of international Yezidi organizations who were unable to attend the conference.
Special messages were sent by the spiritual leader of the Yezidis, Emir of Shangal Mir Nasif Bin Daud, the head of the Yezidi community in Canada Mirza Ismail, and the commander of the Yezidi military unit from Iraq Ali Isa (Khal Ali). The video messages of the heads of Yezidi structures in Germany, Sweden, France and Russia will also be streamed.
The new chairman of the Yezidi National Union will then be elected by a majority vote of the members of the presidency of the Yezidi National Union. The only candidate is Aziz Tamoyan’s grandson Khdr Hajoyan (Tamoyan).
President of the union Aziz Tamoyan died on January 3 aged 83.
Aziz Amari Tamoyan was born on July 1, 1933, in the village of Amo, Shahumyan region (now Zovuni village, Kotayk region, RA).
On September 30, 1989, he was elected chairman of the National Union of Yezidis of the Republic of Armenia, and in 1997 he became chairman of the National Union of Yezidis.
Read original article here.
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syarakareb · 5 years
für Spiegel TV Germany 2015 Shangal Kurdistan 
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unbalanced69icon · 6 years
Gltlk abee afhaammm shangal 3shan ma t9er mshakl 7bebtyyy wsh fek a39abk mu hya6 tra
6yb yalaaa t3ale dm a ntfahm 3la kl shay bs k4a ana ma ra7 agul shay
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cemo-art · 7 years
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The title: 73rd Edict Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 152 x 122 cm The date: 2017, Middlesex University, London
The subject of the 73rd Edict is based on a true story of an ethnic genocide at Shangal, Southern of Kurdistan which continued by Arabic Empire’s occupation and colonisation for 1400 years to present, and by Ottoman Empire’s occupation and colonisation for 1000 years to present. So far, 72 edicts made against Ezidi Kurds at Kurdistan who refused Islamic ideology and didn’t accept to be Muslim in the last 1400 years.
The 73rd Edict made by ISIS at 3rd of August 2014 and started at 02:00 am. During occupation of Shangal: According to the news, approximately 200 000 Ezidi were exiled, 2000 of them were killed,38 mass grave were found,5000 of Ezidi women and children kidnapped, tortured, raped, got pregnant -including 9 years old children - and have been sold to rich Arabic sheiks, emirs as war booty. Ezidi women’s babies and children have been taken by force to brainwash to train them as a sunni militant to be an executioner and suicide bomber.
In my opinion, art is life; politics forces the life and art gives response. I intend to create a link between art and the recent history to transfer an aesthetic evidence to generations of the future.
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HPG (formerly known as the PKK) fighters increase their fortification along the frontlines of Shangal. They come from the four countries; Iran, Syria, Turkey and Iraq that Kurds exist yet do not have their own country to help battle ISIS. Most of their work are identifying ISIS strongholds and co-ordinating with the Peshmerga for US Allied airstrikes, to underground urban warfare and sniper positions.
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Please help the Yezidi children of Shangal🙏 deposit one dollar into the Yandex money account
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yady83 · 10 years
FINALLY 👉 pouring #IceWater over my head for #Shangal , #humanity and #Kurdistan ❤️❤️❤️ LINK of the whole VIDEO in Bio ➡️ (at Sarchnar)
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Please help the Yezidi children of Shangal🙏 deposit one dollar into the Yandex money account.
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