#seriously the big red swellers sound weirdly disgusting….. like a pulsing lump of infected flesh… EW sorry
lusi-raul · 11 months
The difference in the vibes between each team during the latter half of the day was so funny lol. We have the Green team grouped together walking around in a pack like wolves hunting out for their prey mostly having calm conversations and figuring out their strategies. The blue team was efficiently gathering resources while having a mild internal conflict mostly between Tina and Bad. The reds… well, they were going ape shit crazy AHAHAHAHA. It’s amazing how the blue and green unintentionally ganged up on red which was the breaking point that made them go insane. It wasn’t planned at all but watching the red’s pov first made me think it was premeditated by both teams lol.
Looking back, the Reds could’ve secured a 2nd place spot if they didn’t give up. Even after Etoiles clutching those last minute global tasks for the greens, Red was way ahead of them that had they strived to at least complete the potatoes & apples and had not piled up their death counts further there was no way the Greens could catch up. Even so, there is absolutely no remorse and grief for the 2nd place they could’ve been because frankly I love the madness they’ve become. The red team really is the perfect team for all this misfortune to befall on because they can take it and make us laugh about the situation instead of malding our heads off. Yes it’s absolutely unfair but it’s also absolutely hilarious. The other two teams would have never taken it this well.
What I’m sad about is the missed opportunity for the reds to call their team name “The Big Swellers” 😂
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