#set dressing posters so everybody is once again talking about how a job was stolen from some overworked illustrator
The most aggravating thing about people focusing all their anti AI art arguments on the beautiful soul inherent to every piece of hand crafted art is I think it kind of softens the blow of how disgusting like every art industry is. Like I know its not the intent people have but when you steer the conversation in that direction you are implying that before AI image generation people being ground to dust and exploited were doing it for the love of the game and expressing themselves. I dont think corporate art made by human hands is beautiful. I dont think spot illustrations made by human hands are inherently beautiful. its work. Talk about it like its work. The problem here is the loss of jobs and us living under a system where not having a job = imminent death. Focus on it.
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ahtohallan-calling · 4 years
chapter 10 of it’s always ourselves we find is here!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 
[kristanna / m / modern au / coworkers & enemies to lovers ;) ]
Once again, he was woken up by a hand shaking his shoulder and Anna’s voice as she said, “Kris. Kristoff. Wake up, I need you.”
“Mmff...what?” he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes.
“Remember how yesterday you said you owed me a favor?”
Through bleary eyes, he watched as she bit her lip, her eyes nervous. “I need to call it in.”
That got him waking up. He pushed himself up on an elbow with a wide yawn. “Okay, I’m up. What do you need me to do?”
Her face melted into a fond smile. “Nothing. I just need to borrow one of your shirts.”
“What for?”
“To wear.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think that’s gonna fit you.”
“I’ll make it work. I have to. We’ve got that conference call with Harry today doing the dry run, remember? And I, um...I forgot my nice dress was bunched up in the bottom of my suitcase, and I just realized my shampoo leaked all over it, and--”
“Alright, alright, yeah, just grab one from the closet, no problem,” he said with another yawn. “But it’s really not gonna fit.”
A sigh of relief escaped her. “Thank you so much, seriously.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Quick as lightning, she leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek. “Go back to sleep, Kris, it’s not even half-past six.”
The only reply he could conjure up was a nod, hoping the room was still too dim for her to notice he was blushing. Mercifully, she only lingered long enough to squeeze his shoulder before darting towards the bathroom.
The next time he woke up, it was to the beep of his alarm at a quarter past seven. He sat up, swung his legs over the side, and stretched, his back cracking as he arched his arms over his head. Anna peered around the corner of the bathroom then, her hair falling in soft curls over her shoulder. “Morning, sleeping beauty,” she said cheerfully.
“Morning. How’s the shirt situation working out?”
“You tell me,” she said, a little shy, before stepping out so he could see her.
Fuck, he’d never been so glad to be wrong. The shirt didn’t fit the way it was supposed to; it hung loosely around her slender frame, the hem hitting a couple of inches above her knees and revealing the graceful line of her freckled legs. She’d pulled a cardigan on over it, hiding the way the seams had to be falling off her shoulders, and left the top buttons undone, showing off her collarbone and a delicate gold necklace that nestled there. Kristoff didn’t know a hell of a lot about fashion, but he did know that she looked like she’d walked right out of one of the giant posters he saw stuck up at the mall-- and that he’d be more than happy if she wore his clothes for the rest of her life.
“Is it that bad?” she asked timidly, and he realized he’d been gaping at her in silence for what was probably an embarrassingly long amount of time.
“Jesus, Anna,” he breathed, “you’re keeping that shirt, okay?”
Her cheeks colored at that, but when she crossed to stand in front of him, she was wearing a smile. “Will you help me roll the sleeves up? The shirt’s all bunched up under the cardigan, but I think if I roll them up and over and get the cuffs right it’ll look better.”
“Of course. Let me see.”
She lifted an arm, and he began carefully rolling up the sleeves the way she’d requested, feeling his mouth go dry as he saw how delicate her wrist was next to his broad hands. He wanted to linger there when he was done, trail his fingers over the pale, silky skin of her forearm and press a kiss to her palm, but instead moved to the other arm without even looking up.
“Thanks, Kris,” she said when he had finished, catching his hand in hers before he could pull away.
He gave her fingers a soft squeeze and glanced up at her with a lopsided grin. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. This almost makes up for all the times you’ve stolen my post-its. Now hurry up and get ready before the line for the waffle maker gets long.”
“Knowing you, feistypants, you’ll just elbow your way past anyone who gets between you and something sweet.”
“And knowing you, you’ll just glare at anyone who takes too long at the coffee pot and they’ll melt away on the spot.”
“I glare at you all the time, and you’re still here,” he pointed out.
She grinned at him then, and something about it made his heart constrict. “Yeah,” she said warmly, “I am.”
“Excellent work, you guys,” Harry said with a grin. Behind him, Elsa gave them a thumbs-up and mouthed fuck yeah.
Kristoff set a hand surreptitiously on Anna’s lower back, like he’d been doing during the whole presentation, as if to steady himself. “Thanks, boss,” he said, his relief palpable.
“Any suggestions for how we can improve it?” Anna asked. “Do you think using Prezi slows it down too much? I can remake it in Keynote if you want, or I already have a backup PowerPoint.”
“No, I--”
“And are there enough pictures? I know people get overwhelmed with blocks of text, but for some of this the pictures felt extraneous, so I just thought--”
“Anna, no, it’s--”
“And did I talk too much? I know I tend to go on and on and--”
“Miss Delle,” Harry said firmly, and her mouth snapped shut. “I typed a short list of critiques. Once Elsa has a look over it and adds her own thoughts, I’ll email it to you. But it’s all very minor stuff, really. The important thing is that you two really know your stuff about the tech we’re using and our online sales and engagement strategies. Seriously, great work. We’ve got a conference call in a minute, though, so if you don’t mind--”
“Oh, of course! Thanks so much, Harry, really,” Anna said breathlessly. “See you Monday!”
She headed over to where the laptop was perched on a lectern, moving to click the red button and end the call. Before she did, though, she watched as on the other end, Harry turned to her sister and said, “Don’t know why the hell my brother’s always requesting we review their department, do you?”
For a moment she froze, hearing Kristoff suck in a breath behind her. Harry glanced over his shoulder then and said, “Oh, sorry guys, forgot to hang up.”
“I’ve got it!” Anna squeaked, ending the video call before he could say another word.
She turned on her heel and saw Kristoff hadn’t moved, his expression inscrutable. She crossed back towards him, but his eyes didn’t move from the now-black screen. “Fucking rat bastard, huh?” she asked softly, setting her fingertips lightly against his forearm.
He sighed and looked down at the floor, not meeting her eyes. “Yeah.”
She bit her lip, lingering for a moment to see if he said anything else, but his thoughts were clearly miles away. She slid her hand down then to give his fingers a brief squeeze before turning away to retrieve her laptop and settle back down at the table they’d been working at in the most out-of-the-way meeting room they could find. 
Kristoff joined her after a moment, already slipping his reading glasses back on as he hunched over his laptop. “I gotta finish running these reports,” he said, not looking up, “then I’ll help you with whatever Harry said.”
“No worries,” Anna replied, tapping her fingers against the table as she waited for the email to come in. 
Harry, despite being one of the baker’s dozen and one Westergaard brothers, was, all things considered, a more than decent boss. He never got too in the way of the work, was always willing to listen to new ideas, and-- most importantly, in Anna’s opinion-- kept Elsa, who worked as his executive assistant, from overworking herself like she always tended to do. When Anna had been hired on, he hadn’t known the two of them were related, but he’d grinned when he found out and said he was looking forward to having the pair of them around.
As far as Anna knew, he was higher up on the ladder than Hans in terms of who was likely to inherit the company when it was passed down to the next generation, and she was grateful for it. Hans saw everything from a sales perspective and didn’t bother to consider the people involved, and he was outright cruel to people when it suited him, whether it made sense or not. She couldn’t help but wonder why Kristoff in particular was--
A large hand settled over her still-tapping fingers, pressing them flat against the table, and she jumped in surprise. Her eyes flicked up to see Kristoff looking at her, half-amused and half-irritated.
“You’re gonna drive me insane if you keep doing that,” he teased, his voice light.
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly, “just got lost in thought.”
“S’alright,” he reassured her, sliding his thumb under her palm so he could squeeze her hand. “Is the email in yet?”
“Oh-- I wasn’t even looking!”
She returned the squeeze before pulling away to refresh her inbox. “Here it is-- yeah, Harry says....’switch slide four and six….bigger font for the headers...great job.’ And Elsa says ‘relax, both of you’.” 
When she looked up, Kristoff looked stunned. “That’s it? Really?”
“I...yeah. Shit, maybe we work together better than we thought.”
They exchanged shy smiles, each of them unsure of what exactly to do next. The fixes would take less than five minutes; there was nothing left to do but present tomorrow. Well, Anna corrected herself, he probably has lots of emails still about IT problems, probably wants me to get out of his way--
“Do you...do you wanna take a break?” Kristoff asked suddenly, raising one hand to rub at the back of his neck. “Like...we’re at the beach, right?”
“Uh-huh,” Anna replied, trying to quell the tide of excitement in her chest that was going to overwhelm her if she wasn’t careful.
“And we’re the only department with something big like this, so everybody else has already been doing fun stuff, you know?”
“So...we could have a turn. For a little bit, anyway?”
She couldn’t fight her smile any longer. “So...what do you wanna do?”
He grinned. “Race you to the room and then down to the beach?”
Before he could say another word, she was on her feet and running for the door, her laughter trailing behind her.
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