malazanquotes · 10 months
Menandore frowned: "Shadowthrone, what are advocates?"
"A profession devoted to the subversion of laws for profit"
Reaper's Gale, pg 126
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humbababa · 1 year
"Did you know that we too left civilization behind? The scribblers were closing in on all their shuffling feet and sloped shoulders, their bloodless lists. Oh, measure it all out! Acceptable levels of misery and suffering!
Acceptable? Who the fuck says Any level is acceptable? What sort of mind thinks like that?"
Karsa grinned, "Why, a civilized one."
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chloristoflora · 10 months
"Well!" Rath'Shadowthrone snapped. "You can hardly sit on the Mask Council, then, can you?"
The Malazan named Whiskeyjack burst out laughing, the sound startling everyone at the table.
Stonny twisted in her seat to the High Priest of Shadow. "Does your god truly know how small your brain really is? What is the issue? Elder Gods don't know the secret handshake? His mask is too realistic?"
"He's immortal, you slut!"
"Kind of guarantees seniority," Gruntle commented. "Eventually..."
"Do not make light of this, eater of rats!"
"And if you dare throw that word again at Stonny, I will kill you," the Daru said. "As for making light, it is hard not to. We're all trying to swallow the implications of all this. An Elder God has stepped into the fray... against what we'd thought to be a mortal empire - by the Abyss, what have we got ourselves into? But you, your first and solitary thought is fixated on membership in your paltry, overinflated council. Shadowthrone must be cringing right now."
"He's likely used to it," Stonny grated, sneering at the High Priest, "when it comes to this bag of slime."
Rath'Shadowthrone gaped at her.
Memories of Ice, by Steven Erikson (Malazan Book of the Fallen #3)
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strixessabre · 2 years
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Frost really did >:c and we all ate it up. Go take this angery drummer home
( Strixes’ Sabre )
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ae-neon · 14 days
Is Fisher Circle Breaker??? Unlikely because Anomandaris sounded like an old poem
Got back to my gotm reread (in prep for book 3 because I'm procrastinating a different book) and I am noticing things 🤔
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Also icarium (and mappo) mentioned!! my brain totally skipped over that the first time
When Rake spoke his voice as a ravaged whisper. 'Icarium's gifts. I recognize the style. Five Tusks, Moon's Tears – the Wheel is his, correct?'
Eyes wide, Baruk hissed his surprise between his teeth. A dozen questions struggled to be uttered first, but the Lord continued.
'In the future, I'd suggest you heed Icarium's gifts – all of them. A thousand years is not so long a time, Alchemist. Not so long a time. Icarium last visited me eight hundred years ago, in the company of the Trell Mappo, and Osric – or Osserc, as the local worshippers call him.'
Rake smiled bitterly. 'Osric and I argued, as I recall, and it was all Brood could do to keep us apart. It was an old argument ...' His almond eyes shaded into grey. He fell silent, lost in memories.
The glossary says Osserc is Lord of the Sky 👀 can't wait to find out who Osric is
But "Moon's Tears" - and the fact that I'm pretty sure it was someone working under Caladan Brood, Prince K'azz, maybe also Kallor, that threatened Serrat and Anomander - makes me afraid to come back to Genabackis for the stuff I think is gonna be touched on in MoI
and in the Calling Down to earth the God was Crippled, and so Chained in its place.
In the Calling Down many lands were sundered by the God's Fists, and things were born and things were released.
Chained and Crippled was this God and it bred caution in the unveiling of its powers. The Crippled God bred caution but not well enough, for the powers of the earth came to it in the end. Chained was the Crippled God, and so Chained was it destroyed.
And upon this barren plain that imprisoned the Crippled God many gathered to the deed.
Hood, grey wanderer of Death, was among the gathering, as was Dessembrae, then Hood's Warrior – though it was here and in this time that Dessembrae shattered the bonds Hood held upon him. Also among the gathering were...
I'll come back to this when it makes sense but 🤨 noticed
Shadowthrone to Quick Ben: 'It is you! Delat! You shapeshifting bastard!'
Shapeshifting as in Soletaken or Divers or what 😶
Cotillion possessed Sorry: A flash of rage ran through her. Memory was attached to Otataral, a very personal memory.
Raest drove his senses down into the ground, seeking what dwelt there. Earth and bedrock, the sluggish molten darkness beneath, down, down to find the sleeping goddess – young as far as the Jaghut Tyrant was concerned.
Get your nasty hands off my girl Burn you freak
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smokingchagga · 2 months
Rereading Gardens of the Moon for the first time is a fucking joy. It's actually nuts seeing how much stuff I missed on my first read. And the foreshadowing?? The Shadowthrone & Cotillion twist is painfully obvious when you know it's coming. I genuinely have no idea how I didn't catch it until Deadhouse Gates spelled it out for me.
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metalcultbrigade · 16 days
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Satyricon - The Shadowthrone. 12/09/1994
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infecto-groovalistic · 4 months
not doing mcr bc it would win
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gedoran · 8 months
'Thats all you have to say? This is a momentous scene, you fat fool! This is where everything really, truly, finally begins! So squeeze the ale from your brain, mortal, and say something worthy of your kind. You stand before a god! Speak your eloquence for all posterity. Be profound!'
'Profound ... huh.' Temper was silent for a long moment, studying the cobbles of the alley mouth. And then he lifted his helmed head, faced Shadowthrone, and said, 'Fuck off.'
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luciferiantorture · 2 years
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“In the mist of the shadows by the river of the fogplace
Two great spear and a flag of dominion and hate
Over the chasm riders of doom “
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone - Red Vinyl
First 3 Satyricon records are one of the most creative forces in the early Norwegian scene. I could listen to first 3 all day , everyday 🥵👍
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beastofmetal666 · 15 days
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖊
12 𝖉𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖊 𝖉𝖊 1994
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𝖃𝖃𝖃 𝕬𝖓𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔 del lanzamiento del segundo álbum de Satyricon "The Shadowthrone", grabado en los Waterfall Studios en 1994, producido por el mismo Satyr y lanzado por su mismo sello discográfico Moonfog Productions. El total encumbramiento del black metal noruego, un total clásico, la cumbre de la escena. Satyricon estaba en su punto más álgido y produjo una impresionante y majestuosa obra maestra. Satyricon nos había entregado con su debut una oda de odio anticristiano y descomunal oscuridad, esta vez todos esos sentimientos llegan a su cenit. Las influencias están: el legado de Euronymous y del sonido de los Grieghallen con Pytten a la cabeza es visible, pero Satyricon quiso aparte crear su propio mundo, su sonido, su mitología, basada en la historia pagana noruega y la lucha contra el cristianismo. La música de Satyricon se vuelve algo único, algo en verdad imposible de discernir sin ellos, Satyr crea una total obra épica de oscuridad y mitos nórdicos envueltos en un fascinante misticismo. Empieza con "Hvite Krists død" (La muerte del Cristo blanco) y una imponente declaración de guerra "Kampen mot Gud og hvitekrist er igang!" (La batalla contra Dios y Cristo comenzó), a partir de ahí queda todo claro, no hay puntos medios, esta es una guerra cultural total contra el enemigo invasor, la bastarda y decadente ideología cristiana, es necesaria una purificación que tiene que ser llevada a cabo con el fuego y el martillo. Los pasajes de intensidad black se suceden con atmósferas impresionantes, realmente nos trasladan a otro mundo, al reino de los dioses y reyes nórdicos, al gobierno de la noche y de los espíritus y criaturas que moran el bosque, simplemente un alucinante viaje del que no quieres despertar. Hablando del desempeño de los músicos es algo igualmente abrumador, Satyr es un genio componiendo e invocando su legado, tocando ese poderoso y veloz riffeo, ese sonido "blacker" frío y mordaz, Frost en la batería se supera a sí mismo, su variación de tiempos y su intensidad es algo en verdad único. Un álbum en verdad increíble, apabullante, genial, grandioso, con una producción excelente, y una música que nos transmite la inextinguible pasión, la verdadera llama que incendia los corazones nórdicos.
¡𝐒𝐢́𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞! 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋
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metalshockfinland · 24 days
Inferno Metal Festival Adds SATYRICON, ROTTING CHRIST & More to 2025 Line-Up
Inferno Metal Festival is pleased to announce that Satyricon, Rotting Christ, Attan, Uma, and Dizmal are confirmed for Inferno Metal Festival 2025! INFERNO METAL FESTIVAL 17. – 20. APRIL 2025 SATYRICONSatyricon really needs no further introduction. With albums like “The Shadowthrone,” “Nemesis Divina,” “Volcano,” “Now, Diabolical,” and “Deep Calleth upon Deep,” Satyricon has established itself…
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danzameccanica · 10 years
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Della prima iconica, (dis)sacra(nte) e intoccabile trilogia dei Satyricon The Shadowthrone è stato l’ultimo disco ad aver ascoltato, dopo Nemesis Divina e Dark Medieval Times. The Shadowthrone è l’album più medievale, più tipicamente anni ’90, con un’ottima fusione fra chitarre, tastiere e atmosfera lugubre ma con una certa monumentalità. I synth avvolgono tutte le chitarre enfatizzando le melodie lunghe e corpose. Già "Hvite Krists Død", brano diventato classico, ha delle particolarità che si erano già sentiti precedentemente e che diventeranno un marchio di fabbrica dei Satyricon: i riff molto lunghi, il principale è addirittura in 24/4. Ed è quel cambio successivo in 13/4 che ti entra in testa come un coltello, che ti fa dire “ma, c’è qualcosa di strano” (ricordiamoci sempre che il blackmetal è in genere semplice, lineare, che punta sull’atmosfera, spesso sugli stessi riff a velocità diversa ecc…) e che rende The Shadowthrone speciale. Anche la successiva "The Mist my the Hills" è interamente costruita attorno allo stesso riff; all’epoca alcuni avvicinavano i Satyricon agli Emperor, soprattutto per l’uso dei synth e per l’aiuto di Samoth quale bassista in questo album. In realtà il bello della scena norvegese della prima metà degli anni ’90 è che benché si sentano piccole influenze provenire dalle solite band seminali (Mayhem, Burzum, Immortal, Darkthrone, Enslaved…) poi ogni gruppo aveva un modo personale di svilupparle.
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I Satyricon, in questo momento, hanno sviluppato il lato folk, con chitarre acustiche spesso presenti ("Woods of Eternity"), flauti e rumori ambientali. "Dominions of Satyricon" è uno dei pezzi più epici di tutto il black metal con tanto di trombe e tamburi; fanfare squillanti che ricordano Anthems ma che qui sono molto più spoglie e lugubri. Parliamo di due eleganze molto diverse, quella degli Emperor raffinata come una corte europea, quella dei Satyricon possente come un castello fra le rocce. Il songwriting è eccezionale fra stop e ripartenze; Frost accentua perfettamente le parti terminali di giri; i synth in chiusura creano un outro perfetto: una mini-traccia a sé stante isolata dal resto del brano ma con un sentore di continuità.
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Eccelsa anche "The King of Satyricon" con quel suo secondo riff pazzesco che va già ad anticipare il modo di comporre in Nemesis Divina e il finale che verrà raddoppiato dai violoncelli e dalla chitarra acustica. Chiude la strumentale di soli sintetizzatori "I en Svart Kiste": solennità, monumentalità, viaggio nel passato cavalleresco che ben poche band hanno saputo descrivere così. I synth assomigliano a oboi e viole e descrivono questi immensi paesaggi medievali, nei quali il cielo spinge potentemente sulle rocce e sui prati. Questo outro sarà l’anello di collegamento con l'unico album solista di Satyr sotto lo pseudonimo di Wongraven (che in realtà è il suo cognome): una piccola gemma di musica medievale suonata coi synth; o in altre parole il modo di concepire riff black metal ma riadattati alla tasteira. The Shadowthrone è uno dei paradigmi del black metal norvegese anni ’90, prima che tutto il genere diventasse più aggressivo, più digitale, più legato al death e al thrash. Questo si vedrà dal 1997 quando i Dimmu Borgir inaugureranno le registrazioni agli Abyss Studios e riempiranno i loro riff col palm-mute. The Shadowthrone rappresenta ancora il mondo precedente, quando le composizioni erano aperte, ispirate e primitive; senza mancare di austerità e magniloquenza. Un perfetto bilanciamento con ancora echi naïf e con l’incredibile forza creatrice pura e incontaminata di alcuni ragazzi che conoscevano solo il proprio mondo, e lo sapevano descrivere davvero bene.
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ragingsteel666-blog · 3 months
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djkelli · 6 months
Even Goth Girls Are Country
https://flic.kr/p/2pGkapa The Bearded Guy – Granero Trail Backdrop Sabbath Event runs from 21st of March to the 11th of April .Everything Below this Line can be found at the Sabbath Event.—————————————————————— Miss Black – Cotrini Female Version VelvetVue – Shadowthron Makeup – Lipstick Only Hexed – Belial Eysshadow CAMO – Rue Braids (Rigged) . Snookie Store . ~ Help Day ~ Energy Drink +…
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ae-neon · 4 months
Feel Free to Ignore
Don't have the time and brain capacity to jump into Memories of Ice rn (though I have read the prologue) so I'm rereading Gardens of The Moon for comfort (pain)
Barely past the battle of Pale and already my brain is itching for connections and answers
- What the hell happened to Dassem Ultor, what god did he betray and where is he (he's definitely not dead)
- the emperor met a watery demise 🤔 nothing about Ammanas /Shadowthrone /Kellanved feels connected to water but I'm remembering the stranded ship with the decapitated crew in the warren with an ocean that was not an ocean at all
-^ now that I'm thinking about this the T'lan Imass we meet there do something similar to the Jaghut children in the moi prologue, sacrificing someone to seal a rift
- the cough in Lorn's room after Paran left and how she knew what happened in the throne room. Laseen's guards also react to unspoken commands, she remembers Paran from years ago and given what we see when Kalam meets her in DHG, there is definitely magery at play
- can't wait to get more of Tavore, I was only slightly disappointed we didn't see her in DHG but it was completely understandable given how much that book already covered
- ^ also given (I might be misremembering) how it was Tavore who arranged a member of the Talon to look after Felisin, Gamet the houseguard and the mystery of his background is standing out more to me now
- I missed quick Ben and Kalam duo so bad
- Lorn, I love you
- Calot was actually so sweet for the 0.5 seconds we knew him 😭
- Hairlock is 7 cities???? He is also stinky and should have ripped Tayschrenn's throat out
- From Sail's description of Dujek looking younger and stronger and even a little taller than he should and given his fame, I think he had already begun his ascension
- I already figured out the sister of cold night's identity from her talk with kallor but in hindsight it's actually so sad that part of her bond with Bellurdan was due to the advice she'd taken from her brother
- I don't know why my brain didn't register on first read that the bridgeburners had essentially been stuck digging under Pale for YEARS before the battle of Pale. I feel so sorry for Whiskeyjack and his men
- the poem about Caladan Brood implying Anomander Rake has "recently" awaken
- had to check but during her speculation on the warren, the bonecaster guesses omtose phellack, tellann, and starvald demelain but not the two tiste elder warrens.
-^ the tiste andii are elder creatures, something like Mother Dark's first children but the bonecaster doesn't consider them. I wonder if they didn't cross paths as a species then
- wtf really happened in the last 7 cities campaign, like I remember it's implied that whatever went down at Aren was a mess
- and what the fuck halved the T'lan Imass forces
Some of these might get answered in Gardens itself but it's crazy how much more there is to pick up on during a reread and I'm only 2 books into the series. Malazan gonna have me set for life 😭
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