#seriously thank you.. my response here is kind of stilted but it truly means the world to me that people like my art LOL
nitrocarbol · 6 months
studying your art has inspired me to draw all slick and fastlike. super expressive n stuff. loving it
thank you so much for the kind words!! i'm glad you're liking it!
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just-fandomthings · 3 years
For the kiss writing prompt 💕 frostiron + 29. "...as a promise"
Read on AO3 (Post Avengers, 2012)
...as a promise. 
“During my invasion, why did you offer me a drink? You were trying to stall, I’m aware, but why was that the method you chose?”
Stark startles, dropping the gauntlet he’s working on. “What the hell, warn a guy before you appear like that, would you? I’ve got a heart condition.”
“Apologies,” Loki says honestly. “I would have thought you were expecting me; JARVIS told me you agreed I could come down.”
“Yeah, I said you could, but I wasn’t expecting you to be here thirty seconds later. Doesn't matter, I heard you say ‘drink’, are you here to finally collect on my offer?”
“Sir, Loki asked permission to join you ten minutes ago,” JARVIS inputs.
Stark blinks. “Oh. Guess I lost track of time. So, what was your question?”
Loki clears his throat. “I was wondering why you offered me a drink in your tower when you first came to threaten me.”
Stark gives him a strange look. “Well, I needed the bracelets behind the bar so I’d have a suit in case we fought- or, in your case, if you decided to throw me out a window.”
The words are said lightly but Loki still grimaces. “That doesn’t explain why you offered me the drink,” he points out after a moment.
“Why not? I needed to get my bracelets and was planning to pour myself a drink to keep you distracted, so I offered you one too. I’m not sure what answer you’re looking for here.”
“I was not your guest, you owed me nothing. I was your enemy who had just killed your friend- you should have left your armor on when you came inside, instead of selecting a new armor to don.”
“The other one was damaged,” Stark says. “Needed the upgrade- besides, do I have to remind you that was my tower you were using as home base? JARVIS had my back the entire time.”
“Indeed I did,” JARVIS agrees.
“Is this you trying to tell me I’m reckless?” Stark squints at him. “Trying to tell me not to take on an enemy in battle when I’m out of armor or something? Because I gotta tell you, out of everyone on this team except maybe Bruce, I was expecting you to understand that I am more than just-“
“No, that’s not it,” Loki interrupts quickly. “Well, I would rather you not die since you are the least annoying person on this team I’ve been forced on, but I know that you are more than well-equipped to handle any difficult situation with no more than the clothes you are wearing.”
“Thank you, I don’t know why people always assume I’m helpless outside of my armor. And right answer, by the way, I was gonna stick Dum-E on you with the fire extinguisher if you were trying to pull a Cap on me. So, what’s with the third degree, what’re you trying to figure out?”
“I suppose, I am trying to ask why you were polite to me,” Loki mutters. “You did cleverly insult my manhood not a mere minute later, but you saw me in your building, in your home, and your response was to offer me a drink. You certainly weren’t expecting me to accept and talk with you, so why offer it?”
“Uh, common courtesy? Because I wanted to?” Stark frowns at him. “Either of those, both of them really, have your pick. I really don’t see what the big deal is, you know. It‘s not like I had time to stop and think everything through beforehand, so I just did it. And either way, I was going to get a drink as a stalling tactic so I could get to my armor, so why not offer you one too? You haven’t even taken me up on it in the three months you’ve been here, by the way, what's up with that? I thought you would have, to be honest.”
Loki is quiet for a moment. “May I do so later this evening?”
“Seriously?” At Stark’s incredulous inflection, Loki bristles, about to take it back, insult him, and storm out, but Stark surprises him by agreeing, “About time you took me up on my offer! I’m game, but I need to finish this upgrade first. Is my penthouse at eight-thirty alright, maybe later?”
“It’s not as if I will be busy with nefarious plans at that hour,” Loki huffs. “Yes, that is fine.”
Stark grins. “It’s a date then.”
The first two minutes of their conversation is stilted and awkward, with neither of them apparently knowing what to say. It lasts until Stark glances at him, drains the rest of his glass of scotch and goes, “Oh what the hell, I’m going for it. Please don’t smite me for this, okay, because I know you’ve gotten defensive every time someone has asked, but I really want to know about your Seiðr. How you learned it- I’m assuming you were taught- what the scope of your abilities is, and mainly, how it works. From one genius to another, can you please give me some answers?”
Loki blinks, retort dying on his lips. “You truly wish to know?”
“Uh, why would I not? It's probably the most powerful and complex thing I’ve ever come across- which hurts to admit- and I know nothing about it, which sucks, by the way. I hate not knowing things, especially things that interest me.”
“And my Seiðr interests you?”
“Yeah, thought I’d made that pretty obvious by now. I mean, Cap told me off for practically drooling during that battle last week when you eviscerated those doombots. I would have paid good money to see Doom’s face when he saw you literally rip his bots apart with just a wave of your hand.”
“That is but a simple trick,” Loki murmurs. “You are truly fascinated by my Seiðr, aren’t you?”
Stark’s gaze is expressive and searching for a moment before he nods. “It’s probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, and I don’t say that lightly.”
Loki exhales slowly. He thinks Stark might just be genuine. “What do you want to know first?”
It takes only an hour of discussion for them to rearrange the furniture of the penthouse against the wall to give them an open floor space so Loki can show off his Seiðr. Stark keeps up with his conversations remarkably well for a mortal, far surpassing Loki’s expectations, and he finds himself relaxing, indulging in discussion of the more technical aspects of his Seiðr.
When they finally call it a night, hours into the morning, Loki is surprised when he finds himself wishing to stay longer and discuss his Seiðr further with Stark. So few have ever been kind in consideration of his Seiðr, even less have expressed an interest in it, and for Stark to have done both...
Loki doesn’t have words to describe it.
(Later, Loki will consider that evening as the dawn of their friendship.)
It is invigorating to engage in a battle of wits and intellect with Stark, Loki soon comes to find. Such was what had initially impressed him about Stark when he had been under the control of The Other, but with his presence in his mind gone, Loki finds himself naturally drawn to the inventor now. Their conversations are thrilling, and Loki finds himself leaping at the chance to flex his intellect with Stark.
They spend the following months spending an increasing amount of time together, even more so following the cease of Stark’s relationship with Pepper Potts. (Stark isolates for two weeks after that, before he emerges with an impressive performance of being fine.) They discuss in length his Seiðr, Stark’s technology, and other pieces of their lives that they both find interesting.
Stark’s technology, in particular, holds Loki’s attention, for while the designs that Stark has managed to come up with are far superior to anything else on Midgard, a select few are also unlike anything he has come across in his travels of the Realms. It’s an impressive feat, and Loki tells him so.
Loki is also especially fond of Stark’s creations, finding himself impressed by how his bots seem to have such curiosity and personality. (Dum-E and U both, he quickly realizes, are fiercely loyal of Stark.)
As their conversations of his Seiðr continue, it grows impossible to go without mentioning Frigga. Loki isn’t sure what he expects Stark’s reaction to be when he first mentions her, but Stark’s gentle smile and, “She sounds incredible, she must be proud of how talented you are,” far surpasses anything he had expected. The sentiment touches him, and something in their dynamic changes that night.
(Perhaps, it is because that is the night Stark changes to Tony.)
Despite this, they still do not engage in conversation easily about personal topics, both of them with too many difficult stories to wish to recall such information. Still, however, there are many nights where their respective nightmares leave them stripped of their shields, with only vulnerability left behind. It is on those nights that their bond is solidified; empathy and understanding found through sharing stories of past tortures and betrayals.
During one of those nights, Tony tells him of a man called Stane, sharing with him how Dum-E first, and then Pepper, had saved his life. His voice is broken, no more than a whisper, and his hand remains firmly on the device in his chest the entire time he speaks; a further testament to the pain of that betrayal.
Loki vows to him in that moment that he will never betray Tony, he swears it, for he would rather stab his own heart than cause his (only) friend pain in any way.
Tony just looks over at him, his expression sad and resigned all of a sudden. “I don’t think that’s a promise you want to make,” he says quietly. “Not when I’ll likely give you a reason to break it.”
“You know me; I say no less than what I mean,” Loki tells him. “And I can think of no reason that would ever make me want to hurt you or betray you.” He has betrayed others throughout his life, for reasons so little as for fun (stabbing Thor), but he knows he could never harm Tony.
Tony just shrugs. He doesn’t seem to believe him, but he provides no further argument. The blanket covering their laps as they sit together on the sofa suddenly feels stifling, but Loki resolutely ignores it. He understands that Tony’s skepticism is not personal, it is just a mere consequence of being betrayed time and time again by the people he cared about most. Loki knows he would hesitate to accept such a promise as well, even from Tony. Life has taught them both that it’s not safe to trust.
(Perhaps together, they can learn to trust again.)
The other members of the team remain wary of him, distrustful to the point that Loki is certain he will never be able to earn an ounce of trust with them. Outside of Tony, Thor seems to be the most accepting of the fact he is serving a ten year sentence for his attack on New York as a member of their team. Knowing he has Tony‘s friendship makes it easy, however, to disregard the fact that the others do not trust him, even on the field of battle. Never mind that his Seiðr has been limited to keep him in check, they clearly do not trust him to fight on their side. Loki pays this no mind; their belief in him or lack thereof is of no importance to him.
When he finally meets Pepper Potts, Col. James Rhodes, and a man named Happy Hogan, they all threaten him past the point of any return should he hurt Tony in any way. He believes them. The CEO of Tony’s company, his ex, however is the one whose threat genuinely gives him pause. He knows better than to anger her.
But for all their initial threats, the three of them all seem to accept him as Tony’s friend, therefore, as a part of their lives as well. It is awkward at times to be around Potts or Hogan, or even Rhodes when he is able to return home, but those moments of awkwardness, he finds, are worthwhile if it means he can remain at Tony’s side.
It’s a thought that should scare him, that he wants to be wherever Tony is, but he finds himself oddly at peace with that fact. They have grown close over the last five, almost six months since they first shared a drink in Tony’s penthouse, and Tony is incredible, a force of light wherever he goes; it is impossible not to be drawn to Tony, he thinks.
It’s a brisk day in mid-March when he and Tony crowd together on the sofa in his penthouse with a video feed in front of them to watch the fallout of their latest prank on Barton. Tony bursts out laughing at Barton’s indignation and leans against Loki as he praises their prank, saying they absolutely have to prank Cap next. Loki is overcome with joy realizing just how lucky and happy he is to have a friend who partakes and enjoys mischief just as much as he does.
That is also the moment Loki realizes he’s falling in love.
Tony has gone quiet as his side, eyes still sparkling with joy even as he asks, “You okay, Lokes?"
“I’m fine,” Loki reassures. “Just thinking of what to include in our next prank against Captain America himself.”
“I love the way you think,” Tony laughs, snuggling into his side the way he seems to do so frequently, now that Loki thinks about it. “Well, hit me with it. What’re you thinking?”
It’s easy enough to conjure a list of possible pranks at a moment’s notice, and from that moment onward, Loki’s feelings fall to the back of his mind, always quietly lingering in his every thought. Given enough time, he knows they will become a force he cannot hope to control, but that is a problem he can deal with in the future; the present includes planning a prank, and that comes first.
(Later, Loki will consider the moment he realized he was developing feelings for Tony as the day everything changed.)
“Can I join you?”
Loki startles minutely, so caught up in his reading, so relaxed, that he had not been paying attention to his surroundings in any capacity. But this is Tony who has come to his bedroom, and Loki knows he need not keep his guard up when the inventor is around. "Are you alright?" Loki asks, lowering his book to his lap.
"Fine," Tony says automatically. He looks uncertain. "I know you're reading and it's late, so if you want me to leave, don’t hesitate to say so.”
“Nonsense, I always enjoy your company,” Loki reassures absently, frowning at Tony’s haggard experience. He gestures to the space next to him on the bed, adding unnecessarily, “Please, sit.”
Tony hesitates for a moment and then sits down on the bed next to him, leaning back. His hands twist unnaturally together; a sign of his anxiety.
Loki marks his page and sets his book on the nightstand. “Do you wish to talk about what has you so tense?”
“Not really,” Tony mutters. “Not like there’s much to say anyway though. I fell asleep working on an upgraded set of arrows for Clint and woke up screaming. J said you were awake still, so I came up.” He pauses and then adds, "You've been reading all this time? Usually you call it a night at midnight."
"I got enthralled in an old journal on Seiðr and lost track of time. When I realized it was past two, I figured I would wait until I came to a natural stopping point before I retired for the night,” Loki admits ruefully. "I'll be tired in the morning, but it will be well worth it."
"I think I'm rubbing off on you," Tony says lightly. "Staying up until all hours of the night to finish something is my shtick, not yours."
"You have a point. You did, after all, initially encourage my pranks, then you took to assisting me with them, and now you have me staying up to all hours of the night," Loki points out, teasing, participating in the lighthearted atmosphere Tony seems to be trying to create. A distraction for his nightmare, perhaps, and Loki is happy to help. "You are a rather bad influence on me."
"Guilty as charged," Tony agrees, snorting. "Though I'm pretty sure everything prank-related is a result of you being a bad influence on me."
"A mere pleasant consequence of our friendship. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you first let me share a drink with you in your penthouse."
"I did knowingly sign up for all the mischief and chaos, you're right." Tony shrugs, looking pleased. "But as Rhodey will be more than happy to tell you, I caused plenty of trouble throughout my life, so you sadly don't get the privilege of claiming responsibility for all of my evil ways."
"I plan to ask about those stories, just so you know."
Tony laughs, looking lighter now than he had when he had first appeared in Loki's doorway. "Pretty sure you'll have to clear your schedule for the weekend when you do- but keep in mind, Rhodey did also participate in a lot of my plans. He was my partner in crime. So don't let his exasperated tone fool you, he's just as much a prankster as we are."
"In that case, we will have to include him in our plans to prank Thor whenever both your colonel and Thor are present in the Tower," Loki muses.
"Deal," Tony responds instantly. He goes quiet just a moment later, his expression darkening a little.
Loki frowns at the sudden shift in mood. "What's wrong?"
"I should probably go, let you finish the chapter you were reading so you can go to bed."
“I am more than happy to have you here," Loki says carefully, sensing that there is something else weighing on his mind. "But if you wish to go, that is your choice to make.”
“I don’t want to keep you up.”
“Then prepare for bed and lay with me,” Loki says without thinking. He pauses, realizing what he just said. Norns, he had not meant to offer that, but the offer has been extended and he is not one to take back his words. Still though, he clarifies quickly, “It’s an innocent offer, no more than the simple opportunity for you to not be alone tonight, if you don't want to be.”
Tony looks startled. “You want me to stay?”
“You are welcome to, if you want.”
“You are my friend,” Loki says simply. “We have fallen asleep watching movies together on the sofa before and that is fine, is it not?” At Tony’s nod he continues, “So too would your decision to stay here for the night. Nightmares are painful, and if I can offer some small comfort or reassurance of safety, I would happily do so.”
“You’re sure?”
“I mean every word I’ve shared,” Loki says gently.
Tony sighs and leans against him, his head on Loki’s shoulder. “Thanks,” he says softly. “For letting me stay and for not judging me.”
“You know how common my own night terrors are,” Loki points out. "I have nothing to judge."
Tony shrugs but doesn’t offer a response.
“Go, get ready for bed,” Loki says, nudging him with his elbow. “I have placed an additional toothbrush and nightwear for you in the bathroom.”
Tony nods silently and gets up, disappearing into the bathroom. Loki uses the privacy to lay down, trying to quell his racing thoughts and pounding heart. There is something charged and vulnerable between them; it feels like he is balancing precariously on a fraying line. What may happen if it snaps, he’s unsure.
When Tony exits the bathroom a few minutes later, he pauses at the side of the bed for a moment before he pulls back the covers. He doesn’t lay down, however, just says quietly, “You don’t seem as bothered anymore to be serving part of your sentence on the Avengers.”
“Is that a question?” Loki asks, never one to make things easy when he can help it.
“An observation, I think. Am I wrong?”
“No, you are not wrong,” Loki says. He takes a shuddering breath and admits, “I hated this team in the beginning. I was no more than a collection of broken pieces being held together by pure spite, and being placed on this team felt like a death sentence. I expected to hate every moment of my time here, for an abundance of reasons.” He swallows hard, suddenly certain he should not keep going, not when he has already stripped himself bare.
As always with Tony, he is the exception to the expectations and restrictions Loki sets for himself. He finds himself staring up at the ceiling and admitting, “But I made a friend, someone who cares about me genuinely for all that I am. It took the work of months before I realized that all the reasons I expected to hate being on this team were insignificant in comparison to the friendship I had found. These last several months, I have found myself slowly recovering from the damage The Other inflicted on me- I am trying to at least- I am trying not to be the monster I was destined to be, and I somehow even find myself happy on occasion, something I thought I was only capable of when creating chaos.”
His bedroom is quiet for a moment. “Sounds like your friend is pretty special,” Tony quips.
“Special is not the most accurate term; short, on the other hand, or perhaps, talkative, or even-”
“You're an ass,” Tony interrupts him, laughing. His expression is pensive, however, as he lays down on his side and looks over at him. “Is that all we are though, just friends?”
Loki freezes. It takes a moment for him to remember to breathe, and then he exhales slowly, rolling over on his side to face Tony as well. “I’m not sure,” he admits, “Are we just friends, in your mind?”
“I asked you first,” Tony points out, smirking a little.
“I gave you a response, however vague, and then asked your thoughts. It’s your turn.”
“Uh huh, you want my thoughts on what exactly? You haven’t really specified what we’re discussing.”
Loki refrains from rolling his eyes despite the way his heart is threatening to pound out of his chest. “What are your thoughts on us,” he emphasizes. “That is what I wish to know.”
Tony’s eyes search him for a moment, perhaps trying to assess if this is part of a joke or if he is being genuine. “I think that you’re a royal pain in the ass a lot of the time, as well as dramatic and passionate, but I like that about you. You’re also mischievous and clever; you're a genius that speaks the same language as me. I also think you have feelings for me, just like I do for you. And I want to see if there can be an us...but maybe after I kiss you?”
“Is that a promise?”
“The romantic speech or the kissing part?”
“The part where you mentioned wanting to see if there can be an us, do you mean that?”
“Of course I mean it." Tony pouts at him.
It suddenly is so easy now to see what has been in front of him for months: their close proximity to each other, the way they are drawn to each other's side, their flirting; it has all been leading to this.
Loki leans over and kisses him. Tony gives a quiet sound of surprise and then relaxes, easing into the kiss with an approach that somehow already feels familiar.
“We need to do this more often,” Tony murmurs when they pull back. He's grinning.
Loki laughs, happy. “That is a promise I can easily keep,” he vows, and kisses him again to prove his point.
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness: 25
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887595/chapters/56533375
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino .
It had been a week and a day since Teris’ return from her family home and despite her friends best efforts the Black Bulls base, which had felt more like home before her departure, had begun to feel like a trap laid field.  Every time she entered a room Yami exited.  He rarely, if ever, joined them during meal time and when he did he sat to the right of Tobin and Bran, three positions down from sitting across from Bronn.  Why anyone would choose to be that close to Bronn, no matter how much they hated her, was beyond her.  Still, Teris tried her best to give Yami his space as he had with her when she had distanced herself.
She had gotten a letter from Nozel yesterday asking if she would return to the Silver Eagles base with him after the War Merits Conferment Ceremony, which was today.  That letter sat on her dresser as she got dressed.
“You can’t seriously be thinking of going.”  Venice said sitting on the bed.
“I can and I am.”  Teris told hopping as her foot caught as she stuffed it into a pants leg.
“Because of reasons I can’t say.”
“Official reasons though.  Right?  Not private.”
Teris stopped.  She looked up at her friend bent over.  With a disgusted breath she shoved her leg in and pulled up her pants.  “What private reason would there be?”
“I don’t know.”  Venice shrugged unable to look at her.
“Yes. Venice.  I’m going for non personal reasons that I can’t say because of orders from Sir Jorah, himself.” “So this has to do with--”
“Official, ordered reasons we can’t talk or infer about?  Yes.”
“Then won’t you two get in trouble for meeting and doing just that?” Venice asked.
“Only if we’re caught or someone mentions what we’re up to.”
“You know I won’t say anything.”
“I know you won’t,” Teris said.
“So take me.”
“Why not?”
Teris pulled her blouse over her shoulder and buttoned it over her tank top.  “Because I don’t want to chance you getting in trouble if we get caught.”
“I don’t care about getting in trouble,” Venice said.  “I want to help.”
“I know you don’t care.  But I do.”  Teris kissed the top of her friends head.  “You’re precious to me.”
“But Nozel isn’t?  You couldn’t care less what kind of trouble he gets in if caught?”  Venice challenged conflicted on the answer she wanted.
“Nozel knows the risks and refused to be dissuaded when I tired.  Besides,” Teris went on before Vince could speak up, “he’s the heir to the second family of the Clover Kingdom the damage done to him will be far less then what could and likely would happen to you.”
Venice could argue there.  Royals and nobles were always skirting the consequences for their actions.
“Come on, Venice.  Aren’t you the one always telling me that I’m spun too tight and need to get out and do something daring?”  Teris smiled wickedly.  “What could be more daring then going against the Wizard Kings orders?”
“Don’t.” Venice said shaking her head.  “Don’t smile like that.  Your evil grins mean far more scarier things then mine.”
“Says you.”  Teris said raising her brows as she stuff a foot into a boot.  “I could’ve almost died numerous times when I saw that same smile on your face the night of the Star Awards when it was just Yami, Jon, you, and I.”  She stopped, remembering that night. Looking out the window she sighed.  “Who would’ve imagined this is where we would be now.”
“Seven months is a long time,” Venice said hoping things between them would be patched up well before then next Star Awards.  “But, Yami will get over whatever’s bugging him.  Things will go back to normal.  It has to.  I put too much effort into seeing you two together.”
“It’s probably for the best if he doesn’t.”  Teris said thinking of the distraction she had let him become and the mess she had been willing to pull in him to just because she had been stupid and weak enough to fall in love.  “Who am I kidding?  It is for the best.”
Venice’s forced smile fell at Teris words.  “Don’t say that.”
Teris shook her mind clear and stuffed her other foot into a boot.
“Do you really think going with Nozel to his squads base after your and Yami’s promotion will help?”  Venice asked.
“I hope so,” Teris said.  “Why else would he have asked me there?”
I had meant help the situation between you and Yami, Venice thought, and could think of several other reasons Nozel Silva would want you over.
Julius couldn’t be more proud of his sister and protege as he watched them enter the room with Jax.  He had always known Teris would make a fine Magic Knight but to have risen so much when faced with the indolence of the Black Bulls was an achievement.  Then again she had Yami to work with.  While Yami’s hopes for his career weren’t as high as Teris’ or his own he knew Yami wanted to be a squad Captain.  He had told Julius as much once, saying that the position was sort of a sweet spot with only two people over you telling you what to do and a team full of lackeys to do it for you.  Julius wondered if Yami had undergone any changes of heart in how he would one day treat his squad after having been Jax’s lackey for over a year.
“Come to see your student and sister get promoted to Intermediate Magic Knights?”  Jax asked coming up to Julius.
“I have a few of my own team getting promoted today as well.”  Julius smiled.
“Of course you have people getting promoted.”  Jax sighed.  Looking over his friends shoulder he watched as Yami step away from Teris, leaving her alone.  He shook his head wondering what had happened with them.  To Julius he said.  “Has there been a Merits Conferment since you were named Captain that you haven’t had someone get promoted at.”
“Once.” Julius said thinking.  “No.  Twice.”
“Quit boasting.  It was rhetorical.  Before Julius had a chance to respond Jax questioned, unable to help himself.  “Do you know what’s going on between those two?”
Julius raised a brow.  “Another rhetorical question.”
Julius turned.  When it came to nonverbal, noncombatant cues Julius could truly be as clueless as his friends claimed; but, whether it was because he knew the two in question so well or that he didn’t find them standing together when he had expected them to be Julius knew right away who Jax was referring to.
“No.” Julius shook his head turning back to the Black Bulls Captain. “What’s going on?”
“That’s what I’d like to know and was hoping you’d tell me.  It happened while they were both away.  I think.  So, given that you were stuck in that house with no one to speak to other then your family and the Silva’s I figured you spent a lot of quality time with your sister and might know something.  Should have figured you’d be as clueless as always.”
“Hey! I see things.”  Julius challenged.  “More over, I have feelings.”
“I’m sorry.  Did I hurt them?”  Jax said with sarcastic compunction. “Cause at the moment I don’t care.  I want my two best members back.”
“Are they failing to preform their duties?”  Julius questioned his stern disapproval clear in his voice.
“No. Though there hasn’t been a mission to send them on to make certain.”
“If they give you any trouble in that regard, tell me.  I’ll speak to them.”
“If they give me any trouble in that regard I’ll kill them as is my right as their, Captain.”
“I don’t think killing your squad members is ever a right to you as their Captain.”  Julius countered.
“I know my rights.”  Jax said with jesting harshness.
“Do you though.  Do you really?”
“Shut up.”
“Seriously.” Julius glanced back at Yami and Teris in turn.  “I haven’t the slightest.  But if it doesn’t get better can you let me know.”
“Is this brotherly concern I see?”
Julius smiled uncomfortably.  “Something like that I suppose.”
“You and your foreigner have an argument on the way here?”  Fuegoleon asked from behind.
“Not now, Fuego.”  Teris said pulling her gaze away from Yami and turning around to face him.
“I never got a response.”  Nozel who had made his way to Teris with Fuegoleon commented.  “Meaning you are free to come back with me. Yes?”
“Back with you where?”  Fuegoleon asked protectively.  While he had been pleasantly surprised at the new found peace between his two friends that he had witnessed during the ball at Nova House, Teris was still family, distant as it may be, and was like a sister to him.
“Not now, Fuego.”  Teris said again.
The Vermilion's eyes stilted.  “You’re not attempting to throw Julius a surprise birthday party without me are you?”
“Why would we be planning a party for my brother?”
“His birthday's in three days,” Fuegoleon said.
When that’s all the reason he gave Teris’ brows rose, eyes widening, wondering if that was all.
“He is going to be thirty.  Fuegoleon added impatiently.
“And?” Teris questioned.
“And you only turn thirty once.”
“You only turn any age once.”  Nozel told.
“One would hope.”  Teris added.
“Turning thirty is kind of a big deal.”
“How would you know?”  Teris asked her cousin.  “You’ve never turned thirty.”
“That what Mereoleona said.”  Fuegoleon replied.
“How would she know?”  Nozel asked.  “She’s never turned thirty either.”
“Stop it.”  Fuegoleon demanded.  “Stop having fun at my expense.”
“But it’s so fun.”  Teris teased sharing a smile with Nozel.
Fuegoleon glared at the two wondering if he really should have been happy that they finally on good friendly terms and working together.
Commander Greywright entered.  The gathering fell silent and formed rank without needing to be ordered.  Fuegoleon glanced one last time at Nozel and Teris and then Yami who fell in line beside her never once looking her way.  Mereoleona clicked her teeth calling her brother to face forward and stand at attention.  Fuegoleon doing so just as the Wizard King entered with his Advisor, Ellara Sand not far behind.
Standing before them on a slightly raised platform Sir Jorah took a moment to look at each of them.  “It brings me great honor and pleasure to see so many gathered today to be recognized for their exceptional service as Magic Knights.  The Clover Kingdom and its people are all the safer because of your bravery and tireless efforts.”
The Wizard King began by calling the top ranked squad forward.  Julius standing by proudly as three members of his Azure Deer were praised and promoted.  Next came the Silver Eagles.
Teris was caught off guard and struggled to pull back her mana from Yami’s as it reacted to his heightening and darkening when Nozel’s name was called.  While the Silver Eagle was commended and promoted to Intermediate Magic Knight Fifth Class, Teris fought to reign in her mana as it strained to be free to feed on Yami’s.
The Golden Dawn had only one member present for promotion.  A boy Teris had never met, but had heard plenty about.  William Vangeance.  Like Yami, Julius had taken William under his wing, providing instruction and encouragement.
Following the Jamie’s Golden Dawn was Breigha’s Blue Rose.  Along with two other girls was Charlotte Roselei, a noble who had impressed everyone by using her thorn magic to single handedly save a village and it’s people from being washed away when a damn had been flooded over and broke.  It was only her first year as a Magic Knight but people had already begun to whisper that she would one day be a Captain.
The Green Mantis and Yami’s friend Jack were called up next.  Though Jack had joined the Magic Knights the same year Yami and she had he was still a rank below them.  Still, First Class Junior Magic Knight was an accomplishment many Magic Knights didn’t achieve in their second year.
The Purple Orcas and Coral Peacocks were called up in turn till finally it was the Black Bulls turn.  Jax stepped forward followed by his two squad members.
The Wizard King and Black Bulls Captain. sharing a long look before Sir Jorah turned to Teris and intoned.  “You helped defend your squads base and comrades from intruders who attacked in the night.  You fought and put down more then two dozen men, without the benefit of your grimoire.  Your previous missions have all be a success and without undo cost of life or harm to the citizenry.  You have faced trials and difficulties that no other second year Magic Knight has faced and done so in such a manner that has impressed even me.  You have been given orders that you have no doubt found trying but have proved your loyalty to the Magic Knights and myself in obeying without question.”
Teris thought the last bit was a bit much.  She had certainly questioned. Never to the Wizard King himself but he had undoubtedly heard about her questioning his orders, if not from Jax, Bronn, or Julius, then from Greywright.  She had no doubt the Magic Knights Commander would’ve mentioned her challenge and complaints to Sir Jorah.  As the Wizard King went on a part of her felt bad for going against her leader by searching for answers.  But wasn’t that what her Captain. had encouraged her to do the night the base was attacked?  They said the Wizard King knew things he couldn’t possibly know.  Teris wondered if he knew she was going with Nozel to the Silver Eagles base to see what he found.
“--Third Class.”
Teris blinked.  “Wait.  What?”  She stared at the Wizard King unable to believe her ears.
“It would behoove you to pay attention.”  Jorah said warily.  Releasing the medal he had pinned to her cape he graciously repeated. “I hereby promote you to Intermediate Magic Knight Third Class.”
Teris saluted not comprehending how she could go from First Class Junior Magic Knight to Intermediate Third Class.  “Thank you, sir.”
“Yami Sukehiro.” Sir Jorah called forth.
After the award ceremony everyone made their way to one of the many grand rooms at Magic Knights Headquarters which had been set up with refreshments and tall tables without chairs.  The aim was to encourage the Captains and the newly promoted Magic Knights to mingle and better get to know each other by not giving the option to sit.
Yami may have entered with Teris but as soon as he caught sight of Jack he left her alone without so much as a glance.
“Third Class Intermediate Magic Knight.”  Fuegoleon complained walking over to her.  “However did you and Yami accomplish that?”
“I don’t know.”  Teris said watching Yami hoping that he would take one look her way.  It didn’t have to be a long one or silently express anything.  She would be happy with just one little glance.
“What do you mean you don’t know?  You earned it.  Didn’t you.”
Teris turned to her cousin.  “Are you suggesting we somehow didn’t?”
Fuegoleon held up his hands shrinking slightly under her sharp gaze.  “That’s not even close to what I meant.”
“Give Leon a break.”  Nozel said joining them.  “He’s simply as shocked as you looked up there.”
“Exactly.” Fuegoleon said wondering when Nozel had come to be the one speaking on his behalf instead of the other way around.
“I honestly don’t know,” Teris said.  “Yami was on mission when the attack happened.  I know those missions were successful but other then that I don’t know what happened out there.”
“What? Yami didn’t boast every detail of his triumphs when you returned from your visit home.”  Fuegoleon jeered crossing his arms.
Nozel watched his friend wishing he’d quit mentioning the foreigner. Something had obviously happened to make him ignore and avoid Teris. As much as he wanted to know why he wanted it to continue more so and did want to make Teris overly distressed to the point where she acted and possibly fixed whatever the problem was.
“Can we talk about something else?”
“Good idea.”  Nozel agreed giving Fuegoleon a pointed looked.
“What happened between you and the meathead?”  Mereoleona asked thumping Teris heartily on the shoulder.  “I was going to come over and congratulate the two of you, seeing how you’ve been all but inseparable but find that that’s apparently no longer true.  Now I’m going to have to go over to congratulate him once I’m done with you.  Why the inconvenience?”
“Don’t know.”  Teris shrugged.
“Don’t get smart with me girl.  You may have passed fifth and fourth rank without so much as a look but I out rank you and will continue to do so for years to come.”
“I’m not being smart.”  Teris said struggling to control herself.  “I truly don’t know.”
“Well then, we’ll just have to find out.”
“Leona. Don’t.”
The Crimson Lions Captain patted Teris’ head her focus already on her prey.  “Congratulations on the promotion.  Leon.  You need to try harder.”
Teris watched her walk away with a feeling of hope and dread.
Fuegoleon glared at his cousin.  “See what you’ve done.”
“Leona’s right.”  Nozel told.  “You should try harder.”
“I didn’t hear the Wizard King announce you Third Ranked Intermediate Magic Knight.”  Fuegoleon retorted.
“Which means I out rank the both of you.  So shut up,” Teris said.
Nozel glared at Fuegoleon who glared at Teris.  Teris watched Mereoleona stopped beside Yami and Jack.  Jack quickly leaving the two alone. Teris growled wishing she could read lips.
“Are we going out after to celebrate?”  Fuegoleon asked trying to pulled Teris’ attention away from Yami and his sister.
“Teris?” Nozel pressed.  Wishing she’d turn away and forget about the foreigner.
“Like what?”  Teris asked distantly.
“I don’t know.”  Fuegoleon said looking to Nozel for suggestions. “A late lunch, maybe.”
Irritated, Teris snapped.  “There’s food her—where is she taking him?”
“Taking who?”  Fuegoleon asked glancing over at his sister as she escorted Yami from the room.
“Oh, please don’t kill him.  Please don’t make it worse.”  Teris muttered.
“So if not lunch.  Then what?”  Fuegoleon went on singling trying to keep his two friends attention as Teris watched Yami and Nozel watched Teris.  “Drinks?  Dessert?”
Nozel expelled a sigh glaring over at the Vermillion wishing he stop.  The attempts at gaining Teris’ attention obviously weren’t working. Teris was focused on Yami and nothing else.  There could be an attack on the capital iitself and she probably wouldn’t have noticed.
As Nozel turned to step away Teris asked.  “You’re not leaving are you?”
Nozel looked back.  “Of course not.  You are coming.  Aren’t you?”
“That’s the plan.”  She said never taking her eyes off the door Mereoleona and Yami exited.
“Tell me when you’re ready to leave if I haven’t come for you before then.”  Nozel told her unable to stand by and watch her fret over Yami.
Fuegoleon looked from the two wondering once again what they were up to.
“Unable to stand by and suffer being ignored while your Intended has eyes only for some foreign boy?”  Danior asked as Nozel joined his comrades.
“Without your or Fuegoleon’s unappreciated loyalty Teris wouldn’t have a soul to talk to.”  Neyres commented eyeing him.
“Teris doesn’t require someone to converse with.”  Nozel said without looking at either of them.
“Why?” Danior questioned.  “Cause she’s a royal?”
“No. Because unlike the two of you, Teris doesn’t care what others think.  She is comfortable with and confident in herself.
“You should be proud of your two squad members.”  Commander Greywright said joining Jax at a table.  Putting his drink down he complained. “I hate that they never bring in chairs for these things.  Just because one can’t sit isn’t going to force folks to move around.”
“You moved over here.”  Jax told.
“Yeah and my feet hurt.  I’ve been standing all day.  I can walk for days on end but make me stand and I’m looking for a place to sit.”
“The level of their promotion came as a bit of a shock.”  Jax said returning the subject to Yami and Teris.
“You’re welcome.”
“You’re taking the credit for their deeds.  That’s rich, even coming from you.”
“I’ve never nor will ever do such a thing.”  Greywright informed eyes slitting.
“Remind me not to joke with you when your feet are achy.
“I spoke on Yami’s behalf to the Wizard King.”  Greywright admitted.
“Why?” Jax asked.  So far as any of the others knew, Yami was the one who preformed the greater service to the kingdom.  With the way the story went, all Teris did was defend her base and comrades from a gang hoping to instigate a war between the Clover and Spade kingdoms.  As far as Sir Jorah, Greywright, and Ellara knew, Teris wasn’t even aware she had faced the Spatial Mage who had previously attacked Yami and her or thwarted an attempt to abduct her.  While defending ones self and others without the use of her grimoire was a significant feat, when compared to the information allowed known it was Yami who had preformed the greater deed and service.
“Sir Jorah may have opened the Magic Knights to peasants and the like but he is still very much for the hierarchy.”  Greywright admitted.
Jax looked at the Knights Commander sideways.  This wasn’t new information to the Black Bulls Captain.  In fact he had come face to face with it while fighting his way to the top of the Bulls.  As the great-grandson of a disgraced nobleman, Jax may as well have been a peasant if not, in some cases, worse.  Once he reached a certain point he had had to work doubly hard to earn the promotions those of rank seemed to receive with notably more easy.  He didn’t know what he had expected but if Sir Jorah hadn’t changed, then Jax had to do his best to act and speak on Yami’s behalf.
“Let us hope Julius will continue in the direction Sir Jorah began and move us further from hierarchy and closer to merit when he is Wizard King,” Jax said.
“If he manages to become the next Wizard King.”  Greywright said hoping the same.
“In any case.  Thank you for whatever role you played in seeing Yami get the promotion he deserved.”
“Never tell either one of them I said this but even without combining their light and dark magic both of them have proven powerful enough at this point to be at least First Class Intermediate Magic Knights.  It is only that their experience has catch up.”
Teris had watched Mereoleona return and make her way to Breigha, Captain of the Blue Rose.  Her patience crumbled as soon as Yami returned not long after.  She spun around to Fuegoleon and demanded.  “What’s your sister doing?  I thought she was going to try and find out what was up with Yami.”
Fuegoleon crossed his arms.  “I’m not one of your lackeys, that you can speak to me in such a manner.”
“I don’t have any lackeys.  And you’ll deal with whatever manner I choose to speak to you in and be grateful.”
The two glared at one another before Fuegoleon turned away deciding that Teris was too emotional at the moment to think clearly.  “She probably didn’t think you’d like what he had to say.”  He supplied.  “What does it matter what some foreign—Teris!  Wait.”
Teris marched across the room headed directly for Yami.  Yami, who had been watching her the whole time peripherally, tensed.  He didn’t think he was ready to be confronted by her, not if he hoped to make it out still standing firm on his decision to leave her be.  He didn’t think he was capable of keeping his own temper from letting loose on her for not telling him that she had an Intended, for leading him on and giving him hope, for being a royal and not some regular girl that could choose her own path.
Teris was halted and spun around, her arm captured in someones too firm grip.  She had an instant flash of anger that someone had dared to touch her, had stopped her from seizing her one moment of courage to confront Yami.  Then she saw who it was who held her and froze.
“You’re not thinking of making a scene.  Are you girl?”  Bronn rasped.
“I wasn’t planning on it.”  She said trying to pull her arm free.
Bronn held tighter till she stopped her struggle, then released her. “Leave that boy alone will ya.  He’s been through enough. Wouldn’t you say.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Teris said.  “He refuses to be in the same room with me let alone speak to me.”
Bronn looked over at Yami and then back at her.  “Seems to be in the same room as you now.”
“I know you don’t like any of us but I would’ve figured you’d want us getting along and on speaking terms given as we’re all on the same squad.”
Bronn rubbed the palm of his hand with a thumb.  “Getting along.  Maybe. Speaking.  Not really required.  In fact there’s been multiple occasions when I’ve wished you lot would quit speaking entirely.”
Teris smiled with forced politeness.  “Good talk.  Let’s not do it again sometime soon.”  She turned and continued on her way.
“Let that boy alone.”  Bronn barked at her back.  “That’s an order.”
Teris flinched.  She took a couple more steps in Yami’s direction and then made a sharp ninety degree turn towards the refreshment table grumbling curses at her Vice Captain under her breath.
Mereoleona hadn’t missed the altercation between Bronn and Teris and she didn’t bother trying to hide her confronting the Black Bulls Vice Captain about it either.
“Picking on young girls?  And here I thought there were somethings even too low for you, Bronn.”  The Crimson Lions Captain said from behind him as she crossed her arms.
Bronn smiled and turned.  “I guess you didn’t know me as well as you thought, Lioness.”
“I should’ve figured as much when you started dating that Nurse Maid.” Mereoleona muttered her jealousy making her speak before she thought.
Heckles raising Bronn pointed at the Captain.  “Her name’s Gilly and she’s a Grand Healing Mage.”  Wrinkling his brow he wondered. “What’s she got to do with this anyway?”
“Nothing.” Mereoleona said quickly.
“Then why--”
“Why harass Teris?”  Mereoleona questioned over him.  “Why not leave the girl alone?”
“You took the boy out.  Heard what he had to say.  Why do you think?”
Mereoleona watched him.  She had taken Yami outside and demanded answers for her cousin and her own curiosity.  She had even gone so far as to threaten and coherence him with her rank as Captain.  Still the foreign boy said nothing.  After a long stare down Mereoleona had finally given up and came back inside.  But, she wasn’t about to let Bronn know she had failed.  “I don’t see the big deal,” she said.
Bronn laughed humorlessly.  “Of course you don’t.  You royals and nobility are all a like.  Sure, you may think you’re different. You may even make us believe that you’re different.  But you’re not.  You have no thought or care for those hurt by your actions.  No matter what you promise or claim to want.  You’ll always do what you’re told.  At least the cruel and arrogant among you are honest when they look down and spit on us.  Just cause you claim otherwise and don’t treat us poorly doesn’t make you any better.  It just makes you better at hiding the truth.  That when it comes right down to it, you’re all the same.”
Mereoleona pulled her head back.  “What are you talking about?  What does being royal or doing what you’re told have to do with any of this?”
Bronn looked over his shoulder at Yami and then back to her.  “He didn’t tell you.  Did he?”
Mereoleona shook her head.  She hadn’t wanted to admit as much to him but, now that it made him look like the fool, she was all too happy to. “Didn’t say a single word.  The little bastard.”
Bronn glared at her.  Both for tricking him and using the word he despised. Sure he had used the term himself, even use it toward himself.  But after such a declaration against the ruling class, never mind its personal meaning to him, the word was like a Saber Cats howl. Aggravating and painful.
“So what’s going on with the Lord of Destruction?”  Mereoleona asked. “Why the sudden change?  What did you do?”
“Who said I did anything?”  Bronn demanded guiltily.
“So you did do something.  You don’t just pick on young girls, you turn and twist things to break their hearts.”
Bronn bristled.  “I didn’t turn or twist nothing.  I told the boy the truth and he came to his own decision.  The fact that I think it was the right one doesn’t mean I pressured him into believing anything.”
“What truth did you tell him?  Your truth?”
“There’s only one truth.”  Bronn shot back.
“And what is that?”  Mereoleona questioned.
“I already told you what it was.”
“Remind me.”
“That all you royals are the same and no matter what you may want will always do what you’re told.”
“You told him about Teris being Nozel’s Intended.”  Mereoleona surmised.
“I didn’t have to.  Nozel told him as much before he left for our last big mission.  Your girl Teris didn’t so much as balk at or scold her future husband for declaring her his; let alone bother with giving Yami any false assurances to her wish not to do as her family demands.”  He shook his head and huffed.  “Got to at least hand it to the girl for not making any promises she’d never keep.”
Mereoleona stared at him a moment before wondering aloud.  “What made you so bitter?”
“Life.” Bronn told.  “Real life.  Not some pampered, protected existence you lot have.”
“We suffer hardships of our own.”  Mereoleona told.  “I won’t claim they are the same but they can be just as painful if not more so.”
Bronn rolled his eyes.  “Sure.”
“You think it’s easy to be told who to marry without so much as being asked how you feel about the person?  Having to wed even if the person is just the worst.  Having to wed even if you’re in love with another.”
“And when you are?”  Bronn wondered searching her eyes.  “In love with another.”
Mereoleona swallowed, her mouth suddenly feeling dry.  “It’s an impossible situation.”  She finally told.
“One that always ends the same way.  Doing what your family commands.”
“How would you like it if your family told you, marry who we say or you will be cast out.  Title.  Name.  Connection.  All lost..  Your mother.  Father.  Brothers--”  She thought of Fuegoleon and Leopold her voice catching.  “Your family, direct and indirect, forbidden from speaking to you, from even ever acknowledging your existence. This is more then money and rank, Bronn.  This is ones whole life. Gone.  Forever.  Add to that banishment if you’re a royal.  Cause going against the order of a royal patriarch can, and in this case will, be considered treason.  I suppose one could be grateful the punishment isn’t death.  But if your lover decides to try to free you from your family, which will only save you from banishment not from being cast out, you may very well wish the punishment was death if your love looses the duel to the death.  Tell me, Bronn.  What from that sound like a walk in a garden?”
“I never said it was an easy choice.”  He rumbled.  “I only said, when compared to normal folk, your royal life was easy.”
“I can’t walk in your shoes.”  She looked down at his dirty, scuffed up boots and added.  “Nor would I want to.  So other then knowing without a doubt that it was difficult, I can’t compare it to the difficulties I faced.  But I can assure you, you have know idea what I’ve been through; nor would you believe me if I told you.”
“Tell me this.”  He said his eyes slowly locking on hers.  “Would you ever promise someone you loved that you’d go against your family for them even when you knew, in the end, you wouldn’t?”
Mereoleona stared back her eyes searching his.  “I’d have to love someone first, and know they loved me in return.  Or why bother making such a promise, whether I intended to keep it or not.”
The gathering was nearing it’s end.  Most of the Magic Knights had already left.  Yami, who had been waiting for Jax to be ready to leave so Bronn could use his spatial magic to take them back to base, gave silent thanks when the Black Bulls Captain made his way to him.
“We’re leaving.  Fetch Teris.”  Jax ordered Yami.
Yami’s head snapped to his Captain.  “What?  Why?��
“Because I told you to.”  Jax said showing no room for argument.
Yami stomped off.  This was it, he told himself, his first words to her. The first time he would directly face Teris since learning what Nozel truly was to her and deciding to give up.  He wasn’t a coward but a part of him wanted to walk out the doors and make his own way back to base.  You have to do it sometime, he told himself.  It’s like you told Teris when you encouraged her to speak with Nozel.  His thoughts gloomed at the memory.  If only you had known then.  Maybe you could have encouraged her to let you have your revenge instead.  Then Nozel would be dead and Teris would be free to marry whomever she wished.
He shook his head catching sight of her.  Just get it over with, he told himself.  The longer you wait the more difficult it’s going to be. Just relay the message and get back to Jax.  You don’t even have to look her in the eye.
Teris’ breath caught as Yami stopped in front of her.  She felt stupid. After a eight days of endless questions roaming through her head. Countless scenario's playing in her mind.  The moment of him standing before her and not turning away was finally here and she couldn’t think of a thing to say.  Maybe it’s for the best, she thought, it was him, after all, that had the problem.  She should allow him to explain himself before she said anything.
“Captain’s ready to leave.”  Yami said without so much as looking at her.
Teris watched Yami turn to go unable to believe that was all he had come to say.  Finding her voice she called after him.  “I’m not returning to base just yet.”
Yami stopped mid-step, shoulders tensing.  He had seen Nozel and Fuegoleon standing on either side of her as if both claiming and protecting her from others and wondered if she and her Intended and Crimson Lion friend had plans.
Forcing his hands not to fist he tried for nonchalant but it sounded more angry, even to his ears.  “Suit yourself.”
Teris reached out, taking a step toward him.  “Yami!  Wait.”
Fuegoleon took her other arm and held her in place, Nozel watching him do so grateful.
Yami continued slowly back to where Jax now waited with Bronn.  A part of him wished that she would chase after him and demand he forgive her. Another part of him hoped she wouldn’t because he knew he would forgive her and he would still be faced with loosing her to Nozel and her family's wishes.
Nozel tolerated Fuegoleon’s insistence that the three of them go for tea before he and Teris headed to the Silver Eagles base.  It gave him a chance to get his own emotions under control over Teris’ outburst in trying to chase after Yami.  The only thing worse was her underlying confusion, pain, and anger which was almost palatable as they had walked to a tea shop in Castle City.
After drinks Fuegoleon had tried to invite himself back with them.  Nozel’s temper pricking.  This was his moment to be alone with Teris and possibly, if he was lucky, receive her thanks and show of gratitude. He didn’t appreciate his friendly rivals attempts at joining in and ruining anything before it ever had a chance to happen.  Lucky for him, Teris had been firm, if not rude, in her denial.  Something that, even if it was for Fuegoleon’s own benefit, made Nozel feel special and as if she too wanted some time alone with him.
At the Silver Eagles base Nozel led Teris in and through the halls up half a floor to the library.  It wasn’t that he didn’t want anyone to see he had brought her back out of fear.  Guests were welcomed, as long as they didn’t enter the upper levels, where the sleeping chambers were, and it wasn’t passed midnight.  Still, Nozel didn’t want to be stopped and asked why she was there, nor did he want any of his comrades following and edging in on his time with her.  It never occurred to him that he wouldn’t be able to tell Teris what he found with others present which would mean she might have to comeback at a later date to try again.
No longer feeling her beside him, Nozel stopped and turned.  Seeing her a ways behind he made his way back to her and encouraged, “The library’s this way.”
“Your base is so--”
“I know.”  Nozel interrupted giving a sniff of distaste.  “I plan on making several changes once I’m Captain.  Still, it’s suitable for now.”
“I was going to say nice,” Teris said.
Nozel turned to her wondering if she was joking.  Then he remembered what the Black Bulls base looked like.  Dark, dirty, and about to fall over at one stiff breeze.  “I still don’t know why you chose to join that ragtag bunch.”  He said giving a slight shake of his head.
Teris ignored the slight to her friends and told.  “So Fyntch couldn’t spy on or control me.”
Nozel paused, looking at her sideways.  He had had many theories but that had never been on of them.  “Truly?”
“Yes.” Teris said almost laughing.  “There’s another reason but yes. Why?  What did you think?”
“I hadn’t given it much thought.”  He lied turning the corner.
“But you just--”
“In here.”  Nozel said opening the library's doors and ushering her in.
When Nozel closed the door behind them Teris commented.  “A bit dark.”
“You can fix that, Third Class Intermediate Magic Knight.”  He teased.
Teris’ hand glowed.  Nozel stepped back recalling the last time he had seen it do so.  His chest tightened.  His imagination making his nose think it smelt burnt clothing fibers.  How he had walked away without burnt hair and skin he didn’t know.  Maybe Teris could control what she burned?
“Care to get the drapes?”  She asked.
As Nozel flung open the curtains Teris allowed the mana she had channeled to dissipate.
“Believe me,” Teris said.  “I was as shocked as anyone at my new rank.”
“So you said and I already said I noticed.”  Nozel remarked pulling out three books from various shelves.  “You don’t have to sound so apologetic.  You should be proud.”
“I am.  Proud that is.  Just really surprised as well.”
“Come here.”  Nozel beckoned opening one of the books and flipping to a page.  “I didn’t want to leave the books out or leave anything to mark the pages in case someone else pulled them.”
Teris came beside him, shoulders touching as she looked at the opened book in front of him.  Nozel took a deep breath delighting in her scent. Unlike other well bred ladies Teris didn’t smell of some sweet fruit, roses or any other flower.  Teris smelt of fresh crushed rosemary needles and mint.  It was a light scent that made you feel relaxed and awake at the same time.  His eyes watched her as she bent forward to better read the pages.
“It talks about Yurist’s son.”  Teris said straightening and looking at him.
Nozel quickly pulled his gaze away only to return it to her and nod.
“I didn’t even know Yurist had a son.”  She said leaning against the back of the chair in front of her.
“There’s more.”  Nozel said pushing the book over before her.  “That goes on for five and a half pages.  Go ahead and read them while I find the pages in the other two books.”
Teris stepped back and paused when her hand landed on top of Nozel’s as they both moved to pull out her chair.
“I am capable of pulling out my own chair you know.”  Teris told him. “I’m not helpless.”
“And I’m not some crude man who doesn’t even stand when a lady rises from her seat.”  Nozel said unable to stop the dig at Yami.
Teris grasped his hand and pulled it off the back of the chair.  Nozel watched her pull the chair out and sit scolding himself for bringing the foreigner into their time together.
When Nozel didn’t moved Teris looked up at him and asked.  “Are you going to find those other pages?”
Wordlessly, Nozel picked up one of the other books and flipped through the pages.
“It says here that Yurist’s wife died while giving birth to their only child.  A son named Erin.”  She stopped reading and looked up at Nozel again, thinking of his own mother doing the same nearly four years ago.
Nozel eyes slid over to her.  They stayed staring at one another a while before he urged.  “Continue.”
Teris turned back and did as he told reading that Erin was sent to his mothers sister shortly after his birth and raised by her.  It spoke more about Yurist and how he threw himself into his work even more after the death of his wife; her having been the only reason he had put down his quill and left his prophetic mind to join the living. The author believed that it was his wife's death that had lit the spark that began Yurist’s decent into madness.  Teris paused and thought.  It made sense.  Yurist never gave himself and his child a chance to form any bonds so with his wife gone he likely saw no reason to leave his office or his mind.  If anything he likely forced himself to stay there knowing there was no one outside of his study to greet him.  It was all so sad.
She turned the page.  There was only a short paragraph before the next subjects heading but as she read she found it was an Important few sentences.  Her mouth went dry.  She looked back up at Nozel pushing her chair back.  “Did you read this?”
“Of course I did.”  Nozel said putting the last book down, having found the page he wanted.
“It says that Yurist’s son left the Clover Kingdom for the Spade Kingdom and soon after married someone named Mira.  And--” she swallowed, “he took his wife's family name wanting to be rid of his last remaining tie to his father and as a show of fealty to his father-in-law and his nation.”
“Why do you think I invited you over.”  Nozel said looking at her.  He set down the book he was holding and pushed it in front of her. Leaning forward against the back of her chair he pointed.  “Look here.  It’s the same lineage tree you found at your house but knowing the name Mira is significant...”
Teris looked where Nozel pointed and blanched.  “Mira Spade.”  She sat forward and leaned closer to the book.  “She was the granddaughter to Lenier Spade king of the Spade Kingdom.  Her father was King Lenier’s sixth son.  It says she married and had two children but doesn’t give either of their names of the name of her husband, just this asterisk.”
Nozel trailed his finger down and over to the bottom corner of the previous page having to bend even lower over Teris, else his arm would have been in her face.
Teris leaned over the asterisk in the key and read the words beside it: ‘Immigrant from Clover Kingdom.’
She looked at Nozel who’s face was a hands length away from hers. “Between this and the time frame, it has to be Yurist’s son. This means—he might be related, however distantly, to Yurist through his son, Erin.”  Teris said thinking of Alowishus Spade. It would certainly explain how and why Alowishus learned of Yurist’s works enough to become a Zealot; if his ancestor was indeed Erin the man might feel some sort of kinship to Yurist.
“Who might be related to Yurist?”  Nozel asked eyes searching hers. From this close he could see all the various shades of deep brown that were in her eyes.  Some almost black, others closer to bronze.
Teris sat back and turned away.  She hadn’t realized how close Nozel had gotten as he had pointed things out to her.  No doubt he hadn’t intended to but his nearness still made her uncomfortable.  “Nozel, I’m sorry.  That I can’t say.  Only one person knows I know that bit of information and instructed me not to make it known I knew of it.”
“This is ridiculous.”  Nozel erupted striking the back of the chair beside her.
Teris blinked in shocked disbelief.  “Nozel.  Control yourself.  There’s no need to loose your temper and act so violently.”
Her words brought him under control as quickly as if his father or Captain Pyter had said them.  Ashamed, he lowered his head slightly and apologized.  “Sorry.  That was uncalled for.”
Teris suddenly realized just how drastically different Nozel, and even Fuegoleon, were from the men of the Black Bulls.  More then that, how her expectations and what she found acceptable behavior of the men varied so greatly.  She had scolded Nozel in all seriousness but if it had been Yami, Bronn, Tobin, or even Olsen she wouldn’t have said a thing.  She likely would have been surprised if there hadn’t been an outburst from them.
Feeling something of a hypocrite because of her differing standards for the men, Teris waved him off.  “It’s alright.  I’ve seen worse.” She turned back to the family tree.  “But this, this is amazing. Much more then I could’ve hoped for.”
Nozel looked about the library.  “I haven’t finished looking through everything, so there may still be more.  But, when I found that I had to show you.  Then,” he pulled the book beneath it out and put in on top, “I found this, this morning.”
She turned to him.  “You came in here to search this morning?  I thought you would have been preparing for the ceremony.”
Nozel’s scrutinized her, eyes narrowing slightly.  “How long do you think it takes me to get ready?”
“I don’t know,”  Teris shrugged thinking that the braid hanging down the center of his face couldn’t have been easy to accomplish.  She stared, head tilting as she wondered if he did it himself or had a valet do it for him.  Both images were uncomfortable and laughable.
A small smile worked it’s way onto Nozel’s face.  Teris’ lips turning upward in return.  For a moment they stared at each other without word or movement, Nozel wondering what she was thinking.
“In any case.”   Nozel finally said returning both their attention to the book.  “I found what I thought was simply a commentary of Yurist’s work on Chaos but quickly discovered it was a commentary on the rise of factions and zealots who based themselves on either stopping, slowing, beginning, or some how altering what Yurist saw and wrote in the Future of Chaos before he locked it away in some labyrinth.”
Wide eyed and breathless Teris turned to the book in question and opened it at random.  She skimmed the page before flipping back to the beginning.
As she did so Nozel told.  “The first two chapters deal solely with Yurist and the two works in question.  Hence my original thinking.”
Teris felt a surge of triumph.  This was way more then she could have hoped for.  An entire book about the crazies that sprung up after learning of and possible reading Yurist’s writings on Chaos.  Even though she knew the answer she asked.  “I couldn’t take this and return it, could I?”
Nozel shook his head.  “I’m sorry.  We’re not even allowed to take books out of this room.  Curtis did so once when he was studying up on the Heart Kingdom for a mission to escort some nobleman's daughter to her groom and Captain Pyter filled practically the whole first floor with his smoke magic, he was so angry.  All of us Silver Eagles were yelled at and reminded of the rules as if it was us who had broken them.”  He looked about the room sniffing.  “Our base may be lacking in many ways but the Captain is proud of it and meticulous about its order.”
Teris smirked.  She couldn’t tell where the Silver Eagles base was lacking in any way but allowed Nozel his belief without challenge. She looked back at the book her hand tracing over it almost reverently.  It might take her a day to read it but if she hoped to fully gather everything written she’d have to go slower and reread, and of course make notes.  It was a shame that the book had a spell watermarking every page that forbid magical duplication.  That would have solved her problem of having it here and not being able to take it back home with her.  Still, she couldn’t complain.  Nozel had offered to help, kept his promise, and had found not just a tie to Yurist and the Spade Kingdom, but a possible tie to Yurist and Alowishus Spade and an entire book that could hold numerous other clues, answers, and information.  Overcome Teris sprang up from her seat and hugged him.
“I can’t thank you enough, Nozel.  You’re the best.”
Startled by her embrace, Nozel quickly recovered wrapping his own arms around her waist.  “You’re quite welcome.”  He replied content to stay that way forever.
Teris pulled back and shrugged lowering her arms from his neck.  “As my friend I guess I should have expected such amazing results.”  She smiled.  “All my friends are awesome and never fail to get things done.”
“Then, as you say, you shouldn’t be surprised.”  Nozel muttered leaning closer.
Teris’ eyes widened.  Was he going to try and kiss her?  That would ruin everything.  She didn’t think she could return, let alone continue their friendship, if he made such an attempt.  But why would he, she tried to reason.  They were alone.  It benefited nothing to act as dutiful Intended.  You’re being silly and afraid for nothing another part of her thought.  Nozel doesn’t truly care for you, not like that at least.  Besides, how would he even go about kissing anyone with that braid in his face.  Did he lift it out of the way? Tilt his head so much it simply fell out of the way?  Her nose itched thinking about the mechanics of it.
Nozel noticed her widened eyes and slight wrinkling of her nose and quickly reached up a hand pretending to pluck something off her cheek. “Sorry.  It was bugging me.”  He said.
Teris lifted a hand and rubbed where he had touched wondering what had been there.  She thought of the cinnamon sugared biscuit she had had during their tea with Fuegoleon somewhat horrified at the thought that it might have been some sugar, or worse a cookie crumb.
“Thanks.” She said turning back to the book shaking off her needless rush of fear of him making such an attempt.
Nozel moved to the shelf he had left his search off from slowly exhaling his relief at his quick thinking.  Pulling books from the shelf, he kept his tone distracted as he told her.  “You are free to stay and read as long as you wish.  The house is closed to polite callers at midnight.”
“I don’t think I’ll be staying long enough to be kicked out this visit.”  Teris told him.
He glanced at her nodding his approval as he carried the a small stack of to the table behind her.  “Let me know if you need anything. Refreshment.  Some air.  More light.”
Teris lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers.  “I got the light covered.”  She turned back and smiled over at him.  “But I'll be sure to let you know if there’s something you can assist me with.”
He gave her a nod.  Opening a book Nozel began to scan the pages for the any of the keywords Teris was interested in.
Nozel looked at her.
“Thanks again for this.  I don’t know where’d my search would be or what I’d have done next without your help.”
His heart swelled with pride; his tone on the other hand kept its natural timber as he said.  “That’s what friends are for.”
By the time dinner at the Black Bulls base had rolled around Yami was well passed having a mere temper at Teris for not returning with them but going off with Nozel and Fuegoleon instead.  Unable to even think of eating he had gone upstairs to the boys wing and planted himself in front of the window in Bran’s room.  His own room faced the back of the house and he didn’t want to have to explain to Tobin why he was in his rooms when the giant ginger was already pestering him with unwanted questions.  Yami supposed dinner downstairs was over cause Bran entered his room taking in a surprised breath at seeing Yami in there.
Keeping his eyes on the trail that led up to the house Yami asked.  “What was for supper?”
“Beef stew.”  Bran answered still standing in the doorway.
“Sometimes I think that's all Gendry makes cause Abril hates it.”  Yami huffed resting his forearms on his knees.
Bran glanced back down the hallway and then looked back at Yami.  Clearing his throat and gathering his nerve he asked.  “Can I help you with something?”
“Nope.” Yami said.  He sat up straighter catching a glimpse of something then relaxed when he saw it was only a fox.  “Though it would go better for you if you didn’t mention to the others that I was ever here.”
“So you’re leaving.”  Bran said hopefully.
“Go away.”  Yami snapped.  “You’re distracting me.”
“But—this is my room.”  Bran whined balling his fists and stomping a foot. He had never had his own room.  Growing up in a three room house which two of those rooms were kitchen and living, Bran had had to sleep in the loft with his five other brothers; because of this he was possessive about his space.  He was just too afraid to order Yami out.
Yami turned slowing to look at the boy over his shoulder.  “And do you want to die in your room?”
Bran shook his head.
“Then go away and close the door behind you.  I want to be alone.”
Bran wasn’t even brave enough to glare at Yami as he obeyed.  Instead he scowled at the floor thinking that he should go hang out in Yami’s bedroom till the brute left his.  See how Yami liked finding someone in his personal space.  But that’s all it would ever be, a passing sulking thought.
Teris stopped at the start of the trail that branched off to the Black Bulls base.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t intend to stay so long.”
“You said that already.”  Nozel told brushing off her apology.
“You didn’t have to escort me home,” she said.
“You said that too.”
“And I meant it,” Teris said.  “I’m a Magic Knight.  I can see myself back to my squads base.”
“And I’m a gentleman who refuses to let a lady journey unattended.” Nozel rebutted.
“I out rank you.  Remember.”
Nozel bristled slightly at that.  Not that he wasn’t proud of her. Turning up the pathway he said.  “Let’s get you home.”
“I can walk the rest of the way.”  Teris said passing him.  “Get yourself home before it gets too dark.”
“I can fly by night just as well as I can fly by day,” Nozel said.
“And I’m sure the moonlight glinting off you eagle of mercury is lovely,” Teris remarked.  “But--”
“I said I’d see you home.”  Nozel cut in now wanting her to see just how right she was about the beauty of his magically created mercury eagle under the moonlight was.
“And you’ve seen me to the Bulls property line.”
“A property line isn’t home.”  Nozel countered cursing her stubbornness.
“I can order you home.”  Teris said half teasing
“And I can and will refuse.  Teris, this is serious.”
“I was only joking.”  She said forcing a chuckle.  “I wouldn’t order you, or anyone, unless I absolutely had to.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Nozel said.
Seeing that he was truly serious Teris became concerned.  “Nozel.  What’s the matter?”
“Everything. Ever since the Magic Knights Entrance Exams you took when you teamed up with that foreigner.”
“Yami.” Teris corrected.  “And what does Yami have to do with me walking home?”
Other then the fact that he’ll be there when you arrive, Nozel thought. That he’ll always be there cause the base was his home too.  He looked away.  “The combination of your magic with his.”
“Is under control.”  Teris said stopping when he looked back at her wearing a distress expression.  Her appeasing smile dropped as she waited for him to go on.
“I don’t know if you think me a fool or aren’t aware of all I’ve heard.”  Nozel said slightly offended that the first possibility was true.
“I’ve thought you many things over the years, but a fool was never one of them,” Teris said.  “What have you heard?”
“Enough. I suppose it’s the actions and expressions that I’ve seen more then what I’ve heard.”
“No one’s as studied in that emotionless, cool gaze as you are huh?”
He looked at her with the exact gaze she was referring to.  “I don’t know what you mean but if you’re saying that there are some superiors that haven’t learned to control their expressions completely then I agree.”
“Nozel. I can’t tell you anymore then I have.”
“You haven’t told me anything.  Just a handful of words and a name I already knew.”
“Well, I can’t tell you anymore then that.  We’d both be in trouble.”
“You’re already in trouble.”  Nozel said looking at her concern showing in his eyes.  “I don’t know who tried to attacked you on the road from my house.  Nor am I so sure that the attacks on the base were orchestrated by mere groups of bandits, no matter what Investigations claimed they found.  Every outlaw I’ve come across wouldn’t have the courage, desire, or means to pull such a thing off.  Never mind the numbers or brains.  As for the claim that numerous gangs banded and worked together.”  He huffed his disbelief.
Teris put a hand on his shoulder.  “Stop.  Nozel, please.  Just.  Stop.”
“No.” She silenced.  “Don’t think anymore on this.  It doesn’t involve you.”
“If it involves you, it involves me.  We’re--” he swallowed and forced himself to say the word he was beginning to hate, “friends.”
Teris lowered her head and closed her eyes.  This was her fault.  She had let him search with her knowing that if their superiors learned about it he would be in trouble.  But she had needed help and didn’t see the harm in letting him look through some books for a few keywords. If discovered he might have gotten a stern talking to from his Captain and Commander Greywright, but given Nozel’s position in ranking society that was the worst she had seen happening to him. She had never stopped to consider that Nozel’s own curiosity would be peaked.  That as a Magic Knight, a royal gentleman, and her friend he would want to know more so he could do more to help.
Teris’ hand trembled slightly as she struggled with her emotions her hand sliding slowly off his shoulder down to his chest.  Angry and hating herself for bringing him into this she gripped the shirt beneath his Silver Eagles cloak lightly pushing against his chest.  “I’m so sorry.”
Seeing her distress Nozel became truly worried about her.  Grasping her elbows Nozel lowered his head slightly trying to caught her eye. “Teris.”
Her head and eyes raised to look at him, her expression pained.  “I’m sorry,  I never should have allowed you to do this search for me.  I never should have allowed you to help me in the first place.”
“Don’t apologize for something you wouldn’t have been able to stop, even if you’d tried.”  Nozel told.
As the sun began it’s final descent Yami’s anger had risen exponentially.  He was standing, pounding the stone window sill with a fist as he continued he vigil for Teris to return.  Then he caught sight of them between the trees on the main road.  He watched as they made their way down the road to the path that led to the Black Bulls base wondering where Fuegoleon was.  Had the Crimson Lion gone back home and let Nozel see Teris back or had he left them sometime earlier in the day; and if so, how much earlier.  As soon as they reached the path Yami saw Teris stop and turn.  That was it.  Yami punched the wall and stormed out of the room and down the stairs three at a time.  He knew what happened after a date when a girl stopped and turned to say good-bye and he’d be damned if he allowed Nozel the chance to kiss her.  Outside he rushed down the trail to Pilfer’s cage and opened it.
Climbing on the Saber Wolf he urged Pilfer up the path.  “We’re going for a ride.  And, if we’re both lucky there’ll be a meal in it for you too.”
Nozel stood there holding Teris elbows watching her.  He felt the need to protect her but knew she would never let him, even if Sir Jorah hadn’t issued orders silencing everyone.  Teris was too proud.  And as just her friend she didn’t believe he had any right.  He could argue that as his Intended he had ever right but that would only make matters worse, and encourage her to put him off even further if not completely ruin things.
Without thinking he began to pull her to him.  Her hand, still on his chest tensed.  Catching himself, Nozel stopped.  He wouldn’t attempt to kiss her.  Not so soon after failing so miserably.  At least he had managed to pretend he meant otherwise back in the library and she seemed to believe it.
Teris tilted her head, her hand dropping as she took a step back.  “Do you hear that?���
Nozel lifted his head and listened.  There was a rustling that got louder and then he heard the faint tread of something running.  The sound quickly became thunderous.  Nozel stood protectively in front of Teris only to have her step out from behind and move beside him.
She gave him a nod the both of them cloaking themselves in mana skin.  As a Saber Wolf broke through the trees and shrubs Nozel readied a spear of mercury to take the beast down.
Teris stepped in front of him hand out to both man and beast.  “Nozel! Pilfer.  Stop.”
By the time Nozel realized the creature had obeyed Teris’ command he had already grabbed her by the arm to pull her back to safety.
Pilfer snarled, teeth showing, heckles raised.
Teris’ head turned slightly her eyes sliding back to Nozel.  “He thinks you mean me harm.  Let go.”
“Mean it harm!”
“Let. Go.”  Teris clipped carefully.
Still unsure, Nozel slowly did as he was told.  The Saber Wolf though still showing its teeth stopped snarling.  Nozel watched as Teris told the beast to sit, unable to believe that it did so.
“Good boy.”  Teris praised as made her way to the creature.
As Nozel reached out to stop her the Saber Wolf gave a low growl in response.
Teris looked back at him and explained.  “He’s gotten rather protective since the attack on the base.”
Nozel watched Teris command the beast to lay down surprised when the creature obeyed.  Trying to sound conversational, he commented.  “I wasn’t aware the Black Bulls had a pet.”
“Pilfer’s not the Bulls.”  Teris said petting the Saber Wolf.  “He’s Yami’s.”
“Figures.” Nozel spat under his breath.
“What’s that?”  Teris asked turning her head but not her eyes.
“Nothing.” Nozel said louder.
To Pilfer she asked.  “What are you doing running loose?  Yami wouldn’t be pleased.  Neither would Gendry.  Did Bran pay you a visit and forget to properly lock up your kennel?”  Her eyes narrowed.  “He didn’t possess you and take you out for a run did he?”
“You’re talking to an animal.”
Teris looked back at him smirking.  “Isn’t that all we are when you get right down to it?  Animals.”
Nozel tensed.  He didn’t find the comparison amusing or accurate.  “No.”
She opened her mouth and then shut it shaking her head.  “I’m not gonna argue with you.  Not when you need to get back home and I gotta figure out how this one got out.”  She turned back to creature petting it.
“I told you.  I’m escorting you hom--”  His voice failed him as she climbed up onto the Saber Wolf and mounted it.
“I think I’ll be alright.  Don’t you?”  Teris grinned.  When Nozel merely stood there in shocked silence she asked.  “What?  Your father has a pack of Saber Cats.  I know you’ve ridden those multiple occasions on hunts.  I’ve been there to see it and hunt with you.”
“Saber Cats.  Not Saber Wolves,” Nozel said.  “The two are very different creatures.”
“You don’t say?”  Teris teased.
“Namely that Saber Cats can be tamed and trained and Saber Wolves cannot.”
“Tell that to Yami and Pilfer.”
“It’s probably some foreigner method.”  Nozel muttered scowling.
“I heard that.”  Teris said her voice becoming sharp.  After a beat she told him.  “Go home.  I’ll see you again tomorrow, if I don’t have a mission.”
Defeated by Yami having tamed an untameable creature Nozel could do nothing but agree.  “Tomorrow.”  He nodded.
“Pilfer. Stand.”  She tightened her knees and grip as the Saber Wolf rose. To Nozel she commanded.  “Don’t go back in there without me.  You need your rest and we don’t want your comrades asking questions.”
“I’ll take it under consideration.”
“Nozel. This is serious.  No one can know.  I’d rather they suspect I’m there for other reasons then the truth but I really don’t want that either so can you please do this for me.  Please.”
Nozel looked up at her wondering what would be so bad if people suspected she was visiting him out of desire and not necessity.  It wasn’t as if they weren’t allowed to court before they were officially betrothed.  Of course, if she ever allowed him to kiss her he would keep that private.  Not because that wasn’t allowed but because he respected her honor too much to do otherwise.
“Don’t make me order you.”  She threatened teasingly when he didn’t say anything.
At Teris’ change of tone Pilfer released a short, low growl.
“Shh.” Teris hushed silencing the Wolf as she patted his flank reassuring him.
“I was going to relent but now--”
“I’m sorry.”  Teris apologized quickly.  “Please don’t punish me for my temper.  You know how bad and out of control it can be.”
Nozel smirked.  He found he liked her playfully begging him.  “Very well.”  He gave in.  “But you own me.”
“Again! I already owe you for staying up two nights in a row to help me back at Nova House.  Then there’s the search you made.  What you found. Letting me monopolize your time this afternoon and evening.  And letting me return tomorrow to do it all over again.”
“Don’t forget the dancing.”  Nozel added remembering it fondly.
“In any case.  I owe you way more then I’d like.”
“And how much would you like to owe me?”  He questioned devilishly.
“Absolutely nothing,” she said.
Nozel grinned up at her.  “I thought as much.”
“Just—do me a favor and call all this in soon.  Alright.  I hate owing anyone.”
But I’m not just anyone, Nozel thought.  He watched her urge the beast to turn towards the path that would take her home and sighed as if agreeing to do her a huge favor.  “Fine.  I’ll call these favors in soon.  But you’ll owe me for doing so.”
Yami had leapt from Pilfer’s back six meters from the tree line and made his way closer to watch.  Regrettably Teris hadn’t let the Saber Wolf tear into Nozel.  Yami once again cursed his having thought Teris how to shield her Ki.  Unable to sense her Ki he was left relying on what he felt from Nozel’s and saw and heard.
Though their time together didn’t seem to be romantic in nature, Yami had to wonder what Teris had meant when she said she’d rather people suspect her presence for other reason then the truth.  The other reasons were distastefully obvious but what truth and where?  Some place in Castle City?  Headquarters itself?  Possibly even the Silver Eagles base.  Was Teris searching for answers without him and Nozel was helping her?
He made a fist angry at her for searching without him.  Then again it wasn’t as if the two of them were in a place where they could look for answers together.  And who’s fault is that, Yami asked himself. It was your decision to avoid and ignore her.  And it’s her fault for not telling you the that she and Nozel were intended to be wed. Why hadn’t she just told him?  He wouldn’t have liked it but he wouldn’t have felt as if Bronn was right if she hadn’t had all but lied about her true relationship with Nozel.
In any case.  How dare her look for answers to secrets surrounding them, and with Nozel of all people.  His anger at her renewed and grew.  At least he knew what she was doing with prideful Silver Eagle.  He didn’t like it.  He especially didn’t like that they planned on meeting again tomorrow.  But, at least he knew.
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bromfieldhall · 8 years
What Makes You Beautiful - A Mentalist Fanfiction
TIMELINE: Set some in the future after series four finale. Minor spoilers.
SYNOPSIS: “Yesterday I made a New Year’s resolution. I’m going to give myself one whole year to woo and win the love of California Bureau of Investigation’s Senior Agent Teresa Lisbon.”
PAIRING: Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3
"So girl come on, You got it wrong"
~ What Makes You Beautiful ~ 1D
April 8th – 2.12pm
"Lisbon, just admit you were wrong!" I say as I follow the irate agent hurrying along the corridor to her office. "Come on, you'll feel much better, I promise you."
"No," she snaps back curtly over her shoulder.
"Lisbon," I whine. I know it's childish but it does rile her up so.
"Shut up!"
I reach her office just as the door slams in my face. I instinctively jerk back a little then open the door and go in.
"If the door's shut you're supposed to stay on the outside," she tells me angrily.
"Since when?" I ask, astonished.
She looks like she could throttle me with her bare hands.
"Since forever, Jane."
I roll my eyes. Obviously, that's a stupid thing to say. There's no such thing as forever but I doubt she would be pleased if I pointed that out to her right about now.
"It doesn't matter, I'm here now and we're alone so you can just admit that I won. None of the team need ever know if that's what you want. My lips are sealed. I promise."
I make a gesture to show I'm locking my mouth and throwing away the key. She lets out a very unladylike snort and shakes her head as she sits on her chair.
"Oh please, don't make promises you can't keep. If you kept your mouth shut more I'd have a lot less paperwork and a whole lot pleasanter life."
Ouch. But true. I place a hand over my heart and adopt a deeply hurt expression.
"I'm wounded, Lisbon, truly," I say, although clearly I'm not. "Is it just that you don't want to pay me the forfeit? Because I haven't even told you what it is yet. You might find you like it."
"No, it's because there must be some mistake," she states irritably before turning her attention to her computer and adding, "Now, get out!"
From the stubborn set of her chin, I decide that retreat is the best option at this time and go to the door. When I get there I turn around to look at her and place a parting shot across her bow.
"Alright fine, I'll go, but your refusal to admit you're wrong doesn't set a good example to the rest of the team. I'm disappointed in you, Lisbon," I say loud enough to be heard in the bullpen.
If looks could kill I'd be all kinds of dead right now. I smile and close the door on her furious face then go and make my self a refreshing cup of tea. I take it back to the bullpen and sit down comfortably on my couch.
"Nicely played," says Cho from somewhere behind his ever present book.
"Thanks," I reply with a grin.
"I think you're mean," Van Pelt lets me know but the smile she's biting back tells me that she doesn't really disapprove.
"The boss should know better than to make a wager with you," Rigsby declares with a shake of his head.
"Well, in all fairness, most sane people would think the woman holding the smoking gun would be responsible for killing her husband; not the cute family pet," I say in Lisbon's defence.
"How did you even know that?" Van Pelt asks in wonder.
I lean forward and look around surreptitiously as if I'm about to impart some information of great import. Van Pelt's eyes widen fractionally and she leans towards me, all ears.
"The dog had an air of guilt about it that was hard to ignore, Grace," I say seriously.
She stares at me for a moment then blinks and shakes her head with an expression of exasperation as my words sink in.
"Why do I even bother?" she mutters to herself as she looks away and gets on with her work.
I wonder that sometimes myself. I glance over at the two men and take a sip of my tea as Rigsby does a miserable job of hiding his smile and Cho…well, he's still reading that book of his but if the slight tremor is anything to go by I think he enjoyed it too.
I take another sip of my drink and wait patiently for Lisbon to come to me. I know she will. She'll read through that autopsy report again and again until she finally admits to herself that I did indeed name the correct perpetrator. The fact that it's indirectly down to a dog shouldn't be an issue. She agreed to the bet and however much it pains her, she'll honour it eventually. Unlike myself, her morals are intact.
As I hold my cup, I let my mind wander back over the past few weeks. We never did go out to dinner. We had another case waiting for us when we got back to the office. It involved an abusive father and his family. It wasn't nice and I know it dredged up a whole load of painful memories for Lisbon. I tried to get her to talk but she'd have none of it and I could see her withdrawing back into her protective shell as the long investigation progressed. I know it's what she needed to do to get through it. I mean, who am I to criticise? Pot, kettle, that old adage. But I would have still liked to have offered her some comfort. As a friend, if nothing else.
Once we nailed the bastard bang to rights, she was almost back to her normal self within a day or so…except with me. The closeness I thought we'd managed to attain had somehow slipped away without me even realising. I'm swiftly becoming aware that Lisbon has a way of doing that. While I was obsessed with Red John, I selfishly hadn't really noticed this little trait of hers…now I'm obsessed with her, it's just downright annoying.
I waited for her to broach the subject of our delayed dinner again. Two weeks later and I'm still waiting. And I'm as ticked off as all hell.
Which is why I decided to make that wager today.
It's a stupid, inane attempt at grabbing her attention whilst trying to push my resolution up a notch or two…and, if I'm honest, it gives me no end of amusement.
It was perfect and I knew she'd take me up on it. How could she not when it appeared to be a dead certainty that she'd win? Really, that should have tipped her off from the start. She's still so wonderfully naïve when it comes to some of my games at times.
Makes me love her all the more.
I hear Lisbon's office door open and her footsteps marching along the corridor to the bullpen. Van Pelt and Rigsby duck their heads and seem to shrink a little in their chairs at her approach whereas Cho finally closes his book and openly watches what's about to happen.
I put down my cup as she comes to stand in front of me and I look up with a pleasant smile.
"OK, you were right. I don't know how you figured it out but apparently tripping over the dog the day before and cracking the side of his head is what ultimately killed him," she tells me with slight chagrin.
"Which means?" I enquire, just to make her spell it out.
Her eyes narrow angrily and her mouth thins into a tight line as a frown marks her beautiful countenance.
"Which means, you win, Jane," she replies.
Her stilted, irate tone leaves me in no doubt that if it weren't for the team bearing witness, I'd probably be sporting a bloody nose right about now.
"Time to pay the forfeit," says Cho, ever helpful.
I'm always impressed at how he never wilts under the Lisbon glare. If he's bothered by it then he certainly never shows it and I can't help but feel a certain affinity with the stoic agent. The fact that more often than not he's on my side with these small diversions helps too. He's a good man. I like him.
Lisbon's deep sigh brings my attention back to her and I see that she's reaching into her pocket for her wallet.
"OK, how much?" she asks with a touch of resignation.
"Oh, I don't want your money," I say with a shake of my head.
She pauses with her wallet still open and, after a moment or two, her expression changes to one of suspicion.
"What do you want then?" she asks a little apprehensively. I can't say I blame her.
"I'll have a think about it and let you know later," I reply with a grin.
I'm delighted to see that her face is a study in barely contained frustration as I turn away from her and make a show of settling down on my couch for a nap, complete with yawn and everything.
"Jerk," I hear her mutter under her breath and then listen to her footsteps fade away.
It's amusing to note that even her walk sounds angry.
I can almost feel the stares of the rest of the team boring into my head but I refuse to acknowledge any of them. Very soon they get on with whatever work, or book, they have and normal service is resumed.
I smile to myself when I think of how Lisbon will spend the next few hours attempting to work and not think about what her forfeit might entail. If I judge it right, by the time I make my request she'll be almost ready to snap.
I pretend to sleep for the rest of the afternoon and actually do manage to doze off for an hour or so at one point. When I awake, Rigsby and Van Pelt have already gone home, together if the way they've been trying not to look as though they're looking at each other for the past three days is anything to go by and Cho is just leaving.
He bids me goodnight and I nod back then wait until I'm certain he's left. As soon as the elevator door shuts, I'm on my feet and heading for Lisbon's office. The door is open and I walk straight in to find her signing a stack of paperwork. She tenses, her pen pausing in its task for the tiniest of moments but it's enough for me to notice and know she's been dreading my arrival.
"Don't you ever knock?" she asks grumpily.
"What is it with you and doors today?" I ask slightly baffled. "First I'm meant to stay outside and now I'm supposed to knock? It's like I'm in The Twilight Zone."
"It's not the door I have a problem with," she retorts as she signs another piece of paper.
I ignore the barb then walk around her desk and hold out my hand for her to take. She stops writing and stares at it as if it might bite her. I give her my best grin then waggle my fingers encouragingly and she reluctantly drops her pen and clasps my hand.
"What?" she queries cautiously as I pull her up to stand in front of me.
"I've decided on your forfeit," I say with barely contained glee.
Her face takes on a pained expression and I know she's thinking all sorts of horrible things. Hopefully this won't be one of them.
"What is it?" she asks warily.
"Dinner," I reply nonchalantly. I feel her relax and then, just because I want to see that delightful blush of hers, I tap a finger to my lips and add, "And one kiss…right here."
I expected her to be surprised by my request, shocked even but when I hear her start to laugh, I have to confess I feel a little offended.
"You're kidding, right?" she questions in a disbelieving tone. "No! I won't do it."
"The dinner or the kiss?" I try to clarify.
"You do disappoint me, Lisbon, I never figured you as someone to renege on a bet," I comment casually.
"I don't renege on bets," she refutes heatedly. "Unless they're used to coerce me into doing something I don't want to do!"
"Oh, come on, where's the harm? Live a little. It's not as though it means anything…right?"
"…No," she agrees, but I hear the pause and see the telltale blush that starts to spread over her cheeks. It gives me hope.
"So what's the problem?" I ask with a smile as I take a step closer to her. "I'm paying for dinner and a kiss won't cost you anything."
"Except my dignity," she inserts dryly.
"You know, Lisbon, I'm beginning to think that your refusal to kiss me is because you know that once you start, you won't be able to stop," I goad softly.
"Go to hell!" she snaps pulling her hand from mine angrily.
I had only meant for it to be a joke to illicit more of that adorable blush but the way her face reddens drastically coupled with her defensive behaviour has me wondering if I've somehow managed to hit a nerve.
I take another step closer. She doesn't move away but my nearness is unnerving her now. I can tell from the way she can't quite look me in the eyes. Cornered Lisbon is unpredictable though and the question I ask myself is…should I push her just that little bit more? Or should I just leave it?
Instinct tells me to leave it. If I push her it might set us back even further and no matter how much I want to kiss her right now, I have to think long term.
"Do you want me to take my toothbrush this time?" I ask, with a smile, deliberately lightening the moment.
She looks at me then and after a moment she relaxes and a little smile plays on her lips.
"Maybe an overnight bag?" she suggests lightly.
I grin, glad to see that she no longer looks quite so flustered now that we're back on familiar ground.
"About dinner…" I begin but she cuts me off.
"I'm sorry but I can't tonight, Jane, I've arranged to meet up with an old friend," she tells me regrettably and I feel a sudden sharp stab of jealousy to my heart.
What old friend? And is he male?
"Oh?" I manage to force out.
"Yeah, I haven't seen her in months otherwise I'd cancel. Can I take a rain check?" she queries as she looks at her watch and quickly turns to switch her computer off.
"Of course," I say, relieved to hear that her friend is a she. "What's one more?"
She suddenly stops to look at me and I can't quite make out what's going on in that cryptic mind of hers.
"I do want to have that dinner, Jane," she says. "I know it didn't happen last time but that McLean case…it got to me and I just…"
"You don't have to explain, Teresa, I understand," I assure her with a warm smile. "Really."
She knows that I do and nods abruptly before going back to tidying her desk in readiness to leave for the evening. I turn and go to the break room make myself a pot of tea. Cup and saucer in hand I head back to my second best girl and settle myself down on her for the night. She might not be the ideal conversationalist but her warm embrace sure does take a lot of beating.
I finish my drink and place the cup by the side of my couch just as Lisbon leaves her office.
"Goodnight, Lisbon, enjoy yourself this evening," I call out as I lie down and close my eyes.
I find it odd that she doesn't reply and it takes me a few seconds to realise that her footsteps are coming towards me rather than heading away. I open my eyes just as she comes to a stop by my couch then, without warning, she bends down and touches her lips to mine. It's brief and soft and leaves me wanting more as she pulls back slightly then, to my delight, she dips down towards me again.
I'm ready for her this time and I raise my hand to gently cup the back of her head as I eagerly kiss her back. My heart is thumping and pulse is racing as I finally get a proper taste of those enticing lips. They're soft and demanding and as desperately as I want to deepen our kiss, I know I have to hold myself back. I have to let her lead.
We part once more and I feel bereft as she stands back up and looks down at me with a surprised expression on her flushed face. She obviously hadn't intended the second kiss to happen and isn't quite sure how to deal with it. I remain silent so that she can gather her thoughts. I don't want to spoil the moment now.
"I…uh…I told you that I don't renege on bets," she finally says primly.
So, she's going with that excuse is she?
"And I told you that you wouldn't be able to stop at just one kiss," I reply a trifle smugly.
I expect the kick to the couch and welcome it gladly before she turns to go.
"Goodnight, Teresa," I say once more in a jovial tone.
"Ass," comes back her irritated reply.
I watch her walk away with a grin on my face and give her a wave as she glances back at me before getting into the elevator. She might have said it was about the bet but it's what she didn't say that is important; there was no coercion from where I lay.
I lie back down and let out a contented sigh. Whether she realises it or not, Teresa Lisbon has just let me know that she wants me.
Now I just have to get her to admit it to herself.
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