sntechsupport · 7 months
Dead Heir of Void bug was in sessions 52s3336b, 697325738, and 17. Come to think of it, should I be worried about the numbering system?
Interesting. Neither of those three logs has any space for a Heir of Void in it. Like, that person has never existed. I know Void does Void bullshit, but the sessionlogs are fairly unaffected by it.
So uh. Take that as you will.
Don't be worried about the numbering system
SN Tech Support (Gear)
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dungeonsnderp · 8 years
Season One: Puzzles, Villains, and Poor, Poor Alber (and also Jarvilli)
What do you mean you haven’t read the plot so far? I used gifs and everything.
Spoiler alert; I’m writing this like 92% because I want to show off my brilliance as a DM and 8% because Dots told me she wanted to know what our plot was like so this is heavily edited and in no real coherent order. So. Good luck.
The Puzzle
Really the only relevant bit here is those weird pieces they kept picking up at each stop on the map. As it turns out  each piece was actually one of a set of tangrams. 
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Everyone they’ve met with so far (including the dwarf, Alber, poor guy - more on him later) has been dropping hints that their Arch Nemesis the Evil Planner of this Weird Mind Game Thing is nuts. And very evil. So they roll up to his house and surprise surprise, not only is it a gloomy-ass day and he apparently lives in a mini castle, but he’s got a cool tower and oh yeah the whole thing is built on an ancient burial ground. 
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So they scope out the tower first like any rational human being would, and find among other things an interesting scrap of paper.
Thus bolstered by the act of surrender, the flow of battle at last ebbed. Having kept tabs on the seashore it was no surprise to hear that the low tide had laid bare the bodies of the slain, now made rich and stinking by the bright sun.  
Weird, right? But easily forgettable. 
They move on and start scoping out the house/castle. They break in the back, snoop into the first room, and there’s Evil Villain’s mother snoozing in a chair. They try to talk to her, villain himself shows up.
Now Vodal was an interesting one for me. Bottom line is he sold his soul to a deity in return for “eternal life” via vampirism (I share this only because they figured it out already) and enough power to keep around some minions, including the dead, possessed body of his mother, who was killed in a war on those very grounds about 700 years ago. 
Mirasha got to wrestle with the concept of what it means to be an orc, as Vodal’s conversation at her was about reclaiming the glory days of the orcs (he’s an orc himself). 
Eirlys got faced with the concept of having someone you could count on to always be there for you - especially since they’re not gonna die of old age. 
It game them both something to chew on but I had to laugh when Eirlys eventually decided to sacred flame him ;D 
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So they start fucking him up, mom gets involved, they end up chopping off a good chunk of his health and he books it for his lair. They barricade mom in the parlor and are faced with the grand puzzle of the hallway.
Remember those tangram pieces they’d been getting for 13 sessions? Oh yeah.
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Turns out under the hall rug was a set of floor tiles that their gold pieces just so happened to fit in. And that scrap of paper from the tower? Each bolded word was an anagram for a particular animal on the floor; solve them in exactly the right order and the tiles cascaded down into a staircase shape, letting them into the tunnel under the house. How long they took on it determined how much health Vodal got to recoup in the process.
It’s simple on the surface and didn’t go exactly to plan, but I still like the concept of this puzzle. Next time I need more hints and less handholding though, that was a mistake on my part as DM. Live and learn!
I’m also pretty happy with Vodal. I homebrewed him by combining the orc spellcaster with a toned down vampire and got this weird mash of brute force and possession/summoning combat. His focus for the second part of the encounter was pretty simple; get to the alter at the back of his lair and start summoning. He had to preform 5 rounds of successful attempts to request help from his deity...but without chickening out. (Wisdom saves abounded). 
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I couldn’t roll for shit and he made four of them in quick succession and then failed something like four turns in a row. It added a certain fateful beauty to the encounter however as they just managed to defeat his summoned minions and get up to wail on him as he completed his last attempt. Some sort of horrible hybrid between gorilla and human the size of an 18 wheeler was starting to push its way between the planes, sporting the same blazing eyes everyone posessed by Vodal had. My players got the last swing in just in time and watched as the portal collapsed but not before Valkek (they found his name later on a number of spellbooks upstairs) got a good look at them. Hopefully he’s stuck to his plane for the foreseeable future, but he did manage to get out I  W I L L  R E M E M B E R so maybe they didn’t get off scott free ;D
The Aftermath
Eirlys picked up a cool new bow to finally have a shot at hitting things. Maybe. Mirasha confirmed Vodal had been a vampire. The house collapsed into a giant sinkhole without Vodal’s magic. All in a day’s work. 
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They decided to swing back and check on the two NPCs they’d met along the way. Alber was first - they’d found him bound to a pond inhabited by a baby krakenling a couple session earlier. As it turns out, freed from Vodal’s control he’d finally been allowed to pass on and join his long-dead wife in the afterlife. They gave him a proper burial and it was very moving, props to my players. 
Then it was back to Jarvilli’s house for tea and axe shenanigans. 
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Good shit. 
Next Up
Well that wraps up a solid story arc. We made a ton of mistakes (myself most of all) but I learned a lot, built some solid plot hooks for the future and made almost as many good choices as bad. 
We’re heading into Neverwinter next, to visit Stephanie at the Lady Finger Inn and I can’t wait.
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dungeonsnderp · 8 years
The Capening
Session 8:  This had been in planning for days as Alex and kh were waiting ever so patiently for the right moment to put the capening into action.
It was a rude awakening for Mirasha as a pair of hands hovered over her throat only to find out it was Eirlys attempting to and failing to sneak a cape onto the half-orc’s shoulders as she slept. After asking for an explanation and some coaxing, “Capes are cool!” Mirasha did put it on though reluctantly. Some Backstory: Mirasha and Eirlys happened upon a piece of drapery that concealed the metal piece while in the Maleah Tower. Unbeknownst to Mirasha(and Kat), Eirlys made sure to collect this piece of cloth as it turned out to be Mirasha’s random trinket! The irony. Go Team Cape!
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dungeonsnderp · 8 years
Session 9
I don’t even have a funny quote from this session, it just went really well and was a super satisfying bit of plot. 
I’m not saying there wasn’t a shitton of fuckery and laughter like usual, but I got a kick out of letting them get a glimpse of the bad guy, slapping Eirlys upside the head as the local deity, AND I got to fight as bear twins who each took half of the other’s damage when injured. What’s not to love?
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dungeonsnderp · 8 years
#6: Spiderweb Vale
As an excellent indicator of our party’s mentality, they approached a mile-wide ravine/valley and Eirlys immediately went “but can I jump it though.”
She could not.
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sntechsupport · 5 years
Alright, then what happened to everything *in* the session. Namely everything that. Yknow. Died mysteriously? Or how about that Glue can't see these asks, but you can. ~Heir of Stage
The Sessionlog is not in its best condition, so retrieving some data is rather tricky but apparently someone caught a very hard Macabre Charge and annihilated... everything. Not a cool move.
As for Glue... She is very weakly resistant to Macabre Charge. Like, super weak. I mean it. But because she is part of the game now, it would make things very difficult for everyone if she simply Charged, so the game is very nice to her and prevents it whatsoever! That means it doesn’t show to her anything that could tip her Macabre Incluence over the top! Like your messages.
xoxoxo Fluffle.
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dungeonsnderp · 8 years
#5: Surprise Session
aka The DM Was Unprepared and Wildly Pulled A Griffon Out Of Her Anus
It had a family, man, think of the kids.
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sntechsupport · 5 years
Wh- no Law player? What the fuck? What the hell is he doing here then? ~Heir of Stage, Session cHnf2R,
I don’t know, pal. But according to your Sessionlog, there is no Law Player in your Session. I don’t see any Law Player in your Session. I don’t see even any excess Land.
On the other hand, what I see is a rather gory vaguely once-human shaped scattered corpses of what was probably a Stage Player. Tough to determine their Class (GT pyjamas are shreds) but it looks like the Stage’s green, in places where there isn’t blood or oil all over it anyway.
It isn’t helping that according to your Sessionlog all the Players in your Session are dead. Have been for a while. As in, you specifically have been dead for seven weeks before even sending that first ask. I didn’t tell you because a) it would disturb you, b) I was too busy freaking out.
The thing that concerns me is that after the wipeout the Session should have shut down immediately. But it is still online and running...
SN Tech Support (Gear)
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sntechsupport · 5 years
Alright, Fluffle. Riddle me these. What happened to our session, who was that Law player, what happened to me, and what the fuck are you hiding ~HOS
Oh, so in order: I don’t know. I have no idea. There wasn’t any Law Player in the first place. You died. I am hiding my stash of sweets away from Glue.
My best guess is that you are a lingering ghost, who hasn’t yet figured out how to let go. Being a ghost is an uneasy experience to someone who is not used to it, so I’m sure that Gurl has some very scientific term for it, but I’d say that your mind has developed sort of like an inner world where it managed to cycle itself in in order not to go all crazy from being dead!
Uhhh... It’s actually quite probable that this happened, because Gear has just opened your Sessionlog for me and there is very huge Macabre influence basically everywhere! No wonder the place is so gory and that your spirits are still milling about. The Session probably can’t shut itself down because in a way you are still in it as ghosts.
But now that you know it, youcan break yourself out of the cycle and scuttle off to the Dreambubbles or the afterlife, where you can be happy!
xoxoxo Fluffle.
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sntechsupport · 8 years
Now I understand most of the classpect questions you'd get would be a little bland or as easily solved as walking to your local sburbian public library, but I'd like to think this ask a little more interesting. Let's just say me and my comrades have found a surefire way to, say, influence some things, including our classpects with no consequence. Onto my question, are there any best classpects you could tell us about? If not, could you perhaps tell me about my original title- Lord of Blood? Thx.
So I’m going to skip all that textbook ramble about the ways of your aspect and how should you play it and get more… behind-the-scenes, I suppose?
Lord of Blood. I can’t really say anything about Lords that hadn’t already been said on this support page/blog/whatever already. Maybe except that half of the other classes get a huge roleplaying boost when they step on the Lord’s cape. When it comes to the cape, the best way to boost your RP bonus is to find some Page Player and make them hold your cape while you walk. It looks less epic than it sounds.
All Aspects are similar to each other in one way or another. Blood combines the Star’s trust, Might’s unity, Stage’s keep-going-on and most important of all Life’s… well, life.I kid you not, Blood is the only offensive actively healing Aspect there is. As in it can do damage while you create life. No other Aspect can do that. don’t confuse it with Life’s transferring life, that’s different.
Lord of Blood is quite a rare title to generate, but when it comes to it, it isn’t hard to play. The rarity is simple: Blood is Aspect very closely linked to motherhood and therefore assigned to motherly-behaving and motherly-thinking players. Gender stereotypes aside, for this reason is Blood usually a female Player. I have no idea what exactly are the qualifications for the Lord Class (except for a super low self-esteem, thanks Gurl, I didn’t need to know), but if you’d be looking thorough the sessionlogs (that you can’t, cause it’s developer-only option), you’d find out that no female had ever been assigned Lord. Transgeders, genderfluids, nonbinaries, hermaphrodites even, sure. But no woman, it is a mystery.So Lord (non-female Class) of Blood (mostly-female Aspect) is therefore rare to generate.
But when it does generate. it abuses the whole “Lords can’t create” aspect of the Class like hell, since Blood is mostly about creating.You literally shape the creation. Which is, like, OP as fuck.Things gets worse when it comes to fighting then. Lord’s combat skills depend solely on the Aspect’s destructive ways and Blood has no destruction in itself unless you find a loophole (Transpositioners, Performers, Encryptors…) or you are destructive by your Class nature (Destroyers, Protectors, Champions…) or you are hella creative (Muses). Sucks to be a Lord of Blood when it comes to fight.
SincerelySn Tech Support
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