#shaken not stirred universe.
miwhotep · 4 months
My hobby is bartending and I'm also a James Bond movie fan, so I wanted to make a post about the drinks James Bond drank in the Scotland Yard Riot arc in the pub, because it has some interesting connections.
In the James Bond movies, James Bond's favourite cocktail is "vodka martini, shaken, not stirred" - this sentence appears in every movies.
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In Yuumori, he didn't drink vodka martini (but who knows what the future will hold). During the Riot arc in the manga, he drank Macallan Scotch, "shaken, not stirred", just like the famous quote. Macallan Scotch is a famous whiskey - and it is a reference to the James Bond movie Skyfall where Bond drinks this whiskey, too.
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In the anime adaptation of the story, he drank a cocktail having brandy, maraschino cherry and angostura bitters in it - based on the ingredients, this is a cocktail called Brandy Old-Fashioned (what usually also has orange as an addition). Brandy Old-Fashioned is a cocktail what popularily originates from the USA  - the drink mostly asssociated with Wisconsin state nowadays - and it's a great nod to Yuumori Bond's American roots.
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And of course, I used this chance and made a Brandy Old-Fashioned myself, too.
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The bartender in the anime made the mistake to serve it in a wine glass - brandy cocktails, and especially Old-Fashioned don't tend to get served in wine glasses - so I used an old-fashioned glass instead.
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anystalker707 · 10 months
I need you with me
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: After the Marineford events, all that Ace needs is some love. Tags: ace is recovering, so he needs you to be gentle / he's so sweet / lots of fluff / universe in which ace survived marineford A/n: thanks sm for the request, anon <3 sorry for taking long
Requested by anon [Hello, amazing writer! If you are doing requests, could you do Ace x female reader where Ace gets all the love and pets and praise he so deserves. I just finished Marineford and I have...feelings]
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          Everyone was shaken up after the events in Marineford, still trying to process everything that had happened, without much success. It wasn’t just a lot to process but also left everyone in a shocked state that would take time to wear out. Luffy had even spent a while with the Whitebeard Pirates to ensure his brother would be alright before he had to go back to following his path. By that time, the commotion had also died within the crew itself, it was finally time to have your boyfriend all to yourself again.
The wound that once covered the center of his chest and back was now only two violent scars decorating his skin, only adding to his charm, if anything. You wondered if anything could make Ace ugly, and it was hard to determine something that would make him permanently unattractive, so you dropped it.
Ace was lying on his side with his back to you, taking yet another nap in the dark cabin that blocked the sunlight by the thick blackout curtains. Napping was something he’d been doing rather a lot, aside from the spontaneous times he would fall asleep. The Marineford event took quite a toll on him, both physically and mentally, so it was no surprise he found comfort in sleep and quietness now that the euphoria had died down. Not surprisingly, he also grew clingy after that.
A soft sigh escaped your lips as you walked over, observing the scar on Ace’s back as you sat on the bed, careful not to wake him up. His skin rose in shivers at the slightest touch upon his scar, but he didn’t even move in his sleep, continuing to softly snore away. Your heart heaved a little, but it’d been like that for so long that it was pointless to dive into sadness for longer.
Your mind didn’t leave you alone for the few seconds you kept your eyes closed, replaying parts of the Summit War, even though you’d gone through it multiple times already. It was tiring, clinging to your skin like mud that you couldn’t clean off, dragging you down, but you could still feel the normality slowly making its way back into your lives, thankfully.
Ace smelled like a mixture of your smell along with his own, which was quite characteristic, and always left a very well-welcomed lingering scent on your bed. His smell filled your lungs as you pressed your nose to the back of his ear and inhaled deeply before finally lying down with him and hugging him from behind. Only then did he groan a little, shifting a little to make himself comfortable next to you. He was warm, back moving against your chest rhythmically. It was good to feel him like that next to you, alive and well, helping you fight the feeling he would disappear in case you looked away for too long.
“Love,” Ace murmured in a whiny tone that popped your bubble and brought you back to the real world to be embraced by the warmth he made you feel. “Mmph, babe,” he whispered with a groan that dissipated into a sigh of comfort the moment you pressed a kiss to his cheek and hugged him tighter.
“Yes, my love?” You whispered against his cheek when he started stirring awake, humming drowsily as he patted around until his hand found the side of your head and kept you there to turn his head and messily kiss your face. His eyes were still closed as his lips met the space above your upper lip, and then your cheek—that was the only response you received as he gently played with your hair a little.
“I had a dream with you,” he whispered, eyes still closed, but you could tell he was a little less than half asleep by then. “We were… Uh, I forgot.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking your head, while running a hand through Ace’s messy hair strands in a fruitless attempt to push them back into place. “Okay. The fact you dreamed with me is good enough.”
Ace pouted with a hum as he shifted on the bed so that he was on his back, allowing himself to take a look at you. He finally opened his eyes and blinked until the blurred form before him turned into a clear image of you, which made him smile. “Mmph, babe,” he whispered in a happy tone that made your heart flutter.
“You’re so cute like this, all sleepy, all comfy.” Your lips parted into a grin before you kissed his cheek. “I really just want to— Damn.” Instead of fighting your urges, you just cupped his cheek and kissed all over his face until he was giggling and wrapping his arms around you, swinging one of them lazily around your neck.
“Hey, what’s that for?” Ace groaned softly and kissed your cheek a couple of times, planting kisses on the way to your lips, where he lingered for a few seconds.
“I just want to pamper my pretty boy, am I not allowed to?”
Whenever you called him ‘pretty boy’, Ace’s heart fluttered, and he felt all bubbly inside, so full of himself that he believed he could face the entire world if he really wanted to. He smiled as his cheeks gained a red tone, and he melted under the new kisses over his face.
“Sometimes I wonder if I can kiss each of your freckles,” you said as your fingertips trailed along the freckles on his shoulder; they descended for all his body and imprinted constellations upon his skin.
Ace hummed, raising one of his eyebrows at you. “Well, if you want to try… I wouldn’t be opposed to it, babe.”
“Hm, right,” you muttered with a smile, kissing his forehead. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Just the idea of it seemed to get Ace a little eager, grinning as he allowed you to keep bathing him with compliments and caressing. He sighed and leaned into your touches, groaning when you started running your fingers through his hair again. Playing with his hair could easily drive Ace to sleep, but it wasn’t your intention, so you pulled your hand away as soon as he started closing his eyes, much to his displeasure.
“Have you eaten today?” It was a question that usually would be useless, really—his huge appetite dismissed any worry about his intake of food, but that was before the Summit War. After that, the pain and stress of carrying Roger’s blood in his hands took upon him again, and there he was, believing he didn’t deserve any care in the world. Sometimes, the guilt would still drag along the sad smiles he flashed you whenever you gave him affection, but it was growing considerably lower through time. You hoped that, someday, he wouldn’t feel like his life was a burden.
A soft hum came from Ace as he rubbed his eye, looking away, immediately snatching a sigh from you.
“Come on, Ace, love, you’re better than that.” You looked at the bedside table, noticing a tray of food sitting there. It’d probably been brought for lunch, a couple of hours ago. “Look, there’s even some ramen here. Why don’t you try it? Or do you want fresh food? You know everyone is doing their best for you, try to eat a little bit, pretty boy.” You kissed the tip of his nose, making him scrunch his nose with a small sound.
“Will you stay with me for the rest of the day?” Ace’s eyebrows knitted together as he looked at you with those eyes, enough to make your heart heavy. “You’ve been busy all day long, only checking on me now and then. I like having you around, even if I’m just napping. I like your presence.”
A sigh escaped your nose as you heard Ace, frowning a little at his words. You should’ve done better, really. “Okay,” you said with a nod. “I’ll go let Pops know I’m spending the rest of the day with you, okay? Don’t move a single finger while I go there! I’ll know if you do!”
When Ace chuckled, something stirred in your chest, spreading warmth all within it.
“Okay! But give me another kiss before you leave and more when you come back, okay?” Ace’s arms wrapped tighter around your neck, making you roll your eyes before pressing your lips to his gently. He didn’t seem to be a big fan of the light kiss, instead deepening the kiss with a soft hum, keeping your lips together until you were both out of air.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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come-down-that-tree · 7 months
Prologue Previous
Warning: Geno being loopy for a while and discutable editing choices
Come Down That Tree! (An aftermare story)
Chapter 15: Audio, sed terra cur non plana est?
Geno wakes up not feeling quite all there.
His arm didn’t hurt anymore and he felt rested.
Something is amiss but who cares? Life is fun!
He felt very giddy for no apparent reason. The air seemed to vibrate.
He sits. Oh, he sits alright. With his butt on the ground. His back against the bark. His hands politely wait on his legs.
Geno felt like the universe rewrote itself slightly to the left just to mess with him.
Something makes a soft noise right to his left and he is suddenly very aware of a weight loafed against him.
It was Nightmare who was still asleep.
He shakes his arm to remove the weight.
The other started to stir awake, sleepiness still very present in his gaze.
Why does he wear so much purple? Like his eyes? He wears them prettily.
He moved around and watched Nightmare’s mouth articulate.
“Are you feeling okay? Your eyelight is big…?”
It is? He needs to see that.
Geno tried to reach his eye socket with his left arm but Nightmare stopped him for some reason.
“I know it doesn’t feel painful right now but it is still injured so try to avoid using it?”
Nightmare is too long of a name and Geno says so to him. He thinks.
“Oh your enunciation… It’s alright, the bigger side effects should fade out soon! It did for me…even if you don’t seem to react quite like me then… If Nightmare is too hard to say, you can shorten it to “Night” or anything that you prefer?”
He gazed into the two pale purple moons and attempted to test his balance by standing up straight. He failed.
The ground is green and he is floating above it.
He fell on the other.
“AH! Try to stay still for a moment, will you?”
Moonlight is so loud.
“I’ll try to be more quiet… If I dare to point that out, “Moonlight” is in no way shorter than “Nightmare”...”
The sound he makes is funny.
Geno flayed a bit to get back to sit against the tree without crushing anyone.
Moon is there but where is the other?
“Dream is down the village, you slept for a while.”
Mind Reading, what a powerful and useful magic…
He stared at him and the way his hands were freezed in the air, as if hesitant -he glanced at his face- and lost.
“You’re not aware you’re talking out loud, are you?”
Aware is certainly not the word here.
“We should get you out of these clothes… Dream went to seek some for you, it must be uncomfortable for you… wearing something that wet and heavy…?”
His sleeves make satisfying sounds when shaken.
The monster was drenched. Unlike Nightmare who seemed already dry and back in his usual purple trousers.
Geno knows a funny way to get dry much faster.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
With a firm but clumsy hand, he carries out his plan.
And soon, one giant animalistic skull was floating in front of both of them.
“GENO, please tell me you know what you’re doing with that terrifying thing!”
Feeling like some marbles were back into place, he answered the question truthfully.
“I don’t know what I am doing but I am doing it.”
Somehow, it did not seem to reassure the other who looked ready to leap at the first sign of something going wrong. The monster couldn’t care less at the moment and gestured for his blaster to open its maw…and charge a blast.
Somehow, once again, it seemed to inflict more stress on his companion. He then ignored all the pleading babbles that were just plain grating.
The inside of the blaster started lighting up with a fierce heat and he carefully sat between two sharp teeth.
“The’e, I will b’ dry inno time”, he announced to his gobsmacked-looking spectator.
Nightmare stayed where he was -even after he patted the space beside him in a silent offer- therefore he elected to ignore him, focusing on the almost scaling heat against his back. Why did he never do that before? It was quite a great way to accelerate things.
“Are you sure this is safe? Have you done that before?”
“I have never been lass sure of anything in me life but it seems to work a’right!”
The other scrunched his face in an expression Geno couldn’t decipher, not like he was that interested in trying but still.
After a moment of silence, the not-monster scooted slightly closer. He remained fairly far however.
“What is it?”
“mmmh m’blaster.”
“What? Can you repeat that?”
He giggled at the other’s ignorance.
“Big thing thaaat shoots and.. and bites!”
“Very helpful, thanks.”
He bowed, almost fell out of his seat, then miraculously balanced himself back up.
“M’pleasure to help, aways.”
“I thought you were starting to sound cognizant again but I see I was wrong there.”
“Always the bug words with you, eh”, he shrugged.
“Seriously, what is this thing? It was so impressive and -honestly- scary last time and now it just sits there, floating and warming your back without mauling you for sitting right next to its sharp and huge canine.”
Geno shook his head a few times to try once again to realign the realities. If the endeavor was any conclusive, he didn’t have a clue. He would have to continue riding the wave until it fully went away, he guessed.
“I use magic and fwoop big puppy here comes.”
He really couldn’t explain it any better.
“...Your magic seems far more powerful and advanced from anything I saw from monsters so far.”
“Is that so?”
“What can you do besides turning into a nightlight at will?”
Nightmare grabbed his knees and started softly rocking back and forth.
“Not much… I can slightly worsen feelings on the bad side but I hate doing that. I’ve been told I turn the mood sour just by standing there so I might do it unconsciously sometimes.”
A frigid feeling finished chasing the daze away, leaving only a slight light-headedness and a dull pain in his left arm.
“Did the villagers tell you that?”
“Then I wouldn’t trust that source.”
“Geno…They’re not all that bad.”
“Don’t give me that crap. It’s not about me there, they’re obviously mistreating you.”
The purple-clad skeleton hid his head in his knees and hummed, neither confirming or denying his accusation.
“Did you talk about that with Dream?”
Nightmare shook his head but stayed buried there.
“You don’t have to answer that but allow me to put an hypothesis out. The villagers don’t like you because they think your little guardianship here is neatly devised between “good and bad” and they’d be better off with only the positive and none of the negative emotions?”
A timid nod was all he got in exchange but it was enough for him to continue.
“1-I honestly don’t fully understand the whole tree and apples thing but aren’t you just a guardian and the sources of the feelings are the apples?
2-They’re plain stupid if they think they can live with only one side of their emotions. What are they, 5???”
To that, Nightmare lifted his head to look at him.
“Emotions are not a coin you can flip! They aren’t even always positive or negative? Some are neutral or mixed and why are they oversimplifying such a vague concept.”
“I don’t think I ever heard that way of thinking before.”
“You’re surrounded by idiots, no offense to Dream since I guess you didn’t broach the subject with him. Which is strange when you’re so fixated on “your duties as guardians of feelings”?”
“I’m starting to think I prefer you loopy.”
“How dare!??”
He let himself fall forwards, colliding with the other for the second time today but this time on his own volition. The blaster dissolved into the air as the air grew thick with shrieks and laughter as they play-fought on the ground. It ended very fast when something brushed weird against his arm and he all but hissed of pain.
“Oh no, did the pain come back? Are you feeling fine?”
The pain receded without fully vanishing so he answered it was alright enough.
They both laid down for a moment, looking at the clouds.
The faraway white puffs were a fascinating phenomenon to observe and he idly wondered if he would ever get used to it.
“I still think you should talk about it to your brother.”
“If I do that, he’s gonna want to help. We can’t just move the tree elsewhere if worse comes to worse. I don’t want them to hate him too.”
“You’re afraid he would get hurt for you? Or are you scared he wouldn’t do anything if he knew?”
“NO! I know he would- He’s the kindest person I’ve ever met. Of course, he would help or try to at least.”
“I see, you should still try to talk to him in my opinion.”
“...and what if you minded your own business?”
“Ha, I could.”
“Any particular reason you don’t?”
Geno sighed, a deep and heavy sigh that dragged for what seemed like an eternity.
“You somehow remind me of myself, just a bit, and a… situation… I went through. It’s a very, and I mean it, very different situation but I didn’t want to talk to my brother about it either. I did in the end, but let’s say it didn’t really stick, so just forget that.
Nightmare responded with a delay.
“You have a brother…”
“A little brother and despite everything, I’ll keep him close in my heart. Always...”
“Do you miss him?”
The answer was easy but somehow complicated.
“I do. Thankfully Papyrus does not.”
A long silence stretched after that.
A timid question stopped it just as steps approaching made their presence known.
“Would you mind talking to me about Papyrus more later?”
And strangely, Geno found he truly didn’t.
End of chapter 15! Go to chapter 16?
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies
Nightmare and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
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anki-of-beleriand · 1 year
A Heart Made of Glass ch. 10
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - Powered!F!Reader x Carol Danvers
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, religious fanatisms, homopobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol, violence, multiverse travelling. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
So a little explanation is in order, Earth 616 and Earth 199999 will be used in this story with slightly differences and narratives, overall on Earth 616, so for the sake of the story you will see the subtle changes in there. Reader will be trapped in her body, though her mind is slightly misplaced in the different earth's, our reality of course happens all in the cinematic universe so Earth 199999. As you can imagine, Agatha may try to be like Wanda, but she is not Wanda and her powers are completely different so...her world, is not perfect. Time too happens in a different light for those trapped in Agatha's world, so while in the reality it's only been three days, in their world is more like a couple of months...though only America and Wanda noticed it. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!
Remember that English is not my mother tongue so I apologise for the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 10
Two-way universe
Somewhere in the multiverse -
The multiverse was a web of different lines crossing through the space and time existing in the nothing.
There were beings watching the unfolding of stories that occurred in different lights, and different lives. They did not intervene, unless the order of things was shaken by unexpected circumstances that could create a breach in the thin line of the multiverse.
America Chavez was such a breach.
She was supposed to die, but the people surrounding her had been fighting hard to protect her. Many had died, some others were gravelly injured, and now The Watcher had a single event that could break the peace he had overseen for millennia. Y/N Y/L/N was trapped in different worlds, in different versions of herself facing events she should not be aware of.
In a world that took a different path to create Earth’s Mighty Heroes, and the strategies to fence off their enemies she found happiness. In another world in which she was consumed by shadows while her world created a chaos of its own, she was trying to find peace while happiness escaped through her hands.
The Watcher had been waiting a verdict from the Living Tribunal, but the long silence only made him fidget with uncertainty.
If they decided to not intervene, it could only mean that what was about to happen, was meant to be.
The first thing you were aware of was of the single weight on your left.
This time around you were prepared for your awakening, your eyes remained closed while you even out your breathing. There was no sound but that of muffled conversation and quick footsteps right outside the door, your limbs felt heavy and the weight on your side stirred only to snuggle closer to you.
The room was completely dark, the shadows fluttering around to help you disappeared from the spot on the bed. The fighting stance came as naturally as breathing, your eyes dark and ready focused on the form on the bed. It was a kid.
You swallowed down your disbelief when you realized you knew who the kid was.
Wanda’s child.
Correction, Wanda, and Vision’s child.
A sharp, painful pulse went right through your body making you fell on your knees. You held back your exclamations of pain, breathing hard while clenching your fists closed. Whatever had happened your body was really resenting the fact you were on your feet. With trembling legs you went to the clothes placed neatly on a chair, the child whimper curling on the bed hugging tightly a blue blanket in his arms.
For a brief moment, you hesitated.
He was obviously suffering, a nightmare perhaps.
With a sigh, you approached him placing a hand on his shoulder. Leaning in trying to put his hair out of the way, your voice soothing and comforting.
“Hey, it’s okay…it’s okay, kid, it’s a nightmare…”
“Momma?” The kid stirred, his eyelids trying to open while he sought you out.
Panic rose on your chest when he tried to reach out for you. His little hand wrapping around yours, tears on his face while he whimpered again.
You glanced around the room, trying to locate an answer to this particular predicament. But you were alone, and the child was certainly crying and suffering silently. With a tentative movement you climbed into the bed and wrapped your arms around him, as soon as this happened he snuggled closer to you and all of a sudden a blue light engulfed him.
“I’m sorry, momma.” He apologised glancing at his hands, you blinked away your confusion as the kid tried to wriggle his hands and the blue mist. “I can’t stop.”
“Hey, kid, it’s okay…just breath, look at me.” You mumbled caressing his hair, the kid looked at you with big brown eyes, and you almost winced at the familiarity behind that face. “Just take a deep breathe…”
Billy did as he was instructed looking at the woman he recognized as his mother trying to control the power that wanted to get out after the nightmare plaguing his thoughts. He wanted to tell his momma that there was someone bad, an old lady dress in purple, and that mommy was in danger but soon the warmness of Y/N and her soothing voice was enough to help him go back to sleep.
You made it out of the room with a strange weight on your chest, you turned back to see the kid fast asleep on the bed you had occupied moments ago. His blue blanket still in his arms, the blankets covering his little frame.
Your jaw clenched tightly, and the blackness in your eyes intensify at the thought of Wanda doing something so dirty to you. Whatever the fuck was happening you were going to find out, the last thing you remembered was fighting with Wanda…With Scarlett and then…
“I’m so going to hurt someone after this.” With a final glance at the hall you lifted your right hand and the shadows engulfed you completely.
Earth 199999 –
You blinked away your confusion.
For a brief moment, you thought you should be in another place…your mind created the sounds of voices that were familiar yet so unknown that you actually thought going to the doctor was not such a bad idea.
“Honey don’t forget to go to the supermarket and bring the ingredients for the cake contest, please. I don’t want to lose to Wanda again!”
The voice of another woman reached out to you, for a brief moment your head hurt greatly. Your hand went directly to your forehead, blinking away your confusion until a warm hand wrapped around your wrist and concern dark eyes watched you with utter care.
“Are you alright? Did you take your medicine?” She tilted her head helping you sit down while putting your face up.
“I…I…yeah, yes I am.” You stuttered not sure as to why you were doubting so much.
“Oh, baby, I think you better take your medicine and then breakfast is waiting for you.” The woman offered a warm smile, but for some reason your mind thought this was wrong. So wrong.
You sat there highly confused, trying to pick up the line of thoughts your were trying to pierce together before coming to the bathroom. Then a hand appeared right in front of your face, a single white pill on the hand and a smile and glass of water coming with it.
“Thank you.” You mumbled glancing at the pill, before taking the glass of water.
“You really look out of it, baby. I think we should stop tiring one another during the night.” The woman commented winking at you with a mischievous smile.
You felt your cheeks burnt at the comment, glancing at the pill you took it without even thinking about it already too embarrassed at not being able to concentrate.
“I’m sorry, love, I think I am tired and hungry,” you replied trying to compensate for your behaviour, “I’ll grab something to it and then all the way to the supermarket and work.”
“Good, that’s all I need, baby.” The dark-haired woman leaned in to place a single kiss on your forehead before standing back.
“Finish dressing and I see you downstairs.”
It didn’t take you too long to get dress and ready to leave, for a brief moment you forget your confusion and the voices in your head and went right ahead with your day. By the time breakfast was over, it was as if you went back to a routine you had been in all your life. You kissed your wife good-bye and went to the front lane for the car.
“Hey, Mrs. Y/L/N! How’s your morning going?” The voice of the young woman called your attention, furrowing your brows you turned to her watching the smiling face of America Chavez who was ready to go to school.
“Hey, America, so far so good. How about you? How’s your mom?” The questions rolled out of your lips, tasting strangely on your lips. You played with them in your mouth, your hand trembling until the presence of your wife brought the easiness only she could provide.
“Honey, your forgot your lunch.” She said giggling while handling your lunch. “I know you didn’t do on purpose so I got all the way over to the office to be naughty together.”
You blushed chuckling nervously, your mouth opened when all of a sudden a familiar voice reached out your ears.
“Hey, Agatha! Thank god, I see you I need a favour!”
“Wanda dear, tell me what I can do for you.” Agatha greeted the young woman with a smile, the both of them started talking while you stood there waiting to do something, the lunch in your hand heavy by the moment.
Your eyes drifted slowly to Wanda, your neighbour…America’s mom.
You furrowed your brows, why couldn’t you remember that before? Why you didn’t remember your wife’s name was Agatha? Perhaps you should have taken your medication as soon as you woke up, this confusion wasn’t that normal.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, are you alright?” America placed a hand on your arm, tilting her head with a concern stare on you.
“I am yes, I just…” You blinked away your confusion before smiling at America, “need a ride to school kid?”
Wanda turned to you, her smile bright and full of life while Agatha came right at you planting a needy kiss on your lips.
“You are such an amazing wife, honey.” Agatha said caressing your face, you smiled nodding while waving at Wanda while helping America into the car.
“Thank you, Y/N, I know you don’t have to…” Wanda started but you merely smile shrugging.
“No problem, Wanda. Love I will see you later.” You turned to Agatha kissing her once more before going to the car and leaving with America on the passenger’s seat.
Agatha waited until she was completely sure you and the kid were out of sight, Wanda was standing immobile on the same spot she had said good-bye to you. The old woman smirked, her eyes gleaming a shade of purple and red while her hands created ropes of magic she tied tightly around Wanda.
“Now, Wanda dear, let’s continue working on your powers while I tried to keep your counterpart in her little jail. It wouldn’t do any good if you were to try something rash and foolish, right?” Agatha whispered making Wanda shiver, the young woman pressed her lips together, her heart breaking knowing she could do nothing for the time being.
Agatha could see and sense the resistance from the redhead’s part, the smirk in the woman’s face grew leaning in to whisper in Wanda’s ear.
“Don’t worry dear, tonight when she is under me writhing in pleasure I will make sure to tape her for you.” Then Agatha tilted her head in a thoughtful manner. “Unless you want to see her when she is fucking me into oblivion…anyway dear, I will make sure to send you a copy. Now, let’s go.”
Earth 616 –
Your scaped plan was almost perfect.
You were in a hospital, that much you knew. You also knew whatever had happened was Wanda’s fault, or probably it was Scarlet’s one; it didn’t matter though, whoever was responsible would soon find out why you had become a dangerous rival to anyone that crossed your path. How dared them to use the children she had with Vision in Westview? How dared she to bring those painful memories into this fantasy world? Whatever made her think she could just go right ahead and kissed you again?
The terrace on the hospital was ample, with two helipads and a couple of high-tech protection to prevent any accidents or undesirable situations. The first thing you noticed, though was that you no longer were in Norway and the second thing was that you were in a strangers land.
The Avenger’s tower could be seen from the terrace, and in there you would also see another building you had never seen before. Blinking away you had to wonder if perhaps Wanda had, once more, broken the natural rules and create another world.
“I didn’t.” You turned around moving fast enough to shock the other woman, the shadows spreading out to try and stopped her but she was faster than you, and her red mist trapped your midsection lifting you slightly.
Wanda Maximoff furrowed her brows, her hold on you was firm but without any intension to harm you. You, on the other hand, were ready to attack her without a second thought. She could feel the cold embrace of your shadows spreading around her legs and torso; there was anger in your mind, and what memories she had seen inside your mind while unconscious were enough to tell Wanda you and her, the Wanda of another universe, had never been married.
“Let me go, Wanda. I’m fucking tired of this, and your games, and whatever games you and Scarlet are playing around.” You let your body relaxed into the magic hold, but your eyes never change colour. Tilting your head, you tried to guess the real intentions of the woman standing before you but so far the only thing you could see was Wanda.
“You haven’t noticed it, have you Y/N?” Wanda inquired lowering you to the ground and letting go of you, for the first time you realized the woman in front of you didn’t look as tired as you remember. The sadness in her eyes was also accompanied by tenderness and love, emotions that you felt in your soul whenever she locked eyes with you.
“Noticed what, Wanda?” You sighed tiredly lifting your hands until you were quite satisfied with the darkness covering the woman in front of you. “What have you done?”
The sound of traffic reached out the terrace of the hospital, the wind in this part of the building was cold and strong lapping at the clothes and hair of the two women standing in a silent encounter while the rest of the city continued with their life. Your body was starting to ache, a subtle way of complaining about all the stress you had put it in during the last couple of hours; you tried to ignore these signs, your main concern was to try and find America and make sense of what was happening.
“I am not who you think I am.” Wanda finally said softening her features, “and you certainly are not the woman I’m in love with. Though you look so much like her when we were younger and stupid.”
You furrowed your brows, stepping closer to the redhead.
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/N, what do you know about the multiverse?” The question caught you by surprised, you jerked backwards for a moment pursing your lips.
“Are you playing with me?” You asked clenching your hand close, Wanda gasped her magic igniting to soften the hold you had on her. “What the hell is going on?!”
“You’re not in your world, Y/N.” She finally said, and her words reached out your confused mind mixing up with disbelief. “Whatever happened, whatever…is going on…you are in a different universe while my Y/N was taken from me when she was the most vulnerable.”
“What?” You blinked away your confusion, Wanda shrugged trying to smile but failing.
“This is not a trick, and this is not me creating a different reality, Y/N. This is just another universe, one that America Chavez has already visited, the one she left with after Strange died and Y/N was deathly wounded.”
Dizziness overcame to you, you lowered your gaze stepping back and letting your powers down while Wanda freed herself from your hold. You stepped back and soon a pair of hands wrapped around your forearms holding you tightly. You tensed ready to fight when your eyes fell in the other individuals that soon showed up on the rooftop; it wasn’t until then that you realized this encounter was a chance they gave Wanda of holding you back without violence.
“Natasha?” You whispered, and the Black Widow came in with her expressionless mask on. Behind you stood Steve, older and alive.
“What…” You started talking but soon trailed off locking eyes with Wanda. “What…Where am I then? How…I…”
“Yep, pretty much the same questions we have been asking ourselves, kid.” Tony Stark came in with his eyes fixed on a gadget he had on his hand, he offered a short smile before turning to Wanda.
“Your place or mine?”
Wanda turned to you, her eyes downcast before she answered.
“Mine, the twins are not aware of this and I don’t… I mean…”
You could see her indecision, the way she shifted her weight from one foot to the other while trying to not look at you. The rest of the group got ready, every single one of them ignoring you and quite frankly, incapable of looking at you. They kept on talking about the multiverse, about the danger and the possibilities as you were dragged inside a Quinjet.
You did not see much of the people surrounding you, of the people you had seen dead and had seen disappeared into nothing.
The city spread out before you, buildings and symbols you did not recognize.
Muffled conversation filled your senses, your eyes fixated on the hands and then golden ring on your ring finger. You furrowed your brows, an old sharp pain running through your body and mind, piercing your very heart and soul.
You’re mine!
Say my name…
The growing headache you had been experiencing since waking up was almost blinding you, you straightened up in the seat your eyes running around the cabin before your thoughts went back to the people you knew. The people you loved. If what Wanda said was true then…what happened to your world? What happened to America, Natasha, Yelena? What happened to your Wanda? To Scarlet? What was really happening to you?
Tony Stark and Hank Pym took it upon themselves to give you the explanation.
The story went back to a couple of months ago, something strange had been happening in different spots around the world. At first, Strange and Kamar-Taj were merely looking into the anomalies with the help of Stark’s Industries and someone called Charles. The anomalies appeared to be out of this world, so they tried to get into contact with Carol and Star-Lord, they were also on the case but with no concrete answers the team merely kept watch over these anomalies fighting over the strange creatures when necessary.
Then, America Chavez came into the game.
She was lost, hurt, and scared.
Stephen had tried to help but he scared the kid, so Wanda had to intervene and they hit it off right away. Y/N and Wanda had welcomed America into their home while the kid narrated what had happened to her, the chase of those strange creatures and her ability to travel through the multiverse; she was the perfect guinea pig for Tony, Hank, and Stephen, and she ended up being a surrogate daughter to Wanda and Y/N.
The answer to the black magic following America had been the book of Vishanti, and while Stephen looked for it well…America was finally finding a place to call home.
You listened to the story with your head dancing around your own memories of the teenager, of the sudden appearance of Wanda and America at your doorstep. You thought of America’s familiarity with Wanda and her affection for you. This world…they kept on talking about their world, their reality while you just saw a reflection of a life you yearned to have.
The pictures of the twins, of Wanda and the you of that universe smiling at a camera. Missions on Earth and outside Earth. The friends you thought dead, and those you barely recognized; the happiness in your face wearing a black suit with Wanda waring a white dress.
They said time cures everything…
But feeling your heart breaking at the sight of such happiness that could be yours…You realized time had not cure for the love and regret you felt inside your soul. Your heart would always beat for Wanda, and your soul would always be bitter while thinking about the What ifs.
“Then you and Strange tried to help her get the book of Vishanti but…something happened, Strange died, you almost got killed and America disappeared.” Tony finished the story ruffling his hair. “We know someone attacked the lot of you, the same kind of magic readings were all over the place and all over you…then yesterday…”
“Billy sensed it.” Wanda whispered looking over at Tony, her arms around herself. “And then, you woke up but…”
“But I’m not your Y/N which means the me of this universe could be on my body?” You inquired rubbing your template, Tony and Hank both shrugged.
“It is a possibility, in all honestly we are hoping that’s the case.” Hank put his glasses off, cleaning them up before sitting down. “If that it is the case then you traveling to our universe could only mean that whoever is casting these spells has their hands on the Darkhold and has been dream walking for quite some time.”
 “You mentioned Scarlet Wicht as if it was a different entity, is different for you guys?” Steve asked all of a sudden, he uncrossed his arms setting his eyes on you.
You furrowed your brows tilting your head, “she…I mean…it’s actually pretty weird but…yeah, she looks like Wanda but I can tell you they are not the same.”
Steve let his eyes wandered all the way back to Wanda then to you, he pursed his lips nodding curtly. The room went quiet for a moment, it was pretty obvious you were a prisoner to them, as well as a guest, and whatever they had discovered so far had not been revealed completely.
You shifted on the sofa, your mouth opening when a couple of footsteps came down the stairs and launched themselves at you.
“MOM!” The twins wrapped their arms around you, everyone tensed leaning forward watching the interaction with warning in their eyes.
Wanda uncrossed her arms taking a step forward, her eyes never leaving your form just as you sat there completely tensed and unsure of how to proceed. These kids, the last time you saw them in your world they were not yours.
Your lips quivered, the pain behind those memories mixed up with the craziness that had been your day so far was starting to tire you out. Wanda shook her head, ready to take the twins away from you. You could see she was distressed, the unshed tears in her eyes were enough to tell you everyone was suffering one way or another, and while your heart couldn’t reconcile with Wanda, at least you could be kind to this version of her. To the version that apparently, made you happy.
“Hey kids!” You greeted weakly, both of them crunched up their noses looking at you with big curious eyes, you ruffled their heads winking with a smile on your lips. “I thought you guys were in bed.”
Billy bit his lower lip, and Tommy shrugged looking away.
“We couldn’t sleep.” Billy finally mumbled, he returned to your arms snuggling closer. “We missed you.”
“You promise us a story.” Tommy continued looking at you with big hopeful eyes. “But you were not here.”
“Tommy, mom is tired and she just came out of the hospital…” Wanda started trying to get the twins away from you.
“If you want, I can tell you a story, Morgan says I have improved a lot.” Tony chimed in trying to save the situation.
“Nu-uh!” Tommy stomped his foot stubbornly on the floor, his eyes looking over at you and your heart stopped at the sight of such a familiar expression. Your expression, on him. “Mom, you promised!!”
“Momma doesn’t break her promises.” Billy commented nodding.
This declaration broke your heart, you couldn’t help but think of the things you missed of the family you could have. Your eyes went to the twins, both of them looking at you expectantly while you ignored the rest of the room. Everyone was waiting for you to do something, but you were not sure it was the right thing to do, they were not your children, this was not your live and this was not your world.
The tension was quite palpable around the room, all eyes on you and the twins.
Through the shadows, you could feel Wanda getting restless ready to protect her children from the cruel reality. Your eyes drifted to one of the pictures in the fireplace, the babies in your arms and the huge grin adorning your face were everything you wanted with Wanda. And in this world, in this reality, you got it.
“Only one story.” You mumbled jerking back when the both of them jumped uo and down excitedly.
“Can we choose?”
“I want zombies!”
“And guns!”
“And auntie Nebula!”
You chuckled imagine the face Nebula would put at being called auntie, before your brain registered the real meaning of that request. How many things were different in this reality?
“Very well, boys then, last one to bed is a rotten egg!” You exclaimed which was a mistake apparently as Tommy took of at a great speed and Billy shone blue before disappearing.
Wanda chuckled at your dumbfounded expression, shaking her head she winced when she heard the crash and the fighting happening in the twins room.
“Always give them the warning of no powers.” Her tone of voice was soft, and her eyes were on you. There was something she wanted to say, but she put her arms around herself before stepping back. “You can…you can go to them, if you want.”
There was a moment of hesitation before you went upstairs, the sound of laughter making your heart swelled while your mind tried to process all that was happening.
Wanda watched you disappeared, and as soon as she saw you gone her tears rolled down her cheeks. Pietro placed a hand on her shoulder, putting her to him while shooting a quick glance at the rest of the room. Everyone was quiet, the concern in their eyes was quite evident, even after the long explanation by Tony and Hank there was nothing much they could do. Stephen Strange had been the pioneer of multiverse traveling, but what they were facing at the moment was something they never thought possible. Mind transferring was another thing altogether, and the fact that they still had no clue as to who was behind all of it made it more difficult.
“I need to get my hands on that book.” Wanda finally mumbled, her brows knitting together at the prospect of getting her hands into such a dark magic.
“It could be dangerous, you heard Strange and Clea.” Steve lowered his gaze pursing his lips. “I couldn’t allow you to put yourself in such a danger, Wands.”
“It is not up to you, Steve.” Wanda stepped back from Pietro passing a hand through her hair. “My wife is in another place, in another’s head…I can’t…I need to have her back.”
“I understand that.” Steve shifted rolling his eyes while glancing to the ceiling, Tony chuckled putting his mobile out and handing it to the soldier with an amused smile. “If that’s the case then, you need help…”
Wanda turned around, she noticed the amusing expression on Tony and the highly irritated one on Steve’s face. She frowned for a moment until realization hit her, her lips quirked upwards just as Steve sought for the right phone number.
“I mean, I can certainly use his help but…are you sure you want to talk to him?” For the first time since everything started, Wanda felt confident with their course of action and her powers and possibilities of getting Y/N back.
Steve winced shrugging, “he is the best at this…”
“You don’t have to sound so pained, Rogers.” Tony chuckled watching as Steve scowled at the phone. “Go on, I bet Loki would be happy to assist you.”
You stood by the door of their room.
They had a combination of dinosaurs and fantasy theme room; they fell asleep almost as soon as you started the story, happy to hear you tell them some sort of ridiculous adventure while participating in the storytelling. In all that time, you couldn’t help the burning pain inside your soul, the yearning in your heart as the twins fell sleep in your arms.
“I’m sorry.” Your whole body tensed when you registered her voice behind your back, you didn’t turn but stood there trying to collect your thoughts.
Wanda didn’t move, everyone but Pietro had gone home for the night. Whatever had happened, whatever they had planned you had just let it be for the time being.
“I know…”
“You were in my head.” You mumbled clenching your teeth. “But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, that’s what you do, right? Did you play with my other self in this world, too? Perhaps fuck around my mind to have me by your side?”
In less than a second you were seeing red eyes burning with anger and sadness in there, her magic was just as powerful and warm as you remembered it. But just as she got a hold on you, your powers were back into your control, the shadows covering her body and neck while the both of you stood right outside the twins room.
“She looks at me differently.” Wanda all but whispered, her hand leaving a feather-like caress on your cheek with her eyes gleaming a familiar crimson that send a shiver down your back. “You look at me with so much anger and sadness…I thought…I thought I have lost her again, I have never ever looked inside her mind, not even once.”
The tension around the both of you didn’t diminish, if anything it seemed to increase but you never back down merely give up. Wanda shot you a sympathetic stare, and that hurt more than you could ever admit to the other woman.
“It was not my intension to look into your mind, Y/N, but after America and what happened I had to make sure you were not a threat.” Wanda let go of you dropping her arms to her side glancing at you with a well-known stare that has your very soul trembling.
“Well, whatever you saw then…” You stated shrugging, your shadows coming back to you stirring at your back. “I hope you understand.”
Wanda looked away from you, her brows knitting together for a brief moment before she spoke again.
“She wasn’t the only one making mistakes, but I guess I didn’t have to pay so dearly for mine.” Wanda turned around walking towards the stary, you felt suddenly dizzy watching her walk away from you until she stopped at the stairs. “Are you coming? I think you and I need to have a private conversation, and something to drink.”
You hesitated for a moment before nodding, “I think we do.”
Earth 199999 –
You blinked away in confusion.
For a brief moment, you thought you should be in another place…in your mind you could hear the sound of familiar voices calling out to you. The person in front of the mirror blinked a couple of times, the hand grabbing a glass of water while the morning sun sneaked through the windows of the room. The bed was unmade, empty and disorganized and you furrowed your brows.
What did you do last night? What was with the glass of water? You lowered your gaze trying to remember what was happening, what you were supposed to be doing…A sharp blinding pain went through your head, all the way down to your chest, you gasped your hand clenching tightly around the glass of water.
Love? Baby…please…
“Honey don’t forget to go to the supermarket and bring the ingredients for the cake contest, please. I don’t want to lose to Wanda again!”
The voice of a woman inside the room reached out to you breaking the sudden spell you were in, you turned around rather quickly the glass of water escaping your hands and falling to the floor with a crash and splash of water. You knelt down, your eyes noticing the long legs of a woman dressed in a purple dress, with her dark-brown hair falling on her back and a condescending smile on her face. She knelt down, her hand cupping your cheek while she rolled her eyes playfully.
“you haven’t taken your medicine yet, have you dear?” She asked, and her voice was all of a sudden familiar, a sheepish smile appeared on your face shaking lightly.
“No, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, that’s what I’m here for.” The woman leaned in, her lips wrapped around yours and while you had a need to return the kiss you couldn’t help but feel as if this was just wrong.
You two parted apart, the woman helped you picked up the broken glass while standing up and moving to the garbage in the bathroom. She washed her hands, going to the counter and putting an orange bottle that she handled to you.
“Here, love, take your morning pill.” You glanced at that smile, and the kindness behind her gestures taking the bottle and putting one white pill out.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, baby. Now, breakfast is ready, and I really need you to remember to go for those ingredients in the supermarket after classes, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah sure…” You put the pill in your mouth swallowing and offering a smile and a quick peck on the lips to the woman.
Time was a funny construct in your mind.
For some reason you didn’t notice when you got dress and ready to leave the house. You had a bag on your hand, dressed up in a light suit to match the sunny weather outside you gave a peck on the woman’s lips and left the house.
The neighbour was empty.
Not a single car or person around, you sighed watching your watch marking the time. 7a.m. Too early for some, yet to late for you. You shrugged ready to go into the car when your eyes got sight of two figures approaching from the house next door. The first one was a young woman not older than 15 years old, her brown hair falling to her shoulders, with a huge grin on her face and a backpack on her back while waved at you strolling down the path walking ahead of the slightly older woman following close behind.
Your breath caught in your throat, the woman had maroon hair with white skin and a timid smile. She wore a light dress, and you couldn’t help but admired her figure. Her smile. The intensity behind her stare.
“Hey, Mrs. Y/L/N! How’s your morning going?” The teen greeted you as she finally approached your car, for a moment your eyes fixed on her and while there was obvious confusion in your stare the name came to you as easily as the morning light.
“Hey, America, I’m good, ready to go to school?” You questioned with an ample smile, your hand lifted waving away to the woman behind America before you settled your eyes on America. “How is your mom doing? I heard she and my wife have a cake competition today.”
America stopped death on her tracks, her smile almost dropping until the sound of a door opening and closing called both of your attention. You turned to see Agatha coming to you with a small bag on her hand.
“Honey, your forgot your lunch.” She said giggling while handling your lunch. “I know you didn’t do on purpose so I got all the way over to the office to be naughty together.”
Her comment made you blushed and laughed nervously, you scratched the back of your head grabbing the bag from her. The woman let her eyes wandered to America then to Wanda before she leaned in stealing a heated kiss from you. You never noticed the crimson in Wanda’s eyes, or the purple one on Agatha’s you merely stepped back smiling while nodding to America.
“Ready for school?” Then as an afterthought you lifted your head locking eyes with Wanda. “Hey, Wands, long time no see! I promise to go straight to school and not buy a latte and a coffee like we did last time!”
America giggled going into the car, Wanda stood there for a moment merely nodding and giving you a terse smile.
“Right, drive carefully.”
You waved away her concerns while also going into the car and driving away never looking back while you and America engaged in a light conversation about school and live. The world flickered for a moment, purple covering the sky, following your car without you noticing one bit. America pressed her lips together, clenching her fist as she saw the white mist covering your eyesight just as you continued talking as if nothing was happening right outside. Wanda told America they needed time, but America was starting to get restless, and the guilt was, once more, eating her up.
She wouldn’t be patient any longer.
Back in the house you had left behind Wanda stood struggling against the purple mist covering her hands and neck, Agatha turned to her slapping her hard in the face. Taking a deep breath the woman hit Wanda again, and again.
“You are unbelievable,” she said walking in circles around Wanda, she was fuming while trying to get a hold of the reality around her, “I can’t believe…”
“What is it, Agatha? Having difficulties handling a world on your own?” Wanda mocked her, even with the magical ropes around her body she couldn’t help but mock at the woman that had uncovered herself and her plan far too earlier.
“You…” Agatha was about to hit her, but stopped, her face breaking into s sickly smile. “Oh, dear, you and that crazy alter ego of yours will break and I will get what is mine…”
“You won’t, Agatha.” Wanda gasped when Agatha tightened her hold on her neck, the older woman tilted her head clenching her jaw closed. “They will come…her friends…”
“And her lover, dear. Let’s not forget that freaking Captain Marvel is also snooping around…” Agatha chuckled when Wanda looked away at this, the older woman felt another set of rage raging right through her system.
Scarlet was not happy either.
“Don’t worry, you two, soon you won’t be here any longer to see her be my perfect tool…the perfect puppet…”
“Get your hands away from her!” Wanda and Scarlet exclaimed at the same time, the world around them trembled almost crumbling until Agatha placed her hands on Wanda’s templated.
“Nu-uh, dear, be careful or else…it would be her and not you the one dying over…”
Wanda screamed at the pain she felt on her head, right inside her mind in a cell made of red and purple, Scarlet screamed with the same intensity and their power diminished while Agatha let out a groan of pleasure, red feeing up her fingertips.
The world around them flickering lightly before going back to normal.
Earth 199999 -
Carol was about to hit the bubble of energy once more until the hand of Monica closed around her wrist shaking her head with a disbelief look in her eyes.
“I’m pretty sure that if that didn’t work the first thousand times you did it, is not going to work now.” Monica watched as the blond-haired woman sighed in frustration stepping back.
The world around them was full of agents belonging to SWORD and SHIELD; the government of Norway had offered their help in the way of officials and closed roads while everyone was trying to get a hold of what was happening inside the city of Ulsteinvik. So far many had theorized about the great bubble around the city, many believed this was a repeat performance on Wanda’s part and some others merely thought this was just another strange, supernatural event trying to break into normality.
Tony Stark leaned back against the chair in his private trailer, Natasha was just as tired as he was but the both of them had been working overtime trying to do some damage control while getting a hold of Strange and Wong. Carol had been trying to get a break into the magical bubble without any success, and Natasha as well as Monica were really tired of trying to stop her from spending her time and strength in that.
“It wasn’t her.” Tony said all of a sudden, Natasha lifted her eyes from the screen in which the same scene was playing over and over again.
“I know.”
Tony massaged the bridge of his nose, “she wouldn’t be repeating the same fucking scene over and over, and over…”
“I know.”
The door of the trailer close hard, Carol slumped on the closest chair while trying to hold back her anger.
“This is all her fault.” She grumbled, her hands burning gold before she held back her powers. “Wanda…”
“It wasn’t Wanda.” Yelena scowled at the blond-haired woman that had just entered the trailer, Carol frowned at this declaration leaning forward.
“I believe that little dome over there and the one she showed a couple of months ago will defer with your words, Yelena.”
“It is not the same one.” This time around it was Natasha, Carol turned her eyes to her hating the sympathetic glance Natasha sent her way and the fluttering inside her heart.
“Why are you on her side?” Carol finally sputtered. “You weren’t very Wanda friendly a couple of months ago.”
Natasha shrugged, her eyes once more on the screen.
“I saw the dome last time; I watched the interactions happening there. This show repeats itself over and over and over, there is no more…space for something different.” Natasha then pointed to the screen, there was Y/N and Agatha kissing. “Besides, if this was Wanda’s doing, she would be the one kissing Y/N not this Agatha.”
“Well, last time Wanda was kissing Vision and even having kids with him.” Carol sighed pressing her lips together. “If I had been just a few seconds earlier…”
“You would be trapped as well, perhaps being married with some old fart or something.” Tony chimed in, his eyes on the phone. “Strange is coming, perhaps, once he is in here we can think of a better plan than hitting the dome over and over.”
Carol scoffed nodding, her eyes going to the screen, to your face…to the way you seemed completely out of your league while being control by the woman that still held your heart in her hands. Carol clenched her jaw, wanting nothing more than to be in your arms again.
Earth 199999 –
You blinked away in confusion.
For a brief moment, you thought you should be in another place…in your mind you could hear the sound of familiar voices calling out to you. The person in front of the mirror blinked a couple of times, the hand grabbing a glass of water while the morning sun sneaked through the windows of the room. The bed was unmade, empty and disorganized and you furrowed your brows.
What did you do last night? What was with the glass of water? You lowered your gaze trying to remember what was happening, what you were supposed to be doing…A sharp blinding pain went through your head, all the way down to your chest, you gasped your hand clenching tightly around the glass of water.
Love? Baby…please…
“Honey don’t forget to go to the supermarket and bring the ingredients for the cake contest, please. I don’t want to lose to Wanda again!”
The voice of a woman inside the room reached out to you breaking the sudden spell you were in, you turned around rather quickly the glass of water escaping your hands and falling to the floor with a crash and splash of water. You knelt down, your eyes noticing the long legs of a woman dressed in a purple dress, with her dark-brown hair falling on her back and a condescending smile on her face. She knelt down, her hand cupping your cheek while she rolled her eyes playfully.
“you haven’t taken your medicine yet, have you dear?” She asked, and her voice was all of a sudden familiar, a sheepish smile appeared on your face shaking lightly.
“No, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, that’s what I’m here for.” The woman leaned in, her lips wrapped around yours and while you had a need to return the kiss you couldn’t help but feel as if this was just wrong.
You two parted apart, the woman helped you picked up the broken glass while standing up and moving to the garbage in the bathroom. She washed her hands, going to the counter and putting an orange bottle that she handled to you.
“Here, love, take your morning pill.” You glanced at that smile, and the kindness behind her gestures taking the bottle and putting one white pill out.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, baby. Now, breakfast is ready, and I really need you to remember to go for those ingredients in the supermarket after classes, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah sure…” You put the pill in your mouth swallowing and offering a smile and a quick peck on the lips to the woman.
Time was a funny construct in your mind.
For some reason you didn’t notice when you got dress and ready to leave the house. You had a bag on your hand, dressed up in a light suit to match the sunny weather outside you gave a peck on the woman’s lips and left the house.
The neighbour was empty.
You hand went to the handle of your car, but your eyes caught sight of a shadow. You crunched up your nose, and there was a woman with wavy hair, and deep green eyes. She was dressed strangely, for the weather, but instead of feeling cautious you feel curious and slightly happy.
“Hey, can I help you?” You asked, and the woman rewarded you with the most beautiful smile you could imagine.
It was familiar.
“Oh, detka, I don’t have much time but…” The familiarity in which she used the word, the warm hand cupping your cheek and those eyes…something inside your head break, you almost screamed but her lips were against yours in a moment sealing the kiss in a tender meeting.
“Don’t take the pills…don’t eat her meals…please…” The woman whispered just before everything flickered around you and the searing pain inside your head increased and this time around you couldn’t quiet down your screams.
Earth 199999 –
You blinked away in confusion.
For a brief moment, you thought you should be in another place…in your mind you could hear the sound of familiar voices calling out to you. The person in front of the mirror blinked a couple of times, the hand grabbing a glass of water while the morning sun sneaked through the windows of the room. The bed was unmade, empty and disorganized and you furrowed your brows.
What did you do last night? What was with the glass of water? You lowered your gaze trying to remember what was happening, what you were supposed to be doing…A sharp blinding pain went through your head, all the way down to your chest, you gasped your hand clenching tightly around the glass of water.
Love? Baby…please…
“Honey don’t forget to go to the supermarket and bring the ingredients for the cake contest, please. I don’t want to lose to Wanda again!”
The voice of a woman inside the room reached out to you breaking the sudden spell you were in, you turned around rather quickly the glass of water escaping your hands and falling to the floor with a crash and splash of water. You knelt down, your eyes noticing the long legs of a woman dressed in a purple dress, with her dark-brown hair falling on her back and a condescending smile on her face. She knelt down, her hand cupping your cheek while she rolled her eyes playfully.
“You haven’t taken your medicine yet, have you dear?” She asked, and her voice was all of a sudden familiar, a sheepish smile appeared on your face shaking lightly.
“No, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, that’s what I’m here for.” The woman leaned in, her lips wrapped around yours and while you had a need to return the kiss you couldn’t help but feel as if this was just wrong.
You two parted apart, the woman helped you picked up the broken glass while standing up and moving to the garbage in the bathroom. She washed her hands, going to the counter and putting an orange bottle that she handled to you.
“Here, love, take your morning pill.” You glanced at that smile, and the kindness behind her gestures taking the bottle and putting one white pill out.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, baby. Now, breakfast is ready, and I really need you to remember to go for those ingredients in the supermarket after classes, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah sure…” You put the pill in your mouth the woman standing before you glancing expectantly, the dream played inside your head and for what seemed an eternity you two stood there facing one another.
“Dear, are you going to take your medicine?” Agatha said trying to hide away the edge on her voice.
You opened your eyes nodding, “yeah, yeah, sorry…”
You put the pill in your mouth and swallowed it, smiling at the older woman that leaned in.
“Come down quick, I have breakfast ready.”
“Yeah, I’ll be down in a minute.” Agatha offered a wink before turning around and leaving the room.
You stood there for another minute, your tongue playing around until you spat the white pill on your hand.
That’s it, love…don’t take the pill…don’t let her see…I need you…The voice inside your head hesitated then she spoke once more, with some difficulty as if her next words took a lot of effort on her part. We both need you to get out of her, please…
You glanced at your reflection, there was a flickering of red and white and for a brief moment you saw the redhead of your dreams. What the hell was happening? You furrowed your brows, your eyes on the white pill in your hand before your eyes found crimson ones in the mirror.
Looking down on you, the clothes for that day were already on, and in your hand was your everyday bag. Tilting your head in confusion you went downstairs, ready to start another day.
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Please, tell me if I forgot anyone.
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thebrickinbrick · 4 months
Minus Five, Plus One, Part Two
No one stirred.
“Married men and the supporters of families, step out of the ranks!” repeated Marius.
His authority was great. Enjolras was certainly the head of the barricade, but Marius was its savior.
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“I order it,” cried Enjolras.
“I entreat you,” said Marius.
Then, touched by Combeferre’s words, shaken by Enjolras’ order, touched by Marius’ entreaty, these heroic men began to denounce each other.—“It is true,” said one young man to a full grown man, “you are the father of a family. Go.”—“It is your duty rather,” retorted the man, “you have two sisters whom you maintain.”—And an unprecedented controversy broke forth. Each struggled to determine which should not allow himself to be placed at the door of the tomb.
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“Make haste,” said Courfeyrac, “in another quarter of an hour it will be too late.”
“Citizens,” pursued Enjolras, “this is the Republic, and universal suffrage reigns. Do you yourselves designate those who are to go.”
They obeyed. After the expiration of a few minutes, five were unanimously selected and stepped out of the ranks.
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“There are five of them!” exclaimed Marius.
There were only four uniforms.
“Well,” began the five, “one must stay behind.”
And then a struggle arose as to who should remain, and who should find reasons for the others not remaining. The generous quarrel began afresh.
“You have a wife who loves you.”—“You have your aged mother.”—” You have neither father nor mother, and what is to become of your three little brothers?”—“You are the father of five children.”—“You have a right to live, you are only seventeen, it is too early for you to die.”
These great revolutionary barricades were assembling points for heroism. The improbable was simple there. These men did not astonish each other.
“Be quick,” repeated Courfeyrac.
Men shouted to Marius from the groups:
“Do you designate who is to remain.”
“Yes,” said the five, “choose. We will obey you.”
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Marius did not believe that he was capable of another emotion. Still, at this idea, that of choosing a man for death, his blood rushed back to his heart. He would have turned pale, had it been possible for him to become any paler.
He advanced towards the five, who smiled upon him, and each, with his eyes full of that grand flame which one beholds in the depths of history hovering over Thermopylæ, cried to him:
“Me! me! me!”
And Marius stupidly counted them; there were still five of them! Then his glance dropped to the four uniforms.
At that moment, a fifth uniform fell, as if from heaven, upon the other four.
The fifth man was saved.
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Marius raised his eyes and recognized M. Fauchelevent.
Jean Valjean had just entered the barricade.
He had arrived by way of Mondétour lane, whither by dint of inquiries made, or by instinct, or chance. Thanks to his dress of a National Guardsman, he had made his way without difficulty.
The sentinel stationed by the insurgents in the Rue Mondétour had no occasion to give the alarm for a single National Guardsman, and he had allowed the latter to entangle himself in the street, saying to himself: “Probably it is a reinforcement, in any case it is a prisoner.” The moment was too grave to admit of the sentinel abandoning his duty and his post of observation.
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At the moment when Jean Valjean entered the redoubt, no one had noticed him, all eyes being fixed on the five chosen men and the four uniforms. Jean Valjean also had seen and heard, and he had silently removed his coat and flung it on the pile with the rest.
The emotion aroused was indescribable.
“Who is this man?” demanded Bossuet.
“He is a man who saves others,” replied Combeferre.
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Marius added in a grave voice:
“I know him.”
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This guarantee satisfied every one.
Enjolras turned to Jean Valjean.
“Welcome, citizen.”
And he added:
“You know that we are about to die.”
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Jean Valjean, without replying, helped the insurgent whom he was saving to don his uniform.
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writersdare · 8 months
Let Me Love You | Luke Hemmings
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Luke knew it wasn’t his fault Y/N didn't let him get any closer, but he just wished to know what he could do to make it better.
Warning: angsty, trusting issues, mentioning of a breakup, the reader may have low self-esteem
Word Count: 1 457
Requested: yes
Author’s Note: I know it's been a while, I had some troubles with writing for the past few months, but I'm finally back with a new story. It's a little messy, but I hope you'll enjoy it! ♡
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How much time does it usually take for the memories of a past relationship to stop being such a burden? Y/N was asking herself that pretty often, hoping to finally find the answer. Was it all because of her ex or, in fact, she was the reason? Was it a stupid trauma that she gained dating a wrong person, or something she was born with?
Y/N knew she had to be more open to people. They say, if you trust the Universe well enough, it will reward you. To the girl it seemed more the opposite, as if, when she was finally facing the world, it would gladly stab her in the back. Was she a pessimist? Maybe. But people made her to be so.
After a good chapter a bad one always followed. Like in Kacey Musgraves’ song, Y/N was getting anxious when she was suddenly having the time of her life. And when a new person she met seemed weirdly nice, she couldn’t help but wondering what was the trick. 
Luke didn’t have anything up his sleeves, though. He was the kindest and the most patient person Y/N ever met, and sometimes she even questioned if she deserved to be treated that way. Differently, tenderly. Sincerely.
She tried her best to be less cautious and just trust Luke more; yet, the guy saw the eyes full of uncertainty every time he was suggesting her a ride home. Every time he smiled at her, Y/N was scared to smile back and to feel those familiar butterflies which caused no good in the past.
Butterflies were ugly, weren’t they? The wings were stunning and beautiful, however, looking closer at them, they were not much different from other scary bugs. Y/N was afraid to make the same mistake. Life was all about mistakes, but the girl couldn’t just let herself relax for once.
“Did you love him?”
The question was stupid. When Luke asked it out loud, he thought that he could have worked a bit harder on that one and could have come up with a better option to help Y/N to speak up. He knew it wasn’t his fault she didn’t let him get any closer, however, he wished to at least know what he could do to make it easier for her. 
“Yes. I did.”
There was something about her that made Luke keep going. He wasn’t aggressive in his affection, no, but he wanted her to know that he cared. And Y/N was always honest with him, saying that even though she liked him, too, she could not open up and trust him right away. It was okay. Sure, Luke could take it personally, and  no doubts, he did at first, but Y/N didn’t even dare to blame him for that. However, with time, little by little, they started to understand each other a bit more. 
“Did he love you back?…” Luke asked carefully, looking at her eyes. Unhappy ones, as Y/N was clearly not enjoying the fact that he suddenly decided to stir up the memories she was trying so hard to place on a shelf of traumas. But some things needed to be shaken so that they would disappear into thin air completely. That’s what the guy was trying to do at least.
“Sometimes,” Y/N shrugged. Her voice didn’t express a regret or even сoncern at that point. It was a simple fact that she, unfortunately, realised too late. It’d be a lie to say there were no feelings left for that person who broke her heart so cruelly, yet, it wasn’t even close to anything romantic. It was just pain, an aching pain that would stop her from moving forward. It was too vicious to tear her heart apart into small pieces and still – to keep making her suffer. As if he didn’t want her to let him go, even though she desperately needed to.
Luke was different. It sounded silly and naive in her own head, but she tried to believe the inner voice. The voice that was so quiet for a very long time. Funny, how actually correct the phrase “love is blind” was. Y/N used to think she would know for sure if a person wasn’t good to her, if they were rude or arrogant. And yet, she let her drawn in a relationship that didn’t make her happy, not even a bit. She’d force herself to think she was enjoying the seesaw he was constantly putting her through, but in reality it was giving her nothing but anxiety. 
The time passed, though, and she needed to carry on. Especially when next to Y/N was him, Luke. She hated herself for being so careful, but the girl was so scared to repeat her mistakes that sometimes it felt easier to stop trying and simply lose him completely just in order to skip another potential page of pain. Luke was stubborn, though. He was patient and stubborn, which were one of the most dangerous characteristics of any person. And yet, he never forced her to anything, and he certainly respected her decision. Luke also respected the time they were spending together, and that was, perhaps, one of the dramatic changes for Y/N. 
“It’s okay, we can meet some other day,” Y/N hurried up to comfort the guy, when he shared that a music video shooting was taking way longer than expected. Even if Luke was extremely busy, he still would find time to leave her a small sweet message or give the girl a short call.
“No-no, it’s alright, I’m still fine to meet. I mean, it’ll be later, but if you’re cool with it…”
It got quiet at the end of the phone. Y/N needed to get used to the fact that Luke was always able to find time for them, no matter what. It felt a little alien at first, as in the past it seemed almost natural and normal to her that the partner was too tired and busy to go out. 
"Do you want me to come to your area instead?" the girl awkwardly asked, still feeling stupidly guilty for the fact that Luke had to drive all the way from the place he had his shooting to her area, which wasn’t in a close distance at all.
“It’s alright,” Luke quietly giggled, feeling especially soft when Y/N would once again doubting if she could allow someone to simply take care of her. Sometimes, though, he wished she had never met the man who made her doubt every action of his. “It’ll be already late, and I don’t want you to drive there alone, okay? I’ll drive to your area, we’ll have late dinner, and then I’ll just drive back home. How do you feel about it?”
Luke didn’t dare to ask or hint to stay at her place even for once. It was out of discussion — they just started seeing each other, getting to know each other. The guy understood that it’d take time for Y/N to be fully comfortable with him, and he was ready to wait as much as it was needed. What a relief it was for Y/N to find out  that not all guys shamelessly cared where she lived or if she lived alone. 
The late evening met them with a cold wind and little rain. Y/N was sitting across a table and wondering why, despite such freezing weather, she felt so warm, just by looking at Luke. Why his baby blue eyes always reminded her of the morning summer sky, and why his gaze was so tender and sweet… "What is it?" the musician smiled lightly, seeing her staring at him for a little longer than usual. "Is there a sauce on my lips?"
"No," Y/N giggled under her nose and shook the head negatively. "I was just thinking how lucky I am to meet you."
A bigger smile appeared on Luke’s face. The heart jumped on the chest, and his palms became suddenly little sweaty as if he was twelve years old, who fell in love for the very first time. Maybe it was not the case, but Luke had never heard such words in his life until that exact moment. He didn’t even know how much he actually needed to hear it from her. 
"You have no idea how happy I am, when I’m with you," he simply responded and carefully took Y/N’s hand in his. She relaxed her palm and thought that maybe she knew, because his sincere eyes was simply saying it all. "Just… let me love you, okay? It’s all what ask."
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taglist: @dgrangaa, @gracieboogirl, @yukichan67, @valentinehrts
– gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner – saw them here @musicgifs & @uservalentine –
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
To Bark and Bite || Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC
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Summary:  Arthur has to face the awful truth: there is another man in your bed tonight and there's nothing he can do about it.
Word Count:  2.6k
TW: mention of animal abuse
Notes: This work is a part of Heaven in Your Eyes' universe, but you can obviously read it as a stand-alone. Reader has chosen their new companion, following this polls' results.
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Masterlist here if you want more.
The fresh air of the night jumped at Arthur’s face when he exited the bar, the frozen fangs of the wind biting his skin so suddenly he winced. Wrapping up himself a bit more in his long black coat, he let out a grumpy groan and started to walk through the sleepy streets. It has been a few months since you have both left Birmingham’s filth and stink to move into a cozy house at the end of a vast forest. The more day passed, the more he was satisfied with such a decision. Sometimes, he would spend hours outside listening to the murmur of the trees’ thick foliage shaken by the wind and the soft melody of the stream nearby while you were gardening. But despite this new setting and your peaceful life, you still remained traumatized by your stay in Birmingham’s jail for women. The sensation of the hanging rope tightening around your neck had stirred painful memories you had spent years locking up in the deepest part of your brain. Since then, you would often wake up at night, screaming and pulling your hair because your dreams were plagued by the grim sight of your father’s limp body dancing at the end of a rope. When John asked both of you to go for a drink, you politely refused and decided to rest at home after two sleepless nights. At first, Arthur wanted to decline and take care of you, but you insisted he spent time with his brother. Especially because you did not see him very often since you moved here. He accepted and had fun, but his thoughts never left you during the whole evening.
Arthur, fighting against the cold, blew in his hands before rubbing them in the hope of warming his skin. His steps hastened, motivated by the warm fire and the cuddling time in bed that was awaiting him. He was about to turn to his left when a loud howling sound tore the silence of the night. Slightly jumping, he turned around and looked in the direction from which the sorrowful scream came. Right after the thrilling shriek followed an odd sound of chains rattling against the concrete and muffled whines. Arthur stood there, conflicted. A part of him just wanted to go home while the other, tinted with a childish curiosity that never left him, wanted to check what was hidden in this dark alley. It did not take more than a few seconds for him to give in to his curiosity and walked toward the source of the noise. He had barely stepped in when he froze, welcomed by two threatening eyes glistening in the twilight. When the creature noticed Arthur’s presence, growls echoed in the dark alongside the ringing of chains dragged on the ground.
“Bloody hell!” Arthur exclaimed, taking a few steps back as the mighty silhouette of a dark dog came out of the shadow, chops curled and teeth bared, “Back off, bastard,” He growled back at the massive brute, showing his teeth as if it was enough to shoo it away.
But despite the dog’s firm will of attacking the tall gangster, it suddenly collapsed on the cold pavement with a painful whimper. Realizing how weak the beast was, Arthur’s muscles relaxed. Now that his piercing blue eyes were adapting to the darkness, he could look at the dog more carefully. The latter started to lick its flank, where a gruesome and infected gash was exposing its swollen flesh. It was not mad, it was wounded. Moreover, the poor creature was so emaciated its ribs were poking under its skin, “Yer in a really bad shape, aren’t ye tough boy? Would you let me check?” The gravel in his voice caught the dog’s attention again, who let out another growl even though it did it with less fury this time for it was far too exhausted, “Absolutely no, alright,” Arthur rubbed his mustache, lost in his thoughts for a few seconds, before exhaling deeply through his nostrils. The dog needed help, and he knew exactly where to find it.
“That’s okay buddy. I’ll take ye with me and we’ll get you all fixed, eh.”
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“Argh! Come on!” He barked, desperately trying to control the beast by holding its chain firmly and doing his best to avoid getting bitten all along the way. Usually, Arthur as well as the rest of his family had a gift with animals, let alone Thomas who knew how to charm dogs. However, no Romani tricks could make this one obey, “No, no, stop that! How many fookin’ times should I tell ye eh?!”, The black dog, completely panicked, had tried to jump at Arthur several times, which resulted in muddy paw prints all over his new suit. Not content with ruining his clothes, it also pulled so hard on the makeshift leash that Arthur had tripped at least tenth times on his way home. Along with the dog barks, a collection of flourishing insults echoed in the night, “Aaah yes, good ol’ Arthur thinking it was a good idea to bring a damn stupid hundred pounds monster home, eh. Serves me right for trying to be nice.” He cursed, opening the door of his house while still trying to overpower the dog.
The brute barked and growled in reply. Arthur stopped in the corridor and looked at the dog, bewildered.
“What the hell? Yer talking back? I can’t bloody believe it. How about I shoot you right in ye fucking face, eh?!” Arthur was so busy yelling at the beast he did not notice you at first. You stood there, arms crossed on your chest and an amused smirk plastered on your juicy lips, wondering why your fiance was arguing with a dog in the midst of the corridor.
“Who is he you want to ‘shoot right in his fookin face?’” You finally said, mimicking his gruff voice and accent to tease him, “Care to explain?” You raised a brow, halfway between amusement and surprise. Let’s say that the evening was taking an unexpected turn. A turn that weighed around one hundred pounds and who took the shape of a massive Cane Corso. When he heard the enchanting tone of your voice, Arthur raised his gaze to you and strengthened his grip around the chain he was holding for the mutt kept pulling and he did not want it to jump on your frail body.
“Look — I’ve found it in the streets and noticed it was wounded,” He paused, trying his best to handle the situation, but the fact remains you feared for Arthur’s long and thin arms. At some point you were pretty sure the dog would break them, “But I also thought about your nightmares and how anxious you are when I’m not by your side. So, I thought having a guard dog to watch over me angel when I’m not home could be a good idea eh — FOOK!” This time, Arthur stumbled on his own feet after the dog had wrapped the chain around his ankles. He fell on the wooden floor, his body collapsing in a big thud, “YOU BASTARD, I’M GOING TO MURDER YOU, GODDAMN BEAR-LOOKING FURRY THING.”
Now you could not help but burst into laughter at the whole scene, especially when Arthur screamed so loud and spat swear words so fast it sounded more like barks than the dog’s howling themselves, “Oh! Are you okay, chéri?” You inquired, trying hard not to give in to the giggles even though the way Arthur looked at you, confused and mad, cracked you up harder.
“Can I try?” You asked, managing to calm your giggles.
“You can but if I were ya I wouldn't give it a try, love. He’s nothing but an uncontrollable idiot.” He groaned, looking side eyes to the beast.
However, you still came closer to the nervous and unruly animal, both curious and worried for him. As soon as his amber gaze dived into yours, the dog froze as if he had been petrified by a deadly blizzard in a bleak midwinter, “Hey. It’s alright. It’s alright cutie…” You whispered, offering the palm of your hand. The dog’s big and wet snout gently bumped against your skin, after a long seconds of hesitating, and he ended up smelling you. The warm sensation of his breath as it sniffed your scent brought an endeared smile to your face, “There. You’re a good boy. A very good boy.” The dog sat and let out a pained whimper in response, letting you pet it with indescribable tenderness.
Arthur looked at you, half surprised and half fascinated. He knew you were the best when it came to fixing broken creatures in the middle of the night — after all, that was what you did with him the first time you met.
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Surprisingly enough, the dog fell limp in your hands and allowed you to manipulate its powerful body as if it had been a rag doll. Despite the awful infection it suffered from, you managed to clean its disgusting gash from pus, filth, and maggots properly before applying a homemade ointment and stitching up everything. Following the laborious treatment, you offered it fresh water, rice, and chicken — all of these it ate with haste, starving and afraid someone would steal its food. But the most tedious part had been when Arthur and you had to bathe the stinky beast.
“I got him! Oh wait — no no I don’t! HELP! I’m slipping in the bathtub!” A hoarse scream echoed.
“Arthur, darling, can you — Oh no really?! He’s chewing on my expensive nightgown! Bad, bad Kaiser!”
You had decided to call him Kaiser, in reference to the German word which meant Emperor, as well as being a kind of pastry.
“Fucking bastard, he almost swallowed my wedding ring! I swear I’ll cut you open if you do so.”
“Okay, now you gotta listen to me big boy alright?” You said with the quietest and most patient tone you could make. The huge dog looked at you with his large pink tongue hanging from his mouth, “You’re all clean and smell nice. Now I’m going to wrap this towel around you alright? No shaking off water okay? I want you to act like a proper gentleman.”
“I don’t think he understands you angel, he’s got a wicked gleam in his eyes eh.” Arthur whispered. He was on his knees, next to you, facing the bathtub with his sleeves rolled up. Following the mess Kaiser did, you were both soaked wet, and exhausted, “he’s up to something.”
The dog barked joyfully.
“You see Arthur! You’re not positive enough. He’s all quiet. All obedi— NO!!” You didn’t finish your sentence for the dog shook off his body, splashing water everywhere in the bathroom, and soaking you more than you already were. While you tried to protect your face, Arthur remained motionless, his face neutral even though he gazed at the animal with a desperate look.
“All quiet, eh. Of course, he is. As quiet as John in a Russian orgy.” He grunted.
"You weren't quiet neither."
"Oh," Arthur gritted his teeth -- he hated to recall this memory, for he was still very much ashamed. Even though he was not happy with Linda he always felt it was no reason to cheat on her, "It was... Different... I'd never do this to you."
“I know, Arthur. At least it made you sober up.” You remained silent one short moment before chuckling, unable to hide your amusement any longer. Letting out a sigh from his lips, Arthur looked at you and your beaming smile infected him. How beautiful you were when you laughed, he thought. Joining in the fun, the tall gangster laughed along, his shoulders jolting as he did.
“By the way, you’re hot when your hair is a mess.” You added. Blood rushed to Arthur’s cheeks, who looked away, all flustered, and mumbled something only the dog seemed to understand. No matter what the gangster had said, Kaiser seemed to agree for it trampled on Arthur and gave him one huge lick all over his face, drooling on his mustache.
“FUUUCKK!” He yelled, falling back under the Cane’s weight.
You laughed even harder to the point your ribs were hurting, joy filling both the bathroom and your soul. The awful memories winced, knowing you’ll soon find enough strength to lock them back in their cage.
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After encountering so many struggles in a matter of three hours, peace fell again in the house. After the hellish bath time, Arthur and you decided to have a well-deserved cuddle session in bed. You were half naked, the tall gangster's body above yours and his tongue dancing with yours when the dog started to cry. At first, you both decided to ignore his little whimpers, far too eager to find each other’s warmth and body. But the noise went so bad you ended up gently pushing Arthur away and got up from the bed to open the bedroom door. He obviously complained, pestering under his breath, but he resigned himself and pulled up his boxers. His steel-blue eyes looked dagger at the giant beast when you allowed it to lay on the bed, right between you and him.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing, angel?” Arthur asked, one brow raised.
“He’s scared. And I haven’t been sleeping for two nights. So I’m trying my best to stop him from crying.” You answered, right before gently putting your small hand in the dog’s short fur and stroking him while taking care not to touch his wound, “The poor baby is all confused you know… The gash looks like a knife wound. A human did this to him. Probably a man. That’s why he was scared of you.”
“Yes I get it but how about you cuddle me instead?” His gravelly voice asked, visibly displeased by not keeping you in his arms. As stupid as it seemed, he was getting a bit jealous. But silence was the only thing that responded to him. Even the gargantuan mutt had stopped whining. Arthur lied on his side and leaned on one elbow to lift his upper body and looked at you above the massive creature to see if you were okay. As soon as his piercing eyes fell on you, he was met with the softest sight he could have ever imagined.
You were lying on the bed, facing the dog, and cuddling with it. One of its paws was wrapped around you, and its big snout rested against your little nose. Every protest, every complaint, choked in Arthur’s throat, who found himself captivated by the way you were looking at the dog. You were staring at the beast with your Celeste blue irises shining with sincere love. Despite not being the center of your attention tonight, Arthur could not help but grin — his eyes squinting as his lips stretched. That was at this precise moment he realized another man had just entered your life, and no matter what he would do he had no other choice than to share your love with this troublesome giant.
“Alright, but just for tonight eh. Cause he’s not a little pug or something. That bastard has the size of a fookin small pony.”
“Just for tonight,” You whispered, your nail scratching behind one of the dog’s ears. Its tail wagged in contentment.
Arthur rolled his eyes, reluctantly giving up on the idea to sink into your body tonight. However, he still passed his arm above the dog to rest one large and calloused hand on your hips, unable to sleep well if he was not touching you. He closed his eyes, and even if he was at the edge of the mattress because Kaiser took all the place, Arthur stayed in bed.
“I might allow you here and accept to share me angel’s love, but I ain’t sleeping on the bloody couch, mate.” He warned the dog.
Kaiser looked above his shoulder and opened up his mouth in a big teasing smile, his tongue hanging. A smile in which Arthur Shelby could almost read the words “maybe, but I’m the one in her arms tonight.”
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Say hi to your new best friend and slightly catastrophic guardian, Kaiser!
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✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
Tag: @meowtastick @babayaga67 @sired-to-hybridrid @shelbyssins @kxnnxyasdfg @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @woofgocows @anathemasworld
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theycallme-ook · 2 months
HOO sci fi au that spawned of the jasoning but idk what to call it now.
Ok so nondescript non affiliated sci Fi universe. Homebrew. Just clarifying for the sake of fandom.
The main quest is: monetary (trade, resources, something) dispute between a few big companies/govs (not necessarily Greek/Roman split but group the gods by their personal affiliations and add diff planets/cultures into the mix) that leads to a few of them contracting their own hand picked operatives/mercenaries to go find Gaia, who's at the heart of the recent tension and force her to negotiate, or other motives their employers aren't disclosing
The main cast is:
Percy: roguish navigator from a largely aquatic planet. Half human half sea person (i’ll come up with a name) he’s too human to be considered a true heir to his father’s power so he was raised both above water and below, giving him a set of skills easily transferable to space travel (good w colder temperatures, good at filtering for oxygen, lots of practice navigating). He’s gone on a couple off-planet journeys, the first starting when a girl named Annabeth crash landed near his mom’s island and no one could stop him from helping her and eventually helping stop a crazed paramilitary faction from overthrowing the galactic council). He gets roped into this mission bc Annabeth is contacted about it and then all of a sudden his father wants a representative there too. He’s down for it though bc it seems like a decent romp with a nice paycheck at the end that’ll let him get Estelle some sweet new toys. But watch out.
Annabeth: baseline human from a very industry focused industrial planet. As eager heir to her mother's trade “empire” she's very ambitious and has sought out anything that can better her standing in her mother's eyes since day one, leading her to jump at any chance to gain skills (such as tagging along for negotiations, inspecting facilities, finding specialized teachers, etc) which is how she ended up leading a surveying expedition that went wrong as a teen, landing her and Grover, her attendant, on Percy’s planet. That's the start of her leading a series of missions that are crucial to stopping all out war from breaking out, finding out Luke was leaking info to Kronos, etc. That experience is what gives her confidence to lead the Argo II and her crew when one of Kronos’ mysterious backers starts stirring up trouble in an atmosphere that just started to return to normal. A confidence that is shaken when some truths are revealed about her inheritance and what it will really mean.
Piper: technically a noblewoman from a planet known for its supercontinent ringed by beautiful beaches with a massive desert in the center. She doesn't personally put much stock in aristocracy and has no interest in pleasing her mother, though she is happy to use her abilities from her side (she's half beach species half desert species and used to being shunned on either side for that and has grown fiercely independent as a result, only letting in a few close to her heart like her bestie Leo who she drags with on this mission (as if he isn't stoked to come on an all expenses paid probably dangerous space journey. Just like the two of them have been doing on their own but without the paycheck. He's the most disappointed when that part becomes precarious). She's the medic of the ship, though her mom's species’ abilities of psychic manipulation might have one assuming she'd do better in communications, she likes to keep a low profile lest her mother finds she's volunteered for this mission and drags her back to her duties. She and Leo are the only ones with a previous with Gaia though, which is leverage she used to come, and it may turn out more useful than anticipated when things get turned around.
Leo: fire resistant/pyrokinetic species that kinda look like magma humans. His species is from a different planet but his mom migrated to work as an engineer in an industrial center in the desert of Piper's home planet. They met when he was working to repair a ship docked in a shipyard she was conducting her mischief in, didn't rat her out when he probably should've and they've been besties ever since. When she needed someone to help her rescue her dad from a servant of Gaia once he all but forced himself along. He was packed to come on this one too practically the moment the thought crossed Piper's mind, besides they need an engineer and he's the best out there (aside from his mama, ofc). His wide network of friendly droids and ships helps them sneak around a lot despite his appearance not being very subtle.
Frank: non-human shape shifter (critically he hasn't told anyone this. Appears near human) from a very cold, mountainous planet where there's a lot of mega fauna as a result and he's used to being the smallest in the room, making this crew an adjustment for him. He's the only newbie on the ship and constantly underestimates his abilities bc of this. Jason and Leo both take him under their wings in their respective ways (one for official stuff and the other for chilling out) bc he's just so damn awkward. He's from Roman space (? Still working on the logistics of that) so initially he clings to Jason and Hazel before branching out. His role on the ship is as the communications officer and he's known for his soft hearted determination to peaceful resolutions, which is why his grandmother voluntold him for this trip. He's constantly been told this is a weakness but it will soon prove vital when they suddenly have a lot more enemies to worry about.
Hazel is not supposed to be here. A nocturnal species from a planet where the habitable zone has very long and dark winters she's plenty suited for space travel, it's just that she definitely had all her records and qualifications faked to make it on this team. She's a stellar pilot, that's not the lie (and also cook, though no one officially has that role) but a 3rd party player had reasons to believe this mission would be the boil over point for a lot of shit that had been building and the crew needed a person in the know for when that happens. She's already had her life ruined and had to start over on a new planet thanks to said powers that be, which makes her the perfect candidate to really start leading when they cross into unknown territory. The others don't know that she's in communications with Nico the whole time, but that's going to come in handy when things go to shit even if it does put her position and trust with the crew in limbo for a bit. This advantage is what gets them out of that fateful confrontation with Juno.
Jason: straight laced golden child of Juno’s elite legion (I imagine she’s part business woman part royalty). Baseline human from an average planet & all that. He dutifully fulfils his role as fighter, part time medic and second in command on the ship (originally there was a fight from both sides over who should be captain, but Jason cut it short by agreeing Annabeth should lead, which was off script for him and the beginning of the two liking each other). He’s good, won his distinction honestly by leading the defeat of Kronos’ biggest general, but the most plain and forthright so no one thinks he has any secrets until they’re back on his home planet midway through the book to ask Juno for something and she, thinking she can get something out of this arrangement by capturing (killing?) them here and now, reveals her trump card. Jason is actually implanted with a highly advanced, non-visible series of cybernetics that enhance his abilities and, most damningly, make his body unable to refuse any command that comes from Juno. This “throneroom confrontation” as I’m calling it, is what shifts the story from “oh we gotta track down some 3rd party bbeg and save the day” to “oh shit all of our sponsors are also bbeg’s in a way and in order to stay true and actually help people we need to become outlaws.” which is fun
Nico: might classify as side but- shows up in the second half once shit goes down. Price of a recently fallen kingdom on a moon of the gas giant Asphodel. From a small species with limited teleportation and a folk perception that they have an affinity for death (really their noses are just very sensitive and they can smell something wrong, giving them a scarily accurate omen maker) He was actually around Jason a lot as they grew up and is one of the few who knew about the unethicality happening and has been looking for years to thwart it (the only friendly face able to be around him during the long hard days of installation and testing thanks to shadow travel). Slowly amassing a network of informants and such to his ghost king thing to get back at the ppl who did all of this. That's where he met Hazel and why he works so hard to send her on this mission but not appear connected, he can't have Juno discovering he's involved.
Side characters include:
Thalia: got badly injured on the same mission that killed Bianca and spends a few years with her body on life support while her consciousness is plugged into and runs the systems for Chiron’s wayward station for runaways in need, a role she's much happier with than what she had as crown princess of a kingdom (Beryl is a concubine of Zeus) she despises, esp after her younger brother “disappeared” one day and she felt the investigation wasn't thorough enough. Her increased awareness of the corruption over the years is what led her to impulsively join Annabeth and Luke on a quest before he's revealed to be a traitor. Absolutely ready to murder Zeus when she gets back and finds out what really happened to her brother (was traded over to Juno (Hera’s sister?) in exchange for exclusive access to resources and not having crown secrets exposed. He already had an heir, after all)
I haven't gotten to the others yet. This is already almost 2k worth of notes in roughly 24 hours so bear w me
Plot cont. & notes:
It's not like the govs etc are organizing some grand conspiracy to end all conspiracies, rather that it's the usual type of corruption, greed and control that happens at these levels and our main characters are only now being exposed to the wrong side of it. Most of them, anyways.
Gist being that up until now they've all been working in the system to get stuff done, with maybe some roguishness involved, but they were mainly focused on their job/not dying/preventing a lot of other ppl from dying. But by not complying with the whims of expansion they suddenly align themselves against the interests of many imperial/colonial forces they rise very quickly up the kill list and find out just how many killers ppl have on their payroll. From there on the mission turns into a self-appointed take down a bunch of corrupt officials and prevent another war galavant. With aliens
Droids and cybernetics being fairly common, there's a level of banality and assumption of use ppl in this society have about mechanical parts. It's understood to be by and for the user, nor is the tech (usually) undetectable. Might even give a main or side character some regular cybernetics for contrast. The twist has to hit the audience as well as the characters, is the point ig
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hyuukais · 2 years
Over And Over Again
It was cliche, perhaps, to call it love at first sight. But it wouldn't be wrong to say he had you from the first hello. When the world only ever seems to deal you its shit deals, it’s easy to become protective of something good.
word count: 1.5k genres: taehyun x reader, strangers to friends to lovers, angst, some fluff warnings: implied bullying, language author: literally so eepy goodnight
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The day was dark. Rain was battering down on the city. Clouds scraped the skyline, popping against the needle-pointed towers. Everything sat still in the winter chill and ice slowly crept along the ground. It ran up your spine, crunching with every step you took. Your uniform had become a second skin; you wanted to scream and itch and tear it all off. It dragged, sitting heavy on your frame. Your hair melded onto your neck, it flopped and matted to your forehead. Each step in front of you was coated in an unbearable fuzz, shifty and broken as you stumbled forward. 
Concrete met your skin, chest slamming into the textbooks tucked in your bag. Enough to scrape and bruise; a dull thud to knock away your breath. The blood washed off in the rain with the ice to soothe the cut, and no matter how you wanted to cry out, a sharp pain hit your sternum to quell the sound. You’d been doing so good. Keeping it all together. No matter the pressure building in your chest, welling up behind your eyes, you kept it tightly capped. Yet, you’d let it get shaken up too much until it all exploded. The salt of your tears mattered not to an earth already drowning in rivers. You couldn’t tell where the thunder stopped and the sobs began, but there you sat. Drenched in the exhaustion of a day in an uncaring universe where getting home no longer mattered. In the middle of the sidewalk, empty and alone with scratches slicing your knees and shivers raking your back because those girls stole your umbrella. 
How easily cruel words slipped from their lips; how fast they were to hatred. How they berated you, ripped up your notebooks, and stomped on your lunches; every day, something new for your torture. Going and going until you finally cracked. They would’ve been delighted to see you then, completely broken. Swallowed in the sky’s sorrows. At the time, you thought it was nothing but pathetic. You let the world have its way with you, curling into your knees in the cold. The rain hammered down harder, you lost yourself in the feeling, ready to give up to the freeze. Then it disappeared.
A shadow fell on the curb, brushing against your back. The rain had stopped pounding yet its sound still rang out. You peered up from the ground to a black umbrella hovering above. Two knees were squatted down to your eye level, covered in lightly rain-splattered slacks. A young man, wide-eyed like chocolate with soft locks to match, crouched over you as if he was worried. He wore a uniform similar to yours, the swirling text of the school on the breast of his navy blazer. A standard backpack hung off his shoulders. The umbrella was held steady in his hand. Something about him seemed familiar. When he spoke the words dripped like honey from his tongue.
“Are you okay?”
Your eyes were red and every last piece of clothing you wore was completely soaked through. Saying yes would have been a blatant lie, but he still gave you the option. Either way you couldn’t get the words to bubble up further than your throat. You shook your head.
Something in his eyes deepened, with his brows drawn tighter. “Will you come with me?”
The length of his hand stretched out to you. It was foolish to think of taking it, the hand of a strange boy. Yet, something stirred in your chest. Once freezing over in icy cries, a new warmth was spreading. So you reached out to him. He pulled you from the ground, your bag still clutched in one arm. The full nature of the chill you felt finally hit, teeth clacking with each percussive shiver. You’d huddled in close to stay under the umbrella; the boy didn’t seem to mind. Soon enough, he was moving you two down the sidewalk, trailing for you to keep pace with the coverage. Thunder and rain and lightning and sleet left the only noise between you until he spoke again.
“I’m Taehyun. Kang Taehyun. I’m in your music composition class.”
It made sense all of a sudden. He did go to your school; he saw exactly what happened.
“Oh.” You left your eyes following every step you took, but you could tell he was looking at you.
“I actually really liked your piece. It was really good.”
You caught his eye, the twinkle of gold brightening his small smile. It seemed sincere, but it made you want to cry even more.
“...Thank you.”
He looked back ahead with a curt nod, “I’m sorry about what she did to your presentation. If I had to guess, she’s just jealous you’ve got real talent, she doesn’t.”
It was truly flattering, and you find it in yourself to muster a response, “You don’t have to say that just to make me feel better.”
Weight fell on your shoulder. Taehyun stopped walking. Looking up saw him staring right back at you, hand settled on your damp blazer. You wanted to keep walking, to tear away from his eyes and lead yourself off to your shady apartment building blocks from there. But that warmth was kicking up in your chest again. His heavy gaze kept you there.
“Y/n, I know we haven’t ever really talked, so you probably don’t know this but, I don’t lie. Not to spare someone’s feelings or cover something up. I don’t like to sugarcoat my words.” A gentle squeeze came from his hand, “So when I say that I think you’re really talented, that you have something really special, I mean it. I-I’ve always been a little too nervous to do anything, but ever since that first performance you did for the class, I’ve thought you were so cool. You with that guitar, I was just like ‘whoa, that’s someone I wanna know’. In fact, I really hope I can still get to.”
Teeth peaked from his lips, parted in a smile so contagious it hurt to try and hold back your own. Those boba-pearl eyes curled up into crescents. All of his charms, so boyish back then, sped up your heart until a smile peaked out.
“I’d like that.”
Impossibly, his grin stretched up wider with a heartwarming laugh. Taehyun’s hand fell away from your arm.
“Then, may I please walk you home before you catch a cold.”
You giggled along too, nodding as he led you away again.
You did end up getting cold, sniffles and sneezing ravaging your body for a week afterward. But you also gained something incredible, Taehyun. Of course, then your relationship was nothing but a sweet high school friendship. He still became the closest friend you’d ever had. You sat together for lunch and every class possible. He brought you into his own close circle, a few other boys you understood to be under the same entertainment company he was. Taehyun gave you something you never thought you’d find: love. Even when your relationship remained platonic, he so obviously cared about you in a way no one else ever had.
The years with him were quick to go by. Soon enough, he was debuting and going off to the states. Performing for seas of fans chanting his name. In all that time, it took you a year and a half to realize that you were unequivocally in love with Kang Taehyun. You could only praise the stars above that he happened to feel the exact same way.
Five years since you first laid eyes on him, Taehyun now lay, tucked against your side. Strands of pink fell away from your hands. His eyelashes dusted the rounds of his cheeks, fluttering softly in and out of consciousness. Two muscled arms squeezed tightly around your middle. Soft breaths tickled the curve of your neck, warming you better than the blanket draped across your lap. Indecisive and cautious of your boyfriend’s sleepy state, you only scrolled through various catalogs offered on the TV, never picking something to watch. Perhaps it was the sound effects or the click of every remote movement, a muffled grumble vibrated against your chest.
“When are you going to pick something?”
“Sorry, Hyunnie.” He shifted slightly against the couch, “I didn’t realize you were awake.”
You could see two, soft, caramel irises peeking out through his eyelashes. They swiftly met your eyes. You flitted back and forth between them both, catching each in reverence. Losing yourself in his sparkling gaze. So focused on his stare, you barely noticed his lips creeping up to yours before they were pressed together. You melt into the taste of his sweetness, swimming in the feeling of his love. His minty scent invades your head. When he pulls back, your eyes stay closed for a moment and your lips begin to break up into a grin.
“What are you smiling about?”
Your faces still hover close and you didn’t miss his tiny smirk as he spoke.
“I don’t know. Just the fact that my boyfriend is one of the best, most talented, and greatest people ever. And I think that, even in a million other universes with millions of other possibilities, no matter what, I will always choose you. Over and over again.”
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nohoney · 1 year
k im in desperate need of tooth rotting comfort in the c&c universe T^T
i just got over a really bad migraine so tooth rotting comfort is definitely the vibe ( = ⩊ = )
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“Deep breaths, you’re doing good doll.” Touya murmurs gently, holding you against his chest as he feels your body slowly inflate and deflate as you take slow breaths. He’s stood in his spot in the kitchen for the last five minutes since you returned home, not moving until you were ready to do so.
It’s normal to have some off days where you don’t feel your best, but even a bad case of unexplained anxiety could happen to anyone. Usually you carry yourself well, even through some tougher times, so when you experience the days that you don’t feel able to handle your own emotions, it’s often upsetting for yourself. It partly hurts your pride to feel so weak and it took extra effort in the early days of the relationship to rely on one another during the bad mental health days.
You melt against Touya’s body and the uncomfortable feeling in your gut slowly works it’s way up. It spreads through your body and the sudden weight of finally letting go makes you cry. His arms hold you tighter, the smell of cigarettes is a comfort to you in these times and you just want to hold on tightly to him.
Touya’s not the greatest at comforting words. He’s better at putting his foot down when he needs to and being a little bit snarky when it comes to other people. Most of his comfort is through actions. Tight embraces and small acts of service are what get you through these rough moments. Because you can’t explain why you have anxiety, you can only feel it and let it out.
“C’mon, let’s have a smoke.”
You nod against him, wiping away your tears and following behind wordlessly.
One cigarette to share.
The two of you stand outside the balcony together, Touya holding you from behind and waiting for his turn for whenever you pass the smoke back to him. The nicotine is comforting and he likes the way the smell melds with your floral perfume.
The butt of it is stubbed out in the ashtray and he heads back inside with you.
Whenever you have these off days, you’re clingier than usual. You hang onto Touya like a sloth whether it be in the shower or when he’s stirring ramen in a pot for a lazy dinner. And when he needs to step away, you’re hugging your favorite plushie that he bought for you on your six month anniversary. Touya texts his friends to let them know that he might potentially cancel on their next day plans depending on if you’ve shaken off your bad feelings or not.
“Touya…” you come up to his side with your plushie held in your arms. “Hey…”
“Yeah? What is it doll?” He asks as he washes his hands after stepping out to smoke, “Dessert?”
Something sweet to hopefully lift your mood a little which is a typical want when you have your down days. There’s a batch of cookie dough he could pop into oven or the bag of mini candies that you and him eat slowly over time.
“Ice cream?” You ask him in such a small voice almost like you’re a little girl.
“Sure, let’s go. Which one do you want?” He asks you, thinking if the gas station nearby has anything you’d want right now.
There’s a bit of hesitance from your end before you tell him, “I want the other one. Where they make it into a rose shape.”
Ah, the fancy one.
Touya makes the drive for you, his hand on your knee as you still hold your plushie tight against you. He offers to go alone so you can stay in the car and be comfortable but you want to cling to him. He orders at the little kiosk and taps his phone to make the payment, waiting patiently with you hugging him tightly. Ice cream is formed in the shape of a rose and given to you in a little cup. It’s a simple thing that manages to bring a smile to your face, the first one you’ve had since you had returned home.
Unfortunately the anxiety doesn’t subside the next day, it’s still lingering and it keeps you rooted in bed beyond the time that you should be up. He offers to stay in bed with you, but you want some space this time. Touya tells you that he’ll give you an extra hour to stay in but after that, you are going to get up.
He sits on the edge of the bed waiting for you to muster the energy to get up. He watches you take a deep breath in and then exhale out. It��s difficult to see you struggle but he softly encourages you to stand on your feet, to make it to the restroom and wash your face. A very simple goal to reach that feels impossible in that moment. But he’s with you every step of the way as you leave the bed, shuffle your feet to the bathroom, standing beside you with a face towel ready, and then he’s hugging you as a reward.
It sucks to have these kinds of days where you just don’t feel yourself but Touya is with you to help make it easier.
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bitbybitwrites · 2 months
First Line - Tag Game
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Rules: post the first line(s) of your 10 most recent WIPs....
Thanks to @tailsbeth-writes for the tag! 💖💖💖
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a goddamn actual prince who apparently owns or could own everything imaginable under the sun, must be in want of something original for his birthday." - how ardently i admire and love you (FirstPrince).
“What in the everloving fuck?!” - shaken, not stirred (FirstPrince)
“I’m not sure I understand, Sir, “ Blaine said, as he shifted uncomfortably in the heat of the summer sun, his leather jerkin feeling a bit stiff and uncomfortable. - baby won't you light my fire (Klaine)
Blaine groaned as he lowered himself from the saddle.  - Sanctuary (Klaine)
It started with a dream. - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home (Klaine)
From the outside looking in, Blaine Anderson was a pretty average 6-year-old boy.  - Cuffed (Klaine)
"No." - color me intrigued (FirstPrince)
No one dared approach the hooded figure who appeared in the doorway of the inn that night.- the phantom touch of your hand (FirstPrince)
Following Kurt through the curtain onstage was nothing if not thrilling.  - untitled ficlet friday ask (Klaine)
Henry shivered as the winter wind sliced through him. - Puppy Love (FirstPrince)
The wind whipped around Kurt’s shoulders as he quickly strode through Washington Square Park. - let you put your hands on me - (Sebklaine)
Tagging (if you want to play): @heartsmadeofbooks, @madas-ahatters-world, @kirakiwiwrites, @daisyishedwig
@hkvoyage @lilinas @yadivagirl, @forabeatofadrum @gleefulpoppet
@myheartalivewrites @onthewaytosomewhere @porcelainmortal @iboatedhere @itsmaybitheway
@suseagull04 @rockitmans @spaceorphan18 @wordsofhoneydew @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
And open tag again for anyone else . .
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clumsiestgiantess · 6 months
Chapter 21 of The Other-world Universe; is promising to save an entire city of people from an apocalypse the smartest thing to do? No. Is it the right thing? Hopefully.
all chapters listed here
[Calm Before the Storm]
I woke up the next day with the immense relief that I had not rolled over in my sleep.  Yet when I yawned, I didn’t feel Erica's form shift on top of me.  My head shot upright in a mini panic attack as I searched for her, trying to make as little movement as possible.  I was a few seconds away from fully sitting up before I finally found her.  
Erica had — either intentionally or subconsciously in sleep — managed to slip her way into my bra, and was sleeping soundly in the center of my chest.  Bewilderment and relief flooded through me so suddenly, I nearly laughed aloud at the sight.  Heat already began seeping across my cheeks as I watched her snuggle against me.  I was slightly suspicious that this might have been her plan all along, but it was entirely possible that it was a mistake.  After all, she had no blanket, and her spot tucked between fabric and my skin had to be rather cozy.  I have to admit, I don't blame her for sleeping there.
For a while I lay in the field trying to get control over my furious blush, but soon I felt Erica stirring on my chest.  I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to have been asleep.  Obviously, I couldn't see her reaction, but I could feel her flinch slightly once she awoke.  There was a split second of confused crawling around before she gasped; the audible shock behind its sound convinced me that she had in fact not planned for this.
"Holy shit!" I heard her whisper faintly, "How the hell did I get here?"  I bit my lip, desperately trying to keep myself from smiling at her reaction.  Thankfully, I hid my bemusement quickly.  Erica slowly crawled out from the top of my bra, trying her best not to wake me.  As quickly as she dared, she clambered down my side to the ground below.  The echoes of her faint touch still danced across my skin long after she'd stepped away.
When I was certain she had moved further from me, I pretended to wake up.  Erica was sitting on my cast-off clothing when I opened my eyes, no doubt pretending that was where she'd slept.  "Good morning," I addressed her with another yawn, "Did you sleep well on my shirt?"  Even with the slight distance between us, I could see the massive amount of guilt written over every one of her features.  To hide this, Erica busied herself by looking for the top half of her own clothes, which had been tossed off into the darkness the night before.  "Uhh, yeah!  I enjoyed spending the night with you."  Even her voice sounded slightly off-pitch with embarrassment.
"Something wrong?" I asked her.  "No!  Nothing's wrong; I just.. I can't find my stuff."  "Mhm, sure."  My mocking tone gave everything away.  She turned to look up at me, eyes wide.  "You woke up before me, didn't you?" she accused, a bit shaken.  "I may have," I replied, sliding closer to her.  "I.. That was an accident, I swear.  I wouldn't have done that unless you were awake.  You know, in case you disagreed."  "Well.. I don’t think I am disagreeing with it."
For once, Erica became a blushing mess instead of myself.  She collected her things from the ground with flushed cheeks and an embarrassed smile, pressing them to her chest.  We had breakfast together, and Erica promised to come sleep with me at least once every week.  "To keep you company out here," she clarified, "Not because of, you know, anything that happened last night."  “Really?” I mocked a shocked expression, “That’s not the reason?”  Erica rolled her eyes, “Alright, that’s part of the reason.  It’s like.. a billion times more exhilarating making out with someone who’s building-sized.”
With a bemused chuckle, I finished my meal.  "Let's go see what everyone else is up to today, shall we?" I asked after we'd readied ourselves for the day.  "I'm supposed to be guarding the town, but lately I feel like I've just been slacking off."  "Alright," Erica agreed, "I'll go bother Ivan, then."  I smiled, shaking my head slightly.  Ivan is, to say the least, almost the opposite of Erica personality-wise.  I can easily imagine the havoc she undoubtedly thrusts upon him in the Cavern Town.  Usually, I was around to deal with her charisma myself, but I guess he'd been having to deal with it for the past few days that I’d been away.  
I held out my hand for Erica to climb on.  It was an unspoken rule that she would ride on my shoulder whenever we traveled together.  She stretched tiredly across its length before sitting up sideways, her back tucked against my neck.  With her settled in, I started off towards the town.  I couldn’t help but sneak a glance at her every so often.  Erica always seemed the most comfortable perched on my shoulder.  Half of me thinks it’s adorable, but my more reasonable half always reminds me of the times she nearly fell off.  Despite this, the former part of me always wins in the end, and I let her stay.
Reaching the valley of the Cavern Town, I checked in with the guards before anything else.  However, they were nowhere to be found.  Erica and I exchanged puzzled glances as I bent closer to one of the wooden structures.  Multiple large guns greeted me in response.
I flinched harshly, feeling Erica’s grip tighten on me as she was thrown backwards.  After a few tenuous seconds, someone recognized me.  “Get down!” a guard whisper-yelled at me, “There were giants spotted on the horizon to the west!”  My nerves spiked instantly and I dropped onto the valley floor.  If the scientists come back now, I might not be able to fight them off!  Sure, I have my new weapon, but I barely had time to practice with it yesterday.  I haven’t even put up a barrier around the town, either.  What if they attack it again?!
Worst-case-scenarios drifted through my head while I pressed myself to one of the mountains behind me.  They're here for the other-world people, not me.  I tried unsuccessfully to calm myself down, but I knew that wasn’t true.  In fact, they might've come back specifically because of me.  After all, I'd killed a few of them in my rage the last time we'd clashed.  
What if the scientists came to kill me?  I don't think I can fight any more than five of them at a time.  And I only managed to do that because I'd caught them off-guard.  What if they lock me away like everyone else — an oddity from a world that isn’t there?
Suddenly, I was startled from my thoughts by a whisper to my side.  "You're alright; it's ok,"  Erica comforted me, carefully laying a hand on my neck.  "The hazmat giants aren't here.  Just- Just calm down.. you're shaking."  I am?  I am.  I hadn't even realized that my shot nerves were vibrating my body with fear-induced adrenaline.  Try as I might, I couldn't get myself to stop.  My heartbeat pounded in my ears, and I was almost pulled into another downward spiral of worries.  Thankfully, Erica snapped me back out of it.  She tapped my shoulder lightly and I turned to see her.  With one small gesture, she slid into my awaiting palms.
I tried in vain to stop myself from shaking as I slowly brought her in front of me.  Despite that, Erica still wobbled in my cupped hands as she stood, reaching out to gently grip my face for balance.  Once she steadied herself, she stood directly in front of my vision.  "Focus on me, alright?"  My head was brought closer to herself.  "You'll be ok.  Just focus on me."  I listened raptly, trying to match my erratic breathing to her calmer breaths.  Her chest grazed my fingertips with every inhale as she leaned over them.  Erica’s concerned expression filled my view while she tried to take my focus off the possibly vengeful scientists.
Is this how Erica sees me? I wondered, watching her concerned expression inch ever-closer to my eyes.  Do I take up her vision like this when I get close?  It was strangely comforting now, but I could certainly see how overwhelming I would’ve been to her before we got to know one another.
I kept my gaze on her, though she only really fit into my view one eye at a time. Before long, a guard from the structure opposite us gave the all-clear.  I stood up with Erica grasped lightly in my clutches, gazing out at the horizon beyond the mountains around me.  “Where’d they go?” I wondered aloud.  “Must’ve been on the hunt for a different town,” Erica noted, “They know better than to mess with this one, thanks to you.”  I smiled down at her thankfully.  She met my gaze with such tenderness I nearly went in for a kiss before remembering where we were and deciding otherwise.
Together we made it the rest of the way to the cavern, where a small crowd had gathered outside.  I recognized Ivan immediately; he stood at the front, nervously shifting from foot to foot.  He flagged me down, but two vaguely familiar people stepped in the way before I could get to him.
Erica quietly explained from her spot in my hands that they were the co-founders of the Cavern Town: Isabel Ashford and Marcus Stoll.  She’d met them briefly when she’d been ‘kidnapped’ from the cliffside.  These were the same two people who’d negotiated the protection deal.  I knelt in front of them, letting Erica off shortly afterwards.  “Defender,” the kinder one, Ms. Ashford, addressed me as I settled cross-legged on the ground.  'Defender' is my nickname amongst some of the people living there; many of the guards called me by it.  
“The giants could have attacked us earlier, and you would not have been here to do your job.  The one thing we asked of you is that you protect our city as amends for destroying it.”  I nodded my head solemnly, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to protect you.  I have no excuse.”  Silently, I shifted to feel the smooth crystalline structure embedded in my neck.  “However,” I continued, remembering why I’d wanted to return to the Cavern Town, “I might have a solution.  At least, I hope I do.”
With a slight flourish, I slid my gun out from behind me.  A murmur rose from the group of people gathered outside.  “I made and tested this yesterday.  Working properly, it’ll be able to create a protective barrier over your whole town.”  The shorter gruffer one, Mr. Stoll, was ready with multiple questions: How strong is the barrier?  What is it made of?  How deep does it go?  Would people be able to leave once it was put up?  Would they be able to breathe inside it?  Will I continue to stay in the valley after I've set it up?  All good questions; I answered every last concern until the two leaders reconvened and headed back towards the town to debate my idea.
A large number of Cavern Town residents stayed behind once they heard Erica tell me to demonstrate the barrier setting for her, including one of the founders, Mr. Stoll.  He broke away from the other founder and slunk along the edges of the crowd, watching me intently.  I pretended not to take notice, but I could feel him watching me.
After covering various pieces of land with green, glassy covers, I realized I’d yet to figure out how to take them down.  Oh no, please don’t make me recreate this thing again.  Ivan managed to slip through the crowd towards me as everyone gathered around to see the small barriers for themselves — walking through them and testing their strength with various objects nearby.  I watched them intently.  None of them were strong enough to cause much more than a strong ricochet, which worked out perfectly.  I didn’t need anything blowing up by mistake.
Erica surveyed everything from atop one of my knees while I sat in the midst of the crowd, trying my best not to get overwhelmed by the amount of small people surrounding me.  Once he’d made it to my side, Ivan called up to me, but I strained to hear his voice over the crowd and his distance from me.  Erica noticed my confusion.  “He asked if the barriers are really going to do anything, because it looks like they can’t!  Everyone’s just walking through them!” she yelled to me.  Ivan yelled at her and motioned for me to lower my hand to him, learning from Erica’s little gestures.
When my hand touched the ground, everyone around Ivan scattered as if I’d put down an explosive.  I tried not to dwell on the fact that everyone there seemed so frightened of me, or the fact that I had to pick people up just to understand them.  My height was quite the advantage in an apocalypse where ‘giants’ were invading, but it was such a hindrance for so many other things.  I want to help people.  If those same people are frightened of me, then are they really going to want my help?  A small sinking feeling arose in my chest.  These barriers better work…
With Ivan in my palm, I lifted him to my face.  “I didn't say any of that!” he told me, waving a hand at Erica.  “I asked if it was strong enough to keep giants out while still letting people through.”  Erica rolled her eyes behind his back.  “Hopefully,” I answered Ivan.  “there’s no way for anything besides your people and me to pass through one.  The scientists and whoever else tries to get in will be blocked, though I can’t exactly test it with the ‘giants’,” I confessed, “I did test it with a few different objects.  Nothing got through.”
“If they can’t get through it, won’t they try to dig beneath the barrier instead?”  I shook my head, “Even if they tried digging beneath it, the barrier will grow to cover anything they dig out.”  “Won’t it grow over the tunnels we make to get materials and things in and out, too?”  “Don’t worry, I thought of that.  The barrier will stay open around them so long as you make them before I put it up.  If you do it beforehand, the barrier will grow around the tunnels when it forms.  If you do it afterwards, like the scientists might try, it’ll sense that there’s a breach and grow to fill any gaps.”
Ivan seemed satisfied at that, and I let him off beside Erica. She gave him a teasing look and he said something to her. It was hard to tell sometimes whether those two were getting along or not, but Erica burst out laughing and Ivan grinned, so I guessed they were both fine. Before long, the crowd dispersed, leaving me, Erica, and Ivan behind along with a few stragglers.  I glanced around inconspicuously, trying to spot the founder who’d been watching me, but it seemed Mr. Stoll had disappeared along with most of the crowd.
By lunchtime, I was the only one left outside to patrol the mountains and practice with my new weapon — besides the other-worldians in the watchtowers, of course.  They came out in shifts, but there was always someone there occupying every lookout.  The others had left for the Cavern Town by then, hoping to find news about the debate and my idea. I toyed with my barriers, trying to seem like I knew what I was doing while the guards were watching.  Thankfully, I found that I had to hold my hand on top of a barrier and will it to stop existing if I wanted it to fall away.  The idea was somewhere in the back of my mind when I’d first created the crystalline bar. 
I’d just returned to the valley after eating lunch in my field when the founders returned.  Thankfully, they hadn’t arrived sooner, or they would’ve found me missing once again.  “We’ve come to a conclusion,” Ms. Ashford announced.  “You may place the barrier over the town, but only after we put hidden passages in place for our people.”  “Which means you stay nearby until they’re finished,” Mr. Stoll told me with a hint of distrust, “You will sleep right here in the valley, and return to your place in the field only after the barrier is up and functioning properly. Afterwards, I suppose we could cut back on your working hours so long as you make an appearance daily to scout for other giants.”  
The rules were fair enough.  I didn’t like the idea of sleeping in the slim space between the mountains, but it wouldn’t be for very long.  Erica had immediately complained once she heard about my sleeping in the valley.  However, I reminded her about her perfectly fine bed in the Cavern Town.  “At least you have an actual bed, and a house,” I said after she grumbled over the fact she couldn’t secretly sleep with me.  Erica mumbled a half-hearted apology before leaving for the town, yelling: “Steal a bed from your own world if you want one so badly!”  Before I could tell her that was a dumb idea, and the scientists would definitely be able to spot it, she’d vanished into the rocks.
With the plan underway and a full-time job taking up most of my time, the days blurred together quicker than I thought.  Erica would come visit me on the mountainside at least once or twice a day to keep me from getting too bored or too worried.  Ever since those scientists made their way along the horizon, I was anxious that they’d be back to take the town while it wasn’t protected by the barrier.  I trained with my weapon with every opportunity I got, which sometimes included late nights.  I didn’t sleep much anyways; the restricting space between the valley, and the potential to damage more of the mountainsides, kept me up.
Several weeks later, a few crude passages had been established.  They would be smoothed, tiled, and lit eventually, but they were solid enough in their current state to count as complete.  With crossed fingers, I pulled out my gun and shifted it into the fourth and final mode.  The whole town — which had really grown into a city — had to evacuate just in case something went wrong and the barrier somehow failed dangerously.
I was shocked at the amount of people that filed out of the gaping cavern in the side of the mountain.  I’d never seen the whole population in one place before.  Every day a scouting group would come back with various items and occasionally people in tow, but I hadn’t realized just how many other-worldians had settled there.  This has to work, I realized suddenly, Otherwise everyone here might not have a safe space to live anymore.  The scientists know all of this is here.  Why haven’t they come to take it yet?
With everyone finally out of the cavern, the founders gave the signal that it was completely empty.  With careful aim, I guided the barrel to the center of the hollow mountain and fired.  A firework-esque crackle resonated through the valley, making my hair stand on end.  Pieces of rock fell off the mountainside and exploded on the barrier’s face.  Small landslides tumbled dangerously close to the crowd, but I quickly swept them away with my free hand, blocking anything from falling too close.
It was a rather raucous creation, but once everything settled down, the barrier looked stunning.  Tension released from my taunt muscles as my plan fell into place, and I let out a breath I felt like I’d been holding for days.  Soon, everyone from the Cavern Town returned inside — marveling at their brand-new protection.  I could hear the faint noises of celebration coming from within; cheers and music drifted through the barrier and the tunnels. 
As my reward, I was allowed to collect my things and return to the field.  The valley looked a bit more barren than usual without me in it.  I don’t know why I was so melancholy leaving it; I hadn’t liked sleeping there at all. Longingly, I watched the festivities from afar.  “If only I could actually celebrate my accomplishments with them,” I whispered, “but I bet everyone will get uncomfortable if I get too close.” I rubbed the bar on my neck unconsciously.  If only this thing worked how I made it…
Dark clouds rolled in on a strong breeze that smelled of rain.  I put up a barrier around my blankets in anticipation for the storm to come, then lay down and curled up in my empty patch of grass alone, left daydreaming about what I would be doing if I were other-world size with Erica and Ivan out celebrating.
The next morning, I woke up extremely early.  Too early. A storm had started up while I slept, and I was startled awake by a sudden downpour.  The sound of the rain pelting the barrier was horrendous.  For the whole city inside the other barrier, the sound was probably dulled by how full the hemisphere was with rock and machinery and patched-together houses.  For me in my almost empty barrier, the hollowness amplified the noise until it was impossible to sleep or even think.
I angrily took down the barrier and almost went to grab an umbrella from my own world before lightning suddenly streaked across the sky.  Shit, that’s close!  I hit the dirt, realizing that I was definitely the tallest thing in the field.  An umbrella would only make things worse.  If I got struck, I would probably just end up back in the basement rather than dying — just like what had happened on my very first day.  However, the electrical surge from an actual bolt of lightning, no matter how small, might be enough to knock me out.  At the very least, it would be tremendously painful.
Again I found myself hating my stupid living arrangements.  I was wet, my blankets and pillow were soaked, and I could barely keep my eyes open due to my early wake-up call.  The storm stopped a few hours later, but by then I’d stayed up for so long and was so soaking wet that I was already wide awake and shaking slightly with the cold.  I internally rejoiced when the sun came out, warming me up and drying me off a bit.
The whole field was practically underwater — flooded by the rain — so I took my meal to go.  I must’ve looked like an absolute mess.  The moment Erica saw me, she gave me a look that was equally pitying and slightly amused.  “You might want to borrow a brush from your world,” she chuckled, “You look like you were hit by a train.”  “Or a thunderstorm,” I grumbled, “I’ll be back.”  In a moment, I was in my own world.  
Thankfully, everyone was preoccupied with other things at the time, so I was able to get a hairbrush and a fresh change of clothes without anyone noticing me.  I stayed a bit longer once I heard my family making plans in the living room.  Soon enough they would come over to my room to bring me up to speed on their ideas, so I avoided them by taking a shower.  Minutes later, my dad yelled through the bathroom door that he and the others were heading out.  He offered to wait for me, but I turned him down.  I had to get back to the other-world.
With everyone gone, and myself finally pampered and warmed up, I took a moment to stroll through the house, marveling at how everything was just perfectly scaled to me.  Back in the basement, I packed a few extra items for my settlement — including a hairbrush.  When I went to put my things away, however; I got an ingenious idea.  Grabbing my blanket and pillow, I brought them into my world.  “I’ve had just about enough of being uncomfortable,” I grumbled.  
Taking them both into the field of strange energy, I gave them each special abilities.  I imbued the pillow with the ability to make it feel like I was sleeping on a mattress while I used it, and I imbued the blanket with the ability to be the perfect temperature at all times.  “There,” I sighed, placing them down.  “I’ll check on you later.  First, I’ve got to get back to the town.”
Erica was waiting for me in the same spot she'd stood before, milling around aimlessly, waiting for me to come back.  She did a double take once I re-appeared, then nodded.  "Yup, that's much better."  I rolled my eyes with a smile and gently scooped Erica up.  Or, more accurately, I’d barely reached for her before she scrambled up into my hand.  “Where are we going?” she asked, peering over my cupped fingers in excitement.
“Now that I have some time off, I was thinking of exploring the rest of the mountains over here.  I’ll get a lay of the land, maybe find another town.”  “Another town?” Ivan echoed.  He’d just stepped out of one of the new tunnels and overhead me.  “I don’t think that’s a good idea..  You’ll just terrify a bunch of innocent people.”  
“But I could help them!  I could give everyone a barrier just like this one,” I explained, gesturing towards the Cavern Town, now sealed off by an indestructible opaque hemisphere.  “You should wait until we know the barrier actually works before you do that.”  My brows furrowed in concern, and I knelt to see Ivan’s expression.  “You don’t think it’ll work?” I asked, slightly offended.  I’d worked hard to create something that would protect everyone from the likes of the scientists.
“All I’m saying is that we have no proof that it does work,” he reasoned, “I’m fairly confident it will keep the giants out, and so are most people, or else we wouldn’t have let you put it up.  But no one knows that for sure because no one’s ever tried to break in. You said so yourself that you couldn’t fully test it.”  I nodded, seeing the logic behind Ivan’s argument.  I wanted to solve everything desperately — to keep awful things from happening and to prove I wasn’t a part of such awful things myself — but not so desperate that I was willing to give false hope to people just to relieve some of the stress.
However, Erica scoffed in my cupped hands.  “And?  What are you suggesting?  Do you want us to lure some giants over to test it?” She asked sarcastically.  “No!” Ivan yelled, exasperation growing in his voice.  “We should know for a fact that the barrier keeps giants out before we go promising it to others!  If they’re depending on it to keep them alive and it fails, you’re going to be responsible for their capture!”  Erica was ready to quip something snide in return, but I placed my hand over her — holding her in an interlocking cage of my own fingers.  Again, it was hard to tell if they were getting along or genuinely fighting.
“Erica, let it go.  He has a point; we can’t go around giving out barriers claiming they can stop the scientists when we don’t know if they actually do.”  I could hear her grumble in protest, but her voice was too muffled by my fingers to understand.  “I’ll just patrol around the valley today.  Want to come with us, Ivan?”
He shook his head, “I have plenty of things to do in town.”  I nodded, watching him leave.  Was that an excuse not to come, or does he genuinely have stuff to get done?  Erica yelled something and I quickly released her.  “What did you say?”  “I said forget about him.  If he wants to sit around in the rocks, let him.  He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”  With an annoyed huff, Erica gave a running leap out into the open air before landing on my chest, clinging to the fabric of my shirt.  She clambered up to one of my shoulders and sat atop it — perched a dizzying height above the ground for someone as tiny as her.  
“Alright I’m set, let’s go,” she said as nonchalantly as if she’d got into a car rather than jumped over a deadly long gap.  Speechless, I glanced over at her with wide eyes.  She snickered and leaned back slightly, grinning at me.  “Something wrong?” Erica asked in an innocent voice.  I shook my head at her reproachfully.  “You’re crazy.  I don’t know how you get the confidence to do half the things you do.”
Erica thought silently as I meandered around the outskirts of the valley.  “Well, I know you’ll always be there to stop anything bad from happening,” she answered with a nonchalant shrug.  Of course I’ll always take care of her, but she she should still be at least a little self-conscious, shouldn’t she? It’s not just her I have to worry about anymore; it’s the whole town. The daunting reality had dawned in my mind watching the crowds of people outside the mountain, but now it had really settled in.
“We've.. stopped," Erica stated in confusion.  I could feel her edge forward slightly, trying to gauge my pensive expression from the side.  "Alexis?  Are you alright?"  A long sigh escaped my lips and I put a hand to one of my temples to massage it.  A slight headache had tormented me for the past few days.  The storm the night before had only worsened it.
"Yeah.  I'm just.. tired, I guess."  I sat down heavily on a flatter part of the mountainside.  "You haven't been getting much sleep in the valley, have you?" Erica asked, realizing how exhausted I really was.  "Well, there's that.  But I've also been so stressed with the whole 'this barrier better work because if it doesn't you might be leaving a few thousand people defenseless' thing too,” I added.  Erica patted the side of my neck comfortingly, I turned to her and she brushed a stray lock of hair from my face.  
“I know, love.  People talk in that mountain, too.  They know they have to rely on you…  It’s a mixed reaction, really.  All those people — I can’t imagine the burden,” she said softly.  “Even-” she paused, shook her head, then started again.  “I’m here.  I’ll help in every way I can, I promise.  I hate that this is happening to you.. to us, but I’m with you.  Even if I’m not physically fighting beside you.  Even if I really want to be…” Erica gave me a little pleading look and I returned it with a half smile.  “If you’re scared or stressed or anything, pick me up anytime and let me help you.”
“Thank you,” I sighed. Smiling softly at her, I reached up and stroked her arm, then carefully rested the pad of my thumb against the side of her head.  A rare genuine smile passed Erica’s lips as she closed her eyes, leaning into my touch.  “I didn’t get a lot of sleep-” I paused to yawn, “last night too, so you aren’t entirely wrong about the no sleep thing either. Stupid thunderstorm kept me up.”  “Then what are you doing carrying me around?” Erica asked incredulously, “Go and get some sleep, you big dork!”  “But, it’s not even dark-”  “If you’re stressed and tired, you have no reason to be up right now!  Go to bed.  No excuses.”
Sighing, I lifted Erica off my shoulder to get a better look at her.  She knelt in my palms, looking meaningfully up at me, gesturing for me to bring her closer.  The moment I bridged the small gap between us, Erica pressed a small kiss onto my cheek.  “Go rest,” she said softly, “You deserve a break, Alexis.”  I gave in — nodding my agreement as I headed back to the right mountain to let Erica off.  Leaving her and everyone behind the safety of the barrier, I trudged off to my things that I’d returned to the field.
When I flopped over onto my blanket, it felt like heaven.  I’d forgotten that I gave little powers to my bedding.  I spread out completely, enjoying all the room I had out in the field.  The tight walls of the valley near the Cavern Town had previously restricted my sleeping space — it had been close to claustrophobic.  Now I had all the room I could want, as well as my new more comfortable sleeping arrangements.  Though there were still plenty more hours of daylight left, I was asleep in minutes.
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eridanidreams · 7 months
Snippet Sunday
Tagging the usual suspects! Post if you got it, enjoy if you don't!
@bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @therealgchu, @staticpallour and @artemis-crimson
from stars through my fingers like grains of sand, wip chapter
Cait let out a soft sigh. "I try not to look that deeply. It's… intrusive. And even surface feelings can be hard to deal with if there's a lot of people around. Or if they're particularly strong personalities." Abruptly, she shoved herself out of the pilot's chair to stand below one of the massive windows. It really was a fantastic view. "Like pretty much everyone in Constellation."
Humor wreathed around Andreja's reply. "Ah. I begin to see why you spend your time out in the starfield." Cait chuckled wryly as Andreja took two steps to stand beside her. "I know that my beliefs are not yours, but if it is wisdom you seek, I shall offer you what I may."
"I… yes?" Cait said, wondering why Andreja seemed so hesitant about offering—and then she realized what the problem might be. "I don't mind you sharing your beliefs with me. I get touchy around Matteo because he won't stop." She let out a frustrated little breath. "I know he means well, but…"
"His enthusiasm can outweigh his consideration," Andreja agreed. "And I shall remember that." Cait kept her gaze on the vista before her, but she was still entirely aware of Andreja's appraising look. "Among my people, one such as you is cherished. 'Let he who hears the hearts of his people be your guide, for he is close to the heart of the Serpent. But ward him well, for only when heart and mind sing in harmony will he hear the truth of the universe.'" She fell silent for a few moments, letting Cait consider what she had said. "I think," she said, a quiet kindness hidden for only Cait to hear, "perhaps your heart and mind are not in such harmony."
Cait let out a long sigh. Harmony was the last word she would use—her mind she used as a wall against outside emotions; her own feelings had been co-opted to undermine her mind. Throw in the Artifacts and Towers, and some days she felt like the fictional martini: shaken and stirred. "Not so much, no."
"And yet, however marred your past, you are here and whole, a valued member of Constellation." Andreja's voice was cool and calm as ever, but an almost shy appreciation peeked between the words. "I have enjoyed the opportunity to travel with you."
"I—" Cait stammered a little, "—ah, likewise." She took a deep breath and turned her head to meet Andreja's eyes again. "Maybe, one day, you'll tell me a little more? Maybe see if you can teach me a little of that harmony."
The ship rang with the sound of the hatch closing. Andreja's eyes warmed almost imperceptibly, though her smile was more sensed than seen. "It would be my pleasure," she said quietly. "But Sam has returned, which undoubtedly means that Vladimir has provided another potential Temple location to investigate."
Cait gave Andreja a mock-scowl at the name. "Et tu, Brute?" Behind her, Sam's feet rang on the deck, Cora's laughter pealing after him.
"Sorry, darlin'," Sam chuckled as he took the stairs two at a time, "you're destined to lose that one." He gave Andreja a friendly smile. "Vlad sends his best, as usual. And if you'll excuse me," he pulled Cait back against him to press a quick kiss against her cheek. "Miss me?"
"You were all of thirty meters and an open hatch away," Cait said tartly. At his lugubrious look, she shook her head and smiled. "Yes, I missed you. Satisfied?"
"For the moment," he grinned. "You two plotting anything interesting up here?"
Cait wasn't quite sure how to answer that one, but Andreja didn't hesitate. "I believe the phrase you would use is… 'girl stuff'."
"Girl stuff," Sam said, eyeing both of them a little skeptically.
"We are 'girls', yes?" Andreja asked logically. "We are doing 'stuff'. Therefore, 'girl stuff'."
"Which, in your case, involves particle beams and edged weapons. Got it." Sam shook his head with another laugh. "All right. So who wants to know where we're going next?"
Cait slid back into the captain's seat. "Lay it on me," she said. Despite all the problems she was struggling with, his presence never failed to lift her spirits.
"Next stop, Altair."
Cait pulled up the starmap, pressing the button to confirm the course… and her breath was punched out by the sudden, absolute dread that seized her.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
i never really understood why everyone was so into agent whiskey and just never looked in deeper but i read all of palomino recently (i’ve been a fan of yours since the beginning of consent though) and… girl. GIRL. a work of ART. i suddenly love whiskey. you’ve made me understand the hype
SWEET ANON. Thank you for this message, you really came for me 😭 I’ll be honest, even when I started writing Palomino, I didn’t expect to fall head over heels for this cowboy. But there’s something about him. He's written as so one-dimensional in the movie, but that monologue in the diner? It gives me goosebumps every time. And it just makes me want to give him all the happiness he deserves.
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I am so, so honoured to be the one converting you to Whiskey 🥹 It is my mission to spread the Jack love! Now, I'll be remiss if I don't mention a few of my favourites Jack fics. Since many Whiskey fics in the fandom fall under a particular kink that I'm not into (no judgement, I just don't read it), I'm very picky and I haven't read too many, but these are all amazing:
Cognitive Dissonance by @prolix-yuy is the Jack fic that converted me to Whiskey in the first place. It's one of my favourite series hands down - LJ knows how crazy I am about her cowboy! She has also written some other excellent Jack oneshots, including the super hot Jack x Reader x Marcus Pike threesome Two Truths and a Lie.
Stars Hit The Ceiling by @jazzelsaur I'm pretty sure was the first threesome fic I ever read, and it is still one of my faves. Her Whiskey is delicious and is written so beautifully and sensitively. I can't get enough of the dynamics between these three.
Salty Caramel by @iamskyereads is such a fun and sexy action piece. I remember when Skye mentioned this Whiskey and sex pollen idea to me and my brain literally short-circuited before I even read it. I love everything Skye writes and her Whiskey is no exception!
Over Ice by @haylzcyon is like a warm fuzzy winter coat. This adorable fic gives me all the feels, and Hayley was kind enough to entertain my request for the follow-up Shaken Not Stirred. I love this universe so much!
Under Marula Trees by @deadhumourist sends me on safari vacation with Whiskey and all the gang? Yes please! I love this fic to bits, and I'm ready to dive back in whenever Ani is!
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feraltuxedo · 2 years
Joint Honours
My new university AU just started posting!
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Joint Honours by FeralTuxedo E, 13 chapters. Summary: PhD student Aziraphale is busy enough with his studies at Tadfield University. But at the start of a new semester, his measured routine gets shaken up by the sudden responsibility of teaching, the arrival of an irresistible new house mate, and a mysteriously flirtatious sausage roll.
Excerpt from chapter 1:
By the time Anathema rang the doorbell, Aziraphale had transformed the contents of his fridge drawer into a passable vegetable stir-fry. They piled up their plates and settled at the large table.
‘What did Gabriel want this time?’ she asked between bites.
Aziraphale, only too happy that the subject of Sausage Roll Man had not been picked up again, told her about the Introduction to Jane Austen seminar that had so suddenly been thrust upon him.
‘Oh.’ She looked surprised. ‘That’s great, isn’t it? Right up your street, and you’ll get paid for it. What’s the catch?’
‘The lecturer is, well, she’s a bit scary.’
Aziraphale looked resolutely down at his plate, but Anathema’s raised eyebrows somehow still made it into his field of vision.
‘Aziraphale soon-to-be-Doctor Fell, don’t you think you’re a little old to be intimidated by—’
Her dressing down was interrupted by the opening of the kitchen door and the entrance of a tall man with windswept red hair and the longest legs Aziraphale had ever had the good fortune to behold.
He quite forgot to be embarrassed about his healthy respect for Dr Celeste, and instead stared at the intruder, who stared right back. Warm brown eyes surrounded by high cheekbones and finely arched brows.
He paused in the doorway, lamplight from the corridor flowing around his skinny frame, dressed from head to toe in black. There was a pair of sunglasses hooked into the neckline of his t-shirt and a squashed packet of cigarettes sticking out of the front pocket of his denims. He looked startlingly out of place here, like he belonged on a sandy beach on the Adriatic coast rather than a run-down student kitchen in Oxfordshire.
Good lord, Aziraphale thought, or possibly whispered.
‘Whoops, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt,’ the stranger said after a moment. ‘Just wanted something from the fridge.’
‘Oh, no, not at all,’ Aziraphale was quick to reply.
Then, to his intense mortification, he jumped up from his chair and ripped open the fridge, like a gentleman holding the door for his lady.
The man frowned.
‘Er, cheers.’
He noticed the cold sausage roll on the counter next to the fridge, raising a questioning eyebrow at it.
‘You can have that,’ Aziraphale stammered, picking up the pastry and thrusting it into the man’s hand. ‘If you want, I mean. I don’t need it.’
The stranger’s mouth pulled into an amused smile, and Aziraphale had the sinking feeling that he was making an awful mess of this.
‘Cheers,’ the man said again, holding the sausage roll between two long fingers as he sauntered over to the door and turned around with one hand on the frame.
He gave Aziraphale a slow, lingering look that took in every part of him, starting with his scuffed charity shop brogues and ending, he was certain, with the depths of his very soul. Aziraphale slammed the fridge shut and folded his arms in an unmistakable gesture of defence.
The stranger’s smile widened, all traces of sarcasm replaced by appreciation.
‘I’m Crowley, by the way. Just moved into 4A, right at the top.’ He pointed the sausage roll at the ceiling. ‘See you around.’
The door closed, the click echoing through the vast, high-ceilinged kitchen. A few seconds later, there was the creaking and groaning of the ancient wooden staircase. Aziraphale exhaled heavily and risked a look at Anathema, who sat at the table, chopsticks frozen in the air halfway to her mouth.
‘Anathema, I swear—’
‘Holy fucking shit. Did you see him? Did you actually look at him?’
‘Lord in heaven, I looked.’ Aziraphale sank back into his chair, glancing up to the ceiling, where Crowley was presumably settling into his new room just across the hall from his own. ‘Bet you regret not moving in here now.’
Anathema snorted.
‘Yeah, right. As if I have a chance, way he was staring at you.’
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Day 19
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Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli
1. By the burning of the incense was the Word revealed, and by the distant drug.
2. O meal and honey and oil! O beautiful flag of the moon, that she hangs out in the centre of bliss!
3. These loosen the swathings of the corpse; these unbind the feet of Osiris, so that the flaming God may rage through the firmament with his fantastic spear.
4. But of pure black marble is the sorry statue, and the changeless pain of the eyes is bitter to the blind.
5. We understand the rapture of that shaken marble, torn by the throes of the crowned child, the golden rod of the golden God.
6. We know why all is hidden in the stone, within the coffin, within the mighty sepulchre, and we too answer Olalám! Imál! Tutúlu! as it is written in the ancient book.
7. Three words of that book are as life to a new aeon; no god has read the whole.
8. But thou and I, O God, have written it page by page.
9. Ours is the elevenfold reading of the Elevenfold word.
10. These seven letters together make seven diverse words; each word is divine, and seven sentences are hidden therein.
11. Thou art the Word, O my darling, my lord, my master!
12. O come to me, mix the fire and the water, all shall dissolve.
13. I await Thee in sleeping, in waking. I invoke Thee no more; for Thou art in me, O Thou who hast made me a beautiful instrument tuned to Thy rapture.
14. Yet art Thou ever apart, even as I.
15. I remember a certain holy day in the dusk of the year, in the dusk of the Equinox of Osiris, when first I beheld Thee visibly; when first the dreadful issue was fought out; when the Ibis-headed One charmed away the strife.
16. I remember Thy first kiss, even as a maiden should. Nor in the dark byways was there another: Thy kisses abide.
17. There is none other beside Thee in the whole Universe of Love.
18. My God, I love Thee, O Thou goat with gilded horns!
19. Thou beautiful bull of Apis! Thou beautiful serpent of Apep! Thou beautiful child of the Pregnant Goddess!
20. Thou hast stirred in Thy sleep, O ancient sorrow of years! Thou hast raised Thine head to strike, and all is dissolved into the Abyss of Glory.
21. An end to the letters of the words! An end to the sevenfold speech.
22. Resolve me the wonder of it all into the figure of a gaunt swift camel striding over the sand.
23. Lonely is he, and abominable; yet hath he gained the crown.
24. Oh rejoice! rejoice!
25. My God! O my God! I am but a speck in the star-dust of ages; I am the Master of the Secret of Things.
26. I am the Revealer and the Preparer. Mine is the Sword — and the Mitre and the Wingèd Wand!
27. I am the Initiator and the Destroyer. Mine is the Globe — and the Bennu bird and the Lotus of Isis my daughter!
28. I am the One beyond these all; and I bear the symbols of the mighty darkness.
29. There shall be a sigil as of a vast black brooding ocean of death and the central blaze of darkness, radiating its night upon all.
30. It shall swallow up that lesser darkness.
31. But in that profound who shall answer: What is?
32. Not I.
33. Not Thou, O God!
34. Come, let us no more reason together; let us enjoy! Let us be ourselves, silent, unique, apart.
35. O lonely woods of the world! In what recesses will ye hide our love?
36. The forest of the spears of the Most High is called Night, and Hades, and the Day of Wrath; but I am His captain, and I bear His cup.
37. Fear me not with my spearmen! They shall slay the demons with their petty prongs. Ye shall be free.
38. Ah, slaves! ye will not — ye know not how to will.
39. Yet the music of my spears shall be a song of freedom.
40. A great bird shall sweep from the abyss of Joy, and bear ye away to be my cup-bearers.
41. Come, O my God, in one last rapture let us attain to the Union with the Many!
42. In the silence of Things, in the Night of Forces, beyond the accursèd domain of the Three, let us enjoy our love!
43. My darling! My darling! away, away beyond the Assembly and the Law and the Enlightenment unto an Anarchy of solitude and Darkness!
44. For even thus must we veil the brilliance of our Self.
45. My darling! My darling!
46. O my God, but the love in Me bursts over the bonds of Space and Time; my love is spilt among them that love not love.
47. My wine is poured out for them that never tasted wine.
48. The fumes thereof shall intoxicate them and the vigour of my love shall breed mighty children from their maidens.
49. Yea! without draught, without embrace: — and the Voice answered Yea! these things shall be.
50. Then I sought a Word for Myself; nay, for myself.
51. And the Word came: O Thou! it is well. Heed naught! I love Thee! I love Thee!
52. Therefore had I faith unto the end of all; yea, unto the end of all.
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