crystalsclangencorner · 10 months
(CW: Implied Character deaths)
(I wanted to do this as a book-like thing, I may do that for the rest of my clans in the future-)
Badgerpaw was carrying her brother Beaverkit by his scruff, he was only a moon old after all.
Near the two was Cloudypaw and his (adopted) sibling Springkit. Springkit was only five moons old so they didn't need to be carried.
Eventually the four ran into a tunnel.
There was no sounds of barking or smell of blood.
But Beaverkit was still wailing.
"Shush, we're safe now.." Badgerpaw murmured to Beaverkit.
"Why did we have to leave?" Springkit asked, only to get hit by Cloudypaw's tail. "We can't tell you around Beaverkit mouse-brain!" Cloudypaw hissed.
"... Cloudypaw.." Badgerpaw started, "Yeah, I know, we have to go investigate the new territory," Cloudypaw responded, then he turned to Springkit, "Look after Beaverkit, and don't leave the tunnel, alright?" He mewed, "Alright!" Springkit responded.
The two apprentices left the tunnel.
... There were at least four other tunnels.
There was also a lot of snow, seeing as it was leaf-bare.
... It was also snowing a lot.
The two apprentices decided to go back in the den.
Chapter 1
Some time passed.
Badgerpaw was now Badgerrose, she was also training Cloudypaw now.
Springpaw was a medicine cat now.
Right now Badgerrose and Cloudypaw were looking at an abandoned Badger sett.
"We're going in there?" Cloudypaw asked, "Relax, it's long abandoned, and it's big enough to not be claustrophobic, and has plenty of criss-crossed, overlapping tunnels," Badgerrose mewed.
... Yeah, that wasn't convincing.
Safe to say Badgerrose was not happy when the two returned.
Ironically the next moon Cloudypaw was more than ready to be a warrior. He was Cloudyfall now.
Beaverkit was also an apprentice, he decided to be a meditator.
And then a kittypet joined.
Her name was Oakley.
Surprisingly she was a good healer! She was now Springpaw's mentor.
"How nice for Springpaw," Beaverpaw sighed, "You're doing great without a mentor," Badgerrose responded, "Just like me." She finished.
"... I guess that's true," Beaverpaw responded.
... And then Oakley and Springpaw crashed into the clearing, carrying kits.
And of course Cloudyfall jumped to conclusions.
"They aren't ours. Oakley heard a noise and decided to investigate," Springpaw hissed.
"It was a SlateClan cat. Shadebriar I think," Oakley said.
The look on Cloudyfall's face was unreadable.
"What happened to Shadebriar?" Beaverpaw asked, "... She died having her kits," Oakley responded.
A silence was in the air, well... Not really. Since the three newborn kits were mewling for their mother.
Badgerrose wrapped her tail around them.
"I'll take care of them," Badgerrose said, picking up the cream tabby she-kit.
Springpaw nodded before picking up the brown tabby she-kit, while Oakley grabbed the unusually spotted gray tom.
Once they were in the nursery, Badgerrose curled up around them.
"... What are you going to name them?" Oakley asked.
"I'll name the cream tabby 'Jasminekit', her sister will be 'Dustkit', and their brother will be 'Wispkit'," Badgerrose said, "Those are nice names you picked out," Springpaw said while Oakley nodded.
"We'll leave you alone now, Badgerrose," Oakley said, "Alright," Badgerrose responded.
... These kits... Badgerrose will do her best to raise them.
The next moon the kits opened their eyes.
Jasminekit had emerald green eyes, Wispkit had heather blue eyes, and...
... Dustkit looked like Shadebriar more and more, she had Shadebriar's eyes.
... The look on Cloudyfall's face when Dustkit opened her eyes and saw that they were the same sunlit ice color Shadebriar's was.
Badgerrose wasn't Badgerrose anymore, she was Badgerstar now. Cloudyfall was the deputy as well.
Badgerrose was also on her way to get her nine lives.
Sleetwhisker, Pikestar's mother, gave Badgerstar a life for integrity.
Then Badgerstar's mother Puddledur appeared, she smiled at her and gave her a life for instincts.
Badgerstar's father Cloudshade was next, he gave her a life for farsightedness.
Cloudyfall's father Fiercehaze was next, he gave Badgerstar a warm smile before giving her a life for devotion.
"Take care of the clan the best you can," He whispered before going back into the group of StarClan cats.
Shiveringspot was next, she gave Badgerstar a life for bravery.
Flamedapple was next. He lectured Badgerstar about leadership before giving her a life for endurance.
... Then Shadebriar showed up.
She dipped her head in greeting, the she thanked Badgerstar for taking care of her kits before giving Badgerstar a life for leadership through the darkest of times.
"You managed to lead your brother, your mate and his sibling when your clan was killed by dogs, and you continued to lead them when it was just you four, you'll do great," Shadebriar said before going back into the group of StarClan cats.
Finally, Pikestar appeared.
"I give you a life for energy," Pikestar said before going back to the StarClan cats.
Suddenly, many more starry shapes appeared.
"We grant you your last remaining life. Use your lives well with our blessing," The shapes said.
Badgerstar woke up, knowing that she was ready to lead her clan.
Chapter 2
She never understood why her siblings always left her out of the games they played...
She wasn't a kittypet unlike that Oakley!
She eventually looked at her mother, Badgerstar, who was talking to Cloudyfall across the clearing.
... Was Badgerstar even her and her litter mates actual mother?
Her thoughts were interrupted.
"May all cats old enough to frolick in the meadows gather around my den for a clan meeting!" Badgerstar said.
Jasminekit begrudgingly joined the group of cats gathering around.
"Today, we have three new apprentices. Jasminekit, Dustkit, and Wispkit. You three have all reached six moons old. Until you earn your warrior names, you will be known as Jasminepaw, Dustpaw, and Wisppaw," Badgerstar started, "Jasminepaw, your mentor will be Cloudyfall. Cloudyfall, I have taught you well and I hope you will pass all you know down to Jasminepaw." Badgerstar said.
Jasminepaw touched noses with her mentor, Cloudyfall. Jasminepaw looked bored and unimpressed, but she was happy.
"Dustpaw and Wisppaw, I will mentor you both. I swear to teach you both all I know," Badgerstar said.
A pang of jealousy hit Jasminepaw.
... Then Wisppaw spoke.
"Can we go gather moss? I want to make sure everyone has fresh bedding," Wisppaw said.
Jasminepaw didn't say anything, she just turned around and left.
It felt surreal to Wisppaw, like a nightmare.
Jasminepaw got yellowcough and she died.
... At least Beaverpaw, now Beaverdream, was expecting kits.
Springpaw also became a full medicine cat, they were Springwhisper now.
And unsurprisingly, Springwhisper and Beaverdream became mates two moons ago, so it was obvious that Springwhisper was gonna be the sire to Beaverdream's kits.
Right now Wisppaw and Dustpaw were on a patrol.
Then they stopped.
"What's that?" Dustpaw said.
The two cats then got closer.
... It was a cat!
He was also injured!
The two ran back to the clan, supporting the stranger as he had a broken back.
"He'll be fine, he even decided to join the clan!" Springwhisper said, "His name is Stripes, by the way." He finished.
"Oh thank StarClan he's okay!" Dustpaw responded, "Where did he come from? How did he get on the side of the thunderpath?" Dustpaw then began her series of questions.
... Then Badgerstar called for them.
It didn't sound like it was good.
"You better go to her," Springwhisper said.
Wisppaw and Dustpaw both signed in unity before leaving the medicine cat den.
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