#seriously though check out this game it impacted me emotionally
inverse-problem · 1 year
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drew some fanart for a day of maintenance because it's frankly tragic to me that there's no fandom for this game. here's orby, the (robot) player character's gay robot boyfriend, whose job is repairing satellites
anyway, if you like vehicular exploration games (with crane operator gameplay and visual novel elements) and gay robot romance and stories about worker consciousness, do check the game out! it's also on steam (or there's a demo on the itch page also). and there's a tie-in short story!
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elftwink · 7 months
i really like board games but due to my Issues i tend to take everything way to seriously and personal resulting in a situation where i get annoyed and frustrated when i win or when i lose (you may think this doesn't apply to games with no win condition, but ive found ways to be a sore loser in minecraft. i'll lose at anything just to be sore about it. and i rules lawyer which to ME is neutral but everyone else hates because they want to play games the wrong and bad way and they do NOT care about my need to understand how the fuck we got here). now i have gotten better at this over the years and obviously as an adult i am in general much more emotionally regulated than as a child or teen, so though the problem crops up often still the consequences are typically limited to me being annoyed for a few minutes rather than me permanently killing the vibe for everyone in the room and forcibly ending games night.
HOWEVER. the strongest skill in my "dont ruin games night" arsenal is and always has been learning to say "actually i'll sit this one out" before i ruin it for everyone. unfortunately for me anyone you say this to takes it as a personal attack even after informed that the most likely and often only outcome is that not only will i be in a bad mood but i will bring everyone else down with me. people will be like "omg no we'll have so much fun just play one round i promise you'll enjoy it" all due respect no we wont. im not saying this to be a killjoy im saying it in a desperate attempt to save the games night before its all over. heed my warning lest ye suffer the curse (the bad vibes i am going to leech into the atmosphere if i have to pay rent to the same person more than twice in a row in monopoly). now i will admit that this is a personal problem obviously but it really does get me how i'll be like "if you make me do this i will be in a bad mood and i know from experience that it will impact the moods of everyone else and we will argue" and everyone insists to me that it wont happen and then when it does they are not only shocked but annoyed at ME for [checks notes] ruining the vibe and starting arguments. i agree this is not the best trait to have but you explicitly forbade me from doing the one failsafe prevention method that i have.
like i kind of feel like im saying to everyone don't touch the stove because the element is on, i get told "no it isn't, it isn't even hot you're exaggerating" by someone who then immediately burns themselves on the stove and starts admonishing me for not turning off the stove. like yeah the stove should be off but idk how to do that yet. also you are the one touching the stove after i specifically told you not to so at the very least i think we can both take some accountability for this
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suganovakawa · 4 years
do you happen to take requests? if so, may i- hcs abt playing and simping on genshin impact with kenma, kuroo, oikawa and bokuto-? you can lessen the cast if you want^^ thank you for the time! i love your blog 💖
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genshin impact frenzy!
— kenma, kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto play genshin impact with you!
gen masterlist
taglist ( open! ) —
a/n — this game has taken literally so much of my time, it was only meant to be that i fulfill this request—also bokuto’s has minor spoilers to venti’s story quest! it’s pretty vague but it’s still there
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kenma kozume.
✧。 this guy can take on literally everyone with just the standard team
✧。 and he does—he sees no point in wishing for people when he’s already got a decent team given to him for free
✧。 you’ve literally fought with him so many times because he forgets that wishing is a thing and finds it strange that you are willing to spend your life savings on a single five star character
✧。 he will only wish on the standard banner, since that’s where you can get constellations for the standard team
✧。 somehow he’s collected so many constellations for kaeya and amber, it’s unreal
✧。 you’ve debated on sending a complaint to mihoyo because kenma can’t send any of his primogems to you
✧。 he’s currently AR 50 and still has the beginner’s banner untouched aside from noelle
✧。 “kenma, would it kill you to wish on a banner once? just one ten wish summon. one time.”
✧。 “but i already have my team up to level 90, why should i put in the effort to grind for anything else?”
✧。 “because the other characters look nice?”
✧。 “okay, and?”
✧。 there’s no winning against him
✧。 you ain’t ever catching him simp
✧。 you almost caught him eyeing kaeya’s new idle animation but to no avail </3
✧。 timeskip kenma streams on twitch, where even some of his viewers are completely distraught that he never wishes on the banners
✧。 on multiple occasions he’s held events where he gives you money for primogems, and just streams you wishing for the characters instead of him
✧。 he’d never admit it out loud, but his heart flutters when he sees the excited look on your face as you pull a five star character
tetsurou kuroo.
✧。 for shits and giggles he probably decided to choose lumine instead of aether
✧。 when he realized that he liked aether’s design more than hers, he just stopped using her entirely
✧。 if he hadn’t gotten all the way to AR 30 before this realization, he probably would’ve started over with a new account just to choose aether instead
✧。 he doesn’t play this game religiously, but he is far from a f2p guy
✧。 will shamelessly simp with you if he deems the character simp worthy—if not he’ll just watch you simp and then simp over his own characters
✧。 he almost lost his mind over albedo and had a heart attack when he ended up pulling a weapon instead
✧。 don’t even get me started when he laid eyes on ganyu
✧。 if you can’t get a five star character you want, he’ll purposely spend money so that he gets them before you and rub it in your face
✧。 that’s what he did for zhongli
✧。 “i mean, he’s right here. look! isn’t he so sexy? he would be a great addition to my team. you enjoy having jean though! i’ve heard she’s a great healer.”
✧。 “tetsurou, i am going to murder you.”
✧。 “no you won’t.”
✧。 “i won’t. i just won’t help you with domains anymore.”
✧。 “okay okay wait this can be discussed—”
✧。 he hates grinding and will continuously hold if off until he physically can’t defeat any of the ascension material bosses
✧。 however, he completes ascension quests the moment he can—it’s just his luck that he has to deal with the consequences when he has to deal with mobs with his severely under leveled team
✧。 both of you raced to get to AR 40 first, and you won since you were actually smart enough to level up your characters long before he did
✧。 you two like completing domains together rather than doing it online or alone
✧。 genshin is more of a leisure pastime for kuroo, but he finds himself playing it more and more with each passing day
tooru oikawa.
✧。 surprisingly? he’s much better at genshin than what you were originally expecting
✧。 it’s probably because he has enough patience to grind for all of the materials SDJKFJKSDF
✧。 but because he prioritizes volleyball a lot more, he’s only at AR 36 while you’re on your way to AR 47
✧。 he takes it upon himself to compare himself to childe, and you just have to go with it because tooru will not take no for an answer
✧。 just to spite you he goes around saying “hey girlie” every now and then
✧。 he’ll come up behind you quietly and whisper in your ear, causing you to jump at the sound of his voice
✧。 “hey girlie, hold still.”
✧。 “c’mon, you know you you like it.”
✧。 “maybe if you dressed up into childe’s foul legacy transformation, i would be persuaded.”
✧。 simps for both mona and diluc lowk
✧。 i just know he purposely chooses the suggestive and flirty choices every chance he gets
✧。 he had a field day with ying’er (that perfume lady idk)
✧。 he hates spiral abyss with every fiber of his being and refuses to do anything more after he got xiangling
✧。 he likes flaunting his five stars to random people he plays with in domains just for the fun of it
✧。 his favorites to flaunt are childe and xiao (he was originally wanting ganyu but her banner expired before he could pull her so he just wasted the rest of his pity and got xiao instead)
✧。 idk why but i get the sense that he’s eagerly waiting for an announcement that scaramouche will be a playable character
✧。 he will give you money for genshin if you ask nicely
✧。 if you ask nicely and you give him something in return
✧。 but all in all, he does genuinely enjoy the game
koutarou bokuto.
✧。 kou will either forget to play it for months or you’ll have to pry it from his hands after being locked away in his room for at least a week
✧。 his favorite five star to use would probably be klee, just because of all the explosions she sets off
✧。 definitely simps for ningguang and albedo, but will see to it that he proves himself better than any of the guys you simp for
✧。 he loves using fischl so that he can use oz
✧。 he doesn’t take the game very seriously but still manages to reach AR 40, even though he has no idea how builds work
✧。 he has no desire to learn either, he’s just enjoying himself and exploring the world
✧。 he gets carried away with exploring the world that he found both all of the anemoculus and the geoculus before AR 40
✧。 goes into emo mode when he doesn’t pull the character he wants
✧。 the story quests make him sad when he does them, especially venti’s
✧。 he regretted not having venti after he finished that story quest and just watched the story with venti and his old friend over and over again to mourn
✧。 and he checks up on stanley every time he sees him anywhere, usually in front of mondstadt at night
✧。 “i promise you that i will never leave you or let any harm come to you, y/n”
✧。 “kou, that’s sweet of you—”
✧。 “i mean it! i would rather die than put you in harm’s way”
✧。 you have to comfort him repeatedly and eventually gets over it
✧。 but now he’s saving up for venti’s rerun and has not been deterred or tempted for anyone else, mans is almost at 10k primogems for this guy
✧。 mihoyo pls give bokuto a venti rerun
✧。 it’s safe to say that venti slowly becomes bokuto’s favorite character
✧。 you should watch out before kou becomes too emotionally attached to every character
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wandernic · 6 years
My SPOILERY Be More Chill review
In honor of tonight’s opening, I wanted to put together my impressions of the show, brought to you by five off-Broadway and four Broadway preview viewings. I will divide things up by scene/song to better order my thoughts. Please DO NOT read if you haven’t seen or don’t know the story well already. 
(In that case, here’s a mini-review for you: GOOOOO SEE THIS! Okay now do yourself a favor and close this window.)
More Than Survive:
I like the change to Mr. Heere just eating cereal in his underwear, and unable to drive Jeremy to school. This better conveys Jeremy's real frustration with his dad being mentally checked out than the (admittedly funnier) off-Broadway scene, which just made Jeremy seem grossed out by him.
I miss the Chloe-Jake breakup scene a bit, but it didn't really add much to the narrative other than seeing them as a couple for a brief moment. The next mini-scene where Jenna addresses the breakup with Chloe accomplishes what's needed, plus adds to Jenna's narrative as the girl everyone goes to for the dirt and nothing else.
I Love Play Rehearsal:
I would shower Stephanie Hsu with multiple Tonys for this scene alone. Her Christine is equal parts adorable and batshit, and we can easily see why Jeremy finds her so much more fascinating than the conventionally attractive popular girls at school.
Minor gripe: BRING BACK JAKE'S DAB. That shit was hilarious, and in a simple move showed how Jake, while trying to live up to the cool jock everyone knows him to be, has the same amount of dork inside that everyone does.  
The Squip Song:
Ugh I get they're trying to clean this up for a staid Broadway audience, but Rich drawing the penis on the wall and brazenly peeing in front of Jeremy are both missed. Not just for the humor, but because without it Rich just seems like his Squip made him merely mean, instead of confident. That confidence would presumably be what Rich was seeking with a Squip, not to become a garden variety bully, so it loses something in the translation when Rich isn't displaying that through his inappropriate jokes.
I do appreciate Rich's bullying of Jeremy being stepped up, because it's important we get a fuller idea of Jeremy's suffering. Off-Broadway, it just came across as "I can't get the girl I dig and a boy at school sometimes says shitty things." Though certainly emotional bullying is awful, its pervasiveness over a long period of time is hard to convey in a few short scenes. Having Rich also physically intimidate Jeremy makes you feel Jeremy's fear in a palpable way, which leads you to sympathize more with him.
Also can we give Gerard Canonico a Tony merely for the "It's from Japan!" scream? I think, yes. Seriously, his performance in this role is so iconic, it's hard to imagine another actor playing Rich.
Two-Player Game:
The perfect scene for conveying the true dynamic of Jeremy and Michael's friendship. That dynamic being, Michael is a much better friend to Jeremy than Jeremy is to Michael. This is one of the challenges for Will Roland in portraying Jeremy: he is not an easily likeable character. Yes, Jeremy is bullied at school, but he also makes everything about him, his needs, his pain, etc. There isn't a moment in which Jeremy checks to see how Michael's doing (lest we forget Michael is also bullied - the backpack prank was pulled on him, too.) So this song works as both a fun bop, and as a display of the unequal nature of this friendship.
Also, on the whole I *love* Chase Brock's choreography. Especially in "Halloween" and the utterly phenomenal "The Pitiful Children." The one exception is when Jeremy and Michael get up from the bed to finish this song; these moves are clunky and not sharp. It's hard to tell if executed more crisply, they would work better for me, or if the actors are intentionally sort of keeping it loose to demonstrate that these dudes are not as cool as their peers.
Be More Chill:
Jeremy's Squip being activated and the ultimate dramatic appearance of that Squip is one of my favorite moments in the show. My God, the evolution of the Squip from last summer has me floored. It was always good, but what Jason Tam is doing with this character now is must-see. This Squip is like an emotionally abusive partner. He coldy points out what he sees as your flaws, then smooth talks you about your amazing potential, and you forget that you were ever hurt or mad to begin with. Rinse, repeat. He also reminds me of the current administration, in that he'll say something totally out of bounds, then quickly walk it back to where he really wanted you, and you're temporarily swayed by the dial-down that he's not so bad after all. Fucking masterful.
If this man isn't nominated, seriously fuck the Tonys.
Do You Wanna Ride?
What I love most about this besides its hilarity is that it shows a bit of quid pro quo in the seemingly one-sided Chloe/Brooke friendship. While Chloe pretty openly treats Brooke poorly on multiple occasions, when Brooke wants an assist in trying to get Jeremy to say yes, Chloe immediately jumps to her cue and joins in. This is actually more than Jeremy ever helps Michael with anything in the entirety of the show, which is pretty fucking sad when you think about it.
Katlyn Carlson and Lauren Marcus have perfect chemistry as the best frenemies we'd love to hate if only we didn't kind of totally love them so damn much.
Be More Chill Part 2:
I liked the staging for this better at Signature. It serviced the choreography much better when they didn't throw a mall fountain mid-stage that forces them to redirect the dance moves in a less visually striking manner. I especially miss the hoveround rolling down center stage with the mall shoppers trailing behind it. We've already been to Payless and the food court; we know it's a mall. The fountain is unnecessary. Also, can we give Troy a better alter-ego when he goes on? The Starbucks get-up just looks like Michael went to work at his mall job and for some unknown reason put a wig on.
Sync Up:
I love the expansion of the supporting roles in the show, something this song supports to great effect. I don't have a lot more to say on this scene since it's new to Broadway, and I don't remember as much as the other scenes.  Also I believe before this song is when Jeremy ditches his glasses, and I like the change from first preview in how that was accomplished (though I did laugh at the Spiderman rip-off that first night).
A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into:
I MISS THE PART WHERE BROOKE NODS HER HEAD ALONG WITH CHLOE WHILE LECTURING CHRISTINE. This is in all caps because that shit was comic gold; why take it out? It also demonstrated how in tune with Chloe's whims and emotions Brooke is, which is to say, too much. If I can't have this back, I'm going to at least need someone to explain why it was taken out.
I believe this scene is where the Squip puzzles over the person Christine is, and I love both that she's entirely confounded him, and that post-song, she ultimately defeats his carefully constructed plotting just by being the unpredictable person she is.
As for the song, this has been unchanged that I can see, and that's because it does exactly what it needs to do well.
One of the best changed scenes from Signature. It was fine there, but is much more fleshed out now, and gives more insight into many of the characters that is needed and appreciated. I especially appreicated the added dialogue between Jeremy and Brooke, in which we get Brooke's insight into her self-doubt, and how Jeremy's seeming interest moved her.  
I did prefer how the Squip insinuated himself more in this scene at the first preview. When he was trying to get Jeremy to get with Brooke, he pretty much physically climbed on him to push him into her on the bleachers. In a future preview, the Squip stood completely away from them onstage, directing Jeremy with hand motions, and I didn't think that worked at. All. Last Sunday, he stood near them and physically pushed Jeremy with just his hand to kiss Brooke; while an improvement, it still wasn't as effective as the first preview for two reasons.
One, the complete disregard for personal space is just much funnier. Two and more importantly, when the Squip was literally pushing Jeremy's body into Brooke's with his own (imaginary) body, it demonstrated an important aspect of the Squip's control of Jeremy. What looks like the Squip being physically seductive is really a demonstration of his seduction of Jeremy's mind. This is significant, because Jeremy ends up doing a lot of things he doesn't particularly want to do, but the Squip seduces him into thinking he does. I found that incredibly effective.
Loser, Geek, Whatever:
My gripe with this otherwise effective scene is the singing of the song itself. Every time it starts to build steam melodically, it's cut off by Jeremy saying/shouting so many of the lyrics. The build-up then has to start again, leaving the song to finish up not as impactful as it could be. This could be a barn-burner Act 1 closer, and instead it's just pretty good. Also I don't know how Will Roland takes that loooooong end note up and down and back again, and still belt as powerfully at the end of it as the start. The show must be using some new can't-even-look-it-up-on-the-internet technology to pump air into his lungs from backstage. This actor has taken on a very difficult character and pitched it just on the line of where it needs to be to work. So impressive.
Love the song. LOVE the choreo (lookin' at you, Chase Brock.) Love LOVE the addition of the Squip front and center. This makes so much sense, because by manipulating Jeremy he's really manipulating all of them, and his inclusion in the midst of the party instead of on its periphery demonstrates this incredibly well.
I don't love the substitution of a pumpkin candle for a gas can. What even was that thought process? That sucks up the drama of that moment almost entirely. What level of foreboding does one accomplish with a pumpkin?
This scene contains my only major problem with the show, and that is Jake's sudden and unexplained loss of interest in Christine. Are we to infer that they slept together once and that's all Jake was after? And that all of his character development in Act 1 was bullshit? In which case what was the point of developing his character at all? This whole thing could be easily fixed by a line or two where Jake realizes he still has feelings for Chloe, but that never happens. I haven't seen the show since last Sunday (when multiple people told me it was locked in), so I hope since that time they've unlocked it to fix the one glaring flaw, either clarifying Jake is a dick, or Jake misunderstood his own feelings. In any event, Britton is absolutely CRUSHING IT with the nuances of Jake, and I can't wait to hear him on the Broadway cast album.
Do You Wanna Hang?:
Katlyn Carlson is a comic genius. All the little touches she throws into this hilariously awful attempt at seduction are amazing. The only part of this I liked better at Signature is when Jeremy asks her if she's jealous, and in this version she's crying while saying "obviously not." (Or at least she was on Sunday). I think this works better if she immediately *stops* crying at that point, playing it like it's the most absurd possible question Jeremy could ask.
Michael in the Bathroom:
Alternate title: George Salazar at the Tonys
Michael is quite simply the beating heart of this show, an odd role for a supporting character. As played by George, he is that quirky, too weird to be popular but too sweet to not love friend that if we were very lucky, we had growing up. Michael is so important because to be frank, Jeremy is kind of a self-involved dick. That would make the show entirely dependent on Will Roland's ability to make us relate to Jeremy through those trials he faces that we've all experienced - and he does an amazing job. But he also gets a Herculean assist from George, who so convincingly relates how steadfast and loyal to Jeremy Michael is, it makes us believe there's something special in Jeremy that warranted this devotion.
A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into (Reprise):
During the couch scene between Jeremy and Christine, they've cut out Christine's very valid explanation as to why she can't date Jeremy (it involved getting to know herself better first). This is a problem, because it doesn't make sense at the end of the show when she likes him - we never see why she made that leap, so we're meant to assume she likes him for doing the bare minimum of correcting his own mistake. The way it was at Signature, we find out at least that she just isn't in a head space to date someone on the heels of her breakup with Jake, which shows she could be interested in Jeremy once she gets past that.
The Smartphone Hour:
Easily one of my favorite scenes. Tiffany Mann as Jenna is a delight from start to finish, and this is her moment to shine. Her comic sensibility is perfection. Lauren and Katlyn chime in with equally hilarious support.
My only complaint in this number is the slight lyric change to "Jake's house." For pity's sake, we just spent three or four songs at Jake's party; I promise you, we grasp who's house it is. And the change ruins the flow of the song a bit.
The Pants Song:
Okay yes this song is sweetly funny and does exactly what is needed to advance the plot here. But I just want to talk about Jason SweetTooth Williams overall right now. HOW IS HE A REAL PERSON THAT CAN SO EFFORTLESSLY JUMP FROM ROLE TO ROLE WITHIN SECONDS WITHOUT MISSING A BEAT. Mr. Reyes and his delusions of grandeur is my favorite, but Williams brings equal skill to all his roles, including Jeremy's dad. What a talent.
The Pitiful Children/The Play:
This may be my favorite song. Especially with the song, choreography, and performances here, this show is firing simultaneously on all cylinders. I also love that Jeremy and Jenna have an extended conversation that lets us know her a little more. Tiffany Mann gives a heartfelt authenticity to this that is lovely.
I think this is the scene where these critiques go (apologies if not). I wish Jeremy didn't tell his Squip "you were supposed to make Christine like me!" One thing I love about Jeremy is that he is not really into the popular girls, but the most interesting girl. He digs Christine because of all that she is.
When he says this line, he is upset because the Squip didn't make Christine do what he wanted, meaning he now wants her to change to like him. I think this would work better and make Jeremy come across as less of an incel if the line were more like, "you were supposed to make me someone Christine would like!" It was, after all, himself that Jeremy was looking to change - not Christine, who he loves as she is. That is this character's saving grace, and this diminishes it a bit.
That said, I do think there was an overcorrection in trying to make Jeremy more likeable. In the three previews I saw before Sunday, Jeremy tricks Jenna into drinking the Squip-spiked drink. In the last version I saw, he actually tells her what it is, and she immediately drinks it. It's pretty unrealistic that she would do that. Worse, it conflicts with Jeremy's "you were supposed to make Christine like me!" outburst. If we must allow for the fact the Squip has gained so much control of Jeremy he no longer cares that Christine likes him of her own choosing, he's certainly not going to care about respecting Jenna's need to consent to taking the Squip. Given the choice, I would either change Jeremy's line about making Christine like him, or his choice to tell Jenna what's in the drink. Back-to-back, they don't give us a good sense of how much control the Squip has of Jeremy at that point.
After Jeremy and Michael battle everyone and Jeremy makes his final choice, as the result becomes clear, Michael bizarrely explains what is happening on the spot. This makes little sense, especially in light of the fact that at the hospital, he asks Jeremy how he knew what would result from what he did. Um, he didn't know, you literally explained it to him in the middle of the last scene, bro. I would omit Michael's inexplicably instantaneous explanation from the Play scene and let the audience sit with the aftermath a moment, before having it clarified in the hospital scene.
Voices in my Head:
Not a fan of the lyric changes here, which seem to water down the edge of the teens ("she probably thinks that acne is hot") to morph them into Stepford children ("we got your back 'cause we are your squad" - vomit). Otherwise, this scene wraps everything up well and leaves you satisfield with the weird, wild journey you just went on.
What a score (my #1 favorite in all of musical theater history), what a cast, what a show! If there are not multiple Tonys thrown at this masterpiece, any significance the Tonys have is null and void.
In short, GET THERE or you’re missing the show of the year!
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noviceperson-blog · 7 years
Am I Doing This Right: Why Don’t I like Pinterest?
I am not one of those adults that laments my status by virtue of its responsibilities, stresses,...and lack of mandated nap times. I prefer the autonomy of adulthood to the restrictiveness of childhood. I mean, seriously, there is NOBODY that has authority to tell me when to go to bed, what I’m having for dinner, or that I can’t have ice cream for breakfast. It.is.AWESOME!
     Now, as a semi-responsible adult I do not always take advantage of my freedom...but I totally could if I wanted to, and that’s what matters. I’ve learned to make choices with mine and my family’s best interests in mind. I have a checking account, car, even a passport!! ( exp.2010...but that’s not the point). I’ve already had a divorce; I’m a parent; I’m a stepparent; My dogs are neutered;  I’m learning to balance my new career with my home life. I even have anxiety-inducing student loan debt. ..........On paper, I am your average American adult.
     Although I have the credentials....when I go out into the world among the other adults, I feel woefully under-qualified.
     The other adults that I regularly come into contact with, (going forward we’ll call them the “Others”) seem to passionately care about things that are not even on my radar. The Others care so much about some of these things that I’ve come to interpret this discrepancy not simply as differing interests: but, as  glaringly obvious and essential priorities that I am just inexplicably ignorant of.
    Things the Others care about in order of how much they baffle and alienate me:
 1. Shabby Chic Anything
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 It was really cool and original in 2000. Now everyone who has the least amount of arts and craps talent will do a shitty paint job on an old dresser and try to charge $80 over the $5 it’s worth. Stop.
 2. Pinterest
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Pinterest! This is the single most frustrating of the things in the world of the Others that I do not understand. It is not due to my lack of familiarity or understanding of the concept. I’ve used Pinterest to gather some ideas for meals, activities, lessons and whatnot. But I found that Pinterest is repetitive....and just not as amazing as it is heralded to be. Yet I regularly hear my contemporaries preach the utter usefulness of Pinterest. And I die a little inside. I know this is blasphemy, but I hate Pinterest. There, I said it.
 3. Sports
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First, let me qualify that......Any sport that I am not paying for my child to participate in. The outcome of a game, played by a team of people whom (who?) I’ve never met....will and could never impact my mood. I just don’t care. Sometimes one of the Others will chuckle and say “Oh, I don’t really care about (insert sport).” And for a second I have found common ground, until they show up to work on the day the state college football team is playing some important game and they are all decked out in blue and white (or whatever). I’ve lost my ally.
 4. Monogrammed Everything!
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Monogrammed every-friggin’-thing! Personalization run amuck. Again, my aversion to monogramming isn’t due to my lack of experience. When my daughter was young I made some Pottery Barn purchases and monogrammed the crap out of them. And guess what..... she didn’t care, her friends didn’t care, the teachers, the public, the world...no one cares what her initials are. And it does no better job identifying her property than a Sharpie used on the inside. If you tell yourself that your paying that extra $8 to monogram Jr.’s right sock so everyone on Earth will know it’s his..you’re lying to yourself. It’s a status thing...and just kind of douchey. A friend of mine that I love owns a pair of monogrammed leather boots. She is one of the most lovely human beings you could ever meet,..........but I would push her into the mud if it meant removing those horrid boots from her life.
 5. Selfies
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So, this one is a bit more serious, and I have a difficult time putting it into words (so why not WRITE it on a blog for the world to read, idiot!?). But, and I may be aging myself a bit, the prolific posting of selfies by people in my newsfeed is alarming. I am all for camera phones, social media, and all that stuff, but the people who are posting selfies constantly seem to be feeding into or enabling some kind narcissism. (Yes, I got my BS is Sichology from Internet State University). The amount of thought, time, and effort put into taking pictures of oneself instead of interacting intellectually and emotionally with other humans is concerning. This is not a ‘the younger generation sucks’ post, and I may be off the mark. But it just gives me an uneasy feeling for those people who do it A LOT.....like way too much. You know who they are. But, I don’t think they know who they are.
Also...they use those filters. We know you don’t look like that!!! We know that  your skin is not weirdly blurrysmooth (#newword). You get that we see you in real-life sometimes, right?
 In conclusion
These deep, abiding loves that my peers share are feelings that I cannot relate to, and I feel like I should be able to. Is there something wrong with me? What am I missing?  It’s like a secret that everyone has been let in on, .......except me.
I should have more in common with the Others....but I don’t. Maybe I’m some socially awkward freak that thinks she’s “normal”. I don’t feel like a freak, though. In many ways I am different from the others. I took different paths than many of them....but we’ve all ended up in generally the same place.....or at least the same vicinity.  But, I really do hate Pinterest.
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bandedshadows · 7 years
Voyager review.
This is long overdue (I was caught up with life stuff and had to stop liveblogging), but I actually finished watching Star Trek: Voyager last week. 
Judging by the length of this post, HOLY SHIT, do I have a lot of feelings.
TL;DR: I’ll give it a 7/10. 
My verdict: 
Voyager had a number of truly extraordinary moments sprinkled among clusters of average to very low points. 
I still loved Janeway a lot, even though there’s notable issues with her characterization. (Kate Mulgrew’s gr9)
Seven’s introduction gave the show a much-needed kick up the next level, but they ended up overdoing it imo.
Some characters are more developed than others, but I found the crew to be generally likeable. 
Continuity? What’s that?
prime directive... prima directa... primal dialga... perma dry roof... pearl digestive... prophylactic dental... partial deposit... parking at disneyland...
I still enjoyed Voyager very much, but oh boy, did this show have many, many flaws. I also took it upon myself to read up on Voyager’s behind-the-scenes issues for context, and jfc, the production is even messier than the text. Put two and two together and it’s obvious why the show took the course it did. 
I’ll go into detail behind the cut. It’s very long. Spoilers ahead :).
I’ll start with the negative points:
The ‘Endgame’ episode was... abrupt. It was still emotionally impactful, but it wasn’t the most graceful way to tie things up. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the show was given fair warning that the 7th season was going to be their last? If that’s the case, I expected more pre-finale plot development before this out-of-pocket Deus Ex Machina plot of future!Janeway pointing out a shortcut to the Alpha Quadrant. Or at least all the Borg encounter episodes could’ve added up to building Voyager’s path home. Endgame’s resolution is acceptable, but it really should’ve been spread out for the last half season. 
The serial, episodic format of Voyager ultimately led to all the aspects in which it fell short. Particularly in continuity and character development. There were bad episodes, average, above average, and then there were GREAT ones. 
But, it’s always Schrodinger’s cat on whether the next episode is going to be watchable or not, as well as which Janeway is going to show up.  
At times, Janeway would be stringent when it comes to the prime directive. Other times she unquestionably abandons Starfleet protocol to be a good samaritan. One day she backs out of complicated situations in order to prevent any losses of life. Another day she’s adamant in achieving her goals even if means accruing some casualties on the way. She gave Harry shit for sleeping with a girl from an alien race without getting medically checked, but then makes out with Devore!Spencer Tracy-lite Bashyk next episode. 
Over the course of the show, Voyager had many episodes that were forgettable. I found myself having to skip a lot of the holodeck fillers (Fair Haven is the worrrrrrssttt), some of the bottle episodes where the crew get first contact with alien races that would predictably betray them, and at times near the end, my fatigue of Seven and the Doctor can get me to tune out of their more unimpressive episodes. 
But then there’s also episodes where they delve deep into character development, but they never acknowledge the character’s growth in any subsequent episodes. The better episodes of Voyager often feel like missed opportunities for more in-depth exploration. B’Elanna undergoing depression was a great plot point that they could have explored more. The episode they did on her about her self-hate for her Klingon half was great but how she came to terms with her Klingon identity felt incomplete. Her character always fascinated me, but I seriously needed more.  #JusticeForB’ElannaTorres
The episode “Mortal Coil”, for example, explores Neelix coping with the loss of his belief system after experiencing death. HIs usual positive outlook was compromised because he realized there’s no heaven and he’s questioning the point of living. Neelix is far from my favourite, but I kind of relate to what he went through. Before the next episode started, it looked like he’s headed to a darker path. Perhaps this change will interfere with his approach to being the morale officer, or he’d don a more assertive aura in future eps. Then he’d be a more interesting character. But NOPE, next episode he’s back to his old sunny self. Missed. Opportunity.
I’m going to echo what I said in this post I made awhile back. I do love Seven’s character, I truly do, but the balanced family dynamic of the crew was special. She didn’t have trouble integrating into the cast, but she pretty much hijacked the show from then on. She’s a great, well-developed character but I found myself longing for the others to get as much depth as she did. 
I just read up on the Jeri Ryan/Brannon Braga stuff,  the beef between Mulgrew and Ryan, the writers willfully shortchanging the actors they don’t like (Beltran, Wang getting less focus episodes), the intense working conditions, and just... the general toxicity of the environment (not to mention Rick Berman’s an ass). I see how the behind the scenes conflicts could’ve influenced the show and now that’s just... really irresponsible.
Now, for the positives!
The writing of her character is flawed, but I thought Captain, *ahem* ADMIRAL Kathryn Janeway was a splendid captain. We wouldn’t know which Janeway showed up each episode, but I love all the versions lmao. Before I binged Voyager, I was already defensive of her from a symbolic standpoint, being the only female captain to lead a show and all. But it turns out that defensiveness was justified. Janeway is both strong, yet fragile. Authoritative, but warm. Adventurous and scientific, but can also get reclusive. She was overly curious, stubborn, and indecisive, but ultimately handled her woes with grace. She proudly demonstrates her iron will, but her empathy for others always prevailed. Her character arc took many paths and turns (intentional or not) but I enjoyed how the character was conducted as the leader of the ship. I felt a different affection she particularly shows to her crew that I don’t think other Trek captains ever did. 
If anything, I have to credit Kate Mulgrew for masking the inconsistent writing quite well. Janeway came off as layered and multi-faceted instead of mischaracterized. 
As for the rest of the cast: they each have their own quirks and they all helped prompt the dynamic of the team. A number of them fell flat towards the end, like Kim & Chakotay, (but I guess it was for the best because of the racist elements of the Chakotay character and Kim’s infantilization. I really wish the writers got more creative with them though.) But either way, all the chracters contributed to the crew in their own way. Each one of them did have a standout episode. They all took a while to find their footing at the beginning, but they all eventually grow into it. 
Now, when Voyager has a great episode, it’s REALLY, REALLY GREAT. 
By far my favourite episode in the entire show is the “Year of Hell”. There’s been plenty of episodes where the crew undertook mishaps but always came out unscathed. But in the “Year of Hell”, this conflict took the crew to dark, new places that really challenged their limits. They were plunged in a darker place of total despondence and desperation, where they got in each other’s nerves, they sacrificed things they love, and the situation tested their hope and will for survival. The desperate situation made for compelling interaction between the characters in how their dynamic changed after their morals were compromised. I also enjoy the laid back nature of Voyager, but I do wonder what it would’ve been like if the whole show had been like this?
Other favourites were: 
Living Witness-- a poignant examination of the nuances behind historical remembrance. An issue that is still relevant today. At first I was going to be annoyed if the point of the story is to clear Voyager’s good name, but later on, The Doctor says that the obsolete Voyager’s reputation is irrelevant to the creating peace between the two factions. *cough*Japan downplaying wartime aggression to clear their name*cough*
Timeless-- just a well-done episode. Yes, once again, they dabble into alternate timelines, but this episode brings such emotional weight and splendidly tackles the issue of survivor’s guilt. Kim’s finest moment. Also, Geordi my king!
Deadlock-- Another space-time episode, but the duplicates really posed a formidable challenge to the crew. It was also a testament to their nobility and sacrifice.
Scorpion-- the game-changer for the show. Also, Seven’s first appearance!
Equinox-- again, this episode featured the crew encountering a real moral dilemma. One of the few episodes that treated the prime directive with a non-simplistic, nuanced approach.
Resolutions, The Chute - ‘cause I’m shipper trash.
Anyway, this was tiring to write. I’m thinking of taking a break from sci-fi shows for a while, then maybe I’ll rewatch TNG or BSG again. Voyager was the only Trek I haven’t watched chronologically and it was nice to witness ‘new’ Star Trek again. This is really long, but I spent over 120 hours watching this, sooooo...
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xmydaysinmilanx · 8 years
1 to 75 because why not xd
1. First console you’ve ever owned? PS12. First game you played? Possibly Tekken or Spider-Man for the PS13. Favorite childhood game? I cannot choose one!4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game? I honestly have no idea. Maybe 6 hours approx as I would have dinner and bathroom breaks etc. 5. Game with the best soundtrack? I adore the soundtrack of Final Fantasy X but I think the 13 series was composed beautifully.6. An underrated game from within the last few years? The Jak series. Jak 2 and 3 are excellent games.Think of a hard edged Spyro combined with Grand Theft Auto and you get Jak 2/3. 7. Most disappointing game you’ve played? Final Fantasy 12. The visuals are astounding but I could not take to it at all.8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery? 7 has a lot of potential in the remake. X has beautiful scenery with plenty of places I’d like to visit in game. I adore Macalania Woods!9. Last game you played? FF XIII. 10. Prefer PC or console? Console, never owned a desktop.11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart? Fanfic ‘ideas’ yes but have not branched out into the writing world yet.12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played? Non strike me as being ‘bizarre.’ There are elements in FF 7 and 13 that are quite strange. Oh and Necron in FF9 - okay.13. Scariest game you’ve played? Abe’s Oddysee freaked me out, must say lol. 14. Do you watch playthroughs online? If I am really stuck on configuring strategy. 15. Favorite animal in a video game? Donald Duck, Kingdom Hearts series.16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced? The 2001-2006 era. I was younger and so it feels more nostalgic. 17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen? Of course.18. Worst game you’ve played? I find games such as Call of Duty quite the yawn fest.19. Hardest game you’ve ever played? Lightning Returns on normal mode is pretty challenging due to the time constraints. Also many of the enemies in XIII are tough nuts to crack. Not really sure though.20. Favorite publisher and/or developer? Square-Enix21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be? FF722. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be? X would be an awesome film. 23. Favorite genre of video game? RPG24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)? Only one. The ending of XIII. Games do impact me emotionally but I just don’t necessarily cry over them.25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming? Training the golden chocobo in FF7, I managed to win a game of Blitzball (which I hate lol) ONCE by pure chance. Oh and Anima in X. I did pretty well in GTA Vice City come to think of it and I was only 12. 26. How often do you play online? Co-op? Never really played a game online but FF14 ARB intrigues me. 27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming? I do not believe so.28. Who got YOU into gaming? My mum’s boyfriend at the time introduced me to Spyro/Spider-Man games before gifting me X. I’ve been hooked since.29. Watch cutscenes or skip them? Watch unless it’s imperative to progress in the game. I’ll skip if I am re-doing a mission/boss and I can’t  be arsed to watch a scene over again. 30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen? Very little time.31. Game with the best theme song? Kingdom Hearts Simple and Clean is a classic.32. Do you cosplay? I wish but I do not have the confidence.33. Favorite female npc? Maybe Yunalesca. Kinda hard to decide haha.34. Favorite male npc? Maybe Axel from the Kingdom Hearts series.35. Best protagonist? Cloud Strife although, it’s really hard to pick. I also admire Serah Farron and Lightning.36. Best antagonist? Sin/Jecht is pretty ‘up there’ isn’t he? I also love Sephiroth.37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games? Nope, only other things haha.38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it? FF XIII really bored me then I tried again a year down the line and have loved it since.39. Do you play for achievements/trophies? Nope.40. Favorite voice actor? David Gallagher (Riku), Adam Croasdell (Ignis), 41. Gone to a midnight release before? Nope.42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)? FF7.43. Favorite sidekick or companion? Ignis44. Do graphics matter? Nope.45. Do you like funny or more serious games? Elements of comedy and seriousness in one. 46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles? They’re always on.47. First person or Third person? Third.48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it? FF14 A Realm Reborn. Oh, also World of Final Fantasy and some DLC’s for XIII-2.49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay? 7 but I always hold it off because I want my experience to be magical each time.51. First character you’ve had a crush on? Tidus.52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what? FFXIII and 13-2.53. Your most immersive game? Eh none of note.54. A sequel you really want? FFXV-2 >_> Ignis as lead!55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week? Depends, sometimes none at all sometimes an hour or two 6 days a week lol56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games? Yep57. What is an overrated game you’ve played? FF8/FF9/FIFA/COD58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI? Nope59. A game you are looking forward to this year? Not sure if they’re out this year but KH3 and FF7 Remake!60. The game you are best at? Fairly good at X and 7.61. A game you know everything about? FFX/7/13/13-2/KH1/KH262. Would you want to work with video games when you are older? Voice acting lol63. What’s a game that has inspired you? They all have in their own way64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words? Nostalgic, Intriguing, Haunting.65. Any favorite screenshots of games? Check my page haha.66. Game with the yummiest looking food? FFXV - I’VE COME UP WITH A NEW RECIPEEEEHHH!67. Most violent game you’ve played? GTA lmao68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into? I’ve already played games over a decade old or more!69. Your first LI? Is it bad I am unsure what these initials stand for?70. Do you play any mobile games? Nah71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment? FFXV72. Have any guilty pleasure games? Not really guilty pleasures lol73. A game with the best fandom? FFXV and KH or sure74. Which game has the best lore? X75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?  I do all.
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yungtal333 · 5 years
Hey Gorgeous!
And, welcome back to my blog!
How are you today?
Before you read this post.. Take a moment to center yourself by taking three deep breaths.
Alright, done?
Coooool. Let’s get into then.
Happy Wednesday!
On Wednesday’s we brag about this week’s #INSPOBAE.
Why? Because she’s our woman crush, duh!
This week, I’m bring you a true goddess.
She’s currently Miss Universe Great Britain (MUGB) 2018 and, she recently competed in the Miss Universe Pageant.
She’s a cool, and down to earth Queen.
And, she just so happens to be cousin! Talk about blessings.
Welcome this week’s #INSPOBAE:
Dee-Ann Kentish-Rogers MUGB 2018
Hey Dee-Ann,
Thank you for joining me today on Roseconnexa.
Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself?
I’m a 26 years old who grew up running around barefoot on a tiny idyllic paradise called Anguilla which is probably exactly why my future husband and I will have to understand that pedicures have to be part of our routine. I’m a “post-athlete” still benefiting from my years running around the track and a beauty queen. Additionally, I have the most random but awesome taste in music ever (shameless plug).
What do you want your legacy to be? Or what is your life’s mission statement?
Wow. My legacy? I’m still in the process of creating that by living life in my truth. What I constantly remind myself and the people I mentor is that life isn’t necessarily about being exceptional. It’s about being intentional. Wherever your foot lands it’s not just about your talent but the heart you show by going for it.
What inspired you to start competing in Beauty Pageants?
I started competing in pageantry after I realised that the knee injury I sustained during the heptathlon at the Commonwealth Games wasn’t transient and, I wouldn’t become the Olympic athlete I thought I would be. So, in my search to find something new and challenge my comfort zone I decided to do the last thing I ever planned on doing. Model on a stage in front of people (that wasn’t the challenge) and look graceful doing it (here we go).
What is your favorite part/process when it comes to competing?
What I love about competition is mastering the mental prep- its like preparing the soil of the mind to be fertile enough to grow the seed you want it to grow. For track and field it meant debunking my bodily limitations and for pageantry it was about creating a pool of inner confidence and knowledge that allowed me to feel secure in myself around a bevy of educated, ambitious and beautiful women.
What advice would you give to young ladies who are interested in competing in Beauty Pageants?
This is going to sound cliche. But you need to understand yourself and feel secure in what you have to offer the world. Pageants don’t have performance indicators that you can measure by speed, time or physical ability. It’s about branding, having business sense, being emotionally intelligent, communicating well and actually making a difference in your community. Start small- help out at your local clubs because these volunteer positions put life into perspective. You can’t inspire others without helping others.
How did you feel during the journey of competing at Miss Universe? What was it like for you?
Miss Universe was a rollercoaster of emotions. Imagine being placed in a complex with 100 people from different countries who are speak different languages, have different personalities and think in entirely different cultural contexts. Whilst still managing your own emotions, your lack of personal space and focusing on presenting yourself clearly to the world in a way that you want to. No pressure really.
What does it mean to you as a woman of color with dreadlocks competing in these major pageants?
As a woman of colour with dreadlocks to place 11th at Miss Universe I feel as though the tide is changing but it has not yet come in. As women we are demanding that the world make space for us because for too long our requests have been ignored. I want young black women to understand that they are worthy of any space we occupy and that they do not need to cast off their cultural identity in order to do so.
What is a normal day in the life of Dee-Ann after Miss Universe and after being crowned MUGB 2018?
A normal day in the life of Dee consists of exercise in the morning, sending off emails, replying to requests online, briefing myself on legal developments; so that when I go out into the law I am not up the creek without a paddle, modelling, salsa dancing and organizing charity events.
What’s your #1 beauty secret?
Water. Seriously, the more alkaline water I drink (evenly spaced throughout the day) the better my skin looks with and without makeup.
What’s next for you?
Whats next is practicing law and deciding where in this big beautiful world I want to live! if its one thing Miss Universe has taught me is that my options are limitless and there’s nothing I can’t do.
Thank you Dee-Ann!
This interview was so lively.
I got some great takeaways from our interview too.
Being a young black women with dreadlocks and competing in these major pageants is ground breaking! I love your statement about young black women understanding their worth. We are so worthy of everything and anything! I think that you have paved a way for others who recognize themselves in you. Aka; me and probably so many other young ladies. I truly loved watching you grace those stages. Not only because we are cousins. But, because I can see your power and you’re purpose radiating through that fierce walk. You are very inspiring to me. 
I love what you want your legacy to be. Life is about being intentional and real. Wherever we are right now is where we are meant to be. We should always be present and wholehearted. And, aware! Where you lack the talent replace it with a warm and intentional heart. That will take you further than any talent, any day. In my opinion.
I think that this short interview has really captured your soul and your intellect! You are the funniest in real life and you have portrayed your wits during this interview. I LOVE!
Thank you again Dee-Ann, for being apart of Roseconnexa.
This interview has given us all a deeper look into the life and heart of Dee-Ann. We can’t wait to see your journey unfold for you. You are definitely making us all so proud. Whilst  making an impact in the world.
You can follow Dee-Ann on social media @deeannkentishrogers <— Just click that link!
If you enjoyed Dee-Ann’s interview then you will with a doubt enjoy following her on the gram.
Dee-Ann is always taking beautiful pics of her beautiful island. And, she is very well traveled might I add.
So, head over to her IG to catch up and keep up with Dee-Ann. You will leave inspired for sure!
If you like this post then check out our last #INSPOBAE feature by clicking here!
You don’t want to miss any of these exclusive and transparent interviews with some inspiring and amazing young ladies. 
Thank you to all of our visitors today!
You guys are bomb for making it this far. 
****Do you know of anyone whom should be featured on Roseconnexa as our #INSPOBAE of the week??? Well, then comment their info down below in the comment sections. I need new baes each and every week!! And, if you want to be feature then let me know in the comment section too! I wanna get to know you better!
As always dolls,
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Until next time….
Stay Happy, Grateful and Aware. xoxo
With love,
#INSPOBAE: Miss Universe Great Britain 2018 and Barrister Dee-Ann Kentish-Rogers Hey Gorgeous! And, welcome back to my blog! How are you today? Before you read this post..
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readersforum · 5 years
9 YouTube Video Ideas to Inspire Your Brand’s YouTube Channel [+ Examples]
New Post has been published on http://www.readersforum.tk/9-youtube-video-ideas-to-inspire-your-brands-youtube-channel-examples/
9 YouTube Video Ideas to Inspire Your Brand’s YouTube Channel [+ Examples]
Nowadays, almost every brand has a YouTube channel. However, almost no brands can boast a flourishing one.
Building a thriving YouTube channel is one of the most ambitious achievements a marketer can pursue. Not only do you have to spend time scripting, producing, and editing videos, but you also have to make sure your content actually resonates with your target audience.
To help inspire you, we’ve put together a list of video ideas that HubSpot has experienced success with on our own YouTube channel. Read on to get the creative juices flowing.
YouTube Video Ideas
About Us
Ask Me Anything
Customer Case Studies
Product Promos
1. About Us
Your “About Us” video’s main job is to introduce your brand to future customers and make a good first impression with them. Before you put pen to paper, though, you must remember that people don’t just want to know what your company does and how you do it. They also want to know why you do it. Put simply, your brand’s purpose is what actually resonates with your audience and inspires them to follow you.
So when you’re scripting your video, make sure you spotlight why your organization exists, the values you truly believe in, and, ultimately, the reason people should care about your brand. Only then should you cover what your product or service is and how you build or develop it.
2. Culture
As I approach my one-year anniversary as a college graduate, reality has officially sunk into my bones. As adults, we spend the majority of our lives working — and not hanging out with our friends like we did during the glory days.
However, I’ve also realized that if you love your job and company, work isn’t some dreadful chore that you check off your to-do list everyday. It’s actually a blessing and something you can’t imagine living your life without.
In order to build a company that your employees love working for, cultivating an authentic, people-first culture is a crucial first step. Once you do this, consider creating a video that highlights your culture and your employees’ genuine praises about your company. Not only will it persuade elite talent to apply to your open roles, but it’ll make potential customers think more highly of your brand.
3. Ask Me Anything
Since your executives’ public perception directly impacts people’s sentiment toward your brand, like Elon Musk and Tesla, they’re essentially the face of your company. And with all the status, attention, and aura surrounding them, your knee-jerk reaction might be to polish their interactions with the public as much as possible.
However, most people can spot a walking press releases faster than they can exit out of pop-up ad. So it’s actually better to set your executives free and allow them to genuinely interact with the public.
Breaking down the barriers between your executives and audience also makes your fans feel like they actually know your leaders on a personal level — and this’ll develop a more intimate and loyal relationship between your company and your potential customers.
One of the best ways to connect your executives with your audience is by setting up Ask Me Anything or Q&A sessions, where people can ask your executives any question they want and your executives agree to honestly answer as many of their questions as they can.
4. Comedy
Even in 2019, most companies still stuff their YouTube channels with formulaic corporate videos that are scripted in jargonese. Trying to capture people’s attention with these boilerplate videos is nearly impossible. That said, what’s the best strategy for standing out from the crowd?
Well, according to Psychology Today, humans associate the same personality traits to brands as they do with people, so, just like how we choose the people we spend our lives with, we engage with the brands that can evoke warm feelings in us, especially feelings of humor.
So before you green-light another talking head video, think about spicing it up and adding some humor. You’ll inject more color and personality into your brand, which consumers desperately crave when they interact with businesses.
5. Shows
In the neuroscience field, researchers have proven that storytelling is the best way to capture people’s attention, bake information into their memories, and resonate emotionally with them. The human brain is programmed to crave, seek out, and respond to well-crafted narrative — that’ll never change.
So just like your favorite Netflix show, creating shows can entire your viewers to watch entire seasons of your series, subscribe to your channel, and get more excited for your show’s newest season than they currently are for the final season of Game of Thrones.
Most brands also produce their content disparately, severing them from any thematic anchor, so tying your stories to a unique angle and telling them in an episodic fashion can help separate your videos from the rest of the pack.
6. Explainers
Whether it’s an exciting new trend or difficult-to-grasp technology, your audience wants to learn about your industry’s innovations to stay ahead of the curve. In order to fill their curiosity gaps, consider creating explainer videos about your industry’s latest trends and technology.
However, don’t just make a talking head video of someone droning on about the topic of discussion. People crave a variety of stimulus when they consume content, so get creative and complement your video’s narration and text with a diverse mix of dynamic graphics, popular movie scenes, and footage of real people.
Visual storytelling also helps people grasp concepts and data easily, so each time your narrator expands on a concept or some data, your viewers can listen to the information and watch a visual representation of it, helping them form a concrete understanding of your video’s central idea.
7. Tutorials
It doesn’t matter if they’re guitar lessons, beauty lessons, or how-to videos about making a fire with a lemon, people love learning how to improve their lives. So if you can cover topics that people are passionate about and teach them how to get better at them, they’ll be able to live better lives, which will help grow your channel’s brand loyalty and sentiment, retain your viewers’ attention, and attract their friends’ attention by way of word-of-mouth marketing.
Just like your explainers, make sure you diversify your tutorials’ visual stimuli. Because, contrary to the rest of the types of videos on this list, the best tutorials are actually talking head videos, but they also have engaging visuals that make them more distinct and gripping.
8. Customer Case Studies
Social proof and word-of-mouth are some of the most potent tactics at your disposal. Humans evolved to follow the crowd and assume the majority is always right, so the more testimonials you have, the more credible and trustworthy your brand will seem.
Your case studies are also some of the most persuasive types of sales enablement content, so make sure your sales reps and potential customers can easily find them on your YouTube channel.
When scripting your case studies, you want to place your potential customers’ in your current customers’ shoes, so focus on how your customer faced a specific problem, what they initially did to try and solve it, how they discovered your solution, the experience of using your solution to solve their problem, and the results they produced with your solution.
9. Product Promos
Tailored for potential customers who are further along the buyer’s journey, product promos are videos that spotlight your product’s top features and tangible benefits. This type of video is powerful because it can convince potential customers to move on to the final stage of the buyer’s journey and seriously consider purchasing your product or service.
If you want to learn how to create compelling product videos, check out one of Meghan Keaney Anderson’s blog posts about 7 of the Best Promotional Product Videos Ever Made.
In her post, the VP of Marketing at HubSpot says remarkable product videos all share four elements: engaging dialogue and narration, a comprehensive yet concise explanation of the product and its benefits, professionalism, and empathy and relatability. To see one of these videos in action, check out this product promo about HubSpot’s Growth Stack.
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kayawagner · 7 years
Are You Crying For Real, or Just Pretending?
Phil Vecchione wrote an article on safety tools at the table, and we were approached around the same time about an article on larping lessons that could be applied to tabletop RPGs regarding safety. Since the topic of safety at the table is one of incredible importance, we decided to move up the running of this guest article by Jason Morningstar of Bully Pulpit games.  – John Arcadian
I think about safety all the time – my wife’s not-entirely-respectful nickname for me is “Safety Champ”. Live action games – freeform, larp, whatever – can be physically and emotionally intense, and while their capacity for actual harm is low, it is not zero. So as I make and play this sort of game, safety is on my mind. I don’t really want players to be thinking about it, but I want them to be embodying it – and there’s a lot of clever ways to approach this goal.
Metatechniques are tools that we can use to control a live action game from the outside. The idea of a GM whispering suggestions in a player’s ear is a metatechnique. For example, the “bird-in-ear” technique allows a GM (and sometimes other players) to whisper in-character thoughts or impulses into a player’s ear to help guide and motivate their character’s actions. While these are fun and useful, the most obvious use of metatechniques, as far as I’m concerned, is to make play safer. My thoughts here build on the work of many, many smart people with countless experiences using these tools – and others – both successfully and disastrously. I am not really saying anything new and urge you to follow the links at the end for insight, nuance, and revelation.
Take Care of Yourself
You need the freedom to leave a game for any reason, at any time.
All other safety metatechniques cascade down from this. The most common formulation of this principle (I hesitate to call it a metatechnique) is “The Door Is Always Open”, first articulated, as far as I know, by Eirik Fatland. Once this is understood, it is widely used in practice, to good effect. If you need to pee, go pee, even if we are all pretending to be locked inside a nuclear reactor. If you aren’t enjoying the experience, go do something fun and we’ll all be happier for it. If leaving somehow derails the game, that’s fine – sometimes that happens. Making it clear that people are more important than the game is remarkably freeing, and every other technique feels like a refinement of this sentiment.
Stop Everything!
Many larp communities use a single word to stop play in the event of immediate danger. The word “stop” is very likely to come up in play, between characters, in situations where nobody wants or needs the entire game to pause. A very common alternative, used in Nordic larp since the 1990s, is “Kutt”, or “Cut”, which is less likely to crop up as a word in play. Many campaign boffer larps, where combat with prop weapons may be a primary aspect of play, use “Hold” for this purpose during field battles, with an accompanying “Lay On” to resume the action. In my experience these are treated with deadly seriousness, and rightly so. This raises an important point – the more people involved, and the more potentially physically harmful the interaction, the more critical this tool is.
In practice Cut is rarely employed (although Hold is used readily, in my experience). When it is needed, though, it’s really needed. What’s more, the action of discussing and practicing Cut allows people to trust in the game and play more comfortably, even when it is never used. The down-side to Cut, as my friend Alex Roberts notes, being the person who grinds play to a halt and attracts the attention of everyone in the room is a social anxiety nightmare, particularly for people who might feel marginalized or uncomfortable already.
Ease Up, Buddy!
Another best practice is one word that calibrates intensity. The Nordic companion to Kutt is “Brems,” or “Brake.” The idea behind Brake is that, when invoked, it signals scene partners that you are approaching a level of intensity with which you aren’t comfortable. Essentially you are saying, “this far, but no father, please. Tap the brakes.” Unlike Cut, there’s no clear and standardized understanding of what to do when you hear Brake beyond “take care of your scene partner.” Used as intended, it requires a player to be aware of their level of discomfort and think ahead a little, which can be challenging if not impossible. Brake also has the distinct disadvantage, in English, of being a common word with a homonym (break) that is likely to come up often is normal conversation. Brake, because of this homonym, sometimes gets confused with break, and gets used like the semantically identical Cut. That’s a lot of potential for confusion.
“Largo” is a North American alternative to Brake, developed by LearnLarp LLC and used very effectively in their New World Magischola weekend larps. Largo, when spoken as a metatechnique, means “take a physical step back and lower your intensity.” This has a couple of distinct advantages over Brake, in my opinion. First, nobody says Largo in everyday conversation, so it jumps out verbally and demands attention. Second, the meaning is very clear: get out of your scene partner’s physical space and lower the intensity of the scene. Usually the reason for calling Largo is obvious, but if it isn’t, you have the distance and opportunity to check in. If Largo has any disadvantage, it is that it sounds a little weird to say and may be hard to remember.
Checking In and Checking Out
There’s a whole universe of tools that may or may not be appropriate for your particular game.
You might want a way to discreetly ask another player if they are feeling all right – like the title of this article says, the difference between genuine emotional distress and being super into your character’s emotional journey is pretty opaque from the outside. The best tool for this that I’m aware of is called the OK Check-In, and it is a simple hand gesture that is offered and reflected, signaling either “I’m good” or “I could use some help, please drop character and see what you can do for me.” The OK Check-In is so simple, and so easy to instantiate, that it is being widely adopted across North American larp scenes.
You might want a way to enter a scene unobtrusively, or exit without disrupting the action. There’s a clever metatechnique called the Look-Down that’s excellent for slipping into a class at magic school late without your character actually being late.
That’s Not How We Do It Around Here
I should note that culture and style of play have a huge impact on how these metatechniques get used, and how effective they are. Cut and Brake emerge from a style of play that assumes they will be the only two out of character words ever spoken during play, for example, while Largo fits in well with a play style where, if a player isn’t sure why Largo was called, they can comfortably drop character and ask.
Other obvious choice would be “Slow Down” or “Slower”, but these present many of the same problems as using Stop instead of Cut: it’s easy to say the words as a character without intending to invoke a metatechnique. On the other hand, it’s obvious, direct, and easy to remember. The consequences of not remembering it when you need it are serious enough that I’d still consider “Slower” a good option. When accompanied by a distinctive hand gesture the intent is unmistakable.
Tools In A Game-Shaped Box
Safety metatechniques need to fit the very specific needs of individual games and experiences  – in a game with a small player count where everyone is going to be engaged with everyone else throughout, for example, Slow Down/Brake/Largo and a relaxed group of players may entirely obviate Cut. There’s no one true way, just the right tools for the job.
Consider the implications of strictly verbal safety metatechniques, for example. What happens when I say “Largo” to a player who is hard of hearing, or not as receptive to auditory cues due to extreme engagement or the way their brain is wired? Combining it with a codified hand gesture – like a gentle pushing away at chest level – solves this problem. If everyone makes a big “X” over their heads when “Cut” is called, you know there’s a problem a mile away.
It’s also worth considering the number and complexity of the tools you choose – there are many appealing options, but you rapidly reach a point of diminishing return if players can’t remember or implement them effectively.
An Example
For the most part, I’m designing short live action games for 4-8 players. I began with Cut and Brake, switched to Cut and Largo as soon as I tried Largo and saw how well it worked, added The Door Is Always Open, and am now switching my calibration metatechnique to Slow Down, and moving away from Cut toward a sort of “cascading trust” model that subsumes it in a broader landscape of informal communication. You can see an example of where this is heading in my own work below. I believe this stuff is important and worth constantly tuning based on my experiences with actual play.
Here’s my current safety framework for a 4-8 person, two hour larp that assumes zero larp experience from the participants:
Getting Ready
Always start with friendship. Make sure everyone is comfortable and has the tools to stay that way. Playing pretend – and that’s what you’re doing – requires a high level of trust! Trust that your friends are going to do their best to give you an experience you’ll love, and work hard to do the same for them. Approach the game with respect and love.
Three Ironclad Rules
There are three ironclad rules to playing this game.
People are more important than the game. If you ever need to decide between the actual needs of a real person and literally any competing impulse, go with the person.
The door is always open. No matter what’s happening in the game, take a break or stop playing entirely if you ever feel the need. Let people do what they need to do without questioning them. It’s their business; you can just keep playing.
Slow it down if you need to. If you are ever uncomfortable – if things get too intense, or too weird, or too anything – say “slow down.” If someone says “slow down” to you, take a step back and take it down a notch. If you aren’t sure why you are slowing down, ask. You can say “slow down” for others, too!
You may have other safety rules. Feel free to add them, but always use these three as well.
Helpful Advice
Here are three tips to help you jump right in:
Be obvious. Just do what comes naturally and say the most obvious thing. It isn’t a contest, and deliberately trying to be surprising or funny usually guarantees that you won’t be.
Listen. Use the information the setting and other players provide. Part of helping others have a great time is making their characters interesting, and the best way to do that is to listen and use what you hear.
Be kind. Respect your friends, share the spotlight, and do your best to make everyone else feel awesome. If this isn’t happening for you, remember the three ironclad rules and say something!
Ask questions. If you aren’t sure what is going on, ask. If you aren’t sure someone is having a good time, ask. If you aren’t sure your idea will be fun for your friend, ask.
If this sort of game is new to you, you should know that new players are, without exception, the best players. It’s just a fact.
I feel like these guidelines strike a good balance between openness and constraint. Every conceivable safety ruling descends from following three clear rules: we care about each other here, anyone can leave at any time for any reason, and we control the intensity of play for ourselves and, if necessary, each other. There’s no jargon, low complexity, not much to remember in a potentially stressful moment. Obviously this is an inadequate set of safety rules for a weekend-long game, or a game predicated on physical combat, or a game for eighty people. But for six players and two hours? I feel like these are the right tools. You may note that nowhere do I use the word “safety,” preferring to position the discussion around trust, love, friendship and cooperation. “Safety” terminology introduces anxiety (“Why do I need to be safe? Is this a dangerous activity?”) and a false expectation (“If I follow these rules I will be safe”).
More Thoughts on Safety
The brilliant Lizzie Stark has loads to say on this topic
Johanna Koljonen has a whole blog about larp safety…
…with tons of resources
Eirik Fatland on Kutt, Brems and The Door Is Always Open
The Nordic Larp Wiki has a whole category
Maury Brown is Very Smart
For Discussion…
The techniques discussed here come from experience in collaborative tabletop RPGs, small-scale and 100+ player larps, and other game experiences in between. These principles seem broadly applicable, but how broadly? How are you thinking about safety in your current games? How will these tools evolve as new situations emerge?
Are You Crying For Real, or Just Pretending? published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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