#seriously guys where have you been. she's been mtf trans since book 1.
wint-er · 2 years
Everyone saying that "we got confirmation that Kathleen/Celia is trans in foul lady fortune" clearly did not read the other two books very carefully because its explicitly stated in the very early chapters of these violent delights that Celia was born a male but was a girl. One of the first descriptions of her is of her jade pendent hiding her adams apple. Also, anyone still calling Celia 'Kathleen/Celia' is wrong. Her name is Celia. She hasn't been pretending to be Kathleen since before she joined the communists.
If you've finished Foul Lady Fortune and you're still referring to her as 'Kathleen/Celia' it's bordering on transphobic. I think it is mentioned 3 times (?) that she used to go my Kathleen and two of them were in the early book by Celia herself. Once when she was reflecting on her past, the second when her pendent came loose and Oliver fixed it.
The third time was by Rosalind and what actually happens is that she says "it had been a while since she had thought about Kathleen, the real Kathleen, the real Kathleen who hadn't reached her 15th birthday" or something along those lines
Other than that Celia is only ever referred to as Celia. Never Kathleen.
Her name is Celia. Not Kathleen. Use the right name for gods sake
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