#seriously they wouldn't even have to change how 3 ended. just have Jak so distraught he didn't check for a pulse
radioactivepeasant · 4 months
In lieu of Free Day Friday (didn't have time this week 😭) I offer a very silly comic I drew
Premise: in Jak 3, is Damas's "death scene", it's fairly obvious that just his legs are pinned because 2003 software constraints I guess. Brain said "what if they'd brought him into Jak X without retconning the end of Jak 3 at all?" And this is what resulted
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GT Blitz on pre-recorded video: "This is it, folks! The holy grail of tracks: the Arena of Death!"
Keira: "I'm sorry, Jak. I know it must be hard, being back in Spargus after losing your father."
(Her speech bubble is only partially visible because Jak is distracted when the footage switches to live)
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Sig and approaching Wastelanders: "Hey! Let me see that camera for a sec."
GT Blitz: "We'll be right back folks-"
Sig (pulling camera lens towards him): "Jak, you better have a really good reason for running of to Kras now, of all times!"
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Sig on the tv: "Don't run, kid. He's already there."
Keira: "Um...Jak?"
Jak: "ah...should've called, I guess...Still. What's he going to do? Call my da-"
(Door slams open)
Damas: "YOU."
Jak, Keira, and Daxter: "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"
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