#seriously loved it tho i'm looking for inspo for the next one!!
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stingray-art · 7 months ago
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Black Whale, 12.5x12"
I tried quilting for the first time! It was super fun and I learned a lot. It's nowhere near perfect but I'm really proud of it!
Originally submitted for a mini event in @greedislandchallenge <3
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queenofbaws · 5 months ago
six sentence weekend...wrap-up??? for 2024, anyway ;P
hey friendos <3 as much as the inexorable march of time terrifies me, it is with a heavy heart i point out..............we're in the last leg of the year, and man. there are. some holidays a'comin. because of that (and a few other winterly obligations), i'm anticipating i probably won't be around much on the weekends for a hot minute 🥺
BUT!!! since i really, really love getting to do little drabbly request stuff during my downtime, i thought i might close out 2024 and start 2025 like this: opening my inbox, letting you guys throw some requests at me, and i'll just. do 'em when i do 'em. post a couple on the weekends here and there until i'm done.
if you're interested, i'm throwing a couple extra deets (and some potential prompt lists, oooooh) below the readmore!!! either way, as always, hope you're doing well out there <333
1. since i'm really going to be focusing most of my energy in the coming weeks on, like, surviving family thanksgiving. and other. horrifying. things. *widens eyes in usamerican politics* i'm probably not going to stick to SIX sentences specifically for these prompts, so i cannot and will not promise every fill will be, y'know. of equal length lmao maybe it'll be 6 sentences! maybe it'll be 7! maybe it'll be a page, i truly cannot say. PLEASE don't expect a fully fleshed out oneshot, however, these will still be on the shorter side!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reader beware, you're in for...an...unfair...number of...words.
oh god the seasonal madness is already taking hold.
2. if you'd like to read something i've posted here as part of these fills to ao3, feel free to let me know!!! i'm always happy to put stuff up there, i just typically use ao3 for longer things and tumblr for shorter ones, but i'm always, always, ALWAYS happy to oblige :)c and if you throw your ao3 username at me, i'm ALSO happy to gift you any work you've prompted yourself! <3
3. as always, i'd appreciate not getting requests for cl*mb*ng class or anything shippy involving travis h*ckett, jason k*lchek or gr*nthem du'm*t - anything NON-shippy is SO fine, totally a-okay, don't sweat that :P
4. truly cannot stress how slow i will likely be at these. i could very well still be filling stuff in, like, march, so know in advance i appreciate your patience hehe
5. stuff absolutely does NOT need to be holiday themed, please don't feel like you have to do that just because we're nearing the holiday season! if you ARE looking for inspo, tho, i've found a few prompt lists that look fun... ;)c just please be sure to include the entire prompt in your ask if you decide to pull from these lists - if you just say, like, "#14 for so-and-so" i won't know which list you're talking about 😔
aaaaaaaaand i think that's about it? uh, stay safe and have fun??? hehehe seriously tho, i hope these next few months treat us all kindly, and that we have some fun along the way <3
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cr-yellow · 2 years ago
1, 4, 17, 27, 33, 49, 58, 61, and 70
Despite the fact I've started an extremely long and detailed multi-chapter fic, which I love dearly, it is no secret that I prefer one-shots. I have a hard time finishing fic and one-shots leave no room for incomplete fics when I get too busy! They also tend to do better for me somehow.
4. My new ideas... I get a lot of inspo from other people, from other fics, and from fanart! I thrive off of other people a LOT. Sometimes I do just love rewatching something and letting my mind wander tho
17. When writing becomes difficult for me (which it often does) I usually just try to center myself with things that make me feel better about it. Rereading the fic itself to remember why I loved it, talking to other people about the fic, trying to be patient with myself to actually have fun with it, re-reading the heart-wrenching comments left for me (SERIOUSLY I LOVE THIS SM), and most of all remembering that creativity is an ebb and flow and I won't always be creative!
27. My favorite part of writing has to be when I actually complete something and put it out into the word. Whether that is a chapter or a one-shot, when I finally get to share this thing that I've been doing with others... it's so good. I also love being able to see the surprise when I give them a twist. My least favorite part has to be.. well sometimes I get to a scene, right? I've done some research, have to do more (ugh!) which feels like a lot. Then when I finally get to writing it, I don't know where I want the scene to go what's going to happen next. Even the tiny details like how they're going to stand. Getting over those little hurdles takes me a while sometimes. All I want to do is get into the meat of the dialogue! Ugh!
33. I do actually want to be published some day! I have something I've been working on for a long, long time but I've never had the confidence to really get into or finish. Lately I hit a slump with it and it kind of bummed me out for a while. I'm glad I can write other things like LWH.
49. Rude reviews... unfortunately for me I don't have a big enough pull in order to get comments like that. Usually I have an overwhelmingly positive response to my writing. There was once when I was just starting to write... *shudder* they dragged me all over Twitter. It was a whole thing. I kind of deserved it.
58. What part of writing do I like the most. Hm. This one is tough. Going to be totally honest here, I only outline fics like LWH that have a lot of details I don't want to mess up and I barely use or stick to the outline. I guess if I had to pick it would be between brainstorming and reading the final product. I get caught up in brainstorming a lot because I have so many ideas so quickly and its usually main plots and relationships. I have so many ideas that die in this phase and it kind of sucks, but I love the rush that comes with new exciting ideas. Reading the final product would probably be my fave part though- not the editing. Just. I like to come back to my fic after a while, like a few days or a week or so, and then reread it. And its like I get to read that fanfic I was looking for that tickles all the right spots. Because I did that. (Sometimes, if Ive waited long enough, I forget what happens and its all new to me!!)
61. I guess I continue writing fics for two reasons. (Im so sorry I'm indecisive). 1- I love being able to share them with people and see their reactions. it gets me every time. 2- recently I've been really into writing for me. It isn't just about other people. Especially with LWH where I've done so much research, it feels like. Heres this thing. I want to do it to finish it, yeah, to share it, maybe. But I really wanna do it because I like seeing where it goes and I like being able to apply my research in interesting ways.
70. I am So embarrassed to tell people I write. Like if I know you IRL there is NO way I'm telling you anything about my writing. Maybe because of being on Tumblr? IDK. But online I'm way more willing and happy to share cause. you're never going to look me in the eyes and know I wrote smut fanfiction about Sans/Komaeda. You're never going to know about the terrible things I've written about. If I just had LWH on my page, maybe, since I'm mostly proud of that even if it is a little weird, but... I have so many others.
Thank you so much for the Ask! I realize I don't talk much on here about my writing and my process. It's so fun!
Feel free to ask me more questions from here!
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