#shadow wyvern leader
shadowfoxsilver · 4 months
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Shadow Wyvern Leader
The well known and often feared leader of the Shadow Wyverns.
A massive Shadow Wyvern originating from a peculiar line, the Shadow Wyvern Leader is considered the strongest of the modern Wyverns despite being as old as the Ancients. Often referred to as the flying shadow, he is somewhat of a mystery because most of what is known is what he did in the past that resulted in him being banished until recently.
It is known that in the distant past he unleashed an attack that nearly led to the extinction of Elemental Wyverns that weren’t shadow. Thankfully they did survive, and the Ancients remain as proof his plan didn’t succeed. However, there is one thing most didn’t know: He has a sibling. A Light Wyvern who is now one of the Ancients.
Otherwise, the Shadow Wyvern Leader is just a powerful Shadow Wyvern. He is not an Ancient, and possibly is jealous he isn’t. The real Ancient is hidden in the shadows and avoids him. She does not hate him. She’s just disappointed.
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moonlightazriel · 7 months
Chapter 2: New world same problems /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: Y/N meets their leader and get some answers.
Word Count: 3,2K
Warnings: Just some angst and swearing.
Notes: I hate how tumblr posts drafts when you edit them, so we had another leak with this one. Great just great. Also, if you're not getting notified even if you're in the taglist, please let me know!!
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Green liquid dripped from the beast's exposed teeth, as well as the thorns adorned the tail he had placed in front of her as a barrier. They had no way of getting closer to her, the option was either get eaten or get poisoned, if the flowers dying where the liquid touched was any indication of it. 
Cassian knew that too, and he motioned for Azriel to leave his shadows by his side so he wouldn’t scare the female. If he dared turn away from her, he would see that his shadows were already pooled by his feet, calmly resting like they did when no threat lingered around. 
“You’re in Prythian.” Cassian started, hands projecting away from his body in an attempt to appear friendly, voice loud and calm, she had to trust them. His eyes were slightly wide with panic, the monster she called a pet making his bone chill.
“We’re not in Erilea?” The female spoke in clear shock, her eyes squinted as she analysed her surroundings. The city in the back, a bit far away from where she stood now. They wouldn’t be able to call for help quick enough if she and Meraxes decided to attack. The wyvern’s head went forward in motion with her clutching her sword harder and sliding a foot forward, to give her stability to jump on them.
Azriel could almost hear the engines turning around in her head. She had maybe thought this was Wendlyn or some of the other fae territories she hadn't visited yet. And then his ears caught the lack of whispers, not a single word left his shadows, and he dared looking down. They rested peacefully, some strands looking like they were running after others, in a playful game of hide and seek. 
He didn’t know what this could possibly mean. He tried to command them to go after her, some of them darted towards the female, spinning around her calves. She looked down, confusing lacing both of their features. She bared her teeth, sword going down with a low whistle, cutting the shadows connecting them both.
“Keep them away from me.” She barked, and the dragon growled in unison. Now Cassian was 100 percent sure that the monster would do anything to protect its rider, which really complicated things a bit more. 
“We don’t know what this place is, but you’re in the Night Court, in Prythian.” Cassian elaborated, bringing back the attention to him, her eyes scanned his face for any signs that could indicate that he was lying but found none. Rhysand scrapped their mental shields, telling them that Morrigan was going there. 
Y/N watched as a female appeared from the shadows, right in between the two males, eyes of a dark brown and a long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Mor watched the scene, looking at the female and her companion, eyes sparkling with admiration at the huge thing. 
“Who are you?” She inquired, blue eyes glued to Morrigan’s. Her body was so tense, feeling so rigid, like a band ready to snap. Her eyes glued to the trio in front of her, she wanted to look up, to where that gap had been, spitting her into this unknown land. She clutched her free hand in a fist as a thought took over her head. 
How the hell would she go back home? 
She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, forcing the wild waves of emotions that threatened to flood her chest and drown her to calm the fuck down. Never show others that you’re weak, never let them see your emotions, you were born for war, born to be a weapon, act like one. That disgusting voice of the Martron filled her mind and she took a deep breath.
“I’m Morrigan, and I'm here to help.” The two flanked the female and she thought that maybe she was their queen. Steadying her breath, focusing on keeping her wobbly knees from giving out, she spoke. 
“Finally.” She groaned, hand still gripping the sword, but she clicked her jaw, her iron teeth going back inside her gum. “I’m assuming you’re their queen, exactly who I would like to speak to.” She started, but the male covered in red stones laughed, his laughter sounding like thunder. She looked at him with her eyebrows rising to her hairline. 
“Please, never say something like that again or else she will become an even bigger asshole.” Even the quiet male with the shadows smiled at that, a beautiful smile, that once again felt so familiar that her heart ached. Morrigan rolled her eyes.
“They wish I was their queen, but do you wish to speak with our leader?” Y/N nodded. “We can take you to him.” She offered. 
“How do i know that the second i let my guard down your two bats won’t kill me and my wyvern?” Azriel watched the beast, finally putting a name to it. His gaze turned back to her, she had a very fair point.
“Because my power is the truth.” The female replied and before she could ask what the fuck that even meant, she continued. “I cannot lie, if I tried I would be in immense pain right now, and I know when others are lying.” She concluded. 
Just like a human King once could, she had heard about the power of the truth, Dorian possessed it even if he thought it was related to his sword. Asterin told her about it, she could almost hear her voice as they reunited around a fire, when she deserted from the Ferian Gap and ran away with the Thirteen to find the Crochans. 
And if she closed her eyes, she could see Asterin smiling at her, telling her to open her heart more, and that she should follow the female. She took another deep breath to steady her heart, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, with a shuddering voice, she spoke.
“Lead the way.”
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆ 
Meraxes’ wings carried her over the city, towards a mountain. She looked down, buildings adorned the streets, people stopped in their tracks, watching with curiosity the winged shadow that crossed just above their heads. A river glistened in the sun, following in the middle of the city until it disappeared between the mountains. Shops everywhere, people buying things, kids laughing and running. She thought of her home, and how hard they were working so they could have something like this to call their own. 
She dreamed of leaving the palace, having a small cabin for her, a garden with a large tree so she could rest by the end of the day, sitting in its shadows and reading her books. A tiny library to store them and a kitchen to perfect her baking skills, she wanted to learn about so much, and have a place to belong. 
She also wanted to learn about gardening, harvesting her own vegetables and fruits to bake fresh goodies, but mostly because she wanted a big flower field, with so many flowers that Meraxes would never get tired of getting to know every single one.
She shook her head, letting those thoughts be carried away with the winds that whipped her hair against her cold face. And as she looked forward again she spotted a residence carved into the mountain, the two winged males flew in front of her, guiding the way. She knew this was probably not the smartest idea, but if she wanted answers, who’s better than the owner of the place?
The males landed on a balcony, and Meraxes did the same, its claws digging into the stone of the mountain, waiting for her to get off the saddle and slide down his leg. Its huge head turned towards something in the distance and she groaned in annoyance.
The males watched her, and they had to hold back a smile as she adjusted her clothes, getting ready to walk forward, just to be brutally shoved by the wyvern’s nose, she almost fell. She turned to him with a death glare, in a staring match like they were having a conversation. 
“Fine!” She gave in. “If they kill me, at least have the decency to take some of your precious flowers to my fucking grave.” The wyvern roared and the whole mountain shook when it flew away. 
“Where is he going?” Azriel asked, eyeing the beautiful creature, its powerful muscles contracting as the wings moved in the sky. Cassian on the other hand was looking at it with worry. Would they really let that dangerous animal fly around as it pleased? 
“There’s no need to worry.” She stopped in front of him. “Meraxes is rather fond of flowers, the only thing he’ll destroy are the poor fields.” She pointed to where he flew in the distance, completely ignoring the city and aiming for the open fields away from the houses. The male with the red stones seemed to relax a bit hearing it. 
“Welcome to the House of Wind then.” Cassian gestured to the open door and she entered, the two following her close. She looked around, dark stone walls, fancy furniture adorning the space that looked like a living room. Hallways leading to hidden rooms and a big fireplace was lit. She noticed that in that room the only door was blocked by the two males, but there were plenty of windows she could jump out if things went south. 
Power lingered around the room, darkness sweeping in the corners of her mind. From the corner of a room a male appeared, he had violet eyes and dark hair, pointy ears peeking from his hair and a very tired expression. He looked just like her. 
Y/N hissed, her claws and teeth ready to attack, she backed away, her back hitting the hard chest of the Shadowsinger. The feeling of her tensed back pressed against his front, and the fact that she didn’t even realise what she had bumped into sent a wave of electricity zipping through his body. Her smell hit his nose, he had never smelled something like her before, but it somehow felt so familiar that he almost lost himself in it. She smelled like a rainy day with a tint of red wine, completely addicting. 
She felt the wall behind her back, not daring to take her eyes away from him, feeling her chest move with rapid breaths, she was trapped there with that demon. By the amount of power she could feel, and the slight scrape in her mental shields, she knew what he was before he even opened his mouth.
“Let me out, Valg scum.” She spat, anger lacing her tone. She didn’t have fire magic, but removing his head would be efficient too, even if she had to use her teeth to rip through the skin. The male looked at her confused. 
“This is our High Lord, Rhysand.” Azriel spoke from behind her, she turned her head to see him standing there, golden eyes fixed on hers, his figure towering hers, and as much as the idea of killing him made her feel weird and made her chest heavy, she would have to start with him if she wanted to kill the valg standing in front of her. 
“I don’t care about his name, I know what you are.” Not again, the horrors the Valg had done to her people, she had seen the witches being used to breed their babies. She stepped forward, to create some room between her and the male behind her. But now she was trapped with the three circling her, she cursed under her breath. 
“I won’t harm you.” Rhysand approached, she was clearly distressed, he could smell her nervousness, the anger boiling in her veins. Her eyebrows were furrowed, a defensive stance. She reached for her sword, prompting Azriel to reach for his dagger and Cassian for his sword too. “I don’t know what a Valg is, but I can assure you, I'm half fae and half illyrian.”
“Funny, Maeve also claimed she was a fae, but she was a fucking Valg Queen. Do not get closer to me if you don’t want to get impaled by my sword.” Nothing she said made sense.
“I’m not Valg or anything.” He started, hands lowering in the air to tell the illyrians to lower their weapons, this would only make her more nervous. 
“Prove it.” She challenged him.
“How?” He inquired, rubbing his temple in a tired motion, he had dealt with so much today, all he wanted to do was to be by his mate and son’s side. 
“Just a small cut, Valgs bleed black, like the putrid beings they are.” The two males behind her shared a look, he wouldn’t do it, would him? 
“Then do it, to prove that I'm speaking the truth.” He extended his arm to her, Y/N grabbed his wrist harshly with one hand, with the other, she dragged her iron claws along his skin, he winced, but red blood started to leak from the cut. “See? Not black.”
She immediately relaxed, letting him go. It didn’t make any sense, he looked so much like her, their powers almost the same. Her shoulders slumped and she let out a shaken breath, those emotions threatening to spill once more. She sheathed her sword back into place and closed her hands in fists to ground her, iron claws digging through the flesh, the pain helped her to stay in reality and keep her emotions controlled. 
Azriel smelled the faint metallic scent of blood, his eyes immediately drawn to her clenched fists, a tiny trail of blue blood slided down her hands and he had to hold himself from grabbing her hands and make her stop, the feeling in his chest of seeing her in such distressed state was strange, he couldn’t tell what he was feeling and this made him confused, he hated not knowing what to feel or say. 
“Please, have a seat, we have a lot to talk about.” Rhys gestured towards the comfortable couch in front of her and she sat, before her knees failed and she fell to the ground.
“I suppose we do.” It was only then that he noticed that despite speaking their language, she had a thick accent to it, one he had never heard before but  he liked it very much, and the Shadowsinger found himself wanting to hear more of it. 
“Let’s begin with simple questions. I’m Rhysand, these are Cassian..” He gestured to the male with red stones and longer hair, he nodded his head towards her. “And this is Azriel.” Azriel, she repeated inaudibly, wanting to test the words in her mouth, the name lighting something within her. 
“I’m Y/N. Y/N Blackbeak.” She introduced herself. “And that was Meraxes, my wyvern.” If she wanted them to help her, she would have to give them information, those kinds of things only worked with trust as Sorrel once told her. The male nodded.
“Where are you from?” She clearly wasn’t from Prythian or any land they knew, and Rhysand had a vague memory crossing his mind, the shooting star, the different smell and his power hitting it, slowing it down. 
“The Witch Kingdom in Erilea. I’m an Ironteeth witch.” It all made sense then, the claws and the teeth she had. Interesting. 
“We have never heard of such a place, how did you get here?” Rhysand asked, saying he was confused was a nice way to put it, he was completely lost. 
“I was having a beer with Fenrys..” She stopped, in a swift motion she was standing, like she could go back to him, she knew he would be looking for her soon, he had lost so much, she didn’t want to add more to his suffering. “Oh Mother, poor Fenrys.” She spoke to herself, slumping back in her seat.
 Azriel watched the scene, the male’s name making him puff his chest and take a deep breath. Cassian looked over at his brother and if he didn’t know any better, he could swear that Azriel was jealous. 
“They said I was being called to deal with the gap, so I flew there with my alliance. I got there and this slit was there, it felt like it was calling me, sunlight peeked through it. I got too close and when I opened my eyes again I was in that field and the gap was gone.” Rhysand didn’t know what this meant, a gap that made you travel to another world?
“So you didn’t come here because you wanted to?” She scoffed.
“Well, i was dealing with a lot of shit, but i don’t think  jumping to another fucking world would solve any of them, so no, i didn’t came here because i wanted.” Sarcasm laced her tone and she crossed her arms over her full chest. “I just want to go home, they need me there.” She said, and she wasn’t sure if it was to convince them or herself, she shoved the thought in the darkest corner of her mind, not wanting to think about it right now. 
“I’m sorry this happened to you, we have no idea how to send you back, but you can stay here while we figure it out.” Rhys offered and she nodded, she didn’t have anywhere else to go anyway. 
“Thank you for your kindness.” She felt her head throb and the scar itchy, she looked around and caught Azriel staring at her, his eyes glued to the scar on her face, she cringed in her seat, trying to resist the urge to hide whenever someone stared for too long. 
“You’re welcome.” He turned to the males. “Az, can you show her a room?” His tired eyes made Azriel accept. He started to walk and he heard her getting up to follow him when Cassian cleared his throat.
“HEY.” They all turned back to him. “Aren’t we discussing the most important matter?” Azriel watched as she tilted her head to the side, in a really cute way.
“What matters, Cassian?” Rhys sounded tired, he just wanted to go home.
“What does that thing eat?” Y/N looked at him, what if they didn’t have sheep for him? His favourite food. 
“Firstly, he’s not a thing, do not talk about Meraxes that way.” She warned, those strangers wouldn’t treat her baby that way. “Secondly, he loves sheep, as long as you guys have it, he will be fine.” Cassian cracked a smile.
“I wasn’t expecting sheep to be his favourite meal, I was guessing on innocent screaming people.” She rolled her eyes trying hard not to smile. 
“Nah, they make him throw up.” And with that, leaving an astonished Cassian behind, she followed the Shadowsinger. 
They walked in silence, she felt her chest heavy and all the events of the day weighing on her, she had her control slipping through her fingers, and when Azriel opened a door to a bedroom, she ran inside, knuckles turning white as she held the wooden door.
“If you need anything, my room is on the other side of the hallway, " he pointed to the door in front of her.
“Thank you, Azriel.” His name on her tongue sounded divine. She closed the door with a loud thud, leaving him standing on the other side, his shadows wanting to reach out for her from under the door, but he held them close to him.
She felt the room spinning, her breath getting stuck in her dry throat, and when everything finally sunk in, the dam broke.
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Taglist: @fieldofdaisiies @blackgirlmagicforever @a-frog-with-a-laptop @going-through-shit @asweetblueberry2
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dragonskulls · 8 months
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in the Vast Moor, the ruling system is fairly similar to other quivers; there's a leader –the Accipiter– and their second in command –the Noctua– but with the exception of having a third rank, the Corvus:
the Corvus has a practical role that borders on the religious. Wyvern training is incredibly important for moor runners, as such, it's obvious that someone who oversees that aspect would have a respected position of power. The Corvus is an influential advisor, playing a big role in the selection of future leaders, and is the one tasked to supervise all wyvern rearing in the quiver, being extremely knowledgeable on these creatures. Burials were another task traditionally assigned to them, but it wasn't until recently that they were allowed to do that again.
The reason for this previously mentioned prohibition is attributed to one dragon only: Shrikeshred
(cw for cannibalism mention lol) Shrikeshred is a controversial figure. Regarded as the Vast Moor's most talented Corvus in history –something clearly seen in her masterpiece book "Way of the shrike" which showcases her incredible wyvern handling abilities and techniques, some of which are still used today– that unfortunately took a turn for the worst. A famous cannibal, not much is known about what made her go off the deep end, though it is believed tensions with the Accipiter in her era and the lean times of winter season may have had something to do with it. After disappearing into thin air one day, her shadow is still cast over the foggy moors. How could anyone forget what she had done? There wasn't a Corvus for a long time, which proved detrimental to wyvern management in the quiver's territory. Some say she's still out there, waiting for the right moment to come back. The wyverns pictured here were Shrikeshred's favorites, all of them species considered untameable, especially the Death spitter, a dreaded wyvern that can spit boiling acid. So far she has been the first and only dragon to be able to train these species.
been wanting to post this for a while but i had to finish all the refs first 😭 if you're wondering why the style changes it's bc they were done months apart aheem. ANYHOW! im excited to do more pieces and comics revealing what actually happened with Shrikeshred, as well as other characters involved with that whole mess. Also here's some tiny bits of more info on her toyhouse
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+ some silly posts
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aries-rp-corner · 10 months
The time has come…night has finally come. Aries was at the front lines as she looked up to the sky…watching the Moon slowly turning red by the second. She can feel a heavy pressure forming in the air, until the Moon was now devoured in red. Looking out to the sea as it reflected the red color of the moon, it looked like someone stained the ocean in pure blood… The heavy pressure returned as a screech broke the silence as something swift grabbed a grunt, Aries in a quick response threw one of her Sickles to the figure. Making it cry out in pain as she now sees the grunt fall back on deck, confused and terrified from what the poor soul had experienced ... but the poor man felt like he'd been stabbed…and stabbed he was as he looked over to see the puncture wounds began to leak out blood and something else… Aries knew what that was as she ordered the others who were holding the antidote to quickly help their fellow grunt.
Aries meanwhile, looked around to find the “Pokémon” that landed the first attack, seeing a shadow swiftly flying by. Until feeling a strong breeze behind her, looking up to see a different type of Wyvern Pokémon. Landing down as dark energy gathered around the Wyvern until it shrunk in size to see a silhouette of a man. Finally it was revealed to be Durai, glaring down at Aries as she felt something sharp smacking her in the face.
“You had the nerve to cut my Wife, not once, but twice you stupid fox. Now, where is that leader of yours? I hope he made the right choice to spare the lives of his…“men”…from a bloodbath.” Durai spoke heavy with anger, along with curiosity of what Ghetsis chose his answer… The sound of speakers echoed all around the ship. “Ghetsis.~ I hope you made the right choice to give me Kyurem and now for that bastard of your son to give me both of the dragons. Now…I know you are in no condition to fight, so what answer did you choose?” Durai waited to hear the Lord of Plasma, until hearing dark chuckle from the PA.
“I am not giving up Kyurem without a fight. Fight us if you dare, but we will not bow to anyone to the likes of you!!” Ghetsis roared out, Durai gave a look of annoyance from the answer. Standing tall as he examined the grunts, Aries, and the Plasma Frigate. Until finally glaring down at the souls in front of him. “If you want them so bad, fight me for them! Even if I fall, I will not give them up!!”
“You all made your grave. Cipher! Show no mercy!! Leave no living soul alive!!” Durai roared out as he snapped his clawed fingers. Instantly, the Peons quickly climbed on board through the ocean and some in the air landing down as Cipher attack with full force. Aries staggered back up, holding her mouth as she tasted blood and her hand confirmed it, yet thanks to that Durai is now looming over Aries with a look that’s full of rage and annoyance…but fear as well? “If your family didn’t help Nasrin in the past, you wouldn’t be here. I don’t know how you survived my wife’s attack but I WILL make sure you stay dead!” He opened his claws in an attempt to slash her, but the only thing he felt with ripping what remained of her scarf and a Moon Sickle cutting his cheek.
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“My family has been doing this ever since she found us, it was our kindness and urge to protect others is what led us here now! I’m not sure she saw my family’s future, but she knew how to pick ‘em!” Aries then grabbed her knife as she placed it between her jaws and whipped back her Sickle. “And she is making sure you fall tonight.” Durai looked very confused until he looked up to the sky. Seeing a yellow star and clouds forming in a shape of a fox consuming the moon. Even as rain descend from the sky, making Durai feel a familiar chill running through his body as he sees the woman’s eyes glowing piercing gold-yellow. All he saw was a ghost from his past returning one finally time to make sure he stays buried. “You wanted to fight, now stand and fight! If you want Kyurem, Zekrom, and Reshiram you’ll have to pry them out from ALL of our cold dead hands!”
“So be it….If you think you’re a hero, then die like one!” Durai roared with fury as he reformed back into a Wyvern like beast, delivering his roar across the entire Frigate. He and his Organization will not falter.
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misselysia · 11 months
Just for you
pairing: clive rosfield x (female) reader word count: 654
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Finding yourself in the Valisthean woods, you moved with a purpose – Clive. Your goal: to gather some of the beautiful wyvern tails, the flowers that reminded you of Clive.
The woods were alive with nature's sounds, the birds singing their tune but your mind was fixed on your handsome leader, that you definitely had a crush on, Clive. You pictured his face, stoic most times, maybe softening if he saw the flowers you were collecting. Each wyvern tail you picked felt like a piece of hope and unspoken love. In the midst of the trees, you daydreamed about Clive's sturdy presence. This whole thing felt like a scene from a story, and you were playing the main character.
Lost in your thoughts, time flew away like it always does. The bunch of flowers in your hands meant more than just petals – it was a silent message.
As you clutched the bouquet of wyvern tails, deciding you've had enough collected, you made your way back through the woods from where you came, Obolus already awaited your return at the skiff. You eagerly jumped on board, the ferry man ready to take off. The fading light hinted at the approaching night as you sailed back towards the hideaway.
The blighted sea, a dangerous yet truly beautiful sight, stretched out before you, its eerie waters reflecting the darkening sky. The skiff cut through the tainted waves, and the scent of salt mixed with the ominous air of the Blight. The distant horizon, painted with hues of orange and purple, signaled the approaching end of the day.
As you approached the hideaway, the silhouette of the old ruins of the shipwreck emerged against the dimming sky. Skillfully guiding the skiff, the soft lapping of blighted waves accompanied your journey. You clutched your bouquet, the wyvern tails seeming to glow in the fading light. Little did you know, the night held more than just stars.
The skiff gently docked at the hideaway and Obolus, experienced in these waters, skillfully secured the vessel. Your heart quickened as you stepped onto the creaky, old docks. Behind you, the Blighted Sea stretched, its murky waters reflecting the dimming twilight. You took a steadying breath, mustering the courage to ascend the worn wooden elevator that led to the upper decks.
Approaching the huge doors of Clive's chambers, you felt the weight of unspoken emotions. With a hesitant breath, you raised your hand to knock.
However, a strange impulse stopped you from doing so. Instead, you peered through the gaps in the wooden door, hoping for a glimpse of Clive. What you saw inside shattered your excitement like glass.
Through the dimly lit room, you saw Clive and Jill, in a moment that, in the shadows, appeared more intimate than it probably was. Your heart dropped, and you felt a lump forming in your throat. Without thinking, you let go of the wyvern tails. The flowers tumbled to the floor, their vibrant petals now scattered like fallen dreams.
Embarrassment and hurt gripped you as you turned away. You ran to the bunks, seeking refuge in the darkness. You wanted nothing more than to get some sleep and forget about everything that had happened.
Meanwhile in Clive's chambers, the air carried the weight of unspoken tension. Jill, after sharing old memories with Clive, sensed the unresolved something hanging between them. With a casual goodbye, she left the room, leaving Clive alone in the dim light. Watching her leave, his eyes fell on the fallen wyvern tails. The vibrant petals glowed in the muted room, and suddenly, it hit him. He recognized those flowers, grasped their meaning, and a hint of regret settled in his chest. With a resigned sigh, Clive knelt down to gather the scattered wyvern tails. Each flower held a silent tale, and he could almost feel the weight of your gesture. Feeling the weight of the misunderstanding, he decided to seek clarity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliffhangerrrrr hehe I thought it would be better to do it in 2 parts, so the anticipation is higher. But don't worry, part 2 is on it's way! Good night/morning my lovelies <3
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
There was, in the days of generations now passed into the gates of hades, a spirit that guarded a road. He was a kind spirit; he had been in the place for as long as anyone can remember. They say he looked like a tall man in shining green armor, with the wings and arms of a mantis. Nobody ever saw the face below his helmet. He was a kind spirit in those days, a protector of the travelers and the wanders. Those lost in the night he would show the way. He would walk with those who needed protection. The shops on the side of the road would put out warm milk and meat pies for him, and he would award them with money and customers. And any church that preached that he was an unclean thing would find themselves restored by termites and rats without his dear protection.
They say one day, as he walked alongside a young woman as she made her way home through a cold winter's night, a man came up to her and tried to take her away at the point of a knife. The spirit was enraged, and melted the attacker's eyes from his skull, and closed the holes in his face under his body died from lack of air. It was a brutal fate, though a fair one for a soul who would have done worse to one more innocent. And from that day forth the spirit spoke that anyone who walked along that road would be protected by the spirit's magic, and anyone or anything, human or beast, spirit or cryptid, who tried to bring those who walked his road to harm, would suffer a horrifying fate.
Though the people were protected, the road changed. First slowly. Automobiles began to appear, fueled by the fossils of the dead, and soon stoplights to tell when people were permitted to walk. Soon what was once the edges of the road was sidewalk. The road was paved again and again. And soon there weren't trains and weren't trollies. And store after store closed down, for new stores to be opened, giant boxes owned by corporations, with massive parking lots outside of them, that would never think to leave out milk and meat pies. And then one day there was no stoplight, and no sidewalk, because any place where human feet could be permitted to walk had been removed. They called the road a highway than, and the humans' leaders were proud of it. It was too noisy for even the wyverns to fly over, and too barren for even werewolves to hunt. But the spirit was still there.
And then the spirit took up a new banner. When the last safe place to walk was gone, and the first human was struck and killed trying to cross the highway, he had dropped the banner of the seelie court and taken up unseelie way. Not out of vengeance but out of duty.
All who seek to harm those who wish the walk the road are caused by his law, and those new powerful machines called automobiles are no different. Cars that drive through the great spirit's road find themselves crashing into each other, or spinning randomly and flying around the road, or breaking down and never moving around. Mechanics can't figure out why, can't explain why there are always flies and worms and snakes and scorpions in every car that passes through that road. Even the drivers aren't safe, nobody who would drive such a lethal machine through the spirit's road is safe, they find their bodies bleeding, and skin dashed with cuts as if from an insect's claws, and minds filled with eldritch madness. And they say there are many cars that seem to lose their drivers, with only bugs or toads in their place.
Some still see the spirit's body in the dark of the night. He's changed now, his armor has turned night black, and its shape twisted from what looked like a knight's suit, to an insect's strange shell, his once slender body stretched to an inhumanly elongated and spindly build. His claws are now like great blades, and where his face was once only in shadows, now two glowing eyes can be seen from below his helm, like a dark pervasion of headlights. But he is still the same creature he always was, this is only another side of the same being. And those animals and jaywalkers who cross the highway, will never be hit under his gaze, even if a thousand cars burst into flames to keep them safe.
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rainesol · 4 months
Naga culture and customs for oc worldbuilding!
Decided to compile some things for any past or future Ksho fics!! Not all of these are identical to snake behaviour 🫵 don’t freak your pets out/j
Long post!!
Ksho typically stands between 6’5 and 7’. He adjusts his height depending on who he’s talking to. However, he always adjusts himself to be taller than whoever he’s looking at. This isn’t out of intimidation! Naga have poor eyesight, and it’s an old tradition to stand above who you’re talking to to cast a shadow on their face and see it better! Disrespect would be shown through standing above someone but not tilting the head down, and instead looking down their nose or tilting the head up and glaring down. You can have casual conversation laying or sitting though.
Naga houses are well decorated on the outside! The walls are adorned with colourful feathers, plants and murals. Once again, poor vision. If the buildings blend in with the trees, people walk into them.
Kissing isn’t often done. Especially on the head. Think about what a mouth on the head would mean to a snake. Very rude. A forehead bump is an affectionate alternative. Kisses, though rare, are normally planted on the shoulder.
Dancing is common! In the original Jungle Book novel, Kaa hypnotises prey through dance, not his eyes. It’s a reference to that.
The transition from infant->toddler->child is quicker in Nagas. It’s common to see little kids out alone with no adult supervision. They’re fine 👍
Surprisingly touchy! It’s commented on that Ksho is surprisingly comfortable resting against his parents could for someone of ‘his age’.
Another greeting- tongue flicking. It might feel weird if you’re not part snake, but it’s just so they can commit your scent to memory. It can range from something you do without thinking for someone you just met, to something vastly more intimate between friends, family or partners. Depends on how up close and personal you’re getting. Tongue in general vicinity/face: hey dude nice to meet you. Tongue out while cuddling, in neck or right up against skin: this dude likes you and wants to be able to pick you out in a crowd.
Aggression is similar to that of snakes. A huff (similar to a hiss, but smaller and quieter. A little squeaky puff of air): annoyance, could also be curiosity, could also be panic. A hiss (huge exhale. Lot of air coming out of a small hole. Spooky noise): actually anger, back off before you get bit. Tail wags: aggression again. Back off.
Zero waste community. Similar to the Na’vi in Avatar, every part of an animal gets put to use. The leader of Ksho’s village wears false wyvern wing ear cuffs, and Ksho has a bracelet made of crocodile teeth.
Very gender neutral. In an ask, I refer to some Naga kids by ‘they’ only. This is the complete standard for them. (Their language is also gender neutral, but still) Post hatching, you can’t really tell what sex a baby is. So all names in Serpentine are gender neutral!
Clothing is seen more as an accessory than something to cover you. They’re reptiles. Nothing on that torso to cover or support.
Body standards are different. Everyone has stretch marks. Everyone has fluctuating hip size. Also, python specific, but big=tough. In the book, Kaa takes any comments on his weight as a compliment. (At the end of book three, Ksho doesn’t actually get what’s embarrassing about the photo. Loads of people look like that.)
Shedding. Very personal. A vulnerable time. Very close people may allow each other to assist in removing shed skin from the scalp. Assisting in shedding is a close and intimate act. Ksho is pre-shed when first properly introduced and comes across as shy and sensitive.
Post shedding? Dude I look awesome. Common to compliment each other post-shed.
Sleeping. When you’re tired, you sleep. Even if you had work to do. Ksho had quite the culture shock because of this. Wdym it’s lazy to sleep first and do homework later? Surely my work will be better when I’m well rested?
Eating cycles. Be respectful of these. Just after eating=sleepy. Go away. Also very vulnerable. If you’re close, you may be allowed to hang out post-meal, though.
Don’t be shocked by the views on minor injuries. Broken ribs are as common as broken toes.
A lot of the body is not to be touched. Stomach? We’re not friends. Head? Don’t threaten me. Tail? That’s basically my crotch. Consent is key. Don’t get yourself crushed in self defence.
Fight or flight is STRONG. No sneaking up on people.
Waving is best when making it very obvious. I can see best when you’re moving. Another thing to catch attention is vibrations. Hit the ground then beckon.
Serpentine sign language is a combination of tactile sign language and visual. The visual signs are wider and more obvious.
Common to bathe in groups. There’s a lot of you to wash and dry. Ksho doesn’t visit Pomefiore because he has to wipe his whole body before entering.
Kids are taught early to watch their strength.
Infant-> hatchling. Toddler/child-> snakelet.
I may rb with a part two should more ideas strike!!!
@tixdixl @cyanide-latte @the-trinket-witch @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs
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Between Want and Need
also known as I Bet You'll Fit in My Pack
So another Halstarion fluff piece! I must be feeling the softness lately, haha. This one kind of rambled a bit -- I blame the fact I can't seem to write a thing with Astarion in it where the party banter doesn't devolve into like 89% 'give Astarion shit' times lmao -- I quite like the general vibe and the sweetness. No betas, hope everyone's IC lol! Pls do enjoy ~
Fluff / Astarion/Halsin / 6k words (give or take) // AO3 Link
Astarion owed Halsin something and he wasn't happy about it at all.
He owed him, because that morning when he'd come back from an early hunt with Wyll, Shadowheart, and their defacto party leader Tav, Astarion had been covered in blood and walking slowly, painfully, a red-spattered gash at the waist -- and Halsin had hurried right to the vampire's side without a moment of hesitation. His hands were already starting to glimmer with druidic healing magic before Astarion even said a word.
And he hated it. Because now he owed him for that. After all, he hadn't needed Halsin to heal him, and yet there he was, kneeling at Astarion's feet and whispering magical words over his wound while his skin glimmered in oranges and greens.
Astarion let him. He decided it was easier to let Halsin continue rather than push him away.
But he didn't need this at all. Frankly, it was presumptuous, and he wondered why he didn’t let the druid know right then and there.
Well. Seemed silly to complain now, he supposed. But next time. Definitely next time.
Astarion wouldn't have even been wandering around the godsforsaken woods, if Tav hadn't insisted the spawn get his turn at the camp's fun new group activity.
The party was trying to load up on meat while they were past the Shadow cursed lands, but still far enough outside Baldur's Gate good game remained plentiful. Looting eighteen bottles of wine and twenty half-eaten apples for dinner was all well and good when hunting was scarce, but everyone -- well, everyone that didn't just need to cajole a bite of Halsin’s neck to have their supper -- was craving something substantial.
They had done a few days worth of hunting, everyone getting a turn to enjoy themselves with something besides killing cultists and goblins, but this was going to be the last of it. And boy, was Astarion glad for that.
Hunting for himself was fun. Hunting, real hunting, the kind that required more than just drinking an animal dry and discarding its carcass for the carrion birds, was so very indescribably boring.
His boredom might have been why he wasn't really paying as close attention to things as he should, frankly. Another reason to blame Tav for his troubles.
They'd run into a small raiding party, Tav had explained, as Astarion grimaced in pain under Halsin’s care. They sat besides him on one of the logs surrounding the camp's fire while Halsin knelt at Astarion's feet and concentrated on the slash in his side.
Kobolds, so the fight was over quickly. But a lucky little bugger he thought was dead had poked Astarion good when the vampire turned away to loot a body. The dagger was fit for kobold hands so the slash hadn't been deep. There had just been a nasty little poison on the blade, so it stung and burned and -- well, hurt quite a lot, actually.
But Astarion was fine, of course. He didn’t need this fussing at all.
"Blasted creature didn't have the courtesy to stay dead when stabbed," he sniffed. "So no fault of mine, if you ask me--ow!" He hissed softly in pain and Halsin winced.
"Apologies, Astarion. I think this may have been wyvern poison instead of the more standard fare," Halsin frowned, just as Shadowheart entered the camp, trailing behind while she helped Wyll carry back one of the bucks they'd managed to fell. Halsin's words made her pause and she frowned as well, as she dropped her half of the deer with the other game meat and walked towards the druid and his patient.
"Oh, wonderful," the vampire muttered dryly. "Surely poison isn't a cause for alarm for a walking corpse?
"You are more than that," Halsin scolded in that gentle way that made Astarion both roll his eyes and feel warm all over. "But yes, it should be fine. However it would be better if healing had been started at the moment the poison met flesh."
The druid's eyes flicked towards Shadowheart for the briefest moment before turning back to Astarion's wounds, but she absolutely caught the glance and her eyes narrowed. Halsin didn't notice. "It's had a bit to work its way in and this is a nasty sort that eats at the tissue; luckily its slow enough to often catch in time before lasting damage is done."
"That explains the burning," Astarion mused, more curious than worried as he peered down at the throbbing wound barely visible under Halsin's large hands, as the druid channeled Silvanus' blessing into his skin. "No real worries, I've had worse--"
"Oh Astarion...pardon me for interrupting, but can we speak?"
Astarion's words were abruptly halted by Shadowheart, her question blurted with a tone that sounded almost...offended? He looked up at the cleric and blinked to see her glaring at him, hands on her hips.
"I couldn’t help but overhear, you see. You were hurt by a poisoned blade?” Her lips turned downward, eyes narrowing more. “Why then, didn't you say anything?"
"Darling, it's like I said. I've had worse." He waved her off. "I can't run to you for every little bump and scrape, can I? It'd be a waste of my time and yours."
"That's what I'm here for, you stubborn twit," Shadowheart huffed and crossed her arms. "And having a dirty wound laced with wyvern poison is hardly a scrape. It's obvious you're in more pain than you let on, but you said nothing to me -- and I did check with you, if you recall." Her lips pressed tightly. "As I do everyone after a battle. But instead you said nothing until you waltzed back into camp." She paused and then continued roughly, a flicker of genuine upset escaping her careful expression. "And on top of it, you've made Halsin think I'm a poor cleric!"
"Oh, Shadowheart, I did not mean--" Halsin's exclaimed immediately, looking up at the half-elf with surprise and regret. He certainly hadn't intended his glance to convey that. It was involuntary, more curiosity as to why she seemed to have ignored an injury, than condemnation. It wasn't like her to leave a wounded comrade without aid if possible, after all. "You're incredibly skilled! I deeply apologize if I offended you."
"Huh! It's her accusation that's more offensive," Astarion frowned, feeling oddly defensive -- though, not for himself, but for the druid. "Our big bear would never be so rude. I wonder if he’s capable of a judgmental thought at all," he added drolly and Halsin had to chuckle.
"Oh, you'd be surprised..."
It was Shadowheart's turn to be chagrined and after a moment of faltering, she sighed and shook her head, her armored shoulders slumping.
"Oh, I'm sorry, myself. I know you wouldn't think something like that Halsin. At least nothing of real concern you’d keep to yourself.” Arms crossing, she rubbed at the back of her neck, lips pursed in an unnoticed pout.
“I suppose I'm just annoyed at our oh-so-brave rogue here, because this isn't the first time he's refrained from telling me about an injury until he returned to camp and had you fix it up." She paused and then tilted her chin up a little, trying to convey her next words coolly, and not tinged with the small amount of hurt she felt.
"If you think I'm incompetent Astarion, I wish you'd just say so. It would certainly save me some spell slots when you inevitably walk over a trap you yourself just located."
Astarion looked at her silently for a beat, glancing back at Halsin, but the druid was concentrating on his wound. Those wise hazel eyes did lift a little and meet his, Halsin's eyebrows raising. A sort of silent "Well...?" And then he smiled, gentle and caring, and went back to what he'd been doing. Encouragement to say what he knew was the right thing, but no pressure to do so.
The vampire groaned, his head dropping back as his brow pinched in irritation. "I....don't think you're incompetent, Shadowheart. You're a fantastic healer. I've never meant for my actions to feel like a personal slight, and...I'm..."
He paused, feeling something burning the side of his face and he glanced over to see Tav watching him with a very encouraging smile. Practically nodding along to every word, in fact.
For fuck's sake.
"Hhhhhh...I'm sorry," he muttered at Shadowheart's general direction, ignoring the low chuckle that came from the druid before him. He could just imagine the satisfied smile on that careworn face and he forced his own to pinch in annoyance.
"...Hm. Apology accepted," Shadowheart replied nonchalantly and then moved to sit on the log next to Astarion, watching Halsin do his work. She shifted as if attempting to get comfortable, the movement making her knee bump into Astarion's, briefly.
He recognized the gesture for what it was. They were both the same kind of stubborn, after all. He moved too, pretending to stretch, and bumped his elbow against her arm. He saw her little smile out of his periphery, and matched it with one of his own. They were all right.
"Still though," she did continue, her voice warmer with the slightest hint of reproach. "If you're hurt, you ought to tell me. Sometimes it's a simple scrape and sometimes it's wyvern poison, you know? I'm still terribly curious why you hesitate."
"Mm, no real reason. Perhaps I subconsciously fear Selune's wrath, she is so picky when it comes to who is worthy of her moonlight," he joked.
Of course, forgetting the camp currently held the daughter of said deity literally a tent away.
"What is that you say of my Mother Goddess?" Dame Aylin's voice rang out and Astarion nearly jumped.
"O-oh, nothing! Nothing at all--!" Astarion quickly blurted with a breezy, if slightly-frightened, smile. "Idle chatter, completely meaningless. I assure you."
He didn't see the smile that played over the assimar's lips as she affected a gruff look at the vampire. Halsin blinked and then laughed softly, lifting himself up to sit on Astarion's other side and place a large warm hand on his knee; a gesture of comfort and perhaps a small one of protection, as well. Of course the vampire had nothing to fear from Aylin, she was teasing. But still, it was comforting to have Halsin's huge body between her and himself.
"Let us not grow too heated," Halsin said cheerfully. "I do believe allowances are commonly made when one's true heart is seen. The Oak Father himself deems Astarion worthy of succor. I am quite sure Selune does as well."
"Hmmm…" Dame Aylin pretended to think for a few moments, watching Astarion fidget and then smiled brightly. "Aye, it is true. Our Lady of Silver knows a shadowed heart from a blackened one after all. Such hearts are alike to Her moonflower; though it may bloom only in darkness, its petals shall always seek the light."
Halsin couldn’t keep from smiling as he gently uncapped a bottled salve plucked from within his pouch, applying it gently to Astarion’s wound – a benefit not necessarily needed for Astarion’s natural healing, but one that would ease the pain more quickly. It wasn’t like his patient was complaining this time, either, so he took advantage of the rare agreeable mood.
“And a particularly lovely blossom to see in their unique bloom, if you’re able,” he agreed quietly.
Astarion blushed lightly, though he wasn’t quite sure why; he hid it with an expression dripping with annoyance, hand lifting to brush through his hair airly. “Have you quite finished, druid?” he muttered. “I’m not as delicate as some night flower.”
Isobel pursed her lips, looking thoughtfully at the spawn as he sat before Halsin, arguing the extra cautious treatment even as he happily remained for it. She slowly grinned then, leaning up to whisper something in her lover's ear as Astarion, his face gone as red as his formerly favorite wine at everyone’s eyes on him, exhaled a deep and long-suffering sigh.
"Can we please move the conversation past my heart, or my succor or me as the general topic, please?"
"But this topic is so much more interesting than talking about the deer we have to butcher," Tav interjected, plopping down on one of the other logs around the campfire, facing Astarion with a huge grin on their face. Astarion squinted at them, looking for all the world like a disgruntled feline.
Oh dear gods, are they all going to come over and sit around him now??
"Ah, apologies for bringing it up, Halsin," Tav added with a slight wince. The druid chuckled and shook his head.
"That is nature's cycle, my friend. It doesn't disturb me to talk about it. I joined you on one of your hunting nights, did I not? And I'm a fair hand at properly dressing a buck as well, so let me know if you need help."
"We'll need all hands, to be honest," Tav sighed, stretching. Astarion breathed an internal sigh of relief, glad the conversation had moved away from himself and his injury as the subject. "We've two large buck, a doe, three rabbits, a small boar and I think Wyll got a couple of quail on the way back."
"That's...quite a haul of meat," Halsin said hesitantly, a soft frown knitting his brows. "We'll be somewhere we can purchase supplies soon, as is. Did you really need so many...?"
Tav was quiet for a minute, then ran a hand through their hair, looking away. "I just...I started thinking about the refugees I saw when we went into Rivington a few days ago. A few of the tieflings from the grove were already there...the kids," they added quietly, and paused. "Everyone crowded into these makeshift tents and I didn't see a lot of, ah. You know. Food. So I thought, well, we were hunting anyway, and there's enough of us to carry extra..."
The concerned look on Halsin's face melted away into a huge smile, grateful and gracious. "Tav! That's a wonderful idea. I'll definitely help. If we all work on it together we can start to salt the venison tonight."
Well now the conversation had returned to the dull and boring. Astarion sighed and made to stretch, but winced with a sharp intake of breath, a hand hovering over the wound Halsin was quietly tending. "Ah -- th-that hurts more than I expected..."
He wasn't very happy about that, he had plans for later. Mostly slipping into Halsin’s tent and seducing another drink from that lovely throat. It was growing to be a bit indulgent, he couldn’t deny. He didn’t necessarily need it, but…well. He wanted it. That was good enough, wasn’t it?
“Apologies, it will sting with movement for some time. Really, in truth – you should always alert Shadowheart when you’re injured. Sometimes these things are time sensitive.” He met Astarion’s glimmering ruby gaze with those pretty, so very honest eyes of his own. “Will you please attempt to do so more often, Astarion? If not for your own sake, then perhaps to allay your healer’s worry…”
Before a very flustered Astarion could speak, Shadowheart leapt to her feet and pointed at the two of them, smiling triumphantly. “I knew it! I knew that’s what this was about! I was right! Wyll, you owe me ten gold.”
“Blast! I was so certain you were exaggerating,” Wyll sighed from the other side of camp. “I mean – he’s a rogue, not a front liner, hardly soaks damage enough to justify such a thing.”
“What are you on about, you confusing woman?” Astarion snapped, cheeks red. Then blinked as Shadowheart loomed over him with her teasing smile, fingertip poking his forehead.
“He’s your pack healer! I knew it. You’ve run back to him for every bump and scrape for weeks now. Isobel, myself, Jaheira – we may as well be invisible~”
Halsin couldn’t see the look on Astarion’s face, turned towards Shadowheart as he was, but apparently it was enough to make the half-elf burst into delighted giggles, practically dancing away from Astarion as if those blades were seconds from lunging towards her. Which might not be so far from the truth.
She turned, looking over her shoulder at Astarion almost coquettishly, a hand lightly perched upon her chest. “Well! I know when I’m not wanted~” she said with the flair of a dreadful penny romance. “He’s all yours, Archdruid. You’ll have to come with us more often, obviously. The poor thing does tend to get caught by a surprising number of missed traps.”
“....You know, I think I miss cold Sharran princess Shadowheart,” Astarion sniffed, his lips in a thin line. “She didn’t give me quite so much sass.”
Halsin had to chuckle at that. “Mmh, I don’t know Astarion, I seem to recall just as much sass, just of a different nature. I quite enjoy the new outlook.” He finished the last pass at smoothing the salve into the wound and began to bandage it now, taking much longer with the application than needed to save Astarion the sting. Not unusual of course, Halsin was ever mindful of how much extra pain his healing ministrations could add; but he did tend to take extra care with a certain spawn, which had not gone unnoticed by – well, most of the camp, really.
In fact this whole production may have been led by ulterior motives, if the grin on Tav’s face as they watched the group was anything to go by. Astarion was too preoccupied by the insinuation of the other cleric to really notice, luckily.
”Pack healer…” he snorted, crossing his legs though he didn’t lean away from Halsin’s hands this time. “Ridiculous notion.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Isobel mused as she sat on one of the logs surrounding the campfire, Dame Aylin close behind her shoulder, as always. “Perhaps not in those exact words, but…well, in truth, while I heal all in need happily, Aylin is…she’s…” The cleric trailed off, unable to think of a way to describe it, but luckily the demigod had a much more succinct way with words.
“I am Isobel’s shield and blade. And she is my home and hearth.” Aylin looked down at Isobel then, one armored hand lowering to touch a pale cheek. “My place of rest and succor. While I would never deny any cleric’s help if the cause was great, in the end…it is my darling Isobel’s healing touch that I seek before any other. The only I need.”
Astarion shifted uncomfortably and Halsin expected he must be growing tired of the druid’s slow, careful touch by now -- so he finished applying the last bandage and stopped. He didn’t see Astarion’s brief, tiny frown as Halsin began repacking his supplies.
“Aylin,” the Selunite blushed a little, tucking a lock of moon-silver hair behind her ear. “I am no better than another, you know.”
“You outshine them all,” the aasimar said simply and smiled. “Mine own biases at work, I admit, but still. When it is you – the one that shares my heart, well–” She glanced over, that intense expression (that always honestly intimated Astarion just a little) actually softened as she put thoughts to words. Her ethereal gaze met the spawn’s eyes.
“I am blade and shield, aye -- strong as steel and iron. But sometimes I must bend or I will break, and beneath my love’s hands – I can. Her hearth is safe, and I may lie and be vulnerable for a time.” Her glowing gaze turned back to Isobel, smile wide and the cleric’s face was flushed warm. “And if it is a slight amusement, to acknowledge the match? Dame Aylin, with her cleric kept handy in her pack.” She laughed, that boisterous guffaw. “A fitting thing! My Isobel is so sweet and small.”
Halsin didn’t speak during Dame Aylin’s speech, but the tips of his ears were pink as he rose, looking like he’d been thinking of a great many things. But instead of sharing, he just started gathering up his kit bag on a shoulder, task finished. And really, that was all it was. A task asked of any other healer, nothing more or less.
Never mind that the only reason Halsin got to Astarion’s wound as quickly as he did was because the wood elf always scanned the edges of camp with searching eyes the moment the group's approaching noise signaled their return. And that seeking gaze had never landed on Tav or Wyll or Gale or Karlach or any of the others and stayed.
It only ever lingered on one pale elf.
Tav rubbed their chin slightly, thinking, a small smile spreading on their lips, the one that always preceded some trickery or another.
“You two are adorable,” they said cheerily to the Selunite duo, and clapped their hands together. “But sadly ‘tease Astarion hours’ are over! We’ve all got work to do.”
“Oh, is it over already? A shame, I was just beginning to really enjoy myself,” Astarion hissed, the annoyed poofed tail and flat ears practically visible as he too rose with Halsin. Not purposefully! Just idle timing.
“You can’t expect me to join you with all that…blood and guts business, do you?" he continued. "I’m injured!” He groaned exaggeratedly and hobbled a few feet towards his tent. “I'll just go lie down…”
“Oh, pshh...you’re fine! You can skin a rabbit like that, surely. Isn’t that right, Halsin?” Tav asked with an innocent smile.
The druid raised his head, blinking – his mind obviously preoccupied with some other thought. “Hm? Oh, yes, he should – be –” His words paused as he caught Astarion’s eye, the vampire’s ruby gaze wide and his head shaking imperceptibly. Well. Mostly. Tav certainly caught it, and they saw Halsin did too.
“--Oh– Ah– I mean, rather – he probably should refrain from dealing with any viscera…”
Astarion’s eyes widened and his cheeks puffed a little.
“O-or, perhaps not – no touching any of the raw flesh, or, or skinning.” Halsin amended and tilted his head, thinking. “He could help by plucking the birds, I sup–”
A very slight noise like a whistling tea kettle sounded from Astarion’s throat and if Tav didn’t know better they'd think the vampire was hopping in place. Very small angry hops.
Gods but they did love riling Astarion up sometimes. Heroes needed their fun, too.
“He can’t do any butchering!” Halsin finished with an exasperated, if slightly amused, huff. “Just rest and recuperation, I’m afraid.”
“Oh, well, darn I guess we’ll just have to do without!” Tav sighed, hands in the air. They ignored the glare from a few of the companions around, who did not find the amusement worth having to take over Astarion’s share of work. “Best keep him with you too, Halsin, just in case the infection spreads or some such.”
“...Pardon?” Astarion exclaimed then, mid-stride to his own tent. He blinked as Tav gave him a look and made little ‘shooing’ motions at him.
“If you’re too bad off to help, Astarion, you’re too bad off to lounge in your tent reading some awful bodice ripper. Go. Halsin’s tent. Now. Unless you do want to pluck some birds after all…?”
Astarion blinked and turned to look at Halsin, but the druid had already ducked into his tent. Astarion suddenly felt chastised for reasons he didn’t know, and even stranger, finding the druid’s sudden absence…vexing.
“No thank you,” the spawn sniffed without much of anything behind it, then turned. Tav grinned as they watched Astarion hurry to Halsin’s tent and slip inside.
“Well, he certainly became energetic for such an obviously injured, pain-stricken creature,” they said dryly and then sighed, turning to the others and joining them as the least fun part of their hunting weekend began.
“Sooo...can I have one of those pack healers?” they said with a grin, leaning over Shadowheart’s shoulder as she settled in with a knife and a rabbit carcass. “I am the leader, you know~”
“Tch!” Shadowheart flicked Tav’s nose. “I think not. You’re a bard. Heal thyself, support.”
Astarion didn’t know what to say once he entered Halsin’s tent, the space small and slightly crowded enough the two had to ease over and around the other to settle onto the padded flooring. Mercifully, that occupied his time for a bit -- too busy to talk while the spawn found some sort of arrangement of his limbs that wouldn’t leave a knee pressing into the large druid somewhere uncomfortable, or Astarion’s foot in a plant pot.
“I apologize for the clutter,” Halsin said at length, attempting to rearrange his stack of books and myriad strings of dried herbs and clay jars of live plantings. “I didn’t exactly…mean for you to join me, really. The wound is likely to be uncomfortable if you lay on that side or twist too much, but there's no cause for a watchful eye, truly. You…” he paused. “You don’t need to be here. You may leave any time you wish, I won’t hold you to Tav’s suggestion.”
Astarion felt the weight behind that pause and turned slightly to look at Halsin with a frown – though that quickly gave away to a wince, as he twisted too far to do so. “Gh! Ah…th-that’s what you meant,” he chuckled low to himself even as his side throbbed.
Halsin immediately looked apologetic and his brow furrowed. “Oh, I didn't think--I'm sorry, that was my fault, Astarion. There’s barely any room here to maneuver…please, allow me.” He stretched out a hand and that familiar glow filled Astarion’s side and warmed him clear through to his fingers and toes. Exhaling a deep sigh, he melted back a little against Halsin’s bedroll and pillows.
“That’s -- mmh, better. Much better. Thank you,” he said sincerely, a fresh burst of warmth glimmering through him at the soft smile on the druid’s lips.
“Ah, since I’m here – I might as well stay,” he said airly, with a carefully casual tone. “I’ll have to just stop maneuvering, as you say, and stay right where I am. It’s not so bad,” he said then and after a beat, smiled up at the druid. “A lovely view at the very least.”
Halsin’s lips twitched a little into a brief smile, and Astarion swore he saw the tips of those lengthy wood elf ears turn pink again. But the smile faded as quickly as it'd come.
“...Astarion. I hope I haven’t...made you feel like you must come to me for healing, if you're injured. You need to be attended by whomever is available, as soon as possible. Waiting for me because I -- I made it seem like that was your only option, or that it’s what I demand -- that was not--" Halsin faltered a little, his scar wrinkling over worried brows. "It's--my intentions have always been–”
“I never needed your healing, druid,” Astarion interrupted, voice tight. He wasn't angry or annoyed, he just -- he just needed Halsin to stop talking like that. Like he’d...forced Astarion to do something. Like he'd overstepped a boundary. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach at the thought that his stubbornness might've convinced Halsin any of the things he'd done for Astarion had been wrong.
He winced at the look of contrition on Halsin’s face that followed the vampire's outburst. The druid seemed to almost shrink in on himself, become smaller with guilt. He couldn't meet Astarion's eyes.
Astarion's chest felt tight as a vise, to see the elf like that and know he was the cause. His brow furrowed. “No, no -- I’m sorry Halsin, I didn’t -- I said that the wrong way. I--”
“It’s just–”
They both stopped, looking at each other and then chuckled wryly, one to the other. “You first,” Astarion said softly.
“The healing…and the…” Halsin gestured to his throat, where the twin pinpricks Astarion had left there a few nights ago were still visible. “The meals. I never wanted to, mm -- not force – perhaps expect?” He thought and then hummed. “Yes…made it seem like I expected you to get such needed things from me, and, well, only me. That was never my intention.”
How could he add that he felt remorseful, and so guilty, because he understood how easily it was for Astarion to just do as he was told. Suggested or commanded, made no difference in the end, if they were said with enough authority...or by someone Astarion trusted. Not that Halsin thought he had authority over the spawn like that, but -- he was a healer, was he not? And not to mention, he was the only one who had offered his blood freely. Was that not obligation, instead of choice? Astarion already struggled with feeling like anything he was given by another was a debt owed.
Astarion should choose himself, what he wanted – who he wanted, for whatever his need may be. Always.
“As you said. You have never needed my healing. But I always was the first at your side, almost pushing it onto you.” He paused and sighed. “Too eager perhaps to feel needed. A feeling I seem to still crave even now. Forgive me.”
“Druid," Astarion muttered, his words strangely thick. "Why…are you…the way you are?” Astarion groaned to himself, an arm resting over his eyes. He’d moved to hide his face as Halsin spoke, the aching feeling in his stomach now fully matched in his chest. He couldn’t look the other elf in the eye.
“I’m not sure–”
“Godsdamnit, so -- so kind!” Astarion snapped. “So good and sweet a-and--” He stopped and exhaled a slow, long breath and then rolled over a little. It was so much easier to address Halsin’s flowers and tiny tree clippings than the druid himself. “You’re right," he continued, softly. "I never needed your healing. And I was actually quite angry this morning at receiving it, since it meant I owed you yet again...”
“Astarion. You’ve never owed me, not once–”
“Yes, I know druid. Hush and let me speak.” The larger elf fell silent and Astarion remained on his side looking away so he didn’t have to see the look of sad anticipation he knew was on on Halsin’s face. Perhaps even a quiet, empty acceptance; he no doubt expected Astarion to tell him to never touch him again, or speak to him, or maybe even something crueler.
The spawn’s chest tightened again.
“That was me being -- oh, let’s just admit it -- angry at myself for telling myself yet more useless lies. Even now, after all this time and learning that, gods forfend I can actually trust you -- I still don't understand why you ask for nothing in return. A part of me holds back, waiting for the moment you’re going to..."
Astarion paused, the closed his eyes tightly. "To want something I can’t give you, in repayment. Because I know I'd do it anyway." His voice softened, briefly. "I'd do anything you asked.”
Halsin's eyebrows raised at that, but he didn't pursue it. He meant to let Astarion speak until he had no more words to give. Rare enough that he was this forthcoming, in the first place.
The vampire sighed deeply. “So if I never once needed what you gave -- freely and out of your own ridiculous, frustrating goodness, might I add! -- well then. I owed you nothing, and never would. No obligation.”
He curled up a little. “The truth was never that, of course. So much worse that I tried to hide it with a flimsy easily-disproven lie like that. No, it could be said I never needed your healing, or your blood or…your…hhh…” Astarion exhaled hard, forcing the words out so they’d stop sticking in his throat. “Touch. Company….voice...” He mumbled. “Scent…”
Finally Astarion couldn’t take it any longer. Even though the pain made him wince and half-cry out as he pushed himself up and twisted towards Halsin, he just gritted through it, especially since it was nothing like what he’d felt before. Even so, he had to take a minute to shoo Halsin away, the druid's instinct to help stop that pain.
Astarion huffed. He may truly be getting soft with these blasted friends that kept soothing all the hurts.
He met Halsin’s face, heart squeezing at the slumped shoulders and achingly sad eyes of someone awaiting an inevitable rejection. Favoring action over words, Astarion reached out and took those roughened, worn hands, ones he’d experienced firsthand as the most gentle that had ever touched him, at least in memory. The spawn could tell that the gesture surprised Halsin and he took advantage to squeeze them with his own slender fingers and surprise him even more.
“I don’t need you to heal–” Astarion paused.
“Mmh no. Let me say what I mean,” he amended, quickly, before he lost his nerve. “I don’t need you Halsin…” The sharp glittering rubies of his eyes met the gentle spring of Halsin's own, wide and sincere.
“I want you. I…I want you. Your care, and concern, and your blood and, hells, your company and, and your voice…your healing touch…” His eyes flicked downward and he grinned, showing fangs.
“Your hands. Gods, do I love what you do with your hands,” he laughed softly, not even bothering to turn it into some seductive innuendo. Just pure honesty. What those hands do, though.
Astarion suddenly let go of Halsin and gripped his folded legs tightly, staring at them, his moment of brazen honesty almost too much to continue to bear. His teeth gritted a bit.
“If anyone has been taking advantage of anyone else, then I’ve taken advantage of your kindness and care. Shadowheart was right -- I’ve been keeping silent every time I got hurt, because all I wanted was...was to come back here and…” He paused, Dame Aylin’s words flickering through his head.
He smiled ruefully. “Receive your succor.” A pause and then he continued, more softly. “Lie and be vulnerable, for a time. But only with you.”
“But--” he could hear a thickness in Halsin’s words and he looked up quickly, brow furrowing, afraid his words had gone too far. But the expression on Halsin’s face was not of pain.
And Astarion’s chest hurt again, but this time he found he didn’t mind.
“But why me? When there are so many others at hand…?” Even now, it seemed the druid couldn’t quite believe it. And Astarion smiled then, real and raw and lopsided, no performance or careful construction. He didn't even keep his eyes from crinkling at the corners.
“‘Because,” he said softly, reaching forward to take Halsin's hands in his again, pressing close enough he could feel that welcome warmth surrounding him. “Simple, darling.” He laughed and then leaned closer.
“It’s what I choose." He pressed a palm to Halsin's chest, felt the strong thump of his heart. "You're what I choose~”
Halsin was quiet for a beat, and then a slow ragged breath left him. His arms wound around Astarion immediately, emotion taking over any carefulness; but the vampire didn’t even mind the pain, would gladly welcome any amount if it meant these arms stayed like this for as long as they could.
Of course, he knew the big softy wouldn’t dare cause a second of hurt, so when he winced and said ‘ouch’, Halsin apologized profusely. That got him a pinch; he chuckled, apologized for apologizing with a cheeky grin and carefully shifted to gather Astarion up in his lap, no hint of pain in the new position.
Well if this was what it took to get Halsin to cuddle, he’d have let a Kobold stab him weeks ago.
“So,” Halsin began with a bemused smile playing over his lips, his forehead against Astarion’s as they curled up together. “Does this mean I'm to be kept in your pack?”
“Pfft! Certainly not,” Astarion snorted. “You’re way too big.” He grinned a little as Halsin laughed, and then looked up to meet his gaze.
“But if you’d like to perhaps, stay at my side, instead? I think that would work just fine.”
“Hmm…” Halsin mused, and then smiled gently and pressed his lips to Astarion’s forehead. “Yes. I do believe I can do just that. For as long as you need m–” he paused and then his smile warmed. “For as long as you want me there.”
“Well,” Astarion said, his answering grin soft and indulgent. “Best prepare, healer. That’s going to be a very long time, indeed.”
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linilou-von-hevring · 10 months
Flayn's Instruction
Read it here on ao3!
A grin spreads across Flayn’s lips as she watches the students file in. They seem tired; midterm season was particularly gruesome this year, leaving even Flayn exhausted to her core. But it’s a new day, and with a new day, it means she can share more stories with the teenagers that take their places, their tired eyes glancing between their professor sitting on her desk and their study material. She watches as the last of them file in, the bell ringing as the doors of other classrooms shut. It’s going to be an interesting period.
Flayn hops down from her desk, bringing her hands together and redirecting the attention on her. Phones are dropped to the bottom of bags and pencil cases; all eyes are on her. She’s ready to put on a show, a fun class that might cheer up the sleepy eyes before her.
“So today we’re going to be talking more about the Great Fódlan War! Who can tell me what it’s about, in broad terms?”
Glances are exchanged amongst the students before a few shy hands come up. Flayn is happy to call upon her students, encouraging them as they give her bits of the right answer.
“Correct! It’s when the Empire lead a rebellion against the Church of Seiros! Anything else?”
A few more bits of information are handed to her: Edelgard von Hresvelg was the leader of the Empire rebellion, the victors were the army lead by Claude von Riegan, the first ruler of Fódlan was Byleth Eisner. The answers come more confidently as Flayn shows her excitement for every raised hand; it’s how she likes to teach, reinforcing her students’ participation. And knowing that they show even the slightest of interest in her class, well, what more could she ask for?
“Alright, so now that we refreshed ourselves on the basic of this war, we’re going to talk a bit more about the victors of the war: King Claude and Quen Byleth. And while I could go on and on about how they gained the high grounds against Empress Edelgard and King Dimitri, I think you’re all a little too tired for that this morning.” A smile pulls at the corners of Flayn’s mouth as she pushes herself back up onto her desk. “Who wants to hear about the relationship that united Claude and Byleth instead? It won’t be on your exam, but it’s a great fun fact if ever you want to tell someone a nice little anecdote from the past.”
There’s little that brings Flayn as much joy as watching the eyes of her students turn to sparkles. She loves watching the heads go up before being put back down on the desks, attentive ears turned to her. What more can a professor ask for?
“In that case, how about I start with the betrothal?” Grins appear like the first spring daisies. “In that case, we go back a thousand years, back to 1187, a few months after the war has ended…”
Byleth’s chest heaves as she watches the last of the enemies fall. It’s over. It’s finally over. Or at least, it’s over for now. For now, there will be a semblance of peace. For now, there is no one else that opposes Byleth’s reign. Which means…
Her smile grows as she watches the horizon. He’s right there. He’s so close. Byleth can almost feel him, his touch, his loving embrace. He’s right there, his wyvern flipping in the sky against the pinks and the purples and the oranges of the setting sun. He’s right there, so beautiful. He’s right there, finally back, just as he had promised.
Relief washes over Byleth as the shadow grows larger, the white wyvern making its way straight to her. She never thought she’d be this happy to see the giant beast, though saying her excitement was for it alone would be a lie. What truly has Byleth’s head reeling is the prospect of finally seeing him, the one who had promised to be back all those months ago. Claude, he’s finally back.
He’s gorgeous as he stumbles off of his mount. His smile, it reaches his eyes, something it didn’t use to do. And his eyes, so green, so beautiful, they crease at the corner from the happiness. And his lips, well… They find their way home in a kiss that Byleth is more than happy to return.
She never had envisioned their reunion to go like this. She had always thought he would walk back into the monastery one day, happy to announce that his work was done. It had always been a peaceful reunion in Byleth’s mind; it had never crossed her mind that it would come with more bloodshed. And yet, this feels perfect for them. The cuts and scrapes against her body still ache, and the blood that stains her skin feels crusty, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because Claude is back. It doesn’t matter because Claude is here, kissing her under the sunset. Nothing matters; only Claude matters.
“Took you long enough.”
He smiles into yet another kiss, this one slower and more careful than the last three. This one, it tastes like love and victory. This one, it tastes exactly the way Byleth remembers their kisses to be. This one, it tastes the way every kiss from Claude should; it tastes like forever.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t become the king of Almyra any sooner. I’ll be faster next time it happens.”
A hand flies up to cover the snort that escapes Byleth. Her face falls against Claude’s chest as she openly laughs, something that has never happened before. And as Claude’s arms wrap around her, she feels safer than she ever has. Claude, how she missed his presence.
Byleth hums, not bothering to lift her head away from Claude. She’s too comfortable there. He’s warm and safe; he’s finally home. And as his fingers cup her cheek, Byleth can’t help lean her weight into him. How is she supposed to leave the here and now? How is she supposed to risk losing him all over again? Though she knows this isn’t a dream, she can’t risk it. She can’t risk opening her eyes and watching him leave once more.
The kiss to her cheek is what it takes for Byleth’s eyes to flutter open. And they open to green; Claude isn’t gone, disappearing with the setting sun. He’s there, for real. He’s there, for her. He’s there, and by the sounds of it, all their friends are there too.
A content smile pulls at the corners of Byleth’s lips as she turns to the crowd that has started to form. First, it’s Hilda and her cheers. She screams louder than Byleth’s ever heard her scream as she jumps up and down. Then there’s Lorenz and his gasps. He seems surprised, but he soon eases himself into a content smile and a congratulatory nod. And then there’s Raphael and Leonie, both cheering, one shouting congratulations, the other screaming near obscenities. Not far off, there’s Lysithea, her mouth agape. She’s pointing at both Claude and Byleth, yet no words manage to leave her lips. And finally, there’s Marianne and Ignatz, both silently smiling at the pair. Everyone is there; the Golden Deer are finally back together.
“Claude! Why didn’t you tell me you and the professor were an item? I thought we were closer than that!”
Hilda grins as she dramatically leans against Lorenz, looking ready to faint. Of course, he catches her, though not without a bit of reticence. Lorenz, he’s never been good with Hilda’s antics. He’s always been too polite to play along with her. And yet, as the years go on, he seems to be more exasperated than uncomfortable with the girl. Perhaps that’s what happens when a group of people spend so much time with one another.
Claude grins at the rest of the group, but not without pressing another kiss to Byleth’s cheek. He wants to drive home that she’s his and that nothing can keep him away from her any longer. Or maybe he likes the attention, from Hilda’s squeals to Lysithea’s gags to Lorenz’s groans. Maybe he likes that everyone is back together, though this time in far less threatening circumstances.  
“You’re so gross, Claude! Literally no one wants to see you doing,” Lysithea gestures in his and Byleth’s direction, “that. Like get a room or whatever.”
“I mean if—”
Byleth couldn’t help the smile that grows at the corners of her mouth as she smooths out her coat sleeve, which seemed to have magically smacked Claude in the face. And he laughs along; he always laughs along, but this time, his laughter is genuine. This time, Byleth knows he’s happy.
“Okay, okay, I guess I should make this official in front of everyone.”
Byleth’s head turns as Claude takes her hand in his. His smile, it’s soft, and it’s gentle. His eyes, they sparkle just as they did all those months ago, though this time, tears don’t well up at the corners of either of their eyes. This time, they’re not placed in a dire situation, one where even the happiest of outcomes left them in tears. This time, it’s real happiness.
She doesn’t resist as Claude turns her towards him. Byleth lets him take the lead on this; she needs a break from being the leader. And by the way he’s looking at her, she knows what comes next.
“Byleth Eisner, my Love who has already said yes to me all those months ago, my Love who has provided us with a new peaceful, happy world, will you do me the honor of being my queen and marrying me?”
Clapping and cheering echoes in Byleth’s ears as she pulls Claude in for a kiss. Of course she accepts; she’s already waited too long for his return. And as Claude lifts her from the ground, she can’t help but grin into the kiss. This, this is what true happiness feels like. It’s being surrounded by friends. It’s getting to live in a peaceful world. It’s being in the arms of the man she loves more than anyone else. This is happiness; Byleth is sure of it.
Small smiles pull at the corners of Flayn’s students as she wraps up her story. It did them some good to have spent a class not taking notes, but just listening to a story of Flayn’s choosing. She knows better than to make every class a potential exam question, facts memorized and regurgitated. Sometimes, kids just need a moment to learn without the expectation of repeating the facts exactly as they have been told.
She watches as her students get up from their chairs, stretching a little before filing out of her classroom. And Flayn grins as a few students come to her, prodding her for more details. She happily fills them in, though not without keeping a few of the information to herself.
Where did she get that story? Where can they read it for themselves? Well, Flayn tells them she had come across it during her university days, back when she was a student who had travelled to the ancient capital of Derdriu. The exact source, she can’t recall, but she’ll be sure to tell them if she finds it somewhere.
Why was it she seemed so familiar with people who had lived a thousand years ago? Well, that’s simple. She’s spent so much time on the subject, they almost seem like friends to her. She’s read so much about them, seen so much art about the victors of the Great Fódlan War; she can’t help but talk about them as if she were acquainted with them.
Did Claude and Byleth have children? Did they get to live happily ever after? That, Flayn has no troubling answering. She has no problem smiling as she nods: they did have children of their own, and they did get to live a happy life together, though not without their disagreements. Claude and Byleth, they were both headstrong, though it is said that the King more often than not conceded to his wife out of pure love and devotion. The only thing she could never win against him was the way wyverns were trained, not that she had any intention of correcting him on his way of treating the beasts.
But for more stories about the King of Almyra and the Queen of Fódlan, they would have to wait for another class with Flayn. Until then, she ushered them to their next class, reminding them of their upcoming reading assignment. Until the next time Flayn could tell them stories about Claude and Byleth, or perhaps of their friends, her students would have to get through their other classes.
It wouldn’t be long before Flayn would tell another story of her friends, not that anyone had to know that she had been there, standing behind everyone as horror and beauty filled Fódlan, during its destruction and its rebirth.
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
Hey my love ❤️ I'm gonna baby Xaden in this like never before.
My poor shadow baby. I knew you were gonna break my heart with this one 😓
My baby tried to do it himself, always wanting to do things on his own. Wanna show that he's a leader and that he can do it. But he just needs help, and she helps him with disinfecting the wounds and bandaging them up, while he tries to hold it together to show that he is strong. And when they try to put the shirt back on and started to cry 💔 I will never forgive for breaking my heart like that (love you Liz ♡) he just needs to be hold but it's just so difficult with all the cuts on his back. Also she's just says "talk to me" ahhhhh she knows something is wrong 😓
Shadow baby just needs help and comfort. Someone to hold on to like Garrick and her to feel safe 🥺
My heart swelled when he was falling asleep on top of her ❤️‍🩹 little baby owwww my heart, I could keep going. But you write these things so realistically. I love him. I have a whole scenario in my head that he's like duchess little "baby brother" and that she'd be worried about him constantly cuz he is so cold but really he just needs care. I believe she took time so that he could cuddle her when he is feeling down. (I also have an entirely different story in my mind involving Xaden and Brennan but that has nothing to do with duchess lol. It's just a stuck idea 😅)
Anyway I could keep going on this cuz, baby shadow man, but this is the gist of what's going on in my mind. ♡♡♡
sorry for making you sad :( I cried a little writing it too. I just wanna give our baby shadow boy head scratches and a safe place to curl up and let it out. and writing this was the closest thing to that 🥺💗
I think we as a fandom don’t give Xaden enough credit for all the shit he’s been through. him and his shadows need several spa days to recover from it all. and therapy. therapy would be good.
Duchess absolutely babies him and Liam, the younger brothers that she never had 🖤💛 I want to write some of that group (her, Xaden, Liam, Love, and Bren as a little family with her parents…) those three are her and Brennan’s “practice children” for the kids they’ll have in the future once all of this wyvern stuff is handled.
+ this was totally an Angel fic even if I didn’t say that part out loud (I purposely left it vague so it could be any reader, but this is definitely angel to me). I’ve shown you guys a bit of Garrick and Angel (more coming!), but not as much of Xaden and Angel’s friendship. they’re a trio through and through. from little babies playing hide-and-seek in Fen’s office to suddenly orphaned teenagers to army Lieutenants, they’ve been by each other’s sides and they will continue to be far into the future 🖤💗🤎
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blackhakumen · 8 months
Mini Fanfic #1173: A Long Awaited Explanation (SSBU X Fire Emblem)
12:56 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Outdoor Patio.........
Robin: (Sitting Next to Lucina and his Son on a Wopden Bench Together) So you Severa, and Ingio have been playing the roles of retainers to Nohrian side of Kamui's family with your identities getting altered in the process.
Lucina: And this all started because a man in a cloak asked you for help?
Owain: (Simply Nodded) Precisely. We spotted him following us on that night, bending into the shadows unnoticed. Once we finally met face to face, he told us his "situation" and plead for our help. We were hesitant at first, or- rather.....Severa and Ingio were the ones the most hesitant about it if anything. (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I....might or might not have let my nativity get the better of me at the moment and convinced them to help him out.
Robin: ('Sigh') Of course you did.
Lucina: (Gives Owain a Deadpinned Look on her Face) We really need to teach you to stop taking requests from random strangers one of these days.
Owain: (Comically Glares at the Duo) Do you two take me as a child or something!?
Robin: (Simply Shrugs) Well, you are my troublemaking son after all.
Lucina: I'm still older than you, so yes.
Lucina: (Crosses her Arms Reminising on the Past) Honestly, I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times I got you out of trouble over the years......
Robin: (Gives His Son a Fatherly Glare) Owain, don't yell at your older cousin. It's rude.
Lucina: (Playfully Sticks jer Tongue Out at Owain)
Owain: OH FORGET I ASKED!! ('Sighs Heavily') Anyways!.....After we accepted the request, the cloaked man telephoned us to Valla, altered our identities and off to Nohrian Empire we went. The experience itself wasn't too shabby. Newer bonds have been formed, done a few erra-I mean quests here and there, faced various types of monsters and evil forces, sat back in the sidelines as we watch two the nations set aside their differences and reluctantly work together as Kaumi lead us to victory. It was a decent time all around, except for all the near death experiences that transpired during our journey. But after we slayed King Garon, who turned out to be an evil tyrant surprise-surprise, we then found out that the man in cloaked just so happens to be an even more diabolical entity who wants to kill Kamui for....personal reasons I believe? I don't quite remember. I'm just more relieved to never fave him again.....
Lucina: Was he difficult was defeat?
Owain: ('Heh') Difficult? He was a god-forsaken NIGHTMARE to put down if anything! But I digress. Because after that was dealt with, Nohr and Hosido has finally formed strong, unbreakable alliance on that day and peace has been bestowed on both lands ever since. After the war has concluded, our trioic adventures has come to a close as both Severa and Ingio decided to remain in Nohr while embarked on more solo journey.
Lucina: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) They have?
Robin: What were their reasons for wanting to stay if they don't mind asking.
Owain: Well, remember when I say that newer bonds has been formed during our time at Nohr? Well, the bonds those two made has formed to formidable sisterhood on one end and a cherishable romance on the other. Severa became the co-founder and leader of a band of highly skilled Wyvern Riders known as the Wyvern Regade, and Ingio- (Chuckles Lightly) I swear, if anyone were to tell me that Prince of all Twinkle Toes abd Skirt Chasing has retired his flirty ways and finally settled down into a committed relationship, I would call that biggest blasphemy of the century!
Robin: (Chuckles Lightly) Is that right? Who's the lucky gal or guy?
Owain: Make that the lucky gal AND guy, because no only he is dating his fellow retainer but he's also dating the elder prince of all of Nohr as well! Who I must add has now taken the title of becoming king.
Robin: (Smiles Brightly) Nice! I hope they're doing well nowadays.
Owain: I do as well. They seemed really happy with one another the last I saw them together. And Severa too. It makes me so happy to know that she's getting the recognition she remarkably deserves.
Lucina: So they've moved on already.
Owain turns to his cousin who looked saddened at the thought of one of her closest companions and her younger brother in another kingdom, living their own lives. This, in turn, causes him to frown as well.
Owain: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) I'm sorry, cousin. The choice to stay weren't easy ones for either of them to make on that day. But I can guarantee you 100% that those two missed and thought about you every single day.
Lucina: I know. I missed them too. Everyday of my life.....('Sigh') But above all else.....(Gives Owain a Small, Yet Sincere Smile on her Face) I'm just blessed to know that they're still alive and happy.
Owain: You are? Truly?
Lucina: (Happily Nodded) Yes, truly. We've all been through hell and back to save to our families' timeline from complete chaos. So I believe it's only right to let them the lives they've set for themselves going forward. Besides, I plan on visiting them one of these days in the near future once I know how to use the Dimensional Rings properly.
Owain: (Eyes Begins to Widened a Bit) The Dimensional Rings? (Turns to Lucina) Question: Is it a golden ring? The kinda of ring that is giant sized?
Lucina: Whenever its used, yes.
Robin: Why?
Owain: Because I believe that might be the same ring that brought me into this place to begin with.
Lucina: Seriously?
Robin: Did you see anyone around using it by any chance?
Owain: I can't say that i have I'm afraid.....The ring itself just appeared out of nowhere when I first saw it in the desert. (Crosses his Arms) The thought it's existence has hardly ever crossed my mind up until now. Not even when I took long nap on the sidewalks.
Lucina: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You WHAT!?
Robin: (Webt Back to Glaring at his Son) Owain, those sidewalks get colder in time of year! You could've gotten your sick!
Lucina: How long did you slept there!?
Owain: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Again) Well.... Considering how long i was transported to the beach and how far I've walked towards the town, I'd say it was.....approximately aboooout..... Few....hours or so? (Forms an Awkward Grin on his Face)
Lucina: A FEW HOURS- (Holds Up her Hand While Pinching her Nose and Letting Out a Heavy Sigh) Owain Everfield Yliston.
Owain: I.....don't think that's my middle name-
Lucina: HUSH! (Angrily Points at her Dear Cousin) If I find out that you've been in roaming around this town in this cold temperature, on an empty stomach SO HELP ME-
Owain: Cousin, cousin, please! Calm yourself. Despite the turn of events that aspired as of late, I can assure you and father that I am perfectly well and long past fed.
????: He's not wrong, you know?
The trio turns to see Dark Pit and his two girlfriends, Misako and Kyoko, standing in front of the patio's doorway.
Dark Pit: We treated him to lunch after we woke him up from his sidewalk nap.
Misako: He even convinced us to take on the Big Bang Burger Challenge for the fourth time. Failed again by the way.
Kyoko: (Happily Holds Up her Shopping Bags Close to her Face) Not to mention all the shopping we did thanks to the money he provided!~ ('Squeals Happily') I'm so loving this New Year so far!~
Misako: (Casually Shrugs) Eh. It's whatever. (Forks a Small Smirk on her Face) Still had a good time today though.
Dark Pit: Same here. You weren't bad company today, Odin. (Forms a Teasing Smirk on his Face) Or should I call you...."Owain Everlast Yliston".
Owain: (Eyes Widened in Disbelief).......H-How-
Misako: We heard everything from inside.
Kyoko: Love your real name by the way~
Misako: Suits you a whole lot better than your fake one.
Owain: (Let's Out a Loud Gasps Before Glaring at the Trioic Couple) Excuse YOU!? I'll have you know that the "fake" name is based around one of most powerful gods in all of mythology! And it is far more superior than my bland, boring actually name.
Lucina: Owain, your mother gave you that name when you were born.
Owain: W-Well, yeah, but-
Robin: ('Sigh') She would always tell me how much she adores that name of yours. As do I......
Owain: (Rolls his Eyes) Father, I know that, but-
Lucina: Honestly. I cannot imagine the look on my poor Auntie's face when she finds out that you find your name dull or boring.
Owain: (Angrily Points at his Cousin) You will do no such thing!-
Dark Pit: Hey, make sure you send us a video whenever you do tell her. Kinda wanna see how this soap opera plays out-
Owain: ('Groans in Pure Annoyance and Defeat') ENOUGH ALREADY! Mother doesn't need to know about all this! (Points at the Dark Angel) And I certainly don't need to be taunted by the likes of you!
Dark Pit: Yeah, well, now that you're gonna be living here for now on, you could bet your dramatic ass thar I'll mess with you every chance I get.
Dark Pit: Oh. Right. (Walks Over to the Door) A few people want to talk to you by the way.
Pitto opens the door wide, revealing Peach amd the rest of the ladies (and Lea) as they all fall down on the ground together.
Peach: ('Sigh') Oh geez....(Turns to the Others Behind) Is everyone okay back there?
The Others: Yeah..../Mmth/We're good/
Lea: My hair isn't!
Aqua: We'll fix your hair later, Lea.
Peach: (Gets Herself Up From the Ground Before Clearing her Throat and Forming a Very Welcoming Smile on her Face) Salutations, my dear~ My name is Princess Peach and-
Owain: (Eyes Widened Once More) Princess? (Quickly Bows himself Down to Peach and the Others) P-Please excuse and forgive me for my intrusion here, your majesty! I had no idea you lived here, honest!
Peach: (Smiles Sheepishly) Come now, dear. There's no need for you to bow and apologize. It's okay.
Owain: (Slowly But Surely Stands Back Up) Are you certain? Like absolutely so?
Peach: (Giggles Softly) Yes, absolutely~
Palutena: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah, you don't need to worry about Momma Peach. She won't bite.
Samus: Unless you provoke her that is.
Peach: (Turns Back to the Bounty Hunter) Sammy!
Samus: What? I'm not entirely wrong, am I?
Bayonetta: You can be a scary princess sometimes, my dear.
Peach: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) I know that! I just don't wanna scare him off! Just let me do all the talking, okay?
Samus: (Shrugs) Whatever you say, boss.
Peach: (Turns Back to Owain) Now, Owain, Odin or umm-
Owain: Just Owain is fine, ma'am. (Rolling his Eyes Again) It is my birth name after all.
Peach: It's a wonderful birth name, dear.
Kyoko: Told you!~
Peach: Anyways, Pitto has told us some much about you minutes ago and nothing would make our day bright more than to have you stay and be a part of this family.
Owain: (Eyes Slowly Begins to Widened Yet Again in Genuine Surprise) You.....all considered me a part of this family of yours?
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Heck yeah!~ You seem like pretty nice kid all around. You'd fit right in.
Rosalina: (Smiles Softly) Plus, being here would give you an honest chance to reconnect with your father and cousin going forward.
Robin: (Places his Habd onto his Son's Shoulder, Giving him a Smile of his Own) And I am more than willing to make up for loss times, my son.
Lucina: (Gives Owain a Very Loving Hug) As will I. Owain, I know we've gotten the wrong foot earlier, but words are not enough to express how much you mean to to us or even how......ecstatic and blessed I truly am to finally see you again after all this time. So please......Would you stay here and be a part of our ever growing family?
Owain: (Stares Deep into Lucina's Eyes For a Brief Second Before Tears Starts Falling Down From his Eyes) Yes.....('Sniff') Yes, of course! (Happily Pulls Lucina and Robin into a Group Hug) I would be more than honored to be a part of this wonderful family!~ I love you two so much.
Lucina: (Tears Starts Falling Down From her as Well) ('Sniff') We love you too, cousin.
Robin: (Happily Hugs Her Son and Niece Back) Welcome to the Smash Family.
Lea: (Starts Tearing Up as Well) Great. ('Sniff') The water works is about to get in.......
Samus: (Tearing Up Along with the Rest of the Ladies) You and me both, man. ('Sniff') This is so beautiful.....
Peach: There's only one way to distinguish these watery emotions, ladies!~
Moms: GROUP HUGS!~ (Gather Around and Joins on the Hugfesr)
Dark Pit: Yeah, you all have fun with that. (Starts Making his Way to the Door) If anyone needs me, I'll be in lounging around in the-
Misako: Get your ass over here! (Yanks Pitto Over to the Group by the Collar)
Kyoko: Now, mister!~
With the trio included, the heartwarming hug fest is now in completion. Life wasn't easy for the dramtic young man in blonde: from witnessing his love ones perish, risking his own life against all odds and fight for a better outcome, to parting ways from his older companions after the war was set and done.
It was a very long road ahead for him to endure alone indeed. But even with all that in mind, Owain Everlast Yliston believes that this town is one place....he can finally call his new home.
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shadowfoxsilver · 4 months
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Shadow Wyvern Leader sketch~
A massive Wyvern with three heads and six wings. A formidable opponent if challenged, and the one who hunts dragons that stay out too late on moonless nights. He is the leader of Shadow Wyverns, but isn’t the Ancient.
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starfall-spirit · 2 years
Blood and Bonds
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Song to pair with each SJMRW prompt.
Day 4: Frawley’s No One Can Fix Me
SJMRW Prompt: Favorite Trope | Let Me Wrap Your Wound
Ship: Elide x Manon
Here’s to my favorite ToG Rare Pair.
Summary: After returning to Manon's quarters with a wound from a wyvern, the Wing Leader takes it upon herself to tend to the injury, griping over the process of course. Foolish humans.
Red. Despite whatever claim Manon Blackbeak made when it came to the forgotten witch blood in Elide’s veins, it was scarlet blood that kissed the stones of Morath that evening. 
It was her own fault, really. As much as she kept her head down in the halls of torture and pain, Elide had been a curious soul from girlhood. Perhaps that curiosity made her a fool, approaching that wyvern’s pin. Bait beast or not, one bite and her frail skin and bones would be in tatters. She was lucky a working hand had come to feed them and was kind enough to beat the thing before it could do more than graze her.
Adrenaline made that chain at her ankle feel much lighter than usual.
Now, praying no witch or mammalian beast would scent her blood, she stalked to the blackbeak quarters—to Manon’s room, where she knew the witch kept bandages for when her quickened healing failed her. Gods, this would be embarrassing to explain. Especially if one of the others, likely Asterin or Sorrel, were present.
Indeed, as the door creaked open Elide found both the Wing Leader and her cousin hunched over a yellowing map—plotting their next assignment, she could only assume. Their nostrils flared as the scent of her blood filled the room. “Were you caught spying?” Manon barked, a soldier witch marking Elide’s remaining usefulness.
“I got a little too close to a bait beast free of his chain, actually,” she responded, refusing to mumble or hint at embarrassment in their presence. 
Asterin snorted, receiving a surprisingly cutting look from her cousin. She quickly cleared her throat. “I’ll pass this on to the shadow twins. I’m sure you’ll have a report by dawn.”
With the blond dismissed, Manon turned her full focus on Elide. “I can handle wrapping it myself if you still keep bandages in—”
“Sit.” She obeyed, perched on her pallet as the witch guided across the room to gather whatever she needed to clean out whatever was in the beast's teeth and wrap the wound, likely minor in the eyes of an immortal. “You humans,” she grumbled, seating herself and taking Elide’s wrist to inspect the long gash. “Not the slightest sense of self preservation.” She couldn’t help but wince as Manon stood again, returning with needle and thread in hand. “Not only foolish, but squeamish too, then.”
“You act as if I was there to pet the thing,” Elide sniped, biting back a hiss as Manon took the alcohol and cloth to her arm.
“Whatever you were doing there, girl, do remember there are times when you have to balance risk and reward. I teach that to the strongest of The Thirteen. You’ll do well to remember it too, fragile as you humans are.”
They were both silent, Elide’s jaw clenched tight as Manon took an eternity to neatly stitch her arm. “Steer clear of that pin. I’d hate to have to replace you.”
And for a moment—just a moment—Elide thought she may have heard a hint of concern.
Shoot me an ask/comment/message to be added or removed rom my taglist
Tag list: @sjmromanceweek // @pandavelaris // @s-uppertime // @faeriequeensuriel
And additionally @shallyn, because I know you were kind of hyped about this pairing.
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aurallyaddison · 8 months
me now: i am well-adjusted and had a good childhood and i am currently working through all of my issues and have no more to uncover :)
me at 11: this is my sona she is a dragon who was born a with super rare mutation (shes like a prophetic guardian) but her aunt the queen is a racist eugenicist (because of the lingering influence of a corrupt leader a generation or so ago) so she was exiled and thrown off the cloud cover she lived on and she died FOR REAL but she came back because her soul was split into five parts from the moment she was conceived and each individual part was inside of another creature who died unfairly so they could live again
so the first is a cat who lives on an island which is also a warrior cats parallel universe except each of the four clans here specialize in harvesting certain resources and his clan is a miner clan where they find cool jewels and minerals but somewhat recently a new deputy has entered the clan and made it so that all miner apprentices are fitted with a band on their wrist that shocks them and makes them feel pain whenever their mentor feels like it and theyre forced to work inhumanely for so long and so badly that everyone forgets that this was never how it worked before (plus the leader is like totally hypnotized and mind controlled) and so this guy is trained by the deputy but after hes named a full miner he turns tail and runs to the closest neighboring clan because he sees the deputy is too power hungry and also the medicine cat advises him to but hes caught and killed on the spot
and so the next one is this wyvern whose egg gets mixed up in a landslide aboveground (wyverns live in subterranean caverns) and shes technically part of the highest and most powerful caste of her society (the moment she hatched she found an opal and hung it around her neck with her natural magic thats how it works) but she never learns this because she is raised by the most vicious group of dragons on the surface and abused and treated horribly and she can only eat because she lives in a hole in a cliff facing the sea and she teaches herself to fish and she is forced into combat training she does not want to do and is too young/small/weak/pacifistic/insecure to safely take part in and so one day she is called to do some fighting and she is deliberately matched against the biggest guy in the group who knocks her off the stump they fight on killing her instantly
and so also more recently i made this cat who because of the nature of her magic and an intrinsic property of her spirit her communitys corrupt leader sees her as a threat so she uses her power to send her out into the forest to fetch something after making her drink Potion Of Attacked By Incorporeal Shadow Monster and so when shes attacked it weakens her spirit enough that she is willing to drink another potion she finds without questioning it except this time the leaders assistants didnt realize that the poison they added was only deadly to non-dragons and it actually increases dragons lifespans and also if someone has a piece of a dragons soul inside them like this cat does it makes them immortal so she actually dies for like a second but then comes back and runs away to live in a cave just outside of where the leader can sense her and takes in the handful of other cats who are targeted as found family (also the other ingredients in the potion made it that so instead of being invulnerable her wounds turn into something depending on the magic they have so like hers turn into new body parts and her friend jades wounds turn into jade and emerald)
this one isnt as fleshed out but basically shes a fox who is killed by her brothers friends because they dont like her but the collars given to her and her brother by their mom allow them to persist after death as unique half-alive-half-dead versions of themselves and also astral project even when theyre still alive and those who possess the collars can talk to one another discreetly without others seeing either so at first she just follows him but then she decides to get revenge and kill the friends who attacked her which makes her brother scared and want nothing to do with her anymore but it was so easy she could do it again and nobody would ever know and so she becomes super corrupted by power and kills a bunch of people (including her brother i think) and she finds a friend who understands her sort of and ignores the killings at first but then she gets fed up and yells at her and cries and claws her collar off not realizing what would happen which is that the foxs wound that caused her death is exposed and she bleeds out and dies for real this time
and so this one was collaboratively written with a friend of mine using paper cutouts of our respective ocs and roleplaying with them and so basically theres this fennec fox whos making the trek to a sacred site to fully receive her magic and one night she digs a burrow to sleep in and when she wakes up for some reason shes in a different universe and is seen by this winged black wolf and her little sister and they speak a different language but her necklace translates it for her because it does and anyway the wolves are on the run and the fennec wants to get home and they might have a way to do both in the world's capital so she begrudgingly accepts and so they journey together through perilous conditions and the fennec starts to warm up to them and they actually connect but right at the end of their journey the little sister is killed so the fennec and the wolf return alone and the fennec gets her full magic and they bury the little sister near an oasis and mourn her and i think the fox goes off on her own and is caught off guard by an ambush and killed
(heavy panting)
me now: haha kid thats cute. :) that wasnt plasmas friend though that was her girlfriend
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HELLO, HUMANS! I am Ribbon the Sylveon! The leader of Team Pixie, aka, the first team run by Pokémon! AtleastIthinkso-
I'm Marigold the Florges, that is all you need to know.
I am Psy the Hatterene and I will slap the living hell out of you.
...uh- I'm Berry the Alcremie! I'm also the chef here I suppose-
Team Pixie's goal is to remove all Poison types and Steel types from the world in order to restore Fairy types power!
If you want to join us, you better not be/have a Poison and/or Steel type.
Steel/Fairy and Poison/Fairy types are... debatable...
Info about us AND our team under the cut!
Ribbon the Sylveon
Level 70
Moves: Moonblast, Shadow ball, Psychic, Dig
Ability: Pixilate
Nature: Impish
Marigold the Florges
Level 70
Moves: Moonblast, Psychic, Petal Blizzard, Chilling Water
Ability: Symbiosis
Nature: Calm
Psy the Hatterene
Level 70
Moves: Psycho cut, Dazzling Gleam, Brutal Swing, Mystical Fire
Ability: Anticipation
Nature: Rash
Berry the Caramel Swirl Alcremie (Strawberry sweet)
Level 70
Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Drain Punch
Ability: Sweet Veil
Nature: Timid
Team Pixie
A evil team that wants to get rid of all Poison types and Steel types to make Fairy types the strongest once more.
((Ooc info:
Name: Moon
Main: @j0ur3nys-3nd
Other Irl blogs
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dandelionette-9 · 2 years
Ok so update on my Shadow Dragon play-through: That shit is getting put on hold lmao, because instead I’ve started playing Fire Emblem Fates again after seeing a particular someone rant about it, and because I want to try a strategy I’ve always been interesting . . .
That being only using captured units!
Basically for everyone that dosent know fates, you can capture generic enemies during fights and then like, just start using them as regular units. They suck a LOT more than regular units though, so their use is kinda questionable. However, since I love fucking around and finding out, and also imposing personalities on faceless goons, my whole play-through rn is basically dedicated to trying to use my captured units as much as I can with little playable character intervention.
I’m at chapter 14 in Birthright (I’ve been using a lot of scouting missions though sorry) and the current entourage is:
Wenzel, a dark mage - He was the first unit I captured so I kinda think of him as the team leader and strategist for this particular platoon of captured units. He does BIG DAMAGE, and I love him so much for one shotting bitches.
Konrad, a mercenary - Very reliable kinda-tank! I wish he would do a little more, but I’m content with what he’s got going on rn. I imagine he’s like the second in command to Wenzel, very passionate and upfront.
Elmar, a cavalier - He needs to stop getting one stat point a level up or else I will bench his ass. But also he’s a really helpful tank, pairs up very nicely. Quiet type, keeps his head low, but dosent take shit.
Ludwig, an outlaw - I didn’t expect to use him as much as I do, but CRIT KING!!! His accuracy rate is actually dog shit, but it dosent matter when he’s just critting everyone. The wiley one on the team, tries to be a leader like Wenzel but isn’t great at it. A bit of a jokester too.
Hajime, a ninja - The true team mom, I love shurikan support so much we would not be where we are without his debuffs. Also has some crits! He can seem a little serious, but is always down for shenanigans. Like, he’s reserved, but once you know him he’s very friendly. I also imagine he helped built and looks after the one puppet automaton we have at the castle.
Virgil, a cavalier - I didn’t expect to use him, but then some units died, so I brought him out and oh shit he’s great!! Super great tank, him and his guard naginata carry. I imagine he trained (and still trains) under Elmar, still has much to learn but picks up things quickly, a bit of a sensitive soul too.
Tamaki, a samurai - He’s here! He’s honestly just filling ranks, but he’s been kinda a surprise assassin and crit machine, secured some important kills! I’m still figuring out his personality, but I just think he’s pretty enthusiastic! I imagine he has a bit of rivalry with Konrad as sword users, and that him, Ludwig, Hajime, and Virgil form a friend group of younger recruits together!
Komachi, a shrine maiden - Captured in chapter 11, she’s immediately made herself invaluable by being the first generic staff user I’ve had. It feels so nice being able to have everyone at full hp all the time now. She’s very brave and sociable, I imagine she helps tend to the puppet with Hajime. Just super reliable, gets along with the ‘older’ squad (Wenzel, Konrad, Elmar) but primarily hangs out with the younger squad
Yukari, a shrine maiden - Also captured in chapter 11, I was originally only gonna use one shrine maiden and just captured both to see who had the cooler name, but then some units died so she’s here too! I imagine she’s Komachi’s younger sister, and while they do get along, she has that angry younger sister energy about her. On the quieter/gruff side, actually a little artistic, but when you get her going she absolutely goes! Also hangs out with the younger squad when not by herself, and is currently learning under Wenzel.
Edsel, a wyvern rider - Was literary just picked up because chapter 13 is absolute bitch without a flier. He’s already made an impression though! Very brash and good natured, charges right into things and hopes for the best! I’m hoping he sticks around
And that’s the current team, however there have been… casualties.
Fritz, a wyvern rider - the second unit ever captured, he died in a training mission literally right after I recruited Tamaki. I imagine he was a quiet type, and had a very strong bond with Wenzel, Konrad, Virgil and…
Kenshi, a ninja - Died in chapter 11, bitch ass map, because of a wyvern lord. I imagine he was a very accomplished ninja and was training Hajime. He was falling off, but still, he was so helpful for my first ninja
And then there’s Jinpei (samurai) and Sven (wyvern rider) who both died like. Immediately. Jinpei died the second I tried using him, while Sven got to warm the bench before I tried using him when I realized chapter 13 would be impossible without a flier, but then he died, so I got Edsel. It’s ok, I decided to give the personality of a traitor anyway?
But yeah, that’s the run and units so far!!! Love these fuckers
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