#seven characters and only one true top (summer btw)
faorism · 3 months
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
tagged by @redgoldblue and i cheated and added two more because they are rare choices that deserve more than being honorable mentions
i invite you all but specifically @suddenrundown @cloysterbell @draculastarion @psqqa @clearskiesandmistyeyes @zigraves
(i was originally just gonna write TOP? as the poll question but realized that would be confusing considering the amount of bottoms/aggressively switch folks on that list...)
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
In the art of sasuke with the bottle naruto is keeping score of his beetles fighting and the page says "nasa" or NS too lol
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I see SA and NA. And Naruto is apparently winning.
Interesting visual language.
Not only it shows team seven dynamic pretty accurately, it is also humorous and clever.
So it's summer season and it's hot out and team seven is enjoying watermelons. Watermelon as a fruit is quite tied up in Japanese culture. It's considered quite a luxury. Watermelons are offered as gifts. Fruit is generally quite expensive in Japan. And watermelon is quite a popular summer fruit there. It's symbolic of summers. As it should be. They also grow square watermelon in Japan btw. They are always up to something, in that country. Lol.
Anyway, I digress.
Naruto is in his own world and it makes sense because the time period is pre time skip, when Naruto was generally more obtuse about his feelings for Sasuke. He is playing a Beetle match, where Naruto beetle is winning against Sasuke beetle. Naruto is on top of the world heheh, my lil sweetheart. This is basically proof that their rivalry was never rivalry in the true sense. It was always a way for Naruto to get close to Sasuke, which is something Naruto tried to repress a lot but it all came out during vote one. In war arc, Naruto doesn't even hesitate to admit Sasuke is better than him. Like it's not even a matter of concern for him. He has already seen what Sasuke is capable of, he also knows Sasuke holds contempt for Kakashi and Sakura, for valid reasons too, but he tries to keep peace. But he is not lying about Sasuke being a remarkable shinobi, he already knows Sasuke is better than Sakura or Kakashi at battles.
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It was never really about rivalry. And even though they both improved with a healthy competition between them, at the core of it, they are a team, a unit, the real cell 7, the main act. All Naruto wanted was to be able to talk to Sasuke, have his friendship and companionship. He didn't know any other way, he is an orphan who has always been on his own. He acts on instinct and his instinct told him that Sasuke was equally motivated to be a better warrior, just like him, and that was one platform where they could converge, they could establish contact that didn't require them to confront the more confusing feelings they felt for each other. At least for Naruto.
Sasuke of course is much more in touch with his feelings regarding Naruto, pretty much in his character, he knowingly and premeditatedly died for his beloved in land of waves arc, for love. In this art, even though Sasuke is annoyed at Naruto's obliviousness, his gaze is entirely focused on Naruto, oblivious to everyone else there. Including Sakura lol. Again very much in character. It's one of Sasuke's pet peeves, how much he is not able to resist Naruto's charm despite his obliviousness and Sasuke loathes himself for it but still cannot help it. His expression here looks like annoyance with a hint of longing. He loves Naruto and certainly tries to get his attention.
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In land of waves arc, he matches his pace with Naruto while blushing as Naruto is rattled and suspicious of Sasuke but all Sasuke intended was to be by his side, as it is later symbolised as well, in chapter 698, where they are holding each other's phantom hands, lying half dead side by side but smiling and happy. And their interlocked hands look like a bloody heart. Btw Sasuke had already accomplished something in the first arc itself which happened to be something Hinata wanted since day one and couldn't accomplish until her cousin had to facilitate it for her in the last arc. By dying. And even in that panel, holding Hinata's hands, Naruto looks like he just saw a ghost lol. With Sasuke, he looks finally at peace.
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Sasuke tries to get Naruto's attention when he asks him about chakra control. Naruto is so surprised hehehe. Subtext - Why is he coming to me for help, is he up to something? Well, I am not going to give him the satisfaction. 👅.
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And Sasuke mentally facepalms himself.
Naruto's obliviousness needles Sasuke, he is the ultimate tsundere, PTSD ridden warrior/avenger who has steeled his heart against love, but still can't help opening up to that one idiot he adores so much but the idiot is too naive to get it. Alas. Lol. I mean there's a reason he anointed Naruto as his 'usuratonkachi' (thin hammer, a casual insult meant for slow, useless folks).
Sakura is standing at a distance, focused on Sasuke and trying to get his attention but to no avail because he is busy mentally cursing both himself and Naruto.
Sakura is practically wetting herself, pun unintended, her body language is reminiscent of Hinata's in this panel.
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Look at the body language of both Sakura and Hinata. Both holding their knees together, bashful, their bodies bunched up what with all the butterflies in their stomach, probably increased heart rates and resultant nervousness, you can practically see their heart eyes that are focused on their object of desire. Sakura of course is more obvious about her object of desire while Hinata is more shy. But both are in the throes of their crush, while the boys are totally, indubitably, entirely unaware of the girls' existence. Lol.
Kakashi obviously is far away from them, camouflaged, almost invisible to the eye. Not interacting with his team. Pans out. The great copy ninja, never even began to understand Sasuke, Naruto or Sakura. Mostly instinctively wrong about all of them. heh. Where you see Gai's involvement with his team, where he backs Lee without question, where he scolds Tenten when she complains about the hard training, treating her just like how he would treat a boy. Or Neji, when he is the only one to back him up after his chuunin battle with Hinata is concluded, what with her embarrassing defeat and everyone descends down to defend her.
Kakashi on the other hand thinks Sakura is not violent, who is not the bragging type, who loves Sasuke like a mature woman, who thinks Sasuke was in the wrong about everything he did including his disdain towards Sakura and his own goal of killing Itachi, who thinks Naruto and Sasuke are rivals and that's what motivated Naruto. Of course he is wrong about all of it. But that's all in his character. An emotionally inept yes man.
Finally, there was something I had noticed about Sasuke in this art but I always felt a little hesitant talking about it. Yes, the bottle in his mouth. Now if you look at it, the mouth of the bottle stops at Sasuke's lips. It doesn't seem that the neck of the bottle is that long that part of it would be inside Sasuke's mouth.
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You can clearly see the rim of the bottle at Sasuke's lip. Which is the right way of drinking from a bottle. But the sweat drop, the towel and his bangs collectively make it look like the neck of the bottle is totally inside his mouth and is protruding when it isn't. It's a visual trick. lol.
Kindly refrain from saying it's accidental, please don't insult your intelligence and the artists'. Kishi is not an amateur, he knows what he is doing. Very well. He has admitted Sasuke was the character he put the most effort in order to render his design and expressions right.
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He is very attentive to detailing and his own brand of visual approach. And it's not like this is the only suggestive art he made for Sasuke and Naruto. Heheh.
The only thing that seems out of character in this art is the plate kept under Naruto's chin that is collecting all the dripping watermelon juice. No way Naruto would use a plate for this reason. I doubt it would even occur to him. Hahaha. Maybe Sasuke kept it there, it's possible. That would be in his character.
In any case, the supposed team seven dynamic is pretty visually consistent in this art, where Sakura is kept out of the picture, so is Kakashi. Both of them quite far back in the background. So Kishi wants you to notice Naruto and Sasuke first. And the watermelon. Sasuke's expression naturally takes your eyes to Naruto again and forces you to pay more attention. And then you see the other details, like the beetle match and scoreboard. After that, you see Sakura in the background and it surprises you that she is so far at the back doing something suggestive like that. But it makes sense because when it comes to Sasuke and Naruto's relationship, that's where she stands. Far away in the back, lol. And then, you are just entirely surprised to see Kakashi is even there. Most people simply miss him. And when you do notice him, you think, well that's silly.
Sakura wants Sasuke's attention desperately but she cannot have it, it's registered only for Naruto. Heheh. While Naruto is just lost in his own fantasy of being with Sasuke while Sasuke is just frustrated at his innocence.
Bang on Kish. Once again.
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serendipitous-magic · 5 years
when you were talking about stylistic influences, you said that you found it hard to do comedy. would you mind elaborating on that? i also find that there's very little writing that makes me LOL, and most of what does is fanfic. have you seen comedy done well in writing (novels, fic, etc.)? how do you approach it yourself? (btw fwiw i think your comedic sense is great)
Writing comedy is like writing a sex scene. You have to maintain tension. Except, I find comedy 200% harder, because with sex scenes you can rely on physicality. It’s a momentum built on what and how the character feels. There’s expectation and payoff, just like with comedy - except, in comedy, the payoff often hinges on surprise. A reversal of expectations - or, if not a reversal, simply something you didn’t expect. A huge amount of comedy is made up of the unexpected. We laugh because we’re taken off guard.
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Now, not all humor is based on shock or Wacky Zany Unexpectedness, but I would argue that all humor relies on a sort of momentum, a tension. It’s something you have to actively keep up throughout the duration of however long the humor is supposed to last - and if you’re writing a comedy, that’s the whoooole thing. It’s performative, in a way. You can’t create comedy passively, even if part of the humor relies on silence or expectant pauses; you have to be engaged, start to finish. It takes a lot of creative energy, even for people who have a gift or passion for it.
And moreover, even for people with a natural gift for comedy, it’s a skill. You get better at it when you practice. There are rhythms and shortcuts and rules of thumb.
I would say this may be especially true when you’re writing, because (unless you’re working with a co-writer), writing is just you. If you’re an actor or performer you have your co-stars to play off of; or, at the very least, you likely have an audience. Humans naturally feed off of each other’s emotional states. We’re herd animals. Ever noticed how it’s 1000% easier to laugh when you’re around friends than when you’re alone? For me, it’s even much easier to laugh when I’m listening to a podcast or watching a video than when I’m reading, because hearing human voices tricks my brain into thinking, “Oh, it’s Social Time!”
I personally find writing pure comedy difficult because it’s just me, sitting alone in a room typing words on a screen. However, I also haven’t done much comedy, and like I said it’s a practicable skill, so I’m sure I’d get better at it if I made a real effort to practice.
Comedy well done in novels:
Douglas Adams! Especially The Hitchhiker’s Guide series. Classic touchstone of literary comedy in my opinion. 
“The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.”
“For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.”
“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
Terry Pratchett also does a great job at humor - I especially enjoyed his team-up with Neil Gaiman for Good Omens:
“All tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Best of Queen albums.” 
“Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchcraft are written by men.”
“The Kraken stirs. And ten billion sushi dinners cry out for vengeance.”
They also do a fantastic job with situational humor, such as Crowley’s car being on fire and the one random guy giving directions completely ignoring it because he’s like “Well, surely he must know his car is on fire.” 
Rick Riordan:
“Ever come home and found your room messed up? Like some helpful person (hi, Mom) has tried to “clean” it, and suddenly you can’t find anything? And even if nothing is missing, you get that creepy feeling like somebody’s been looking trough your private stuff and dusting everything with lemon furniture polish?”
“I’ve met plenty of embarrassing parents, but Kronos, the evil Titan Lord who wanted to destroy Western Civilization? Not the kind of dad you invited to school for Career Day.”
“He’d changed since the last summer. Instead of Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, he wore a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and leather loafers. His sandy hair, which used to be so unruly, was now clipped short. He look like an evil male model, showing off what the fashionable college-age villain was wearing to Harvard this year.”
“We only came close to dying six or seven times which I thought was pretty good. A minute later Annabeth hit a slippery patch of moss and her foot slipped. Fortunately she found something else to put it against. Unfortunately that something was my face.”
J.K. Rowling:
I love me a smart-ass narrator.
“This is night, Diddykins. That's what we call it when it goes all dark like this.”
“Lee Jordan was finding it difficult not to take sides. 'So — after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating —' 'Jordan!' growled Professor McGonagall. 'I mean after that open and revolting foul —' 'Jordan, I'm warning you —' 'All right, all right. Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure, so a penalty to Gryffindor, taken by Spinnet, who puts it away, no trouble, and we continue play, Gryffindor still in possession.”
I’m having trouble finding the funniest quotes, but y’all know what I’m talking about.
As far as how I approach it myself:
Well, see the top up there. (Waaaaay up there before my whole lecture, lol.) If I’m trying to write something humorous, I approach it from an angle of momentum or energy. Keep up a kind of tension, even if the scene itself is fairly laid-back, and play on unexpectedness - sometimes situational, sometimes in phrasing or dialogue. A snarky narrator is always a good way to add an edge. 
Basically, if I’m trying to be funny in my writing, I write as if I’m joking around with a group of friends - the group of friends being my audience. Same ballpark. Reference inside jokes (which were established earlier in the story), play on repetition and reversal of expectations, joke around about “relatable” things (much of early meme humor relied on this), be sarcastic or dry or exaggerated as the situation calls for. Even if there’s no one really there and I’m just typing words on a page, I find it much easier to approach humor if I come at it from a perspective of kidding around with my audience and having fun with them, instead of just sitting by myself at my desk writing words.
Well that was kind of all over the place but hopefully it answered your questions!
I should start a consistent tag for these asks where I accidentally write long-winded essays on how I write.
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weapon13whitefang · 7 years
Liz Talks TWD 8x01 [Possible Spoilers]
So I went back and rewatched S08E01 and here are my few opinions on some things that caught my eye or that went through my mind. Keep in mind, these thoughts will be all over the place because I have so many things in my head.
But before I really get into that, let me just say that – for the 100th episode – I wasn’t too impressed. Now that’s not to say this was a bad episode. No as a story piece it was pretty good. It set up the top half of TWD and seeing all these different factions come together was needed. My favorite line was “I got your back” and the guy goes “you just met me” (or something like that) and I was happy because THAT is an important message in the show. Right next to “It’s not about you”.
And why is that important? Because later – in the next episode preview – we see Tara say “we have a job to do” and Jesus goes “we’re not here for revenge”. Each character has a motivation for why they’re fighting Negan. Whether to protect family, themselves, the future or whatever. And each fraction – Kingdom, Alexander, and Hilltop – have a different person they stand for (again either for themselves or for Maggie or Ezekiel or Rick). And hell some of them don’t even know what they’re fighting for, but they’re there and they’re gonna fight.
This season is called All Out War. A war doesn’t have to be just about what’s happening physically. In fact, a war can also mean what’s going on inside ones self. When people go to war, they start out one way. In the beginning of a war you see boys. By the end of a war, you see men with troubled or peaceful faces. War happens to the body and the mind as much as on a battlefield and I think that’s a big thing to keep in mind for this season and for each character; what is their own war and how is it going?
But anyway, the reason I wasn’t that impressed with this episode is that I was… Bored. Like the first half of the episode, until they drove the vehicles to the Savior Compound, I was bored. Because as someone who writes scripts and who studied scripts and film, I understand what’s going on and I just find it frustrating. What’s happening is the setup. We are setting up the season. We are setting up what’s going on and whose with us. We have three fractions vs one giant fraction. Rick and Maggie and Ezekiel’s team VS Negan’s team. We have the three fraction coming together and meeting for the first time and it’s one of those “hi nice to meet you this is awkward but I guess we’re partners” moments one might feel in high school or college when you have to partner up with someone you’ve never once talked to or even paid attention to. It’s awkward and uncertain… But this time you’re partners to survive in an apocalyptic world war of survival… No pressure.
So we have this set up happening… And that’s so boring. I’m not saying it isn’t needed! By God no, it’s needed. We can’t just suddenly be standing in the middle of the battlefield with Rick and Maggie and Ezekiel screaming orders while Negan is laughing and yelling about his dick (btw that scene was stupid but I laughed a little because JDM gets all the stupid lines) as he swings Lucille around. I mean I get that… They could do that but it wouldn’t work as well and all the crazy shit happening at once could leave people just as confused as it not happening at all.
But here’s the thing… They’ve been setting up this war since the beginning of Season 7 with Abraham and Glenn’s death. And it was topped off with Sasha’s death at the end of last season and Shiva coming into save Rick and Carl. I mean we’ve been ready for this war since season seven… More build up is… It’s kind of getting ridiculous at this point. It’s frustrating because I REALLY DO GET WHAT THEY’RE DOING but I do not like it because I’m getting tired of all this stacking and building. I love this shit but after a whole goddamn season of it, I’m just… I’m done.
But that said, I get it and I’m like “fine, fine okay whatever” right now. And when we see Negan step out of the Savior compound, I wasn’t as bored. Because now we were getting something fun. Negan’s swagger wasn’t as… Swag. He actually was slowly showing frustration because his call out plan didn’t work. Gregory didn’t come through because everyone had fallen behind Maggie (for the most part anyway) and Jesus. Gregory (Fuck this motherfucker by the way) was a useless trump card for Simon and Negan… Same with Eugene and Sasha last season. Negan is losing his trump cards slowly. Which THAT I found fascinating and fun to watch. Little by little he’s getting picked away.
Anyway, my main thought on this episode – my overall feel – is that it could’ve given us a lot more. I get building up the theme and the season. I get that they’re waiting to give us something big to chomp down on. But I need them to at least give me some meat on this pile of ribs because a girl can only lick a bone for so long you know? That’s my frustration with it. Not the episode itself. Not the storytelling device that it is. Just the lack of more.
And a lot of that might be that it’s the 100th episode. Episode 1 gave more than the 100th and that’s just kinda like “wtf”. Yes I know it was a brand new show back then. But that’s an excuse more than anything to me. I’ve seen this show give us amazing over the line episodes. This was a chance to do that while also setting up the season. They could’ve used next weeks episode as the kind of extra build up. That would’ve been more satisfying for me personally. You can still build up without taking away from the hype.
That said, I don’t hate this episode at all. The first part bored me but overall I liked seeing the visions of Old Man Rick (I don’t wanna call it future Rick or daydream Rick or whatever because that whole set up didn’t feel like a daydream or future view but more like a hallucination but not… So I’m just calling it a vision and Old Man Rick). I’m also laughing because people pointed out that older Judith’s eyes went blue from the brown they were when she was a baby and also wondering if that’s because Rick’s eyes are blue and Shane’s eyes were dark brown and Lori’s eyes were a very light brown and this is part of Rick’s vision that Judith is fully his child instead of falling on that belief that she’s Shane’s daughter. Either way, it made me kind of laugh but also go hmm.
I also liked the shot for shot image of Carl mimicking Rick in Season 1 and then Rick turning to see a young woman zombie with her face ripped open and wearing a light bathrobe and looking just like Summer – the little girl zombie Rick kills in the first season that was played by Addy Miller – only older. Was curious and looked her up on Twitter and sure enough, she’s the walker we see walking to Rick and Carl. Very very nice touch and that made me grin!
Eugene getting cut off was kind of deserved. I mean I believe he’s just grabbing information and playing a part because, hey, Eugene is good at that kind of shit like he did against Abe and his old crew. But I still think he’s being a real big piece of shit coward and needs to be SIT THE FUCK DOWN from time to time.
So no I didn’t hate this episode. Just got a bit frustrated with it.
Now for some fun little TD shit because I gotta nudge the water sometimes. I’ll probably do this any chance I can. Because I like TDers. Most of them have been nice to me and I find their metas fascinating sometimes.
Ticking clock noise in this episode and in next weeks episode and lots and lots of clocks.
Here’s a little fun nudges I wrote awhile back dealing with the trailer that I think is important for us to note. This is talking about the trailer In the trailer, we have the beating of an instrument in a sort of tribal-like setup. I found out from a friend – who is more musically trained than I am – that the instrument is most likely what is called a clave. AKA those wooden stick instruments a music teacher gives young kids to teach them how to learn music rhythm, to keep a beat. Since music is important, I decided to look into the clave. I did some research. Probably not needed and probably a bit excessive, but blame the scriptwriter in me. I found a blog that talks heavily about the clave and the first thing it discusses – besides telling us that the clave looks like a hot dog without the bun… So a hot dog – is that the clave “also refers to the 2/3 or 3/2 rhythmic glue that holds all the different polyrhythms together. You hear the rhythmic pattern and sound in all Cuban music, most Puerto Rican salsa, and a great deal of African music as well… The hardwood sticks have a sharp, penetrating sound that can be heard even over a large orchestra of loud, blazing horns.” (x) I found this information fascinating. As I said, trailer music I number one on the list of three important things in a trailer. That is because music – as well known – sets a mood. It sets a rhythm for the chosen images and cut-list of the trailer. A good example of how music can set a trailer is the infamous “Scary Mary” trailer (x) that can be found on Youtube – turning Mary Poppins from the whimsical musical and into a horror film. Simply by changing the music, they had an outline for a way to choose clips and make it seem that the classic Disney film Mary Poppins was instead a horror thriller. It’s still the same story, but the change in music makes it a whole other level of cinematography. That in mind, why the clave for this trailer? My thoughts go first back to the line “…The hardwood sticks have a sharp, penetrating sound that can be heard even over a large orchestra of loud, blazing horns.” Which is true. From 0:41 to 2:14 of the AMC posted trailer (x) we can hear the clave being played alone. No other instrument is with it. The music is the only clave’s being beaten to different rhythms to create a single sound/song. As rick begins to talk at 2:14, the clave’s – even muted, are not blocked by Rick’s speech. From 2:14 to 3:04, Rick’s speech is undertoned by the clave’s… This is important. This music – this instrument that can even be heard over larger sounds and can penetrate through it all – was chosen for a reason. What reason? Well, in my personal opinion, because it sounds like a clock and it sets up a feeling of anxiety. Also, according to my research and stated in the website above, the clave was created when slaves – who missed music – took two cuban carved pegs – pegs made to hold the ship together since nails were very expensive back in the late 1400s – and beat them together and discovered their sharp sound. “The Aricans started fashioning these pegs into smooth, round sticks that could be used as rhythm instruments.” (x). This sound also – to me – gives the whole things a sort of tribal feel. It makes me think I’m off running with a tribe. It’s like I’m on a hunt… And that’s what is happening. There is a hunt going on. Negan vs Rick. I mentioned that the clave also sounds like clocks. Like clocks ticking away. This show does love its time and clock. A ticking of a clock symbolizes many things. In media, it is often like that old saying “the clock is ticking”, meaning “time is running out”. This could be someones clock is ticking away to their death. A good example I like to use is ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN and how Charlie the Dog has a watch that represents his time on earth and he’s told his watch has stopped and meant his time is up. The clock stopped ticking for Glenn and he was eventually lost… Now it doesn’t all mean bad. “The clock is ticking” is also a saying that yes, your time is up. But that doesn’t mean your time is up in a bad sense. It could also symbolize an approach of someone or something. And since season 8 is supposed to be about the war with the Saviors (so it seems anyway), then the ticking clock sound can mean the time of approach of the war. A ticking away of a clock is also used in media to give narrative tension. To me – personally – we do get this. There’s something tensing about hearing the clave’s beat away like a clock. Like we’re Captain Hook and we hear the clock of the crocodile coming to get us. A post by Julie Eshbaugh gave the best example of explaining this tension. She said the ticking of a clock creating tension is a simple concept. And the concept is that “a certain task must be completed by a certain deadline or the character will fail and suffer the consequences of that failure… The addition of a ticking clock instantly creates increased tension. A challenge may feel relatively easy to overcome if time is not an issue. But take away the luxury of unlimited time and you immediately turn up the heat on your characters.” (x) Team Family is out of time. Negan has rallied together his Saviors and rallied Jadis with her Scavengers (a union that may have its own ticking clock hanging over it; a ticking bomb clock with how bull-headed Jadis and Negan seem to be just from their last seen exchange) and they have to rally together their plan of attack or risk their loss.  The clock is ticking on the approach – on the drop – of the war.Now as for that little bit of Team Defiance / Team Delusional in me that likes to peak out? Well, maybe this is the ticking – the final tick-tock – of Beth’s approach to team Family. She’s been linked with clocks and time before. Wouldn’t surprise me if this ticking clock was Beth’s clock ticking over team family… But again, that’s just me being a speculator.
The Weird Al song made me so confused/baffled, but @dynamicsymmetry pointed out how it’s interesting they used a Weird Al Song for a background song. Because a Weird Al song is a cover and a distorted version of an original song. Another One Rides the Bus is a parody of Another One Bites The Dust. He takes the songs and basically rewrites them with a new feel. The parody song resembles the original but it’s been altered to give a whole new mood. And to me, that’s kind of a good example of what they did with WHAWGO because they gave us this feel of a funeral for Beth but the feel was wrong because it was actually supposed to be a feel for Tyreese. See what I mean? Now of course not all music relates to Beth but Sunny pointing that out made me kinda pause and nod because yeah lol
Carl left a sorry note. Which can also be a nudge to Beth wanting to leave a Thank You note at the funeral home.
Carl talking about them needing hope because without it everything else isn’t enough. And I find it fascinating that it’s CARL that’s talking about Hope while driving around in the damn Phoenix van. I once said I think Carl is going to have a hand in finding Beth again and I still believe that if she’s gonna come back y'all.
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