#sh: cisak
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instagram + coraline windsor 🌟
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instagram + isak murphy  🌟
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[text]: i’m coming home, alright? / [text]: you’re stubborn as hell — cisak 💜
[text]: i’m coming home, alright?
Coraline → Isak: No, Isak.. you aren’tCoraline → Isak: Look, you know I want to see you and that I miss you but it’s the middle of the seasonCoraline → Isak: Your coach will kill you if you just up and leave, we both know thatCoraline → Isak: Give me a few days, I’ll come and see you okay? I promiseCoraline → Isak: And look, baby- we’re compromising 😘
[text]: you’re stubborn as hell
Coraline → Isak: Coming from you, that’s hilarious 😒Coraline → Isak: I’m not stubborn, I’m just trying to make a decision based on more than the fact that I love youCoraline → Isak: Because my birth parents are proof that love isn’t always enoughCoraline → Isak: I just don’t want to lose you in my life because we can’t make a relationship work, and there’s no guarantee we will?
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