#shadow the hedgeh
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sayurime · 1 month ago
Knuckles perfecto 2
(Contiene ligeros spoiler de Sonic 3)
Ok, entonces, los eventos de Sonic 3 pasan, shalala, shalala, pero en lugar de que Shadow caiga a la nada cae inconsciente con el resto del grupo, y de igual forma Knuckles se lanza a salvar a sus hermanos y al nuevo erizo, sin embargo, mientras caen por el anillo Shadow sale de su agarre y le es imposible alcanzarlo sin soltar a los otros dos.
Necesita alcanzarlo, no puede ver morir al erizo, puede que no le caiga bien el chico, que realmente no le interese del todo su bienestar y que quiera la revancha de su ultima pelea, pero todos merecen una segunda oportunidad, ¿no?
Puede sentir como la distancia con la tierra disminuye considerablemente, intenta acelerar y alcanzar al erizo negro, pero no lo consigue, puede ver los colores del terreno bajo ellos, sus hermanos en sus brazos no dan señales de despertar, Shadow sigue inconsciente cayendo a una velocidad alarmante, no puede dejarlo morir, no puede, no puede.
Una voz que hace años no escuchaba resuena en su mente, relájate, respira y déjalo salir, es lo que dice y él obedece, por que confía en la esmeralda, debe confiar en ella, es lo único en lo que puede confiar ahora.
Así que cierra los ojos y...
El golpe contra la tierra fue duro, la fuerza y velocidad con la que caían le hizo rodar varios kilómetros, dejando un gran cráter y dejándolo levemente aturdido.
Mientras se recupera de la caída intentó que su cabeza dejara de dar vueltas, pero era casi imposible, todo a su alrededor se sentía... demasiado, podía sentir el dolor de las plantas que destruyo con su caída, el canto del mar a miles de kilómetros, el susurro del viento preguntando de donde habían salido, la energía caos del planeta intentando arreglar todo aquello que lo dañaba, podía ver la energía caos de todos aquellos en el planeta, era densa, casi imperceptible, excepto por tres firmas de energía que se encontraban en sus brazos, diminutas en comparación con él.
Una de esas firmas se despertó y se removió en su lugar soltando un jadeo asombrado que le hizo abrir los ojos.
Sonic, quien era el que despertó primero lo miro asombrado, sus orejas rígidas, ojos como canicas y la boca abierta mientras jadeos inentendibles salían de ella, Tails y Shadow, quienes iban recuperando la conciencia observaron a su alrededor antes de seguir la mirada de Sonic y toparse con un par de gigantes ojos violetas que parecían una hermosa nebulosa, ambos no pudieron ocultar su asombro.
-¿Knuckles?, ¿e-eres tu?- La voz de Sonic saco a todos de su asombro.
-¿KNUCKLES?- Grito Tails mirando entre Sonic y él gigante que los sostenía entre sus manos, por su parte Shadow, quien realmente no conocía al grupo solo mostro asombro silencioso.
Ignorando el grito de Tails, Sonic corrió de las manos verdes que los sostenían hasta el hocico lleno de pasto y flores de su hermano mayor, posándose en la base de su nariz divertido al ver al gigante hacer viscos para poder verlo.
-Ja,ja,ja - Sonic se río mientras se agachaba para tocar el pasto, ¿pelaje?, que cubría el hocico de Knuckles, había tantas emociones corriendo dentro de si en ese momento, pero, la mas fuerte en ese momento, era la felicidad, esta feliz de haber sobrevivido, de que todos lo hayan echo en realidad, feliz de ver a sus hermanos, de ver a Shadow junto a ellos, pero, sobre todo, de ver la forma gigante de Knuckles, esa forma por la que Knuckles tanto sufría, no es nada parecida a aquella que vieron en video ese día, no puede ver la tristeza en los ojos galácticos de su hermano, solo ve calma, amor incluso.
En poco tiempo Shadow y Tails aterrizaron junto a él, mirando con curiosidad y asombro a Knuckles, quien a su vez los miraba con cariño, je, es extraño lo expresivo que se volvió el mayor sin necesidad de palabras.
-¿Realmente eres tu Knuckles?- Tails preguntó con timidez y preocupación, Sonic lo entiende, en aquel momento, cuando Knuckles le contó sobre su... poder, este le pidió no, le rogo, que no se lo contara a nadie más, que fuera un secreto entre ellos dos, el mayor se veía tan desecho que Sonic le juro que guardaría su secreto.
Ante la pregunta de Tails una liana se envolvió en la cintura del zorro levantándolo hasta la frente del equidna en donde Tails enterró sus brazos a través del pelaje y dejo que su propia frente se frotara con la del mayor, un gesto que Knuckles rara vez hace pero con el que demuestra su cariño, Tails soltó una pequeña risa aliviada ante la acción.
Shadow observo todo en silencio, se alejo un poco de Sonic, quien observaba la interacción entre sus hermanos con una sonrisa, y miro a su alrededor, Knuckles dejó un gran rastro de destrucción al caer, difícilmente podrían haber salido ilesos de eso ellos solos, y sin embargo, aquí estaban, entiende por que Knuckles protegería a los otros dos, pero ¿él? ¿ Por que lo protegió también a él?
No entiende nada, ni por que o como Knuckles se transformó en esta montaña, por que lo perdonaron después de todo lo que hizo, tantas emociones en su pecho y aun así lo único que puede sentir es... calma, solo quiere sentarse en el borde de este hocico y mirar el horizonte hasta ver al sol ocultarse y quizá observar el surgimiento de las estrellas.
No se sentía así desde...
Una liana se envolvió en su cadera y lo elevo hasta quedar a lado del zorro que seguía abrazado a la frente del equidna... ¿ Aun se le puede llamar equidna?
La liana lo acercó a la frente del gigante pero, a diferencia del zorro, él no lo abrazo en cambio posó, de manera dubitativa, una mano en el pelaje frente a él y, como una ventisca de verano todas sus preocupaciones se fueron; su pecho se sintió ligero, y se sintió... querido, tal vez no amado, aun no, pero no encontró resentimiento alguno, solo una ligera advertencia, no hieras y no serás herido.
Al sentir leída su alma alejo su mano y la liana lo bajó de nuevo al lado de Sonic, quien, ahora, se encontraba parado en el espacio entre los ojos del equidna frotando su frente en el pelaje y susurros de "Gracias y perdóname" salían levemente de sus labios.
De repente, esos violáceos abismos cósmicos se abrieron y lo miraron fijamente, Shadow, con el aliento contenido, no pudo evitar pensar que esa mirada era hermosa.
Lo que María siempre le quiso mostrar, la belleza de la vida, el amor y el cariño que ambos sintieron entre ellos podría volver a sentirlo, por que al tener esa mirada sobre él entendió el mensaje...
"Te protegeré, de la misma forma que los protejo a ellos"
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softchassis · 4 months ago
[watches the Sonic vs Shadow cutscene in Shadow Generations] OH THEYRE SO BOYFRIENDS
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noctivagant-corvid · 4 months ago
ive come to make an announcement . shadow the hedgeh- wait what was that ((SEVERAL EXPLOSION SOUNDS, WINDOW BREAKING SFX, THREE CAR ALARMS))
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schlushiii · 3 months ago
I have come to make an announcement!
Shadow the hedgeh-
Everytime I see anything horse related the first thing I picture is @phantompeaches OC Blake
This is a curse
Release me!!!
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rabbitsonthemoon · 10 months ago
Shadow the Hedgeh- oh...
If you guys were on here at 11 years old what would you be posting about
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kevynthedevylman · 5 months ago
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sayurime · 1 month ago
ok, ok, ok
Pensando en Ships y potenciales parejas para mi hijo Knuckles y que no puedo decidirme entre Shadow, Rouge y Mighty y solo pensar...
A la mierda, que pelen por él!!!!
Ahora piensa en ese escenario ... pero con Knuckles Wachowski!!!
Knuckles, el chico rudo y con nulo tacto social con tres personas intentando ganarse su corazón... y a su familia.
Shadow: ¡Sigue vivo, YEY! Se hizo amigo de Sonic y, por obvias razones, pasaría tiempo con Tails y Knuckles, no sabe en que momento el equidna le empezó a gustar pero decidió no hacer nada al respecto, de todas formas, no es como si tuviera un rival.
Hasta que llegaron dos, y ahora intenta ganarse a Knuckles y hacer que Sonic deje de mirarlo feo.
Rouge: Vieja conocida de Knucky-cooki y antiguo crush de Knuckles. A ella le parece guapo el chico, pero aun es inmaduro para su gusto, eso no quiere decir que les dejara el camino libre a los otros dos, a Maddie no le agrada mucho.
Migthy: El niño no sabe como llegó a la tierra, pero esta feliz de ver a su viejo amigo del que aun sigue enamorado, pero no se considera lo suficientemente bueno como para competir contra Shadow y Rouge por el amor de Knuckles. Tom lo tiene en la mira, ha visto como el armadillo mira a su hijo cuando cree que nadie esta prestando atención.
Tails, Ray y Knuckles son ajenos a todo esto.
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hurjy · 2 years ago
Oh boy it's shadow the hedgeh
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bad hedgehog
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tarasdiary · 7 years ago
It's Manny's birthday today, the one who voices your favourite blue hedgehog and more characters, check out this special video!
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transkirishima · 6 years ago
I think ur influence has gone too far because any time I even see the color RED my brain goes “sting transkirishima”
sometimes i really do have to take a step back and realize how much of my life i have devoted to the color red
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drawloverlala · 7 years ago
Idk if you're still taking requests but it'd be cool to see you draw some Shadamy :0
Disclaimer: i’m not taking new requests, these requests were made in January of 2017  ^_^ 
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sorry for the delay! hope you like it! :3
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cartoonfan130 · 1 month ago
Oh uh here's where you can buy it if you wish
I love my mug so much. It brings me so much joy
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sonicdjam · 2 years ago
holy shoot shadow the hedgeh
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luci-voracious-blog · 3 years ago
Sonic E.X.E Vore
An history trade for @junothewolf, sorry if it’s an little shoter but i don’t know how to make it more longer and i know my grammar kinda sucks.
It was an very dark night on the Green Hills, you were shivering of cold and fear due you’re tiny size, you have no idea what to do to warm yourself before you could die for hypothermia, it was very VERY COLD!.
For a normal person it was only a normal cold night but for an tiny person it was like you were living on the pole north, you were alone, without any friends or family, you really hate your life because since you were very tiny, nobody notices you and many times you try to interact with people they almost stomp you, you start to cry a little, you only want to end with your awful life.
Suddenly you saw from afar and weird shadow form that was getting closer more often. Until it was finally in front yourself, it was an blue hedgehog but he wasn’t normal, his eyes was whole black, he was like crying blood and showing an big creepy smile.
 You were totally stunned and freeze due his appearance.
Who are….? Before even say anything else, you stars to levitate like a mysterious force was moving you, you can’t even move any muscle of your body.
When you were in front to his face, he slowly get out his tongue and licks you a little, he didn’t say anything but he makes an little evil smirk, like he was saying “Such an perfect midnight snack”.
 You tried to fight and move for getting free from that force but it was impossible, soon he sowly opens his mouth, put you inside his maws and quickly closed it.
You feels his breath coming from his gullet, it was like an windraft,he slowly starts to taste your flavor as he also munch a little, his teeths were you sharp, similar to an knife so you start to bleed a little, finally he evilly laughs a little for then make an big gulp for send you to your wishful death.
 You feel how the throat muscles gives you and soft massage, that must be an reward after been munching by teeths who are mostly knifes.
 Some seconds later you already reached to the stomach, it was a very dark and wet place, nothing to expect in a stomach but it was something who makes you feel very shocked and paralyzed, you saw some human bones all around, it looks like it was from previous preys who that monster eats before, you already know what that means, the first thing you think to do it was punching his stomach so hard for see if he could pukes you out from there, but it was useless, it looks like he wasn’t feeling any pain on his stomach.
Then the stomach walls starts to shift and squeeze all around, that only means one thing….it was already the time, the acids starts to trickle in but instaned to been green or yellow they was black and when you start to feel they on your hurted feets, they feels very gooey and not splashy and the weirdest thing, you don’t feel any pain you just feel like you step on a puddle of mud on a rainy day.
You already face up that you may going to die getting drowned by that weird acid, but at least that means you’re going to ending with your lonely life and the best thing without any pain.
You lying over the stomach floor, waiting for your wishful fate, when that acid was getting more often all around, you just make a little smirk and close your eyes for the last time.
Slowly all the black acid filled all the stomach and starts to digest that poorly lonely soul.
 But something weird happens…..
From the pig pool of black acid and hand starts to raise up fulled of an black goo, soon an creature starts to raise up as the acid was disappearing as it stills full of that gooey substance, suddenly that creature flew out of the stomach.
That heghehog starts to coughs a little until he spills out that creature, then he cleans up an little to reveal that creature was yourself but very different.
You’re eyes was black as your pupils was very red and bright, you’re skin was darker and your hair color instaned to be “H/C” it was black.
When you saw that giant hedgehog again instaned of feel scared you just smiles to him very happy as you’re teeths was very sharp too.
“It looks like you no longer dislike to been a mouse right?” He says with an evil smile
“Yes, my master” You said with an deep voice
The old yourself who very scared and lonely already die the only thing left from him it was his old skeleton who now is going to live inside the stomach of that hedgehog forever, now you have an new life and a new friends, you’re never going to be alone anymore.
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segasonicaesthetics · 3 years ago
Common Sonic arguments
Common Sonic arguements and discourse debunked.
These often come up in discourse around the series and don't seem to ever die so today I am going to nit pick a few of the common criticism that comes on regarding Sonic discourse because why not, nothing better to do with my time.
1: Sonic shouldn't have a story or if it does it should go back to fast hedgehog gets rings and fights funny science bad guy.
A: Why shouldn't Sonic have a story? I never see a good arguement for this case and most of the ones that do come up are not that good.
First off a series should evolve and grow, staying in the past forever or playing to nostalgia endlessly is harmful. A good example of this was the classic megaman series through it's first six games, which did the same megaman fights doctor wily plot to the point the series was losing players who where getting tired of the same thing.
The games where good but they offered nothing new, thats when Megaman X grew the beard and made a leap forward which helped put the megaman franchise on the map and allowed it to take many bold new directions.
2: Well see Sonics a cartoon hedgeh...
A: And? Are cartoons a lesser form of art or media? Some of the best stories in the 2010s came from cartoons of that era which evolved with the times and tackled some interesting themes. Just because something is for younger people doesn't mean it has to be a lesser form of storytelling.
This arguement is pointless and comes from a boomer mind set locked in the 20th century seeing cartoons and games as "Just a kids thing and kids media is meant to be silly."
3: Sonic has had a rough transition to 3D...
A: This has been done to death, please just stop already, god.
Remember the Adventure games where highly praised and got good reviews at the time, this crap is some real selective memory bollocks and it seems to stem from Sonic 06 poisoning the discourse for years.
4: But sonic 06...
A: It has been over 15 years, move on already and stop using this to advocate holding the series back.
5: Sega should focus on other games besides sonic, all they do is make sonic.
A: Where is the evidence for this one? Sega is not just sonic team, they own a lot of game dev devisions and teams who work on their own franchises and projects, a few of these include AM1, AM2, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio(Which is part of Sega CS Research and Development No. 1) and a few more not including companies they own such as Atlus, Two point, hardlight and Creative Assembly. Trust me they put out a lot of games, some current ones being PSO2 reboot, miku hatsune series, yakuza etc so this arguement is total bunk.
6: But the quality of the Sonic series has been all over the place.
A: True and Sonic Team needs to do better.
7: Sonic has too many friends.
A: So? What’s wrong with having other characters, it makes the world and setting more diverse and rich. This arguement also fails because through the 2010s a majority of the games have been Sonic only with not many playable characters. If anything this arguement is coming from people who have not kept up with or still play the series and seems out of touch.
8: The stories are too edgy and dark.
A: Hello I am from 2005 and have lost my time machine, please help.
9: Lol they gave Shadow a gun, series has jumped the shark.
A: This is not 2005, we’re over this, I think Sonic team got the message 15 years ago, can we move onto some productive criticism now?
10: People make porn of sonic, fandom bad, sonic fans wanna **** big the cat lolololol XD XD XD
A: This is not an arguement about the series, this is a you problem, maybe stop googling sonic porn if it’s a big deal?
11: Sonic was never good.
A: Thats just your opinion man, don’t like it fair tons of games out there to play.
12: Sonic 2 was the best and only good Sonic game and Sega should just make that again.
A: This sort of ties back to number 1, a problem with that is doing nothing but appeasing aging 90s kids forever would bury the series harder than Sonic 06 almost did, things need to grow and do new stuff that is part of life and a good thing.
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blackhakumen · 3 years ago
Mini Fanfic #896: The Float Parade (Sonic X SSBU)
10:23 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room......
Sonic: (Shakes his Fist Up and Down While Staring at the TV Screen in an Excited Like Fashion)
Hat Kid: (Raised an Eyebrow at Sonic in Confusion)
Shadow: ('Sigh') Alright. I'll bite. (Turns to Sonic) What's making you jumpy?
Sonic: (Turns to the Duo With a Bright Smile on his Face) I'm gonna have a giant float of myself being shown off for this year's parade! (Points at the Tv in Front of Him) On Live TV!
Hat Kid: (Eyes Sparkled in Awe) Woooooooah......
Shadow: (Eyes Widened a Little in Genuine Surprise) You don't say? Did the town community chosen you as a candidate of sorts?
Sonic: Yep! (Pulls Out just Phone and Shows the Duo the Results Toll) I was nominated to be in of the many float faces of the parade. (Puts on the Cocky Smirk on his Face) And I just so happen to be the Top 10.
Hat Kid: (Smiles Brightly) Cool!
Shadow: (Groans at the Sight of the Screen) Game Guy is one of them?
Sonic: Yeah....I'm guessing it's because of his status as a gambling, rich guy? I'm surprised he made it this far, considering how much of a cheapskate he is.
Shadow: I'm surprised people voted for him at all.
TV Screen: Thank you, Tom. I am here outside of the city, where the parade is coming it's merry way to fully begin.
Sonic: (Turns at the TV Before He Gasps Loudly at the Sight of his Float on Screen) I'M GOING FIRST!?
Hat Kid: (Happily Claps at the Screen) Yayyy!~ Sonic!
Shadow: (Takes a Look at the Float in Question) Huh. The design of it actually looks good.
Sonic: Of course it does! (Smirks Again) They had to match up to my awesome look from head to toe somehow.
Shadow: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Don't get ahead of yourself, balloon boy.
News Reporter: And we're starting ourselves the Blue Blur and The Fastest Thing Alive Himself, Sonic the Hedgeh-
Then, without any warning, the float itself suddenly begins to explode on screen, much to the trio and everyone else on screen surprise.
Ryuji (In the Crwod on Screen): HOLY SHIT!!!
Roxas: (In the Crowd On Screen) WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?
Sonic: (Eyes and Mouth Widened in Complete Disbelief) !!!!!!!
Hat Kid: ('GASPS')
Shadow: Well......that happened.
News Reporter: Tom, I DO NOT believe it!!! It appears that the float has just exploded out of thin air!!
????: (Makes his Way In Front of the Camera) And it was all done by yours truly: Dr. Robotnik Eggman! (Laughs Evilly) OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!
Sonic: (Eyes Begins to Twitch at the Sight of Eggman Laughing on Screen)
Hat Kid: (Pouts Angrily at the Screen)
Shadow: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) Figures......
News Reporter: (Interviewing The Evil Scientist Beside Him) Dr. Eggman, what has gotten through your mind while denoting Sonic's balloon?
Dr Eggman: Oh, there's a lot of reasons why I did this, Bill. But I believe the biggest one by far is related back to my award ceremony in the last two years. That pesky hedgehog had the gull to try and ruin my speeches. So naturally, I decided to ruin something that's valuable to him. (Starts Grinning Evilly) His Float.
Sora: (In the Crowd on Screen) ('GASPS') Eggman, you MONSTER!!
Futuba: In the Crowd on Screen) ARREST HIM ALREADY!!!
Shadow: This is already a disaster.......(Noticed Sonic Angrily Getting Up From the Sofa) And where do you think you're going?
Sonic: To the parade! (Starts Cracking his Knuckles) I have an Egghead to crack......
Shadow: Let it go, Sonic. I'm pretty sure the authorities will come here and arrest him at any minute now. So he's not worth the trouble.
Sonic: (Turna and Glares at Shadow) The hell he is! He ruined my float over something that happened two years ago- (Immediately Turns Back at the Screen) Hey. Wait a minute. Is that a float of you right now, Shadow?
Hat Kid: (Happily Cheers at the New Float on Screen) Shadow!~
Shadow: (Turns Back to th Screen) What are you- (Eyes Widened at what is in Front of Him Right Now) No way.......
News Reporter Named Bill: As we all say in show business, "The Show Must Go On!" And what better way to continue than presenting the next float of the Ultimate Lifeform himself, Shadow the Hedgeh-
As short lived as it was, another float has unfortunately bite the dust in explosion on screen.
Shadow: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAT!?
News Reporter Named Bill: HOLY S-H-I-T, Tom! It looks like the second float has just exploded as well!!
Eggman: (Eyes Widened in Disbelief While Sweat Starts Capoming Down his Face) Oh......crab-baskets, that wasn't supposed to happen. It seems might've told Orbot and Cubot to set the ticking time bombs on the float as well by mistake. Sorry about that.
Ren: (In the Crowd On Screen) DUMBASS!!
Shadow: (Almost at a Loss For Words) I don't believe this......Why me!? And how they managed to get a float of myself to begin with!? I wasn't even on the Top 10!!
Sonic: Ohhhhhhhhh!......You know what? I totally forgot to tell you something about all of that last night, Shadow. That float was supposed be your reward from G.U.N!
Shadow: Reward?.......From G.U.N?
Sonic: (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Quills Back and Forth) Yeah....The general told me he wanted to tell you about it on the phone last night, but you never answered. So he decided to call me instead. He thinks you, Rouge, and Omega are doing great job at the Organization so far. So he told the parade manager to create you a float of yourself for your service hard work- (Noticed Shadow was Suddenly Missing) Hey, wait a minute. Where Shadow went off to?
Hat Kid: (Simply Shrugs Before Gasping Yet Again) Sonic! (Points at the TV Screen) Look!
Sonic: (Quicky Made his Way to the TV) What is it, lil si- (Eyes Begins to Widened at What is in Front of Him) No way.......
Meanwhile at the Middle of Smash Town........
Everyone in the Crowd is already booing at Eggman for what he done.
Eggman: (Glares Back at the Crowd) Oh come on now! I planned for Sonic's float to be destroyed from the very beginning! I didn't even know Shadow's float was participating at all this year!!!!!
Futuba: (In the Crowd) LIAR!!!
Eggman: (Growls Before Angrily Shaking his Fist at the Crowd) I'll show whose the liar here is, you little-
The Evil Scientist turns around to see Shadow the Hedgehog glaring directly at him with his arms crossed together, all while the crowd Gasps at his sudden appearance.
Eggman: S-S-Shadow! Uhh....(Smiles Awkwardly) F-Fancy seeing you here in.....this lovely town.....
Shadow: ...............
Eggman: I uhh.....Happy Thanksgiving! To you and for family!.... (Chuckles Awkwardly)
Shadow: ......................
Eggman: ('Sighs in Defeat') Look, I'm really sorry about destroying your float. It was an honest mista-
The doctor suddenly felt an immediate, sharp pain from each of his toes getting stomped on before Shadow send him flying to the ground with a one, single punch in the jaw before walking away. Causing the entire crowd to Gasps once more.
News Reporter Named Bill: Oh god........
Crowd: (Cheers in Rejoice)
Pit: (In the Crowd) THAT WAS AMAZING!!!
Ryuji: (In the Crowd) HELL YEAH, DUDE!!
Makoto: (In the Crowd) Ren!
Ren: (In the Crowd) What? I'm just saying.
Xion: (In the Crowd) WE LOVE YOU, SHADOW!!!~
Crowd: (Chanting Shadow's Name)
Shadow: (Sighs as He Reluctantly Waves at the Crowd Behind Him as He Warps Out of the Scene)
Reporter Named Bill: And there you have it, folks. The Ultimate Lifeform himself has just saved the parade and even the day itself by decking the evil scientist across the face. What a world we live in.
Eggman: ('Groans in Pain')
Back at the Mansion
Shadow: (Warps Back in the Living Room Before Sighing)
Hat Kid: (Happily Rushes Over and Hugs the Ultimate Lifeform) Shadow!~
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly at the Hat Kid Before Ruffling the Top of Her Hair) Hello again, little sister. Sorry for disappearing earlier. I-
Shadow turns to see Sonic crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at him while tapping feet repeatedly.
Shadow: What?
Sonic: What happened to Eggman not worth the trouble, huh? I could've decked him minutes ago myself.
Shadow: ('Sigh') Look, I couldn't just sit here all day and let the doctor ruin mines and everyone else's chaces of happiness today. (Walks Away to the Kitchen with Hat Kid Still Hugging Him) I practically did you a favor at this point....
Sonic: (Sighs While Shrugging) Fair. (Makes his Way Back to the Sofa)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
And Thank you all for the 300 Follows!
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