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citizenscreen · 7 months ago
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Trevor Howard, Celia Johnson, Jacques Sernas, Eric Portman, and Nadia Gray celebrating Portman’s birthday with a picnic at Pinewood Studios in 1949.
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richgirlnetworktv · 2 years ago
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carabanchelnet · 2 months ago
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📌Óscar López estrena al ataque su candidatura contra Ayuso: “Quieren ocultar los chanchullos del padre, del hermano, del novio” 📌Un estudio revela que la mayoría de las agresiones a profesionales en la sanidad pública la sufren las mujeres y se producen en centros de salud 📌El Supremo cita como testigo a Miguel Ángel Rodríguez en el caso contra el Fiscal General: “pá’lante!!!” 📌Más de treinta colectivos y movimientos ciudadanos constituyen en la capital la Mesa Ciudadana del Árbol 📌… Y MÁS …. https://carabanchel.net
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transpublikid · 5 months ago
Tanamkan Kedisiplinan di Sekolah, Serma Kamali Melatih PBB Siswa-Siswi SMPN 01 Gandusari
Tanamkan Kedisiplinan di Sekolah, Serma Kamali Melatih PBB Siswa-Siswi SMPN 01 Gandusari
BLITAR – Dalam menanamkan kedisiplinan di sekolah, Serma Kamali Babinsa Koramil 0808/15 Gandusari, melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan Peraturan Baris Berbaris (PBB) kepada siswa siswi SMPN 01 Gandusari. Kegiatan pelatihan tersebut dilaksanakan di SMPN 01 Gandusari yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Gandusari, Kabupaten Blitar, Sabtu (14/9/2024). Pelatihan peraturan baris berbaris ini, bertujuan untuk…
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theactioneer · 7 months ago
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Karateka Spanish ad (Serma, 1985)
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karxezal · 2 months ago
Dilê te kevire çavên te xencer
Agir dicemide li ber serma te
Ez dilê te li kevir xim ewê agir jê here
Wey mal xirab te çi kir
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beetleskeleton · 7 months ago
I'm so fucking
vent and tw for animal death
my two sermas that I had left, a rooster and a hen, were put together. Whenever I fed them, he would always coo for her because he wanted to let her know there was food and water. After she died, and I gave him food and water, he still cooed for her. Still letting her know that there was food and water that she would never eat or drink.
I'm in tears as I'm writing this because it makes me feel all the worse and guilty for letting her die on my watch.
Because he'll never understand why she wasn't waking up that day. Neither of them understood why Cosmos wasn't getting up when she died either. All they know, they're friend is just gone, and then I take them away, and they never see them again.
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karanganyarkota · 14 days ago
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KARANGANYAR — Senin, 27 Januari 2025 Anggota Koramil 14/Jatipuro Serma Haerudin melaksanakan komsos dengan petani warga binaan dari kelompok tani Waras desa Jatisobo kecamatan Jatipuro.
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KARANGANYAR — Senin, 27 Januari 2025 Anggota Koramil 14/Jatipuro Serma Haerudin melaksanakan komsos dengan petani warga binaan dari kelompok tani Waras desa Jatisobo kecamatan Jatipuro.
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pamenan · 26 days ago
,, taq'wa guidance "
~~~ ☆ ~~~
After the Prophet's Prophet Muhammad SAW implemented Shola Fardhu Asri in congregation with a group of friends. He saw a camel standing tied to his rope at the palm tree on the ground of the mosque, the camel was thin but the physique of his chewy muscle muscle was like a camel used to race. Then the Prophet asked Friends, Ready for you who have the camel, Ana, the Apostle said one of the friends while coming in front of the Prophet and stretched out the palm of his greetings and said salwatings, very healthy the corner of the camel antum even though it looked thin, said the Prophet. As a friend immediately asked, O Prophet, Ana wants to ask the Prophet. Ana feels scared and feels very hard for Ana to leave prayer. But the betting of camel runways and drank Khamar complicated for Ana to leave her. Is the prayer of Ana accepted by God, the apostle, and help show Ana to keep the cart runway and drain the Khamar of the owner of the camel owner to the Prophet, while the other best friend heard sitting to be close to the Prophet.
Then the Prophet said, it was not perfect for someone's faith if it wasn't a person who was given a trial as a test from God. Bad and good that comes to humans are all of the trials from God, because not what one punjua who is blew to move without permission and if not at the will of God said the Kay RSSulullah SAW. But fighting it in the kindness of your kindness said the Messenger of Allah. There is no case of human actions that do not get a battles from God and bad deeds and both by humans say the Prophet to the friends. Actually Allah is watching you while the Prophet holds the hands of the Camel. God is seeing you where hard to lean your desire, siding with the invitation of the Ibelis to continue to drink a drum and bet the shepherd animal, or you are more inclined by God's exhaustion and leaving all the deeds of confiscation.
If you want to get God's love for you to do the actions you like by God, far away by your actions that are prohibited by God for yourself, the Majan Prophet Muhammad Muhammad said. After the camel owner expressed his gratitude to the Prophet, a collection of worshipers had bothered to leave the mosque. Then the Prophet said to Omar bin Hatab while the Prophet held Omar's wrist. As the Rasulullah said, Hai Omar I saw from the view of the camel's eyeball, it was great for God, engraved restless and nervous about his face because of the ibelis demonic persuasion wrapped his mind and his hat. My message to all of you, if you can meet with it often remind him so that he doesn't leave his prayer. Let you know the word Prophet, don't know that all of the sprit springs can be used to be used for ablution, sometimes the telaga water is exposed to unclean animals if the lake is not covered with palm midflast leaves. Even more serma a little cool dew goes down at night at night perched on the leaves of Leuniran can be used for the cheats of the word philosophy of the Majah Muhamad Prophet Muhammad Saw - Editor by the best journalist mkn. Online profile of Rambun Pamenan.
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holopiscom · 27 days ago
TNI Tembak TNI : Sertu Hendri Masih Diburu Aparat Gabungan di Babel
JAKARTA – Sertu Hendri pelaku penembakan terhadap Serma Rendi, personel Subdenpom Persiapan Belitung, sudah tak lagi berdinas di TNI sejak sekitar satu tahun lalu (Desertir TNI). Hendri berhasil kabur dari tempat persembunyiaan. Kuat dugaan pelaku kabur melalui gorong-gorong yang berada tidak jauh dari tempat ia bersembunyi. Pencarian terhadap Hendri, pelaku penembakan terus dilakukan, dengan…
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carabanchelnet · 6 months ago
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📌Los 16 centros que promete Ayuso terminar en 2027 llevan lustros varados entre primeras piedras y licitaciones, otros 10 son solares 📌Así evita los concursos de la Xunta la empresa de la hermana de Feijóo: cinco millones en 1.311 facturas 📌Almeida estudia colocar la noria gigante que propuso Villacís en el mayor parque de Arganzuela 📌La Comisión Europea reafirma su compromiso con la memoria histórica ante los ataques de PP y Vox y sus «leyes de la concordia» 📌… Y MÁS …. https://carabanchel.net
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lintasbatasindonesia · 28 days ago
Babinsa Koramil Barabai Jadi Teladan, Donor Darah Selamatkan Nyawa Warga
Barabai, Hulu Sungai Tengah – Dalam semangat gotong royong dan kepedulian terhadap sesama, Serma Abdul Hamid, seorang Babinsa dari Koramil 1002-06/Barabai, telah memberikan contoh yang inspiratif bagi masyarakat. Beliau secara sukarela mendonorkan darahnya untuk membantu seorang warga yang sedang membutuhkan transfusi darah. Aksi kemanusiaan ini dilakukan di Unit Transfusi Darah Rumah Sakit…
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sinargunungcom · 30 days ago
Kerja Bakti Antisipasi Wabah DBD, Koramil 10/Sukatani Gandeng Aparatur Desa Sukamanah
sinargunung.com, Bekasi | Dalam rangka mengantisipasi potensi wabah Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di musim penghujan, Babinsa Koramil 10/Sukatani, Serma Agus, mengajak aparatur Desa Sukamanah untuk melaksanakan kegiatan kerja bakti. Kegiatan ini berlangsung di Kampung Kobak Baya, Desa Sukamanah, Kecamatan Tambelang, Kabupaten Bekasi, dengan melibatkan masyarakat setempat, Pada Minggu…
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satu-komando · 1 month ago
Waspada Bencana, Babinsa Sarolangun Lakukan Patroli dan Cek Debit Air di Daerah Rawan Banjir
Satukomando.Sarolangun.com,- Rabu 8 Januari 2025 – Dalam upaya mengantisipasi terjadinya bencana banjir dan tanah longsor, Babinsa Koramil 420-04/Sarolangun Kodim 0420/Sarko, Serma Surani, melaksanakan patroli Banjir dan Longsor (Bansor) di wilayah Kecamatan Bathin VIII, Kabupaten Sarolangun. Kegiatan ini juga mencakup pengecekan debit air di Sungai Limbur Merangin yang merupakan salah satu area…
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stephaneparede · 1 month ago
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L'aadjar (voilette).
le mot terme se dit d’une « petite voilette faciale triangulaire qui orne le visage des Algériennes ». Le a’adjâr est constitué de fine toile brodée, dont les deux petits côtés sont ornées de dentelles, de broderies ou parfois des deux. Les extrémités du grand côté sont munies d’un fin galon, qui permet de nouer ce A’ajar derrière la tête.
Le a’adjer est toujours associé au h’âïk, avec lequel il constitue la dernière touche du costume de sortie des algériennes. Selon certains voyageurs qui étaient de passage à Alger vers 1550, les algéroises ne portaient pas de voilette à cette époque-là. Lasse de réajuster les pans de leur voile au niveau de leur visage, les algéroises choisissent la voilette. O A la fin du XVIe siècle, l'abbé Haëdo évoque la voilette des algéroises en affirmant que « pour ne pas être vues hors de chez elles, celles-ci se couvrent la figure d'un voile blanc fin qu'elles attachent par un nœud derrière la nuque, au-dessous des yeux et du front qui restent à découvert ». Les écrits de ce même auteur concernant les activités quotidiennes des femmes d'Alger ne laissent pas penser que le port de ce tissu sur le visage ait répondu à un changement du statut des Algéroises durant l'époque ottomane, au contraire l'abbé a insisté sur leurs occupations autres que domestiques avec un ton assez critique, en déclarant qu'elles consacrent beaucoup de temps à aller chez leurs amis, et à se rendre visite. Il est à noter que bien que le royaume étant sous la tutelle ottomane, le port de la voilette n'était pas à l'époque pour les femmes d'Alger synonyme de perte de liberté. Au début du XVIIIe siècle, Laugier de Tassy observe le costume de sortie des Algéroises : « Lorsqu'elles sortent, elles se couvrent le visage d'un mouchoir blanc, du menton jusqu'au-dessous des yeux, et s'enveloppent tout le corps de la tête jusqu'aux pieds d'une pièce d'étamine blanche. » Ainsi, la voilette du visage s'est inscrite dans un processus de distinction entre les 4/5 des Algéroises musulmanes, et le 1/5 des Algéroises qui sont de confession juive. Une association de la serma du voile et de la voilette a atteint son apogée au XVIIIe siècle, cependant la serma disparaît et le voile à fibules rompt la longue stabilité qui a caractérisée son parcours depuis plus de 2000 ans.
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