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veroves · 3 months ago
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ogni volta che vado al museo archeologico mi aspetto che arrivi frank-n-furter da un momento all'altro.
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onlyhxnxe · 2 years ago
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gayboygaming · 11 months ago
On second thought: I dont think im real. Stop perceiving me
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radiomogai · 2 years ago
Occunous Referential Language
you know how some words are gendered, like wife, or brother, or aunt? yeah we made some of those for occunous, just to be self-indulgent. the 'typical' word is on the left, the occunous version is on the right. you don't have to use these if you're occunous, and you can use them if you're not, they're just for fun & comfort!!
Auntcle: Scyne Child: Pupilin (plural 'pupilren') Datemate: Viewfriend, horrorfriend Grandparent: Grandsecuren, grandsese, grandseesee, grandsee Nibling: Desling Parent: Securen, sese, seesee, renny Sibling: Descryn, des, dessy Spouse: Beholdarling, beheld Unspecified family member: Sclerative Unspecified partner: Sight
sclerative was made with chosen/found family in mind, but isn't limited to that. sight, along with viewfriend/horrorfriend and beholdarling/beheld, can be used for any partner; it doesn't have to be romantic
we got a lot of help from our chosen family Tanagerbirds with this, thank you again so much!!! we'll be adding etymology and our thought processes for coining these in a reblog in order to not make this post too long lol
Taglist: @aetherive @en8y @queermogaigremlin @neopronouns @hoardicboy @liom-archive @kiruliom @mogai-sunflowers @local-yurei @revenant-coining and also tagging @sir-eldritch as you made a list of referential language and this seems like something you may be interested in
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somethingsomewhere · 2 years ago
Erin's Monologue
“Myself. My self.
That’s the problem. That’s the whole problem with the whole thing. That word, “self.” Thats not the word. That’s not right, that isn’t…How did I forget that? When did I forget that?
The body stops a cell at a time, but the brain keeps firing those neurons.
Little lightning bolts, like fireworks inside and I thought I’d despair or feel afraid, but I don’t feel any of that. None of it. Because I’m too busy. I’m too busy in the moment. Remembering. Of course. I remember that every atom in my body was forged in a star.
This matter, this body is mostly empty space after all, and solid matter? It’s just energy vibrating very slowly why there is no me. There never was.
The electrons of my body mingle and dance with the electrons of the ground below me and the air I’m no longer breathing. And I remember there is no point where any of that ends and I begin. I remember I am energy. Not memory. Not self. My name, my personality, my choices, all came after me.
I was before them and I will be after, and everything else is pictures, picked up along the way. Fleeting little dreamlets printed on the tissue of my dying brain.
And I am the lightning that jumps between. I am the energy firing the neurons, and I’m returning. Just by remembering, I’m returning home.
And it’s like a drop of water falling back into the ocean, of which it’s always been a part. All things… a part. You, me and my little girl, and my mother and my father, everyone’s who’s ever been, every plant, every animal, every atom, every start, every galaxy, all of it. More galaxies in the universe than grains of sand on the beach.
And that’s what we’re talking about when we say “God.”
The cosmos and its infinite dreams. We are the cosmos dreaming of itself. It’s simply a dream that I think is my life, every time. But I’ll forget this. I always do. I always forget my dreams.
But now, in this split-second, in the moment I remember, the instant I remember, I comprehend everything at once.
There is no time. There is no death. Life is a dream. It’s a wish. Made again and again and again and again and again and again and on into eternity. And I am all of it.
I am everything. I am all. I am that I am.”
- Erin Greene - Midnight Mass -
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40h40blunts · 2 years ago
Wollte aufhör'n, aber wieder Codeini in der Bag
Dann die Benzos, kann nicht lügen, ich hab' sisi unterschätzt
- Sevi Rin
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detournementsmineurs · 1 year ago
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"Passion Patrimoine : Les Anges Gardiens du Patrimoine" documentaire présenté par Carole Gaessler de la série "Des Racines et des Ailes" avec les interventions de Delphine Christophe - Directrice de la Conservation du Centre des Monuments Nationaux - Elsa Ricaud - Architecte du Patrimoine - François-Xavier Richard - un des derniers artisans à maîtriser l'impression de papiers peints à la planche en France - ou encore Stéphane Sésé - Propriétaire - au service de la maison arabisante de l'écrivain voyageur Pierre Loti à Rochefort, la maison de vacances de Marcel Proust chez sa tante Léonie à Illiers-Combray, le château de Chevigny-en-Valière ayant appartenu à Beaunois Louis Brossard près de Beaune ou encore l'abbaye cistercienne de Beaulieu-en-Rouergue ayant appartenu à Pierre Brache et Geneviève Bonnefoi, transformée en musée d'art moderne, octobre 2023.
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transexualpirate · 1 year ago
hot take but i think that "fictional characters are fictional and liking or disliking them have no real life effect" and "the way you treat certain characters can be an indicative of your character in real life" are statements that can and should coexist
example: character A is violent and makes misogynistic comments. they're still charismatic and their arc is interesting to read/watch. person A acknowledges that the character is bad but they still enjoy consuming content from the character and they do so unapologetically. they're allowed to like the character, especially considering that literally everyone the character has harmed is also fictional. they don't pretend the character isn't violent, or misogynistic, they just like the character despite that. they post about it constantly. this is a neutral action that shows nothing about person A.
character B is a white man that makes racist comments, treats a black person in the show badly and gains money through anti-ethical means. they're still charismatic and their arc is interesting to read/watch. person B claims the character is flawed but overall misunderstood and all their actions are entirely justified. they're allowed to like the character, especially considering that literally everyone the character has harmed is also fictional. person B claims the black character that character B treated badly either had it coming or overreacted. all of person B's favorite characters are white men. person B goes out of their way to justify that all of their favorite characters are actually misunderstood and good people, and more people should like them. this shows that person B likely has some favoritism for white men.
just. you're allowed to like fictional characters even if they're awful fucking people but. and im not sure why this is controversial. the way you interact with media says something about you. this isn't necessarily a bad thing. does this make sense please
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bambuuusia · 4 months ago
RAHHHH!!!!!(throws them at you)
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onlyhxnxe · 2 years ago
BIGONE (빅원) - Pop Punk (feat. Dive, 도한세)
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gayboygaming · 11 months ago
Cleaned my room and found the remains of an ancient civilization
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yamanoskk · 14 days ago
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Bones, Haniwa & Melon : United!
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coolcollectionchaos · 1 month ago
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What the hell!
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somethingsomewhere · 2 years ago
Riley's Monologue
When I die…
The dream to end all dreams.
One last great dream as my mind empties the fuckin’ missile silos and then…
I stop.
My brain activity ceases and there is nothing left of me.
No pain.
No memory, no awareness that I ever was, no…
That I ever hurt someone.
That I ever killed someone.
Everything is as it was before me.
And the electricity disperses from my brain till it’s just dead tissue.
And all of the other little things that make me up, they…
The microbes and bacterium and the billion other little things that live on my eyelashes and in my hair and in my mouth and on my skin and in my gut and everywhere else, they just keep on living.
And eating.
And I’m serving a purpose.
I’m feeding life.
And I’m broken apart, and all the littlest pieces of me are just recycled, and I’m billions of other places.
And my atoms are in plants and bugs and animals, and I am like the stars that are in the sky.
There one moment and then just scattered across the goddamn cosmos.
- Riley Flynn - Midnight Mass -
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raeohli · 5 months ago
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saintsesce · 11 months ago
she absolutely should Not Be at the club she should be at the morgue
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