#shameless has this odd dichotomy that is rarely found in other media
One of the things I both love and feel so sad about with Shameless is that the reactions to mental health struggles are realistic. Both times Ian was having a bad go of things, his family didn't step in until things got catastrophic. He didn't make it to a doctor until he had a psychotic break and ran off with Yevgeny. No one could talk to him about him possibly being manic until he was on trial for arson. Fiona tried to talk to him but doing so during an argument was terrible timing. To Ian, it felt condescending even if it was a genuine moment of, "I know we're not cool right now but I'm worried for real." Thankfully by S10, everyone has found a way to ask about meds without Ian feeling judged.
fiona was actually so wild for fighting ian over property when she knew he was having a mental health crisis 😭
shamey writers have this astounding ability to make things so well-written and viscerally emotional, or absolutely piss-poor the most inconsistent writing youve ever seen in your life, and it seems to be entirely random when they decide to do one or the other
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