#shame on LB
The 'not so innocent' Grisha Soldiers
I'm still not over the fact the LB called the Grisha priviledged, not so innocent, soldiers. That 1:46 minute interview snippet has been running inside my mind all weekend. I had already made a rant about this here. but I still have some more stuff to get off of my chest and here is my follow-up rant.
In the Demon in the woods, by the author's own words, we can clearly see the difference between Grisha upbringing and Fjerdan indoctrination.
The book opens with a Fjerdan father telling stories to his kids. He talks about the Grisha like they are boogeymen and instills fear in his children from a young age. He also tells his kids about their saviours aka the good guys- the druskelle. And by the end of the storytime the boy dreamily states that he wants become a druskelle. Because in his eyes the druskelle are heros, holy warriors who fight to keep the cursed witches out of their lands. Druskelle are clearly glorified in Fjerda.
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Now just look at the lessons being taught to Aleksander. He observes the otkasatzya village close by and is worried about their safety. Because the first lesson of being a Grisha is to hide from the normal folks. That does not sound very a soldier like, does it?
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While the druskelle train to hunt Grisha, the Grisha are looking for ways to avoid a fight and move without detection. Another thing to note is that the druskelle are funded by their government while the Grisha are basically squatting in caves and forests. How can they both be called soldiers?
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Even the peace loving Grisha are also forced to fight because if they don't they get killed.
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Tell me again how are they the same?
All Aleksander did was level the playing field. Or atleast he attempted to. He unified the Grisha, gave them a place to stay, trained them and taught them how to be soldiers. Unlike the druskelle, he didn't create them to invade Fjerda or take over other countries. He was merely giving them a fighting chance. And even then, we have canonically seen, the druskelle overpower the Grisha with latest guns and weaponry.
Being forced to fight and choosing to fight are two different things. The Fjerdans have options; they could let go of their bigotry and stop enlisting in the druskelle program. What options do the Grisha have? The Fjerdans are free citizens while Grisha are basically indentured labourers. So who are in the more advantageous or should I say priviledged position?
So, how can even LB suggest that the jews's crimes were merely existing while the Grisha are soldiers and are game? How can she callously say that the Grisha are not innocent and are priviledged people? Did she even write the books? She basically erased the foundation of her own universe.
That interview was an absolute disgrace. Shame on LB.
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ybcpatrick · 10 months
kevin owens is actually the sexiest man alive. btw.
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yashley · 2 months
no but the betrayer gods being cast the furthest and the darkest down into the consciousness of their world’s existence because they were the first amongst their family to defend themselves
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pikmininaplane · 1 year
Fit lore!! I’d love to hear about your thoughts for Phil figuring out fits secret if you’d like to share, the same thought has been floating around in my head as well lol
OHOHOHOHO friend I love you /p I'm putting this under a read more because I. Ended up writing a lot more than intended–
So the thought came to me the day before Fit's lore, when Fit asked Phil if he'd be there the next day. Obviously it didn't mean anything else than "will you attend the event/will I see you tomorrow my friend ?", but my brain immediately went "what if Phil was involved in Fit's lore"
This, combined with the fact that I've been hoping someone would find out about qFit's secret or at least get sus of his behaviour, led me to believe that qPhil would be the best person that could find out about it, actually
'cause like– first of all, qPhil is probably the person qFit's closest to, without counting Ramón or any of the eggs. I mean, he's friendly towards most people, and gets along pretty well with qBad, qPac and qMike, but qPhil has literally given qFit access to his eggs' bunker, which, to my knowledge, he'd only given to qMissa and qWill, the fathers of said eggs, before. qPhil, who would probably have earned the #1 paranoid dad crown if qBBH hadn't been around, fully trusts qFit with his children.
And like I said, I really want someone to find out about qFit's secret, but like. Wouldn't it be more interesting if it were someone qFit is close to ? Someone qFit trusts, but also someone who trusts qFit ?
Also, as much as I want someone to know at least part of the truth, I don't want everything to be revealed to everyone yet, and I feel like most people, if they found out about qFit's secret, would reveal it to the others – some others, at least. Would qCellbit or qMaximus hide it from the Ordo Theoritas ? Would qBaghera, qForever or qBad hide it from each other ? Would the people actively investigating the island keep the existence of a third, unknown party to themselves ? Well... maybe. That is up to discussion. But they'd want to tell, at least, and that's not what I wish for.
Now qPhil ? qPhil is a lot less involved in the lore, or even in the RP itself (no shade, I love ccPhil, his character and the way he plays him) – he isn't even part of the Ordo Theoritas. He's not really interested in solving the island's mysteries – his priorities lie with the eggs and their safety.
I truly think qPhil would be a friend qFit could confide in. Because let's be real, qFit could probably use one – mans has been lying to everyone on the island for months, and the only one that knows part of his secret is Ramón, his 3 months old child, who he hasn't even told everything. Between that and the growing pressure (for real, what's with the cats appearing around him,,) qFit is under, he can't keep it all to himself forever.
I don't think qFit would tell him himself, though – and neither do I think qPhil would ask. I mean, even if he thinks qFit's chat messages are suspicious, he isn't the type to inquire about it.
... But accidents happen, y'know ?
[As he jumps down the elevator shaft, Phil can't quite shake off the feeling that something's wrong. That whatever Fit's doing down there, it isn't any of his business, and he should probably just go back up and tell Fit to meet him at his gym, or anywhere, really.
But, well. He's already there. Might as well go further.
The trail of torches leads him deeper and deeper, until it finally stops, in a tunnel like any other. But Phil isn't a fool. He can hear the faint tapping of keys.
It only takes him a few seconds to find the hidden entrance.
Fit stands up as he comes in.
The room is small, barely big enough to breathe, and dark. Its only light comes from the computer screen sitting on the wooden desk, in the middle of the room, between the two men.
Neither of them speak.
Phil can see the thoughts flashing behind Fit's eyes. He's certain of it now, he's found something he shouldn't have found, and Fit has yet to decide how to react. Unconsciously, his hand has moved closer to his trident; consciously, Phil prepares himself to grab his sword.
But Fit doesn't attack. He simply places his hand in front of himself and gives Phil an awkward yet friendly smile.
"Hey, Phil ! Didn't expect to see you there... !"
Phil wishes he could just return his smile and pretend like nothing’s wrong. Ignore what he’s seeing and go back to Chayanne and Tallulah.
... but it's a little too late for that, isn't it ?
"Oi, mate," he calls out as he crosses his arms. "What are you up to."]
... something about leitmotivs and Phil finding out people's secrets by walking into their secret underground rooms...
So yeah, TL;DR: I want someone to find out about qFit’s secret because it’s a shame such a huge share of the lore is kept, well, secret, and I think qPhil would be a perfect first confident because they’re really good friends and he wouldn’t just tell anyone :] Plus I love their relationship and I’d love to see it being explored more please I’m begging
(Also I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's been thinking about it and I'd love to hear your own thoughts if you're willing to share them 👀)
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taniushka12 · 29 days
guy in the video: its not a lake... its an ocean
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wmnylander · 8 months
mo using every last ounce of energy in his body chasing that puck i hope they’re embarrassed. i’m embarrassed.
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annieqattheperipheral · 2 months
What is this view why are we watching these final torch bearers over the hedges like the canadian women's soccer team assistant coach
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etapereine · 4 months
really strong ride by cian today, he'll wear the white jersey again tomorrow
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mitchmarner · 1 year
yeah the leafs lost but they lost a game in ROUND TWO of playoffs. i’m untouchable.
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pyotrkochetkov · 1 year
thanks i hate it
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Fred looking Sweet in S O U R
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ragnarssons · 3 months
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sleepythug · 4 months
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44hive · 11 months
perez getting outpaced by an alphatauri at his home race? nah i’d have to retire that’s ridiculous
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starscelly · 8 months
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we are sooo on the brink of pigtail roope pleaseee....
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taniushka12 · 4 months
little random thing i find funny: how all these crates and boxes are set in a way that makes you think of a makeshift stair 👇
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(except this game doesnt have a jump button so you cant use it)
and how when you turn a corner you see a closed door, and ahead, another door at the top of some stairs:
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only for those stairs to be broken at the bottom so you cant climb and see whats inside
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