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wwyptt · 4 months ago
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Through the dark magic of constrained composition I've done it -- 13 Unusual Beasts and Spirits, just in time for Halloween! Basically, most cultures' mythology break down like this: you've got weird lizards, sketchy dogs, loud birds, upsetting chimeras, the occasional hazardous horse, and an endless supply of lethal hunks/babes. Perhaps a theme for next year? Looking forward to it.
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muffinlance · 2 years ago
i just bought fox's tongue and kirin's bone, blacked out, and before i knew it i'd read the whole thing and all the skin stealer's son chapters that you've released. i adore it so so so so so much! i was curious, how many books do you anticipate will be in this series? have you planned it out, or is that question still open-ended for you? <3
The Book Fugue State is one of the highest compliments an author can receive <3
Re series length: I'm aiming for six books, but I think we all know what happens when authors say "the series will definitely be THIS long" (...then seven books later...)
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smokinsid · 11 months ago
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Synchroneer Enid: Tenured professor of Relative Extraplanar Access, Penetration, Egress, and Research, or REAPER Studies, for the College of Synergetics. The successful one in the family. She's seen the world turn inside out and had lunch on rocks floating in the alchemical abyssal zone between realms. Fearless, unflappable, and always prepared with a backup plan for her backup plan. Ma & Pa's favorite. Her ambition is matched only by the heights to which she piles her thick, gorgeous hair- she's the first in a generation not to start going bald right after puberty.
Troubador Rucks: Enid's daughter. Freewheeling poet and musician working hard for an easy living. Flunked out of the College of Dynamics after spending too much time doodling on her reports. Sailed away to Cantha seeking her fortune, only to fall in with the fisherfolk of a village frequently assailed by naga. Cobbled together a "motivational" combat style based on yelling and swinging a stick around. Loves with her whole heart, even if it's not a good idea.
Sidney "Smokin' Sid" Figleaf: Enid's estranged older brother. Late night host of Smoke Signals, on 103.3 KRUE, Venlin Vale Radio. Married a gorgeous Sylvari who says he "makes her laugh," he spent a good long time working on the docks beneath Rata Sum after flunking out of the College of Statics in his first year for, quote, "stickin' stuff up my nose when they didn't want me to." His career as a journalist picked up during the Pact's assault on Orr, where he found himself using radio equipment to report on the war back to the mainland. Now he's trying to live a more comfortable life, and only smokes two packs of unfiltered Shadhavar Wides a day.
The gang's all here! Coming to a Super Adventure Box near you!
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nyktomorphia · 2 years ago
Worldbuilders and mythmakers have been mysteriously silent on the subject of camels. There is like one miraculous camel I could find in Arabian folklore, and that's it. I am irrationally annoyed by this.
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Ratites are the obvious animal to fill the same ecological niche, but flightless birds are also the go-to horse-of-a-different-colour in fantasy settings of any climate, everywhere since Nausicaä and then Final Fantasy, so it feels underwhelming on its own. What if it wears a lambeosaur crest? backwards? definitely not because I forgot, and if I did it was for artistic reasons
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In fact what if I put backwards lambeosaur on a horse too? Not really especially camel-like after all, but there's a legendary creature called a shadhavar that Arabian bestiaries claimed lived in Byzantium, which was a unicorn with a hollow, branching horn it could play like a flute and I like the idea of a hadrohorse
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Alternatively, what if camel but just really big? Maybe Bergmann's rule makes that unlikely but consider its majestic appearance! No, not the question of how does the driver see around its neck, stop considering that
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koritsimou · 4 years ago
Found this on google and am posting it for reference and hopefully linking later.
Image is of a karkadann, a turkish unicorn, artist unknown.
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lpbestiary · 5 years ago
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The Shadhavar is a type of unicorn from Persian mythology. It is known by many other names, including Sadhuzag, Shādawār and Âras. It is said to combine the features of a deer, a bull and a goat.
Its most notable feature is its large horn, which has forty-two hollow branches on it. When the wind blows through these branches, they play a pleasant note. Shadhavar horns were sometimes harvested and presented as gifts to kings, who would play them like flutes.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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souliecrystalline · 5 years ago
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cartazonos · 6 years ago
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Unicorns by Birvan
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darkvolt · 7 years ago
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Desert themed design concepts
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kalebsocs · 2 years ago
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For today, Roman Sanders is on his path to slay the dragon witch. Which by the way, did any fellow fans see the new roleslaying episode?
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iguanodont · 7 years ago
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Though at cursory glance this strange animal may appear similar to the unicorn, look closely; the strange, lumpy “horn” is covered in skin, and is in fact not a horn at all! Meet the shadhavar, cousin to the wildebeest and mammalia’s answer to hadrasaurine crests. While it is not literally riddled with holes through which the wind blows freely, the shadhavar’s strange crest is adorned with tubercles which are thought to be associated with sexual display. Males have significantly larger crests than females and up to 72 tubercles, though the average in breeding males is around 42. The crest itself is hollow, and in a case of remarkable convergent evolution to parasaurolophus, allows the amplification of sound to dramatic effect. Some say it’s calls are hauntingly beautiful, others might argue it sounds like a walking vuvuzela; for members of its own kind, the cries carry a variety of meanings from danger to coordination to love. The crest is said to have been gifted to kings, who would hold it at specific angles in a breeze so as to produce unique sounds.
 Shadhavar travel in small, loose herds of females and young led by a single male while non-competitive males travel in bachelor groups. A herd may be spread over great distances, as long as they can still hear their neighbors’ low frequency “safety” calls. Though they have always been uncommon, their range has shrunk since the last ice age from much of west Asia to limited ranges in the Anatolian plateau in Turkey. The shadhavar first appeared in the mid Pleistocene, sharing a common ancestor with the now extinct rusingoryx, another alcelaphine bovid with a weird hollow skull.
Hey so, making posts like this takes a lot of time and energy, and school is time and energy consuming and expensive, so if you’ve got a few bucks to spare, I’d really appreciate it!
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thecreaturecodex · 7 years ago
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Image �� @iguanodont. Accessed at their tumblr here
[The first in a two-parter of musical Middle Eastern monsters.]
Shadhavar CR 3 NG Magical Beast This beautiful, antelope-like creature has a single horn growing from its head. The horn is covered in knobs and holes, making it resemble an exotic musical instrument.
Shadhavars are magical, musical creatures that resemble unicorns. They patrol dry savannas and other arid lands, maintaining the balance of predator and prey and defending the land from exploitation. Shadhavars are social creatures that are gregarious among their own kind and with others, and their roaming herds are as much conversation circles as anything else.
The most notable feature of a shadhavar is its crest. This structure is covered in horn and studded with dozens of openings, all leading to a large central airy chamber. This allows them to play their crest as if it were a musical instrument, and shadhavars can mimic the noises of a dozen manufactured instruments, or even maintain two tunes at once. Shadhavars can harness their sonic mastery as a weapon, producing a blast of sound that can shatter glass, bruise flesh and scramble the mind. As shadhavars are herbivorous, they only use this effect in self-defense or when fighting to protect an innocent creature.
Shadhavars love music, both their own and that of other creatures. They are somewhat wary of mortals, however, as they are hunted to turn their crests into exotic musical instruments. They also hate creatures that use sonic effects to injure and kill innocent creatures, and fight crusades against harpies, siranis and other evil monsters that use music as a weapon.
Shadhavar       CR 3 XP 800 NG Medium magical beast Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +12 Defense AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 natural) hp 32 (5d10+5) Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +5; +4 vs. sonic and language-dependent effects Resist sonic 10 Defensive Abilities soundproof Offense Speed 50 ft. Melee slam +7 (1d6+3) Special Abilities dissonant burst Spell-like Abilities CL 3rd, concentration +8 Constant—speak with animals Statistics Str 14, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 20 Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Run, Skill Focus (Perform: wind instrument) Skills Acrobatics +8 (+16 when jumping), Perception +12, Perform (wind instrument) +11, Sense Motive +9 Languages Common, Sylvan SQ musical horn, versatile performance Ecology Environment warm deserts and plains Organization solitary, pair or herd (3-12) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Dissonant Burst (Su) As a standard action, a shadhavar can create a blast of sonic energy in a 10 foot radius centered on itself. All creatures in this area take 1d8 points of sonic damage and must succeed a DC 17 Will save or be confused for 1d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to the confusion effect of that shadhavar’s dissonant burst for the next 24 hours. A shadhavar can use this ability at will, but must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. This is a sonic, mind-influencing effect. A shadhavar is immune to this ability. Musical Horn (Ex) A shadhavar’s crest functions as a wind instrument for the purposes of Perform checks. Soundproof (Ex) A shadhavar gains a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws made against sonic effects or language-dependent effects. Versatile Performance (Ex) A shadhavar may use its bonus on Perform (wind instrument) checks when making Diplomacy or Handle Animal checks.
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tricos-here · 2 years ago
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was watching the shadhavars in the red desert border while i was waiting for my pip tick today which got me thinking about mundane mounts again
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snakehorses-moved-blog · 7 years ago
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;; Cadaver and Almas horse-hugging.
I’m please.
Ilovethemokay don’t judgeme
Almas is mine. Cadaver belongs to:
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qarakorshaq · 7 years ago
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Update 1 of 2
Start Qarakorshaq from the beginning!
Every reblog and like is super helpful and super appreciated! Thank you for reading!
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gildedguilt · 8 years ago
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Hi my name’s Clove and all my Oc’s have my face shape. 
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