#seriously did blizzard hire good writers for Legion
inquestorm · 9 months
I have a really weird relationship with WoW, I realise.
I haaaaaated the game when it first came out. Bounced off it repeatedly when I tried it various times over the years. The final time I tried it, in BFA era... I actually sort of enjoyed myself. But I only barely started Legion, which was the content I was really interested in, and never got to the atrocity that me and my co-author were hate-writing about.
And because of the way that Blizzard squished content down, I didn't get to spend much time in any expansion. Just got a taster, and then suddenly I was outlevelling everything. So I got basically none of the character moments.
And yet somehow I'm still here. Writing for characters I've never interacted with and have only read about. Bitching about plot developments I never experienced. Trawling the wiki for every scrap of material to ensure at least a modicum of consistency.
And something tells me that I'm never going to quite let go, because gods-fucking-dammit Warcraft 3 was one of the most important games I've ever played. And no matter how much Blizzard stomped over everything it did there, no matter how much terrible writing they force on us...
I still love this setting.
And given that the WoTLK soundtrack has joined my background list for when I'm working, I guess the music's good too.
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awryen-nyx · 6 years
A morning rant before sleep re:Broken Shore.
Ok...you know...the more I think about the writing surrounding the Broken Shore...the more it pisses me off.
I'm not a Horde player, so all I can say on Vol'jin is that he was robbed. I really wanted to see what they were gonna do with him. Alas, they fucked him over.
No, my biggest beef is thanks in part to what we saw at the Battle of Lordaeron.
And also due to a Varian/OC fanfic I follow.
Ok. Goodness knows I am pissed as FUCK at Jaina just disappearing at the end. Like, after the whole thing with Tirion, she just vanishes.
No. My biggest beef...is that a fanfic writer (a pretty good one actually), had her Fire Mage follow after him and before Gul'dan could kill him, fucking launches herself at Varian, wraps her arms around him, and teleports their asses away long enough for her to try a much farther teleport. Hire this woman Blizzard, she has much better ideas than you.
(you also have @galleywinter and her girl concecrating the ship, but you know, we can't have that can we?)
My biggest beef is that Jaina showed up to the Battle of Lordaeron with POWER LIEK WHOA and single handedly turned the tide to the Alliance's favor. She also teleported herself and three others to safety when they were at ground-fucking-zero.
So riddle me this...Jaina...who is one of two of Azeroth's most powerful mages...why did she not summon arcane canons to distract Gul'dan and his minions? Or to shoot the fuck out of the arm on that Fel Reaver/Destroyer/whatever? Or, you know, just FUCKING TELEPORT VARIAN OUT after he destroyed that thing?
Also, how did Genn miss her on the ship? How did ANYONE miss her? She was gone and then she was suddenly back in Stormwind to throw her hissy fit? Wat?
But no...she was conveniently forgotten in that last bit so Varian could die. I blame Sylvanas as much as any other diehard Alliance player (shitty communication on her part), but I almost put as much blame on Jaina. And I love Jaina, but I hate her, too.
But most of my blame is on the writers because, talk about an oversight.
Jaina better have been knocked out cold. Because anything else is just a really weak-as-fuck excuse.
We could have had more time for Anduin to grow into his role with his dad at his side, we could have had one of the better tacticians during that war against the Legion. All of the responsibility wouldn't have been on Khadgar so much.
(the whole abdication thing to focus on the military in @galleywinter fic makes some sense to me. let varian do what he does best: lead people in battle and strategize. let anduin be the voice for the people otherwise)
I just...Broken Shore makes no goddamn sense to me. The rest of Legion was fine, but Broken Shore? No. Shitty writing all around and we lost the best damn character in the game because of it.
Don't get me wrong. I am loving Anduin, but to get there was just shitty as fuck.
Thanks for coming to my morning TED Talk.
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