#sg circuit breaker
transingthoseformers · 3 months
G1 SG au: I know! Optimus learns Elita and co. are alive sometime before The Movie, and sends Bumblebee and Hound to Earth to investigate why she didn't contact him.
Also then Swindle's backstory can come up. She can explain to Josie and Henri that Hound is her sister and that she was from Iacon and a political opponent of the Autobots, before she had to flee when they took over.
That makes sense, and interesting how Swindle and Hound are sisters
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velathetanager · 9 months
How did the autobots (SG) met the humans and how did they get them to join their side?
Bee met Raf because he saw the scout on a mission, and Bee had thought that he was alone. When he saw Raf, he knew he was supposed to kill him, but he thought Raf was adorable and hurting him would be tantamount to kicking a puppy, so he managed to talk the others into letting Raf stay on the base. He knows Raf finds him cute/sweet and uses this, along with the kid's lack of knowledge of his job, to keep him on his side, and eventually he loves Raf more than he's loyal to his side, something that becomes relevant later.
Arcee met Jack while on a test run of a holomatter avatar she'd bought from the Wreckers, and Jack's voice sounded just like Tailgate's, so she followed him around and just straight-up kidnapped him. He mainly isn't trying to escape because she and her species intrigue him, and he wants to know more. The Autobots consider him basically the equivalent of a curious animal.
Bulkhead met Miko while he was doing one of his shows (one way the Wreckers keep influence on people is through public image). She'd gotten into a fight with security for sneaking in, and he liked the fire in her. So he pretended she was supposed to be there and incorporated her into his show for the night, then found out her parents had died and decided it would be easy to adopt her since he already had a human identity. He had to keep Wheeljack an arm's length because he knew the guy wants to cyberform humanity. As for her Circuit Breaker mode, she ended up getting hurt because she got caught in Autobot/Decepticon captivity and he didn't want her getting hurt. So he (VERY RELUCTANTLY) allowed Wheeljack to make modifications to her so she could defend herself on the condition that he not destroy her mind/personality.
Fowler was assigned to be a liaison to the Autobots like in canon.
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transfemstarscream · 2 years
i love circuit breaker and i hate that marvel basically snatched her away from hasbro. her sg self was such a downgrade (pun not meant but fitting lol)
normally human characters don't fare well but circuit breaker's case saddens me because she was a genuinely good human antagonist, and this is in the era where a lot of human antagonists for transformers were either lackluster at best or dreadfully boring at worst. i'm still mad that they only introduced an earth-616 version of the character in marvel comics so they can hold the rights to her when hasbro's partnership stopped. they don't even USE her!
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lzswy · 3 years
AHHHH okay I'm probably a day late by now but happy birthday!!!!! 🥳 wishing you a birthday that is (was??) far, far better than last year's when we were all smack in the middle of lockdown ;u;
Ahhh Hanyiii! Thank you for the birthday wishes 🥰 It certainly is better than last year when we were stuck in SG’s Circuit Breaker™, at least now we get to go out and do things (like eating out 😋)! Thanks for being so sweet and friendly all the time, I appreciate you tons!!! Stay cool in our warm weather heh 😎😎
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bellacaibowl · 4 years
welcome to my phase 1 passion project
in the event that this tumblr lasts way beyond its expected life expectancy and I forgot how this all started, here’s a recap of recent events that have spurred the creation of this new page: 
1. covid-19 happened 
2. covid-19 became a global pandemic  
3. sg announced its implementation of circuit breaker measures. these were originally meant to last for a month between april and may. it was later announced that these measures would remain in place for an additional four weeks, lasting til june 1 
4. it is june 1 today and circuit breaker ends tomorrow but it also marks the start of phase 1. according to the guidelines, nothing much changes for me as a jobless-holidaying student. I can’t dine-in at f&b outlets outside, I can’t meet individuals outside my household (except my grandma) 
5. my faculty announced that it would be conducting all classes online for the next semester (starting august) 
okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way 
beyond what seems as simply ‘me being bored’, this decision to journal more frequently online can also be attributed to my many moments of desperate hopelessness experienced during time cooped up at home. as somebody who thrives on busyness and relies heavily on to-dos to find purpose, the inability to find and procure an internship/job/volunteering stint this summer has left me feeling rather unmotivated and lost. I deeply desired to do something beyond bumming around. I wanted to do something useful and productive. the longing remains but for now, it shall be satisfied through the running of this blog
what this blog hopes to achieve:  
I hesitate to dedicate this platform to a sole focus right from its inception but I do hope to focus on the idea of sustainability 
initially, I was set on using this blog as a means of tracking and detailing my journey towards living more eco-friendly/green but as I look back on how my time at home has been for the past eight weeks, I realise that I’ve been striving towards a sustainable lifestyle in many other ways! sustainable meaning: creating and following habits that are sustainable for myself in the long-term that simultaneously will allow me to attain my goals of helping the environment around me, including the people in it! most pertinently, I’ve been trying to find this balance in the aspect of my personal health and fitness. although everyday, I am inspired to grow in other aspects of my life too - surprisingly or not, these sources of inspiration are often found on my ig feeds hehe 
for some reason, I feel the need to include a caveat: this is by no means your typical sustainability/lifestyle and wellness blog. I’m sorry to all the purist influencers of these genres out there but that’s not my goal. I just hope for this platform to be an honest log of my personal growth (including as many ups as there are downs) in various aspects of my life; something for me to look back on and be proud of, something that will bring me joy  
as for you who are reading this, hello (: thank you for taking the time to indulge in my journalistic attempts!! if you’re here then I’m guessing we should know each other pretty well so do talk to me about anything you encounter here gets you excited/riled up/you just want to talk more about it with me and our other friends! I am excited for the possibilities and opportunities that this platform may bring 
I’m not ready to commit a number of posts/week but I shall set it at a minimum of one per week for now. it seems like a real measly number but I am hoping to do proper ‘research’ (as needed) for the topics I’m going to cover and I don’t want to do a slipshod job for the sake of it. also, I am a terribly slow writer (maybe because I am somewhat of a perfectionist?? I am not sure) - really not the best quality for a soci student oops 
take care and I hope to be back here again soon 
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
G1 SG au: The first contact is almost the same as in the baseline universe. The Autobots attack the oil rig, which in this take is the one Blackrock owns and Josie works on, but Sparkplug and Spike are propably still there too.
The workers get swatted around and bowled into the sea with thrown pipes by what they think are soviet war machines (1984 was a very hot point in the Cold War), and one of the pipes hits Josie in the back. She can't swim because she's in shock and her spine is damaged, and sinks while her coworkers are helpless to do anything but scream her name. Then something scoops her out of the water. More robots! But the new ones attack the first ones, and save the workers?? Despite being in lots of pain and not entirely conscious (of maybe because of that) Josie wonders why the fuck is the new robots' apparent leader british.
my first thought was the "help is on the way dear!" clip upon seeing that last sentence
Also damn fuck that's such a scene
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nht-wendy · 3 years
WWF-SG Social media content for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn
Circuit Breaker with the WWF Pandas (June 2019)
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019
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maryellencarter · 6 years
"A Matter of Time". Is this the one with the black hole? Who knows?
* Yup! I know that thumbnail.
* Dude, they're already running in slow motion. Not slow enough you'd notice if you didn't know what you were looking for, but enough to make it uncanny valley. I might not have much to say here, cause I seem to remember this being a pretty intense one; I might end up just watching.
* Damn. Yeah, the way they're making the time dilation more... *more* -- god. Somebody did some good work on this one. The filming, the editing...
* Exposition about wormholes, Sam being cute and full of science, Jack being infodumped at and making faces. This one needs a bunch of science background to make sense.
* Daniel's offworld on a dig for this one -- series TV always needs a few eps you can film overlapping, keeping Daniel out of the picture on one, Jack on another, or splitting the team in half, so that they don't get too far behind on broadcasting, since it generally takes about ten days to film an episode and you're broadcasting once a week. (Some crews can pull off seven-day or even six-day filming schedules, but they have to be *really* good both in front of and behind the camera.)
* Figuring out that it's a black hole dilating time. The SG team trapped on the other side is commanded by a guy Jack recommended and trained, so Jack is really antsy to go through and help them. It's good Sam and Hammond are more cautious, or SG-1 would be very dead... ^_^
* ...wait, it wasn't a black hole when they went there? The star just suddenly turned into one? They should be dead *already*. That's not... that's not how any of that works. A black hole forms after a supernova, doesn't it? At least, that's the hypothesis I seem to remember learning.
* SAM NO don't leave the fucking stargate open to observe the black hole... okay, not actually your fault, it probably wouldn't have shut down from the moment it connected. Still. Scientists, man. :-)
* And now we find out that the time dilation is already affecting the SGC, they're out of contact with the people up top, who think there's a foothold situation on. This is not quite the standard kind of foothold situation...
* Hi, Siler! :D
* Hammond's trying to get up to NORAD to call the President and report, since the red phone isn't working. So now it's Jack, Sam, and Teal'c trying to fix things.
* It's kind of hilarious to see Siler and Jack flipping electrical breakers in tandem, because Dan Shea is Rick Anderson's stunt double, has been since MacGyver, and not only are they similarly built, they're damn near drift-compatible at this point. :D
* Aaand Siler gets electrocuted and does a lovely "we all fall out of our chairs again". ^_^ I mean, not that he was in a chair, but you know what I mean.
* Ooh, Teal'c got asploded too.
* Sam uses her dogtags to demonstrate that gravity is doing the thing.
* Hi, Major Disaster! I mean, his name's Major Davis, but he only shows up when the world is ending. ^_^
* Hi, Janet! The nice thing about foothold / bottle episodes is we get all the Earthside bit players in.
* The special ops guys they sent down to check on the supposed foothold situation have decided Janet is a shapeshifter. They are in so much trouble. ^_^
* Hammond did make it topside, anyway; he's being sent on an airplane to talk to the President. Major Davis briefs him on the stuff Sam has been figuring out below decks, since due to the time dilation the scientists topside have had more time to figure out what's going on.
* And earthquakes. The gravity is coming through the wormhole. Jack is being unhappy about Sam's technobabble.
* Jack does not like special forces dude. Doesn't think he's competent, either. There is so much snark.
* There's noticeable time dilation just between the Gate and the control room. Sam requests permission to go topside and try to fix things. Oh, Hammond's back from D.C.! Time is getting more and more wonky.
* Hammond brings orders to try and blow up the Gate to close the wormhole. Sam thinks that won't work. I don't remember if it will or not.
* Jack and special forces guy, whose name is Colonel Cromwell, volunteer to stay behind and set off the bomb after the SGC is evacuated. Yeah, this guy's dead. ^_^
* Teal'c and Janet are moving Siler from the infirmary on a gurney -- Siler got burned pretty bad when the Gate shorted out the main circuit breaker.
* "Captain, relativity gives me a headache." Me too, Hammond, me too.
* Aww, Teal'c being Carter's sounding board. I love the team dynamics here.
* And we're starting to get little snippets of Jack's backstory with Cromwell. Sounds like Cromwell had to leave somebody behind. Possibly Jack. ^_^
* Sam decides that instead of blowing up the Stargate, they should boost the power to it, making the wormhole jump tracks to a non-black-hole world. So now they have to try and get to Jack in time to stop him from setting off the self-destruct.
* Yup, Cromwell left Jack behind in Iraq, thinking he was dead. Jack is really not happy about this. There is yelling.
* Hi, Siler! Good to see you on your feet again.
* Oh, they are using a bomb still. Just a shaped charge so that the power goes into the Stargate.
* Climbing back "up" these ropes away from the Gate into the control room is where Cromwell is gonna die, iirc. Man, the time variance shit in this ep gets really intense.
* Aw, poor Hammond's still topside waiting. "We'll know sometime tomorrow," he says.
* Aw, sithspit. I did NOT remember that the puddle, the event horizon, is fucking whirlpooling from the gravity. That's so fucking disturbing.
* Oh shit, so *that's* what happens. The rest of the bulletproof glass gives way, and a shard gets stuck in the climbing apparatus on Cromwell's rope.
* Hoshit, there goes the iris. Now anyone who falls in gets eaten by the wormhole. Eternal spaghettification, jesus.
* Jack was starting to fall into the wormhole, Cromwell went to grab him, Cromwell's harness broke, Jack managed to hold him for a second, now he's gone. Now it's all on Jack making horrible faces and saving the day. ^_^
(I'm not actually mocking, it just comes out like that because DAMN.)
* Oh, Jack, baby. And Teal'c trying to pull him up away from the bomb before it blows... damn, this is one hell of an episode. :D
* Awww. God, there are so many really good episodes in this season.
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farahangullia · 4 years
Criticisms of Singapore’s (Transport) Sharing Economy (by Farah Angullia, BP6)
In Ravenelle's (2019) analysis of the sharing economy, she first attempts to define the sharing economy. Though she raised many variations of its definition, she eventually frames it as 'a collection of app-based technologies that focus on the lending or renting of assets or services, either for profit or a higher good'. She focuses on sharing economy platforms that provide a source of work and income, as well as claim to bring entrepreneurship or financial stability to the masses, including Uber and AirBNB.
Through her analysis, she attempts to examine the lived experiences of the sharing economy by its workers, the extent to which workers consider themselves as entrepreneurs, workers or sharers, and the types of skills and capital workers bring to the table.
She raises three theoretical themes which help to engage with these questions: technology reading to the revival of trust and community, the increasing casualisation of labour with a related shift in risk, and the resulting increase in social inequalities.
She firstly argues that technology and cities has made social connections more abstract, trust reduced, and anonymity, much like Ferdinand Tonnies' concept of Gesellschaft, as opposed to his concept of Gemeinshaft, which refers to a community built upon primary relations, informal sanctions, and social traditions. Though she acknowledges that the sharing economy adds some level of personality to the interactions made through its platforms, they are ultimately sterile and anonymous, as customers are less focused on fostering social relationships as they are on lower costs and convenience offered by these platforms. She also highlights the ways in which technology eases discriminatory practices, as opposed to its original intent of democratising entrepreneurship for all.
She then argues that the casualisation of labour has occurred due to the rise of the sharing economy, as workers are treated as independent contractors instead of employees, which exposes them to greater risk and less compensation. She also analyses the differences in the experience of instability for different social classes; for the upper class, this instability feels more like flexibility, whereas for the lower class, it feels more like vulnerability, affecting their personal relationships. Additionally, she draws a distinction between subsistence and transformational entrepreneurs, arguing that for most users, the sharing economy mainly acts to support families rather than make workers richer.
Lastly, she argues that the sharing economy ultimately deepens social inequalities, as it most prominently makes the rich richer. Professionals, or those with already significant capital, tend to outperform amateurs significantly, as they do in the general economy. This widens the divide between the upper and lower classes, challenging the idea of the sharing economy as a great leveller.
Ravenelle's analyses rings true for Singaporeans and the sharing economy in Singapore, as well. During the COVID-19 Circuit Breaker period in Singapore, many lost their full-time jobs and were forced to find other sources of income, in a time where the economy was struggling to stay afloat. As a result, many turned to food delivery platforms, such as Grab and Foodpanda, to provide for themselves and their families, and get by during a trying period. In the media, such sharing economy platforms were hailed as saviours and glorified as platforms which empowered the layman. Those who already owned vehicles such as Personal Mobility Devices or bicycles could sign up as a Grab delivery person and start to earn a small income. However, what was not portrayed or widely understood was the risks associated with such precarious forms of work.
Applying Ravenelle's theme of trust and community, particularly to Grab ride-hailing services, users relied heavily on the ratings system built into the Grab platform to pre-determine their experiences with their driver. Unfortunately, a number of Grab drivers lost their jobs as Grab maintains a strict policy of not allowing their drivers to fall below a rating of approximately 4.5 stars out of 5. In a time of large distrust and insecurity, such reviews system only further entrenched the distrust between members of the community, and ended up damaging the lives of said drivers.
Applying her second theme of the increased risk of labour, as Grab views its workers as independent contractors, workers and their vehicles are not protected in the case of any damage, harm, or any other form of risk involved. Workers are not treated as employees with insurance and healthcare benefits, and are forced to shoulder the financial burden in the face of any risk. For instance, if one were to get injured on the job, Grab would not be liable for said injury, and the worker would likely turn to his earnings from Grab to shoulder said cost. This echoes Ravenelle's analysis of the difference in the experience of instability for lower class workers, as these costs would inadvertently place a strain on the families of these workers as well, who relied on the earnings made by them.
Lastly, though not as prominently as the other two themes, the final theme can also ring true in the example of Grab. Those with cars earn more than those with bicycles, especially in GrabExpress services, and so they naturally would earn more than their counterparts. Though this in itself may not be seen as significant, going back to the example of sharing transporting services, the owners of bike-sharing services, such as SG Bike, are people with already significant capital who can afford to own several bikes, which users pay for to use.
All in all, Ravenelle's analyses are largely applicable in Singapore's sharing economy as well.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
G1 SG au: The baseline/SG crossover episode — What if Josie gets sent into the mirror universe with Shockwave, Nightbird, and the Rainmakers?
She'll be left without either her power armor or her wheelchair. The armor is for fighting robots but she can't live in it, while she can't do shit to them without it.
Ooo that'd cause interesting results certainly
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rekomande · 4 years
Recomended Products
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dreamsinfiction17 · 4 years
So here is my reflection post for 2020. I’m sure I’m not the first one to say this cos COVID was a major pain in everyone’s asses but yes, 2020 was a hectic and unpredictable year. 
Work: Not only did I have to adapt to a new work routine (it’s now 10 months into this WFH arrangement and I have a love-hate relationship with it), but I also had to handle with the fallout of the pandemic since our MB (Major Boss) was placed in charge of the response team. To make things even more fun, GE was added to the mix. This is my first time working in the civil service during a GE and I can say I have survived haha. It was an intense 2-week period, with me waking up at odd hours of the night and day to come up with coverage reports together with my colleagues. I wished we could have spent days in the office together as that would have made things less lonely but at least I felt encouraged by their warm messages every now and then. I also had to handle a period of 4 months when my colleague went on ML and that felt even more strenuous to me than GE and COVID, I feel. Maybe because it was for a long stretch of time when we were understaffed; at least during the peak of COVID and GE we could always count on covering one another. I also did a lot more translation work and the tight deadlines sometimes made me want to rip my hair off lol. But I would like to think that I have grown from the experience. And then, there were both senior management and director changes. Senior management changes was bearable but I was very sad to see one of the best bosses I’ve worked with move on to another portfolio. I hope we do cross paths again one day. 
Okay now that I’ve written it all down; a lot of work-related things did happen in 2020. How did I survive all that without taking an overseas holiday? As J would say, my PB pay in March/April will definitely reflect my hard work the past year heh. 
Personal: Hmm, I’m not sure if I’ve grown much personally in the past year. I always think that life is a marathon and your growth shouldn’t be measured by bouts of time but by seeing the bigger picture (if you get what I mean). I think I have learned to be a bit more mellow, to let things flow where they go as long as I have put in my best effort. It’s still hard sometimes as I tend to treat myself more harshly than I do with my friends or family, but ever since the new iOS update came out and I placed Kim Seokjin’s quote on my homescreen, I feel more comforted every time I look at it and remind myself to take it slow and go at my own pace. 
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The customisation of widgets took me 7 hours according to Screen Time >.< 
Oddly, thanks to COVID and CB, I’ve become closer to my friends as we hang out more often (virtually) - almost every weekend at one point! I think we were all feeling the stress of staying at home 24/7. Also D is back in SG now! We all had a lot of fun watching Netflix shows together and playing online games (including virtual escape rooms which I love!) I’m glad that COVID gave me this silver lining - to reconnect with past friends and know who to rely on when times get tough. 
I think I’ve also grown spritually this year? Since I was mostly WFH last year, I am so thankful that I managed to do my prayers on time each day and having time at all to just sit down and talk to God. I’m not the most spiritual/religious person but I loved having these dedicated small pockets of time where it’s just me and my Creator. Subhanallah, the many mercies of our daily solat. I hope this is a turning point for me spritually; please make many duas for me :) 
I’ve also dabbled more in writing and personal fitness last year, especially during the circuit breaker months. As much as I love the written word, I’ve never really taken it seriously - maybe because I felt like I could never measure up to all the great works of literature that I’ve enjoyed over the years. But this year, I tried writing short prompts (thanks to Skillshare haha) and I was surprised with how much fun I had writing it! They’re not any good and I don’t know if I will publish them on the internet someday but I just liked nursing this little flame of writing passion I have with no expectations whatsoever. Hopefully I could do more writing sessions during my spare time and cafe days! On the personal fitness front, I felt myself getting more sedentary during CB, since my usual form of fitness (hour-long commutes to and fro work) were suddenly gone. I also felt more restless being cooped up at home. So I did my daily steps! I relied on my Xiaomi fitness tracker and did indoor walking while I was watching a show so that I feel more “productive” LOL. But then my tracker died (it just would not charge anymore?) so I took the opportunity to upgrade to an Apple Watch as a birthday present to myself! It was so expensive but also very much worth it (the Apple Store in MBS is also such a beaut). I’ve had it for close to a month now and loving it very much; it makes me want to be more active and close my Move, Exercise and Stand rings each day heh. I also synchronise it with my phone so that Telegram and Whatsapp messages come through too and now I don’t feel worried about missing an important work text while my phone is charging lol. 
But one of the main highlights of 2020 is definitely working on achieving some of my childhood dreams. I finally signed up for piano classes with a private tutor! I was always semi-bitter that I didn’t get to do the things I want when I was a child (partly due to money being tight at home but also because that same money went to my brother’s hobbies urgh). Now that I’m a working adult, I’m gonna be independent and work on achieving my own dreams. I will probably write about my piano learning experience (thus far) in a separate blog post so I won’t go into too much detail here but I just want to say that I am loving it very much so far and it gives me so much joy <3 
...and that’s it! What a lengthy wrap-up haha. Hope you’re not dozing off at the end of this post. 
I’m looking forward to what 2021 will bring. Whether good or bad, I pray I have the strength to see through it all. 
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singaporetrain · 4 years
Singaporean Commuters Satisfied with Trains and Buses During the Circuit Breaker Period
Singapore boasts an excellent and modern rail network. More than 40% of public transport journeys in Singapore are made using the rail system. The MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system is probably the fastest way to reach any destination. It connects the entire island of Singapore. The Land Transport Authority is planning to expand the MRT network to 360km by the early 2030s.  
Singapore Circuit Breaker Singapore is among the several countries affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Singapore government imposed restrictions, known as ‘circuit breaker’, from April 7, 2020 to slow the community spread of COVID-19. On June 1, 2020, the government ended the eight-week COVID-19 circuit breaker shutdown. During the circuit breaker period, MRT operators (SMRT Corporation and SBS Transit) ramped up their cleaning efforts to provide safer and cleaner journeys to commuters.
Findings of the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore Research To identify the satisfaction level of commuters during the circuit breaker period, the Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) at Singapore Management University (SMU) conducted a study. The institute released the 2020 second quarter (Q2) Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) research findings in which it found that commuter satisfaction scores increased for the land transport sectors of Singapore.
From May to July, people showed higher satisfaction with train and bus ridership. The MRT System’s score increased by 11.0% and got a score of 73.4 points. All 16 MRT systems saw significant improvements over the 2019 customer satisfaction study. Similarly, the score for the Public Buses sector rose by 8.1%, receiving the score of 74.4 points. So what made commuters happy during this period? Amid the coronavirus pandemic and travel restrictions, people travelled less, resulting in the decline of train and bus riders. Fewer riders, less traffic, and stepped-up cleaning made commuters happier.
SMRT’s Contribution In Making Public Transport Safer for People SMRT is the leading public transport operator in Singapore. SMRT’s frontline workers carried out frequent cleaning of all the premises in the public transport network. Their trains, stations, and premises have received the SG Clean Mark from the National Environment Agency (NEA). The operators installed hand sanitisers at stations and implemented safe distancing measures in trains and stations. SMRT also stepped up its cleaning efforts for high-touch points in all buses and at bus interchanges.
Regarding COVID-19’s disruption and SMRT’s responses to deal with it, SMRT Chairman, Mr. Seah Moon Ming said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, work and play. This resulted in a decline in ridership. Whilst we dealt with the business and operational impact from the disruptions, we put in place measures for the safety of our commuters and employees.”
Sharing his views on how SMRT managed COVID-19, Mr. Neo Kian Hong (SMRT CEO) stated, “We have ensured cleanliness and orderliness in our trains, buses, and stations, thus giving confidence to commuters.”
Conclusion Singapore has always been ranked at the top when it comes to public transportation. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a crucial time for businesses, people, and public transport operators. Despite all the disruptions, the government, SMRT, and other transport service providers have been able to satisfy commuters with their services. The public transport system has been well-managed by the operators and this helped to protect the well-being and safety of the passengers.
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oursgpowergroup · 4 years
DC SPD Manufacturer and Supplier - SG Power Group
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SG Power is one of the leading DC SPD Manufacturer and Supplier in India. Essentially Dc dissemination board incorporates the dc intensity of sunlight based PV modules strings into the single exhibit. Likewise, the reconciliation of all string is made a pass through individual cluster dc wires in shunt with DC Surge Protection Device. SG Power Product Pvt. Ltd. produces this gadget by keeping in see for assurance of costly inverters from the immediate and circuitous helping floods communicating from sun based boards through its associated links. DC Surge Protection Device accompanies the blend bundle of DC breakers, SPD and DC MCB/Isolators. The arrangement of reasonable link section and leave purposes of suitable sizes of approaching and furthermore cordial links is given by PG plastic organs and MC4 connectors.
Read More - https://www.sgpgroup.co.in/dc-spd-dc-surge-protection-device/
(+91) – 9818074274
E-23, New Arya Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP, India – 201001.
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myrikvinsingapore · 4 years
Tips: How to Prepare a Safe office for your employees in Singapore
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Appoint a Safe Management Officer
MOM has made it mandatory for businesses to appoint a Safe Management Officer (SMO) to implement and coordinate the transition back to work. An SMO will assist in the implementation, coordination and monitoring of Safe Management Measures.
The duties of an SMO include:
1. Coordinate the implementation of Safe Management Measures to identify risks areas, recommend measures to mitigate the risks and help in implementing the relevant measures. Do a company wide blast to employees to communicate the measures taken.
2. Conduct inspections and checks to make sure that safety measures implemented are complied with all the time. There should be a policy to escalate the reporting of all non-compliance.
3. Remedy non-compliance immediately.
4. Keep records of inspections, checks and corrective actions and such records must be made available upon request by a Government Inspector.
Cleaning Protocols
Hire a reputable cleaning service to thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces in the workplace. It will refresh the environment and give your staff peace of mind, as well as a baseline for future cleanliness. Daily cleaning at least twice a day, with disinfectant should now include all common places and high touch point surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, tables, computers, mouse, telephone, handles, reception waiting areas and items in the pantry etc.. All door knobs, taps (if not touch-free) and lift buttons should be cleaned with a self-disinfecting coating. Each desk could have a disposable paper placemat that is replaced daily. Sanitizers should be readily available at common places like photostating machines, pantry, reception areas.
Remind Employees of Safety Measures via Signages
This ‘new norm’ might take a while to become second nature, so it’s important to put signs up around the workplace to remind people to clean their hands, wear face masks, keep personal distance, avoid face-to-face conversations with colleagues, and avoid handshakes etc. Signages should include images to remind colleagues to greet each other in the form of a thumbs up, palms pressed together in prayer form – like a Thai greeting.
Continue with Flexible Working Conditions
If possible, continue with flexible working arrangements such as staggered work hours or work-from-home which you have developed during the circuit breaker period. Telecommuting must continue to be part of the company’s policy for workers who do not need to access specialised systems/equipment that can only be operated in the office. If the name of the game is to keep as much distance as possible between employees, you should only have fewer people in the workplace overall.
Change Your Seating Plan
If you are able to have fewer people in the workplace thanks to remote working, remove as many desks/seats as required to make sure there is one metre of distance or more between each employee.
Set up a Teleconference Instead of an In Person Meeting
Even more relevant now than pre-Coronavirus, it is rather pointless setting up an in-person meeting when you can get just as much done digitally. Not only does an in-person meeting require more time, it also increases the risk of infection. This can be done for all levels of staff, for example InCorp offers a Virtual AGM tool to save time, money, and health. Meeting rooms should also be closed during this period.
Let the Fresh Air In
While this may not be possible in all Singapore workplaces, the simple act of opening some windows will help to ventilate the area and reduce the chances of the Coronavirus settling on surfaces. If open windows are simply not a possibility, you might also consider air filtration technology to help keep the air clean.
Read more on how can HR prepare safe offices for employees in SG at Rikvin.com.
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