#sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band (reprise)
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The Beatles | Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (1967)
#the beatles#sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band (reprise)#sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band (1967)#1967#music#song of the day#Youtube
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On Tuesday, December 19th, Paul McCartney performed in London. It was his final concert of 2024, so the audience was in for surprises.
In particular, first of all, how to use "Get Back", he shared his memories of the bass guitar, which was more than 50 years old.
McCartney got the musical instrument back in February 2024. And at a concert in London, he showed this guitar and said that this was her first appearance on stage since she disappeared.
One of the options was the appearance of Ronnie Wood, who joined the performance of "Get Back".
And during the encore performance, Sir Paul invited Ringo Starr on stage. Together they played "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)" and "Helter Skelter".
‘A Hard Day's Night’
‘Junior's Farm’
‘Letting go’
‘Drive My Car'
‘I Want You To Come into My Life."
‘Come to Me’
'Let Me Do It’
'It's getting Better‘
’Let Them In’
‘My Valentine‘
'Nineteen Eighty-Five'
'Maybe I'm Amazed'
'I Just Saw a Face'
'Despite all the Danger'
‘Love me’
‘Dance tonight'
‘Here and now'
‘From time to time’
‘Lady Madonna’
‘Be for the good of Mr. Kite!'
‘Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da’
‘A group on the run'
‘Wonderful Christmas’
‘Come Back' (with Ronnie Wood)
'So Be It’
‘Live and let die'
‘Hey Jude‘
’I Have a Feeling‘
’Sergeant' Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise) (with Ringo Starr)
'Mess' (with Ringo Starr)
‘Golden Dreams’
‘Carry this load’
‘The End' #ringostarr #beatles #Paul McCartney
#new#music news#the beatles#paul mccartney#ringo starr#music#my music#music love#musica#history music#rock music#spotify#rock#rock photography#my spotify#SoundCloud
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so I ran out of options but if you think a day in the life is unnecessary (I’m sure nobody will) just comment or rb ur opinion:)
#Within you Without you is beautiful#and Mr.Kite is never talked abt but I actually rlly like that song#the beatles#george harrison#john lennon#paul mccartney#ringo starr
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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band • With A Little Help From My Friends • Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds • Getting Better • Fixing A Hole • She's Leaving Home • Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite ! • Within You Without You • When I'm Sixty-Four • Lovely Rita • Good Morning Good Morning • Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) • A Day In The Life
Spotify ♪ YouTube
#hyltta-polls#polls#artist: the beatles#language: english#decade: 1960s#Psychedelic Pop#Pop Rock#Psychedelic Rock#Art Rock#Baroque Pop#Sunshine Pop#Music Hall
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Dark Souls/Elden Ring Brick Joke
There are a few poses from across the FromSoftware games which have the appearance of letters from semaphore. Using the actual semaphore table for the "Praise the Sun" pose gives the letter "U". The covers for the 5th Beatles album "Help!" used poses inspired by semaphore, but the photographer was not pleased with the outcome using the correct arm positions and instead used whatever looked good for the composition. This is also how it turns out that the arm positions are different for the UK release compared to the American deluxe edition.
Using as a reference the cover from the UK release for "Help!", the "Praise the Sun" pose would be interpreted as a letter "E". In the Solfège mnemonic for learning pitch separation "sol" is the 5th tone. In an A Major scale, "E" is the fifth key.
As Solaire's tabard design is likely inspired by that of Arthur King of the Britons - from the 1975 comedy Monty Python and the Holy Grail - of course he knows the UK version of the Beatles album "Help!", which was released only a decade earlier in 1965. So when Solaire does his bespoke arms spread version of a sun salutation in his mind this is a symbol associated with the 5th letter "E" and thus also corresponding to the 5th tone "sol".
This joke would be revealed 11 years later in Elden Ring via the Round Table Hold being organized radially around the 12 distinct tones of the octave.
And then there is Gideon, leader of the Round Table:
Gideon has been buried in a bed of ears visually similar to the Dark Souls Souvenir of Reprisal which are trophies for winning invasions for the Dark Moon Covenant (I.e. cutting off other people's ears and hoarding them to trade in later). So much like that Bronze Age girl buried with sheep bones, Gideon or the ones who buried him could be flexing about being good at games. Another means of gaining the Souvenir of Reprisal is to trade away the Pendant item which represents happy memories.
But really, the reason for the ears is a play on words:
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones" - opening lines of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
Which also appears here:
"What would you think if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song And I'll try not to sing out of key" - "With a Little Help from my Friends" from the Beatles 8th album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Because it's for the joke. The joke is that Gideon IS out of tune. He concludes that Marika wants the Tarnished to struggle forever because he's tone deaf to the warnings that his strategy for obtaining information is obsolete. He shutters himself up in a room reading and receiving scraps of reports instead of observing and investigating first hand the shape of the landscape - he has no idea of the shear magnitude of stories threaded through the literal environmental storytelling.
#dark souls#elden ring#the Beatles#fascinating games#ridiculous moon logic#well done everyone by the power of the collective the letter “U” is now associated with praising the sun
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Beatles album ranking, protože nejsem originální
(je jich 12 protože jsem ješte neslyšel Let It Be)
1) Abbey Road
2) A Hard Day’s Night
3) Revolver
4) Rubber Soul
5) Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
6) Magical Mystery Tour
7) Help!
8) The Beatles (White Album)
9) Beatles For Sale
10) With The Beatles
11) Yellow Submarine
12) Please Please Me
pokud chcete vedět moje názory více dopodrobna, jsou všechny pod čarou :)
to jest vše, užívejte zbytek dne!!
1) Abbey Road
- mám se vůbec vysvětlovat?? je tu vůbec nutné?? Tohle album je doslova masterpiece. Ta hudba je něco nepopsatelnýho, každá písnička je svůj kus umění. To jak do sebe zapadaj jako puzzle, že sami nevíte, kde jedna písnička končí a kde druhá začíná, je tak skvělý. Já to fakt nedokážu popsat. Oblíbená písnička je určitě I Want You (She’s So Heavy). Když tahle písnička začala hrát, já měl pocit, že jsem byl přenesen do jiného vesmíru, ne nedělám si prdel. Fakt tak dobrá ta písnička je.
2) A Hard Day’s Night
- já fakt nečekal že se mi jejich třetí album bude TAK moc líbit. Jako, já to ze začátku poslouchal tak, že jsem si k těm písničkám představoval moje OCčka a najednou se mi prý líbí každá písnička z toho alba?? Cože?? Jsem si řikal pozdějc že to není pravděpodobný, aby se mi fakt líbila KAŽDÁ písnička. Tak jsem si to album poslechl znovu, tentokrát bez toho představování a jo, fakt se mi líbila každá písnička. Doteďka nevím jak se mi to povedlo, ale teď mi to příjde spíš vtipný. Kdybych si z těch všech měl jednu vybrat, tak asi Tell Me Why nevim jestli do týhle blbý písničky přidali herák nebo co ale já si ji vždy pouštim nejmíň 3krát, protože je tak dobrá.
3) Revolver
- vy ani nevíte jak moc tohle album miluju. ten cover art je skvělej, opět beatlesaci navařili co se týče cover art designu. Ale ty písničky. Ty písničky, panstvo to je něco. Tohle byl fakt bod, kdy se jejich hudba začala měnit a já jsem byl 100 % pro. Moje asi nejoblíbenější písnička z Revolveru je Tomorrow Never Knows tohle je nejenom moje oblíbená písnička z Revolveru, ale jedna z mých nejoblíbenějších Beatles songů obecně. Tak dobrá je.
4) Rubber Soul
- tohle album bylo celkem dlouhou dobu u mě na posledním místě co se týče rankingu alb. Nevím na čem jsem v tý době byl, když jsem tohle poslouchal, abych se mi zalíbilo tak málo písniček, tak jsem si nedávno tohle album pustil znovu a kromě If I Needed Someone, se mi líbili úplně všechny. Bylo to jako bych reálně procitl, nebo co. Je to takové klidnější album, to jo, ale to se mi na něm líbí. Asi nejvíc se mi líbí Think For Yourself je to nejen fakt catchy, ale i celkem relatable.
5) Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
- opět banger album cover. Týpci fakt navařili opět. Já nevim co říct o tomhle albu, co už nebylo řečeno dávno předtím. To jak ty písničky do sebe přelívaj je fakt něco. Obecně všechno o tom je skvělý. Kdybych si měl vybrat oblibenou songu, tak to určitě bude Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise) sorry guys, ta repríza je prostě lepší.
6) Magical Mystery Tour
- musím uznat, tohle album si držím mnohem blíž k srdíčku, než bych měl. Možná je to vinou toho nepopsatelně nádhernýho album coveru, jako pane na nebi, s tim oni fakt navařili. Ta hudba je něco fakt nádhernýho, tohle je fakt moment kdy mi došlo, že mám radši tu pozdější éru jejich hudby, cca 1966 - 70. Je to prostě takový víc kreativní?? idk jak to popsat. Oblíbená písnička z tohodle je stopro I Am The Walrus. Nedává naprosto žádnej smysl a já ji za to zbožňuju.
7) Help!
- Help! si asi budu muset znovu poslechnout, jelikož si moc těch písniček (myslím hlavně ty, které se mi líbí) skoro vůbec nepamatuju. Asi proto že mi moc nenaskakují když si pouštím hudbu, fakt nevím. Ale jinak je Help! fakt solidní album, kašlu na vás Dizzy Miss Lizzy je actually fakt dobrá songa, co s tim furt máte?? Anyways asi ta nej songa by asi byla obviously Help! co jiného se dalo čekat.
8) The Beatles (White Album)
- ah, to známé “Revoluce 9 album” Dělám si prdel, ale já silně uvažoval, že tohle album skippnu jen kvůli Revolution 9 a jsem mega rád, že jsem to neudělal. Jelikož je tu tolik písniček, je celkem těžký si vybrat jen jednu. Ale kdybych to měl rozdělit na ty dva disky, nebo jak je to rozdělený na Spotify, tak za první disk bych dal Glass Onion a za druhý Savoy Truffle Těch bangerů tam je samozřejmě mnohem víc, ale tyhle jsou asi moje nejvíc oblíbený.
9) Beatles For Sale
- musim se přiznat, i když je tohle album je jedno z jejich nejslabších, i když je lepší než jejich první. Doslova si nedokážu vybavit ani jednu písničku z tohodle alba u který bych na první pohled byl: “Jo to je z tohodle alba!” Ale i tak ty písničky, který se mi líbí, se mi fakt líbí. Ta nej z tohodle alba by asi byla I’ll Follow The Sun.
10) With The Beatles
- jejich druhý album a je určitě lepší než Please Please Me, ale pořád není nejlepší. Nevím jestli tohle album už bylo stopro originální, nebo jestli ještě obsahovalo covery, ale i tak je ok. Prostě v celku ok album, asi nej písničku bych dal Roll Over Beethoven prostě taková typická vypalovačka je to skvělý.
11) Yellow Submarine
- tohle je prostě jen album pro ten Yellow Submarine animovanej film. Jen pár písniček z tohodle alba bylo originálních, asi tři nebo možná čtyři jsou písnicky z minulých alb a zbytek je jen soundtrack ke filmu. Jediná worthwhile pisnička z tohodle alba je Hey Bulldog je to strašnej banger
12) Please Please Me
- ono dává smysl, že první album nebude to nejlepší. Ty písničky jsou dobrý, to neřikám že ne, jen prostě oproti těm ostatním je tohle to nejslabší. Kdybych si měl vybrat oblíbenou písničku, tak asi Do You Wanna Know A Secret? jelikož je prostě co se textu i hudby týče fakt dobrá.
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🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thank you darling ❤️❤️❤️
Leaving the light - Genesis Owusu. You ever hear a song so good you start giggling? I heard this song for the first time this morning and immediately became its number one fan. The first thing I did when I got into work is check if this guy is touring so I can be in a most pit for this. The energy!!! Also there’s something so Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross about it, especially the bridge - straight out of the social network soundtrack. Whips ass!!! Everybody go here!!!
I can’t believe we were ever strangers - rainbow girls. This song is for the shippers to put on their playlists. This is gay ww2 pilots. This is mclennon I guess.
The ballad of John and yoko - the Beatles. There’s a Beatles bracket going on and this song is LOSING to sgt pepper’s lonely heart’s club band THE REPRISE. Absolutely tasteless.
Soda - azealia banks. Not to be pro silencing women but when azealia banks shuts the fuck up so she can have a career…..world peace 😌
Darkroom - paul mccartney. Men will be like “I know a place” and then take you to their darkroom.
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350 - "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)"
#ArtEveryday#art#art every day#the beatles#beatles#sgt. pepper's lonely heart band#grass blades#idk what to tag#you do it#Spotify
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i got peer pressured into dressing up as sgt pepper ringo whilst messin about in liverpool. best decision ever
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I am making a children’s book that’s Beatles inspired. Here’s the front cover and the back cover so far. I’m still working on the rest of the book. So in my mind, Sgt. Pepper is literally a pepper shaker, but he could look like whatever you want him to be.
Story Plot Idea: So the story is going to be about Sgt. Pepper and his friends, Waldo the Walrus, Sammy the Strawberry and Otto the Octopus come up with a club for children who are lonely. The gang puts invites in as many mailboxes as they can find. But, the invite looks like a blank piece of paper to the adults, but the words on the invite magically appear to the children.
The Magical Mystery Tour Bus picks up the children while the parents go do their errands The bus is fueled by singing songs and thinking positive vibes.
The children make it to the club and Sgt. Pepper and his friends teach them all about being a hippie by using their imagination and just being a wild child as long as they can while they’re still young.
The children make it back home without the parents realizing they were gone.
This book is just a wild imagination that I came up with. I make children’s books for fun only. I have a friend that likes reading my children’s books, so I will probably share it with her.
I wish I could show Ringo and Paul if they were my friends. I wonder what they would think about it. I wonder what George and John would think if they were still here with us.
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Glee Song Tournament Round One Part 19
Tributes (3/3)
I Look To You vs Let’s Wait A While
Drive My Car vs Hold It Against Me
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band vs Superstition
Lucky Star vs You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
Never Going Back Again vs I Will Always Love You
So Emotional vs What It Feels Like For A Girl
America (WSS) vs Hopelessly Devoted To You
Over At The Frankenstein Place vs Toucha Toucha Toucha Touch Me
Look At Me I’m Sandra Dee vs Science Fiction Double Feature
Born To Hand Jive vs There Are Worse Things I Could Do
Somewhere vs Whatever Happened To Saturday Night
A Boy Like That/I Have A Love vs Greased Lightning
Beauty School Drop Out vs Something’s Coming
Summer Nights vs Look At Me I’m Sandra Dee (Reprise)
Time Warp vs Cool
Sweet Transvestite vs One Hand One Heart vs Damn It Janet
#glee#glee song tournament#round 1#tributes#one week's worth of polls left in round one!!!#masterpost
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sgt peppers lonely hearts club band (REPRISE)
Moschino Pre-Fall 2022
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