#shadow showing up when sonic's memory only goes up to just after sonic adventure 2 and sonic crying of relief in seeing shadow alive again
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angstandhappiness · 2 years ago
*hands 📁 to you*
Thank you kindly! May I offer you this in these trying times: "Assimilated Sonic AU Thing"
AKA the Post-Frontiers fic where Sonic, king of Not Asking For Help, decides to break into one of Eggman's bases, lock himself in one of Eggman's detention cells, and refuse to elaborate until Eggman, concerned about this blue rat for the first time in his life, literally begs him to explain what's going on, leading to this lovely exchange:
“Sonic, have you been possessed by a malicious entity?” Ivo asked.
“. . . maybe a little?”
Basically, The End is trying to take over Sonic's body, leaving him in various states of amnesia the longer time goes on. Eggman is forced to work with Sonic's friends to find a way to fix this, because the last thing Eggman wants is for someone with all of Sonic's power but none of Sonic's compassion to be unleashed upon the world.
This fic is inspired by all of the speculation around Sonic Frontiers, where everyone thought Sonic was going to get corrupted by the entity that we now know is The End. The name that people keep using for the concept is "Assimilated!Sonic", hence the title.
Fun facts I plan on adding in the future if I decide to turn this fic into a long fic (curse my ambitious bones):
Sage is there, and to everyone's surprise, she's the only one that Sonic remembers consistently regardless of what state of amnesia he's in.
Shadow shows up to act as a Leading Expert On Dealing With Amnesiac People, and does a surprisingly good job at it.
Tails has to work with Eggman to build an apparatus strong enough to keep Sonic from escaping while they figure out how to get The End out of him. Angst (but also a strange bit of understanding?) ensues.
Eventual Eggdad content between him and all of these funky teenagers?? Where he starts to show concern even for Sonic???
(Un)authorized use of the Master Emerald
Exploring the nature of Sage's use of "backups" of herself- is it really her if she's a backup of a backup? Does it matter?
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kirstenonic05 · 2 years ago
So @nibwhipdragon asked to hear about my AU, Song of Shooting Stars! I'm not sure how to explain it since woo, is there a LOT of lore, but I'll give the basic description of the AU!
There are tales of different universes, meeting when the world is at stake. Not many records appear in worlds, but books tell of their existence. An intrauniversal bond.
Sonic hears legends all the time. Some of them he believes, like the legend of the water god Chaos, others he pushes away. When he begins dreaming of a human boy, one with a similar fate to him, he pays no mind to it. Until the fight with Finalhazard leaves him without Shadow.
Joseph doesn't believe in legends. Even though he fights the supernatural on a daily basis, he doesn't just believe in everything. When he begins dreaming of a shooting star, one that guides him through the sky, he pays no mind. Until disaster strikes and the world takes Caesar away.
Two heroes, in two different dimensions. The hedgehog, and the human. The fate of two worlds tied to the stars on their hands. When they both fail to save the one that means the most to them, the world gives them a second chance. In the wrong body.
I'll put the info and drawings under the cut!
There are two stories: Mark of the Joestar, told from Joseph's perspective, and Star of Chaos, told from Sonic's perspective.
Mark of the Joestar:
Two months has passed since Joseph saved the world. Suzi Q was the one to save his life, looking after him before his body healed. But despite it all Joseph refused to fall into a relationship and instead attempted to live life as normal with the sudden appearance of his mother. Until, one night, he sees the shooting star that was guiding him through his entire adventure. Even though his heart had healed from the loss of Caesar, he reaches out for it, the star on his back throbbing.
He finds himself back on Air Supplena, locked into battle with Caesar. Surprised, he keeps up the fight, throwing his all in the spar. As he charges his hamon, a shooting star falls above him, and he passes out.
When he awakens, he find himself in the company of an anthromorphic fox. And things get worse when he finds out he's meant to save the world. Hey, at least he has super speed!
Star of Chaos:
Years have passed since Sonic's fight against the Ark. Shadow came back to life, albeit without his memories, but at least they were getting along. Very well. Peace was established for a little while before Eggman's next plan. And this time, Eggman has a surefire plan to take over the world. When the whole world starts to fall apart, Sonic is captured. With only the expanse of space as his company, he sees a shooting star break away into a million pieces. His mind goes to the shattered star, falling within his dreams.
And suddenly he's back before it all happened. Right after he escaped from jail and found out Shadow was a friend. Caught in the battle with Shadow, Sonic charges up his Chaos energy to show exactly what he's made of. The falling star shatters overhead, and the next thing he knows he's passed out.
When he opens his eyes he's woken up by a loud voice. Training? Why did he have to do training? Then he realizes he's in a bed. And there's a human at the door.
What the-? Why was he so freakishly huge?! He towered over everything!
Basically, Sonic is sent to mid Battle Tendency while Joseph is sent to mid Sonic Adventure 2. Everyone around them slowly figures out that their friend is not acting as they usually do, and things get chaotic. So, some new friendships are made, and, eventually, they learn how to swap bodies willingly!
This is what they look like when body swapped! (With an extra Shadow and Caesar)
Every night they can contact each other through dreams, and, since body swapping grants them different abilities, sometimes they have to co-ordinate what they're doing. Which is easier said than done with these two. Overtime they make new friendships with all kinds of people! :D
Sonic is known as the Shooting Star, while Joseph is known as the Shattered Star. Sonic's main colour is white, while Joseph's is black, with a matching star of their respective colour on their palms!
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At the end of this story is Sonic Forces, where Sonic is captured on thr Death Egg but ends up witnessing a meteorite hit Mobius. One that suspiciously looks a lot like a certain Ultimate Thing...
And this is their outfits by the end of the series. (Their outfit change is gradual.)
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And at the end of THAT story is Sonic Frontiers. Both are stories for another day.
That's a basic rundown of the AU! There's a bit more lore, but we don't want an essay now, don't we?
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theweedcrystal · 3 years ago
btw sonic adventures and sonic adventures 2, best sonic games hand down in terms of story telling! I'm just saying right now, I love how flushed out the characters are in Sonic adventure. They're all written very good. Same with sonic adventures 2. Sonic is the fun loving and humanity saving hedgehog, Tails is shown to be an actual hero and he has a great character arc, knuckles is the introverted warrior we know he is.. but I wanna touch on shadows character.
Let's talk about how SEGA has fucked over Shadows character.
Shadow the hedgehog is one of the most misrepresented Sonic characters ever, and a lot of people actually don't look into his character. Which is really interesting, he has a realistic worldview for what has happened to him. But he's also extremely confusing. For some they can't figure out if he's a rival for sonic, and anti-hero or just a plain villain. Most of the time when people think of Shadow they think of a violence fueled, angry edgelord. But that is wrong!
In Sonic adventure 2 he is painted as a darker character in contrast to the rest of the Sonic cast, but not overpainted to make him an edgelord.
I would like to bring up there is a cutscene where the bubbly character we all know as amy rose, a supposed love interest for sonic, goes up to Shadow and hugs him. It's a simple mistake on Amy's part, she wasn't looking and thought shadow was sonic. If you wasn't edge lord, he would have pushed or hit her while saying something like "don't touch me you freak!". Instead looks at her, giving her a side eye with a small smile.
I would also like to bring up the fact that he does have friendly undertones with Sonic in certain instances. He never acts very rash around him, and the supposed violence he shows is very limited. He never physically hurts sonic, or most of the time if does, once again it's very limited. He normally just passes him while holding a chaos emerald, saying something like "you fool!" Or something.
He never draws attention to a violent undertone with him, that shows that he can be friendly. Throughout the game it's shown that shadow grows softer towards sonic, in the fact that Sonic keeps surprising him throughout the entire game. Shadow is introduced to Sonic by saying that he is the ultimate life form. But, that later changes. For instance when Sonic got captured and escaped imprisonment using chaos control, with a fake chaos emerald. Shadows feelings can be shown when Sonic goes super Sonic and Shadow joins him to help. Shadow even exclaims that Sonic may be the ultimate life form, not him.
His violence fueled tendencies are actually a direct link to his backstory. After he was taken off ice, he realized that Maria had died. Shadow then decided to seek revenge on humanity for the death of Maria. When rouge asks Shadow if he's a clone, or if he's the actual shadow, he lays it no mind. He simply says that even if he wasn't the real shadow, that he was a clone, he was still going to keep his promise to Maria and that was the most real thing about him.
Shadow is used as a tool by robotnik's grandfather. Robotnik's grandfather created shadow, and after Maria's death he wanted to revenge on humanity. He altered shadows memory to where he would only seek revenge against humanity for Maria, basically turning him into a weapon. Amy Rose jogs his memory, and Shadow remembers that Maria wanted him to fight for humanity, not fight against humanity.
Immediately after remembering that Maria wanted him to fight for humanity, shadow did. He rushed in the battlefield, even sacrificed himself to do so.
This is all well and good!
And Sonic heroes, Shadow is revived! It is shown that his character does change, following the last games story arc for him. He doesn't recuperate back to his old beliefs, he keeps his promise to Maria. After Omega, a robot with a shit ton of guns, goes on a rampage, Shadow saves Rouge from him. That is Shadow's very first positive impression on rouge.
Throughout the course the game it's actually shown that shadow does warm up to Omega and Rouge, and finds them to be his closest friends. They have trouble expressing his feelings, but he does feel positively towards both of them!
Rouge and Shadow go from indifferent partners in crimes to very close friends, practically best friends at that
The relationship between Shadow and Sonic is also very positive. They remain on good terms, though they do banter and battle each other. But it's only through fun races that they do that
Though, Shadow has a big case of amnesia. He doesn't know who he is after being released from his pod which he remained in for 50 years in his past. In the end of Sonic heroes, it's shown that Shadow doesn't care about if he really is the true Shadow or not. He may have lost himself, but he just wants to be himself. Shadow's done being stuck in the past and he's ready to continue to with his life.
He's just a kid who shy, a kid who hangs out in small numbers and someone who may lose control sometimes.
But, then there's the spin-off game.. Shadow the hedgehog. And oh god, that's a fucking mess. I'll get into that next post!
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supportingme · 4 years ago
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Hey so let’s talk about Shadow’s age. His age is always listed as “uhknown” or 50+ and while that is correct for his physical age I also want to look at his mental age. If course, being in cryostasis keeps you from getting older. So while Shadow may have been “alive” in the universe physically, mentally he hasn’t aged a day. 
I put my thinking cap on and this was the best I could come up with. If anyone sees any inconsistencies or can think of anything better I’d love to hear your opinions. I’m open to anything really.
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When Shadow is born he is the mental age of a 15 year old. Obviously his early development was fast tracked and he was expected to grow into his body overtime. That...didn’t happen as the gun raid happened a little less than a year after his “birth”. Leading to Maria’s death and him being sent to earth where GUN eventually found him and put him in stasis. 
At the start of Sonic Adventure 2 Shadow is physically 47 and mentally 15. I know this contradicts some things said in the game. I don’t believe it had been 50 years since the incident on the ark. It made sense when the game was made, but when you take Shadow the Hedgehog into the equation it throws everything off. So I’m going to say it was roughly 50 years since the raid, but realistically more like 47 for reasons I’ll get into. 
At the start of Sonic Heroes Shadow is physically 49 and mentally 15. Unfortunately for Shadow he “died” at the end of SA2 only for Eggman to later find him and set the events of StH into motion. I have a feeling at this time the doctor was on a robotics high, what with the upgrades he’d already given Metal. So having his hands on the ultimate lifeform gave him the chance to make his own “Shadow Army”. Highly detailed killer androids that could easily pass off for the real thing. Of course I believe this to have taken a few years. Which is why Shadow has physically aged by 2 years, however mentally he’s still that of a 15 year old. Considering he’s back in stasis...it’s just goo-stasis this time.
At the start of Sonic Battle Shadow is physically 49 and mentally 15. This is the last “major” stop I consider before StH happens. These events take place almost immediately after Heroes. Shadow is living with Rouge at this time who is trying to make him comfortable and struggling with how to...properly being his memories back. She’s also keeping him from GUN, who obviously want to get their hands back on him, but she has done her best to convince them he’s not the threat he was before and to let her take care of him. It’s here where Shadow finally gets a “birthday” and ages up...you know what that means. 
At the start of Shadow the Hedgehog Shadow is physically 50 and mentally 16. Guess who’s back, back again, black doom’s back, kill your friends. Dad’s home and wants Shadow to hold up his end of the barging in a deal he wasn’t even a part of, but that’s what happens when your dad decides to make a deal with a deadly alien race in order to use their genes to make you. But hey, at least Shadow’s a little older and not any wiser. But we all know what happens, Shadow kills Doom, saves the planet and becomes the true anti-hero we love.
At the start of Sonic 06 Shadow is physically 53 and mentally 19. A lot of time passes here. Most of it is filled up by the smaller games. Rivals 1 and 2, chronicles, the rush games, those titles. Things that Shadow isn’t really a huge part of. (Mostly because I haven’t played them and don’t know his role in them hjgkdsha.) Shadow, having set aside his differences with Tower has been working in GUN with Rouge and Omega, operating under the codename “Ares” (a name aptly given to him by Tower).  Insert Sonic 06 shenanigans here.
At the start of Sonic Unleashed Shadow is physically 55 and mentally 21. Another little jump once again littered with a few smaller/side games. Shadow...doesn’t really have any part in Sonic Unleased, SO it’s time to go to the comics! This is the time where the second lesser black comet comes to wreck house and Shadow once again has to exterminate his own race, though not without meeting Eclipse and having their back and fourth. This lasts until the end of Unleashed when the planet is put back together and Shadow finally bests his estranged brother in combat. This is also the first time Shadow decides to spare the life of an enemy and lets Eclipse live. He tries to convince Eclipse to work with him, as having another member of the black arms on their side would be valuable, however Eclipse chooses to flee and has yet to be seen again. Though he does still keep in contact with Shadow...however infrequent. 
At the start of Episode: Shadow in Sonic Forces Shadow is physically 59 and mentally 25. Forgive me if I get any of this wrong, I personally haven’t played forces. I’ve watched it but I honestly can’t remember to details and I’m a bot too lazy to go back and re-watch it, that and I kinda want to play with the events of the game a little to fit my personal interpretation of Shadow a little better. By the end of the episode Shadow defects from the group (and GUN) to leave and find his own answers (as he does), where he is eventually trapped in a glorified virtual reality Null Space created from his memories and the power of the phantom ruby.
By the mid-ish way point of Sonic Forces Shadow is physically 60 and mentally 26. Shadow is trapped in Null Space until Sonic and Rookie end up being pulled in as well. Shadow fights them at first, believing they are sent there to kill him, like Infinites virtual reality showed him but is eventually convinced by Sonic that what he has been shown isn’t true. He leaves with Sonic and Rookie and goes through the rest of the game as normal. I also just kinda want to see them do a...triple boost(?) for the giggles.
During the rebuilding process from the end of Sonic Forces Shadow physically turns 61 and mentally 27. That leads up to roughly the end of the games, at least what we have so far, depending on the next thing Sega puts out. By this point Shadow’s story would diverge to the IDW comic but frankly I’d rather not go through that in timeline form, that would be a lot ad this is already long.
As of the canon time of this blog being set in the future Shadow is physically 311 and mentally 277 years old. He’s old. Really...really old. But hey, at least he still looks like he’s 20.
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redbladereviewing · 5 years ago
Shadow the Hedgehog: More Tragic than Edgy
Sonic the Hedgehog is one of my favorite franchises. Not because of its fast momentum based platforming or rockin’ soundtrack across all its games, but because of its large cast of iconic and recognizable characters and the stories they tell. Whether it’s the classic squad of Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, or the comic characters like Bunny Rabbot from Archie or Whisper and Tangle from IDW, or even the mad scientist Dr. Eggman and his humorously dark schemes, the cast of Sonic is what helps make the franchise so iconic. However, one character of the cast holds a strong and special place in my heart. A character that has a lot of strong tragedy attached to him, yet still remains strong of heart and soul. A character that so many writers have failed to understand despite him being pretty easy to figure out. That character (which you already know since it’s in the title of this blog) is Shadow the Hedgehog.
Shadow was created on the Space Colony ARK, a secret government science and research station in space, as part of Project Shadow. The purpose of Project Shadow was to act as the first step in achieving immortality, by creating a creature that could be immune to any disease and act as a base for cures to be created from. The project was led by Gerald Robotnik, the grandfather of Dr. Eggman. His purpose for running this project was to create a cure for his granddaughter Maria, who was sick with Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome (basically AIDS). The project required Gerald to research into the Chaos Emeralds, seven powerful gems which when combined can give its user immense speed and strength. Researching the power of the Emeralds led to Gerald creating Chaos Drives, little artificial shards of Chaos Energy that would be used as a battery by the Guardian Unit of Nations, aka GUN, for their robotic drone technology. It also led Gerald to discover the ruins of Angel Island where the Emeralds were located, along with an old mural depicting a powerful being of gold fighting against an evil force. This mural would become the blueprint that Gerald would use for Project Shadow, but all efforts to follow it failed. That is, until he gained assistance from an unlikely source. A powerful empire known as the Black Arms had traveled past Earth, and during their time near the planet they struck a deal with Gerald. Black Doom, leader of the Black Arms, would offer the genetic material that would help Gerald create The Ultimate Lifeform, in exchange for the Chaos Emeralds 50 years after completion of the project. Gerald agreed, and with the blood of Black Doom, he began creating what would become the Bio-Lizard, and Shadow the Hedgehog.
After Shadow’s creation, he was placed in the same area of the Space Colony ARK that Maria was quarantined since Shadow was created to be completely immune to all diseases. The two grew very close during their time together, growing into what would become a sort of brother/sister relationship. Maria would become the closest to family and love that Shadow would ever feel. However, when the United Federation caught word of Shadow’s creation and the deal that Gerald had made with the Black Arms, they immediately demanded that the project be shut down and all those involved would be either detained or executed for attempted treason. Gerald was immediately arrested, and Maria was shot dead after launching Shadow in an escape pod headed towards Earth. However, Shadow was found and put into cryogenic stasis and Gerald was imprisoned on Prison Island. Since the government still required his research for their experimental drone tech, they kept Gerald locked away and forced to create enough Chaos Drives for GUN to make effective use of and reverse engineer. This period of time had Gerald spiral into contempt and hatred for his captors, resulting in him reprogramming Shadow while he was in stasis with artificial memories to have the same contempt and hatred for humanity that he had. After Gerald was executed, Shadow was locked deep within Prison Island and would be almost forgotten by those that imprisoned him. That is, until the events of Sonic Adventure 2, where Gerald’s grandson Dr. Eggman found Shadow and intended to use him to conquer the world. However, Shadow’s own goal wasn’t to conquer the world, but to destroy it as an act of revenge for Maria. As a cruel act of forcing hatred onto his creation, Gerald had reprogrammed Shadow to destroy the world that took Maria from them both. However, this wouldn’t be what Maria wanted. What Maria really wanted was for Shadow to not let the tragedy on the ARK lead him to destroying all of humanity. So many more people existed on that planet than those that raided the ARK, and even a child like Maria knew that it wasn’t all of them that killed her. However, her grandfather gave in to his rage and spite as it stew away in a prison cell. He let his pain of losing his granddaughter lead him down a road of bloody revenge against the whole world, when the whole world wasn’t responsible for it. This was the ultimate theme of SA2, that even though humans can be cruel and terrible people, they all shouldn’t be judged for the mistakes and sins of isolated groups and individuals in it. This lesson would cost Shadow his own life, as he sacrificed himself to protect the world from being destroyed by the Space Colony ARK as it was crashing towards Earth like a giant meteor.
However, Sonic Heroes would reveal that Shadow was saved at the last minute by Eggman, as he intended to copy his grandfather’s work to make multiple copies of Shadow for his Eggman Empire. Shadow wasn’t on board with that, and reluctantly teamed up with GUN agent Rouge the Bat and a neglected robot named E-123 Omega who wanted to destroy Eggman for locking him away for too long. After they went through the events of Sonic Heroes, Shadow was left wandering the world, as he had lost his memories when he was found and resurrected from the dead. This would lead to Shadow’s own game, where Black Doom and his army of The Black Arms returned 50 years later to fulfill the end of the bargain that Gerald had made. Shadow doesn’t even know what Doom is talking about, but he reluctantly goes along with it in the hopes that he’ll be given proper answers on why he was created and what his purpose for existing is. Once he collects all seven of the Chaos Emeralds, Shadow is told that he was created to act as a sleeper agent for the Black Arms. To assist them, in conquering and enslaving Earth for their empire. Shadow, remembering the dying wish of his closest family Maria, rejected this plan and used the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Shadow. Using this power, he destroyed Black Doom and the Black Arms vessel The Black Comet with the Eclipse Cannon, a weapon that Gerald created as a means of stopping the Black Arms when they returned. With his memories back to him and having destroyed almost every remaining reminder of his past, Shadow leaves the ARK behind him and enlists in GUN. While this may seem like an odd decision since GUN was responsible for the ARK raid that killed Maria, Shadow was more focused on using them to assist in protecting the world that Maria could only ever see from the cold vacuum of space.
So what can be gleamed from all this? Well, Shadow’s backstory when you look into all the details is rather tragic. He was created with good intentions being put upon him, that his existence will lead to a greater future for humanity. However, that was thrown right out the window when one of his creators lost everything that mattered to him and reprogrammed him to be a weapon against the world, while his other creator always intended to use him as a weapon to destroy and control. He was forced into being a weapon of rage and revenge by his creators, with the only person who genuinely loved him for who he was dying right in front of him, and having lost so much in his life. Shadow lost everything to him, and he wasn’t even really sure of what he was meant to do. He knew that he was The Ultimate Lifeform, but that title is the only thing he really had to him. There was, however, one person that showed him that he wasn’t so strong: Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic was someone who was equal in speed and power to Shadow, even surviving an escape pod that was rigged to explode using an artificial Chaos Emerald created by Tails to teleport out of the explosion. Sonic is a carefree, relaxed, and strong of heart hero that Shadow as created in the image of. Remember that mural I mentioned Gerald finding when researching the Chaos Emeralds? That was the mural in the Knuckles boss fight in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It depicted the final fight of that game with Super Sonic destroying Eggman’s Death Egg. Shadow was intended to be the Ultimate Lifeform, but he comes to find that he was really just created in the image of Sonic, the real Ultimate Lifeform. This discovery would lead to Shadow having grown to respect Sonic as an equal, but still wanting to prove himself as the stronger hedgehog with the playful rivalry they’d develop.
With all this said, you’d think Shadow would be seen as a really cool dude. Someone who is really strong but not keen on taking the spotlight as much. Kinda like the Black and White Rangers from the Power Rangers franchise. You’d be wrong, unfortunately. Shadow has not really been given the kind of respect that he deserves as many harsh critics of the franchise see Shadow as an “edgy tryhard”. This label is mostly attributed to Shadow’s game and the English localization that had Shadow saying damn, as well as the whole concept of Shadow using realistic looking firearms being an extremely ridiculous idea for a franchise that was mostly seen as a child’s game franchise. This criticism has stuck with Shadow for about 15 years now, with people still mocking and joking about Shadow being “edgy”, as if that’s an automatic bad thing.
The whole criticism of a character or franchise being edgy doesn’t really make sense to me. So something is edgy. So what? Why is it a bad thing if something wants to be darker than what you expect? People always throw edgy around at things to the point where even I don’t know what it means anymore. Regardless, with all that I’ve said about Shadow as a character and his backstory, I’m hopeful that I’ve shown some of you why this hedgehog is the coolest of them all. And perhaps in the future, I can go a bit further talking about what I see in him and what he means to me.
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terapsina · 6 years ago
5 Times The Doctor Talked About River Song With Graham (+1 Time The Fam Finally Met Her)
---          ao3 ---  1 ---
Graham finds it on the floor of the TARDIS control room.
Everyone else is asleep, emotionally wrung out from their latest trip, he thinks even the Doctor might have gone off for a nap and he’s never actually seen that happen before now.
But Graham can’t sleep. His mind is still painfully stuck on Grace. On having held her in his arms not even a few hours ago, on having lost her all over again. Logically he knows it wasn’t really Grace. Now that it’s over and he’s looking back he even realizes a part of him knew all along.
It doesn’t make the hurt of it lessen.
And it’s not because the illusion was flawed, if anything it’s because it was too perfect. She looked like Grace, sounded like her, fit in his arms like her. She even smelled like Grace, like Shea butter and vanilla, because all the products Grace liked to buy had those ingredients in them. Everything about her was as warm as he remembers, from her smile to the soft touch of her hand. Even her mischief twinkled like the fire from a candle in her eyes.
It was like a dream come alive, a dream he never would have been willing to wake from if not for Ryan.
He’s so angry at himself for almost having abandoned his grandson for an imitation of the woman who was the love of his life. However flawless of an imitation it was.
He’s pacing from one side of the console to the other, mind lost to self-recriminations, when he feels his foot step on something small, kicking it across the room with a light tinkle.
His eyes follow the small golden object as its slide down the floor stops in the middle of TARDIS, and finally focuses on the last thing he’d have ever expected to find here if he’d ever thought to consider it.
It’s a ring.
He walks toward it, bending to pick it up. It turns out to be a simple gold band, moving it to catch better light he notices a small inscription on the inside that he can’t read. The TARDIS isn’t translating it. It’s written in the same circular pattern that he’s seen all over the ship since the start of this strange adventure into time and space.
It’s also, unmistakably, a wedding ring.
Breath catches in Graham’s chest, because in a moment between one heartbeat and the next, he knows. And his heart breaks for his alien friend.
The Doctor was married.
He stands frozen, uncertain if he should go looking for the Doctor now or to wait until later. Picturing her face the last time he saw her, those tight and drawn eyebrows and the dropping shoulders, he comes to a decision. He pockets the ring and goes back to his room. 
The Doctor deserves some sleep too, he’ll find her tomorrow morning and return it then.
Tomorrow morning turns into afternoon and then evening before Graham gets his chance. By the time he woke up, both Ryan and Yaz were awake too, and the Doctor was already busy with finding their next adventure.
And he knows if someone had found Grace’s ring he’d want them to return it in private.
He loves his grandson and Yaz. But they are so young, their curiosity would have gotten the best of them and Graham doesn’t want to put Doc on the spot like that.
So he waits until Yaz and Ryan have gone off exploring the dizzying number of rooms of Doc’s ship, or whatever else it is they like to do when they’re not running toward death defying adventures with grins on their faces, before he pulls the Doctor away from tinkering with the mechanisms of her time machine.
“You have a moment?”
She slides out from underneath the opening into the console, her sonic screwdriver between her teeth. The humming of the TARDIS engines grows softer as if in response.
“What’s up Graham?” She asks, after taking the screwdriver out of her mouth and as she’s pushing her goggles up to her hairline, making her hair go in all kinds of interesting directions. She looks like the mad scientist he might have found on the screen of one of Grace’s science fiction shows.
In a way he supposes that’s a pretty accurate picture of the Doctor, and any other time Graham might have smiled in amusement at his thought. Today he flinches at the smile she sends him, knowing he’d be taking it away with his next words.
“I found something yesterday. I think it’s yours, Doc.” He says, and pulls out the object that’s been burning in his pocket the whole day.
The Doctor’s eyes slide to his arm and once they narrow in on the ring laying in the palm of his hand, her face transforms from the carefree adventurer he’s gotten to know in the past few months, to something painful and lost and hurting. It’s a look that’s far too old for that face. And so very familiar Graham can’t help but look away.
“Where did you find it?” the Doctor asks, voice a breathless whisper, her hand hovering over the ring, seeming unable to cross that final little bit of air to touch it.
“It was here on the ground. I don’t know how it got there.” He says with a nervous shrug.
“I do.” The Doctor says, eyes momentarily glaring toward the center of the room. She doesn’t explain, instead finally taking the ring from him in one quick movement and pulling it to her chest, squeezing it in a fist against her.
“I’m very sorry Doc.” Graham says. The words are inadequate but sometimes they really are the only ones available.
“I know.” She says, eyes looking to a point in empty air behind him.
He nods and pats her lightly on her shoulder, before turning around to leave her to whatever memories have washed over her with the return of that wedding band.
“Her name was River Song.” She says once he’s already taken a few steps. He stops, turning around, giving her the opportunity to continue or not as she needs. “She was an archaeologist. And a professor. And a criminal. And she was brilliant and absolutely mad.”
“She must have been. Married you didn’t she?” Graham jokes before he can help himself.
But Doc just grins like she agrees and laughs to herself. 
Something uncoils in Graham’s chest at seeing Doc’s face regaining its natural brightness, however tinged with grief. The grief isn’t new either, he’s seen shadows of it in her all along but this is the first moment she doesn’t seem to be trying to hide it. Or maybe the first time she’s not trying to hide from it.
“She did do that. Married me at every point in history happening all at the same time. And a few times after.” The Doctor tells him, leaning forward like she’s revealing a secret instead of saying something that makes no sense at all.
“Sounds like quite a woman.” 
“She was.” The Doctor says, eyes now down on the hand hiding the precious metal band within its hold.
There’s an extended moment of silence and then; “Graham?”
“Yeah, Doc?”
“Thank you.” She says, a serious and infinitely grateful look overtaking her face.
He nods at her and turns around, knows the conversation has come to a close and he should leave his friend to a moment that’s something meant between her and the specter of her wife.
In the privacy of his own mind he wonders why the Solitract never took on the form of this River Song. Whatever the reason, he finds himself grateful, he wouldn’t wish that cruelty on his worst enemy. And he certainly wouldn’t wish it on Doc.
---  2 ---
“She used to leave me coordinates and jump out of the most impossible places, waiting for me to catch her. I always did.” The Doctor says out of nowhere, both of them chained to the stone wall of the dungeons of the Victorian castle, waiting to get executed, or getting saved by Yaz and Ryan. Whichever comes first.
Personally, Graham’s hoping for the second one.
“What?” He asks, lost.
“River,” the Doctor explains. “She once defaced the oldest cliff-face in the universe. And before that she left me a recording inside a Home Box so I’d come catch her jumping out of a space ship into vacuum. It was the day her mother met her. Well, that face anyway.”
“That must have been frightening.” Graham says, uncertain. He’s not sure he wants to touch the bit about the mother. Sometimes he thinks she likes to confuse them on purpose.
"Oh no, she was absolutely fearless. Hell in high heels and it's the devils who ran." The Doctor says either misinterpreting his words or choosing to misunderstand on purpose, her voice full of spousal pride and a face painted with smitten adoration. It’s so unexpected, so unlike the Doctor’s usual disposition, that Graham needs to clear his throat to get past the sudden awkwardness of it.
"Sounds like she was made for you, Doc." He finally says, trying to picture this impossible woman who married the Doctor, and falling short. The only impression he can summon up is someone dangerous and larger than life.
He’s so busy with his mental portrait it takes him a moment to notice the Doctor has fallen silent, once he looks at her though his breath stutters. Her face is so pained it’s as if he’d landed a physical hit with his last words. She looks almost... ashamed.
He curses himself for whatever it was he said that put that expression there.
“You okay, Doc?” He asks, voice as gentle as he can make it, trying not to startle her into pulling back into herself.
The Doctor flinches and blinks rapidly like waking from a bad dream, then her face transforms into her usual bright but slightly removed facade, and she’s back to trying to reassure him.
“I’m always alright.” She lies and changes the subject. “I wonder what’s keeping Yaz and Ryan, they should really have gotten past the sleeping guards by now.”
He doesn’t call her on it and moves his mind back to the problem at hand. The problem at hand of course being; the part where they’re chained to a prison wall for trying to assassinate Queen Victoria. The fact Queen Victoria has been replaced by a homicidal alien copy asks for some worrying too and Graham is more than willing to oblige.
In the end it turns out there’s no need for either worry, Yaz and his grandson find them twenty minutes later and they’re away from 1882, London within an hour.
The real Queen back on her rightful throne, though still yelling threats to the Doctor’s back even as they’re being whisked away by the little blue box.
---  3 ---
They’ve split into pairs again. Usually he prefers to watch his grandson’s back when that happens but today is March 18 - or would have been if they weren’t jumping all over time and space, - and Ryan had been snapping at him since morning.
He knows Ryan well enough to know that if he doesn’t give him some space before trying to talk to him about it, they won’t talk at all.
“Everything okay with Ryan?” The Doctor asks as they’re traveling through the apparently semi-sentient crystal tunnels of the newest planet she’s brought them to, trying to find and stop whoever it is that’s been attempting to mine it.
Grace would have loved it here. The sapphire-like stone itself is the familiar blue of what he’s pretty sure is Doc’s favorite color but it’s mixed with golden strands that run through the fault-lines and leave the strange impression of blood vessels, veins running through the body of the living crystal.
“It would have been Grace’s birthday today.” Graham says, heart clenching in his chest at saying it aloud. In a perfect universe he would be home right now, standing over her favorite cake - red velvet with cherry frosting, - and singing a ‘Happy Birthday’ with their grandson.
In a perfect universe she would be here beside him, just as in awe of their surroundings as he is.
“Oh.” The Doctor says and grows quiet.
“It’ll be alright tomorrow. It’s just… today is hard. For both of us.” He hopes he’s not lying. Hopes Ryan will let Graham find him once they’re back in the TARDIS so they can spend the evening talking and laughing and crying about Grace. So they can pick themselves up tomorrow and continue living in her honor like she’d have wanted them to.
They spend a few minutes just walking when the silence finally becomes too much for Graham. 
“How long were you married?” It’s the first time he’s initiated the subject of the Doctor’s wife himself, the two previous times it was her who opened up first, so he’s not entirely sure how she’ll respond. But he’s ready to fall back into silence and not press if it looks like she doesn’t want to talk about it.
“I don’t know.” She says, still steps ahead and with her back to him.
“How can you not know?” Graham asks, mind heavy with confusion.
“If I count only all the days we were together; then two, maybe three centuries. If I count all my days from our first wedding to the last time I saw her, then almost half my life.” She says with a forcefully easy tone. 
Graham stops in his tracks as the implication hits. “Centuries?” 
She turns around and looks at him like she’s measuring the words she’s planning to say, or if she’ll say them at all. After a moment her face clears and she seems to come to some sort of decision.
“I’m more than two thousand years old, Graham. I’ve loved River Song through four of my faces and had more than twice as many before that, most of them male. I’m not human.”
Graham had known that, that the Doc wasn’t human, that she had two hearts and enough lives to make a cat jealous. In an abstract way that they were a man before they were a woman, because she’s dropped enough comments to that effect by now. But he hadn’t realized the differences between them were quite so vast as two millennia.
“Was she?” He asks and immediately thinks better. “Wait, no, you said three centuries, she couldn’t have been.”
“Your wife.” He doesn’t know why he’s asking that, except maybe because he knows Grace would have, and so especially today of all days he has to in her place. Or maybe it’s just that pesky human curiosity.
“She wasn’t. And she was.” She says after a moment and turns back around to continue walking. “She was the daughter of my two best friends. And the daughter of TARDIS.”
She doesn’t explain further than that, so he’s left puzzling over the new contradiction on his own for the rest of the way through the alien tunnels with his strange alien friend as his company, a silent one now.
He turns his head back toward the faintly glowing walls and once he looks more carefully notices the slightly irregular pulsing of the golden veins. Fascinated he again thinks about how much Grace would have loved to see this.
‘Happy birthday!’ He thinks toward her, hoping she’s seeing this from wherever it is she’s watching over him and Ryan.
---  4 ---
They’re back in Sheffield the next time the subject of River Song comes up.
Yaz is off spending some time with her family and Ryan is meeting his father for dinner. Graham is trying really hard not to stress himself into growing ulcers over that last one.
It’s not that he thinks he’s going to lose to Aaron the bond he’s finally building with his grandson. He understands Ryan’s wish to repair the relationship between him and his father. It’s just that despite Graham’s belief in Aaron’s genuine regret, he can’t help worry that Ryan will get his heart broken again.
He doesn’t think he could stand seeing Ryan disappointed like that again.
Which leaves him at home. Worrying. With the Doctor as company.
“He’ll be fine, Graham.” The Doctor says, not for the first time this hour.
“I know that.” Graham says back, eyes still on the door.
“Oh, do frowns and scrunched up foreheads not mean what they used to mean in you humans?” The Doctor’s voice sounds amused so he can’t help but glare at her a bit.
“Hilarious.” He mutters under his breath.
“I am, aren’t I?” She says. 
He huffs loudly and goes back to staring at the door. Waiting for Ryan to come home.
“Do you want to talk about something else then?” She offers. “Might distract you.”
“Be my guest.”
“The first time River met me she shot the TARDIS, tried to kill Hitler and poisoned me with a kiss.” The Doctor drops, and to give credit where it’s due, distracts Graham absolutely.
“What?” He doesn’t even know which part to touch first.
“Poisoned lipstick. So glad she switched to hallucinogenic ones later.” She almost sounds dreamy. Graham feels his brain beginning to hurt.
“She poisoned you?” Honestly, he doesn’t even know why he’s shocked, it’s the Doc after all. But still, how do you marry someone who poisoned you in their first interaction?
“Only a little bit. And she saved me right after.”
“And that makes it okay?” Graham says, furious on her behalf.
“There were... reasons. She didn’t know me yet but she knew about me and- well, there were reasons.” The Doctor explains. Even though Graham doesn’t really think it explains all that much at all. Something about her expression though tells him to leave it alone, there’s that guilty, haunted look in her eyes again and Graham isn’t sure he wants to know what’s behind it.
So maybe it’s a good thing that before he has a chance to put his foot in his mouth there comes the sound of a key turning in the lock and the front door slamming open.
“Hey, gramps.” Ryan says walking in, a wide smile on his young face.
Graham exhales, the knot of worry loosening for now and smiles back, hiding the stress he’d been struggling with for the past few hours. “Hello, son. How did it go?”
“Good.” Ryan says, a slightly shy happiness dancing like starlight in his eyes.
---  5 ---
It’s almost three months since Graham found the ring and gave it back to the Doctor before a moment comes where he feels like it might finally be the right time to touch on the one thing that’s been implied but never addressed in their conversations about the Doctor’s wife.
The day isn’t particularly different from any of the previous ones.
It’s late and Graham can’t sleep so he walks to the kitchen for a cup of tea when he finds the Doctor already there, eating custard cream biscuits.
He nods tiredly in her direction, grabbing two blue cups from a shelf and going through the motions of making both of them the peppermint tea he finds on the counter-top - he’s pretty sure it wasn’t there a moment ago but he’s also gotten used to not questioning things like that while aboard the TARDIS.
“Sugar?” He asks, because he’s noticed she never puts the same amount in any of her cups. He thinks it might depend on her mood.
“Two and a half teaspoons, please.” She tells him and he tries not to grimace as he follows her instructions.
“Here.” He says and passes her the cup once he’s done. Pulling his own cup - no sugar - with him to the other side of the table. 
She gives him a few biscuits in exchange and for a few minutes they share their midnight snack in peace. And then the thought that has been ruminating unvoiced for a long time now surfaces in his mind again, and for the first time he doesn’t push it back down.
“How did you lose her?” He asks.
The biscuit halts halfway to her mouth and then lands heavily back on the plate. For a long time she just stares into her tea and Graham thinks she’ll choose not to answer.
But then she looks up into his eyes and breathes out very slowly.
“She died the day I met her.” She says.
“I thought you said you were the one who almost died when you met.” Graham says, confused again.
“When she met me. This was before that- well, from my point of view at least. We never met in the right order. She was a time traveler too, had a vortex manipulator, I think she might have stolen it from an old friend of mine actually, not that she ever actually admitted where she got it.” She says, growing more animate as she switches gears mid-tangent. “Our timelines went in opposite directions. Not entirely of course, there were loops and twists and exceptions but for the most part the older I got, the more often the River I ran into was a younger and younger version of her.”
“So the day you met her...” He says not finishing the thought, horrified as he realizes what she’s saying.
“She died saving four thousand and twenty-two people.” She finishes for him with a shrug that belies the pain he knows she must be feeling at saying it.
“That couldn’t have been easy, knowing the entire time what would happen to her.”
“I spent centuries running away from the last date we’d have before she went to the Library.” She snaps. “So, no, not easy.”
“Did you ever try to-”
“What? Change it? Save her? Go back and make sure she never died there? Take her place?” She glares at him and for a fraction of a moment she looks her age, millennia old and furious and terrifying beyond reason, and for that one moment Graham is almost scared of her. And then she blinks, her gaze losing it’s terrible intensity, and he’s not even sure that he didn’t imagine it. “She would never have forgiven me. And- and her timeline is complicated, even if I tried to- there’s a very good chance if I did it that I’d be erasing her from the universe entirely.”
He stares at her, heart full of grief for the pain she must have lived through. He tries to imagine having known the entire time about the day he’d lose Grace to that fall and almost breaks with it. He doesn’t think he could have survived that.
“You’re like a Greek tragedy, Doc.” He breathes past the knot in his throat.
“Always preferred the Romans.” She says and goes back to eating her biscuits, eyes skittering away from meeting his.
He knows the conversation is over and by the way she’s starting to fidget with that chain around her neck, - the one that wasn’t there three months ago but which she hasn’t taken off since, - and by the way she is decisively avoiding his gaze. He knows she wants to be left alone.
Respecting her wish for privacy he finishes the last of his tea and gets up to leave. “Goodnight, Doctor.”
She doesn’t answer but by the time he’s reached the door he does hear her say something. Something he’s pretty certain isn’t addressed at him. Both because he doesn’t understand it and because he’s pretty sure she’s already forgotten that he’s still in the room at all.
“Not those times, not one line. I promise.”
--- +1 ---
It ends the way it began. With Graham noticing something small in the control room of the TARDIS. Though this time it’s not the middle of the night and he’s not there all by himself.
It’s mid-afternoon and the Doctor is laying on her stomach, playing with the insides of the ship, sparks flying around her whenever she touches a wire with her sonic and once in a while being interrupted by what sounds like the irritated humming of the TARDIS itself. Yaz and Ryan are on either side of her trying to figure out exactly what she’s doing, though Graham is not at all sure even Doc knows what that is.
And then something catches his eye.
“There’s a blinking button, Doctor.” He says and goes over to it for a closer look.
“Red or green?” She asks, not moving from her place halfway into the console.
“Oh, someone’s left a voicemail. Put it on speaker, will you?” She says louder, in answer to the sudden shudder that runs through the ship and makes Graham catch the console for balance.
“Sure. How do I do that?” He asks, eyes running over the large number of doodads in front of him.
“Flip the first switch to the right down, and then press the blinking button.”
He follows her instructions and as soon as he’s done so, a low female voice with a Southern British accent rings across the room, a playful lilt to her tone.
“Hello Sweetie, be a dear and come pick me up, please?” There’s the sound of an explosion from the other side of the call echoed by the unmistakable clang of someone hitting their head against metal from under the TARDIS console. Before Graham can do more than lean over to check that they’re all okay, the Doctor is already up and pushing him out of her way. “I’ve sent you the coordinates.”
“Who was that?” Yaz asks with obvious concern as soon as she and Ryan join them. 
Graham has a feeling he already knows.
“River.” The Doctor exhales more than says, Graham notices her hands shaking as she pulls up the mentioned coordinates.
“Doctor?” Ryan asks, looking just as worried as Yaz.
“My wife.” The Doctor says and starts running around them, flicking switches all around the control table even quicker than Graham’s already used to seeing from her.
“Your what?” Yaz exclaims in tandem with Ryan’s: “What?”
The Doctor ignores them both, halting with her hand atop the lever that will make them take off and turns her head to face Graham. She’s paler than normal, eyes blown wide from terror and tears starting to visibly gather in the corners. Graham has never seen her scared, not truly, but right now she looks on the edge of breaking.
“I can’t go through this again. I’ve already lost her three times I can’t- not again.”
Graham stands frozen, for a moment absolutely uncertain about what he could possibly say to help her. And then the answer hits him and it is so very simple.
“It sounds like she’s in trouble, Doc.” He says, remembering one of the things she’d told him.”You said you always showed up to catch her.”
The Doctor lets out a shuddering breath and seems to steel herself. She pulls the lever and they all grab for the nearest steady surface to stay on their feet as TARDIS takes off with an almost exhilarated sounding wheeze.
“Is someone going to explain what is going on? Where are we going?” Yaz yells again, this time directing the question at Graham.
“It’s not my place to say.” He says, holding on to the table for dear life but upon noticing Yaz’s frustrated expression expands on his words. “But I’m pretty sure you’re about to find out.”
When they come to a halt a moment later the Doctor is already running toward the Police Box door, flinging it open with a snap of her fingers before she’s even halfway there and then crashing to the ground as a woman lands sprawling on top of her.
“Well hello there,” River Song purrs for all of them to hear. “That’s new.”
“River!” The Doctor says, like all the breath has been knocked out of her. To be fair, Graham’s pretty sure that’s literally the case.
“Yes, Sweetie?”
“What were you doing breaking onto the Museum Planet. They execute their thieves.” The Doctor says from underneath her wife, looking all too happy to stay where she is even as her voice turns chiding. “Also it’s boring down there.”
“Yes, well, it’s not my fault that I’m so infamous that when I’m presumed dead all my personal possessions suddenly turn into priceless artifacts they want to put on display. They were practically begging me to steal them back.” The Doctor’s wife says with a smirk Graham can hear even without seeing her face.
“Presumed dead?” The Doctor asks, voice turning small again.
“Oh, honestly, Doctor! Did you expect me to spend all of my eternity in that data core? It took me a while, I’ll give you that, but at the end of the day it was just another Stormcage.”
Graham is starting to feel like he might not have gotten anywhere near the entire story himself here. But he’s also beginning to get the feeling that the Doctor might be getting her wife back from the dead after all.
“You’ve been to the Library.” The Doctor says, starting to struggle to be let up and Graham finally catches a glimpse of her face. She looks overwhelmed, but where just minutes ago it was with fear of having to say goodbye again, right now there’s a dawning realization of something akin to bliss.
Graham feels his own heart tremble in his chest. It hurts. River Song is alive and Grace is still dead and no matter how happy he is for the Doctor, there’s sudden gnawing envy trying to swallow the heart that he’d only barely started to mend.
He has just enough time to see the Doctor pull River into her arms, crushing her mouth against her wife’s, before his eyes turn away and land on the shocked faces of Ryan and Yaz.
He walks over to the two of them and turns them around by their shoulders to steer them out of the control room and into the deeper hallways of the TARDIS.
“Come on son, Yasmin, we should give them some privacy to catch up. I think they haven’t seen each other for a very long time.”
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freedom-fighters-unite-a · 4 years ago
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@welcome-to-chao-hub​ said: Which of your muses deserves better?
Asks for Multimuses | Accepting
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//Depends on what you mean by “deserves better”. As you probably already know, both this blog and @of-honor-and-theives​ (which follows this blog’s canon) are canon-divergent and heavily headcanon-based. A lot of the Sonic muses I rp as were satAM/Archie Sonic characters and I think we all know how...weird the early Archie Comics were. In terms of the canon portrayal, I’d have to say that Julie, Dulcy, Saffron, Sally, and even Geoffrey all deserved to be portrayed better and while Sally was able to be portrayed much better later on, I had to take some creative liberties in terms of Julie, Dulcy, Saffron and Geoffrey (especially Saffron).
//Below the cut, I’ll explain who deserves better in terms of ic portrayal. Just a warning that there are dark themes ahead.
//As for who deserves better in terms of ic portrayal, I’d have to go with Marshalia Abadeer, my Adventure Time OC over at @thesecretsister​. While all of the character I play have had rough pasts (i.e. Marsha was bullied in Knothole, Bunnie was half-roboticized, Sally and Elias lost their father when he was banished into the Special Zone, Lillian over at @chicagohxart​ tried to kill herself twice, etc.), it’s still nothing compared to Marshalia’s story. Marshalia lost her mother and was separated from her older sister, Marceline, when she was 2. She has a scar that goes over her left eye that she gained that day, temperately blinding her in said eye. She doesn’t consciously remember this day (or her mother in general) as Marshalia’s (and Marceline’s) father, Hunson Abadeer, used a memory spell to wipe the memory clean. From that day, Hunson would become overprotective of her, which leads to a great deal of Marshalia’s frustrations. In addition, with Marceline missing, Marshalia had come to assume that she��was to become Hunson’s heir. So, despite being so very young, began to teach herself. She read books, watched documentaries that made her almost unfazable by horror movies, she even began to practice magic after practically begging Hunson to teach her. And while she became very knowledgeable, the demons of her father’s dimension would whisper to themselves about her.
//The one thing Marshalia lacked was a chaotic evil nature. She liked cute things, animals, especially ponies and unicorns, and her favorite color was pink. It were these interests that earned her weird looks and there were times, Marshalia recalls, that even Hunson gave her a weird look. As much as she tried, she could never seem to escape her father’s looming shadow.
//The older Marshalia gets, the more frustrated she gets. Frustrated over being treated like a baby. Frustrated over being second best. Her frustration, jealousy, and resentment leads her to pushing everyone away, including both Marceline and Hunson, who did genuinely care about her. Her jealousy warps her mind until finally, she goes on the attack.
//As the Nightmare Princess, she attacks Hunson and engages him into a magic duel. Just as it seems as Hunson is going to win, Nightmare Princess launches one final attack, using Marshalia’s soul as it’s power source. Hunson destroyed the attack quickly, but at the same time, destroyed Marshalia’s soul. After seeing what he had done, he turned to the only thing he knew that could fix this: magic. Through the power of dark magic and demon sacrifices, Hunson made a new soul for Marshalia and brought her back. She woke up a few hours later and it didn’t take long for her to figure out what had happened.
//Too scared to face Hunson after that, she ran away. She left a note on her bed, telling Hunson not to come and find her, but Hunson sent out several imp servants to find her and bring her back. But Marshalia refuses to go back.
//Being on the run in the Land of Ooo isn’t easy, and after a few years of running, Marshalia learned how to hide. And it had worked for over 900 years. She lives in a small cottage in the middle of a deep and thick forest, with her only frequent company being a corpse she animated. And while she has managed to make a living selling potions and hexes, she still lives in constant fear of being found out and brought back to her father.
//At first glance, Marshalia appears to be someone who just hates everything. She can be mean-spirited, short-tempered, and dour. But she’s acts this way to shield herself from being hurt anymore than she already has. In reality, she is still that shy, sweet and curious little girl she once was, but is too scared to show others who she really is. On top of this, Marshalia is also very socially awkward, having been mostly sheltered as a child mixed in with the fact that she has Autism and has a hard time knowing how to talk to others and has a hard time expressing her own feelings in a healthy way. Add on the fact that Marshalia has powers that are tied heavily to her emotions, then you’ve got a socially awkward, emotional mess of a person.
//She tends to think about Hunson a lot, too. Even though she left him a goodbye note, she never properly said goodbye or even apologized, even though she wants to. She feels like she is a huge disappointment to him and just an embarrassment to the Abadeer family name. Deep down, Marshalia still kinda looks up to Hunson and Marceline but at the same time, she very much jealous of both of them. Their success always makes Marshalia feel insecure about herself and being compared to them just makes Marshalia’s blood boil.
//So yeah, Marshalia has issues.
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jubilantrose-blog · 6 years ago
in-depth timeline ;
while my previous post was more of an outline? this is a fully in-depth look into her timelines. this can and might change with any new information canon gives or if things come up in roleplays  ( i will not be going into full depth of the plots of these games -- just the basic jist of them. also some games will not include a summary as i don’t feel there’s a need for one. ALSO I WON’T INCLUDE GAMES AMY ISN’T A PART OF. those games happened, of course, but i’m just doing amy’s game timeline. );
( entirely headcanon based ! ) 
Amy was originally an orphan / street hog. Her original parents weren’t prepared to raise a child and left her in the hands of what they hoped was a ‘suitable’ location. Though the people she was left with weren’t ideal and Amy ran away at a very young age. Surviving on the street for a good while by herself. She became known by people for being a ‘rascal’. And, given she didn’t talk much so people couldn’t know her name, her nickname became ‘Rosie’ which is where the moniker ‘Rosie the Rascal’ comes from.
Luckily, by age 6, she was taken in by a family of travelling fortune tellers. They taught her all about tarot cards and always believed she had a true gift or ability in the art of it. She considered them the closest thing to a family she ever had. And they helped her realize there are good people in the world. They saw the good in her, a mere street hog that often swiped and stole food and acted brash, and made her realize the world isn’t as cruel and lonely as she had thought.
During their travels and home life Amy was able to see the good they brought others. Learning about true love, seeing the best in people, and that ‘even those who are bad might have some good in them somewhere’. She decided to keep her name as Amy and adopt the ‘Rose’ to the end of it. No longer going by ‘Rosie’ anymore.
With Amy as part of their family? The travelling stopped. Them wanting to give her a normal life in a town compared to dragging her place to place.
By the age of 7, Amy had learned a lot about a certain blue hedgehog. Admiring him via newspapers, stories, and tales told by others on their journeys. Hearing about Sonic passing through towns and forest to stop the ‘bad guys’. Her crush and admiration is what inspired her to announce to her family ( after doing a tarot card reading ) that she’d meet him. Her family was supportive but grew concerned about letting her be so young and heading out there. Nevertheless this willful ( and stubborn ) little lady was gone in a flash.
AGE 8 - 11 ;
SONIC CD / MANIA ( the shorts / comic series ) ;
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Amy truly had no idea what she was getting into. She was starstruck meeting her idol, her crush, and she went in without thinking. Only to soon be caught by Metal Sonic. Being kidnapped when meeting her idol was terrifying to her. Sure, her life beforehand wasn’t ideal. She got chased back on the streets, dealt with some angry individuals who she stole food from before meeting her family, but nothing like this. Nothing deadly or that serious.
Luckily, she was rescued.
And that made her crush on him grow even more.
Wanting to keep up with him, plus possibly defend herself from being kidnapped, she begins working hard using her piko-piko hammer. Continuing to chase after Sonic and join him along the way. Allowing herself to meet Tails and Knuckles in the process as they all go after Eggman.
AGE 11 - 12 ;
PRE SONIC ADVENTURE ( headcanon based ! ) ;
As the years had passed Amy found herself losing track of Sonic and the others for about a year. She decides to return home to visit her parents. She had been keeping in contact with them and visiting them on most holidays. Telling them stories about her adventures with Sonic. But when she arrived she had found the house abandoned and couldn’t get into any contact with them. A neighbor, spotting her confused, tells her that they decided to return to their traveling ways. Believing that, since Amy was so independent and had been proving herself as such, she didn’t need them as much.
Having spent the last few years chasing after Sonic, plus off on adventures, it dawns on her that...she doesn’t have a home ! So she heads off and, after looking at brochures and other things, decides that Station Square is the perfect place to find an apartment ! Plenty of shopping districts, work opportunities, and more !
She ends up getting an apartment there and happens to find work rather easily. Working at a small diner where she helped an elderly couple that ran the place. It didn’t pay much but it allowed her to keep food on the table and gave her something to do to pass the time.
AGE 12 ;
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However, while work was ‘something’ to do ? She found herself bored sitting around in the same place.  Every day she did the same thing. Wake up, get dressed, go to work, go shopping til she dropped, go home, go to bed. It was mundane compared to those years of being rescued by Sonic and following after him. With him gone, with her having nothing to do, she was bored !
That would soon change.
Little did she know her reminiscing and longing for some excitement would, quite literally, fall from the sky in the form of a Flicky. With a desire to protect it, plus a robot now chasing after her, she soon finds herself running into her hero himself ! Sonic would help her ! He would know what to do to keep this birdie safe ! He would--
Except.... he runs away.
She does manage to catch up to him, though ! And, though admittedly a little scatterbrained, she gets distracted by Twinkle Park. This leads to her being captured and taken aboard Eggmans ship in hopes Sonic would come and rescue her. But it’s not Sonic that frees her from the cell. Instead, she befriends a robot that seems to be different from the others. She would end up standing up to Sonic to protect the robot from being destroyed.
Now this is where my version sort of veers off though not by much ;
Unlike the Sonic Adventure game ? Amy witnesses Gamma’s death and the events happen similar as the show Sonic X. With Amy witnessing their final battle and seeing, to her horror, the destruction caused. While it helped reunite the family it also meant having to see a robot she befriended sacrifice itself. She was able to say her goodbyes and thank the robot. Knowing, in the end, the sacrifice had to be made to reunite the family even if it was painful.
She’s happy to see them together and walks out onto the deck with them. Only to witness the same robot from earlier ( the one that had kidnapped her ) shoot down the small Flicky much to her horror. Angered, plus not wanting Gammas sacrifice to go in vain, she challenged the robot. Vowing herself that this time she would be the one  laying down her life if need be to keep the Flicky and its family safe.
She takes the robot on with all her might. And manages to win ! Though she doesn’t celebrate much as she worries and frets over if the Flicky was safe. Fearful that it was dead. However, much to her happiness, it’s okay !  She wishes them all well and is happy to see them all together.
Amy realizes, at that moment, she did something on her own. She saved herself, she helped the Flicky, she made a friend of the robot. She vows from that moment on she would do things by herself ! No more waiting for Sonic, no more being the damsel, no more running away ! She was determined to make Sonic realize she could handle herself !
( She also ends up befriending Big & Froggy during this time ).
AGE 13 ;
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Amy is stunned to find out Sonic has been captured. She decides, at this moment, she had to free him ! For once she would be the one to save him and not the other way around ! However, it seems no matter what she’s done she’s left behind. She felt as if nobody had faith in her. Everyone kept running away, leaving her behind, acting as if she’s incapable. And she began, in some ways, to feel the same. When she’s held captive by Eggman and watches in horror as Sonic seemingly dies. She blames herself for it. She’s supposed to be strong. And, once again, Sonic saved her ! But this time he’s....dead ! He’s dead ! And it’s HER fault ! She couldn’t even help Tails fight Eggman out of her own grief ! Yet she soon realizes Sonic is alive. Thank goodness.
Amy, along with the others, listens in to the diary that’s being played. Finding out about ‘Maria’ dying, the grief of the man there, and realizing he’s signed a death wish for the Earth. As everyone goes off to help she fnds herself. again, alone. She contemplates this to herself until she sees him -- Shadow, and realizes that while everyone is fighting she’s doing nothing but standing there. She had to help out, do her best, even if it might be futille !
While the events of the game are canon, with Amy going to help out and sticking around, the only thing that differs is her interactions with Shadow.
While in the game the interaction was brief in her helping Shadow remember ? I personally prefer Amy having sort of a similar role to how they did in Sonic X. With an actual back and forth between them that’s tension filled as it shouldn’t have been so easy to trigger Shadows memory after so long.
She ends up mourning Shadows passing yet is glad he was able to fulfill Maria’s final wish. 
Amy meets Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla and begins to form a close-friendship / bond with them all.
AGE 14 ;
I’m not gonna say much about these two games. Nothing against them but I don’t feel like anything I add will be important. I do, however, dislike how Amy is portrayed in both. And I tend to view this as a time period when Amy thought if she was more ‘aggressive’ and ‘assertive’ that she’d be seen as strong. As she felt that she was seen as weak and dainty beforehand.
Luckily, she grew out of this phase.
( However, she was extremely relieved to find out Shadow was ‘alive’ and was very happy to see him again. )
AGE 15 ;
AGE 16 ;
AGE 17;
AGE 18 ;
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Amy is stunned to find out that Sonic was defeated in battle. But she believes, like always, he will show up eventually. But as time ticks by, months passing and the world under siege, she’s left with this grim realization: he’s not coming back. She ends up joining Knuckles in his Resistance along with a bunch of others. Being forced to grow up more and realize all those ‘fun adventures’ were no longer fun. With it being months after Sonics’ ‘death’ she still longed for him to be alive yet, each time she felt hope, it was dashed by the realistic explanations by the others. It was also hard as, during this time, she had to keep Cream and her mother safe and also help take care of a Tails that was visibly grieving and not in a proper state of mind.
So, upon finding out he’s alive, she’s relieved. Though, upon being able to see him, she does hug him but mostly keeps the warm welcomes for Tails who needs Sonics’ hugs and support more.
She’s a bit surprised to find out, as time passes and they defeat Eggman ( plus begin rebuilding and trying to get the world back to normal ), that her once ‘love’ for Sonic was...diminished. She still loved him. Yet she’s more quiet about it. Just enjoying the fact she has her friend back and wanting to work alongside him to help rebuild and bring happiness to others again. She recognizes that romance isn't a priority in her life anymore and realizes that, perhaps, the world should come first as it’s a place Sonic loves and a place so many people love as well.
She buries herself in work in the resistance and bettering herself physically and mentally. She may still love that hedgehog, in many ways, but she knows that she’s able to enjoy his friendship and decides that she will no longer be chasing after him and focus on herself / her work instead.
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sonicwarfareofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Sonic Warfare Chapter 2
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He looked...so much meatier in real life. His features were more leathery, and he had a turkey neck. Eggman stirred up from his small forced slumber, saw the president, and screamed.
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“Finally! I’m rescued! I have been trying to do research in my lab when this blue punk tried to vandalize my work! Look at all this terror and destruction he’s done to the ice caps… oh the humanity!
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Imagine what horrible changes the climate will go through due to this.”
“I don’t believe in Global Warming. The snow will refreeze as time goes I imagine. Fires die out within time.” The president winked at the hedgehog. “ Global warming? I say global winning!”
While the president stood next to the Sonic, Eggman was being handcuffed by his agents.
“It’s cold here, big guy!” Papi Trump exclaims, “How ‘bout you take a seat in my luxury helicopter, it’s pretty yuuuge”.
Sonic would have protested and questioned the faux-tanned man, but he felt as if he needed to go with him. Most of the time when the president got in touch with him, it was due to a dire crisis that only the hedgehog and his comrades could fix.
However, Donald Trump was a fairly new president. What would he see as trouble to his Americans, or to mankind?
The hedgehog steps into the dually propelled machine that is the size of a large house with wide wings. The guards follow the president in with the doctor. ¨Have a seat, big guy” Trump insists. Sonic seats himself on a couch softer than Eggman’s mustache, partially sinking into the cushion, and faces the president who seats himself facing Sonic back.
¨We have a yuuuge problem  concerning-”
“The fate of America? The fate of humanity? ” Sonic interrupts in anticipation of a big mission.
Oh, the adventures the American presidents had for him! He could only imagine what new challenge could face him-
“Far worse, I want you to save yesterday’s world if you’re catching my drift,” the orange master replied.
What could he mean by that? Was there something new that needed to be hidden, like an embarrassing media story? Sonic wasn’t someone to sit and fix things like that-it took to long and he would rather do something more practical.
“I’m sorry, what ARE you saying?” Sonic questioned.
“Is this familiar to you at all?” The thick man bends to his side and takes out a grayish green cap with a metallic eagle pin perched on mid center. Below the eagle lay a skull with cross bones with the dulled black letters “SS” on the side inscribed as sharply as lightning bolts. Immediately Sonic recognized the hat.
It looked so familiar to the dusty hat Tails and him found on the beach shore a few years prior. It had been placed in a tool-box in the workshop of the Torpedo-2.
“Seems to be some sort of old electricians hat...” Sonic observes.
“That's not it, you dunce!” Eggman interjects. “It's the official uniform helmet of the schutzstaffel of the the ol’ third Reich, you idiot!”
“I don't know what the hell he's talking about.” Replies el presidente, watching the doors shut behind the doctor, and then looking back to the headwear. “This is a hat that the Nazis wore, ya know, Hitler?”.
“Oh, okay.” Sonic responded with confusion.
He didn't know who or what this Hitler guy was but he sounded important, he could always Google him later.
“So what about him? Isn't he dead or something?” Sonic said as a wild guess. “Yes he is but he's also not. . .” Trump replies sadly. “Ya see. People keep comparing me to the Nazis, and I don't like it, I don't like it” He nods as his turkey neck swings from side to side. He squinted his eyes in thought. “Don't like it. Uhh-uh.”
Sonic rocked his legs back and forth on the seat. “That kinda sucks, but to be honest, egghead and I have some important matters to deal with,” he says with a frown thinking of his anger towards the mad doctor. “I’m kind of occupied saving the present. Ya know? It’s kinda my thing?”
“Whatever you can dish out, I am up for it” Sonic reprises with confidence as he pointed to himself.
“You gotta go back in time to take him down. Take him away from the world before he even makes his rise and before people have something to compare me to- uh I mean before he does something the world will mourn to see” Trump states. “How do you expect me to go back in time?” Sonic questions. “You're gonna run back in time” Trump confidently asserts to Sonic.
 “Well, I am fast, but sorry to break it to you, Mr President, but I am not that fast. Ya see, I need a little something to go as fast as we'd like.” Sonic turns his head down a little bit after humbling himself.
“Oh, don’t worry, I have that little something” the orange man reassured. To his left there was a man in black standing vigilantly, his sunglasses giving any onlooker no signs of weakness or emotions to it. Trump looked to him, he looked back plainly as Trump nods his head with a smile; the same smile made when a child is ready to show his friend the coolest thing they have ever seen, bright and impatient.
The man in black taps on the wall that has a pad full of numbers, digit after digit the light to the side goes from green to red. Rrrrrr. The wall safe unlocked, the agent getting his gloves ready. Then, with a careful yet swift motion, the man held to a shining amber emerald. Sonic’s eyes went wide as the guard walked over to Trump, who was also prepping gloves.
“Someone was fishing in the Great Lakes and found this thing. Is that incredible or what?” Trump said, polishing the gem that compared in color to his toupee. “Hey, weren’t you a fan of the guy, Pablo? Show the fast guy the picture we took,” Trump turned to Sonic and then added, “Trust me, you gotta see this guy. Nicest guy I ever met. Great at fishing too.”
The guard, Pablo, showed Sonic a photo on his iPhone. It was a sunny day, and there sat Pablo with thinner clothing, Trump, and Big the Cat. Big the Cat.
Sonic had to retrace his eye movements. B i g the C a t. He managed to find the Chaos Emerald by sheer coincidence? “Oh, you like Big?” Sonic said, a little butthurt. He likes Big the Cat? What?
Pablo nodded. “Best fisher I’ve ever met.” The guard went to check on Eggman, while Sonic looked in disbelief. “So, um, back to the topic, what do you want me to do? Use Chaos Control to go fast?” Trump nodded but still sat in a thinking position. “Well, yes and no. I want you to go fast, but you have to arrive back in time during World War One. Hitler was a very bad man. Killed a lot of people during World War Two.”
“Oh, I get it. You want me to talk some sense into the guy!” Sonic suggested.
“No, I want you to kill him. It’s war. It’s not inhumane when you could possibly be saving the lives of millyuns.”
Sonic sat up on the chair and focused hard. He has never killed anything before. The only thing he has “ended” were the badniks. He couldn’t remember any time in history he planned on killing someone for the solution of the world’s problems.
“I’m sorry Mr. President, but I can’t kill someone. That’s no good! I haven’t killed anything yet, and don’t aim on killing anyone now!”
Trump thought again, then smiled. “No, you have killed something to save the world. Remember the Finalhazard, or the Black Arms?”
Sonic winced at the memory. “Yes. I do. But I wasn’t alone on those tasks.” it was Shadow, his friendly nemesis  that put most of the work in killing them. The edge hog could do pretty much any dirty work if it came to saving the world. Why not have him do the job? He could perform Chaos Control better than anyone, too.
“Plus, I’d have to have another chaos emerald to perform chaos control to the point of traveling nearly a century back,” Sonic addressed, still thinking about the reality of killing someone. No president had asked him to do as such before.
      “What do you want with me? I have no business with you” Dr Eggman erupts, “I haven't killed anyone, I haven't stolen, I haven't even yelled at a little girl in two weeks”.
       “Two weeks geez that's longer than me” one of the agents mutters to the other.
       “Not the point. The president wants you here and we are going to wait until we see what he wants with you. Right now he's having word with your friend”.
 “Well I wouldn't say friend” Eggman corrects, “more like mor-”
 The intercom on the wall glows red, being the only color in the gray interrogation room, “Bring me the red guy, will ya?” Utters the magical voice of the Senior himself.
 “Let's go” blankly says an agent. Both of which held Eggman by the back in his hand cuffs and opened the door to the more pleasant looking room of the the helicopter.
 Before making a word come out if his mouth, Sonic exhales sharply, “Eggman, look: I need the chaos emerald you've got”
 “Sorry to disappoint you, pest” Eggman replies angrily,
“Besides, what could possibly motivate you to go into chaos control? And a better question, what could possibly motivate me, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, to hold an emerald so closely, so securely, that you haven't found it yet? Surely you have the wrong mad, cunning, handsome, and evil scientist. Oh and another thing, what are you going to do about your friends at the verge of drinking radioactive water?” Eggman freely spoke.
“Look Egghead, we can sort that out later, just give me the emerald, I know you're hiding it so might as well make it easy for us” Sonic attempts to persuade with arms crossed.
“How about this, you pest, what if I told you. . .” Eggman pauses as Sonic impatiently yet asks in a drawn out manner, “yes?”
“That there are no emeralds on me and that you are wasting all of our time” The doctor rebuttals with great conviction in his answer. Sonic expels a great groan of frustration as the mustachioed menace did not give him the answer he needed, he would rather have heard that Eggman has hidden it so that Sonic could at least have the slightest clue, but sometimes answers don't come as quick as Sonic.
“Alright I think we're done here” the Grand Papi himself reenters the conversation as the doctor was dragged back to the gray room that he sat in prior to the failed conversation. Despite the fact Trump sat with his head down in thoughts and frustrations concerning his failed dreams Sonic felt an enormous breath of relief within him, the burden of killing has been lifted off of him before he even does the deed.
“I know you only talk like this about TV remotes but where was it last seen?” The president questions the hero in a subtle form of desperation, it was clear to Sonic that nothing in the world will move until Sonic reshapes it,
 “It won't matter, Mr President; the emeralds go all over the world after the seven emeralds are all united for a purpose and last time that properly happened was when the Doc wanted to pursue the legacy in the Gaia Manuscripts. So now they have all scattered and we have found all of them except for that last emerald, it could be anywhere, all those other ones we bumped into outta sheer luck.”
“What about Tails, he's smart, let's see if he can help us” Trump states while pretty much ignoring Sonic’s words as he pulls out his watch and taps away at his wrist shortly followed by a bright blue hologram of Tails rising up from Trump's wrist looking Trump in the eye, then turning his head to sonic, “Whoa! What's this about?” then turning back to the the orange, succulently thicc turkey, “What can I do you for you, Mr President?”
“Tails, my bro, I'm phoning you and Sonic over here to help me settle a score on behalf of the whole wide world”
“That sounds kind of. . . “ Tails tries to come up with a good, softer synonym for sinister, “Extreme, what do you mean, revenge? Because I'm here to help people, not hurt them”
“Just hear me out, tails, buddy” Trump says to hold Tails’ attention long enough to inform him about his ingenious political stunt.
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generic-sonic-fan · 2 years ago
*hands 📁 to you*
Thank you kindly! May I offer you this in these trying times: "Assimilated Sonic AU Thing"
AKA the Post-Frontiers fic where Sonic, king of Not Asking For Help, decides to break into one of Eggman's bases, lock himself in one of Eggman's detention cells, and refuse to elaborate until Eggman, concerned about this blue rat for the first time in his life, literally begs him to explain what's going on, leading to this lovely exchange:
“Sonic, have you been possessed by a malicious entity?” Ivo asked.
“. . . maybe a little?”
Basically, The End is trying to take over Sonic's body, leaving him in various states of amnesia the longer time goes on. Eggman is forced to work with Sonic's friends to find a way to fix this, because the last thing Eggman wants is for someone with all of Sonic's power but none of Sonic's compassion to be unleashed upon the world.
This fic is inspired by all of the speculation around Sonic Frontiers, where everyone thought Sonic was going to get corrupted by the entity that we now know is The End. The name that people keep using for the concept is "Assimilated!Sonic", hence the title.
Fun facts I plan on adding in the future if I decide to turn this fic into a long fic (curse my ambitious bones):
Sage is there, and to everyone's surprise, she's the only one that Sonic remembers consistently regardless of what state of amnesia he's in.
Shadow shows up to act as a Leading Expert On Dealing With Amnesiac People, and does a surprisingly good job at it.
Tails has to work with Eggman to build an apparatus strong enough to keep Sonic from escaping while they figure out how to get The End out of him. Angst (but also a strange bit of understanding?) ensues.
Eventual Eggdad content between him and all of these funky teenagers?? Where he starts to show concern even for Sonic???
(Un)authorized use of the Master Emerald
Exploring the nature of Sage's use of "backups" of herself- is it really her if she's a backup of a backup? Does it matter?
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