#seriously dick is supposed to be about college aged when talia shows up for the first time
boiwcndr · 3 months
do you think people remember that dick and talia were supposed to be around the same age when talia was introduced or is this knowledge that i'm still cursed with remembering every single time someone goes "talia beefed with a ten year old".
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
Getting to Know More
Fun facts about Terry McGinnis:
He was a notorious middle child in a HUGE family: Dick, Jason, Athanasia, Cassandra, Tim, Duke, Damian, Alina, himself, Helena, Thomas, Bruce Jr., and Matt. His extended family included Dick’s wife, and Dick’s kids, Thomas, Mar’i, and Jake; Jason’s adopted daughter Lian Harper; Tim’s wife, Stephanie; and Duke’s wife; Claire Clover. His extended, extended family also had Uncle Luke’s and Aunt Babs’ kids; Carrie and Nell, Bette Kane, Grampa Lucius, and, well, at this point one got the picture; huge ass colony of Bats living in Gotham here.
He shredded it where skateboard, hockey, motocross were concerned, but he had the coordination of a spaz for baseball and surfing.
His mom was awesome on epic proportions. Seriously, he didn’t know how she did it but she redefined super mom.
Another thing to know, he totally did not have a crush on the Princess of Atlantis, he was only going with her to this movie because he happened to like it, and because Mareena was the only chick he knew who didn’t like chick flicks (Mar’i, Helena, Lian, and Max could all go Suck It! He was going to see a damn action flick if it fucking killed him this year!) Mareena just also happened to like action flicks, which was why she was here with him.
Standing there in the theatre line he tried not to stare at Mareena who was hiding her identity under a hoodie she had stolen from his room when she had walk up to the Manor with a movie for them to see. Mareena did not have friends in Atlantis who appreciated the arts of action flicks. Terry didn’t care though, he was no longer being that weirdo who was going to a theatre alone. Also, she was a chick Dana could not get jealous over and drive him insane. He would think college meant that the drama would die off with the age grow up, but apparently not. And he was not getting blue balls because Dana was having imaginary jealous fits over imaginary slights.
“Why can the line not move faster,” Mareena huffed.
“Because the line is moving this pace because people are slow. Besides, we’re ahead of the line for the premiere line,” he jabbed his thumb over his shoulder to show her. Mareena frowned.
“You people are annoying,” Mareena said icily.
“How are we annoying, you wanted to go to this movie, so I’m going with you to see this movie,” he said.
“I would’ve asked someone else, but,” she started.
“There’s no one but Don and Dawn, and we both know there’s no way in hell that Barry and Iris would let them come.”
“I could’ve gone to New Krypton,” Mareena argued.
“Oh yes, because watching their movies is so entertaining,” Terry rolled his eyes.
“You land dwellers have no appreciation for the fine arts of moving with a flow,” Mareena argued.
“Pipe down, and don’t draw attention of the paparazzi,” he snapped when her hood started falling off of her head, which had him pulling it more firmly over the green hair of hers. Only disadvantage of going to the movies with Mareena was the fact her hair glowed in the dark. But other than that, trade offs, made it worth it!
“You do realize they’d be more inclined to notice you and not me, right?”
“I’m wearing a Gotham Knights cap, and I am not royalty, I’m just one of a hundred Wayne kids,” Terry point out.
“I thought you were a Prince,” Mareena said.
“No, I’m a Wayne,” he said. “Not royalty.”
“You are also…” she held up her index fingers by her head and smiled a bit.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t count,” he shrugged. Dick had been Batman, Jason had briefly been to save Dick’s wedding, Cass currently was, Damian was next. It wasn’t anything special anymore, it wasn’t special in the family he belonged in. Though B was still the control freak behind the scenes for them so technically B was still the Bat.
“Why not?”
“Cause B’s the big man in charge.”
“Your dad is in a wheelchair,” Mareena pointed out.
“Partial paralyses is not a disability, it just means his legs have to take a break sometimes and Mom has to push him around, it’s not abnormal to what normally happens with him,” he shrugged.
“You guys have issues,” Mareena stated.
Terry merely shrugged. “Dad’s fine, we’re fine, it’s all fine!” he snorted.
“Last time you said that everything was on fire,” Mareena stated.
“Let me restate we’re fine. But mostly keep your hair away so I don’t have to explain to Dana why the hell I’m seen with another woman.” Terry stated.
“Ah, the nefarious Dana, why are you still dating that woman?” Mareena asked. “She was bratty when you were a teen, she’s worse now.”
“Not all of us get fairy tale romances,” Terry shrugged. “Besides, I like sex, sex is a great relief to the stress of everything.”
“You sound like a cad.”
“You should hear my sisters talk,” he shrugged. Mar’i, Helena, Max, and Lian were way worse than him about the sex talks, girls were all about feelings, and emotions and connections, it was annoying, and they always talked about it and guys! Terry probably knew more about women than the average guy and it was a disturbing amount information his sisters had given him. And just to clarify, he thought of Mar’i, Lian and Max as his sisters because he had known them since he was in diapers! It was hard to think of them as anything remotely close to something other than sisters.
“And you shouldn’t knock down romance,” Mareena stated. “Your family has the most epic love stories according to my father. Other than maybe Diana and Steve’s.”
“You’re nuts!” he sputtered.
“Am not, the story of B and Selina, Dick and Kori, Jason and Raven, Tim and Stephanie, B and Talia,” she stated. “Epic romances.”
“That’s just gross, and disturbing to think about my family’s love lives,” he grimaced.
“You guys are secret sweethearts I bet,” Mareena decided with a cheeky smile.
“We are the Knight! We are the Terror of Nightmares! We are NOT Sweethearts! Even Alina is even an epic of epic badasses,” he argued. His phone buzzed and he pulled it out to see the text was from his mom.
“What’s up?”
“After the movie we need to go get Matt, Carrie, Tommy and Nell from school. Babs and Luke had to go to Africa,” he said.
“So we’ll get them, get a slice, and then I’ll drop you off, or are you tubing?” he asked.
“Why would I be tubing?”
“Cause it’s up or down with you,” he retorted.
“Can I stay? I haven’t hung around the surface too much, and I do not want to go to the Tower,” she said.
“Yeah. Julia will help us set up a room for you,” Terry said. Julia had come to Gotham recently because Alfred was sick.
“Who is Julia?” Mareena asked.
“Julia is Alfred’s daughter,” he answered.
“Alfred is not B’s father?” she said in bizarre wonderment.
“Uh… yeah, not a secret,” he pointed out. “Alfred is awesome, and he’s totally grandpa, but he’s not blood.” Terry shrugged.
“WHAT!?” Mareena sputtered. Terry jumped a bit as he stared at her bewildered expressioned.
“He’s not blood!?”
“No, I mean, like ninety percent of my family isn’t blood.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “It’s not news.”
“I…” she started. “I always thought you were related,” he said.
“Black hair, blue eyes, ungodly pale.”
“What about Duke or Damian!?” he sputtered.
“Okay, so you don’t all look alike,” she rolled her eyes.
“Exactly, and we are all pretty much adopted. Only Athanasia, Damian, Alina, Helena, Tommy, Junior, Matt and I are actually B’s blood kids.”
“I thought you were just… you know, cause you’re a huge family and dad says B started young, really young, so I just assumed,” she shrugged.
“It’s all public record,” he shrugged. “B hasn’t been shy about it. Dick, Babs, Jason, Cass, Tim, Duke, Steph, technically and kind of, Harper, Cullen, Bette, and Renee.”
“I just thought you were related, and I thought you were also, you know,” she shrugged innocently.
“What else did you think we were!?” He sputtered.
“Vampires,” she said innocently.
“I hate dad for starting that rumor,” Terry muttered sourly.
“That one is funny though!” She persisted. “Hal told me, before I met you guys, that you were all demons.”
“Well, Rae is,” he shrugged.
“I thought your dad was big anti- anything that isn’t human marrying into my family,” Mareena said.
“Luci made valid points which had B accepting the fact marrying into a family as divine and powerful as Rae’s is a… you know, it’s kind of a divine honor,” Terry shrugged. “Besides, I didn’t know they weren’t married until they were officially married.”
“You didn’t know they weren’t married?” Mareena asked.
“They’ve been together since I was in diapers,” Terry shrugged.
“Yes really. I’m pretty sure they were the ones who found me,” Terry said.
“I’m learning more about you than I ever thought possible.”
“All of this is actually public record.”
“Really?” she asked skeptically.
“My biological mother was Mary McGinnis, she was married to Warren McGinnis, they died in a car crash when I was three days old and they were driving home from the hospital. I’m technically property of A.R.G.U.S. so Waller took me in, Jason found me about a year later,” Terry explained.
“That’s weird,” she decided.
“No, what’s weirder is the fact that Matt is my full brother,” Terry stated. “Mary and Warren were dead five years before Matt was even conceived, and he’s my full brother.”
“I thought you were B’s blood son,” Mareena said carefully.
“I am. Waller injected a serum into Warren McGinnis’ DNA to scramble his own DNA to match with Bruce’s. Warren was a chimera essentially thanks to Waller’s tinkering,” Terry said. “I’m a ‘clone’ of Bruce’s in a way or I was supposed to be with what Waller set up, and I’m his son, but NO, he did not get involved in the conception of me or my blood brother Matt. He’s the genetic material for us. He’s still Dad though since he’s well, Dad,” Terry shrugged.
“That’s complicated.”
“That’s my family. Also, completely public record,” he shrugged.
“You’re not normal,” she said icily.
“What!? I’m completely normal! I’m going to a movie, and with you no less, in broad daylight, and I’m not turning to ash because of the sun either!” he smiled.
“You’re sounding like a assbutt,” she muttered.
“Asshole,” he corrected. “And you started it.”
“What did you expect from my family?” she asked.
“Lots of energy,” he answered honestly. “Dad always said that you guys were energetic like no tomorrow and wild, also unpredictable, dangerous, and loud, very loud.”
“You expected that!?” she sputtered.
“Did you think I was expecting a mermaid from Little Mermaid, fishtail and all?” he asked her.
“Nah,” he shrugged.
“You’re an ass,” she informed him.
“I’m aware.”
“Besides, I’m a you know,” he shrugged. “Being unpleasant and assholes in general are required.”
“Oh! The ticket booth! And next time we are dropping your family name to get into the movie.”
“You wanted to be a normal American teen this time instead of being a Princess of you know,” he said.
“I did not want that. You wanted that. Freaking love of invisibility. I swear if you were metas you’d all be like that.”
“Rae cast an invisibility spell once, that was awesome, terrifying and cool.”
“Oh, the demons were hunting her, I was like seven, and it was a giant hide and seek game,” Terry said.
“That’s not normal.”
“You grew up under the sea,” he pointed out.
“You grew up in Gotham.”
“I don’t like you right now,” she decided.
“You adore me, I’m paying for the movie,” he pointed out.
“True,” she decided.
“Awe, you two are an adorable couple!” the ticket attendant said when they stepped up to buy the tickets for S.O.S. “First date?”
“We’re not a couple,” Terry stated as he paid for the tickets.
“But we are friends!” Mareena declared slinging her arm around his shoulders.
“You adore me!” she declared.
Terry rolled his eyes as the ticket clerk chuckled but gave them their tickets. “I’ll spring for the snacks, you get the good seats,” he ordered as they had their ticket punched and walked into the crowd.
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