#shadow doesnt like his black arms DNA
fosermi · 19 days
Shadow is hiding away and avoiding everyone and Wade is very worried about what could be wrong.
Then he hears cries and runs in, to see little wings have sprouted from Shadow's back
Second, enjoy this lil concoction my brain came up with :D
Normal. Wade would call this day pretty normal. A weekend taking care of his three alien kids. Others may say it's not normal but to Wade? This is their normal, and no one can tell them otherwise. He was glad that it was his day off, it allowed him more time to spend with his kids, watching a movie and overall just enjoying a relatively quiet life. A hug from Silver, a soft sound of contentment from Shadow, and the way Eclipse snuggled against him when the other two weren't looking.
Wade was proud of how they all came together as a family despite their... rocky start. He wouldn't change anything for the world.
Wade gently ran a hand through silver's quills gently, assured that they were smoothed down and relaxed. He knew that his sons all liked some form of physical connection with him but he also knew their preferences for when. Silver was just the one to like openly showing such signs of affections. Shadow was more subtle but he still enjoyed a few head pats and hugs every now and again. Eclipse says he doesn’t like such things, but silently craves it.
Everything was normal. Normal and peaceful for once. Yet there was this nagging feeling at the back of Wade's mind- something telling him that this was wrong. Something was severely wrong. He couldn't quite tell what was wrong, only that something was wrong. Today was just a bit too quiet.
Halfway through the movie "Rise of the Guardians", Shadow had let out a quiet grunt and got up and out of his comfortable spot against Wade and headed off towards his and Silver's room. The look that crossed between Silver and Eclipse didn't go unnoticed by Wade. he might not be the sharpest tool in the shed at times but he knew his kids. Silver and Eclipse never did see things eye to eye, except when it came to Shadow. 
Before Wade could even ask what was wrong, Eclipse wordlessly got off of the couch and made his way towards where Shadow had disappeared to. Neither Wade nor Silver went back to watching the movie, having practically forgotten about it by this turn of events. Reaching over for the remote, Wade shut off the TV and allowed Silver to snuggle closer to him. 
“Silver?” Wade finally asked after observing the silver hedgehog closely, taking note of how his ear flicked towards the direction of his and Shadow’s rooms.
“Hm…?” Silver could only let out a small hum, his focus seemingly taken by listening in on what was happening between Shadow and Eclipse.
"What's wrong buddy?" Silver's ear flicked again as he buried his face into his father's arms.
"It's nothing..."
"Come on buddy, you can tell me." Silver looked up to Wade and frowned slightly. Taking a quick glance towards his room, Silver let out a small whine. Wade only ran his hand through Silver's quills again in an attempt to comfort his son.
"Shadow doesn't want me to tell you..."
"Why's that?"
"Shadow said he wasn't feeling good... even Eclipse noticed." Silver admitted, half curling up in Wade's arms. He knew his brother would be mad, but Silver really didn't know what to do. He wanted Shadow to be OK, to be safe. But this was the first time Shadow had said he didn't feel too well and Silver needed to tell someone, but he didn't want to make Shadow mad either.
Wade frowned softly, offering his middle son a comforting hug, telling him that he did the right thing telling him. But Wade also worried for his eldest. He knew Shadow couldn't get sick, so what else could it have been?
That was when both Silver and Wade startled at the sudden loud thud from the other room and a yell from both Eclipse and Shadow. Paling, Wade instantly shot up from the couch, followed closely by Silver, the grey hedgehog's hands glowing faintly in preparation for whatever had caused the other two members of their family yell.
"Eclipse!" Upon turning the corner, Wade instantly rushed over to Eclipse's side, fretting over the alien.
Eclipse was sprawled against the wall opposing the door from Silver and Shadow's room, the door torn from its hinges. Eclipse groaned softly, clutching onto his arm. It was definitely dislocated. "S-shadow..." Eclipse groaned softly, attempting to get up only to be caught by Silver's psychokenisis.
"Eclipse what happened?" Wade demanded, helping Silver set down Eclipse against the wall so he wouldn't rush up again.
"S-Shadow... Shadow! He's not alright!" Eclipse managed to whimper before letting out a yell of pain as he held onto his head, his tail lashing wildly. "Stop!! Make him stop!!" The Darkling whimpered trying to block out the sudden influx of noise in his head.
A second scream tore through the house. Shadow's scream.
Silver froze on the spot, scared of what was happening. Wade however didn't. His son was in pain. And nothing would stop him from protecting his son- no matter what.
"Silver, watch Eclipse." With that, Wade swiftly made his way into the room, scanning everything quickly to find Shadow on the far wall on his hands and knees heaving heavily. His back was facing towards Wade.
Quickly Wade rushed to his eldest side. Worry and panic being pushed down by the determination to see his son alright again. "Shadow?" Wade called out in hopes to get a reaction from the black hedgehog.
He did get a reaction, but not one he was expecting. Shadow's head snapped up towards Wade, a low, intense growl. A growl like that of a hungry, hungry beast.
Wade froze for a second, his eyes widening at the sight. In front of him, Shadow was hunched over on all fours, large tears rolling down his muzzle, his quills all raised and sparking with a similar energy to that of Sonic's. His gloved were discarded off to the side, his claws in full display. On his forehead, a large glowing yellow black and yellow eye. Two lumps on his back began to grow as Shadow suddenly pounced.
Wade only had a millisecond to dodge the sudden attack from his own son. However wade had been too slow as Shadow latched onto Wade's shoulder with his teeth, his claws digging right into his arm as Shadow forced Wade to slam into the wall head first. Wade hissed in pain, biting back a curse and the flash of white in his vision.
Wade winced as pain shot up his arm and head. He was pretty sure he had a concussion and a fractured arm, having been practically pinned down by Shadow's superior strength at full force. Shakily, Wade lifted up his other arm slowly, earning a louder growl from Shadow as he bit down harder.
Wade bit on his tongue to not yell in pain. Instead he forced himself to reach out and gently stroke Shadow between the shoulder blades, where the two lumps grew into strange wings. But Wade didn't question it. He needed to get his son to calm down.
"S-shhh... its OK..." Wade whispered, rubbing gently circles against Shadow's back. "It's alright Shadow, I'm here... I won't let you go."
Wade couldn't tell how long he and Shadow stayed like that, in fact he didn't really care. All he cared about was Shadow's state. But it was starting to get really hard to stay focused. Eventually the pressure on his shoulder disappeared, and in his warm embrace sobbed Shadow, holding on tightly onto Wade and apologising quietly.
"Shh... i-its alright, blackberry... you're safe now..." Seeing how his son's eyes had cleared from whatever frenzy that was made Wade sigh in relief. Allowing himself to slip into unconsciousness. All he heard as it faded to black was Shadow's panicked yell for help and Silver's gasp.
When Wade opened his eyes again, everything was white. White and bright. There was a tight pressure around his arm and shoulder and there was an underlying twinge of pain accompanying any movement. At least he knew he wasn't dead.
His thoughts immediate turned to his sons. He wondered where they were when suddenly a grey and red head peaked out from the corner of his vision.
Eclipse stood there, holding out a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, his eyes wide as he stared at Wade. Dropping the flowers, Eclipse instantly rushed to his side, tears stinging the corner of his eyes as he rushed in for a hug. "Wade!!!"
The sudden exclamation caused a silver head to pop up from the foot of the bed. "Huh?! Wha- DAD!!" his drowsiness disappeared at the sight of Wade being awake.
"H-Hey boys..." Wade winced, his voice was so hoarse. How long had he been asleep?
Silver sniffled and held onto Wade tightly. "You're finally awake!! You wouldn't wake up!"
"Yeah! You were asleep for three days! I got really cold!" Eclipse complained but there was a shakiness to his voice, suggesting his relief.
"Sorry..." Wade couldn't help but smile, but soon his smile disappeared as he looked around. "Where's shadow...?"
Silver and Eclipse exchanged a look again as they continued to cling to Wade. The first to speak up was Silver. "Shadow... didn't leave the room or eated since..." his ears drooped.
Wade couldn't help the frown at the news. He couldn't help but worry. "C-could you call him...?"
With a quick nod from Eclipse, Shadow appeared only moments later. The black hedgehog stood off to the corner, his eyes wide and full of hope. He hesitated for a moment but then quickly rushed forward to hug Wade when Wade gave Shadow one of his smiles.
Shadow was allowed onto Wade's lap, having needed to be comforted more than his brothers right now. It wasn't easy knowing you were the reason your own dad was hospitalised, that's why Wade was going to make sure that Shadow knew well that he wasn't at fault here.
"I'm sorry...." Shadow finally whispered, nuzzling closer to Wade after calming down his sobs.
"And I forgive you, Shadow." Wade smiled offered Shadow a hug while running his fingers through his eldesg son's quills. Gently, Wade cupped Shadow's cheek and made him look at him directly.
Wade was quiet for a moment before a wider smile crossed his face. "Didn't know hedgehogs have three eyes and wings. That's pretty cool!" Shadow's breath hitched and a whine escaped him. Seeing the signs of insecurity, Wade leaned over and gave shadow a small, tender kiss on the top of his head, just above the third eye. "I love you shadow. No matter what."
It was like a dam had broken as shadow began wailing and sobbing harder, clinging tightly onto Wade soon being joined in by Silver and Eclipse on cuddling their dad. Wade didn't mind. His boys were safe and that was all that mattered.
"I love you three. So much..."
"Love you too, dad." Silver replied back sniffling slightly, glad to have his dad back.
It would get some getting used to, but that was normal for Wade. It was normal for their little strange family.
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themetalvirus · 2 years
sonic and tails are brubbers :)
i love the weird family dynamics in sonic. the chaotix are clearly a family but vector doesn't think of himself as charmy's dad. despite being his caretaker. and espio is also there and clearly a member of the family but he doesnt have any applicable labels besides "friend" which is fine by all of them.
shadow considering gerald or maria family is never clearly stated, it's subtext (some just consider it text anyway), and he's a test tube alien hedgehog with two human family people. gerald is kind of a father figure but he's maria's grandpa and maria is shadow's sister so it's like. dad grandpa. but also some scientist guy. black doom seems to consider shadow his son but he's only part black arms dna and i'm unclear on if that dna came directly from black doom or not. either way, it's weird all around in the shadow department
and of course, sonic (kind of) raised tails, but because they're so close in age they consider each other brothers, which is sweet and more accurate to their lived experiences
this isn't even all of the weird family stuff going on. it's found family all the way down and we wave to cream and her mom during the journey
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chaosbcrne · 5 years
mercalimari replied to your post: 🔥 about shads himself
like half the shadow art nowadays has him with a green inside-of-mouth tbh people think he should have green blood because black arms had green blood and his black arms dna comes from black arms blood
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pastelskrulls · 6 years
the young avengers (no not those ones)
the war starts when steve is 13.
all of his classmates want to enlist, want the glory of winning and protecting their nation.
steve only wants to stay home. to protect his mother from the man she married
when steve is 15, his mother dies of tb. he no longer has a reason to stay in new york, and he crumbles under the pain of it
he turns 16 and he enlists, forging the papers with the help of a kind german doctor
he stands out in training, from the angles in his still growing body, the vague irish lilt in his voice
however, what sets him apart the most is his commitment, his guts
he recieves the super soldier serum and a year later, nosedives into the arctic
he wakes up in new york 70 years later in the custody of shield
across the country, jane foster fresh off the high of earning her learners permit, hits a man with her dad’s truck
well, not a man. a boy
he looks like he couldn’t be older than 17 and he keeps mumbling about trolls, a magical hammer, and a rainbow bridge
the doctors determine he must have brain damage and leave it at that
the boy apparently has no family in new mexico and whatever family he did have hated him (because seriously, jane thought, who names their kid thor)
her dad, hardworking and compassionate if not a bit over ambitious, offers to take him in until they can get him registered in the system
it turns out they don’t have to, because three days later, thor fights a giant evil robot in the middle of the town, picks up a hammer from norse legend, and is carted off by some government agency
bruce banner is 16 going on 17 and interning under thadeus ross at culver university.
ross is obsessed with replicating the serum that created captain america, and bruce is obsessed with getting a full ride (and an internship with a general at a nationally acclaimed university was certainly going to help) so he plays along
the exposure to gamma radiation morphs something in his dna
in class the next day, some meathead, robert he thinks, is pestering him, calling him names just like always. bruce is used to it by now, but then he mentions bruce’s mom and something in him snaps
he wakes up in an alleyway, clothes shredded to hell and no memory of what had happened.
the newspapers are all talking about the same thing. a monster, loose in virginia. witnesses claim they had seen their classmate, bruce banner turn into a hulking green beast. he had beaten a student, robert maverick and fled. police are offering a reward to anyone with knowledge of his whereabouts
bruce doesnt know how to fix this, so he heads home, packs a suitcase, and runs
he ends up at his uncle’s apartment, a small brownstone in new york
after a little convincing from his daughter, mr.walters agrees to hide bruce for a short time, just until they can figure out what happened
but they never get the chance
the next day, government agents dressed in gray and black uniforms break down the door and cart bruce away to some facility. he doesn’t know what will happen to him, and more than ever before, he is scared
tony graduated college when he was 15. he had a fully stocked lab, an invite to every party in town, and more money than he could ever spend. all thanks to his father.
no matter what he does, everyone; magazines, documentaries, newspapers, only seem to care about howard. he can’t seem to escape the man’s shadow, and he resents him for it.
so he rebels. he goes clubbing, he brings home girls, he bought expensive cars, but nothing seemed to work
until the day he was kidnapped.
the kidnappers saw how smart he was, and they wanted it.
they threw his father’s tech at him, told him to start developing a new missile. instead, he designed a suit. his fellow captive a professor, ho yinsen helped him, and together they built the scrapper. it was barely a prototype, but it was the best shot they had
professor ho had shoved him towards the suit, told him to run and headed toward the guards.
he was plucked out of the deaert by an unmarked government helicopter and was met by two agents
“are you interested in helping us? we could use that tech of yours.”
and for the first time, tony felt seen
clint pulled on his blindfold and gripped his bow, finding the worn in finger rests. he pulled an arrow from the quiver and slid it into place. he took a deep breath, aimed the shot, and released. the raucous applause surrounding him told him he had hit his mark, just like always.
the show continued and he trudged outside, opening his small (very small) trailer. he let himself flop onto the bed, face first. his aids buzzed and crackled with the impact and he rolled over, staring up at the ceiling. before he could get comfortable, there was a knock at his door.
he sighed dramatically, rolled out of bed and opened it.
standing in the rain was a steely eyed woman, dressed in a black bodysuit.
“clint barton? i saw your... performance tonight”
he raised an eyebrow “okaaaay?”
“how old are you?”
“19” the lie slipped off his tongue easily. if there was a chance of getting out of this place, he knew it wouldn’t come to a 15 year old.
“would you let me in? i’d like to tell you about something called shield”
natasha had been raised in the red room. the barbed fences, concrete walls, and armed guards were all she had ever known. every morning they trained her and the other girls. she worked, strived to be the best. she had stopped hoping for an escape and started hoping for a mission. but she knew hoping would get her nowhere, so instead she fought. she wanted to prove herself. to grab attention and not let it go.
when she turned 15, she was given her first mission. she was to kill her target, a man by the name of clint barton. he was an assasin. a good one.
he worked for shield, a top secret agency run by and for the us government.
it was easy enough to find him. he had perched on top of a building
she wasn’t sure what she had been expecting with the guy, but it wasn’t this. he looked... young. not much older than her. there was no way his file had the truth about him.
she had been made to fight. trained to kill. but with this boy. she couldn’t. they were too alike.
she stepped out of the shadows, and his bow instantly trained on her.
but he didn’t shoot. she could tell he felt it too. he lowered his weapon and stepped forward, cautious but open.
“do you need help?”
she didn’t know why she said it, but the word tumbled out before she could think
he brought her inside, taking an elevator down to the underground offices and facilities. he pointed her down the hall, telling her to look for a man named nick fury
when she reached his office, she found him waiting for her. he held a gun in one hand and a file in the other. she cursed herself. cursed herself for trusting that boy
“i suppose you’re going to shoot me now?” she held herself in a tight stance, ready for a fight. it had been a setup. of course. she hadn’t wanted this. it seemed childish to even think, but it wasn’t fair. it wasn’t fair that she should die for the red room. die before she even got to live
“that’s your choice” he said. he looked her up and down and she could tell he saw the unnatural thinness, the not yet faded bruises
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“well ms romanoff, would you like to save the world?”
the first real threat came in the form of a god’s temper tantrum
thor’s younger brother (who looked like a middle schooler) who he insisted wasn’t really evil,
“you don’t understand he’s just going through a phase!” he yelled as he flew between buildings, wind whipping his hair.
“it isn’t a phase, brother!” loki had shouted back
when the battle was over, odin arrived, patting the boy on the back and turned to fury
“he just wants a little attention, i assure you this won’t happen again”
fury had nodded and, when odin had left, taken out a flask.
“so, what now?” everyone turned to clint.
“how about some food?” bruce suggested
“ah, a fantastic idea, we have fought well and a feast of victory is well deserved!”
natasha gave a sharp nod, looking through the rubble for a restaurant that was still standing, much less open.
in the end they found a shwarma place that was willing to open up and serve the heroes with a discount.
soon enough however, some agents came to collect them, and in the quinjet they were briefed on their next mission. high school.
(i can write more of this if anyone wants. ive got more ideas but i wanna just post this. my inbox is open, so if you want anything specific for this universe or something else, go there! i also fudged some of the backstories a bit, threw in what i knew from comics, and changed some dates, but i think i stuck pretty well to canon)
(you can probably tell i got more into this as i wrote fjxndn)
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