#setting: terra novys
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garlicboyart · 2 months ago
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a couple days after a border skirmish, some thoughts that have been stewing are discussed
short context explanation down vv there..
all of the lore in one paragraph is too complicated but summarized:
mirko (tall guy, straight hair) and haidan (tail and furry face) are fighting together in a years-old war and stuck behind a blockade. it's a couple months or so after meeting cecil (guy theyre talking about), whos an assassin sent to kill mirko on account of his position as a infamous guerrilla fighter in the war effort. mirko's got some standoutish magic and a reputation.. but cecil got overpowered and haidan Really wanted to be his friend and it worked. huart emoji
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years ago
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Book Of Genesis - From The Latin Vulgate - Chapter 12
The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written like one continued word or verse; but the Sept. have preferred to give the titles the most memorable occurrences of each work. On this occasion, the Creation of all things out of nothing, strikes us with peculiar force. We find a refutation of all the heathenish mythology, and of the world's eternity, which Aristotle endeavoured to establish. We behold the short reign of innocence, and the origin of sin and misery, the dispersion of nations, and the providence of God watching over his chosen people, till the death of Joseph, about the year 2369 (Usher) 2399 (Sal. and Tirin) B.C. 1631. We shall witness the same care in the other Books of Scripture, and adore his wisdom and goodness in preserving to himself faithful witnesses, and a true Holy Catholic Church, in all ages, even when the greatest corruption seemed to overspread the land. H.
This Book is so called from its treating of the Generation, that is, of the Creation and the beginning of the world. The Hebrews call it Bereshith, from the word with which it begins. It contains not only the History of the Creation of the World, but also an account of its progress during the space of 2369 years, that is, until the death of Joseph.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as .
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 12
The call of Abram, and the promise made to him. He sojourneth in Chanaan, and then by occasion of a famine, goeth down to Egypt.
[1] And the Lord said to Abram: Go forth out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and out of thy father's house, and come into the land which I shall shew thee. Dixit autem Dominus ad Abram : Egredere de terra tua, et de cognatione tua, et de domo patris tui, et veni in terram quam monstrabo tibi.
[2] And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. Faciamque te in gentem magnam, et benedicam tibi, et magnificabo nomen tuum, erisque benedictus.
[3] I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and IN THEE shall all the kindred of the earth be blessed: Benedicam benedicentibus tibi, et maledicam maledicentibus tibi, atque in te benedicentur universae cognationes terrae.
[4] So Abram went out as the Lord had commanded him, and Lot went with him: Abram was seventy-five years old when he went forth from Haran. Egressus est itaque Abram sicut praeceperat ei Dominus, et ivit cum eo Lot : septuaginta quinque annorum erat Abram cum egrederetur de Haran.
[5] And he took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all the substance which they had gathered, and the souls which they had gotten in Haran: and they went out to go into the land of Chanaan. And when they were come into it, Tulitque Sarai uxorem suam, et Lot filium fratris sui, universamque substantiam quam possederant, et animas quas fecerant in Haran : et egressi sunt ut irent in terram Chanaan. Cumque venissent in eam,
[6] Abram passed through the country into the place of Sichem, as far as the noble vale: now the Chanaanite was at that time in the land. pertransivit Abram terram usque ad locum Sichem, usque ad convallem illustrem : Chananaeus autem tunc erat in terra.
[7] And the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him: To thy seed will I give this land. And he built there an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him. Apparuit autem Dominus Abram, et dixit ei : Semini tuo dabo terram hanc. Qui aedificavit ibi altare Domino, qui apparuerat ei.
[8] And passing on from thence to a mountain, that was on the east side of Bethel, he there pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east; he built there also an altar to the Lord, and called upon his name. Et inde transgrediens ad montem, qui erat contra orientem Bethel, tetendit ibi tabernaculum suum, ab occidente habens Bethel, et ab oriente Hai : aedificavit quoque ibi altare Domino, et invocavit nomen ejus.
[9] And Abram went forward, going, and proceeding on to the south. Perrexitque Abram vadens, et ultra progrediens ad meridiem.
[10] And there came a famine in the country; and Abram went down into Egypt, to sojourn there: for the famine was very grievous in the land. Facta est autem fames in terra : descenditque Abram in Aegyptum, ut peregrinaretur ibi : praevaluerat enim fames in terra.
[11] And when he was near to enter into Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife: I know that thou art a beautiful woman: Cumque prope esset ut ingrederetur Aegyptum, dixit Sarai uxori suae : Novi quod pulchra sis mulier :
[12] And that when the Egyptians shall see thee, they will say: She is his wife: and they will kill me, and keep thee. et quod cum viderint te Aegyptii, dicturi sunt : Uxor ipsius est : et interficient me, et te reservabunt.
[13] Say, therefore, I pray thee, that thou art my sister: that I may be well used for thee, and that my soul may live for thy sake. Dic ergo, obsecro te, quod soror mea sis : ut bene sit mihi propter te, et vivat anima mea ob gratiam tui.
[14] And when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians saw the woman that she was very beautiful. Cum itaque ingressus esset Abram Aegyptum, viderunt Aegyptii mulierem quod esset pulchra nimis.
[15] And the princes told Pharao, and praised her before him: and the woman was taken into the house of Pharao. Et nuntiaverunt principes Pharaoni, et laudaverunt eam apud illum : et sublata est mulier in domum Pharaonis.
[16] And they used Abram well for her sake. And he had sheep and oxen, and he asses, and men servants and maid servants, and she asses, and camels. Abram vero bene usi sunt propter illam : fueruntque ei oves et boves et asini, et servi et famulae, et asinae et cameli.
[17] But the Lord scourged Pharao and his house with most grievous stripes for Sarai, Abram's wife. Flagellavit autem Dominus Pharaonem plagis maximis, et domum ejus, propter Sarai uxorem Abram.
[18] And Pharao called Abram, and said to him: What is this that thou hast done to me? Why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? Vocavitque Pharao Abram, et dixit ei : Quidnam est hoc quod fecisti mihi? quare non indicasti quod uxor tua esset?
[19] For what cause didst thou say, she was thy sister, that I might take her to my wife? Now, therefore, there is thy wife, take her, and go thy way. quam ob causam dixisti esse sororem tuam, ut tollerem eam mihi in uxorem? Nunc igitur ecce conjux tua, accipe eam, et vade.
[20] And Pharao gave his men orders concerning Abram: and they led him away, and his wife, and all that he had. Praecepitque Pharao super Abram viris : et deduxerunt eum, et uxorem illius, et omnia quae habebat.
Ver. 1. Said: not after his father's death, but before he left Ur; (M.) unless, perhaps, Abram received a second admonition at Haran, which, from his dwelling there with his father, &c., is styled his country. He leaves his kindred, Nachor and his other relations, except Sarai and Lot, who go with him unto Chanaan; and even his own house, or many of his domestics and effects, and full of faith, goes in quest of an unknown habitation. Heb. xi. 8. H. --- S. Stephen clearly distinguishes these two calls of Abram. From the second, the 430 years of sojournment, mentioned Gal. 3. Ex. 12, must be dated. C. --- This is the third grand epoch of the world, about 2083, when God chooses one family to maintain the one faith, which he had all along supported. See W. &c.
Ver. 3. In thee, &c. or in the Messias, who will be one of thy descendants, and the source of all the blessings to be conferred on any of the human race. Gal. iii. 16. Many of the foregoing promises regarded a future world, and Abram was by no means incredulous, when he found himself afflicted here below, as if God had forgot his promises. C. --- He was truly blessed, in knowing how to live poor in spirit, even amid riches and honours; faithful in all tribulations and trials; following God in all things. v. 1.
Ver. 5. Gotten, (fecerant): made or acquired, either by birth or purchase, &c. M.
Ver. 6. Sichem. At the foot of M. Garizim, where Abram offered his first sacrifice in the land. Deut. xi. 30. Ken. --- Noble; on account of the many tall and shady oaks, whence the Sept. have the high oak. Heb. Elon more, the plain of Moreh, or of ostension, because God shewed Abram from this place, situated about the middle of the promised land, what countries he would give to him in his posterity, after having exterminated the Chanaanites, who then occupied the land as their own. The mentioning of these idolatrous nations here, gives us reason to admire the faith and constancy of Abram, who neither doubted of the fulfilling of this promise, nor hesitated to adore the true God publicly. v. 7. Hence there is no reason for accounting this an interpolation. H.
Ver. 8. Bethel, as it was called in the days of Moses, being the ancient Luza. C. 28. On the west, Hebrew, towards the sea or Mediterranean, which lay west of Palestine. Bethel signifies the house of God, being honoured with two altars. H.
Ver. 9. Proceeding to the south, Heb.: means also the desert, as the Sept. generally translate negeb: other interpreters agree with the Vulgate. C.
Ver. 10. Down into Egypt, which lies lower than Judea: here the famine did not rage. God would not allow him to go back to his friends. M.
Ver. 11. Beautiful: having yet had no children, though she must have been 65 years old. Abram acts with prudence, and does not tempt God: if he had made known that the woman was his wife, he would have exposed his life to imminent danger, amid a cruel and lascivious people; and being convinced of the chastity of Sarai, he did not, in the least, apprehend that she would consent to any violation of her conjugal engagements. He did not, therefore, expose her virtue as the Manichees pretended. S. Aug. c. Faust. xxii. 33. de C. D. xvi. 19. Ha. C. --- The event proved the justice of Abram's suspicions, and God's interference shewed that he was not displeased with his concealing part of the truth. Who can be so simple as to suppose, that we are bound to explain all our concerns to a foe? Do not we every day act with the like caution as Abram did, when we have reason to fear danger? Do not we wish, when fleeing from an enemy's country, that he should conclude we were taking a walk of pleasure? H.
Ver. 13. My sister. This was no lie; because she was his niece, being daughter to his brother Aran, and therefore, in the style of the Hebrews, she might truly be called his sister; as Lot is called Abraham's brother. Gen. xiv. 14. See Gen. xx. 12. Ch. --- Others say, Sarai was the half-sister of Abraham, by another mother. H.
Ver. 15. Pharao: The usual title of the kings of Egypt, in Ezechiel's time. C. 32. 2. Couriers are often too ready to flatter the passions of the prince: these are punished along with Pharao (v. 17); whence we may conclude, that they concurred with him, to take Sarai against her will.
Ver. 16. Well. Perhaps they made him some presents to gain his favour; (M.) or, at least, they suffered him to remain quietly among them.
Ver. 17. Scourged Pharao with unusual pains, sterility, &c. that he might easily perceive that his taking Sarai was displeasing to God. H. --- He did not intend to commit adultery indeed, but his conduct was tyrannical and oppressive to the stranger, whom God protects. Ps. 44. M.
Ver. 20. Led him away: perhaps without allowing him time to vindicate his conduct, and with a degree of contumely, to shew the king's displeasure; who durst not, however, injure Abraham in his effects, nor suffer any of his subjects to hurt him. The holy patriarch received his wife untouched, and departed with joy. H.
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designsciencefiction · 5 years ago
Relevant information in other Heinlein Stories
Most Lunar colonists have mixed-race ancestry. Pure blonde colouring is extremely uncommon.
Auberge Orleans
Authority scrip
Official currency in Luna City, which the Revolutionary Council continued to use after the coup. It was just about worth the paper it was printed on.
Bank of Hong Kong Luna
Bank that issued its own currency, which was more valuable and stable than Lunar Authority scrip. The currency was not legally acceptable within Authority jurisdiction, but it was accepted Earthside and used in black market transactions in Luna. It was backed by gold and other commodities.
Deity invoked in curses. [Russian, "god"]
Bon Ton Beauté Shoppe
Most likely a fashion store.
Bottom Alley
Lowlife district in Luna City.
Carnegie Library
Lunar colony.
City Engineering Central
Location of subsidiary computers that controlled the life support and other functions in Luna City.
Commonwealth Shared Risk
Bank in Luna City. 
Community Hall
Meeting place/ community Hall
Usual name for the Lunar Authority headquarters in Luna City.
Organization that was proposed by the Federation to aid lunar "colonists" to return to Earth if they so wished, ignoring the fact that most Lunarites were born there, and virtually all could not physically tolerate Earth gravity and living conditions.
Daily Lunatic
Luna City newspaper, possibly a Lunar Authority organ.
Earth is frequently called "Terra" in Heinlein stories. The planet is featured in every story (with the arguable exception of Orphans of the Sky); and is, geophysically at least, the same as the "real" Earth. Between Planets, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, and Red Planet describe the struggles of the human colonies in the Solar System to achieve political independence from Earth; Podkayne of Mars refers indirectly to this history.
Lunarites' derogatory (and usual) term for Earth residents.
Manned satellite in Terra orbit; by implication, a pleasure resort.
In Luna, polyandry and line marriages [see marriage] are common, although these arrangements are scandalous to conservative areas of North America.
Federated Nations
Earth's governing body, which also controlled the Luna until the Revolution. Generally called the Federation.
Obsolete computer in Luna City.
Free Luna
Revolutionary movement.
Gostaneetsa Ukraina
Grand Hotel Raffles
Great China
Twenty-first century government, a member of the Federation.
Kongville or Hong Kong Luna.
 Lunar colony, apparently independent of Lunar Authority but with close ties to Luna City. Its newspaper was called the Hong Kong Gong. Its currency, Hong Kong Luna dollars, was not recognized by Lunar Authority, but was accepted in the other lunar colonies and on Earth, being backed by gold and other commodities.
J-City or Johnson City
Early lunar colony.
Name for residents of the lunar colonies, commonly used among themselves but almost certainly an insult if used by anyone else.
L-City or Luna City
City built under the Moon's surface, including not only habitations but farms and other necessities, plus a varied cultural life. It is featured or at least mentioned in many of Heinlein's stories; The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress contains the most detailed descriptions.
Luna City Co-Op Comm Company
Communications network apparently controlled by Lunar Authority.
Luna City Council
Governing body in Luna City, probably a puppet of the Lunar Authority.
Lunar Authority
Governing body of the lunar penal colonies. Among other things, it set prices for items exported to Earth. It was generally considered by lunar residents to be despotic and unresponsive to conditions in the colonies.
Lunar Authority Complex
Seat of government for the lunar penal colonies, apparently isolated from the rest of the settlement with separate airlocks and life support systems. It was the location of Mike's central processors.
Lunaya Pravda
Luna City newspaper.
Marriage/ line marriage
In Luna, polygamous and particularly polyandrous customs evolved in Luna City because of the drastic shortage of women. Simple polyandry was common, but clan marriages and line marriages are also mentioned. Line marriages are when Spouses are opted in at fairly regular intervals (usually alternating sexes), so that the marriage/family never comes to an end. The arrangement is intended more to provide emotional and economic security for the children than sexual partners for the adults. Younger spouses are almost more "adopted" than married. Children marry outside the line marriage.
Usually described as barren and cold with a thin atmosphere, just barely habitable by humans in pressurized habitats or after terraforming. The "canals" are real waterways (usually frozen). The planet has native life, variously described in different books. Though some of the books depict conflicts between human colonists and native Martians, none portray the natives as resentful of the invasion of their home; often, the Martians remains largely oblivious to the human presence. In The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, Mars is an almost airless desert.
Mother Boor's Tucker Bag
Restaurant or pub in Luna City.
Novy Leningrad (Novylen)
City in Luna, presumably established by Russia or settled largely by Russian emigrants. [Russian novy, "new"]
Old Dome
Area in Luna City, probably the original structure from the settlement's founding. 
Pillar of Fire Repentance Tabernacle
Crater that was the location of Hong Kong Luna.
Poona Control
Terran Ground Control Station in charge of landing grain barges from Luna. Luna city exports wheat to earth.
Tourist ship
In many stories, Heinlein portrayed prostitution as an honorable profession; his prostitutes ranged from hard-working and respectable to highly admired and honored. Prostitution was a respectable profession in Luna, perhaps partly because the high ration of men to women made the women a valuable "commodity".
Protector of the Lunar Colonies by Appointment of the Lunar Authority
Official title of the Warden.
Grand Raffles Hotel
Red Cross
Organization that was proposed to aid Lunar colonists who wished to return to Earth.
Richardson Observatory
Research station on Luna, mostly staffed by Terrans.
The Rock
Transportees' name for the Moon.
Room L
Room in the Grand Hotel Raffles 
Selenophysical Station
Research facility in Luna.
Sinus Medii
Site of a new transport tube from Luna City to Hong Kong Luna.
Twenty-first century name for the Soviet Union, still a discrete political unit; which territories were included was not mentioned.
Stilyagi Hall
Auditorium in Luna City.
University of Peiping
Site of efforts to combine computers with human brains to create "a computing Cyborg".
In the universe of The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, unlike in many of Heinlein's stories, Venus is uninhabitable.
West-Three Community Hall
Community hall
Wet Firecracker
A war that occurred about two generations before the Lunar revolution, involving the North American Directorate.
Yellow Jackets
Lunar Authority guards, so called after their uniforms.
Luna City
City built under the Moon's surface, including not only habitations but farms and other necessities, plus a varied cultural life. It is featured or at least mentioned in "The Black Pits of Luna", The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, "Gentlemen, Be Seated!", "The Green Hills of Earth", Have Spacesuit-Will Travel, I Will Fear No Evil, "It's Great to Be Back!", "The Man Who Sold the Moon" (name proposed by D. D. Harriman), The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (this book contains the most detailed descriptions), "The Menace from Earth" (this story also includes many details), Orphans of the Sky (L-Press has a branch there), "Requiem", The Rolling Stones, Time Enough for Love ("Noisy" Rhysling performed there), and To Sail Beyond the Sunset (according to Maureen Johnson, it was founded by D. D. Harriman). The society of The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is much more anarchistic, being founded as a penal colony, than portrayed elsewhere, but otherwise details given in the various stories are consistent with one another.
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novipallavoloblog · 5 years ago
Campionato Nazionale Serie B - Girone A - Giornata 12: AS Novi Pallavolo 3-2 Yaka Volley Malnate
https://wp.me/pa7r34-1Bk Campionato Nazionale Serie B - Girone A - Giornata 12: AS Novi Pallavolo 3-2 Yaka Volley Malnate - https://wp.me/pa7r34-1Bk - AS Novi Pallavolo - -Campionato Nazionale Serie B - Girone A - Giornata 12 AS Novi Pallavolo 3-2 Yaka Volley Malnate (29-27; 16-25; 30-28; 22-25; 15-11) Arriva la prima vittoria del 2020 per i novesi che superano la quarta forza del girone dopo una battaglia di oltre 2 ore, decisa soltanto al tie break. Coach Quagliozzi butta nella mischia il giovane Volpara al posto dell indisponibile Repetto jr, mentre Guido viene schierato a referto ma di fatto ancora in fase di convalescenza. I milanesi sono una formazione giovane e ricca di talento, mentre i novesi devono far fronte ad una serie di problemi fisici facendo valere la loro superiore esperienza. Il primo e terzo set sono quasi in fotocopia, si gioca punto a punto ma la spuntano Moro e compagni, bravi a gestire i momenti topici dei set chiudendo ai vantaggi, nel secondo parziale invece i lombardi allungano da subito approfittando di un blackout iniziale dei padroni di casa. Nella quarta frazione invece domina sempre l'equilibrio, ma sono gli ospiti a ad allungare sul finale. Nel tie break invece i nostri giocano con maggiore attenzione e mettono a terra qualche contrattacco in più, che permette di chiudere con relativa tranquillità sul 15-11. Buona prestazione generale contro una formazione che occupa i piani alti della classifica, il girone di andata si chiuderà con la trasferta a San Mauro contro il Volley S.Anna, fischio d inizio alle ore 18 Tabellini Prato 3, Moro 21, Romagnano 23, Volpara 14, Belzer 7, Capettini 10, Quaglieri (L) Bassanese (L). Utilizzati Guido, Repetto sr, Giovannelli, Sbarbori. A disposizione Semino, Bonvini. Yaka Volley Malnate: Guizzardi, Ferrario, Croci, Rinaldi, Bollini, Daverio, Caletti (L1), Calò, Abou Zeid, Bernasconi, Botta, Gasparini
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francisrosenfeld · 6 years ago
“Sister Novis,” Lelia whispered, so softly that Novis, who had just returned from a rock climbing expedition and was struggling to put away her gear on a high shelf, almost didn’t hear her.
“Oh, sweetie, I didn’t expect to see you here, I thought your mother kept you busy with the preparations for the ceremony, your input is very important, you know!” the sister said, cheerfully.
“Not as much as you think. Bonding ceremonies are very prescriptive, other than the actual clouds involved, there isn’t much that can be changed,” Lelia replied.
“How can I help you, dear?” sister Novis asked, a little puzzled that Lelia had sought her out, since she didn’t know the child-cloud very well.
Lelia straddled one of the kitchen chairs, searching for words. She gulped, looked down, and said nothing. Novis didn’t push, she put a kettle on and went to the cupboard to get tea cups.
“Have you ever been afraid?” Lelia asked, in a tiny voice that sounded like fear itself.
“Of course I was! A million times! Who has lived and never been afraid! Is there something wrong? Someone bothering you?” the sister looked at Lelia, worried. The girl shook her head.
“No, nothing of the sort. There isn’t anything in particular, is just…” she stopped.
“Just what, dear?” Novis asked.
“Well, it is the ceremony,” Lelia started again.
“Oh, you’ve got stage fright, it’s perfectly normal,” Novis said, relieved.
“It’s not stage fright, that’s just it, I don’t exactly know what I’m afraid of, I just can’t picture what life will be like once I join the Simplex Cloud, I know it’s silly, especially since Ael had already been there and can’t stop talking about it. Do you know how intimidating it is for a cloud to have a sibling prodigy who is much younger and already joined the Simplex? What if I can’t get used to it? I don’t even know what “it” is supposed to be? What if I hate it? I’ll be there forever, you know? And everybody else seems so at ease with being fused with hundreds of other clouds. I am so afraid!”
Sister Novis sighed, then took the kettle from the stove and filled the cups.
“You are venturing into the unknown. The unknown scares us all, young and old, but it is also the most precious gift we get from life, our chance to grow and change. What would we look forward to if we already knew everything the future holds?” sister Novis said.
“I feel so silly, Ael tells me all these stories about the Simplex, and what she’s doing there, and dad spends all of his time there, but he’s also here, see? How am I going to get used to something like that?” Lelia asked.
“You are a cloud, yours is an inherited memory, I’m sure you’ll know what to do,” sister Novis appeased her.
“What if I don’t? I’m only half cloud, what if the human half can’t adjust?” Lelia said.
“Ael seems to be perfectly fine,” Novis replied.
“That’s why I feel silly even talking about it,” Lelia lowered her gaze.
“The unknown is a challenge for all of us, you can’t always be sure when you open a door what you’re going to discover behind it, but if you don’t open it, you will always be controlled by your fear. It’s OK to be unsure, or afraid, and it’s OK to make mistakes, too,” sister Novis answered. “And it’s OK to not be able to explain what you’re afraid of.”
“I was worried that you’d laugh at me,” Lelia said.
“Believe me, child, I would be the last person in the world to laugh at someone for being afraid,” sister Novis said. “You know that recommendation, do the thing you’re afraid of, and the death of fear is certain? In my experience I found this advice to work a lot better in theory than it does in practice.”
“What do you do, then?” Lelia asked.
Sister Novis paused, unsure if she should continue, she didn’t want to upset Lelia even more, but the girl was looking at her, with large eyes insisting on an answer, so she continued.
“You learn to live with it,” she said.
“Live with what?” Lelia asked.
“Fear, uncertainty, doubt, you just learn to incorporate them into your life. After you stop fighting uncertainty you get to see past it, and notice many doors open where you thought was just one. You think of your Bonding Ceremony as a sequence of events when in fact it is an expansion of possibility, like acquiring an extra sense, or being able to fly. You don’t know what to do with an extra sense, but you have a lifetime to explore its potential.”
“How do you know all this?” Lelia asked, doubtful.
“Because I stood in front of my own doors, wondering whether I should open them, baby.”
“Did you ever wish you didn’t?” Lelia asked.
“Statistically speaking, you are always better off opening a door than not opening it. Of course, statistics rely on the law or large numbers, so, the fewer the instances, the less predictable your outcome is. That’s why you need to move past mistakes quickly, you learn something from every experience anyway.”
“But…” Lelia hesitated, “that feeling of uncertainty, I never want to feel like that again, it is sheer agony!”
“Yes, it is.”
“You are saying I have to enjoy feeling this way?” Lelia asked, whimpering.
“I didn’t say you had to like it. Nobody likes it. I just said get used to it and don’t let it affect the decisions you make. If you make a decision while you set your fear aside, the decision may be right or wrong, but if you make it based on your desire to escape your fear, the decision will always be wrong.”
“Why can’t I just stay away from the things that make me uncomfortable?” Lelia asked.
“There is no place in the universe where you can be safe from your fears. Wherever you run, they will find you, it is like trying to outrun your own shadow, and just as life wasting.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just not be afraid of anything?” Lelia asked.
“Everybody is afraid of something, dear, and that which you are afraid of will torment you until you look it square in the eye and stop running from it.”
“What are you afraid of?” Lelia asked.
Sister Novis paused and frowned, searching for a good example of her fears. It wasn’t easy, but she finally found it.
0 notes
raffaellavivi-blog · 7 years ago
Novità dell’estate 2018 e appuntamenti tradizionali attesi per tutto l’anno: ecco le opportunità da non perdere con gli eventi offerti dalle città europee a partire dai prossimi giorni. Musica, sport, arte, cultura, enogastronomia, mercatini, mostre, feste in costume, folklore. Dall’Islanda alla Spagna, ce n’è per tutti i gusti.
SCOZIA Edimburgo Evento: Dal teatro alla commedia, passando per l’opera. L’arte è protagonista del Fringe festival, che nel 2017 ha ospitato più di 53mila esibizioni di 3mila spettacoli. Molti eventi si svolgono nel centro della città, dichiarato patrimonio Unesco. Dal 3 al 27 agosto. Dove: Centro città. Glasgow Evento: Campionati europei 2018 di nuoto dal 3 all’8 agosto. Dove: Glasgow, Edimburgo.
GERMANIA Lipsia Evento: Dal 13 al 22 giugno, per celebrare la musica classica, la città organizza il festival di Bach. Un viaggio alla scoperta del compositore tedesco attraverso più di 150 eventi. Dove: Oltre 35 location. Bonn Evento: Ludwig van Beethoven protagonista del Beethoven festival, dal 31 agosto al 23 settembre; in scena opere come Fidelio, Egmont e The Ruins of Athens. Berlino Evento: 24esima edizione dei Campionati europei di atletica leggera dal 7 al 12 agosto. Dal 20 al 26 agosto, invece, sarà la volta degli atleti paralimpici. Dove: Olympic Stadium. Berlino Evento: Il 16 settembre più di 40mila runner saranno ai nastri di partenza per la 45esima edizione della Maratona, tra le più importanti al mondo. Dove: Colonna della Vittoria. Monaco di baviera Evento: Dal 1810 è sinonimo di Oktoberfest, fiumi di birra, specialità locali, musica e abiti tradizionali dal 22 settembre al 7 ottobre.
FRANCIA Parigi Evento: Dal 27 maggio al 10 giugno i tennisti più grandi si affrontano a Parigi sulla terra rossa del Roland Garros, che presenta nuovi campi e un rinnovato villaggio con terrazze. Parigi Evento: Delacroix (1798–1863) è la retrospettiva di 180 opere in collaborazione con il Metropolitan di New York, dedica al pittore francese fino al 23 luglio. Dove: Louvre. Lille Evento: Pezzi vintage e cianfrusaglie sulle bancarelle del mercato delle pulci Braderie de Lille, il più grande d’europa; 1 e 2 settembre.
BELGIO Boom Evento: Tomorrowland è tra gli appuntamenti di musica elettronica più importanti d’Europa. Celebre per coreografie fantasy dei palchi, fuochi d’artificio e giochi di fumo e di acqua; 20-22 e 27-29 luglio. Leuven Evento: Per gli amanti del rock, dal 1974 c’è Rock Werchter. Sul palco sono passati artisti del calibro di David Bowie, R.E.M., Daft Punk, Radiohead. Dal 5 all’8 luglio.
SVEZIA Stoccolma Evento: Due città, un obiettivo: unire l’Europa sotto i colori della bandiera arcobaleno della comunità Lgbt: Stockholm Pride dal 27 luglio al 5 agosto e Gothenburg Pride 14-19 agosto
IRLANDA Dublino Evento: Il 16 giugno è il Bloomsday, giorno dedicato a James Joyce. La festa in costume rievoca gli eventi dell’Ulisse, il suo romanzo più celebre. Tour dedicati, letture in luoghi significativi, pasti tratti dal libro.
UNGHERIA Budapest Evento: Frida Kahlo protagonista con più di 30 capolavori. La mostra, dal 6 luglio al 4 novembre, include opere, autoritratti disegni e fotografie dell’artista messicana. Dove: Hungarian National Gallery.
OLANDA Terschelling Evento: Oerol festival culturale, sull’isola di Terschelling dal 15 al 24 giugno: spettacoli dal vivo, teatro pubblico, musica e arti visive; uno dei più importanti eventi di arte del paesaggio in Europa.
NORVEGIA Oslo Evento: Andy Warhol – After Munch, mostra dell’artista americano delle opere di Munch, tra cui disegni, stampe e dipinti. Era uno degli artisti preferiti di Warhol, che visitò il museo nel 1983. Dal 26 maggio al 26 agosto. Dove: Munch Museum. Circolo Polare Evento: Traena Music, rassegna musicale tra due piccole isole collegate da un traghetto. A 12 ore da Oslo dal 5 all’8 luglio. Dove: Circolo polare artico.
AUSTRIA Salisburgo Evento: Oltre 200 esibizioni per la 98esima edizione del Salzburg festival dedicato alla musica classica dal 20 luglio al 30 agosto. Direzione affidata a Markus Hinterhäuser, che eseguirà Mozart, Strauss e Tchaikovsky con la Filarmonica di Vienna e l’attore e registra teatrale Tobias Moretti.
ISLANDA Reykjavik Evento: La rassegna musicale più cara al mondo è il Secret Solstice dal 21 al 24 giugno, unica kermesse che gode del sole 24 ore al giorno e con eventi in location suggestive, come la grotta di origine vulcanica o quella del ghiacciaio Langjökull. Il biglietto più caro costa un milione di dollari e comprende un viaggio per sei persone nel mondo in jet privato, un set di valigie, autisti, maggiordomi e chef.
SERBIA Novi sad Evento: Dal Duemila Exit è tra i principali festival di tutta l’Europa dell’est dedicato alla musica. Ideato dal movimento giovanile del Paese per chiedere maggiore democrazia, riunisce oltre 170mila persone e più di 600 artisti da tutto il mondo. Dal 12 al 15 luglio. Dove: Fortezza di Petrovaradin,  Novi Sad.
GRAN BRETAGNA Daresbury Evento: Nel Cheshire, dal 23 al 27 agosto c’è Creamfields, tra gli appuntamenti di dance music più importanti con performance dal vivo e dj set. Dove: Silo, Daresbury. Newport Evento: Isle of Wight Festival è la mitica tre giorni dedicata al rock. Dal 21 al 24 giugno si esibiranno artisti come Depeche Mode, Kasabian, Liam Gallagher, Van Morrison, Blossoms. Dove: Seaclose Park. Londra Evento: Dal 25 al 27 agosto c’è il Carnevale. Costumi, danze e street food in tema caraibico per questa manifestazione che si tiene ogni anno dal 1965. Dove: Notting Hill. Londra Evento: Picasso 1932: Love, Fame, Tragedy è la mostra dedicata al pittore spagnolo. Più di 100 tra dipinti, disegni, sculture, scatti di famiglia e rari scorci di vita personale. Fino al 9 settembre. Dove: Tate Modern. Londra Evento: Dal 16 giugno il colorato guardaroba di Frida Kahlo lascia il Messico per il Victoria&Albert Museum, dove verranno esposti vestiti e accessori, fotografie e lettere della pittrice messicana. Dove: Victoria&Albert Museum. Londra Evento: A Wimbledon, dal 2 al 15 luglio, la più prestigiosa competizione tennistica al mondo.
FIANDRE Anversa Evento: Anversa Barocca 2018. Rubens Inspires rappresenta l’occasione per vivere Rubens e il barocco in tanti modi diversi. Dal 1° giugno per tutto l’anno.
SPAGNA Barcellona Evento: Musica elettronica e arte multimediale dal 14 al 16 giugno;  tra gli artisti Gorillaz, Lcd Soundsystem, Diplo, Thom Yorke dei Radiohead. Dove: Sonar. Buñol Evento: Tutto iniziò l’ultimo mercoledì di agosto del 1945 quando due ragazzini diedero inizio alla battaglia dei pomodori, oggi nota come Tomatina. Si tiene il 29 agosto e nel 2002 è stata dichiarata di interesse turistico internazionale. Pamplona Evento: San Firmino. Si inizia il 6 luglio col lancio del chupinazo dal balcone del Municipio; il primo encierro è il giorno dopo: alle 8 del mattino si aprono le porte del cortile di Santo Domingo e centinaia di persone corrono davanti ai tori fino all’arena. Fino al 14 luglio. Tarragona Evento: I XVIII Giochi del Mediterraneo si svolgeranno dal 22 giugno al 1° luglio. Partecipano le nazioni che si affacciano sul Mediterraneo: 26 i Paesi presenti; per la prima volta Portogallo e Kosovo. Dove: Tarragona e altre 15 città.
SVIZZERA Zurigo Evento: Musica a tutto volume sparata da 30 love mobile, dj set e coreografie nella Street Parade l’11 agosto tra i principali eventi techno e house al mondo con un milione di persone. Lugano Evento: Lugano si tinge arcobaleno con il Pride 2018 dal 28 maggio al 3 giugno, il primo LGBT+ pride nella Svizzera italiana. Lugano-Mendrisio Evento: Artisti come Miles Davis, Ray Charles e Noa hanno incantato il pubblico di Estival Jazz. A Lugano dal 12 al 14 luglio e a Mendrisio il 6 e 7 luglio. Locarno Evento: Dall’1all’11 agosto torna il cinema d’autore del Locarno festival. La kermesse renderà omaggio a Ethan Hawke con l’Excellence Award; L’attore, regista, sceneggiatore e scrittore statunitense sarà ospite per la prima internazionale del suo film Blaze, presentato al Sundance Film festival 2018.
Grazie  l’agenziaviaggi per il contributo
scegli dove andare con #nutviaggi
    Dal teatro alla musica rock, da Frida Kahlo a Picasso scopri quali eventi ti aspettano questa estate in Europa Novità dell’estate 2018 e appuntamenti tradizionali attesi per tutto l’anno: ecco le opportunità da non perdere con gli eventi offerti dalle città europee a partire dai prossimi giorni.
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Najpoznatiji beogradski Irci „Orthodox Celts“ održaće još jedan u nizu tradicionalni koncerata na dan Svetog Patrika,u petak 17. marta sa početkom u 21 h, u Domu Omladine Beograda. Da je praznik sam po sebi dovoljan povod za uspešan koncert, govori činjenica da je dan Svetog Patrika već dve decenije omiljeni koncertni dan publike benda, uspešno negovane i razvijane u armiju fanova koja će ove godine imati prilike da uživa u 24. tradicionalnom koncertu koji apriori obećava. Proslava 25. godina postojanja benda, koncertna promocija šestog studijskog albuma po nazivu "Many mouths shut" , prvog nakon10 godina pauze, kao i fenomenalne reakcije i komentari fanova ali i stručne javnosti na poslednji autorski rad benda, garantuju da će novi koncert benda povodom dana Svetog Patrika biti čvrsto urezan datum u ovogodišnju koncertnu ponudu grada Beograda. Događaj koji će se još dugo prepričavati! Ulaznice su u prodaji od utorka 6.februara na svim prodajnim mestima DD Ticketing Solution i u Win win radnjama po sledećim uslovima: • 6. februara - AKCIJA - Dve po ceni jedne – Samo 950 din za prvih 50 ulaznica. Potrebno je samo da na svom facebook profilu šerujete link novog spota "Wish you wery worst" i tagujete stranicu benda i WinWinShopa, uz komentar "@OrthodoxCelts Live, 17. mart 2017. Dom Omladine Beograda. Ulaznice u prodaji @winwincomputershop", i budete među prvih 50 osoba koje će 6. februara na biletarnici DD Tickets - a, u ulici Strahinjića Bana br.22, na svom smartphone uređaju pokazati dokaz i kupiti dve ulaznice po ceni jedne. • 950 din - od utorka 7. februara do subote 11. februara • 1150 din - od 12. februara do 1. marta • 1250 din - od 2. marta do 10. marta • 1350 din - od 10. do 16. marta • 1550 din - od 17. marta
St.Patrick's Day
Prodaja ulaznica počinje u ponedeljak 6. marta, a za svoje najvernije fanove bend je pripremio i poklon - uz jednu kupljenu ulaznicu po ceni od 1.000 dinara, druga se dobija besplatno. Ovaj poklon će dobiti prvih 50 fanova koji od 9 do 17h, dođu u biletarnicu DD Ticketsa (Strahinjića Bana 22). Prethodno je potrebno da na Facebooku šeruju link sa omiljenom pesmom „Elementala“ i da se sa svog Facebook profila pridruže eventu. Nakon sprovedene akcije na biletarnici DD Ticketsa, karte će moći da se kupe i u WinWin Shop radnjama do 12. marta po ceni od 1.000 dinara, dok će nadalje, što smo bliže koncertu, cena ulaznice biti od 1.150 do 1.500 dinara. Sve informacije se mogu pratiti na facebook stranici eventa
Elemental 6. maja u Domu omladine
Nakon fenomenalnog premijernog solo nastupa u regiji, irska kantautorka Lisa Hanigan (Lisa Hannigan) se u sklopu evropske turneje u okviru koje promoviše prošlogodišnji album „At Swim“ vraća u Srbiju, ovoga puta sa bendom gde će 28. marta nastupiti u Domu omladine Beograda (Velika sala) i dan kasnije u klubu Firchie Think Tank Studio (Velika sala) u Novom Sadu sa početkom u 21h. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti od petka, 10. februara (od 10 časova), za beogradski koncert po promotivnoj ceni od 1200 (parter, ograničen kontigent!) i 1500 dinara (balkon) na prodajnim mestima Eventim-a, Gigstix-a, DD Tickets-a, kao i u Felix Shopu (TC Sremska, II sprat, radno vreme: 12 - 20h). Kada se rasprodaju promotivne ulaznice, regularna pretprodajna cena do dana koncerta iznosiće 1500 (parter) i 1800 dinara (balkon), a na sam dan za ulaznicu je potrebno izdvojiti 1800 dinara. Aktuelni singl „Undertow“ se nalazi na albumu „At Swim“, koji je do sada primio mnoštvo pozitivnih kritika. Producent albuma je Aronom Desnerom (Aaron Dessner). Album je zauzeo 24. mesto na top listi UK Charts, što je ujedno i najviši rang Lise Hannigan u Britaniji. Album At Swim je nominovan i za nagradu Irish Choice Music Prize za 2017. godinu. Nakon dvogodišnje turneje na kojoj je promovisala svoj prethodni album „Passanger“ Lisa Hanigan je započela rad na svom novom albumu „At Swim“. Kao prekretnica u radu, svakako je poziv od Arona Desnera iz benda The National i producenta Dark Was the Night. Radeći sa Desnerom i spoznajući novi duh koji je doneo život u Londonu, Lisa Hannigan je stvorila album „At Swim“ koji se delom tiče nostalgije za domom i Dablinom, ali i jubavi. Treći album „At Swim“ od samog početka i pesme „Fall“ donosi potpuno drugačiji akustični zvuk. Sa svakom novom pesmom putujemo sve dublje u magični prostor gde se gube granice između ljubavi i smrti, prošlosti i sadašnjosti, tuge i sreće. Daleko od Dablina i svoje kuće, Lisa Hanigan je album stvarala u Londonu. Udajena od sigurnog mesta, Lisa kaže da se osećala izgubljeno i uplašeno, a njeno stanje je uticalo na nove pesme koje su bile u procesu nastanka. Album su obeležile pesme poput balade „Ora“, zatim „A Prayer for the Dying“ ili „Snow“ koju je napisala zajedno sa Aronom Desnerom. Pesme koje sadrže čudne melodije pomešane sa violinom i akustičnim zvukom gitare, kao i tekstovima koji su inspirisani ličnim iskustvom, ili iskustvom bližnjih, su upravo ono što nam Lisa daje na novom albumu. Na ovom albumu Lisa je želela da pokaže više. Pesme koje je napisala su direktne, prirodne i toliko savršene da zajedno grade jednu celovitu priču, poznatiju kao „At Swim“. Ova mlada kantautorka prvobitno dospeva u žižu javnosti 2001. godine, i to kao ženski vokal uz Demijena Rajsa na njegovim najprodavanijim albumima „O“ i „9“. Svoju solo karijeru započinje 2007. godine, od kada je objavila dva studijska albuma „Sea Saw“ (2008), „Passanger“ (2011) i aktuelni „At Swim“ (2016). Sarađivala je sa mnogim poznatim muzičarima, od Reja Lamontanja do Herbija Henkoka, i osvojila je mnoge muzičke nagrade i nominacije, kako u Irskoj, tako i u Americi. Lisa pleni svojim šarmom, a njen snažni vokal ostavlja bez daha. http://www.lisahannigan.ie https://www.facebook.com/lisahannigan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNORKXVBYvONsojiPmS_tKQ https://www.instagram.com/lisahannigan/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/0z7Yuv7DuDQ5SaVn4VSlLt
Lisa Hannigan // Dom omladine Beograda // 28/03/2017
Posle 30 godina, Beograd će imati čast da ponovo ugosti verovatno najznačajniji i najuticajniji avangardni bend na planeti - SWANS, na svojoj poslednjoj turneji u ovom obličiju. Kako uopšte predstaviti Swans? Kako predstaviti onoga koji drži uzde ove prelepe životinje groznog temperamenta? Michael Gira (Majkl Džirâ) je muzički alhemičar: od nadljudske buke stvara melodiju; od teskobne tame stvara čoveka koji sja. Već 35 godina, neumorno. Od rastrojeno prljavog, besnog, tutnjajućeg i izrazito telesnog početka ranih osamdesetih, preko rafiniranijeg, svetlijeg, eteričnog srednjeg perioda, iz albuma u album Swans su pomerali granice muzike i praktično stvarali čitave nove žanrove. Svaki naredni korak bio je neočekivano otkrivena terra incognita, a onda, iznenada, samo godinu dana posle izdavanja klasika „Soundtracks For The Blind“ - 1997. godina, „Swans Are Dead“! Tek tako. „Pauza“ na kojoj je projekat Swans bio do 2010. godine može se tako nazvati samo uslovno. Pauza bi značila zastajanje, a tvorac ne voli da stoji i nije dangubio. Kroz solo projekte, kroz Angels Of Light i rad sa bendovima na svojoj etiketi Young God Records, manično kreativni Gira je nastavio da osvetljava nepoznato, uznevši tradiciju Dilanovskog njujorškog folka u drugu dimenziju. Svi ovi molekuli itekako su ugrađeni u savremenu Swans inkarnaciju, što je bilo potpuno jasno na povratničkom albumu „My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky“ (2010.), iako će se ubrzo potom novi Swans, katalizovani dugom i intenzivnom povratničkom turnejom, preobraziti u nešto sasvim drugačije... Swans zapravo nikada nisu „umrli“, prestali su da postoje samo formalno. Posle mitarenja su se samo ponovo materijalizovali pred nama, da bi nas utopili u svoju savremenu, najsoničniju do sad životnu formu. Verujem da 1997. godine niko nije pretpostavljao takav epilog. Ni tada, a ni dan danas, nije potpuno jasno kada Michael Gira uništava a kada stvara. Kako stvarajući razara i razarajući stvara. Boravak na maglovitoj granici između kreacije i destrukcije je nešto što je oduvek fasciniralo Giru i sa čim se od početka poigrava, kako muzički, tako i tekstualno. I to ni u jednom trenutku nije jasnije nego na koncertu. U nekim momentima težina zvuka pritisne vas toliko da mislite da će vam lobanja prsnuti, ili da će se sve urušiti. A onda muzika - da, to jeste muzika - zadobije tok i guta vas, kao lava. Više vas ne može zdrobiti, jer tečete zajedno sa njom, deo ste nje. Iluzija prestaje da postoji. Postoji samo zvuk. Vidljivi budu još jedino oni koji taj zvuk kanališu na bini - Gira, posednut, preznojen, ali u potpunoj kontroli svega što se dešava; drugi veteran Swans-a, Norman Westberg, koji stoji mirno sa haosom u očima, kao da potpuno visceralno, van svesne kontrole gitarom prati ostatak organizma. Neverovatni Chris Pravdica, basista i najčešći Girin muzički „sparing partner“ na bini, intenzitet nastupa ponekad je plaćao krvavim palcem. Staloženi i mračni Christoph Hahn boji finese. Phil Puelo čini kao da olujni vetar u njegovo ime kontroliše impresivni set bubnjeva, a ne on sam. Poslednja tri albuma Swans - već legendarni „The Seer“ (2012), „To Be Kind“ (2014) i finalno poglavlje – „The Glowing Man“ (2016), svi su su se začinjali i rasli uživo na koncertima tokom poslednjih 6 godina. Zato su albumi trostruki, a pesme dugačke po petnaest, dvadeset minuta. Možda bi bilo bolje nazvati ih komadima; Gira kaže da ne voli da ograničava muziku na format pesme. Uživo, one predstavljaju samo okvirne smernice - pri svakom nastupu razvijaju se u potpuno unikatnu izvedbu. „Puštam muziku da ide gde želi da ide, a kada osetim da je došla do kraja, prestajem“. Razumeti i tumačiti fenomen Swans-a i Girinog dela praktično je nemoguće bez uvida u evoluciju uživo. Čini se da su za tri i po decenije Swans prešli put od dokumentovanja zvuka napaćene, pohlepne utrobe čoveka, do detaljne deskripcije primordijalnog zvuka utrobe Zemlje, mlade, uskomešane i surove. Pritisak, vrelina, kolizije, drobljenje, sitnjenje, stapanje, kakofonija, buka, buka... Svetlost. From f***ing destruction. Novi svet. U avgustu 2016. godine na sajtu YGR pojavilo se zvanično saopštenje - let Swans-a u ovoj formaciji bliži se kraju. „The Glowing Man“ je njen poslednji album, vodič koji nas vodi do kraja i kroz naizgled neprobojni zid zvuka izvodi... Gde? Turneja 2016/2017 poslednja je prilika da to pokušate sami da odgonetnete, to i samu suštinu Swansa. Da se izložite oluji, budete uništeni i stvoreni. Gošća na koncertu biće Little Annie, talentovana i svestrana njujorška kantautorka, dugogodišnja saradnica Swans. Ulaznice u pretprodaji preko Eventima u sledećim etapama: Od 1, decembra do 1. februara RSD2400 | od 1. februara do 24. marta RSD2800 | dan koncerta RSD3200. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swans_(band) https://www.facebook.com/SwansOfficial/ https://swans.bandcamp.com/ http://www.last.fm/music/Swans http://younggodrecords.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Annie https://www.facebook.com/littleanniesings/ http://badmusicforbadpeople.com/swans-u-beogradu/
SWANS u Beogradu
Ulaznice se mogu kupiti od danas (od 14 časova), za beogradski koncert po promotivnoj ceni od 1300 (parter, ograničen kontigent!) i 1600 dinara (balkon) na prodajnim mestima Eventim-a, Gigstix-a, DD Tickets-a, Zaokreta kao i u Felix Shopu (TC Sremska, II sprat, radno vreme: 12 - 20h). Kada se rasprodaju promotivne ulaznice, regularna pretprodajna cena do dana koncerta iznosiće 1600 (parter) i 1900 dinara (balkon), a na sam dan za ulaznicu je potrebno izdvojiti 1900 dinara. Uskoro više o bendu i novom albumu... https://wovenhandband.com/ https://www.facebook.com/wovenhandofficial/ https://www.instagram.com/wovenhandband/ https://wovenhand.bandcamp.com https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/wovenhand/id286610498 https://open.spotify.com/artist/0dpglhdTlof5BS5LX7uJmg http://www.deezer.com/artist/132120
Wovenhand (USA) // Dom omladine Beograda // 17/05/2017
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garlicboyart · 1 year ago
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buncha oc things !!! from my ancient passion worldbuilding project. its a collab with my bestie @sawtheyellowsign ! shoutout
details for my fellers under the readmore (long and rambly warning because i am so normal)
the guy with red hair in mostly green is my main guy! his name is haidan (no last name bc. i dont know yet) i guess you could say he's the protagonist, but there's not really a set story so he's just kind of the one i've thought the most about lmao. he's something like a beastkin... human with animal features! in his case he's mammalian, specifically a squirrel or pine marten. he's got magic too, which is a bit rare for where he's from, and his especially is explosive and hot, which does not mix well with his temper. his main struggle is controlling it, which he is not good at doing, even with guidance from his mentor- who teaches him bad coping mechanisms and makes him worse. fun
shveknja or nja (pronounced NEEa or nya) is one of haidan's closest friends! she's the one in the first two pictures. she's known him since he was seven and moved to her village to escape the war. her family is from the north, but she was born in a southern village and has lived there all her life. she has the reputation of the crazy bird lady because of her love for avian things, especially the mistrusted species of vulture known to be wards of a particularly dangerous spirit/goddess. she befriended one and named it rhannik. i love her a lot!! shes pookie
last but not least we have mirko, the fur-collar-coat guy. hes pretty terrible.. and yet. he's also from the north, born and raised, and came down to fight in the war. he has a past of warfare knowledge and did a lot of hijacking shipping lines and ambushing infantry groups. he met haidan and saw a lot of potential in his residual anger and explosiveness (literally) and offered to teach him what he already knew from experience. essentially, he brought strategy and calculated fighting to someone who was throwing himself into fighting with no direction other than anger. this helped and hurt on many different levels! 
the world itself is a complicated one, but for minor context/vibes it’s in a sort of medieval-smashed-with-steampunk era on a not-earth set of continents. the year is somewhere in the 500s last i checked. i might go into it more in some other post but this is mostly about my main 3 characters!! thank you for reading<3 
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garlicboyart · 9 months ago
hi there!!
this is my super cool awesome artblog!! i'm a simple hobby artist. i post whatever i come up with that i like! my main and all rbs are over at @gar-licked , so if you want to talk for whatever reason i'm way more active on there.
my art is under #my art , textposts under #garssip , ocs are tagged!
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