#severance 02x05
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"The woman in the photo... is Ms. Casey." // "... She didn't even recognize me."
#severance#severance spoilers#severance 01x09#severance 02x05#gemma scout#mark s.#mark scout#ms. casey#mark x gemma#markgemma#gemmark#dichen lachman#adam scott#severanceedit#i'm a few weeks late so i'm sure someone beat me to this gifset AND made a better one#but i didn't see it so i'll make it i guess#i just wanted to make a gifset of innie!mark seeing gemma and outie!mark seeing ms.casey#tvedit#the way both marks became emotional after seeing ms. casey/gemma in a way they haven't before#severance s2#maybe i'll change the quote for mark s. idk
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severance 02x05 - trojan’s horse // alt-J - get better
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Do you think G&S had any serious fights/arguments after they got together? And who is more likely to say sorry first?
hi, anon!
i honestly don't see them having serious fights or arguments.
that's not to say they never occasionally disagree—because of course sometimes they do—but rather just that when they do, at most, i think they bicker, a la what we see in reboot episode 01x02 "honeymoon in vegas," rather than out-and-out "fight."
the thing is, for as much as they have a reputation for "poor communication," once they're finally a couple, on the few occasions in canon when we see them disagreeing (both in the original series and in the reboot), they actually demonstrate some fairly decent discussion skills in order to resolve their problems.
see, for example, the events of episode 07x06 "burn out" in the original series: between grissom having a migraine and being upset by the nature of the case, he's got a short fuse. he ends up taking his frustrations out on greg, chewing him out for playing loud music and for suggesting a nontraditional experiment as part of the investigation (which grissom feels will be a waste of time dead end). sara watches this exchange go down and clearly isn't pleased with it, particularly as she is aware that greg's nerves have been a little fried lately from dealing with the fallout from the demetrius james incident. while she could confront grissom straight-up about being a jerk to their son, she waits until they're alone together and instead very quietly and calmly reminds him of greg's situation and gives him a chance to express his feelings before offering him up a new lead in the case in order to assuage his anxiety. grissom, despite his fatigue at the time, then accepts sara's admonition without complaint and from that point forward (throughout the rest of the season) shows special care for greg, treating him with kindness and consideration.
smart man listens to his wife.
see also the first several episodes of s1 of the reboot, when grissom and sara disagree both about the possibility of hodges's innocence AND about whether or not they should remain in vegas or return to their boat. while they discuss these issues several times, they never escalate to real “fighting” even though they have a clear difference of opinion. instead, they both straightforwardly communicate their feelings (i.e., "you can just say it," "i'm mad at you and doubt right now," "out to sea, where we should be") and attempt to make their cases to each other using measured claims supported by evidence. though there is obvious frustration on both of their parts at various points, they keep things civil and communicative between themselves.
so why don't they fight?
as stated above, it's certainly not because they always 100% see everything eye to eye.
rather, i think it's a conscious choice on their parts.
sara grew up in a house where her parents screamed at each other and fought (both physically and verbally) all the time (see episode 05x13 "nesting dolls"), and she never wants her own marriage to be like theirs was. that so, no matter how upset she might get with grissom, she's not going to yell at him or get in his face. she's going to make the choice to talk.
along those same lines, grissom knows what sara's childhood was like—he knows about her father—and he would rather die than do anything that would ever make sara feel scared of him. he is mindful of the fact that big, loud male aggression is triggering for her, so he won't raise his voice at her* or stomp around or slam doors or do anything to make her feel small.
* while he will sometimes rant to her about other things that upset him (see, for example, their interaction by the mailboxes in episode 02x05 "scuba doobie-doo"), he never will actually yell at her if something she's said or done is what's upsetting him because he knows she wouldn't be able to feel safe around him afterward if he did.
to my mind, part of the reason why sara is attracted to grissom is because he's generally very soft-spoken; is a committed pacifist; he's not domineering; and even when he's mad at her, he doesn't yell at her.
in general, i think they both strongly believe that there's never any reason for adults who are capable of civil communication and who are committed to having a positive relationship with each other to resort to that kind of behavior anyway.
again, that's not to say they never disagree or get on each other's nerves; it's just to say that when they do, they talk about it rather than scream about it.
their conflict style is to be a bit sarcastic with each other or passive-aggressive or even to give each other the silent treatment until they’ve cooled down but never to be outright aggressive.
sara will move the gloves to where she likes them just to show grissom she's annoyed (see reboot episode 01x02 "honeymoon in vegas"), but she's not going to yell or call names or storm out. grissom will reprimand sara for being reckless (see reboot episode 01x08 "pipe cleaner"), but he won't raise his voice at her or get in her face.
that's just not how they operate.
—and especially because i don't think the stakes of their disagreements (when they do end up having them) are typically very high.
the thing is, they pretty much align in their views on all of the big stuff: their ethics and values are incredibly similar; their moral compasses point in the same direction.
again, that's not to say that there are never any issues they see differently from each other but rather that whatever issues they do disagree on probably tend to be "small potatoes" as opposed to big picture kinda stuff.
it's not like they're going to come to loggerheads over politics or religion or social issues or their ideas on what constitutes basic human decency, because down those lines, they're mostly in accord already*. rather, it's going to be more on the level of "excuse me, dear, but when you walk out of the room mid-sentence, it's irksome. could you maybe not do that to me anymore?"
* and even if they were to see things differently on the particulars, i think they share enough of a common foundation that they'd be able to have a rational discussion about these issues, where they could build based on a lot of shared assumptions. it's not like they'd be completely at odds.
probably the most fraught discussions they tend to have take place when they're both still working at the lab and they clash over cases—but by the time they're actually a couple (between s5-s7), even those kinds of disputes between them are genuinely rare, given that they've developed such a good working rapport together by that point.
to be fair, i also believe that particularly during the run of the original series, in order to avoid conflict, they sometimes let issues fall by the wayside without having any sort of real discussion about them at all even though said issues really should be discussed (see, for example, sara's frustration with grissom's behavior during episode 07x23 "the good, the bad, and the dominatrix")—so, again, it's not that they necessarily have perfect conflict management skills so much as it is that "fighting" just isn't their style.
i think that, overall, conflict is rare between them, and what little conflict there is tends to be mild by nature. they love and respect each other and care about each other’s feelings too much to ever truly want to be nasty.
i mean, just listen how they talk to each other in the reboot: they are so habitually polite with each other (more so than one might even expect two people who have been married for a very long time to be), and they are constantly affirming each other and saying sweet things.
grissom, in particular, can’t go two sentences in a row without calling sara by an endearment.
all of the above so, even during the most fraught days of the divorce during s13, i just literally cannot picture them having any kind of blowouts with each other.
sad discussions, sure. somber discussions, sure. maybe even snide ones (particularly coming from sara’s side).
but not the kind of knock-down drag-outs where they’re raising their voices or saying horrible, “i’m trying to hurt you”-type things.
even on the worst of worst days between them, when they’re breaking each other’s hearts, they still both love each other, after everything.
as for who apologizes first in the instances when they do bicker, i think they’re both pretty quick to apologize; seldom do their disagreements reach the point of standoff.
anyway, while ymmv, that’s my take:
ultimately, they’re lovers, not fighters, and their communication patterns with each other reflect as much.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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Virago 16. The Murder of Innocents
Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it.
Post Date: 09.18.20
Word count: 2.1k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 02x05 “Human Trials”
100 Master List
You wake up to find yourself being dragged into the area the Ark was in.
“How many of you are there?” A woman in a guards uniform asks. But you and Clarke were to worn out to even answer. You watch as people quickly move away, clearly being afraid of you as they thought you two were grounders.
“Wait,” You hear a voice in the distance.
“Once the prisoners are secure,” The guard woman says.
“They’re not prisoners. That’s my daughter and that’s Y/N Y/L/N,” The woman says leading you to realize it was Abby Griffin. She quickly rushes over to make sure Clarke was alright and then you, before passing out again.
You wake up laying on some sort of cot, “I need two saline and two pressure dressings,” Abby says as you and Clarke both wake up.
“I’m on it,” A man’s voice says.
“I saw your ship crash,” Clarke states raspily to her mother.
“I wasn’t on it. I’m right here,” Abby responds.
Abby and her assistant, Jackson, work to tend your wounds as you notice the guard woman from earlier come in, “Are they alright?” She asks.
“They will be,” Abby answers.
“I’m sorry ma’am. We had no idea who they were. Where have you been?” She questions us.
“Byrne,” Abby says, clearly wanting us to get rest.
“Mount Weather,” You answer raspily.
“The grounders took you to Mount Weather?” She asks.
“No. The Mountain Men. We have to get them out,” Clarke answers sitting up.
“We’re not doing this right now,” Abby says again wanting us to rest.
“Yes, ma’am,” Byrne responds before leaving.
“Mom. Did anyone else make it here?” Clarke questions as you sit up as well.
“Yes. Six of you did,” Abby answers.
“Bellamy?” You quickly say.
“And Finn?” Clarke asks in quick succession. Abby softly nods and you feel like a weight lifted off your chest.
“I thought they were dead,” Clarke says. “I thought you were dead,” Clarke says as she starts to break down. You move as quickly as you can to comfort her.
“Not me,” Abby says before pulling Clarke into a small hug. She then puts her arm out to pull you in as well. As much as you still didn’t like her, you needed a good hug. “I’m right here,” Abby whispers.
After Abby had helped you and Clarke clean up she stayed until you two fell asleep. You woke up just a bit after Clarke as she and Abby were having a conversion.
“How long have we been asleep?” You ask groggily.
“About 10 hours,” Abby responds. Clarke then tries to quickly get up but Abby tries to stop her.
“Clarke, slow down. Hey, it’s too soon,” Abby tells her.
“Mom, we need to move against Mount Weather. How many guards are there here? Where are Finn and Bellamy?” Clarke asks.
“Clarke, please. You need to rest,” Abby pleads.
“I don’t need to rest. I’m fine. And I don’t need you to protect me,” Clarke says moving to get up.
“I’m sorry Miss Griffin. But Clarke’s right. We need to get our people out, we need to make a move,” You say sitting up as well.
“Yes and what we need is to save our friends,” Clarke says getting off the cot.
“Ma’am,” Byrne makes her way into the tent. “Movement in the North Woods,” She announces.
“Grounders?” Abby questions.
“I don’t think so,” Byrne responds with a slight smile. You and Clarke quickly get dressed and follow Abby out of the tent.
As soon as you’re out, you notice Raven sitting off to the side, “Hi,” Clarke says.
“I’ve been waiting out here all night,” Raven says using a cane to help her up. “Abby said you two needed sleep,” She says hugging Clarke and then you.
“Raven, I--” Clarke starts as you two notice the brace on her left leg.
“Sucks, but I’m dealing with it,” Raven states, still with a smile plastered on her face. The three of you then turn your attention once you hear the gate was opening.
“Bellamy,” You say to yourself noticing it was him and some other people.
“Go. I’ll catch up,” Raven smiles.
“Okay,” Clarke says quietly. You and Clarke head off and towards the front of the camp.
As soon as you got close enough you run right into Bellamy and embrace him. You clearly caught him off guard as he didn’t know what was happening but soon enough he wrapped his arms around you. You and Bellamy just stood there embracing eachother. You felt at peace for a moment knowing he was ok and that you got to see him again.
Once you pulled away Clarke quickly moved to take your place, “Now, there’s something I thought I’d never see,” Octavia comments as you pull her into a hug.
“I’m glad you’re ok,” Octavia whispers in your ear.
“You too,” I say as we pull away from eachother. Clarke quickly takes your place again to hug Octavia.
“How many are with you?” Bellamy asks.
“Just us,” You respond. You watch as their faces fall flat.
“Where’s Finn?” Clarke asks and Raven looks over to Bellamy for an answer.
“Looking for you,” Bellamy responds looking at Clarke.
You, Clarke and Bellamy, spend a few minutes catching up, “So what happened?” Bellamy asks.
“After we barbecued the grounders, the men inside of Mount Weather caught 48 of us. They seemed all happy go lucky, but Clarke and I knew it was too good to be true. So we invested and found out that they were using captured grounders to heal themselves,” You explain.
“One man had severe radiation burns and a few hours later. He was completely fine,” Clarke explains as well.
“Well I’m just glad you’re ok,” Bellamy says setting eyes on you. “Both of you,” He says shifting his eyes to Clarke. Before we could continue Abby makes our way to us and pulls Clarke aside.
“What? No. You can’t just cut them loose,” Clarke says after her mother explains the situation.
“Sweetheart, we don’t have the manpower to send out two rescue missions and protect our camp,” Abby explains. You and Bellamy exchange looks as you both clearly know how stupid the situation is.
“Mom, they’re in trouble. They’re either gonna get themselves killed or make things worse with the grounders...who wee need to get our people out of Mount Weather,” Clarke says.
“I know you feel this is unfair...but our priority has to be with Chancellor Kane...if there is any hope for peace,” Abby responds.
“If you wanted peace, you shouldn’t have killed the only grounder who was gonna help us,” You say getting annoyed at Abby.
“I’m sorry. The decisions been made,” Abby says.
“You’re sorry?” Bellamy speaks up. “Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter with guns you gave us. And now she’s home, you’re just going to abandon them?” Bellamy questions, but Abby clearly has no response to that. “If you can’t spare the guards, we know the terrain. We have a map. We can do it ourselves,” Bellamy states.
“No, absolutely not,” Abby says sternly.
“Mom,” Clarke snaps.
“I just got you back,” Abby snaps back.
“Abby,” Jackson says running in. “I’m sorry. We need you in medical,” He says.
“You better go,” Clarke says quickly, clearly showing she’s done with the conversation.
“Byrne. No one leaves this camp,” Abby states not moving her gaze at Clarke.
“Yes, ma’am,” Byrne responds. Abby then heads off with Jackson, glaring at both you and Bellamy.
“We’re gonna need guns,” Clarke says moving back towards you and Bellamy.
Bellamy then heads off, knowing just who to talk to, as you and Clarke head to pack some supplies. “So you and Bellamy?” Clarke questions as you two pack some bags.
“What are you talking about?” You ask back.
“I’m not blind,” Clarke softly chuckles. “There’s something there isn’t there?” Clarke questions.
“I was happy to see him safe. That’s all there was to it,” You say as you finish packing a bag.
“Uh-huh,” Clarke says.
“Come on we gotta go,” You say quickly making your way out of the room.
You and Clarke then go to meet Bellamy and Raven behind a part of the Ark, “Scored you a couple extra clips,” Raven says as you two walk-up.
“Hey, my mom’s in surgery, and the team going after Kane just left. We should too,” Clarke says.
“Did you find Octavia?” Bellamy asks.
“No. I found you,” Octavia says making her way up to us.
“I’m not letting you two leave here without me,” She says looking between you and Bellamy.
“Octavia--,” Clarke tries to start.
“Finn and Murphy are headed for Lincoln’s village. I’ve been there. Have you? Have they?” Octavia asks.
“You done?” Bellamy asks back. You then hand Bellamy one of the bags you were holding and he holds it out to Octavia.
“What’s this?” She asks.
“Your pack. Lead the way,” Bellamy responds. You all then finish preparing to leave as you, Bellamy and Clarke grab guns.
“Whoa. Not so fast, Pocahontas,” Raven says noticing Octavia shift to the gate. Raven then taps her cane on a wire causing a large spark to appear, surprising you a bit.
“I thought you said it was handled,” Clarke whispers to Raven.
“It is,” Raven says pulling out a walkie talkie. “Shut her down, Wick,” She speaks into it. She taps her can once more on the wire and no spark appeared. “Handled,” Raven states.
The four of you sneak out of the gate and head into the forest. You spent hours on your way to Lincolns village and set up camp once it got dark. You all laid down to sleep, although being unable to sleep you shift and open your eyes to find Bellamy staring at you from the log he was sitting on.
“Last time I saw you, the dropship door was closing,” Bellamy says. You shift uncomfortably remembering how hard you fought for them to wait. “Had to be done,” He states back.
You pull yourself up, “Did you get any sleep?” You ask him as you see Clarke do the same.
“It’s okay. I’ll sleep when we find Finn. You two haven’t seen him. Losing you Clarke, the others, the war, it changed him. He executed the grounder that drew us the map. Pulled the trigger without even blinking and walked away,” Bellamy says.
“That doesn’t sound like Finn,” Clarke says shaking her head.
“No, it doesn’t,” Bellamy says softly. “I saw what he was capable of...and still, I let him go with Murphy and two automatic rifles,” Bellamy says upset.
“I’m sure that had to be done too,” Clarke responds.
“When we got back to the dropship and no one was there...we assumed it was the grounders,” Bellamy says.
“Makes sense. You couldn’t have known it was the Mountain men. No one could have,” You say.
“How long until chocolate cake turns into being hung upside down...and drained for their blood?” Bellamy asks.
“I don’t know. But we don’t have much time,” Clarke responds.
“Okay. First we find Finn, then our people in Mount Weather,” Bellamy says as you and Clarke nod in agreement.
“And Lincoln,” Octavia says from her makeshift bed. “I think we’ve slept long enough,” Octavia says getting up. You, Clarke and Bellamy then follow and get ready to make your way through the forest again.
You all continue to trek well into the morning. Soon enough you see the large statue in the distance representing Lincoln’s village, “Which way to the village?” Bellamy asks.
Octavia just stands there giving us no response, “O?” You ask.
“The reapers came from here,” She points with her machete from the ground to the statue. She starts to cry and turns towards us, “I couldn’t save him, Bell,” She says and falls into Bellamy’s arms. You move to hug her as well, hoping it would comfort her. “I couldn’t save him,” She says as you pull away.
“It’s okay,” You hear Bellamy barely say.
The four of you continue to make your way towards the village before you’re alerted by some gunfire. As soon as you heard it you all start to run towards the village hoping to get there as soon as possible. As you hear more and more gunfire you continue to make your way towards the village.
Once you make it to the village you find the villagers in a small coral with Finn and Murphy on the other side. The villagers are screaming and huddling together, scared for their lives. Octavia is the first to make it into the village and quickly makes her way over to a man looking at a body. As the rest of you make it in you notice the bodies lying motionless on the ground. Finn tries to move towards Clarke but she’s quick to move back, knowing what he’s done.
“I found you,” Finn says out of breath, but Clarke just shakes her head almost seeming scared of him.
A/N: Finally the reunion with Bellamy. And the truth of what Finn’s become. I hope you all enjoyed this part!
🏷: @im-a-writer-right | @marsbar-inspace32 | @zestylemon99 | @unrvquited | @thebeautifulbookworm | @gxvrielle | @simonsbluee | @iwishilivedinthesims | @awkwardspontaneity
#The 100#the 100 imagine#the 100 series#the 100 rewrite#bellamy blake#bellamy blake x reader#clarke griffin#octavia blake#raven reyes#abby griffin#Finn Collins#john murphy#100virago
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Ash vs Evil Dead: Season 2
02x01: 00:35-01:03. Severity: 10/10. Creature g*s and v*s onto character. Graphic sound and prolonged visual, some ambiguous aftermath. If in doubt, please skip to 02:00.
02x02: 25:25-23:51. Demon sp*ts green fluid onto character. Sudden graphic visuals and aftermath, some sound. Note: Character has some ambiguous marks on them for the rest of the episode. If in doubt, read a synopsis and skip ahead.
02x03: Nothing to skip!
02x04: 08:24-09:00. Severity: 1/10. Character groans and c*s on blood (Subtitles mention r*ing). No v*, not a graphic scene so can be watched muted. 18:37-18:40. Severity: 1/10. Character sp*ts out object. No v*, no sound or visuals but subtitles mention r*ing.
02x05: 23:38-25:41 (End of episode). Severity: 9/10. Character g*s and v*s repeatedly. Graphic sound and visuals, with aftermath until the end of the episode. It's maybe best to stop watching at 23:38 and read a synopsis.
02x06: 01:25-01:35. Severity: 4/10. Character sp*ts out bugs. No v*, but may cause distress. 04:57-05:17. Severity: 10/10. Character suddenly v*s. Graphic sound, visual and aftermath. Please note that the character is distressed throughout. If in doubt, please read a synopsis and skip the episode, or play from around the 10-minute mark.
02x07: Nothing to skip!
02x08: Nothing to skip!
02x09: 11:36-13:05. Severity: 8/10. Prolonged slapstick sequence, character v*s, then g*s and attempts to induce further v*. Visuals, sound and aftermath.
02x10: Nothing to skip!
Other Content: Blood, gore, fantasy violence, injury detail, death, murder, demons, possesion, demonic rituals, insane asylums, ECT/shock treatment, manipulation, alchohol, drug use, drunk driving, dubious sexual consent, car accidents, casual racism
#Emetophobia#emetophobic#emetophobe#horror#horror for emetophobes#content warning#stress warning#The Evil Dead#Evil Dead Series#ash vs evil dead#demons#Starz#netflix
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Isobel and Female Character Stigmas
This is one of those, Salmon is going to say something people don't like moments. I'm disturbed by different moments in shows that other people are fine with. And that's okay. Other people are disturbed by things I don't see an issue with in shows, and that's okay.
But it will never ceases to annoy me how actions taken by female characters - that are completely equal to actions by male counterparts - lead to the female character being condemned while the male character is excused.
And, sorry, but I see that with Isobel constantly. Despite the fact that Isobel's actions often center around protecting her brothers more than herself she is constantly referred to as "selfish" while Max and Michael are constantly forgiven for poor actions because they "have good intentions" and "are good people at the core".
I understand a lot of people didn't like the plot with Isobel and Arturo. People have personal issues with it, and that's fine. But considering that even the episode description referred to it as Isobel "using her powers for good", this is one of those moments where your personal issues with what happened is something you'll have to address in your own metas and fics. We've all had to deal with those moments with shows before. I love this series, but I've had several moments like that I have to accept will never be addressed or called out because they apparently weren't intended to be taken negatively.
As for the latest episode (02x05). Oh, I'm sorry, I guess only Max and Michael are allowed to lash out in violence towards others when in moments of trauma and desperation. Like Max punching Michael, shoving Michael, or pointing a gun to him. Or Michael shoving Max or throwing him through a window. No worries, that type of violence is okay. We forgive these characters.
But a female character hitting another female character in a moment of desperation where she is traumatically losing the twin she has a psychic connection with? I'm sorry, we can't allow that to pass.
Rosa's reaction in mindscape wasn't one of fear or even the type of anger you display towards an enemy. It was very much the type of anger you might display towards a friend who pulled shit like this on you in a drastic moment.
Does Rosa have trouble separating the emotional memories of her friend "Izzy" and the Isobel she doesn't actually know? Possible
Does not having a clear memory of that night make her not as afraid of Isobel as she would be if the memories were clear? Possible.
Does knowing Isobel was another victim of the same person who killed her make her feel more forgiving and even a kinship toward her? Possible.
Did they become closer friends during the missing weeks between episodes? Also possible.
But how quick Rosa was to stop fighting and help her find Max says that Rosa didn't view Isobel's actions as evil. She understood this was a desperate act of someone losing someone they loved.
No, I don't see "Dark Izzy" in our future. I see fandom saying female characters committing violence or having lapses in moral judgement is much less forgivable than male characters.
I see a story where Max, after absorbing a lot of energy and killing Noah - an action we were previously warned by Noah himself made Max feel like a god and Max could not deny - healed Michael against his consent, talked about expanding their alien powers with a disregard to the secrecy required for their safety, brought the dead back to life, invaded Rosa's mind repeatedly ignoring her flat out refusal of consent for him to be there, and warned repeatedly he was dangerous and shouldn't be brought back.
And I see a fandom declaring none of this is proof of a Dark Max plot and going on about what a good person Max is.
Dark Max ahoy. Buckle up.
And please spare me the female character hate for one week.
#spoilers#discourse#fandom discourse#fandom drama#i am not tagging show or characters so please respect that
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Calyss Watches the Clone Wars - 30
Tonight I’m gonna watch 02x05 - Landing at Point Rain (33CO) and I’m kinda confused. Is Point Rain a place?
Geez, thanks. That really cheers me up.
Lmao, “Poggle the Lesser”. I wonder who named him that way. (Also the translation in my subtitles is “Poggle le Bref” and there was a french king a loooong time ago (like so long ago I not even sure France was already named France) whose name was Pépin le Bref and it has always made me laugh. I mean, imagine generations and generations remembering you under that name)(okay I went and check because i don’t like to not know stuff and turns up it stuff i should really know: he was actually Charlemagne’s father, King of the Franks, lived in the 8th century.)
Yasss the squad is here.
OH MY GODS why has Obi-Wan raising an eyebrow such an effect on me? It’s an animated character dammit. And his beard is weird. Also I love how Anakin eyes are rendered? Like most of the time they’re in his brow’s shadow but sometimes the light hits them and they have this icy look?
Palpatine: “Isn’t it risky committing three generals to one area of the attack? If something went wrong, we could be dealt a serious blow.”
1) Fuck off. 2) Won’t you love it if something went wrong? 3) Don’t you dare separate my fav Jedi pair.
So two episodes ago I finally understood that they were actually fuel tanks so they’re pretty much in every scene with ships getting ready to fly but I still love them and won’t stop putting captions of them in those posts.
*comes back for unrelated reason* *realizes they actually said to Palpatine to fuck off and that they’ll do it their way*
Well this pleases me but also I’ve got the worse attention deficit? I’m pretty sure that if I was a Jedi I would end up on the battlefield and be like “what is the plan? sorry i wasn’t really listening i was thinking about the history of Francia”.
Luminara’s like “come on boys could you can it with the flirting?”
Like, seriously, this is the scene:
Ahsoka: “That won’t be easy to get past.” Anakin: “Don’t worry. We’re not going anywhere near that.” Obi-Wan: “Come now. What happened to all the enthusiasm I saw earlier?” Anakin:
Luminara: “Gentlemen, if you are quite finished we have a battle to begin.”
*realize this scene was actually before the walking boxes* what even
Obi-Wan: “Last time, I was chained to a pole and attacked by several humongous monsters.” Cody: “That sounds entertaining.”
Admiral Whatever: “Good luck, General.” Ki-Adi Mundi: “There is no such thing as luck.”
Goddammit just say thanks you asshat.
Aaaaaand Anakin’s transport crashed.
I feel like I also should keep track of the times Obi-Wan crashes. For it to be fair. Also that way if I ever write a canon fic I can have them pull out records.
Trooper: “Man down! Man down! General Kenobi, don’t land. The zone is hot.”

There should be someone with me in the room when I watch the Clone Wars. To hit me in the face when I use Paint.
I love Ahsoka?! Well it seems to be something normal if tumblr is to be believed.
I wonder what Ki-Adi Mundi looked like when he was young.
Like that:

What even Anakin.
Anakin and Ahsoka launched Rex in the air before jumping from this extra high barrier themselves and I’m half like “OMG POOR DUDE” and half like “HOLY SHIT THIS IS HILARIOUS”
I get it that they’re nasty bugs and the enemy but those clones are BURNING GEONOSIANS ALIVE.
Anakin charging to battle is honestly the best thing ever. Dude is running and waving his saber around and he won’t stop for anything.
KI-ADI MUNDI YOU AND I ARE MATE FROM NOW ONE SORRY I CALLED YOU AN ASSHAT. I mean, he’s asking what he wins for having kill more than Anakin and Ahsoka BUT HE DOES IT WITH THAT SWEET OLD MAN VOICE.
Hey guys so I started writing this fic. There is one chapter (3158w) up for now. Check it out if obikin rewrites of tPM (with age changes dammit, I’m not gross) are your thing ;)
#star wars#the clone wars#calyss watches the clone wars#anakin skywalker#obi wan kenobi#ahsoka tano#aki mundi#obikin#geonosis#my art#self promo
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