sexualitywithgina · 10 months
Lets Talk about Sex
By Gina Miller
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Currently trends in the sex work Industry:
The 2020 Pandemic and its effects on the economy:
The COVID-19 Pandemic, shook the world in 2020 and produced catastrophic effects to the healthcare system, people’s lives and to the economies worldwide. The pandemic led to the demand for goods and services to drop due to the financial struggles experienced by many individuals, companies and bigger industries (Nationwide Economics, 2023). We can see a spike in the post-pandemic inflation status worldwide due to the ongoing and lingering effects that COVID has had on supply chains globally. 
Inflation Rates 
From 2020 to 2021 there was an 3.46% increase that made the inflation rate 4.7%. These rates continued to increase from 2021 to 2022 in the US that rose to 8.0% (World Bank, 2023). Consumers in the US are started to cut back on their expenses so that they can pay for basic needs and to get by. 92% of US consumers are spending less due to the financial stress (Madigan, 2023).
How inflation has affect the current trends within the Sex work industry and within Prostitution
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a reduction in work and income for many individuals and in specific those within the sex industry. Sex workers such as prostitutes initially saw less customers at the start of the pandemic due to the restrictions on travel and the health related concerns people had during this period (Taha, 2021). 
Sex workers were making less money and were struggling to support themselves and their families. They were struggling financially to pay for basic needs during this period and couldn’t receive government compensation either to help their financial burdens. Prostitution is considered to be a part of the informal economy and is still illegal in most places in the US (Taha, 2021)  As a result their annual incomes are not documented and contributing towards tax which makes them ineligible for compensation. 
After the initial wave of covid, the sex work industry became a more competitive market due to its demand increasing. Many people were highly stressed, terminated from their jobs or were lacking physical interaction. As a result, supply and demand increased after the initially strict restrictions that were around at the start off the pandemic. Vulnerable sex workers, such as prostitutes were forced to lower their prices to keep up the crippling economic burdens on people and to keep up with other sex workers (Taha, 2021). These workers were emotionally drained from having to adjust their prices and sexual comforts to earn enough to make living.  
Prostitutes took many risks during the pandemic, both legally and with regards to their health. They risked their safety to make ends meet and among prostitutes there was a sense of fear of their personal, work and financial situations they found themselves in. 
Prostitute work, future trends 
Sex work is the type of job that will never stop being in demand. Sex work has been around for decades and will continue to be a part of society in the future. People have needs and desires that sex workers, such as prostitutes fulfil. 
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Future Trends in Legislation and why:
We can see that some parts of America are starting to recognize and acknowledge individuals in the sex work industry. Prostitution is illegal in every US State while a few counties and States have started to see a movement towards decriminalizing  prostitution. 
Currently, Nevada is the only US State where sex work is legal but regulated. In Nevada, 10/16 brothels are licensed and permitted to be open whereas other areas in Nevada prostitution is illegal. Prostitution is illegal in multiple county’s such as Clark, Washoe, Churchill as well as in Las Vegas and Reno (Nadig, B). Prostitution is still considered illegal for streetwalkers, escorts and massage parlors. These sex workers don’t meet the legal requirements as they don’t work within Nevada’s legal brothel system.  If someone is caught for being an illegal prostitute, they usually just get charged with a first Offense and a misdemeanour (Nadig, B). The max jail time sentence is 6 months but those convicted are often given probation. 
Another State that has started to question the legal aspects of sex work is Oregon. Oregon has made sex for a fee,  a Class A misdemeanour (Siefman Law LLC). With that, the criminalization of prostitution has been revoked. While in Maine, a recent bill was introduced  to partially decriminalize prostitution. Partial decriminalization still allows for those who participate in sex work to face legal repercussions (Rodriguez, B).
I believe that the US are going to follow the direction of other countries in the world where prostitution is legal such as Australia, New Zeeland, Turkey, Greece, France etc. Decriminalizing sex work and prostitution firstly establishes a sense of respect for one’s dignity and human rights (Open Society Foundation). Sex work is still work, and those within this industry should be given the same worker rights as anyone else. Secondly, decriminalizing sex work gives these individuals a greater sense and freedom to seek justice. Rape and sexual assault are high within the sex work industry but victims feel as though they are unable to go to the police as a result of fear of being arrested and punished (Open Society Foundation). Decriminalizing sex work also helps to promote better working conditions as they are able to work in a safer environment without the fear of not being able to seek medical care if needed. Sex workers should be able to speak up about their work environments and should know their legal rights with regards to their employers and clients. Decriminalizing sex work also had a positive affect on the health care industry. More safe sex can be promoted which could help reduce the risk of sex workers contracting HIV and other STI’s (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). Sex workers such as prostitutes should be given better access to health care services to protect their health and safety.
I believe that sex work will become more globally recognised and accepted in the future as more people are starting to realize how sex workers rights are being stripped from them and that it is more unsafe for sex work to be illegal than for it to be legalized and decriminalized. There are certain expectations about identity and behaviour” (Hawkes: 132) that exist in our society that dehumanizes sex workers but I believe slowly society will start to be more accepting.  In comparison to the rest of the world, the US is still pretty struct about their laws with regards to sex work. There is little flexibility which I believe will change in the future. I believe that sex work will be legalized and decriminalized in the US as those in power will start to see the positive results that could occur from doing this. As we can see in the US, sex workers still make money whether that be illegally or in legal brothels. By legalizing and decriminalizing sex work, these workers will be able to be taxed which can give millions of dollars in tax money to the government annually. By legalizing sex work, the US government will be able to slow down and mitigate the STI Epidemic that exists within our society (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). STI cases increased after 2020 and continue to do so (CDC, 2023) which is very costly to the US health care system. By legalizing and decriminalizing sex work, individuals like prostitutes will be able to have safer sex and education of sex safety which can help to  
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Just a gentle reminder to sex workers:- Please be careful of sharing personal information on social media! Especially pictures on Instagram and tumblr that are viewable by the public (this includes check in's and tags). ESPECIALLY if you can see any definable features in the background of photos: club interior/exterior, geographical features (street signs, business signs etc.), ANYTHING regarding your residence or vehicle that's recognisable... ESPECIALLY if your face/exposed tattoos/other important features are in it. ESPECIALLY IF YOU SPECIFY WHAT TOWN/CITY/SUBURB you live or work in!! This is really really important, especially if you work in a smaller town where there is a limited number of business that cater to sex work. If you have multiple linked accounts (Instagram/tumblr/Facebook) it's can be really easy for people to connect them and find out where you are. Keep yourselves safe xx
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