#sfw is just russian roulette with pics
authoratmidnight · 3 years
so in the Iruma server they have a bot set up to prevent people from posting naughty things, since it’s a sfw server(the bot is a discord thing b/c discord partnership or something). and it works fairly well for the most part, *I* haven’t seen any naughty things get through.
That said, on the other hand, it does occasionally catch things it *thinks* are naughty when they are, in actuality, harmless. And there’s absolutely no correlation that I can find.
Things I have seen sfw bot nail as ‘naughty’ and not let be posted
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this photo of a moth on the floor with my hand for scale (i had to post it in another server first then post via img link to get past sfw bot)
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Leiji just tearing through his dinner (but the full panel was apparently fine, just not this particular crop of mine)
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Asmodeus dancing with the cute librarian girl
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this image or Ronove being, well, Ronove (they ended up having to put purple hearts over his non-existent nips to get it through lol)
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this image of Jazz giving a giant minotaur monster permanent hearing loss and possibly brain damage
and searching ‘sfw bot’ and ‘sfwbot’ on the server reveals more instances of it and the hilarious ways they had to ‘censor’ something to get it to post (like, covering up an ankle or a pair of tails or in one case an armpit)
(the first 3 images were ones i tried to post and got tripped up on lol)
Conversely, (sfw) things it let through that I was surprised by, include
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various cropped variations on this panel of Lied talking about porn to Asmodeus (lol)
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ara ara milf titties (like, Amaryllis chest shot is a-ok but her son dancing is lewd? a’ight)
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