#sethos x roul
zacks-oc-house · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Seth!!! 💙💜💙
@cinnella told me awhile back his favorite flowers are hydrangeas and lilacs. And that his favorite colors are blues and purples! And I drew a circle around his head because he is the brilliant, shining light of Roul’s life 🥰
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cinnella · 3 years
26. What would be their theme song? For Soul, Munrisoul, Romo, and Syde?
(Listen, I dunno many love songs so you just bonked me in the head, Zack--)
'I'd Rather Be Me' from Steven Universe. It's short but so sweet and so fitting for these two soulmates.✨
I would saaaaay 'Secret Love Song' by Little Mix featuring Jason Derulo.✨
Oh, but you know.. 'Lovegame' by Lady Gaga and I don't need to explain it.✨
..... 'I'm Not Gay' by J Pee and I'M NOT SORRY FOR THAT!!✨
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cinnella · 4 years
❤️ I’d say for Roul and Seth(of course lol), Eris, and Mungo 👀
Roul x Sethos
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Roul x Eris
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Roul x Mungo
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Roul being the passionate man that he is ignites these three in that same way (my guess it's because all three are water signs [Seth is Pisces, Eris is Scorpio and Mungo is Cancer] which pairs well with Roul's Scorpio nature)
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zacks-oc-house · 4 years
B2 for Roul and W3 for Armie, to make your life easier 😂✨
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It’s finally done! Two boys out for a date 🥺
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zacks-oc-house · 4 years
✨Happy Birthday Seth✨
Wrote a fic too because I’m unstoppable.
Enjoy @cinnella ✨
Roul lay in bed, already awake when his alarm went off. It’s Seth’s birthday!! With much more energy than usual, he slipped out of bed to go get ready. There were still some birthday related tasks that he needed to finish before the surprise party. He quickly ate breakfast with a sleepy Trant. “Thank you so much bud for all the help. I promise I will make it up to you.” A half awake Trant signed back “You bet you will.” A couple hours later, now joined by Eris, the party decorations and foods were all set up.
“You two are amazing! I’m going to head upstairs to get ready. Eris, you can use the downstairs bathroom to freshen up. I have toiletries in the cabinet if you need them, doll.” Roul showered quickly and got dressed. He picked out the button up shirt Seth always likes, leaving the top unbuttoned. Something else Seth also likes. He heard his phone buzz, Calyx and Libelle were here. He checked himself one last time in the mirror, then headed down to greet everyone arriving. “Oh twirl for me in that dress, Eris!!” Roul winded his way through the guests, greeting them all. “Okay everyone, into the living room. Seth should be here any-“ *BUZZ BUZZ* “Oh he’s here!” Eris laughed. “The soulmates synced yet again!”
Everyone collected into the living room as Roul went to the door. “Hello my diamond, happy birthday.” He kissed him fully and passionately in private. “Come on baby, I have your gift in the living room.” Seth shook his hand. “You know you didn’t have to get me anything.” He took his hand and led him over, flipping on the light as they reached the archway. A chorus of “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” greeting them. “Surprise, baby.” Seth shook his head. “You really did go all out.” They took turns greeting everyone, happily chatting and enjoying the food Trant made.
Eventually they all settled around the dining table, Seth at the head with a lovely cake in front of him. “Would you believe I actually made it? Trant barely had to help me.” That got a laugh out of everyone. “I got a little... artistic.. with the frosting.” After a hearty round of “Happy Birthday To You”, Seth blew out the candles. The cake was divided up between everyone, Roul taking a tentative bite. “Holy shit. This actually tastes great!!”
After everyone finished, Eris declared it was time for presents. “C’mon brother of mine, time to open your gifts!!! Mine first.” Seth was clearly flustered. Roul rubbed his back soothingly as he opened the gifts, anchoring him. Judging by the pile of now opened gifts, everyone clearly knew Seth’s tastes. Roul’s present was last. He handed it to him with a quick kiss. “They boutta get freaky!!” He heard Mun shout, followed by a lightning fast jab to the ribs from Eris. Seth carefully unwrapped the present, it was a small jewelry box adorned with sea glass. “Oh!! Roul!! This is beautiful.” He quickly set the box down and pulled him into a strong embrace. “Happy Birthday, my love.” ~
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