#seungmin x hyeongjun
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moafloribunda · 2 months ago
merry xmas ll odehan
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pairing - friends!han hyeongjun x oh seungmin
tw - un guitariste blessé pour noël, des amis géniaux, un cadeau de rêve et beaucoup de love
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 
Everywhere I go ~ ♪
Un scintillement perce l’obscurité qui recouvre l’esprit de Hyeongjun, le tirant doucement du sommeil dans lequel il était plongé. Son rêve se délite, morceau par morceau et il sent la réalité l’envelopper entre ses bras, les images devenant de plus en plus floues à mesure des secondes.
Il se souvient de l’endroit où il se trouve avant même d’avoir ouvert les yeux. Il flottait dans l’air une effluve piquante, propre au produit d’entretien qu’ils utilisaient dans les hôpitaux pour aseptiser les lieux du sol au plafond. Et la douleur sourde au niveau de son coude, raison pour laquelle il se retrouvait là, se rappelle soudainement à lui au moment de son réveil.
Maudite plaque de glace qui s’était retrouvée sous son pied au mauvais moment. 
Il savait qu’il aurait dû s'écouter et rester enroulé dans son pull-plaid moelleux, bien au chaud chez lui au lieu de suivre les zouaves qui lui servaient de meilleurs amis. Le monde extérieur était trop dangereux pour une créature maladroite comme lui alors il lui rendait service en restant le plus souvent possible à l’intérieur. 
Parfois, il avait du mal à se rappeler comment il en était venu à se lier d’amitié avec Seungmin et Jiseok. Ils étaient tellement extravertis. Ils aimaient vadrouiller dehors, explorer et faire des rencontres. Alors que Hyeongjun aimait la solitude et le calme qu’elle conférait à son existence, la quiétude du silence et la sérénité d’un environnement que personne ne venait troubler. Mais comme il était difficile de dire non à Seungmin quand il lui faisait les yeux doux, il avait accepté de l’accompagner lui et le troisième larron de leur groupe au marché de Noël qui se tenait au centre-ville.  
Malheureusement pour lui, il n’avait jamais atteint le parc où se tenait l’événement. 
L’onde de choc s’était répercutée aux quatre coins de son corps, au moment où il s’était écrasé sur le sol, pareille à un courant électrique. Son cri s’était vite transformé en gémissement pathétique face à la douleur lancinante qui avait explosé simultanément à l’arrière de son crâne et dans son coude, remontant jusqu’à son épaule. Le monde s’était résumé à des contours flous et une sensation désagréable dans le fond de sa gorge, proche de la nausée.
Les garçons s’étaient précipités sur lui en un instant, l’interrogeant sur son état, mais l’impact l’avait étourdi, leurs visages lui semblant étrangers pendant quelques secondes. Jiseok s’était placé derrière pour lui pour le redresser en position assise avec toute la délicatesse dont il était capable, ses deux mains posées son dos pour lui donner un poids d’appui. Le bras de Hyeongjun lui avait semblé comme rempli de lave brûlante et une bouffée de panique l’avait saisi quand il n’avait pas réussi à le déplier. Seungmin avait tenté de vérifier l’étendue des dégâts, mais la simple pression de ses doigts contre sa peau pour relever la manche de sa veste lui avait arraché un hurlement de souffrance.
La douleur avait été fulgurante et des points noirs s’étaient mis à clignoter devant ses yeux puis tout était devenu noir d’un seul coup et il avait sombré dans l’inconscience. 
Lorsqu’il s’était réveillé, il se trouvait sur un lit d’hôpital avec ses amis à son chevet.
Seungmin s’était aussitôt glissé à ses côtés, attrapant sa main valide dans la sienne et une litanie d’excuses s’était échappée de sa bouche. Ses yeux étaient teintés d’un mélange de détresse et de culpabilité qui avait comprimé le cœur de Hyeongjun dans sa poitrine. Il l’avait rassuré tant bien que mal avant de gémir de douleur en voulant bouger son bras par réflexe et les doigts du garçon aux cheveux fauves s’étaient crispés contre les siens.
Un médecin était entré quelques secondes plus tard et son regard s’était posé sur Hyeongjun avant de passer à son bras en écharpe, replié contre son buste. 
“Ce jeune homme va devoir passer quelques jours parmi nous et passer de nouveaux scanners pour s’assurer que sa contusion à la tête n’a pas causé de dommages. De plus, la fracture au niveau de son coude n’est pas grande mais rester le plus immobile possible va permettre d'accélérer le processus de soudure.” 
Les explications avaient jeté un froid dans la pièce et la gorge de Hyeongjun s’était serrée en comprenant ce que ça impliquait : il allait passer Noël dans un lit d’hôpital. 
Jiseok et Seungmin étaient devenus blêmes et Hyeongjun avait cru apercevoir des larmes pointer au coin des yeux de son meilleur ami. Mais celui-ci avait lâché sa main pour s’avancer vers le médecin. Ils avaient échangé des paroles à voix basse mais le praticien avait secoué la tête, l’air profondément navré et les épaules de Seungmin s’étaient affaissées de dépit. 
— Je suis tellement désolé, Jun, avait-il soufflé à son intention lorsqu’ils s’étaient retrouvés à nouveau tous les trois. 
— Ouais. Désolé Hyeongjunie, avait poursuivi Jiseok, les yeux brillants. Ça ne serait probablement pas arrivé si on ne t’avait pas traîné dehors.
Un doux sourire avait étiré les lèvres du brun devant l’air penaud sur le visage de ses amis. Il savait qu’ils étaient profondément désolés pour lui et c’était suffisant pour le réconforter. Ils n’auraient de toute façon pas pu prévoir qu’il allait chuter et se blesser. 
— C’est bon, les gars. Vous devez juste me promettre des plus gros cadeaux cette année, c’est tout, avait-il plaisanté avant de repousser ses cheveux sur le haut de son crâne. Et si je ne vous vois pas pointer le bout de votre nez ici le 25, notre amitié s’arrête là. 
Ils avaient pris un air horrifié devant ses paroles et Hyeongjun avait éclaté de rire, son gloussement se muant en glapissement quand la secousse avait fait trembler son coude. Un léger soupir était remonté dans sa poitrine et il avait penché la tête sur le côté en observant les garçons s’en aller à la fin de la période destinée aux visites. Ils lui avaient promis de passer tous les jours jusqu’à sa sortie et il avait eu un petit pincement au cœur quand le silence s’était installé après leur départ. 
Cette fois, celui-ci ne lui avait pas paru agréable. Au contraire. La solitude s’était faite hostile, comme un courant d’air frais se glissant entre ses habits pour lui arracher des frissons déplaisants. Il s’était enfoncé un peu plus dans le matelas, les yeux baissés sur son bras recouvert d’une épaisse couche de gaze.
Noël allait seulement être un peu différent, cette année. 
Pas de feu de cheminée devant lequel s’installer, pas de sapin décoré dans le coin de la pièce, pas de fumet délicat pour le faire saliver. Des murs blancs, des draps blancs, un ciel blanc à travers la fenêtre. Un cadre bien différent de celui auquel il avait été habitué. Moins chaleureux et festif. Mais c’était comme ça et il avait dû l'accepter. 
Néanmoins, il était pratiquement certain que ses parents allaient lui apporter une montagne de sucreries pour égayer sa soirée et que les garçons feraient leur apparition dans une effusion de joie, Jiseok accompagné de sa guitare acoustique parée d’une superbe guirlande de Noël autour du manche. 
Il les connaissait assez pour savoir qu’ils allaient faire tout ce qui était en leur pouvoir pour lui faire passer le meilleur moment possible compte tenu de la situation et cette simple pensée avait suffi à lui réchauffer la poitrine. 
Ça allait bien se passer.
Mais il ne s’était pas attendu à la profusion de guirlandes qui couraient désormais le long des murs de sa chambre et au sapin qui trônait fièrement près de la fenêtre, apparu comme par magie pendant la nuit. Ni à la voix suave de Michael Bubblé qui s’élevait depuis la petite enceinte couleur vermillon qui trônait sur la table en face de lui et encore moins à la tablette dressée à la verticale juste à côté, diffusant une vidéo de feu de cheminée. 
Take a look at the five and ten, it's glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes that glow ~ ♪
Ses yeux s’écarquillent à cette vision tout droit sortie d’un rêve et il les frotte vigoureusement à l’aide de son unique bras encore fonctionnel, s’attendant à ce que l’illusion se dissipe lorsqu’il aurait rouvert les paupières. 
Mais rien n’avait disparu. 
Les guirlandes étaient toujours là, clignotant joyeusement à un rythme précis et le sapin se tenait toujours au même endroit, ses branches d’un joli vert brillant sous le soleil matinal. Il avait été soigneusement décoré et brillait de mille feux, tout de rouge et noir vêtu. En se redressant d’un geste maladroit sur ses oreillers, il aperçoit des paquets de différentes tailles disposés au pied de l’arbre et ses sourcils se froncent de curiosité.
— Tu es réveillé ! 
Une voix enjouée détourne son attention du décor pour se poser sur la silhouette mince de Seungmin, les mains occupées par deux gobelets fumants.
— Je t’ai pris un chocolat chaud, énonce-t-il en s’approchant, déposant l’un des deux sur la table de chevet située à côté de son lit. 
— Qu’est-ce que…bredouille Hyeongjun, étourdi par la présence de son meilleur ami dans sa chambre d’hôpital de si bonne heure.
— Tada ! s’exclame le rouquin, en désignant la décoration d’un ample geste du bras. Ce n’est pas génial ? C’est presque comme si tu fêtais Noël à la maison ! Tu aimes ?
Une bouffée de tendresse envahit soudainement la poitrine de Hyeongjun devant l’excitation palpable de Seungmin. Son visage était rayonnant d’une joie communicative et le simple fait qu’il soit venu dans son sommeil pour parer sa chambre d’une atmosphère festive suffisait à le combler. Il avait fait le choix d’être seul pendant si longtemps qu’il se sentait chanceux d’avoir été accepté par des personnes aussi bienveillantes que lui, qui donnaient sans compter. La tristesse qu’il avait pu ressentir à l’idée de passer Noël dans cet endroit et la peine qui s’était logée dans sa poitrine en réalisant enfin qu’il ne pourrait pas jouer de la guitare avant un certain temps s’étaient dissipées lorsque Seungmin était apparu dans le pièce, pareil à un soleil miniature. 
Aucun mot ne serait jamais suffisant pour exprimer à quel point il leur était reconnaissant, pour décrire l’affection qu’il ressentait à leur égard et la gratitude qui grossissait dans son cœur à chaque attention de leur part.
— Tu ne dis rien. J’en ai trop fait, c’est ça ?
La déception dans la voix de Seungmin le tire de ses pensées et il pivote la tête dans sa direction, un trouble évident creusant des sillons sur son visage pâle. 
— Pas du tout ! s’écrie-t-il pour le détromper, en secouant sa main libre devant lui pour accompagner ses paroles. J’aime beaucoup. Vraiment. 
Il n’avait pas imaginé une seule seconde qu’il viendrait embellir la pièce pour le réconforter et lui permettre de passer les fêtes dans une ambiance plus chaleureuse que celle que l’on retrouvait généralement dans un hôpital.
La crispation des épaules de Seungmin s’efface à mesure de ses paroles et il semble relâcher la pression, tirant une chaise près du lit pour se laisser tomber dessus avec un soupir apaisé. 
— J’avais tellement peur que tu te réveilles en plein milieu et que la surprise tombe à l’eau, explique-t-il avec un petit rire. Mais je ne sais pas ce qu’ils t’ont donné hier soir, parce que tu dormais comme un bébé.
Hyeongjun blêmit aux paroles de son meilleur ami avant de piquer un fard, dissimulant son visage brûlant dans sa main. 
— Hyung…gémit-il, gêné au plus haut point d’avoir été vu comme ça. 
Il passe une main autour de sa bouche pour vérifier qu’il ne restait pas une trace de sa nuit, les joues cuisantes. Il avait dû avoir l’air ridicule. Il ne pouvait même pas se tourner le côté pour dormir à cause de son bras immobilisé. La seule option qui lui restait était de rester sur le dos, pareil à une étoile de mer étendue sur le sable. Ses cheveux devaient ressembler à s’y méprendre à un nid d’oiseau balayé par le vent et il laisse échapper une plainte de dépit en imaginant l’image qu’il avait dû renvoyer à son ami lorsqu’il était entré dans la chambre. 
— Tu étais a-do-rable, ne t’en fais pas, renchérit Seungmin, approfondissant son malaise et il choisit de fuir sous la couverture pour préserver le peu de dignité qu’il lui restait encore. J’ai même pris une photo, en souvenir. 
Sa réponse lui parvient, légèrement étouffée et il retire aussitôt le drap qui recouvrait sa tête, lui jetant un regard scandalisé.
— Hyung ! 
— Pour ma défense, tu étais vraiment trop mignon ! se justifie-t-il dans un nouvel éclat de rire. Je n’ai pas pu résister. 
Hyeongjun marmonne dans sa barbe, mortifié avant de se renfrogner dans son lit. 
— Je trouve que tu prends un peu trop de plaisir à me mettre dans l’embarras, bougonne-t-il en plaquant ses cheveux sur le sommet de son crâne pour leur donner une forme à peu près présentable. 
— Qui aime bien châtie bien, lui répond Seungmin en prenant l’air le plus innocent qu’il soit. 
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Soon the bells will start ~ ♪
Le garçon aux cheveux fauves lui sourit et le geste plisse encore davantage ses yeux en amande. Renforçant l’image du renard qui venait toujours à l’esprit de Hyeongjun quand il regardait son meilleur ami. 
Alors il lui sourit en retour, incapable de lui en vouloir un seul instant. Seungmin avait fait entrer Noël dans sa chambre vide et froide, la remplissant d’une multitude de couleurs et d’une chaleur qui le réconfortait jusqu’au plus profond de son âme. 
Rien que pour ça, il ne pourrait jamais être fâché contre lui. 
— Ça te plaît vraiment ? l’interroge à nouveau le rouquin, plus timidement. 
— Oui, lui souffle Hyeongjun avec un regard débordant de gratitude. Merci. 
Il n’était pas très bavard et encore moins démonstratif quand il s’agissait de sentiments, mais ce simple mot semble redonner confiance à son ami. Celui-ci se redresse sur sa chaise, tendant le bras pour attraper sa main libre dans la sienne. Son visage avait retrouvé sa lumière, traversé par une gaieté renouvelée qui mettait du baume sur le cœur de Hyeongjun.  
— Je sais que ce n’est pas comme ça que tu avais imaginé passer les fêtes cette année, mais joyeux Noël, Jun.
— Joyeux Noël hyung, lui répond-il, les lèvres étirées par un nouveau sourire.
Ils se regardent, complices. Et là où les mots ne sont jamais assez justes pour exprimer toute l’étendue de l’affection qu’ils se portent l’un à l’autre, l’éclat chaleureux dans leurs yeux suffit à mesurer ce lien puissant qui les unit, forgé dans la simplicité et les silences, dans les gestes plutôt que dans les paroles. 
La porte s’ouvre brutalement, leur faisant tourner la tête et Jiseok se tient à l’entrée de sa chambre, le souffle court et le béret de travers. 
— Tiens, te voilà enfin toi ! l’interpelle Seungmin, en le pointant du bout de l’index. 
— Me voilà ! Le seul, l’unique et surtout le plus beau, l’illustre Kwak Jiseok pour mettre des paillettes dans vos vies en ce beau jour de Noël ! 
Hyeongjun pouffe devant les manières grandiloquentes du blond, resserrant légèrement ses doigts contre ceux de Seungmin.
— Maintenant que l’illustre Kwak Jiseok a daigné nous faire grâce de sa présence, on va pouvoir t’offrir tes cadeaux, souffle celui-ci, les yeux pétillants de malice.
Mais ça n’a pas échappé au dernier arrivé et Jiseok lui adresse un regard noir avant de pointer le couloir d’un geste du pouce.
— Peut-être que je serais arrivé plus vite si je n’avais pas eu à traîner un paquet qui fait la moitié de ma taille dans les transports en commun.
— Comment ça ? l’interroge Hyeongjun, les yeux écarquillés. 
Jiseok disparaît subitement de la chambre avant d’y entrer à nouveau quelques secondes plus tard, les bras chargés d’un carton plus long que large. Mais ce qui attire son regard avant toute autre chose, c’est le mot logé en haut à droite sur l’un des côtés, dont la police lui est tout de suite familière. 
— Dites-moi que ce n’est pas ce à quoi je pense…chuchote-t-il d’une voix blanche. 
Le blond lui sourit de toutes ses dents, approchant tant bien que mal avant de stabiliser le carton à la verticale au pied du lit. 
— C’est exactement ce à quoi tu penses, très cher. 
Ce nom ne pouvait signifier qu’une chose. 
— Tu es désormais le propriétaire d’une rutilante American Original ‘60s Jaguar, à la jolie carrosserie Surf Green, expose Jiseok avec un air pompeux, en désignant le paquet qui se dressait à ses côtés.
Un feu d’artifice explose simultanément dans les tréfonds de son cerveau et au centre même de sa poitrine. S’il n’était pas dans l’incapacité de se lever sans hurler de douleur, il se serait précipité vers le carton pour le déchirer sans plus de cérémonie et découvrir la somptueuse guitare qui se trouvait à l’intérieur. À la place, il sent poindre des larmes au coin de ses yeux et il observe ses deux amis l’un après l’autre, la gorge nouée. 
— Les gars…
Seungmin resserre son étreinte autour de sa main et Jiseok s’avance à son tour, ébouriffant doucement ses cheveux d’un geste de la main. 
— On sait que ça va être une torture de ne pas pouvoir en jouer jusqu’à ce que ton coude ne soit ressoudé, mais on s’est dit qu’il n’y aurait pas de meilleure motivation pour guérir en bonne et due forme. 
Hyeongjun renifle piteusement, essuyant ses yeux d’un revers de bras et Jiseok laisse échapper un petit gloussement. Il n’y avait que les guitares pour le rendre aussi émotif. Même ses propres congénères n’y arrivaient pas, courbant l’échine face aux instruments à cordes.  
— Vous êtes fous, bredouille-t-il, décontenancé. 
Il n’arrivait pas à réaliser. Ils lui avaient vraiment offert une guitare ? Celle dont il rêvait depuis des années et qu’il n’avait jamais pu s’offrir ? Elle se trouvait vraiment dans ce carton ? Elle lui appartenait ? Tout lui semblait irréel. Et pourtant, il suffisait de voir l’air éminemment satisfait sur le visage de ses amis pour savoir que c’était vrai, qu’ils avaient fait cette folie pour lui, parce qu’ils l’aimaient assez pour casser leur tirelire et lui permettre de réaliser un de ses rêves.  
Et ça valait toutes les fractures du monde.
— Joyeux Noël Hyeongjunie ! chantonne joyeusement Jiseok, les yeux brillants de cet éclat qui donnait l’impression que l’univers tout entier se trouvait concentré dans ses pupilles.
— Joyeux Noël, Jun, lui souffle à nouveau Seungmin, le visage orné de ce doux sourire qui réconfortait Hyeongjun comme un rayon de soleil pendant une froide journée d’hiver. 
— Est-ce que c’est…du chocolat chaud que je vois là ? les interrompt le blond en pointant le gobelet posé sur la table de chevet.
— Kwak Jiseok ! Est-ce que je dois te rappeler que tu es intolérant au lactose !? s’écrie le rouquin en fronçant les sourcils.
— Juste une gorgée ? S’il te plaît ? On parle de chocolat chaud, là !
Un rire échappe à Hyeongjun devant la familiarité de la scène et son corps se détend contre ses oreillers devant la légèreté de ce moment. Ce Noël n’était de toute évidence pas comme il l’avait imaginé. Pourtant il n’aurait pas pu rêver mieux. 
And the thing that'll make 'em ring is the carol that you sing
Right within your heart~ ♪
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nightbeforethend · 4 months ago
bf!xdinary heroes headcanons
a/n: this is so self-indulgent it’s ridiculous, like I’m pumping out so many things right now just to get l a serotonin boost of my own at this point 🥲
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gunil: your personal walking wallet
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hasn’t let you pay for a single thing since he first asked you out
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Which wouldn’t be very concerning if your first date wasn’t three years ago
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ As long as he’s around you’re getting the bag you’ve been eyeing for weeks, and quite frankly anything and everything else you could possibly want
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Even when he’s not around, he has ways of still paying for everything
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Writes the days you get your nails done in his calendar so he knows when you’re gonna get them done again and can send you the money in time
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Whenever you asked him why he won’t let you pay for anything, his response was always “because it makes you smile after you’re done complaining”, so who were you to stop him from being the walking wallet he apparently wanted to be?
jungsu: gives you flowers every time you see him
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Literally doesn’t show up to a date, a sleepover, literally any type of meetup with you without some kind of flowers
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ You told him ONCE when you first started dating that you love flowers and when he asked what your favorite flower to receive was, you admitted that you’d never been given flowers by a partner
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Ever since then he started going out of his way to find some sort of flower to bring with him when he was blessed (his words, not yours) by your presence
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ He keeps track of your forever changing favorite flower and flower color (this week it was pale pink chrysanthemums) and when you start to complain that he’s spending way too much money on getting you flowers, he simply starts bringing you one singular flower until you stop complaining since you hate to see the one singular flower in the vase alone
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Sends you a bouquet once a week when he’s away on tour because he refuses to let you be flowerless as long as he lives
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Since you love to collect postcards, he sends you one from each city with little origami flowers he learned to make inside the envelope just to make you smile
jiseok/gaon: built-in photographer
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ You never even had to ask him to take pictures of you, better yet good ones
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ After your first couple of dates he sent you a few candid pictures he’d taken of you, swearing he just wanted to provide you with good Instagram pictures when you accused him of already being down bad for you but his red cheeks and ears say otherwise
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Once you start doing your little outfits of the day for him, he decided to make it his mission to take so many pictures that he’d put paparazzi around the world to shame
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ The man is literally dropping into the spider-man pose to get good shots and complaining about how he thinks he pulled something the next day like it wasn’t the consequences of his own actions
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Half the nights he sleeps alone are spent looking through the pictures he’s taken of you and smiling like the lovesick fool he is
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Will deny that he does all of this for his own benefit but remind him that he’s taking all of these pictures on his phone that he took without you having to ask and suddenly he’s ready to change the subject
seungmin/o.de: dresses you every chance he gets
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ You were having one (1) singular bad week around half a year into your relationship; bad enough that you could barely get yourself out of bed better yet pick out clothes and get yourself out of the house
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ You’d both seen each other in your underwear by then so when you cancelled on him for the second time because you “didn’t feel like going out”, he still showed up with takeout and, upon realizing that you were in more of a slump than he thought, he immediately made you sit on the edge of your bed half naked as he entered your closet and picked out multiple comfortable outfits for you to wear
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ He helped you put on everything after you decided which outfit you wanted to wear and after seeing how that one action lifted your spirit, he makes a habit of helping you get dressed whether you’re in a good mood or not
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Doesn’t see it as a huge deal; he just likes to spend that extra bit of time with you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ He’d never admit it but he really loves it when someone compliments your outfit and your face lights up as you tell them he picked it out for you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Do the same thing for him and he’d literally lose his mind but that’s neither here nor there
hyeongjun/junhan: cooks for you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ He cooked for you once a couple months into you dating when you couldn’t agree on what to get for takeout and all it took was you calling him a good cook one time for him to start cooking for you every chance he gets
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Gives you the typical “it’s no big deal babe” reply when you tell him the food is amazing but on the inside he’s doing Simone Biles style flips
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Pretends he doesn’t understand why you’re so addicted to pinterest when he literally has multiple secret boards dedicated to stuff he wants to cook for you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Literally has the boards divided by food you grew up eating, food he grew up eating, appetizers/entrées/desserts, like he does not play about this shit
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Does all of this just to see you do your lil happy dancey dance while you eat, he’s down ATROCIOUS for you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Will get offended if you share with the guys because he did NOT spend three hours in the kitchen for frat brothers #1-5 to waltz in and eat everything in sight
jooyeon: writes you love letters
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ He’s literally so lovesick it’s crazy
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Like he has so much love for you that it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy whenever he remembers that you’re both in love and you’re all his
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Would scream how much he loves you from the rooftop if he could (he’s literally an idol so sadly he’d have to settle for screaming it into his pillow)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Since he can’t, he figured the next best thing was sending you love letters whether he was on tour or literally right next to you
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ The letters range from “you’re the love of my life and my future wife, I can’t imagine my life without you” to “your eyes are the color of dirt and I think that’s neat, we should kiss”
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ As goofy as he made the whole ordeal, it still means the world to you and you make sure to let him know that (he is literally a blushing mess while boldly stating that they’re not a big deal every single time)
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joocomics · 6 months ago
welcome to joocomics’ 2024 kinktober event
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this event is 18+ minors do not interact!
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here’s some information you may want to know:
⊱ all of the works i will be posting throughout october will be nsfw
⊱ because it’s my first time doing a bigger event like this i’ve decided to do few shorter works (up to 900 words) and few longer ones (up to 2k words max) for each member of xdinary heroes
⊱ there will be no dark content. as always, each work will have its own content warnings listed so you know what to expect before reading
⊱ you can message me anytime or leave a comment below if you’d like to be tagged - for specific work(s)/member or for all posts so you don’t miss out on anything you’re interested in reading
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day one — thigh riding w/ gunil
day two — collar w/ jungsu
day three — hate sex w/ gaon
day four — sensory deprivation w/ o.de
day five — corruption kink w/ junhan
day six — temperature play w/ jooyeon
day seven — formal wear w/ gunil
day eight — anal w/ jungsu
day nine — sex tape w/ gaon
day ten — somnophilia w/ o.de
day eleven — cuddlefucking w/ junhan
day twelve — spit kink w/ jooyeon
day fourteen — nsfw links w/ ot6
day sixteen — guided masturbation w/ gunil
day eighteen — role reversed w/ jungsu
day twenty — mask kink w/ ghostface!gaon
day twenty four — anonymous sex w/ camboy!o.de written by @xhfics and camboy!jooyeon written by me
day twenty six — cockwarming w/ junhan
day twenty eight — pet play w/ jooyeon
day thirty — toys w/ ot6
day thirty one — nsfw links w/ ghostface!gaon
please be patient with me in case of any changes in the event or posting schedule!
♡ here’s my general masterlist if you’re looking for something to read in the meantime…
thank you in advance to those of you who will be reading and supporting my first kinktober event! i’m so excited and i really hope you enjoy the experience as much as me!
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gunilslaugh · 5 months ago
Hii. Can you write ot6 early morning moments? I just thought it would be soooo cute to read. 🤍
~ 🦭
Hii 🦭! Thank you for requesting :) Your right this was a cute idea.
OT6  ^ ~ ^ Summary: Early morning moments with Xdinary Heroes. (idol/non-idol au) WC:974 Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owners.
Gunil always insists on you using his arm or chest as a pillow. Some mornings that means waking up with a dead arm. However even if his arm is painfully numb he doesn’t have the heart to wake you up. Instead he lies there admiring you, gently brushing your tousled hair out of your face. He doesn’t even care if you left a bit of drool on his arm. 
When you finally do wake up he smiles at you with pure joy wishing you a good morning. He doesn’t even say anything about his dead arm. Only once you sit up does he start to make an effort or return circulation to it. 
“Sorry,” you say, taking over in massaging his arm to help return circulation to it. 
“Did you sleep well?” he asked to which you nod with a hum. “That’s all I care about.” He can’t help but fall even more in love with you as you place a tender kiss on his bicep. He thinks that he could be the happiest man alive if he could spend every morning with you. 
Jungsu always feels butterflies in his stomach on the mornings where he wakes up to your arms that have found their way around his waist while the two of you were sleeping. He can feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest pressed against his back. His heart melts when he feels you snuggle closer to him. Jungsu knows that you care deeply for him, but moments like this where even in your unconscious state that you still show affection to him make him feel so secure. He warmly places his hands over yours that’s holding him. 
“You’re awake?” your sleepy voice questioned from behind him. Jungsu rubs his thumbs over your hand. 
“Yeah, how long have you been up?” he asked. 
“Like a minute ago,” you chuckle. A sleepy chuckle erupts from Jungsu’s chest as well. 
“The sun is rising,” you point out towards the horizon. You and Jiseok were out on a late night adventure exploring the city. 
“Come on,” Jiseok smiled, taking your hand in his and leading you to the top of a hill that gave you the perfect outlook of the city. The two of you stand hand in hand on the top of the hill watching as the light from the sun starts to filter into the city. Neither of you say anything, simply enjoying the beautiful moment. 
Jiseok can’t help but avert his eyes from the sight of the blossoming city to look at you. Watching as you also get painted in the sun’s light. Both of you would probably regret not sleeping later, however right now, in this enchanting moment that doesn’t matter. You turn your head to the side, catching Jiseok’s gaze and smile at him. 
Yeah, Jiseok wouldn’t trade a moment like this for anything.
The sun peeking in through the window going directly into his eyes wakes him from his slumber. He realizes that the two of you fell asleep on the couch while having your movie night last night. You’re still peacefully tucked against his chest, hair having fallen over your face. He debates waking you up, so that both of you could move to the bed, but he’s actually quite comfy on the couch and clearly you are too. He makes the decision to carefully readjust, slipping a bit further down the couch, so that the sun is no longer in his eyes. His breath hitches slightly watching you stir in your sleep. Once you comfily settle back down on his chest he lets out that breath he was holding. He wraps his arms around you, placing a kiss to the top of your head before laying back down and drifting back to sleep. 
Hyeongjun isn’t always the biggest cuddler, but he does like knowing that you’re beside him during the night. Maybe even more than he thinks he does. One early morning you had to go to the bathroom, so you carefully slipped out of bed. Making your way to the bathroom as quietly as possible to not risk waking Hyeongjun. 
When you come back from the bathroom you find Hyeongjun reaching out for you in his sleep. His hand swiping over your side of the bed looking for you. A smile crept onto your face as you slipped back into bed. The second Hyeongjun’s wandering hand found you he could see his body relax. You placed your hand over his that was resting on your stomach. Not missing the smile that spread across Hyeongjun’s lips when you did so. Maybe he is a cuddler, just in smaller ways.
“Y/n! y/n! Wake up!” You’re jostled awake by Jooyeon shaking your shoulder. You open your eyes to see Jooyeon peering over you. 
“What are you doing? What time is it?” You groggily rub your tired eyes.
“Look how pretty the sunrise is!” he exclaimed, practically pulling you out of bed by your arm and leading you over to your bedroom window. He was right, this sunrise was exceptionally pretty. It was a gorgeous dark reddish-orange hue. “It’s almost as pretty as you,” he comments playfully. You smile, letting out a light laugh and nudge him with his elbow. 
“That compliment won’t get you out of me scolding you for playing video games all night,” you tell him. 
“How did you know?” he asked, surprised. 
“How else would you have been up to see the sunrise?” you remark. He makes a face that shows he knows he has been caught. 
“Still, let’s just enjoy this moment, you can scold me later.” He gives you a back hug, resting his head on your shoulder as the two of you watch the rest of the sunrise together.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143 @seungseung-minmin
comment or message me to be added!
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elllisaaa · 7 months ago
how xdh would confess to you
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-> words count : 3.3k words
-> genre : xdh members crushing on you, fluff
-> warnings : is extremely cute
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> masterlist | xdh masterlist
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i think that he would be friendly with you from the get-go, always making sure that you feel included in the group conversation.
other than that, i see him as someone who’s very in touch with his own emotions and feelings so he would definitely be quick to notice that he has a crush on you. 
but even if he’s aware of that and that it’s pretty obvious from the way he looks at you, he doesn’t want to confess.
even if he acts confident in front of you, a part of him is still anxious about being rejected. 
poor baby cannot help but overthink everyone of his interactions with you, thinking that he’s cringe and awkward - which is untrue because you just think he’s so cool. 
when you told him that you’d always wanted to learn how to play the drums, he nonchalantly proposed to teach you the basics. 
but gunil hadn’t realized that it would mean spending a lot of time alone with you, and he couldn’t help his heart from beating faster each time he was too close to you, or that you’d look at him with a proud smile on your face because you succeeded in doing what you had just learned. 
“- Did I do it right this time ?”
Gunil was so focused on not cooing at you from how cute your concentrated face was while playing on his drums, with his sticks, that he only snapped out of his haze when he heard your voice. 
“- Uh, yeah, pretty much. But for this part, you should do it more like this. Here, let me show you.”
He got closer to you, his back pressed against your back as he grabbed your hands over the sticks so he could demonstrate exactly how the combo should be done. You could feel the heat of his body behind you, and his hot breath hitting the skin of your neck. You shivered and a blush started to creep up your cheeks - even your ears were red, you could feel it. Your mind drifted away from the drums, only focusing on Gunil and how he was driving you mad. 
“- Y/N ? Are you alright ?”
It was your turn to be snapped out from your thoughts, quickly turning your head in his direction, only for your gaze to fall into his, his face much closer to yours than you thought. You tried to open your mouth and say something, anything to explain why you were distracted and that wasn’t the truth. But Gunil didn’t let you have any chance as he leaned in to lightly kiss you, his hands still holding yours. Your eyes widened in surprise and you let out a gasp as he pulled away. 
“- I…”
Your voice was shaking, and noticing your shocked expression, Gunil cringed at himself. He let go of your hands, burying his face in his palms to shake off the embarrassment. What was he thinking when kissing you just like that ? He was an idiot.
“- Listen, I’m sorry, I don’t even know what took over me, but I’m sorry. I won’t talk about it ever again, we can forget all about it, I’m s-”
This time, it was Gunil who let out a gasp when he felt your lips crashing against his instead. He barely registered the sound of his drumsticks hitting the floor as he got lost in your taste. And this time, when you pulled away, he had a big smile on his face. 
“- Took you long enough.”
“not gonna take me long to take you on a date now, baby.”
do i really need to explain that he’s the most gentleman to ever exist ? 
like he’s so caring and sweet towards anyone, it makes me tear up.
so you can bet that with you - his crush - he’s even more observant and warmhearted and it feels good to have someone watching over you that much
the type to send you little texts to remind you to eat or drink water when you’re studying hard or working a long shift. 
also the type to put his hands around the corner of things when you bend down so you won’t hurt yourself (i’m crying i need him so bad).
his hugs !!! oh my god i just know that he gives the best hugs ever and that he loves to engulf you in his embrace every time he sees you to say hi.
so like the gentleman he is, his confession would be so fucking romantic (i’m crying again).
he would ask you out to dinner, bringing you to a fancy place where he would’ve reserved the best table for the two of you.
praising you the whole fucking night honestly he just fell in love even more seing you in your pretty outfit, and knowing that you made so much efforts for him is making him weak in the knees.
“- Thank you so much for tonight, Jungsu. I really had a great time.”
You walked as slowly as possible, even if the night was cold and that you could still feel the chilly air despite Jungsu’s jacket sitting on your shoulders since the moment he saw you shivering. You didn’t want the night to end, nor did Jungsu. He wished he could’ve spent the rest of his life by your side, simply admiring you. Both of you had big smiles aborning your faces, hands brushing against each other without any of you daring to take it.
“- It was amazing, yeah. I should be the one thanking you for agreeing to go out with me.”
You chuckled cutely, a pretty blush spreading across your cheeks, and Jungsu couldn’t help staring at you like he did all night. 
“- If I can be honest, I’m glad you made the first move because I was too anxious to do it myself.
- Then I’m glad to have man up for once.”
Both of you laughed together, and disappointment filled you up when you noticed that you were now in front of your building, and that the night would’ve to end eventually. You stood in front of Jungsu, finally finding the courage to grab his hands in yours as your eyes dived into his sparkling gaze. 
“- I know I’ve said it a million times now, but thank you for tonight. And I think I really wouldn’t mind going out with you again.
- I’ll keep that in mind, then.”
Jungsu grinned at you, and the urge to kiss your lips overtook him. But it was only your first date, he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. So he simply squeezed your hand in his one last time, wished you good night, and turned away. He wanted to slap himself for being such a coward. He had only took three or four steps in the direction of his car before he said “fuck it” and got back to you. 
“- Jungsu ? What are yo-”
You were interrupted by his lips capturing yours, his hands cupping your face. You closed your eyes as you melted under his touch, your hands going up to wrap around his neck and kissing him back. Soon enough, it was impossible to keep on going because you both were smiling too much. Jungsu pulled away, his forehead resting against yours and pushing a stray hair behind your ear.
“- I’ve waited all night for you to do this.”
“if i had known that, i would’ve kissed my girlfriend sooner.”
he’s truly so fun to be around, a day with him is never boring. 
you like to pretend like he’s not that funny, but he is, and he makes you laugh all the time. 
you know that when you have a bad day, you only need to spend some time with jiseok and that he will cheer you up without even trying because his mere presence just makes you feel better. 
he’s so comfortable to be around, it’s like you had known him for years.
jiseok is also very playful too, he loves to tease and especially you.
that’s how the members know he has a crush on you ; because he’s constantly bugging you, trying to get your attention.
whenever you walk in a room, his eyes suddenly illuminate, and whenever you walk away or talk to somebody else, he looks like a lost puppy (i’m dying, he’s too cute).
he thinks he’s slick, but he’s really not - the way he’s always trying to rizz you up kinda gives it away.
he pretends it’s only for fun and giggles, but truly, he hopes that one day you’ll catch on because he wants to go out with you.
“- Hey Y/N !”
You sighed and rolled your eyes as Jiseok put his arm around your shoulders, a smirk already stretching out his lips. You already knew what he was going to do, he always did whenever he saw you. And you acted annoyed every time even if you lowkey liked the attention, even if it didn’t bother you that much.
“- What do you want this time, Jiseok ?
- Just wanted to ask you something.”
You could feel the pick up line coming, you knew him all too well by now.
“- Go on.
- Do you believe in love at first sight ? Or should I walk by again ?”
The proud grin on his face didn’t flatter, even as you groaned in annoyance. Jiseok wouldn’t let your lack of positive reactions discourage him. He didn’t have the balls to tell you all about what he was feeling straight up, and the only way he knew to confess was by telling all these stupid pick up lines. If only he wasn’t such a loser, he could’ve asked you out, tell you he liked you. But everytime he looked at you for too long, his hands were shaking and it was as if he couldn’t even talk properly anymore, and he chickened out everytime. 
“- I don’t think it’s gonna be necessary, I’m already in love.”
Jiseok was ready to manage another rejection but hearing you flirt back left him speechless. He opened his mouth and closed it without letting out any words a few times, his cheeks progressively growing more and more red. You chuckled at his lack of reaction, finding him even more cute like that. 
“- Cat got your tongue now ? Come on ! You’ve been flirting with me for months and now that I’m finally saying yes you’re getting shy ?
- You just catched me off guard, that’s all !”
It was your turn to grin proudly as Jiseok buried his blushing face into your shoulder. He was so fucking embarassed, but he couldn’t help the smile stretching out his lips. 
“does this mean i can finally take you out ?”
he’s a menace, always up to tease you with a pretty smirk on his face. 
but he’s also very sweet because he has a soft spot for you, it’s honestly pathetic from his members point of view how down bad he is for you.
seungmin is constantly praising you, even for the tiniest things : you did good at your exams = praises ; or you cooked something new and it was tasty = praises.
he’s also always complimenting you, be it your outfits, your hair or makeup ; you can bet that he will tell you you’re pretty as soon as he sees you. 
he’s a little playful with it, calling you darling just to see the blush spread on your cheeks.
however, he’s not immune to the effect you have on him either, and he doesn’t really try to hide it. 
you could only be smiling at him, or passionately talking about something you liked and he’s grinning like a lovestruck fool because he thinks you’re so amazing. 
even if sometimes you feel like you can be annoying or boring, seungmin always makes sure to remind you that he’s there to listen to you, that he’s interested. 
despite that, he would not confess first because you already know how infatuated he is with you, he wants you to make the first move. 
“- Seungmin ! It’s not funny, I need to study ! Give me my book !”
The boy chuckled as he held out your book higher, clearly out of your reach. He wasn’t doing this to be mean, obviously. You just looked so cute with the pout aborning your lips, and the way you jumped to try and get your belongings back was also too adorable for him to give up just now. 
“- You don’t need to study, darling, you’re already smart.”
You wanted to stay mad at him but his praises made you flustered once again, still not used to the way he was always adoring you. But you really needed to work on this, because you didn’t want to fail your classes, obviously. 
“- It’s not a good reason, give it back !
- Only if you give me a kiss.”
Seungmin was visibly very satisfied with what he came up with, his smirk widening as your pout intensified. He didn’t believe that you would be bold enough to do it, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Little did he know you had enough of his games. You were already smitten by him, he didn’t need to aggravate that by flirting with you every chance he got. 
“- Okay, if that’s what it takes.”
You stood on your tippy toes to reach his lips, lightly kissing him as you closed your eyes. Seungmin didn’t even have the time to register what was happening before he let go of your book, his now free hands coming down to hold your waist and kiss you again. When you pulled away, surprise was still visible in his eyes, and it was your turn to chuckle.
“- For once, you’re the one blushing.”
“not for long, darling. it’s my duty as your boyfriend, after all.”
my favourite boy ! he’s so cute i think he’s gonna kill me one day, i swear.
when gunil first introduced you to the guys, hyeongjun was very quiet and didn’t talk to you much.
it wasn’t that he didn’t want to, it was only that you were so amazing that he didn’t know how to approach you.
so you’ll have to make the first move to engage in conversation with him, but despite him being a little shy at first, you discover that he’s sweet and passionate, and that you love him very much.
and hyeongjun loves you very much too, so much that it’s painfully obvious for everyone else to watch.
so much that his members started to tease him about his crush on you, even if you’re there. hyeongjun denies and denies all the time, especially since you’re joking about it too and that he’s convinced it’s because you’re not interested in him.
despite that, you seem to really enjoy your time with him as you’re always seeking his answers in group talking, or waiting to spend time alone with him. 
“- Hey, Hyeongjun ! Look who’s coming !”
Hyeongjun turned around and discovered that you were the one Jiseok was talking about. His friend had a big grin on his face as he witnessed Hyeongjun cheeks’ growing red as you entered their dorm. Sometimes, he hated his band members for being able to read into him that easily. 
“- Hi guys ! How are you ?
- Well, Hyeongjun is always well when you’re here, Y/N.”
Yes, he definitely hated Jiseok, he would have to sleep with one eye open that night. He glared at his friend coldly, but you only giggled and teased him further. It hurt a little sometimes to have you laughing at his crush like that, even if he always said it wasn’t true, he wished it would be. 
“- Do you need help ?”
Hyeongjun was straddled by your voice as you came into the kitchen where he was finishing up cooking for everyone. He told you what you could do to help him and he tried to stop his hands from shaking and kept a casual conversation with you.
“- The boys seem really adamant about your crush, they love to tease you about it.”
You weren’t looking at him when you said that but you had a little grin on your lips. Hyeongjun stared at you for a few seconds, trying to decide if he should say something now or not, but his heart took the decision for him before his brain could think about it further. 
“- Would it be so bad if I really had a crush on you ?”
You snapped your head up to look at him, but he couldn’t hold your gaze for long, his cheeks heating up again the longer he felt your eyes on him. Your eyes were sparkling with joy, your smile eating your face as you watched him nervously run his hand through his long hair. You stopped him from biting his nail when you carefully grabbed his hand, his eyes finally falling into yours.
“- Well, since I have a crush on you too, I don’t think it would be a problem.”
“i’m gonna be the one to tease them now because i have the prettiest girlfriend in the world.”
he has such a good vibe, i feel like you can only smile and be happy when you’re with him.
he’s the type of friend you can do stupid things with and he isn’t gonna judge you because he does stupid things too. 
he could be considered childish at times, but you love it because you can do everything you want with him and he makes you laugh so much.
definitely the first one you come to whenever you feel down, and he’s extremely grateful that you’re this comfortable with him.
i think he would be very touchy with you, he always wants to hug you or cuddle when you’re both watching a movie. 
his other way to hint that he has a crush on you is by flirting every so often, with this cheeky smile of his (screaming).
so when a game night gives him the perfect occasion to make a move, jooyeon is gonna take it. 
“- Okay so your task is to propose to someone !”
Jooyeon immediately locked eyes with you upon hearing his dare. It was finally his chance to tell you how he had been feeling for some time now. You grinned at him like you did every time you knew he was going to do something a little stupid. Jooyeon got down on one knee in front of you, grabbing one of your hands in his and looking you in the eyes. 
“- Y/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife ?”
If you hadn’t known him for years, you would’ve thought that he was serious. The way Jooyeon seemed to really be waiting for an answer made your breath hitch in your throat, your heart beat faster and butterflies come alive in your stomach.
“- I guess I don’t have a choice.”
Everyone around you was whistling and screaming “kiss”. And honestly, you wanted to do it. You wanted to reach forward and kiss Jooyeon. You searched for a response in his eyes, but all you could see was adoration. So you didn’t think further and you cupped his face to peck his lips. This time, it was his breath that was knocked out of his lungs, his brain unable to process what had just happened. And as all your friends cheered, the world around you dissolved, tunnel vision to Jooyeon’s face that you were still holding gently. 
“- You know… I wouldn’t mind becoming your wife for real.”
That big smile you loved so much took over his features, making it hard for him to kiss you again, and again, and again. You were giggling the whole time, letting Jooyeon hold you in his arms and twirl you around as if you really were a newly married couple.
“it’s too soon for now, but one day i’ll do it. one day i’m gonna marry you, baby.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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candlelitvamp · 3 months ago
When it’s Dark, Look for Stars
bf!xdinary heroes’ reactions when you’re going through a hard time
tags/warnings: fluff, slight angst (mental health issues somewhat implied, no specifics), suggestive in seungmin’s, hurt/comfort (way more comfort than hurt i swear), gender neutral reader
a/n: another post omg… ngl this is so self indulgent cuz bitches r going through it lately (i’m bitches)
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Gunil: just the sweetest. brings you sunflowers to brighten up your home. he may be a yapper but he is also a damn good listener. gives the best advice, and helps you make a whole plan to address whatever is upsetting you so much, whether it be a long-term plan for improving your mental health in general or a shorter term plan for addressing a bad situation. if you need to cry he’ll hold your face so tenderly and wipe away your tears with his thumbs and look at you with just the Most loving eyes, taking exaggerated deep breaths to help you calm your own breathing. when you go to bed he’d encourage you to lay your head on his chest so you can listen to his heartbeat while you drift off… 🥹🥲
Jungsu: not afraid to ask if you want to talk about it, but won’t force the subject if you’re not ready. very adaptable to your needs, and will suggest different things to see what you feel like doing or what will help you the most. if you need to cry, he gives the Best hugs and doesn’t care if you get his shirt wet with tears or anything, just holds you close on his lap and pets your hair as you let all your feelings out for as long as you need. tries to take big slow breaths to encourage you to slow your breathing too. gets you into bed to fall asleep in his arms, putting his hand under your shirt (if you’re comfortable with it ofc) so he can absently trace his fingers over the bare skin of your back and lull you to sleep. Will hum/sing you a lullaby too. cleans your room/home for you while you nap/sleep, partly cuz he’s worried ahout your wellbeing and is a stress-cleaner but mostly because he knows a chaotic space can lead to a chaotic mind, and really just wants to Help you.
Jiseok: tries his best not to show it but boy is STRESSED for you. knowing his beloved is struggling throws his whole system out of homeostasis, and this techie boy knows the best way to reset a system is to turn it off and on again. knows that a nap (or just going to bed early) holding each other will not only help you relax physically and mentally, but also believes that your mood will be better when you wake up. he always Insists on cuddling, and when you ask why you expect a lecture on oxytocin, but instead he says “so i can protect you from bad dreams while you sleep with the power of love, duh!” like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. no matter how rational and scientific his mind can be at times, he can’t just help but feel cheesy and poetic when it comes to you 💚
Seungmin: feels like the least he can do is help you relax at the end of the day, especially if it’s a hard one. you text him you’re having a bad day/week(/month…) and as soon as you’re home for the evening he’s there with a sweet treat, microwave popcorn, and an extra hoodie (so he can change when he gives u the one he’s currently wearing 🥰). you’re ordering pizza and having a cozy night in! watching a comfort movie, snacking on yummy food, and cuddling on the couch. he treats u to some at-home spa treatments as well, doing a face mask together and taking a bath with you (with a bath bomb ofc) before giving you a massage to really relax any tension left in your body so you can sleep well. (and while it’s not his intention, if that Happens gets you more excited than relaxed… he knows other ways to release your tension so you can sleep well ;))
Hyeongjun: wants to do anything possible to make you feel better, but worries abt accidentally making u feel guilty for feeling down. happy to listen to you talk/vent and sympathize or offer advice, but won’t make u talk about it unless you want to. acts of service KING tho. ur too tired to cook? he’ll cook your favorite meal for you both (or at least order it). having a hard time sleeping? you’re listening to asmr together and you now have a new weighted blanket with built in heating! (it’s just him lying directly on top of you.) literally anything you complain about or need he’s immediately doing or getting for you. like jungsu, i think he’s very adaptable to your needs. although physical affection and words of affirmation don’t come as naturally to him as acts of service, he’d be more than happy to wrap his arms around your waist to hold your back close to his chest and whisper every single thing that he loves about you into your ear if that’s what you need from him and will make you feel better (insists on spooning tho, so you can’t see and tease him for how his ears turn red when he’s telling you how much you mean to him)
Jooyeon: it truly hurts his heart to see you sad. if you want to vent, he’s there to listen, though admittedly his responses may be a bit… unorthodox. by which i mean he’s making threats of gratuitous violence against anyone who’s mistreating you. or any Thing really. your job/school is stressing you out? he’s threatening to blow up the building. your boss/teacher is being an asshole? “i’m gonna run them over with my car” “joo you don’t have a car” “i’ll use seungmin’s” “you also can’t drive” “exactly that’ll be my defense in court” “JOOYEON” basically he’s gonna make you laugh to lift your spirits as best he can. if you don’t want to talk, he might feel a little awkward cuz even tho he Knows he can’t magically fix your problems and it may just take time, he wants to make you feel better NOW! extra clingy and does everything he can to make you feel comforted. hope you’re ready to get cozy in bed All Night cuz he’s setting u up there and not letting u lift a Finger!
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jooyeonsvape · 4 months ago
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souls don’t meet by accident
jooyeon smut
w/c: 1.7k
warnings: very smutty, 18+ only, dry humping, fingering, suggestive language, drinking.
a/n: sorry it’s a little long at the beginning, i wanted to try building character development-ish. please enjoy and follow for more. i’ll be doing txt, svt, and more xdh soon!! if you’d like to see anything in specific, feel free to message!! also big thanks to @joocomics for helping me and being a complete angel 🫶
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the body. the muscles. the long slick back blonde hair. the tattoos that cover his body.
every inch of your new neighbor makes your body warm inside, even if you were too shy to say anything to him.
the first time you laid eyes on him he was outside, shirtless, and sorting the recyclables in his trash. his tattoos took up both of his arms and some on his chest, though you couldn't make out what they were you were interested.
"[Y/N], will you stop stalking the neighbor, he's going to think we're freaks." your roommate says and shakes her head, then sitting next to you on the couch at your bay window when she noticed you weren't listening.
"but look at him... i think the only thing in his closet is sweatpants and i'm totally fine with that." you sigh out lovingly, resting a cheek on your arm.
"your last relationship was what?.... 6 months ago, you should be out there meeting new people." your roommate nags on, but you tune her out again, watching the man from across the street walk inside his house.
"okay, if i go out with you tonight will you stop sounding like my mother?" you ask and grab her hands while facing each other on the couch. "yes, and i'll buy all your drinks if you let me give you a makeover." your eyebrows raised then you look down at your long t-shirt and sweats. "okay deal."
after hours of getting ready, it was already dark and the two of you head out to the local bar she usually attends.
you look down at your outfit, blushing a bit, embarrassed because she put you in a tight strapless crop top paired with a plaid skirt and biker boots. “you don’t think this outfit is trying too hard?” you ask her and she analyzes you once more before you enter the bar. “no, you look perfect, now, when we go in i’ll introduce you to some nice guys.”
the regret soon filled your body once you walk through the doors, eyes from all around are looking straight at you. considering no one was dressed up this much, you became an eye sore and your roommate noticed your insecurities. “2 tequilas please.” she basically screamed, trying to speak louder than the music.
“alright everyone, next up is a local underground singer by the name of lee jooyeon.” a man over the mic on stage welcomed.
you turn your attention to the stage when you hear soft strums of a guitar playing and a beautiful voice singing ‘creep’ by radiohead. it was one of your favorite songs so you were mesmerized how he sang every key perfectly.
“lee jooyeon..” you whisper to yourself then your eyes squint to see better. “oh my god, that’s the neighbor.” you nudge your friend and she turns to face the stage, “let’s get closer to make sure.” the two of you find a table that was close enough to see him, but not close enough for him to see you and both confirm it was definitely jooyeon when you see the familiar tattoos littering his arms.
“can he be any more dreamy?” you ask, looking doe eyed at him on stage, not realizing a man sat next to you at the table, “hey pretty.” he smirks with confidence and you just ignore him, eyes stuck on jooyeon. he clears his throat and says it louder, “hey pretty!!” at that moment jooyeon finished the song and the whole bar heard the man next to you yelling.
your face got red when you hear laughs, then look up at the stage where jooyeon has his eyebrow raised with a smirk. the man was also embarrassed, walking away from your roommate and you.
“i’m leaving,” you mumble to your roommate but she grabs your wrist, “your crush is here and you’re leaving? you didn’t even know his name until tonight, i call that progress.” she was right so you sit back down, looking around to keep an eye out for jooyeon.
the tequila finally caught up with you after 4 more shots and you go to the dance floor when an up beat song starts playing, dancing by yourself with no care in the world. the promise your roommate made about not leaving your side was out the window, she was currently making out with a random man in a booth and you knew she was taking him home.
all thoughts about jooyeon or socializing weren’t a care to you right now, your main priority was dancing with a tequila in your hand and feeling the music. “hey pretty…” your face scrunched when you hear the familiar words and turn around to tell the man to leave you alone but you didn’t realize how close he was to you.
the feeling of breath on your neck made your body jolt and when your eyes met, it wasn’t the random guy trying to hit on you. it was jooyeon.
“may i dance with you?” he asks politely but before you could answer he held you by the hips, swaying to the music. “you’re-i’m- jooyeon.” was all you mustered out and he chuckles, pulling you closer. “i know who i am, who are you?” he smirks, taking a sip of the drink he had. “oh, my name is [Y/N].”
his head nods and his lips go close to your ear, “nice to meet you, you look really sexy in that outfit.” your face turns plum red, which he noticed of course and you put your free hand on his moist neck. “you look really sexy with your shirt off.” you whisper back, the tequila giving you all the confidence. “how would you know?” jooyeon asks and you didn’t answer, grinding slowly on his imprint.
his head hangs back so his entire neck was exposed and it gives you room to kiss his adams apple. “we just met and i already like your style.” he mumbles in your ear, then leans down to give your lips a hard kiss.
it was euphoric to finally feel what jooyeon’s lips taste like and the moans escaping his mouth when you press your knee down on his growing dick through his pants. pulling away was hard, but you wanted to look in his eyes as you were dry humping him in front of everyone.
the lip bite he did from trying not to moan was sexier than him actually making noises so you continue, looking down to see his cock outline. “you’re huge.” you mumble in his ear and he kisses your neck roughly. “should we take this somewhere else?” you nod and grab his hand, leading him towards an empty bathroom.
when the music was just background noise now you lock the door and turn to see his long frame in the light, walking towards you. “i can tell you’re excited too.” he says bluntly, the both of you looking down at the wet spot you left on his thigh.
a smile grows on your face and you start laughing, “feeling your big cock against my pussy made me wet, it’s natural.” within seconds he had you up against the wall by the neck and you hum slightly. “are you going to fuck me now?” you ask in a rhetorical manner, hearing him grunt lowly.
“get on the sink counter.” he orders without question, watching you climb up. “let me see what panties you’re wearing.” he mumbles, pulling off your skirt to see nothing underneath. “oh you came to the bar expecting to be fucked huh?” jooyeon asks, pulling your legs towards him so he could bend down and give your pussy a kiss.
“i was going to find the sexiest guy in the bar and let him fuck me until i lose vision.” you moan out when he starts sucking on your clit, a hand finding his hair so you had something to grip.
the way he works his tongue was like magic, he seems to know exactly where all your sweet spots are, and the more you moan, the rougher he is with his movements. “please fuck me jooyeon.” you’re becoming impatient and want to cum on his dick instead of in his mouth. “i thought you wanted the sexiest guy in the bar to fuck you baby,” he smirks and stands up, sliding two fingers immediately in your wetness.
“fuck the bar, you’re the sexiest guy i’ve ever seen.” you whimper when he starts pumping fast. “say it again.” he demands, his fingers never losing momentum. “you’re the sexiest guy jooyeon!” the words only made his fingers go faster, then adding a third. “again.” you scream out when he adds the third finger and he pushes them hard. “i said again.” “you’re the sexiest guy in the world.” you whimper out, a strange feeling in your gut approached and the smirk on his face scared you for what was about to happen.
three more pumps of his fingers you let out a blood curdling scream and he pulls all digits out, then fiercely rubs your clit. “good girl, you’re such a good girl.” he whispers in your ear out of breath and your hips jolt up, squirting on his hand.
you two sit there for a minute, him still slowly rubbing your clit. “i can’t believe that came out of me, i’ve never done that before.” you were pleased and surprised at how much was on the floor when you look down with your legs still spread.
“you can ask me to do that anytime you want, all i have to do is walk across the street. it’s better than just staring at me through your window.” jooyeon says with a confident laugh, helping you off the counter. “you knew? why didn’t you tell me?” you scoff, fixing your skirt so it wasnt at your waist anymore. “the same reason you didn’t tell me, it would’ve been better if we just pretended not to know each other. why else would i only come outside shirtless? i wanted to impress you.”
jooyeon gives you a kiss and you pout, looking at his still hard cock through his pants. “i didn’t get to please you though..” he wraps an around your shoulders and walks out of the bathroom, “you’ll have to come over tonight and make it up to me then.”
you can tell you’ll be having fun with jooyeon the entire night.
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moontyun · 6 months ago
XdH: The type....
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☆ xdinary heroes masterlist ☆ ...when you fall asleep on them ☆ warning(s): mentions of urination, drooling, long/short haired you ☆ word count: 768 ☆ genre: attempted humor, fluff ☆ requested: Hey! I Hope you’re good. I have see that your request are open, and I wanted to know if it is possible to make a reaction of xdinary heroes members when you fall asleep on their lap or shoulders? - @la-grenouilles-posts
semi-prideful when you do because you trust him that much
adores your cute snoring noises
The very first time you had fallen asleep on his lap, he was so happy and a bit prideful when you did. You were being vulnerable with him and he appreciated it. When you had woken up, he was there beaming at you, like a puppy. You had been taken aback with, what you perceived as, a mischievous smile on his face. "What did you do? Did you draw something on my face?" You asked, whipping out your phone and looking at your camera to be sure. "No, you were just adorable and I'm just smitten with you, that's all." he laughed a little as you continued to accuse him of causing trouble, playfully.
absolutely adores it when you accidently do it one time
internally squealing at how cute you were
This week had been particularly hard for you. You had pulled 4 all night-ers in a row. Balancing work, school, and everything in between was proving to be more difficult than you anticipated. Today, you had made plans to spend some time with Jungsu before you had to head into work. However, your body had different plans. Jungsu knew you had been over working yourself lately, so, when you inevitably fell asleep on his shoulder while watching a movie, he let you and couldn't help but coo at how cute you looked dribbling drool on his shoulder as you slept. When you had woken up, you were so confused as to where you were but once you had oriented yourself, you wiped your face and profusely apologized for drooling on him, your face burning from embarrassment.
most of the time it's him falling asleep on you
loves it when you do it though
He dared not move, you were too at peace for him to even want to move but the problem was that he needed to pee. Really badly, he had been sitting like this with you for about an hour. He was practically ripping at the seams to go. But you were too cute for him to want to move! He didn't want to wake you up! But he absolutely has to...he taps you on the shoulder, "[name]...[name]...!" you slowly woke up, "sorry to wake you, but I really have to pee. You can go back to sleep on my lap when I come back." you nodded and he took off to do what he needed to, following through with his promise afterward.
thinks its cute when you talk in your sleep
protects you from being woken up
You were at the studio, enjoying your time with the whole group. But your social battery was running low. So, naturally, you wound up crashing out as the boys started to filter out, leaving you and Seungmin alone. you were fast asleep on his shoulder. "Forgot my chapstick." Jooyeon said as he slammed the door open. Seungmin pressed a finger to his mouth shushing the younger with an angry expression on his face. "Sorry." The younger answered, slowly leaving and closing the door softly.
doesn't mind it, barely notices it
absent mindedly plays with your hair
The gentleness in which he was playing with your hair as you curled up on his lap, was heaven to you. It was just so calming and relaxing, often times, you fell asleep on him. He didn't mind it, it was just something you guys did regularly without even thinking about it. No, he wasn't one for physical affection but this wasn't something that bothered him all that much. He liked it, in fact. He got to put cute hair styles in your hair without waking you up. You had woken up a number of times with a whole different look than what you had fallen asleep with. Today was no different, when he had cute little pigtails.
absolutely lives for it when you do
teases you when you wake up for making his shoulder sore
He would scorch the whole earth for you. He would do absolutely anything for you and was proven time and time again every time you laid your cute head on his shoulder nearly everyday when you needed your post lunch nap. His shoulders killed every time afterward but he let it happen. "You have a heavy head." He'd tell you. "And you love it, suck it up." you replied in a half awake state. He'd ruffle your hair and give you a forehead kiss before starting something in the house that needed to be done.
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minhosbitterriver · 7 months ago
─── ⋆⋅☆ STEADY LOVE ( xdinary heroes )
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❛ A collection of heartfelt stories where love finds its strength in gentle understanding, as partners navigate the world together with unwavering support and care for each other's unique needs.
𝐱𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 + gender neutral reader ೯ ( 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 )
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 7.4k 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 29 mins
꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ This was so self-indulgent to write, so a very big thank you to my lovely 🍀 Anon for this request! Reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 )
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Y/N has AuDHD in each member's piece, mentions of bees as a special interest, descriptions of being burned out and struggling with change, some very slight ableism mentioned (not from any of the members), descriptions of overstimulation, mentions of stimming, terrible flirting, overall this is very much hurt + comfort, let me know if I missed anything!
( 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ) ( 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 & 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ) ( 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ) ( 𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐣𝐚𝐫 )
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구건일 ── GOO GUNIL.
The day felt like it had conspired against Gunil, stretching itself out into an agonizing eternity, as if determined to sap every last bit of energy from him. Each second dragged on, the clock's hands moving at a snail's pace, mirroring the heaviness in his limbs. Finally, after what seemed like an endless rehearsal, an exhausted sigh escaped his lips, the sound barely noticeable amidst the hum of tired voices from his bandmates. With a practiced, almost mechanical motion, Gunil returned his well-worn drumsticks to their designated holder, a small nook on the wall that had become as familiar to him as his own reflection. The drumsticks settled into place with a soft click, the only sound in the practice room that had served as their second home. 
As his bandmates began to shuffle out, their movements sluggish, weighed down by the day’s efforts, Gunil barely registered the chorus of goodbyes. Jungsu’s voice cut through the haze, a final “see you tomorrow” accompanied by a wave before disappearing into the hallway. Gunil mustered a lazy half-smile, lifting his hand in a farewell that felt more like a reflex than a conscious action. The room, once alive with the pulse of their music, now felt eerily quiet, the silence amplifying the fatigue settling deep into his bones. He reached for his backpack, its weight pulling down on his tired shoulders, just as the sharp ring of his phone shattered the stillness.
The sudden sound jolted him, but when he saw your name on the screen, a genuine smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, chasing away the exhaustion, even if just a little. “I’m done rehearsing, love, I’ll be—” Gunil’s greeting was cut short by the unmistakable sound of your excited squeal. He couldn’t help but chuckle, his heart swelling with affection at the image of you practically vibrating with energy on the other end of the line.
“Goo, you have to come home as soon as you can!” Your voice was bright, almost bursting with excitement, and Gunil could easily imagine you doing your little wiggles of joy, the ones that always made his heart melt. 
“Yes, baby,” he replied, his tone gentle, hiding the weariness in his bones so as not to dampen your spirits. “I’ll be home in no time. What’s got you so excited?” 
As he turned off the lights in the now-quiet practice room, the faint clicking of your keyboard reached his ears. He pictured you perched at your desk, your laptop open before you, eyes wide with curiosity. The image made him smile. 
“I found this new video, and Goo, it is so cool! It's a swarm of Japanese honeybees defending their nest by slapping ants with their wings, but this one is honestly so fascinating because apparently, this colony got infected by the Varroa Destructor Mite — but they were still so aggressive against the ants and they won! Isn't that so cool? Oh, Goo, please hurry, you have to watch it!” 
Your words tumbled out in a rush, barely pausing for breath, your excitement making the details spill over each other in a joyous cascade. Gunil found himself chuckling softly, warmth blooming in his chest as he listened to your passionate rambling. There was something so endearing about the way you got lost in your own world, especially when it came to bees. He could listen to you talk for hours, your voice animated and full of life, a stark contrast to the weariness that had settled over him.
He thought back to the early days of your relationship, when you had nervously explained your autism to him, worried that it might be too much, too different. But to Gunil, it was simply another beautiful facet of who you were, something that made him love you even more deeply. “That does sound very interesting, my love,” he said, trying to match your energy despite the exhaustion tugging at him. “I really can’t wait to watch it!”
The promise of coming home to you, to your bright, infectious enthusiasm, gave him the strength to push through the final stretch of his journey. “I’ll be home in about ten minutes, so hang tight,” he added, a smile in his voice as he ended the call. As he neared the apartment you shared, the sight of a family-owned flower shop caught his eye. 
Even through the fatigue, his gaze lingered on the blooms in the window, your favorite flowers standing out like a beacon. The thought of surprising you with them, especially when you were already so happy, sent a thrill through him. Without hesitation, he ducked into the shop, the sweet scent of fresh flowers wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. He selected a bouquet with care, imagining the way your eyes would light up when he walked through the door with them in hand.
The weight of the day began to lift as he paid for the flowers, the simple act of thinking about you bringing a renewed sense of energy. The thrill of coming home to you, your voice still echoing in his mind, made each step lighter. As he walked out of the shop, the bouquet cradled carefully in his arms, he felt the anticipation build, knowing that soon, he would be by your side, sharing in the simple, beautiful joy of being together.
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김정수 ── KIM JUNGSU.
The corners of Jungsu’s lips tightened into a worried frown as he gently rapped on the door of your shared bedroom. Not waiting for an invitation, he nudged the door open just enough to peer inside. The sight that greeted him was one of persistent discomfort. There you were, lying on your side of the bed, your expression etched with visible distress. Your laptop, casting a soft glow in the dim room, played the familiar episodes of your favorite show—one you had practically memorized through countless viewings meant to soothe your troubled emotions.
Jungsu let out a soft sigh, his concern growing with each passing moment. He stepped into the room, the plush carpet muffling his footsteps as he moved towards your side of the bed. Perching himself on the edge, he settled into the space beside you, his presence both reassuring and tender. You kept your gaze fixed on the screen, as though it were the only refuge from the turmoil roiling within.
The silence stretched between you, thick with unspoken words and unshared burdens. After a few moments, you finally turned your head to meet his gaze, a weary sigh escaping your lips. Jungsu’s heart ached at the sight of your frustration and weariness. “I ordered takeout,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper as if afraid to shatter the fragile calm. “It’s your favorite.”
He noticed the fleeting flicker of interest in your eyes, a brief spark that was quickly extinguished as you turned back to the screen with a frown. “I don’t want to eat right now,” you murmured, your tone resolute and final, leaving no room for negotiation. The firmness of your refusal stung, and Jungsu could only nod in resignation. He sighed once more, his shoulders slumping slightly as he retreated from the room, leaving you to your solitude.
For nearly a week now, this had been your reality—an ongoing struggle that Jungsu could only partially grasp. Despite the year you had been together, he had never seen you like this before. He understood that adapting to sudden changes was particularly challenging for you, especially when they disrupted the routines that provided a semblance of stability. The day you had called him from work, sobbing uncontrollably while locked in the bathroom, was seared into his memory. You had told him about your old manager’s abrupt departure and the arrival of a new, unfamiliar face. The sudden shift was more than you could handle, especially when your new manager refused to accommodate the adjustments necessary to make your work environment bearable.
As the days went on, the pressure became insurmountable. Each day, you returned home to face the aftermath of panic attacks you had kept at bay and to collapse into bed, seeking solace in the comfort of a show that could no longer ease the heaviness you carried. The joy and relief it once brought you were now overshadowed by a pervasive numbness, a stark reminder of the emotional toll that had become all too familiar.
Jungsu’s heart ached with the weight of your struggle, and though he sympathized deeply with your plight, it did little to quell his worry. He remained steadfast in his resolve to support you through this storm, even as he grappled with the helplessness of seeing you so diminished. Each day, he hoped for a glimmer of recovery, a sign that the storm within you might begin to abate. But for now, he could only offer his silent presence and unwavering support, waiting for the day when you would once again find your way back to the light.
Jungsu was grappling with uncertainty about how to pull you from the depths of your distress, but a sudden spark of inspiration ignited within him as his gaze fell upon the television in the living room. Resolute to offer you a sliver of comfort, he began a frenzied quest to transform your shared space into a sanctuary of solace. For the next half hour, he darted around the apartment, arms laden with an assortment of blankets, comforters, and pillows—each one a small testament to his unwavering determination.
With every trip in and out of the bedroom, his expression was a mixture of earnest concentration and quiet determination. You watched with a blend of curiosity and amusement as he repeatedly entered the room, his movements a flurry of purposeful activity. At one point, he even attempted to gather your collection of stuffed animals, struggling under the weight of their collective softness as he staggered out, his focus unbroken by your gaze.
The sounds of his labor—the shuffling of furniture, the occasional grunt of exertion—filled the space, drawing your attention away from the show you had paused. You listened intently, your curiosity piqued by the rhythmic clamor of activity. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bustling, Jungsu reappeared in the doorway of your bedroom, his face illuminated with a blend of triumph and excitement. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead, catching the soft light of the nightstand lamp as he panted, his chest rising and falling with each breath.
“Baby,” he called out, his voice breathless but laced with an infectious enthusiasm. His hands rested on his hips, a gesture of pride and anticipation. “Can you please come out? I made something for you, and I think you’re really going to like it!”
Despite the storm of emotions swirling within you, the sight of Jungsu’s eager, childlike gleam in his eyes tugged at your heartstrings. Intrigued and touched by his effort, you pushed yourself up from the bed, the pull of his unwavering support more compelling than the urge to remain cocooned in your sanctuary. He extended a hand towards you, which you accepted with a grateful smile, allowing him to guide you toward the living room.
The transformation that greeted your eyes as you entered the living room took your breath away. The coffee table, once a fixture in the center of the room, had been pushed to the far wall. In its place stood a grand fortress, a whimsical creation of mismatched blankets and comforters meticulously draped and layered into a cozy haven. Strings of Christmas lights peeked through the folds, their gentle glow casting a warm, ethereal light that danced across the room. The television, positioned just in front of the fortress’s entrance, was primed to play your favorite show, a comforting familiarity in its soft glow.
As you inhaled deeply, the fragrant aroma of your favorite meal wafted towards you, a final touch to the heartwarming scene. Overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude, tears threatened to spill as you turned to embrace Jungsu. Your arms wrapped around him tightly, your body shaking slightly with the emotion you struggled to contain.
Jungsu chuckled softly, his arms enveloping you in a hug that was both firm and reassuring—just the way you liked it. “Is this okay?” he asked gently, his voice barely above a whisper as you pulled back to look at him. The tears in your eyes glistened with a profound appreciation as you nodded vigorously, your voice wavering with emotion. “This is perfect, Jun,” you managed to say, your voice cracking slightly. “It looks exactly like how my grandmother used to do it when I was upset as a child.”
Jungsu’s smile widened, his satisfaction evident in the warmth that radiated from him. As you turned and practically bounded towards the fortress, a trail of contented giggles followed in your wake, each sound a balm to his worried heart. The sight of your joy, so vividly reflected in your laughter, made his heart flutter with a tender affection that seemed to encompass the entire room.
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The outdoor market was a vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds, alive with the energy of families and couples weaving through stalls brimming with fresh produce and handcrafted jewelry. The air was thick with the mingling scents of spices, flowers, and street food, a cacophony of sensory delights that usually set your heart racing with excitement. But today, the thrumming pulse of the market felt more like a storm brewing on the horizon. 
You had been standing in front of a stall, fingers lightly tracing the delicate patterns of handmade trinkets when a sudden influx of noisy tourists swarmed around you. The once-open space now felt suffocating as their loud voices clashed against one another, creating a wall of sound that made it impossible to think clearly. The proximity of strangers pressed too close, stealing the breath from your lungs and sending your heart into a frantic rhythm. You glanced around, searching desperately for Jiseok, who had been right beside you only moments ago, but the crowd swallowed him up, leaving you feeling isolated and vulnerable.
As your anxiety began to claw its way to the surface, your body responded in familiar, desperate ways. Your fingers found their way to your hair, twisting and pulling at the strands as if they might tether you to something solid. Your leg bounced uncontrollably, tapping out an erratic rhythm on the cobblestones beneath you. The sharp sting of your nails digging into your palms became the only thing anchoring you, yet it also edged you closer to a breaking point that felt terrifyingly near.
It felt like an eternity, but finally, Jiseok emerged from the crowd, his eyes immediately locking onto you with a mix of relief and concern. He didn’t need to ask what was wrong—he could see it in the way your body had tensed, in the rapid, shallow breaths you struggled to control. Without a word, he reached out, gently but firmly taking your hands in his, halting the destructive cycle of pulling at your hair and digging into your skin. He interlaced your fingers with his, grounding you with the warmth of his touch.
"Hey, let's get out of here for a bit," Jiseok's voice broke through the chaos, a soothing melody that cut through the overwhelming noise around you. He didn’t wait for a response; instead, he drew you close, wrapping his arms around you and pressing your head against his chest. The steady thump of his heartbeat against your ear was a familiar comfort, a lifeline in the middle of the storm.
Guiding you through the press of bodies, Jiseok kept you close, his arms a protective barrier against the world that had become too much to bear. His grip tightened slightly, applying the firm pressure that always seemed to calm your racing thoughts. "Look, we can go there for a little bit," he murmured, nodding towards a small park that sat like a hidden gem amidst the market’s frenzy. The greenery promised a respite, a quiet place to breathe again.
But it wasn’t the park that brought you solace—it was Jiseok himself. The vibration of his voice against your back as he spoke, the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat, and the warmth of his embrace all worked together to gently pull you out of the whirlpool of anxiety that threatened to drag you under. As he continued to speak, his words becoming a soft, mindless ramble meant only to distract, you could feel the storm inside you begin to subside. Your heartbeat, once wild and erratic, slowly began to sync with his, finding a steadier, calmer pace.
As Jiseok gently guided you through the bustling market, his hand remained a steady presence on your shoulder. Every so often, he would give a gentle squeeze, three soft pulses of reassurance—a silent code you both had established for moments like these, where words seemed to dissolve into the fog of your anxiety. It was his quiet way of asking, "Are you okay?" The simple gesture, familiar and comforting, anchored you amidst the swirling chaos. 
In response, you reached up to grasp his forearm, fingers curling around his warmth as you squeezed twice, signaling back, "I'm better." The exchange was small, but it spoke volumes—a tender conversation held in silence, where no words were necessary, just the understanding between two souls who had learned to navigate these storms together.
The noise of the market gradually faded into the background as Jiseok led you to the park. Here, the world softened, with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant murmur of others who had also sought sanctuary from the market's overwhelming energy. The park felt like a refuge, a place where the intensity of the outside world couldn't quite reach you. Jiseok spotted a secluded bench beneath the shade of a large, ancient tree, its branches stretching out like a protective canopy. The dappled sunlight danced through the leaves, casting a soothing pattern on the ground, and the bench offered a quiet place to rest, away from prying eyes and the relentless pace of the market.
Once seated, Jiseok remained close, his presence a calming force beside you. Your breath, which had been shallow and quick, began to slow as you settled into the quiet of the park. Jiseok's fingers found their way to your hair, gently playing with the strands in a tender contrast to the earlier harsh tugging you had subjected them to. The soft rhythm of his touch was a balm, easing the lingering tension in your body. His other hand rested on your thigh, grounding you with its comforting weight.
He spoke in a low, soothing tone, his words a gentle caress to your frayed nerves. "We can leave whenever you're ready," he suggested, his gaze drifting out to the serene view of the park, "Maybe we can grab some food and cuddle at the dorm. I'm sure the members won’t mind. I’ll kick Seungmin out of our room if I have to; he’ll just have to suck it up."
As the tension within you began to melt away, you found yourself repeating the last few words of his sentence—a familiar and comforting habit, a happy stim that signaled your return to a place of calm. "...have to suck it up," you echoed, your voice lighter now, carrying the trace of a smile that tugged at the corners of your lips.
Jiseok chuckled softly, the sound rich and warm, wrapping around you like a blanket of comfort. He squeezed your hand gently, checking to ensure your nails were no longer digging into your palm. "That's my favorite sound," he teased, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he grinned at you, his love evident in the gentle curve of his smile.
This shared moment of lightness, of humor, further dispelled the remnants of your anxiety. In his presence, you were reminded that you didn’t have to face these moments alone—that even in your most vulnerable states, Jiseok was there, offering his unwavering support and love. The park, with its serene beauty and the quiet strength of your bond, became a haven where you could breathe again, surrounded by the safety of his embrace.
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JYP Entertainment hosted an exclusive and lavish party at a luxury hotel, where the atmosphere blended the grandeur of celebration with the intimacy of a private gathering. Unlike the typical public events, this one was strictly by invitation, creating a sanctuary for idols to bring their partners, friends, and families without the constant pressure of cameras. The setting was resplendent, with elegant decor that reflected the significance of the occasion.
The entertainment options catered to a variety of tastes. In one corner, a live band played soft jazz, filling the room with soothing melodies. Nearby, a DJ spun upbeat tracks, enticing those who wanted to dance. For the more playful guests, a karaoke setup allowed for uninhibited fun, and a photobooth adorned with glittering lights stood ready to capture the night’s memories. A gourmet buffet stretched along one side of the room, offering an array of international cuisines, the rich aromas mingling with the laughter and chatter that filled the air.
Despite the festive atmosphere, the constant flashing of lights and the relentless pulse of the music began to overwhelm you. This was your first time attending an event of this magnitude, and though you had agreed to come because of the way Seungmin’s eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of sharing this moment with you, the environment soon proved too much. Even as you admired him, his figure so striking in the finely tailored suit that accentuated his lean, muscular build, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the grand room was closing in on you. Your hands trembled despite your best efforts to maintain composure, and a cold sweat began to form along your hairline.
You stole a glance at Seungmin, who stood a short distance away, his face illuminated with genuine joy as he engaged in animated conversation with his bandmates and senior idols from the company. They were discussing the future direction of their music, reminiscing about their journey since debuting, and Seungmin’s laughter rang out, a clear sign that he was fully immersed in the moment. For a brief second, you hoped that his distraction would allow you to slip away unnoticed, just for a moment, to calm the rising tide of anxiety within you.
The party, though well-intentioned, was far beyond your comfort zone, and the sensory overload was beginning to take its toll. You needed to escape, to find a quiet space where you could breathe without the weight of the world pressing down on you. But as you discreetly made your way to the bathroom, seeking refuge from the overwhelming stimuli, Seungmin caught sight of your retreating figure. 
Unbeknownst to you, Seungmin had anticipated the possibility of you feeling overwhelmed in such a busy atmosphere. Understanding how easily you could be overstimulated, he had made sure to pack your well-loved noise-canceling headphones in the expensive messenger bag his stylist had provided. As soon as he saw you slipping away, his concern for you took precedence over the conversation, and he politely excused himself, following you to the bathroom.
Upon entering the lavish bathroom, Seungmin offered a polite bow and murmured apologies to the few occupants before your shallow breathing caught his attention. He quickly moved to stand outside the stall where you had taken refuge. 
"Love? It's me," he called softly, his voice gentle and soothing, careful not to startle you in your vulnerable state. Inside the stall, your hands clenched in a futile attempt to stop their violent trembling as you struggled to steady your breathing. 
Seungmin reached over the door, his hand holding the familiar headphones — a lifeline in the storm of your frenzied thoughts. "I thought you might need this," he murmured. 
You reached up and snatched the headphones, the urgency in your movements reflecting the desperation you felt. As you placed them over your ears, the chaotic world outside was mercifully muted. The overwhelming cacophony faded, replaced by the comforting silence you had so desperately needed. Finally, you could breathe again, the noise-canceling barrier providing a sanctuary where you could begin to reclaim your peace.
You were immensely grateful for Seungmin’s patience, relishing the brief respite as you took a few moments to catch your breath. The bustling noise of the party seemed to fade into the background, creating a cocoon of calm around you. Just as you began to steady yourself, your phone vibrated in your hand — a text from Seungmin, despite him standing right outside the bathroom stall. His name illuminated the screen, and a calming wave of relief washed over you, your erratic heartbeat finding a more measured rhythm.
Seungmin understood that in moments like these, communication through text would be the most comforting method. The message on your screen read, Feeling any better? 
Your fingers, still slightly trembling, moved to reply. A lot better, thanks to you. Everything just became a little too much for me. 
The reply came almost instantaneously, and you noticed how the tight, claustrophobic feeling had dissipated. I’m glad I thought of bringing the headphones. Why didn’t you tell me though? The words on the screen seemed to convey a trace of concern, as though you could almost see the frown forming on his lips as he awaited your response.
A pang of guilt pierced your heart. You knew Seungmin would have dropped everything to help you if only you had spoken up. But you didn’t want him to worry or to spoil such a significant night. I didn’t want to ruin such a big night. I thought I would be able to handle it...until I couldn’t anymore. You sent the message with a sigh, already anticipating the comforting words that would follow. 
Baby, these parties mean nothing compared to your well-being. You didn’t ruin anything, I promise. A warm smile tugged at your lips as you read his soothing words. 
Moments later, another text from him appeared. Do you want to stay here for a bit, or would you like me to take you somewhere quieter? 
Relief flooded over you as you replied, Can we stay here for now? I don’t want to go back out yet. 
Of course. Do you want to let me in? The offer was genuine and well-intentioned, but it made you feel uneasy. 
You texted back, No. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can handle being touched or having anyone at close proximity right now...sorry. 
Hey, I get it. I’ll just stay here until you’re ready to come out.
Seungmin settled in by the door of your stall, his presence a reassuring anchor in your storm of anxiety. Leaning against the door, he continued to text you intermittently, checking in without overwhelming you. Despite the guilt that gnawed at you for keeping him away from the main event, you found solace in the sight of his polished shoes peeking out from beneath the stall door. His calm and patient demeanor provided a sense of security, a reminder that he was there for you while respecting your need for space.
To lift your spirits, Seungmin sent small jokes and snippets of gossip from the party, aiming to lighten the mood without pushing you too far. His thoughtful gestures made the wait more bearable. When you finally felt ready to emerge, you texted him, signaling that you were prepared to leave the bathroom. Seungmin maintained a respectful distance as he guided you out, his focus on ensuring your comfort. He stood by your side, a steady presence as you stood by the bathroom sinks, allowing you to regain your composure.
As you began to feel more at ease, your heart soared when Seungmin gently pulled you closer, swaying with you to the rhythm of a slow song that was apparently playing at the main party. The music and his embrace melded together in a soothing harmony, offering a sense of peace and connection that made the night’s earlier chaos feel like a distant memory.
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You and Hyeongjun had been together long enough to know that your bond was more than just a fleeting connection—it was a deeply rooted love, a steadfast commitment that had withstood the test of time. The idea of moving in together had always felt like the natural progression of your relationship, a step that would solidify the foundation you had built together. The thought of creating a home, a sanctuary where your love could continue to blossom, was a dream you both held close to your hearts. 
After months of searching, of walking through countless doorways in hopes of finding the one that felt right, you finally discovered a small, charming apartment nestled in a quiet neighborhood. It was perfect in its simplicity, a place that felt like it could become your own little haven away from the world. The moment you stepped inside, hand in hand with Hyeongjun, you could almost see the future unfolding before your eyes—a future filled with love, laughter, and the simple joy of being together.
However, as thrilling as this new chapter was, the journey to get there was anything but easy. The excitement that buzzed in your chest was often tempered by the looming dread of packing up your lives and making the transition into this new space. Despite the weeks you had spent mentally preparing, gathering boxes, and organizing your belongings, the reality of the task ahead felt overwhelming once the packing began in earnest. The room that had once been your sanctuary, a place of comfort and familiarity, now looked as though it had been ravaged by a chaotic whirlwind. The bed, once a cozy nest of warmth, was buried beneath a patchwork of clothes—some folded neatly, others discarded haphazardly in the frenzy of sorting. Your once-tidy shelves had succumbed to disorder, with books that had been carefully arranged now lying in disarray, their pages splayed open as if they, too, were crying out for the order that had been lost.
Boxes were strewn across the floor, some half-packed, others overflowing with belongings that seemed to resist categorization. Trinkets and mementos from your relationship and childhood, tokens of memories that had shaped you, were scattered across every available surface. The room had become a chaotic testament to your inability to start a task and see it through to completion, the once-organized process now devolved into a mess that mirrored the storm of emotions brewing within you.
As you stood in the center of the chaos, trying to take it all in, the room seemed to close in on you. The sheer magnitude of the task at hand made your head spin, and the weight of the change—of leaving behind the familiar to step into the unknown—pressed down on you like a heavy blanket, smothering you with a growing sense of panic. Your breaths came in shallow gasps, your chest tightening as the reality of what lay ahead threatened to overwhelm you entirely. You felt frozen, trapped between the urge to curl up on the floor and the fear of succumbing to the full-blown panic attack that you could feel building inside you.
In that moment, the dream of a shared home, of a future filled with love and laughter, felt impossibly distant, overshadowed by the immediate reality of the overwhelming chaos that surrounded you.
Hyeongjun had been meticulously packing utensils in the kitchen, each clang and clatter a small, careful note in the symphony of your impending move. The rhythm was comforting in its predictability, a soundscape of progress amidst the chaos. But it was the sudden, uneven hitch in your breathing that cut through his focus like a knife. The familiar, faint tremor in your breath sent his instincts into overdrive. He abandoned the half-filled box without a second thought, his concern drawing him swiftly to the doorway where he paused, eyes immediately searching for you. The room’s disarray only served to heighten his worry, but it was the look on your face—pale, strained, eyes wide with the first signs of panic—that sent him rushing to your side.
His presence was immediate, solid, a tether in the storm of your thoughts. His hands hovered just above your trembling frame, a question in the tension of his fingers, as if even the act of touching needed your permission in this fragile moment. His voice, calm and steady despite the urgency he felt, broke the silence, "Touch or no touch?" It was the question he always asked, a gentle reminder that he was there, ready to offer exactly what you needed.
Your throat tightened, the pressure of unspoken fears constricting your ability to breathe freely. It took a moment, but you managed to force the words past the lump of anxiety, your voice barely above a whisper yet laced with raw desperation. "Touch, please. Hard." The plea was met with immediate action. Hyeongjun closed the distance between you in an instant, his arms wrapping around you with a firm, reassuring pressure that felt like a lifeline. He pulled you close, your face pressed into the warm, solid comfort of his chest, as if he could shield you from the overwhelming chaos that threatened to consume you.
His embrace was everything you needed—strong, grounding, enveloping you in a cocoon of safety. His hands moved over your back, each squeeze purposeful, designed to remind you that you weren’t alone in this moment. The weight of his arms anchored you, offering a physical connection that countered the spinning in your mind. As you struggled to sync your breathing with his, he guided you gently, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, coaxing your frantic gasps to slow. The familiar scent of him—warm, comforting, like home—began to permeate your senses, grounding you further with each breath.
Hyeongjun understood you in a way no one else did. He knew how deeply change unsettled you, how even the most exciting transitions could unearth old anxieties that clung like shadows. This move, this beautiful step into a shared future, was something you had both yearned for, yet the enormity of it was daunting, and he recognized that. 
Still holding you close, he gently guided you to the edge of the bed, never loosening his protective grip. His voice, soft and steady, filled the space between your breaths. He began to speak, his words a soothing balm, painting a picture of the memories he hoped to create with you in your new home. 
He spoke softly of lazy Saturday mornings, where the two of you would linger in bed, wrapped in each other’s warmth as the world outside moved on without you. He painted a picture of sunlight streaming through the windows, casting golden hues across the room as the smell of fresh coffee filled the air, mingling with the comforting scent of your shared space. He imagined those moments when you would shuffle into the kitchen, still half-asleep, to find him waiting with a mug in hand and a soft smile on his lips. The day would stretch out before you, unhurried and serene, a canvas for whatever simple joys you decided to indulge in. 
He envisioned quiet evenings in the living room, where the two of you would sit side by side, your legs tangled together as you watched movies, your laughter or quiet conversations filling the room. Or perhaps, he mused, there would be nights where no words were needed—where you’d simply sway to the rhythm of music only the two of you could hear, dancing slowly in the dim light of your cozy space. Those were the moments he looked forward to, where nothing else mattered but the gentle pulse of your love, a steady, comforting presence that would fill the apartment with a sense of belonging.
He spoke of the laughter that would echo through the kitchen as you experimented with new recipes, each attempt a delightful adventure, whether it ended in culinary success or a flour-covered mess. The thought of you animatedly talking about bees, your special interest, brought a tender smile to his face. He was excited to hear you ramble on about your latest findings, to listen to your voice light up with passion as you shared the intricacies of something you loved so dearly. For him, the simple joy of coming home to you after a long day, of seeing your face light up when you saw him, was a treasure beyond words. It was in these everyday moments, he believed, that the true beauty of life together would unfold.
Each word he spoke was a delicate thread, weaving a tapestry of the life you would build together—a life rich in love, comfort, and endless moments of shared happiness. As he continued to paint this picture with his words, you felt the tightness in your chest begin to ease, the panic that had gripped you slowly loosening its hold. The overwhelming mess that surrounded you, while still daunting, no longer felt like an insurmountable mountain. 
When he offered to help you pack your bedroom, it wasn’t just the task at hand he was addressing—it was the unspoken promise that you wouldn’t have to face any of it alone. With Hyeongjun by your side, you knew that no matter how overwhelming the process might seem, you would get through it together. The future you were moving toward, though filled with uncertainties, was also brimming with the promise of love, and that was more than enough to keep you going.
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Since childhood, Saturdays had been your sacred ritual, a cherished time when you sought refuge in the comforting embrace of your favorite internet cafe. Nestled on a tranquil street near your home, this digital sanctuary had become your second haven. The space was a dimly lit enclave, bathed in warm amber hues that softly illuminated rows of screens and keyboards. The gentle hum of cooling fans and the rhythmic clatter of keys created a soothing symphony of focused activity. The walls were adorned with neon posters of popular games and vibrant advertisements for energy drinks, their colors shimmering and pulsing with the memories of countless gaming sessions. Each desk bore the marks of countless hours spent in virtual worlds, with personal touches and signs of frequent use that told stories of dedicated gamers. The chairs, worn and comfortable, had molded to fit their occupants perfectly.
The employees, who had long grown accustomed to your weekly visits, had come to appreciate your presence. They reserved a specific PC for you, tucked away in a semi-secluded corner you had claimed as your own years ago. This desk, bathed in the soft, reassuring glow of your screen, was where you felt most at ease, completely immersed in the digital adventures you embarked upon. The ritual of arriving, settling in, and losing yourself in your chosen game was a comforting certainty, a bubble of predictability in a world that often felt overwhelming.
However, recently, this cherished routine had been disrupted by a new and vibrant presence. Jooyeon, as you would eventually learn, was the boy whose frequent visits began to unsettle the calm monotony of your Saturdays. His arrival was like a burst of vivid color and exuberant energy crashing into your serene haven. The air would come alive with his boisterous laughter and animated conversations with friends, his presence a dynamic contrast to the quiet you had grown accustomed to.
Despite this disruption, you found yourself surprisingly receptive to the change. Jooyeon, with his strikingly handsome features, was impossible to overlook. His mischievous grin, ever-present and wide, seemed to illuminate the room as if he were the very essence of playful charm. Dressed in soft, well-worn hoodies paired with relaxed jeans, and with his shoulder-length hair cascading like a dark, flowing waterfall, he exuded an effortlessly cool demeanor. His interactions with friends and his choice of games created a vivid contrast against the backdrop of your reserved routine, adding an unexpected layer of excitement to your once predictable Saturdays.
There were moments when, despite your best efforts to stay focused on your own game, you would catch fleeting glimpses of him from the corner of your eye. You tried to remain unobtrusive, but Jooyeon's unabashed enjoyment of the popular games he was engrossed in was impossible to ignore. The occasional flicker of movement or the burst of his distinctive laughter would effortlessly draw your gaze, breaking through the veil of your concentration.
On one particular Saturday, Jooyeon’s frustration had reached its zenith. After what felt like the hundredth defeat in his solo game, he dramatically slumped back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head in a gesture of surrender. His eyes, alight with a mixture of defiance and amusement, wandered towards your screen, where you were deeply immersed in a particularly demanding quest. As you navigated through the game with meticulous keystrokes, Jooyeon’s gaze lingered on you, an unspoken challenge mingling with curiosity that sent a flutter through your heart.
Despite the distraction of his intense scrutiny, you managed to achieve a hard-fought victory, leveling up with a triumphant flourish on your screen. The soft hum of intrigue that escaped Jooyeon’s lips prompted you to finally look up, your heart racing as you became acutely aware of the flush warming your cheeks. Jooyeon’s grin remained undiminished, his eyes sparkling with an affectionate, teasing light. After a moment of shy silence, his laughter bubbled forth, a soft, infectious sound that seemed to fill the space between you. His amusement wrapped around you like a playful embrace, acknowledging the unspoken connection that had quietly woven itself into the fabric of your Saturday rituals.
When he finally spoke, his voice was a low murmur, meant only for you to hear. “I heard that game is pretty good. Do you mind if I join?” The simple invitation opened the door to a new, intimate connection. From that moment on, Saturdays transformed into a shared adventure, where you and Jooyeon would indulge in games together, swapping playful jabs and cracking jokes. The hours spent with him became the highlight of your week, and the growing affection you felt for him added a layer of significance to each interaction. You found yourself seeking ways to show him how much he meant to you.
Noticing his habit of picking at his skin whenever he was stressed or anxious, you returned the following week with a thoughtful gift: a textured, silicone stress ball from your own collection, designed to help him redirect his nervous energy without damaging his skin. On another occasion, as you patiently waited for him to clear a level in a game you were both playing, you couldn’t help but be charmed by the expression of concentration on his face. Without fully thinking through your words, you blurted out, “You have this cute habit of pouting when you’re really focused. It’s kind of distracting, but in a way that makes me want to keep watching.” The sudden boldness of your words left you both blushing, but Jooyeon’s shy attempt to hide his wide smile made the moment feel worth the slight embarrassment.
When Jooyeon revealed that he was an idol, the bassist for the rock band Xdinary Heroes, you found yourself spending the entire week immersed in his music and learning everything you could about him. By the time Saturday rolled around again, you were eager to confess your newfound knowledge. As he settled into his usual seat beside you, you said with a grin, “I was thinking about you so much that I ended up reading every article, watching every video, and listening to every song from your band. I have so many questions about you guys!” The sight of Jooyeon’s typically casual demeanor giving way to shyness, while his grin widened, was heartwarming. He eagerly entertained each of your questions, his enthusiasm is infectious as ever.
Finally, on one late evening, as the employees of the internet cafe gently nudged you both towards the exit, you lingered outside, a smile playing on your lips. Turning to Jooyeon, you said softly, “I really like spending time with you. You make my brain feel all fizzy, like I’ve had too much caffeine, but in a really good way.” 
To your surprise, he chuckled lightly and replied, “Okay, so, I don’t usually say stuff like this, but...whenever I’m with you, it’s like my brain gets all tangled up in butterflies and excitement. I really like spending time with you, too.”
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꒰ 🏷️ ꒱ ミ My permanent taglist is open! @joosbasschick (Click on the link to join! All you have to do is answer a few questions to help me stay organized!)
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k-p0p-4ever · 2 months ago
I have just one request for fanfic writers…
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I mean- look at this goofy goober, like who wouldn’t wanna write fanfics about him?
But in all seriousness, I think I’ve read all their fics on here and I’m literally foaming at the mouth for more.
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piillow · 5 months ago
i just read your headcannon abt xh as your co-worker, and I LOVED IT!! if you're still taking requests, i'd like to request "xh or skz as your barista!"
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xdinary heroes as your baristas
(barista xh x reader)
wc : ??? | genre : headcannons, nothing romantic, some established friendships | a/n : sighs i wish xh could be my baristas also TYSM FOR THIS !!
(also sorry these are short + this was so late i rushed this during classes lmao)
always the early morning shift tbh
the warmest welcomes I COULD SOB a RIVER 😭
"good morning y/n! would you like the usual today?" (what if i just died)
definitely adds little doodles to your cup too!
could be a smiley face, a heart, a flower, just whatever he's feeling that day
also sometimes asks about your family if you aren't in a rush
if he's allowed, he'd sit down with you for a little bit depending on how crowded it is
kinda feels sad when you leave, but he knows you'll be back tomorrow, so he's not all that worried :)
AAAAA literally the sweetest omg
adds extra whipped cream to your drink for free (?!?!?!)
makes small talk while he makes your drink and grabs your pastries (if you bought any)
"how's work? doing well?"
honestly you spill some stuff to him, buttttt who wouldn't???
sometimes introduces you to his curious coworkers, so now you might as well be friends with the whole workplace
"y/n, you might as well work here."
(he's brought it up more than once LMAO)
of course you have give your bestie a visit
gives you a happy wave when he sees your silhouette walk through the door
"y/n!! finally decided to visit, huh?"
he (jokingly) expects you to see him everyday LMAOO so he'll be kinda bummed when you don't come
LOVES when you ask for a surprise drink because it gives him a chance to let you actually try something else that isn't your usual order
will always give you the seasonal special, and smiles when he sees that you genuinely like it
"you like it, don't you? i really like that one too. i'm sad it's only fall exclusive.."
ODE 오드
always eats up the uniform let's bfr
adds fun accessories (belts, jewelry, etc.) all the time and is surprised when you notice
"oh, you have a different bracelet on today." "ah, yeah, i do! you noticed, huh?"
probably one of the newer baristas, but you two got pretty close after a month or two!
sometimes checks the clock to see when you come every day, just so he can prepare your drink for you before you come in
somehow convinces you to stay at the drink pick-up so he can talk to you while he deals with other customers ????
like my guy you might as well let me stand in there idk
still, he's a great guy and might be your new favorite 👀
the very quiet one BUT is the one you prefer making your drink
idk how to explain it but he just has a way of prepping it that is just... better????
you always ask him how he does it but he never replies LMAOO
"wow, junhan, what'd you do to make this?" "just the normal way to do it..?"
keep pestering him about it, and maybe eventually he will spit it out (though it doesn't seem likely, keep your hopes up!)
also draws a little bunny on your cup every day after you complimented it once
always tries to make your drink for you, even during rush hour
sometimes feels a bit bummed if someone else has to do it though :(
"y/n!! morning!!" is always the first thing he says to you with his huge smile HDFKAEJFHAEKJ
he always looks at you like ":D" when you come in it's so cute
after a few months/years of knowing you, sometimes he won't even give you the drink you order just to throw you off
it'll always be something you like though, so don't worry too much
though... he'll probably make you something you hate on april fools day LMAOO
"jooyeon, this is not what i ordered. i don't even like this one!" "happy april fools! hehehe"
and from then on he is now your biggest pain in the ass (but you still love him (/p) because who wouldn't)
send requests pleeaseeee haahhahaaha (THIS WAS SO FUN BTW TYSM!)
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junhanndee · 2 years ago
how do u think the heroes would react to walking in on u getting off? bonus points if they can tell you were thinking about them 🤐
omg anon yes let me just MMMMM
how xdh would react on walking in to see you getting off <3
warnings : smut duh, mdni, gaon is a lil shit, fingering mentions, afab reader kinda, eating out, uhhhh i think that’s it
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genuinely i think he might feel a little bad (?)
just because he couldn’t help you and he felt like you had to resort to that instead of him
but he kinda had an idea you were feeling that way from the texts he had received from you throughout the day
upon opening the door tho those thoughts will definitely fade away and he will make you feel so good you’ll forget all about that toy <3
shy boy #1
jungsu gives me the whole “oh woah” vibe like he sees you getting off in his bed and suddenly his pitching a tent in his jeans
bonus points if you don’t notice and he gets to stand there and watch you get off wishing it were him
he would definitely eat you out until you couldn’t barely speak a sentence again because he just can’t get enough of you :)
okay hear me out
gaon gives me the vibe to be like “but you have me :(“
and then destroy you LMAO
like he walks in and had already kinda heard something from the door
and when he walks in to see you all spread out on the bed he can’t help but hate that stupid fucking toy and will stop at nothing to prove he’s better
“you think that toy can do what i can’t?” he would say while practically throwing it to the other side of the room. then would smirk at you knowing he’s about to make you see stars
he will definitely have you in 50 different positions before the night ends
definitely tells you to just call him next time LMAO
tbh i see seungmin as the type to get super turned on by this
like he walks in to find you under the covers but he can’t help hearing the low sound of vibrations coming from under the bed
he would dive under the covers and probably continue to use it on you just taking it all in
“my baby had to use this because she was so turned on? :( poor thing”
he would probably send you into overstim just to watch your expressions as he actually finds it really fascinating and can’t wait to incorporate it into your sec routine:)
shy boy #2
junhan would probably be like 😀
when he sees you riding his pillow i think he’s sees his life flash before his eyes when he widely opens the door
he would probably quietly close the door while a bright red blush appears on his cheeks
honestly tho, once he’s like omg he would probably come and sit next to you giving you hooded eyes and ready to get you off
“m sorry baby i was so busy today i made you wait”
would definitely drag you onto his lap reverse cowboy style and get you off by fingering you <33
then boom best sex ever
shy boy #3
he would open the door and probably shut it so fast that you heard the boom and see him standing there like 😀😫
he would probably rush over to you even tho his face is soooo red
“did you need me? i’m so sorry i missed you to i just was really busy today…”
he would probably ramble and try his hardest to not stare at your tits but has failed the entire time
he would 100% eat you out like right then and there
“mmm i missed you, i’ll make you feel good to make up for it i promise”
would eat you out until he was satisfied :)
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nightbeforethend · 4 months ago
confessing // xdinary heroes
a/n: ok so this is my first little xdinary heroes thing and I literally just started getting into them last month so I’m a little on edge because idk if it’ll be as entertaining as my ateez once since I’ve been an atiny since debut but I hope anyone seeing this enjoys it anyway 😬😁
warning(s): i don’t think there’s any? Always open to being asked to include a warning if I haven’t already though
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xdinary heroes masterlist | general masterlist
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joocomics · 5 months ago
nsfw links
day 14 — nsfw links w/ ot6 ⌞⌗ kinktober ⌝
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𓂃⠀𓈒 xdinary heroes x fem!reader
contains: nsfw twt links, scenarios w/ implied consent, oral sex, sensory deprivation, spanking, somnophilia, free use, breasts play, car sex, titty fucking, sixty-nine, morning sex, sexting, breath play
[ kinktober masterlist | general masterlist ]
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link 。。。 seungmin is experimental just as you are and one of the things you grow to love together is limiting your senses. worshipping each other’s bodies in full darkness always heightens your pleasure
link 。。。 hyeongjun can get rough sometimes. especially when you’re super needy and can’t stop begging him for more; only proving him how much you love being fucked
link 。。。 jooyeon wakes you up in the middle of your nap because he can’t suppress his needs any longer. after all, you’ve reminded him multiple times that as his girlfriend he can use you whenever and however he wants. even when you’re asleep
link 。。。 you look so gorgeous when you’re about to go out with friends it makes jooyeon want to stop what he’s doing and pull you into his arms. and he succeeds, promising you that he will be quick while already settling between your legs
link 。。。 jiseok loves when you surprise him with special outfits that only he gets to see and enjoy. they make him want to fuck you right then and there to the point he doesn’t even have the patience to take off his clothes
link 。。。 seungmin pulls over to a secluded spot, because he cannot focus on driving when you’re slowly rubbing yourself next to him. you need to make a good use of his new car after all
link 。。。 one of jooyeon’s favorite positions because you both get to rest and please one another without putting too much effort and energy. he also gets to listen to your whines being muffled from his dick that’s keeping your mouth full as he brings you orgasm
link 。。。 gunil loves having you first thing in the morning. nothing energises him better then getting off to your sleepy voice and pretty ass illuminated by the morning sun
link 。。。 movie nights with jungsu always end up with you taking him either on the couch or on the floor. every single movie seems boring when he’s right there next to you, running his hand along your thigh
link 。。。 you and hyeongjun share something in common and that’s passionate love for breath play; it’s always fun no matter who is choking who. you cum the hardest when you’re both holding a hand around the other’s throat while maintaining eye contact
link 。。。 jiseok likes reminding you throughout the day how badly he misses you by sending something little as proof without considering where you might be when you receive the message
link 。。。 it’s not difficult for hyeongjun to cum like this… watching you rub yourself up and down along his cock is a sight that never fails to arouse him especially if you’re still in your panties and you both feel the wet patch growing
link 。。。 when gunil finds you wet then one thing is for sure - you’re not going to cum just once. he takes his sweet time to please you with his firm strong hand that knows all your weak points, and all the right ways to touch you, easily bringing you orgasm after an orgasm
link 。。。 jungsu is obsessed with receiving oral, but he loves spending time between your legs just as much. he adores your taste and witnessing you cum from his mouth always boosts his confidence
link 。。。 one of seungmin’s favorite ways to wind down is by letting you please him the way you want to. he always feels better with your hand around him and your lips marking his neck gently
link 。。。 jiseok never misses out on the opportunity to pay special attention to your boobs. knowing how sensitive your nipples are makes him want to play with them even when you’re just cuddling in bed. that’s when he uses his tongue and lips softly; much more gentle than how he usually does when you have sex
link 。。。 sometimes gunil just cannot resist the urge to drag you into his room when you’re over at the dorms. the boys can easily tell what he’s up to just by the way he looks at you, but also by the moaning you cannot control, the bed creaking loudly, and the sound of his hips crashing into your body
link 。。。 you love worshipping jungsu’s dick and he lets you film a video that you can go back to whenever he’s away and you miss him. he knows that you probably watch it while using your favorite dildo, imagining that it’s him inside you. he hopes that one day you’ll take a clip of that too
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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gunilslaugh · 6 months ago
Hello can I request ot6 so their SO not having any family which members are immediately trying to start a bond between them and their own family
Hello :) I honestly didn't know how to write this so I'm so sorry if it sucks anonnie
OT6 [ :) ] Summary: Xdinary Heroes helping you feel like you’re a part of their family. (idol au) WC:932 Warning:talks about not having a family.
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photo not mine credit to owner.
Gunil swears that he never felt his heart drop like it did when you told him that you didn’t really have a family. The thought of an amazing person like you not having a family to love and receive love from made him want to pull you into the most loving hug ever and that’s exactly what he did. 
“From now on you’re a part of my family,” he declared, holding you as close as he possibly could. 
He would always invite you over when he and his members had down time, so that you could build a bond with them. He was set on making his members seem like some kind of brothers to you. 
When he got time off from his busy idol schedule, he would bring you home with him to spend time with his family. Watching you grow closer with his parents was probably the most heartwarming thing he ever saw. Though the thing that warmed his heart the most was when he saw that you had his mom saved to your phone as “Mom <3”. He was ready to put a ring on your finger right then and there. 
It took everything in Jungsu not to cry when you told him about how you didn’t really have any connection with your biological family. He immediately started to think about how soon he could get you to meet his family. 
Once you finally did meet his family they welcomed you with open arms. They were more than happy to become the family that you were missing. Jungsu did actually ended up shedding some tears of happiness when he called his mom one evening only to find out that you were with her helping cook dinner. Hearing you laugh at some dumb joke his dad said brought out a very sentimental feeling from the depths of his heart. 
Whenever you hang out with his members, Jungsu can’t help but smile. Seeing you be so happy with the people he considers his family and the fact that they’re becoming people you see as family too. Makes Jungsu feel content as ever. 
“Then consider my family your family. My members are your members,” is how Jiseok instantly responded once you told him the news. 
“Your members are my members,” you could help but chuckle at his choice of words, but still warmed your heart nonetheless. 
“Ok, maybe I shouldn’t have worded it like that, but you get what I mean,” he laughs at his own clumsy wording. After that he quickly invites you over to game night at the dorm. 
He also arranged for you to have a girls day with mom. When he received a selfie of both you and his mom on your day out he had the biggest smile running across his face. Later when his parents started referring to you as their child brought a kind of happiness to him that he didn’t know he could feel. 
Seungmin could not stand the thought of you not having a family. As his significant other you were someone he treasured dearly, so naturally he had to make sure that you received the love and care that you deserved. He started to invite you to dinners with his members and always invited you to come and hang out with the guys whenever he could. Watching you grow closer to his members brought such a sense of satisfaction to him. 
Watching you grow closer to his family also brought such a warm feeling to his heart. Seeing you spent time with his family and hearing stories about your time spent together. He was more than grateful to give you the family that you deserved to have. 
Once he heard that you didn’t really have a family unit surrounding you, Hyeongjun instantly stood up to make you feel like a part of his family. 
“That’s ok, you’ll be a part of my family from now on,” he told you. He makes quick work in having you hang out with his members. Often inviting you to spend time with them in the studio and outside of it. 
When it came to introducing you to his family he had already told them about your situation and made sure that they would make you feel very welcome. His family could tell how much Hyeongjun cared about you by how much he wanted to make sure you felt like his family was yours. They had never seen Hyeongjun take initiative like this before. 
All of his efforts were definitely worth it when you were standing right next to him the next time his family went to get family portraits done. 
“What do you mean you don’t have a family!” Jooyeon could not believe the news you just informed him about. “My family is yours then” he firmly stated. He’d quickly call his mom and set up having a family dinner together. At the dinner you and his family would sit gathered around the table as they shared stories about their lives and make plans with you, so that you could become a part of those stories. 
Jooyeon pushed you to become friends with his members too. He really embraced the saying “What’s mine is yours”. He was ready to share everything with you (including his last name). Nothing made him happier than seeing you grow close with his family, eventually referring to them as your own family. Though he did feel a bit left out when you and Jiseok went out to get chicken without him.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143 @seungseung-minmin
comment or message me to be added!
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elllisaaa · 5 months ago
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SUMMARY : the dirty secret you've been hiding for a few months now is suddenly harder to keep for yourself when the other members catch you sucking off seungmin backstage. and after having discussed it, they decide that they have to get back at you for fucking each one of them sneakily.
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-> pairing : ot6 xdh x stylist!reader
-> words count : 3.9k
-> genre : smut
-> warnings : bukkake (obviously), voyeurism, use of 'slut', 'whore' & 'good girl', oral (m. receiving), mention of semi-public sex, handjob, mention of alcohol consumption and dry humping, unprotected sex, degradation, fingering, reader is tied up w. ropes, edging, overstimulation, exhibitionism, anal sex, pegging, begging, teasing, dirty talk, spit, hair pulling, praising, throat fucking, cum play, nipple play, marking, swearing, creampie, cum eating, titfucking,
+ the way i'm depicting xdh does not represent them, it's only a work of fiction
-> 18+ content bellow, minors DNI
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | xdh masterlist | kinktober 2024
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You had never meant for it to go this far, but you could only blame yourself for the position you were in right now - naked and tied to Seungmin’s bed with some solid ropes. You could feel his eyes on you, and you were used to it, but it was much more unusual to have his five other bandmates also standing all around you and looking at you with the same hunger in their eyes.
“- Don’t be scared angel, we’re not going to hurt you, you know that right ?”
You nodded to Seungmin’s reassuring words, but the whole situation was still very intimidating for you. You felt exposed, observed, detailed on every aspect of your body. Seungmin came closer to you until he could sit on the bed and caress your cheek tenderly. You immediately leaned into his familiar touch, closing your eyes. And just like that, it was easier to pretend you were with him only.
“- I’m gonna start, okay ? We need you to be as relaxed as possible.”
You nodded at him again, kinda happy to have him going first. He was the one you had the most experience with, and you knew that he would be able to make you forget about the five other pairs of eyes looking at you. Seungmin got on top of you slowly, as if not to scare you away, and soon enough, his lips were on yours - gentle yet demanding, tender yet sensual, just how you liked it.
It all went down a week or two before this, when you thought it would be a good idea to offer Seungmin a blowjob after their performance at Inkigayo. Your intentions were pure - you just wanted to help him relax from all the pressure weighing on his shoulders lately, to show him that he did a very good job. However, both of you were too distracted and excited to think about locking the door of the dressing room and you only remembered that you had in fact forgot to close it properly when Jungsu opened the door, the rest of the group standing right behind him. And even if the keyboardist slammed the door shut quickly, there was no way they hadn’t all seen you on your knees, with Seungmin’s whole length buried into your mouth.
However, none of them mentioned anything to you for the passing days, and you innocently thought that everything had come right back into place. Maybe they were too scared to confront you about it and probably taking the risk of making you feel uncomfortable, or maybe that Seungmin had told them to leave you alone, to forget about it. So when almost two weeks later, Seungmin called you late at night, asking you to come to the dorms because he was feeling needy, you didn’t think anything about it, simply going because you were never able to turn him down. But it wasn’t Seungmin that opened the door for you when you arrived, despite the late hour of the night, you discovered Jiseok waiting for you instead. And just by the way he was glaring at you, you understood that you were in trouble. He guided you to the couch on which you sat down anxiously, your nervousness reaching a whole new level when you saw that all of them were waiting for you in the living room.
“- So... You really thought that we would never know about it ?”
Gunil’s voice was sharp and rough, not letting you have any other choice but to respond, to lie because you still had the tiniest bit of hope that they hadn’t discovered your secret.
“- Know about what ?
- Don’t play dumb Y/N, we all know that you’ve been fucking with each one of us.”
You felt even more observed as the weight of what you did seemed heavier than ever. It all started with Seungmin, and how much he always flirted with you when you were in charge of helping him dress up. One thing led to another, and before you knew it, you had became fuck buddies. Then came Jiseok, who seemed so stressed before one concert that you jokingly said that you knew a good way to relax. He took you up on that offer and you gave him a handjob before he had to go on stage, and since then, he would often come to you when he needed to decompress before a show. The third was surprisingly Hyeongjun. You had gone out for some drinks to celebrate their comeback, and both of you being a little tipsy and left alone in the living room talking while everyone went to sleep led to a passionate make out session, with a sprinkle of dry humping to top it all. It never happened again with him, and he was very shy around for some time after it all.
At that point, you were already wondering how that was even possible. But when you caused an accidental boner to Gunil and that he fucked you to punish you, and when Jooyeon tried to teach you to play the bass but that you ended up riding him instead, and when you found yourself trapped in the dressing room with Jungsu for multiple hours and that again, you were fucked by him - you started to think that you had fell asleep and dived into an alternative reality. You never knew if they had talked between themselves about what was happening, but when neither one of them mentioned it, you figured that they hadn’t. And you were too embarrassed to bring it up by yourself. You knew that you did nothing wrong technically, but it still felt incredibly wrong to be fucked by six men who were all friends and that you also worked with. There was no reason for you to feel like this, but you still felt like you were a disgusting slut. Actually, you were even impressed that they only discovered it by accident like that and not earlier.
“- I...”
But you interrupted yourself quickly. What were you even supposed to say in such a situation ? You lowered your head, anxiously looking down at your feet and trying to come up with... With an apology ? An explanation ? You didn’t even know. But you soon felt Seungmin’s fingers brushing against your cheek, forcing you to look up again.
“- Don’t feel bad angel, it’s all good. We’re not mad, right guys ?”
They all approved and it eased the weight on your chest a little bit.
“- We’re really not angry or anything Y/N, just... surprised.”
Jungsu had gotten closer as he talked, sitting down beside you on the couch until his hand could rest on your thigh in a comforting touch.
“- Yeah, that’s all. And we have... Something to propose to you.”
Jiseok had come closer too, that cheeky smile of his taking over his features as he crouched down in front of you, his chin resting on top of your knees as he looked up at you. You felt surrounded by them, but the atmosphere had shifted to something a lot less tense, to something way much pleasurable than before.
“- W-What is it ?
- See, we’re not mad at you. But we think it would be unfair for all of us to not get our turns on you too. What do you think ?”
He looked at you with an eyebrow raised, impatiently waiting for your answer, and you looked up at Hyeongjun, Jooyeon and Gunil who were now standing a lot closer to you too. 
“- You… You all agreed to that ?
- Yeah, but we want you to want it too, of course.”
Gunil’s eyes were gentle as he talked, and you really considered the idea. You knew that you had loved your intercourse with every one of them in very different ways, but still loved it a lot nonetheless. And if they all wanted to be all over you, was it so bad ? Was it so bad that you felt yourself get wetter at the idea of the six of them taking care of you ? You gulped down and looked back to Seungmin, because you were practically certain that the idea came from him. 
“- Okay, I want to do it.”
That was how you found yourself being watched by the whole group while Seungmin was fingering you restlessly. You were still tied up to the bed, unable to do anything more than squirming around as he edged you, taking away another one of your orgasms from you. You were out of breath, looking at him desperately in hopes it would be enough to convince him to finally let you cum. But Seungmin only smirked at you cockily and leaned down to whisper directly in your ear.
“- Needed to get you all relaxed and sensitive for them to believe that they can make you cum harder than me. Ready ?”
You giggled, but he wasn’t wrong either. It was mostly because you and Seungmin had had a lot of practice over the months you fooled around, but he definitely made it more agreeable for you. After having given you another passionate kiss, Seungmin turned to his bandmates and beckoned for them to get closer as he finally freed you from the ropes. You tried to ignore the fact that being watched like that made you wetter as Jiseok got on top of you instead of Seungmin who had backed away to sit on a chair that gave him a perfect view of the bed. Jiseok already had his hands roaming all around your body, with that same cheeky smile that made you bite down on your lips. 
“- We already agreed that I would be the one fucking your ass baby, we both know how much you love it.”
Your cheeks were burning up as Jiseok coated his fingers in your slick before guiding them to the rim of your asshole, circling it gently before slowly pushing one of them inside. His smile widened when you whined his name.
“- Yeah, that’s right, moan just like that for me.”
Jiseok didn’t need to do much to get you to relax for him and allow him to push a second finger inside of your ass. He thrusted them carefully, not wanting to hurt you but he also couldn’t resist how much you loved it, how much you were willing to let them do to you. As Jiseok sat down against the headboard with you on his lap, his cock already seated deep inside of your ass, and that you were already getting lightheaded from the pleasure you felt, Jungsu stepped closer too. You wouldn’t have expected him to be the one who would fuck you, but you were glad he did because you still remembered to this day how good his thick cock felt inside of you. 
“- You’re already so wet for us, baby… You love it, right ? You love to have us all taking care of you ?”
You nodded at him as Jungsu pressed his thumb down on your clit, circling it slowly just to tease you a little bit. The last time you fucked, he was pretty gentle and caring, and if you could still see that in his eyes, his touch was a little more harsh, a little more demanding. 
“- You’re ready to take me ?
- Yes, please, Jungsu.”
A smile grew on his face as he aligned his cock to your entrance, slowly pushing his whole length inside of you. You felt stretched in the best way possible from both Jungsu and Jiseok’s cocks, but you also felt full, and you loved that feeling. You moaned as they both started to move in sync, Jiseok’s hands gripping your hips and Jungsu’s fingers digging into the skin of your plush thighs. Jiseok buried his head against your shoulder, his words coming out muffled.
“- Fuck… She’s so tight…
- Yes, squeezing us so good.”
Jungsu’s eyes were glued to the way your glistening pussy swallowed him whole so easily and he couldn‘t stop himself from speeding up his rhythm. You could already feel yourself clench down on both their cocks, already close because of the way Seungmin had edged you earlier. You had thrown your head back and rested it against Jiseok’s shoulder, eyes closed and lips parted to let all your moans spill from your lips freely when you felt someone pat your cheeks. You turned your gaze to Jooyeon who looked at you with a sly grin. His fingers pressed against either side of your cheeks, forcing you to open your mouth and letting him spit on your tongue, priding yourself in the way his jaw clenched when you gulped it down with another moan. 
“- Good fucking girl.”
The nickname made you want to be even better for him and you took it upon yourself to grab his fingers and take them into your mouth, as if to show him what you could do to his cock. Though you weren’t able to keep up for too long, because Jungsu and Jiseok apparently made it a competition to see who could get you to cum first. But you were too fucked out to comprehend anything else aside from the way their two cocks were filling you up so nicely. 
But Jooyeon didn’t let you get away from his fingers, instead replacing them with his cock. He didn’t even let you adjust before pushing his girth down your throat until your nose touched his pelvis. You gagged loudly around him, trying to conceal your orgasm that washed over you as Jooyeon caressed your hair. You had taken a hold of Jungsu’s shoulders as your body grew limp against them. 
“- Don’t go numb on us just now darling, we’re only starting.”
Jiseok sounded breathless, and he was because it was hard to for him to hold back when your ass clenched down on him so tight, when you felt so good, when it felt so naughty but also so exciting to fuck you at the same time as his friend. Jungsu started to circle your clit again and you jerked in overstimulation - it felt too much but at the same time, you still wanted more. You could feel that the both of them were still hard, that they hadn’t cum, and you threw a glance at Jungsu, begging him with your gaze to do something because Jooyeon’s cock down your throat didn’t allow you to talk.
“- I think she wants more.
- She’s so greedy.”
Jiseok said these last words right into your ear as he thrusted forward into your ass again, making you whine around Jooyeon’s cock who strengthened his grip on your hair, pulling on your strands as he groaned loudly. 
“- You’re such a slut Y/N, such a fucking whore.”
You moaned again, and Jooyeon’s smirk grew wider. If Jungsu didn’t stop telling you that you were doing so well, that you felt perfect, Jooyeon needed to remind you of how nasty and freaky you were. Not that he hated it because the way you hollowed your cheeks and bobbed your head up and down on his cock as best as you could while his two bandmates were still fucking you at a quick pace made him feel in heaven. 
The room started to fill up with noises of pleasure and of skin slapping against skin, of your squelching pussy, of the gagging noise your throat produced. And everything about this situation turned you on even more every time you thought about it. Your brain capacities had been reduced to mush by now, and you barely registered when Gunil came closer to the bed too. 
“- Look at you, going dumb on us already… You know we’re only starting right ?”
You couldn’t respond with the way Jooyeon was fucking your mouth, simply looking up at Gunil with wide eyes, filled up with tears. A whimper that was a mix of pain and pleasure escaped from you as Jiseok and Jungsu worked in synch, the rhythm of their thrusts making it impossible for you to think anymore. Still, you had enough consciousness left to reach for his hard cock, wrapping your hand around it and jerking him off at a slow but sensual pace that had him groaning, one of his big hands flying to one of your breasts to take a hold of it. His finger flicked around your nipple, making you whine again around Jooyeon’s cock who moaned and tugged on your hair harder to pull you flush against him, savoring the way your throat was clenching around him. 
“- You have to touch her boobs, Jooyeon, her skin is so soft. So pretty for such a nasty girl.”
Jooyeon didn’t think twice before letting go of your hair and coming down to squeeze your breast hard, contrasting with the way Gunil was gently massaging them. Jooyeon stepped back to let you breathe, and you took a deep inspiration, now able to concentrate on properly jerking off Gunil, but the way Jiseok and Jungsu were still trying to compete against each other had you close to the brink of another orgasm. 
“- Fuck… You’re getting so tight angel, are you gonna cum again ?”
You nodded at Jungsu’s words, your moans spilling out from your lips freely now that your mouth wasn’t full anymore. The way he was hitting your sweet spot everytime he pushed back into you paired with the way Jiseok was fucking your ass deep and slow while biting and marking your neck had you screaming and clenching down tighter around them, your body trembling and tears finally spilling from your eyes as your second orgasm of the night hit you. You were definitely fucked out by now, but something was still bugging your mind - Hyeongjun still hadn’t had his fun with you. As Jungsu and Jiseok switched places - Jungsu filling up your ass this time, and Jiseok burying his length into your dripping pussy - you made a gesture to invite him closer. He shyly took some steps closer, and you tried to smile at him reassuringly even if it was hard with the way Jungsu and Jiseok had started their little game again, and that Jooyeon and Gunil were still massaging your boobs. But you still reached for his cock too, stroking a few times in a gentle manner. 
“- Is this okay ?
- Y-Yeah… You can… Do whatever you want.”
The way his words were already sounding like airy gasps even if you had barely done anything made you think back to how good he sounded when you were grinding against him, how good he sounded when you had made him cum in his pants. So just like you did with Jooyeon, you took him into your mouth, slowly pushing his whole cock into your mouth. Hyeongjun was smaller than Jooyeon, and it made it way easier for you to bob your head up and down. And his moans sounded just as good and heavenly as you remembered.
“- Lucky bastard… She does really likes losers, uh ?”
Jooyeon pinched your nipples as he talked, one of his hands coming down to wrap around his still rock hard cock, jerking himself over your body. Maybe he shouldn’t enjoy the view of all his friends having their way with you, but he did, and the scene unfolding before his eyes made his mouth salivate and his tip drip with precum. 
“- I’m not gonna last long angel…”
Jungsu had buried his head against your neck, his thrusts into your ass starting to become way more sloppy and uncoordinated. You whined around Hyeongjun dick, and the poor boy threw his head back. You could feel him already throbbing into your mouth, and just like last time, you loved how sensitive he was, how easy it was to make him cum. You replaced your lips by your hand, quickly jerking him off and matching it with the rhythm of your other hand that was still wrapped around Gunil’s cock.
“- Please, Jungsu… I’m close too…
- Shit… I’m gonna cum inside your pretty pussy.”
Jiseok seemed too fucked out to think properly as he pounded into you without any mercy, head thrown back and loud moans almost overpowering yours as he hit your sweet spot again and again. As you felt the knot in your stomach snap again, you tried to muffle your cries by taking Hyeongjun in your mouth again. The clenching of your pussy made Jiseok the first to cum, shooting his load inside of your cunt with a pathetic whimper. Then Jungsu groans got muffled by your skin as he pulled out from your ass just in time to cum all over your back, grinding against your cheeks. Hyeongjun took a hold of your hair and fucked your mouth at a quick pace, though he only needed a few seconds to cum right into your throat, moaning breathlessly at the way you swallowed it all.
“- Open that dirty mouth for me.”
You obeyed Gunil's order even if you were feeling dizzy and lightheaded from the way Jiseok was still pushing his cum inside of your pussy, from the way Jungsu was gently circling your clit and making your thighs shake with overstimulation. Gunil grabbed your cheeks to force you to look at him, pushing his tip into your mouth as he continued to jerk off. You only needed to suck around him a few times for him to groan deeply as he came in your mouth too. Once again, you swallowed it all, going as far as opening your mouth again to show how well you did.
“- Good girl.”
He patted your cheek before forcing you to turn your head to the other side, where Jooyeon was still standing with his hard cock in his hand.
“- I think you forgot one of us darling, what are you gonna do ?
- Come here, Joo.”
You pushed Jiseok away, letting him whine all he wanted while Jooyeon settled in between your thighs, his eyes racking around your spent body, and fixating on your pussy still dripping from his friend’s cum. Jungsu was holding you open for Jooyeon, whispering praises against your ear.
“-  Where do you want to cum ?
- I get to choose ? Lucky me.”
Jooyeon smiled cheekily as he climbed up your body until he could thrust his cock in between your tits. You giggled because of his interesting decision, but you still brought your hands up to your breast, squishing them together and making it perfect for Jooyeon to fuck. You were so focused on his face contorted in pleasure that you barely registered the way Jungsu’s fingers were gliding against your folds, not until he pushed two of his fingers inside of you, pushing back Jiseok’s cum inside. You moaned loudly and threw your head back against his shoulder, and your ecstatic face was what made him for Jooyeon. He groaned as his hips stuttered, his cum spurting out and covering your tits and even your chin and lips. You licked his cum and swallowed it, just as you came again around Jungsu’s fingers. This time, you leaned all your weight against him - exhausted and spent, but so satisfied. 
That was when you noticed that Seungmin hadn’t taken part in all of this, and you catched his gaze from where he was sitting on the same chair from across the room. His chest was heaving up and down rapidly, his hands still wrapped around his cock, even if his fingers were already covered in cum. You smiled at him lazily, and he flashed you a cocky smile back. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to be caught red handed sometimes.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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