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goodeveningtalos · 8 years ago
😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before.
😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before.
💉: Talking to you or seeing you on my dash makes me feel better.
🌊: You have a lot of personality.
😐: I don’t understand half the things you reblog but I support you anyway.
🎭: You sure do get into a lot of drama…
😀: I would consider us friends.
🎉: I get really happy when I see positive personal posts from you, even when I don’t fully understand the context!
✨: Could you, like, chill a little bit maybe? Like in general? Please?
😂: I’m comfortable around you.
👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person.
💕: I love you‼︎
Awwww, thanks dude
send me some emojis
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youngsamberg · 8 years ago
Your Will & Grace blogging caused me to recently have a dream about Bonnie & Clyde but instead of B&C it was W&G but I don't know what W&G look like so it was what I IMAGINED them to look like which was Jane Fonda (as she looks in Grace & Frankie) and Toby Kebbell (as he looks in Kong) and the time was period-accurate to when Bonnie & Clyde were around but they wore their outfits (modern grandma clothes + 70's military uniform) from those pieces of media and nobody mentioned it
oh my god
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dineshgilfoyle · 8 years ago
@sergeyfromgoogle oh awesome! I'll check it out!
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capsexpress · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
Sister woke me up from a nap with a call telling me to come downstairs. Damn I love her. submitted by /u/sergeyfromgoogle /r/trees - home of the ents
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maximoffdanvers · 8 years ago
Fear The Walking Dead
The first character I first fell in love with: Nick
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Victor
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Alicia (i don’t hate her but she’s definitely overrated imo)
The character I love that everyone else hates: Chris (i miss u bby)
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Don’t really have any
The character I would totally smooch: Ofelia & Alicia
The character I’d want to be like: Honestly, I don’t know
The character I’d slap: I honestly can’t remember any characters but the mains and I don’t really want to slap any of them lol (i haven’t started s3 mind me) 
A pairing that I love: I don’t ship anything on this show tbh
A pairing that I despise: ^^
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maximoffdanvers · 8 years ago
1. Any scars? - Yeah
2. Self harmed? - Yeah
3. Crush? - No
4. Kissed anyone? - No
5. Coke or Pepsi? - Coke
6. Someone you hate? - Tay/lor S/wift
7. Best friends? - I don’t have any irl honestly
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? - No
9. What’s your dream job? - Actress or makeup artist
10. Ever been in love? - No
11. Last time you cried? - Today
12. Favorite color? - Green
13. Height? - 5′3 and a half (that’s what i was the last time i got measured like a year ago, anyway)
14. Birthday? - March 13th
15. Eye color? - Blue
16. Hair color? - Red (like ariel,,,but darker)
17. What do you love? - Animals and superheroes
18. Obsession? - Idk
19. If you had one wish, what would it be? - Finish school with good grades and never have to worry about it again
20. Do you love someone? - No
21. Kiss or hug? - Hug
22. Nicknames people call you? - Nothing
23. Favorite song? - Rn it’s Strangers by Halsey ft. Lauren
24. Favorite band? - I like too many
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? - I don’t know
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? - I don’t know
27. Something you would change about yourself? - I really want a flat stomach 
28. Ever dated someone? - No fuck that
29. Worst mistake? - I can think of too many answers for this but I don’t want to be dramatic
30. Watch the movie or read the book? - Watch the movie I’m too fucking lazy to read
31. Ever had a heartbreak? - No
32. Favorite show? - Too many
33. Best day of your life? - Not sure
34. Any talents? - No
35. Do you wish you could ever start over? - Always
36. Any bad habits? - Nail biting
37. Ever had a near death experience? - Not really
38. Someone you can tell anything to? - My mom (minus a few things that i don’t tell anyone)
39. Ever lost a loved one? - No
40. Do you believe in love? - No
41. Someone you hate/dislike? - Didn’t I already answer this?
42. Are you okay? - No, but when am I ever
43. Relationship status? - Single
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maximoffdanvers · 8 years ago
Nebula, Lexa, Logan (Wolverine), and Amaya Jiwe
Nebula(contains gotg2 spoilers obvi)
Why I like them: she’s just such a badass and her character has developed amazingly and her personality speaks to me so much i just lOVE HER
Why I don’t: there are no reasons at all
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the scene where she saves gamora at the end of gotg2
Favorite season/movie: gotg2
Favorite line: “you’re the one who wanted to win, but i just wanted a sister.”
Favorite outfit: the one in gotg2 i guess??
OTP: her + happiness 
Favorite Friendship: not a friendship since she’s her sister, but her and gamora’s relationship built up so nicely
Head Canon: she stayed with the guardians at the end of the movie instead of going away on her own and she helps them on missions, yells at the boys with gamora, kicks ass and is just overall the best person on the team imo
Unpopular opinion: don’t really have any
A wish: for her to get the credit she deserves!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: IF SHE EVER DIES I WILL KILL A BITCH
5 words to best describe them: i dunno
My nickname for them: i just like calling her nebula tbh
Why I like them: she’s powerful and a really great example of a strong female character
Why I don’t: there aren’t very many 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): watch the thrones
Favorite season/movie: s3
Favorite line: “i thought i’d never get over the pain, but i did.”
Favorite outfit: the outfit she was wearing in 3x07…before….yeah
OTP: her and clarke
Favorite Friendship: hers and octavias
Head Canon: she lived
Unpopular opinion: 99% of her fans are fucking annoying and i want them to choke on acid
A wish: that she didn’t have such a shitty fandom so everything didn’t become a shitshow after she died 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: idk 
5 words to best describe them: THESE ARE COMPLICATED I HAVE NO CLUE
My nickname for them: just lexa
Logan (big spoilers for logan)
Why I like them: he’s one of the characters i grew up with & i love him so much :( 
Why I don’t: one of my faves, again can’t think of something for this
Favorite episode (scene if movie): all of his “go fuck yourself” kind of moments 
Favorite season/movie: logan
Favorite line: “so this is what it feels like.” even though it makes me cry every damn time
Favorite outfit: white tanktop
OTP: him and anna were pretty cute
Favorite Friendship: charles
Head Canon: he lived, went with the kids at the end of logan and him and laura kicked ass together
Unpopular opinion: no clue
A wish: that he didn’t die
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: everything bad has already happened at this point
5 words to best describe them: why is this so complicated for me LMAO
My nickname for them: don’t have one
Why I like them: she’s such a powerful character and she inspires me a lot
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 2x13
Favorite season/movie: s2 obvs
Favorite line: “don’t deny the animal. don’t let it control you, either. i can help you. believe me, i know a thing or two about controlling wild beasts.”
Favorite outfit: her outfit in 2x06, along w the black leather outfit in 2x16
OTP: her and sara
Favorite Friendship: her and mick, ray and nate
Head Canon: don’t have any really (but i’m awful with hc’s)
Unpopular opinion: i don’t ship her with nate, ray or mick, i prefer them all as brotps
A wish: let her date a girl
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: DON’T KILL HER
5 words to best describe them: strong, courageous, brave, caring and badass
My nickname for them: just amaya
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maximoffdanvers · 7 years ago
i was tagged by @livwholikestv to list my top 10 female faves & tag 10 people.
(these aren’t in order bc i'd cry if i had to do that tbh)
diana prince
sara lance
wynonna earp
laurel lance
ellie williams
octavia blake
kara danvers
amaya jiwe
wanda maximoff
lena luthor
i could’ve put soooo many more, this was so difficult! 
i tag: @caitlinslance, @richardson-sellers, @elektranatchyos, @willsrolands, @smutfornerds, @dracosmalfoy, @gal-gadot, @sergeyfromgoogle, @harrydraco & @quakebeats <3
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