#seventeen x originalcharacters
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CHAPTER 1: "Haven and Hell"
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I heard a noise come from behind me and I quickly pointed my gun up to the threat. There stood a soldier with an assault rifle in her hands ready to shoot me. I stared at the woman who looked oddly familiar.
The blood on my face was drying and stiffened me. It was strange to see her in a place like this. I haven't seen her in a year yet her features were easily recognizable.
Her voice slightly raspy under its monotone layer. There stood my sister who I haven't seen since the start of this plague.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She asks me while she brought her gun down away from me.
I mirrored her action and watched as she drew closer. The sound of broken glass can be heard while she took careful steps not to trip over the debris that laid on the floor.
The place was an utter mess. Her eyes darted to the bodies on the floor. Her body froze with her gun ready to shoot.
"They're dead," I tell her.
She slowly turned to me while her gun remained pointed down at what remained. Her eyes grew big as though she tried to understand what happened.
"They called me two hours ago to have dinner with them, and by the time I got here, they ended up like the rest of them..." my voice came out quiet towards the end.
I watched my sister stare at our parents' heads that were filled with holes. Their remains gushed with blood, and pieces of their body were flung like paint. The scent filled this area like a gas chamber. I held my handgun tightly before analyzing it. I had a few bullets left in the magazine, and one ready in the chamber.
"They tried to bite me, you know," I explain. My eyes remained on my weapon. "I don't know if they knew they were mutated when they called me or if they mutated afterwards. Whatever it is- it doesn't make any fucking sense."
My eyes met with my sister for a moment before she turned away.
"This place was supposed to be protected, Dowon. Do the people down stairs not know there's mutants in the apartments?" I dare question her.
It's been a year since I last saw her, and although I'm grateful she hasn't become one of them, I was mad with these turn of events. If this world wasn't so screwed over then we wouldn't be in this position.
My sister's eyes remained low. Her attention was on the mess that covered this space. I wasn't sure if she knew what was going on in this safe haven, but her expression may have told otherwise.
"The higher ups said there were only few that entered this place," she starts. "Our mission is to escort the healthy without making a racket."
She squatted down to take a sample of our parents' flesh. Her hands shook as she tried to remain calm.
"I didn't think it would get this bad so soon," she whispers.
I frowned at her words. "So, you knew, but the higher ups didn't send you guys sooner?"
"Listen Jaewon," she tries to calm me. "I had no say in this. I only follow orders."
I scoffed. "Orders. Fucking orders."
Her brows narrowed. I didn't mean to raise my voice, but all of this- all this that just happened angered me.
I may not have gotten along with my parents, but this wasn't fair to all those people who thought they were safe. My parents being one of them.
"All those people that I saw greeting me at the entrance..." My eyes went to the front door that remained open. "They don't know about the hell that's about to happen. They smiled like everything was going to be okay when it wasn't."
Dowon sighed. She stood in front of me with an unreadable expression. She was never good at expressing herself, but I could tell through her mannerism that this was bothering her as well.
"Let's get out of here. I already spoke to the other tenants before meeting you here." Her hands remained tightly on her AR that had a sling wrapped around her body. "We got rid of the mutants that wandered inside this building. There weren't many..."
She got quiet towards the end. She walked passed me with haste. I got a glimpse of her eyes, and I knew my questions would have to wait. My sister was never one to show how she feels, especially when she's upset.
I knew she needed time to mourn over the dead. Mourn over our parents.
Just like me, she wasn't close to them. Even so, they were once alive like everyone else. They had a life to live, but it was taken from them.
Apart me believes I could have stopped this from happening if I came sooner, but I knew that even if I did, would anything change? I saw scratch marks on their bodies when they attacked me, but if they came close in contact with them- who knows how many got here.
The guilt I had ran over me like it ran over my sister. We could have protected them.
I could see it in her eyes. She couldn't stop this from happening, so she remained quiet. Her eyes were watery but no tears came out.
I watched her retreating figure head to the front door, trying to avoid any eye contact with me. I remained where I stood while I looked once more at the hellbent place my parents once called home.
I narrowed my brows.
There were things I wanted to say to my parents one last time before leaving their remains here. But I couldn't find the words.
I never liked expressing myself or showing weakness. My dad would beat me if I so happen to cry. He would say that I was weak and that I should have been a boy. My father was sexist, but he was still my father. He ended up raising my sister and I without much affection. Our mother didn't do anything about it.
After all, she was the one who wanted to name us male names. Boys were all they wanted, so we were raised as if we were one.
Maybe things would have been better if I was a man. Maybe things would have been better if they appreciated my sister and I more. Whatever the case, my relationship with my parents came to an end the moment I pulled the trigger.
They were gone. And what we once had couldn't be fixed.
"You-you weren't the best, but you weren't entirely the worst," I whisper. The memories I had with them were many and not great- but they were still memories.
It was hard to remember the good ones since there were so many bad ones, but they were my parents. It's only normal to feel bad for the fallen.
"Maybe... we'll meet again in the after life..."
With that, I bowed one last time to give my respect to the deceased. My body shook as my mouth quivered. I refused to cry. My heart ached with each step I took, but I didn't dare turn back.
There's no point looking back at what could have been fixed when it's already been done.
They're dead.
Just like half of this damned world.
My sister guided us down the complex with her squad that was ready for any attack. I remember talking to my sister months before the plague came. She said she was leading ten people, but there were only six with us.
I didn't want to ask what happened. Especially not at a time like this. I don't want to imagine the events that occurred before they got here. We're losing to many too soon.
There were tenants that stuck behind me with fear running through their bodies. We were centered in the middle of the line while my sister's squad mates split into two groups. One group in the front and one group in the back. We were treated like important people, but even important people end up dying. I couldn't shake the feeling that even with all this preparation- we will still lose people.
I could hear the tenants quiver through their words as they try to calm each other. They shook like there was no tomorrow. I understood that fear, but I said nothing to them.
There were mothers with children, old couples, and unfortunately, there were few children without any parental figure. Most of the men were drafted to protect the country from the effected.
From my knowledge, the drafted stay in the area near family, but with what happened, who knows if any of them survived. This place will soon be bombarded by the mutated, and everyone that survives will be gone, dead, or far from here.
The safe haven was supposed to be protected so the healthy can continue our society while the rest fought, but this will be another spot that will be lost on the map marked with safe havens. It was important to keep a safe haven alive for the sake of humanity, but whenever we lose one, the government announces it on the speakers set out across the country.
It was like boot camp, but we were treated better. Follow the rules and nobody gets hurt. Or at least, thats what we're told.
I walked behind my sister with my hand on my hip holster where my handgun rested. I never liked being helpless. I was never allowed to carry a gun in the country unless I was in the military base doing training or on missions, but ever since I finished my years of service and became a civilian, I lost my privileges until the plague came.
Only those trained were allowed to carry firearms, whereas everyone else had to rely on any weapon they can find at home. I pity those who aren't trained for this. And I pity those that are.
In the end, nobody is safe. Soldier, civilian, politician, or whatever.
All we can do is fight to survive.
A scream filled the tight corridor before echoing in our ears. My sister signaled us to stop and immediately her squad and her went into formation ready for any attack.
We were reaching the lobby floor through the staircase when we heard the scream.
I watched as my sister peaked through the doorway that lead to the entrance lounge. There were other soldiers within the area, but their guns were pointed away from us.
It was like there was something coming.
I was here almost an hour ago, and this once peaceful space has become hostile. The change of atmosphere shouldn't surprise me, but it still bothered me.
Anything can happen. And it was coming.
It was faint, but I could hear it. There was a car alarm blaring. I couldn't see what was going on, but the noises I heard...
There was a horde coming.
Their inhumane shrieks and snarls were like hogs mixed with a monster. It didn't sound real. It was frightening.
Something or someone must of hit that car in order for it to alarm and attract the mutants.
Cars aren't allowed to be used unless the Head of the safe haven approves of it. The rules for safe havens varied on location. When I got here, I had to leave my bike behind.
I should have picked up that hint of danger once they stopped me at the safe point. If I wasn't allowed to bring my bike here, who was the idiot that brought their car?
First mutants entering this building with nobody speaking about it, and now a car that appears that shouldn't even be in this perimeter. How did nobody notice? Or rather, why did they not speak out about it?
Something wasn't right. This whole thing didn't feel like an accident. If the people in this complex really wanted to live, then they wouldn't do something so foolish.
The creaking of the doorway alerted me from its sharp noise. My sister pushed the door open.
"Stay together and pick up the pace." Her command caused her squad to stay on high alert. I can hear the children crying behind me with fear, but my eyes didn't go to them.
My hand remained on my gun. My attention was towards the blaring noise that wouldn't stop.
My sister signaled us to halt while the rest of her squad stood by our side. There were soldier that guarded this floor, and they seemed ready for a fight. One person stood out who had a slightly different uniform. It was similar to my sister's.
I don't know who that was she went up to, but he appeared to have the save rank as her.
Was this guy in the same platoon as her? If so, then he had to be here.
My sister motioned us to come over before making us run past the soldiers whose guns pointed at the glass panel. I got a glimpse of the swarm to come.
We were good as dead even with these many soldiers. That horde looked more than a hundred mutants. They were coming. And they were coming fast.
My attention went to my sister who held a duffel bag filled with military equipment. There were duffel bags on the ground lined up on the wall, and I could only believe she got it from there.
"Take this. We're gonna need your help if we're going to get out of here." She sounded calm, but I knew she wasn't. She had to pretend for the sake of the civilians that were with us.
We can't let them know that soldiers are fearful people too. I've had my share with my time in the military, and pretending to be strong had to be the one thing you had to be good at.
Otherwise, you're good as dead.
I grabbed the bag from her. It was heavy with an assault rifle's heel and comb sticking out.
"Did they order you to do this?" I ask her.
Her eyes wandered from mine. She stared at the chaos that was going to unfold.
"No," she whispered.
I watched as my sister's eyes became soft behind that serious expression.
"It's extra equipment," she tells me.
I put the sling over my arm after taking the weapon out of the bag. I analyzed the equipment that was now mine.
"Just use the damn thing," she suddenly says.
Before I could read the name engraved on the bag, I heard the snarls of the beasts come closer. My eyes went back to the glass panel that protected us. The mutants banged their body against the surface with a horrendous sound. The more they banged, the more I saw how tense everyone got.
It was like a ticking time bomb. That glass was going to break at any moment. We need to leave while we still can.
"We have to escort these people to the truck," Dowon tells me.
"Truck?" I repeat her words. "Is it far?"
"It's outside in the back," she quickly says before guiding us to our getaway. The back entrance was only a few yards away from us, but even with that short of a distance, anything can happen.
Her squad remained close with us with the tenants running in fear right behind me. The noise of glass breaking can be heard in a distance before the following of loud gunshots.
"Don't look back," my sister says. "My squad will deal with them."
Although I knew the mayhem that will be happening, I couldn't help but turn around when I heard a number of footsteps drawing closer to us.
They weren't just running sounds, it was like they were sprinting.
The noise sounded rampant. It was unsteady and jagged. I knew that sound that was all too familiar. There it came- a snarl.
Once I turned to look, there they were.
"Duck! Take cover!" I hollered.
I quickly pointed my assault rifle to the group of mutants running towards us. Behind them, I could see soldiers fight for their life along with the sergeant that my sister was talking to just a while ago. They looked scared but their guns remained hot. They took turns shooting so the one having to reload can be protected.
Next to me, my sister's comrades began to shoot as well. The sound rang in my ears with a mixture of the beasts unending noise that sent chills throughout my body.
Screams of terror can be heard in the background as soldiers began to get picked off one by one. I can hear the civilians shriek in horror.
But I tried to remain calm. You can never be reckless at a time like this. My focus remained on those monsters. I shot each one with as much accuracy as I had. I never liked wasting a bullet.
Headshots after headshots.
But there was too many of them.
Dowon's squad remained their ground as they slowly got small in number. I could hear her yell at the civilians to run to the truck where another platoon would be guarding.
"Jaewon! Go!" I heard her shout behind me.
I backed up as I heard her get closer to me. My eyes remained on the threats that kept coming. I had to change magazines but I needed her to cover me.
"Just go Jaewon!" She yelled at me once more while I fumbled switchings mags.
She grabbed me by one of my arms to grab my attention. I turned to look at her and there was a hint of fear and worry in her eyes.
"Go," she said again. "I'll be right behind you."
I wanted to believe her. I really did. My sister usually sticks by her word, but right now even if I do leave this building, will any of us even make it out of here?
I pushed her back once I saw an evolved lung towards us. It was aiming at her, and I quickly shot it at its legs. It feel to the ground before rolling. It hit the glass panel before staring at me with its red eyes.
It twisted its head at me as if it was analyzing me. I tried to shoot at it, but it crawled away with such speed like a demon.
I can hear Dowon yelling at me to go while she tried to shoot at it.
It was like it was on steroids. Its speed was not normal. This has to be one of the fastest evolved I ever encountered.
Dowon tried to shoot at it but its speed was immaculate. It dodged every bullet as if it saw it coming.
"What the fuck is this thing!" I shout in anger.
It contoured its body like it had no bones. This thing- what the hell made it like this!?
Within a second, I saw it lung at me. It's body weight pushed me out the building through the open door and I could hear Dowon shout. I used my rifle to push it off me. The thing kept trying to bite as if it was desperate.
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I yelled.
I lifted my leg and kicked it off. My adrenaline rush was kicking in and the moment I tossed it off, I shot at it with a direct hit in between the eye.
Its body flung back while the civilians that were entering the truck rushed inside the vehicle. They were scared and didn't even try helping me.
I don't blame them. There's only so much they can do.
I turned back around to see if Dowon was okay. I watched as another evolved lunged at her, but this time she had her gun up ready to shoot.
I ran towards the doorway to help her, and behind her I could see the horde coming towards us. She looked at me before looking back at the horde.
Before I could reach the door, she shut it on me and locked it. I banged on it in hopes she would open it, but she didn't.
Through the glass- the only thing separating us, she gave me a look that I couldn't forget.
She nodded her head at me with a smile that wasn't too happy.
She was protecting us from the horde that would make it outside. This glass panel- this surface that stopped me from helping her-
I watched her flail her arms for the hordes attention before running off. Her fallen soldiers remained on the floor before turning into the rest of these monsters.
The few that remained fought with her as they made their way to another staircase entrance. I couldn't see what happened since the horde engulfed my sight.
They were gone.
My sister and her squad.
They sacrificed their lives to protect these civilians. I was alone with them. Was I supposed to just go with these people? What about Dowon? Will she even be alive if I go inside?
No, I can't open the door. Even if I break it, it'll put all of us in danger.
The horde is already distracted. So why I can't I just move?
I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what I could do.
Did I really lose all my family in a day?
A voice came through the duffle bag, and my ears perked up. I looked down at the bag my sister gave me. I dug through the equipment and found a radio.
I held it in my hands and heard the voice speak once more.
I knew this voice.
"Noe Dowon. Do you copy?"
I didn't speak.
"Noe Dowon! Are you there!?" The voice slowly grew frantic.
I narrowed my brows. It was him.
The man in charge of my sister.
Staff Sergeant Lee Dokyeom.
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PROLOGUE: "Soaked in Blood"
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I never knew what I wanted in my life.
Maybe it's because I never got the support I needed. Or maybe it's because I never saw anything going for me.
All I knew was that if I were to be anywhere in this place in this world, I want to be on a hill overseeing everyone. I want to see the beauty I couldn't see before. A simple life really.
Maybe next to the ocean on Jeju Island. Maybe in another country where I can see the unknown. Or maybe even this city I should call home.
But I couldn't.
Not now- not ever.
If the world wasn't how it was, would I even be able to reach that dream?
All I saw was red.
All I saw was blood.
The sunlight hit the blinds in hopes of entering this dark space. The apartment my parents lived in was once cozy but I could never call home.
I always hated visiting them.
They were my parents but they never acted like it. All they saw me as was a money maker- nothing more nothing less. I was used to being neglected and mistreated. They say people change once they got older, but I don't know if that's true.
My older sister was smart for signing up for 12 years in the military. She left this place faster than I did. Maybe I should have signed up for more years, but 3 years seemed enough for me.
At least I was able to learn how to protect myself and be of some use to this country. Because if I didn't, then I wouldn't be prepared for this.
Prepared for this world that the mutated roamed.
Even now, holding this gun felt foreign to me.
The way I held it in my hand was something I was once used to, but now, I had to regain that same feeling. I was only supposed to have dinner with them.
The walls were supposed to protect this area from the mutated, but it didn't.
The government promised protection, but they didn't.
The place was supposed to be safe.
My parents were supposed to be safe.
I can still feel their blood on me. The sound of the gun ringing in my ears was like a broken record that shrilled without hesitation.
Those bodies laid on the floor with marks that didn't look human. They looked like monsters that came out of the ground. A nightmare that came into the light.
I always fought my nightmares. I never liked being held down or threatened. Being strong for my sake was all I ever known.
So why do I shake? Why am I still in shock? I should be used to this.
I shouldn't feel anything, but my mind is racing as fast as the adrenaline that took my body.
I killed them you know.
I killed those things.
I killed my parents.
The scent of blood filled my lungs like it marked my mind as a stain.
I was soaked in blood.
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------------------------------------ Story: We Who Remain

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Noe Jaewon Age: 24 Position: Escort Synopsis: A high school delinquent and college dropout. She wants a simple life, but her world turns upside down. Skilled in close combat and grew up in the streets, she doesn't take people lightly. Anyone can be a monster, mutated or not, and she is not willing to take those chances.

Lee Soyeon Age: 25 Role: Doctor Synopsis: A professional doctor who has exceeded her colleagues at a young age. She takes her work seriously and is always ready for the worst to come. She seeks hope for those around her that there may be a way to fix this messed up world.

Jung Rin Age: 23 Role: Researcher Synopsis: A pathologist who enjoys studying the unknown. She seeks to find a cure that may turn the mutated back to how they once were, or if she can create an antibody that can save those that have not been affected yet.

Choi Hyeonju Age: 22 Role: Scavenger Synopsis: A medical field student who has yet to finish college. She seeks to be a nutritionist. She is knowledgeable about which food and liquids can help keep everyone healthy. Nimble and careful, she is one of the fastest runners along with a great shot with her sniper rifle.
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