#serevent inhaler concerns
diginerve · 4 months
Respiratory Medicine: Current Trends in Asthma and COPD Management
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are chronic respiratory conditions that are very common, not just in people of one country but worldwide.
Though both problems are distinct, sometimes COPD is mistaken as asthma because the two have almost the same symptoms.
Below is the information that will help you differentiate both: 
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the airways at both a cellular and molecular level. Asthmatics often suffer from allergies, and their symptoms begin in childhood.
COPD, on the other hand, is characterized by impaired airflow that cannot be reversed. It usually develops later in life.
After gaining some insight into the impact of both diseases on health, you might get concerned about the situation. But the good news is that with the increasing number of asthma and COPD patients, awareness and research for better treatment for these conditions have also increased. To ease the lives of people suffering from these issues, our scientists work day and night to create Oral and intravenous corticosteroids. Additionally, students pursuing an MD in medicine put in their 100% effort so that in the future, they can do more advanced-level research and invent new drugs. 
The following are the current Asthma and COPD Management trends that you should be aware of!
Current Trends in Asthma & COPD Management 
Asthma & COPD management aims to control symptoms, prevent exacerbations, and minimize the risk of persistent airflow limitation and asthma-related death.
The following are the current trends in management that you should be aware of if you are interested in studying Respiratory Medicine:
Inhalers and Nebulizers: Inhalable medications such as Fasenra, Dupixent, Ventolin, salbutamol, and terbutaline are the first-line treatments for respiratory diseases. With the advancement of medical science, the market has seen a surge in the development of more efficient and user-friendly inhaler devices, which ensure better compliance and improved drug delivery.
Despite the initial treatment, if you still struggle with the issue, consult with your doctor to pursue a second line of action.
For Asthma, second-line drugs include heliox, magnesium sulfate, ketamine, and inhalational anesthetics.
For COPD,second-line options include tiotropium, salmeterol (Serevent), formoterol (Foradil), ipratropium, albuterol/ipratropium (Combivent), and levalbuterol (Xopenex).
Biologics Medicine: The emerging trends in therapies for lung diseases have pointed toward the use of monoclonal humanized antibodies, which are referred to as biologics.
These therapies target the specific immune system components responsible for asthma and COPD, increasing the chances of better outcomes.
Digital Health Solutions: The digital revolution is not only uplifting our lifestyle but also playing a critical role in improving our health. Now, with the invention of wearable devices that can track respiratory health, patients can help themselves escape serious respiratory conditions where they have to rush to the hospital.
Personalized medicine: Another prominent trend is treatment tailored to the patient's unique genetic and molecular profile. Because every person might have different causes of problems, symptoms, and responses toward particular drugs, this approach should become more common in the coming years. 
Apart from the treatment listed above, for people suffering from asthma and COPD, it is possible to manage their condition before the problem gets out of hand.
The following are the steps they can take:
Identify and avoid triggers like allergens, irritants like smoke and pollution, and respiratory infections.
Get regular vaccinations for influenza and pneumonia.
Quit Smoking
Control weight
Summary: We hope you found the above information helpful. Though the information in the article was basic, if you want in depth knowledge of the Clinical manifestation for COPD and the management of Asthma attack, enroll in our medicine md online course now!
Opt for a Medicine MD course!
This course is designed to address the gaps in clinical skills and help students grasp the subject fully.
The course covers various medical specialties, including Neurology, Cardiology, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Hepatology, Pulmonary and Chest Medicine, and rheumatology. 
So, don’t wait to take a step closer to your dress, enroll in the course now! 
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Could you do Kou, Hanako & Tsukasa with an asthmatic s/o who has a really bad asthma attack (they forgot their inhaler)? The reader never told them they had asthma so at first they had no clue what was going on and started to panic. (Mostly kou and hanako) you can search what a sereve asthma attack is like on google, its hard for me to explain even tho I've got asthma myself.😅
Kou, Hanako, and Tsukasa with a s/o who has asthma❣︎
Warnings: none
A/n: Hello!!! I searched it up and read on it so I think I know what it is now!!
I’m so sorry you have asthma, it sounds awful! I don’t have asthma myself but it sounds like my worst nightmare
I hope you can find some kind of cure or comfort for your asthma- I hope this fic is your comfort-
Anyways, I hope you have a great day or night and enjoy!!
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You let the fresh air fill your lungs, enjoying the beautiful smell that came with it. The smell of sweet and spicy filled your senses and you sighed in satisfaction. You loved to have these moments with your boyfriend. Kou loved to cook and he especially loved to cook for you.
At least once every month, he will make sure to cook you all your favorite things. He had your favorite foods, favorite desserts, and even your favorite drink ready for you. He would set up a special spot for you two to sit and enjoy the atmosphere. Every spot is different, but today you two were on a little bridge with a good view of the lake that flowed under it.
“Thank you for bringing me here!” You smiled and he looked up from his meal
“Of course! I love to cook for you so I am glad we can come here!” He smiled, his cheeks tinted with pink. You continue eating your meal, letting the flavors fill your tastebuds with joy.
You smiled as you did so until your chest began to tighten. You quickly spit the food in your mouth into a napkin, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. You set your plate down, trying to relax yourself. It was just a small asthma attack, it will be over soon. However, this wasn’t the case. You only felt your chest tighten more which made you start to cough, desperate for any air you can get. Kou noticed this change in atmosphere and placed his food down as well.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” He asked, concern being heard in his voice.
“Yeah-“ You coughed out “Just… can’t breath-“ At this point it was hard for you to talk. You wanted to say something but no words would come out. You shoved your hands into your pockets, desperately looking for your inhaler. You felt your heart sink when you realized it was not in your pockets and you left it at home.
You placed your hands on your chest, gripping your clothes tightly as you tried to breathe in. Only a little bit of air was entering your lungs and your face started to become pale. Kou quickly ran to your side, gripping onto your shoulders.
“Y/n?! Are you choking?!” His voice was frantic but you shook your head. “What can I do to help?!”
He was desperate himself. Why weren’t you breathing?
Was he going to lose you? He can’t lose you.
His freaking out didn’t help you at all and you gripped his arm in a way to tell him to calm down. It was painful. You felt like you were suffocating but he needed to calm down before he could help you.
He bit his bottom lip and cupped your cheeks, resting his forehead on yours. He tried his best to hold in his tears, knowing he has to be the bigger person for you right now.
“It’s going to be okay, you will be okay just take deep breaths” he whispers to you, hoping that he can calm you down this way. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly to help ease your pain as you coughed.
Kou looked around for the nearest people if he had to ask someone to call the emergency hospital but he would only do that if you signaled him too.
After a while, your breathing started to become slower and you were letting the right amount of air fill your lungs. You had tears in your eyes from the pain of not breathing, opening your eyes to see your concerned boyfriend looking at you in fear.
“I’m okay…” You whispered to him “I’m sorry”
“Please don’t be sorry, this wasn’t your fault. But what was… this?” He asked, still keeping you close.
“Asthma… I left my inhaler at home and this one came out of nowhere.. I didn’t think it would be so bad at first..”
“You have asthma?”
“Yeah, I should have told you earlier huh…”
He wasted no time to hug you tightly. He smiled knowing you were okay.
“I thought I was going to lose you… I was so scared..” He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. You hugged him back, resting your head on his chest.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere..” You reassured him.
“I love you, Y/n”
“I love you too, Kou”
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You groaned, laying your head on your desk. Your teachers words went in one ear and out the other. It was obvious you weren’t paying attention but you didn’t care. You wanted to sleep. You started to doze off until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“You shouldn’t sleep in class~” Hanako whispered close to your ear. You quickly sat up and shoved him off of you, your face flushed from the shock.
“Hanako? What are you doing here?!” You whispered rather loudly.
“I just wanted to visit my one and only~” He looked at you with a smug look. You huffed your cheeks and turned away, resting your chin on your hand.
Everything was normal. Hanako came and played with your hair as you ignored your teacher. But it didn’t seem all that normal to you, something was off. You looked around, feeling your chest tighten up. You covered your mouth with your arm to cough, trying to be as quietv as possible. Soon you couldn’t help but cough as you felt you couldn’t breathe.
You tried to hold in a cough as you grabbed your bag, looking for your inhaler. After desperately searching for your inhaler you realized you didn’t have one on you. Realization settled in on you, you were never in this kind of situation before, you always kept an inhaler on you just in case of emergencies like this. You felt your chest tighten even more and you tired to gasp as much air as you could.
“Hm? Do you need to use the restroom?” Hanako asked as he looked over your shoulder. You didn’t know how to respond. You couldn’t even respond if you knew what you were going to say.
You didn’t want to make a scene in front of your class. That was the last thing you wanted to do. Hanako floated in front of you and cupped your cheeks in his hands, noticing your lack of breath.
“Y/n, you need to go to the nurse.. something is wrong…” You could tell Hanako was freaking out. The way he stuttered on his words, wondering what the best thing for you to do is.
“Tsuchigomori!!” Hanako called to your teacher. He stopped talking for a brief moment to let Hanako say what he needed to say. “Y/n stopped breathing, I’m going to take her to the nurse!” This caused the teacher to turn to you in shock. He already knew you had asthma but he didn’t expect you to have an asthma attack in the middle of class.
“Y/n, please go to the nurse.” Tsuchigomori tells you and you look up at your teacher. You sucked in as much oxygen as you could and responded yes before quickly getting up and walking out the door.
As soon as you were away from the students view, Hanako picked you up and ran to the nurses office with you. You continued to violently cough and wheeze, trying to get as much air into your lungs as possible. Once you got to the nurses office, he dropped you off in the front but helped you inside, holding onto your arm.
A nurse looked over to you, quickly recognizing you. She noticed your coughing and rushed over to you.
“Y/n, can you breathe?” The nurse asked you and you shook your head. She ran to the back and came back with a inhaler that had your name on it. She quickly handed you the inhaler and you put it to your mouth and breathed in. It took a while for you to breathe normally again, a bit shocked from what happened.
“Y/n…” Hanako opened his arms for a hug, not wanting to put any more pressure on you. You looked and him and nodded, telling him it was okay and he hugged you tightly.
“I’m sorry… why didn’t you tell me earlier..?” He asks
“My asthma…? I didn’t think it was a big deal and I didn’t think I should bring it up..” You frowned and looked down. He moved so his face was facing yours, his brows furrowed as he looked at you.
“I want to know this stuff… I don’t want you to stop breathing and I won’t know what to do.. I want to help you as much as I can but I need you to tell me”
“I’m sorry…” You muttered.
“It’s okay…” he hugged you again and chuckled “Now I know I need to keep a inhaler on me if you need it..”
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You felt the warmth of the sun on your skin and a light breeze hit your back. You smiled as you heard the giggles that came from Tsukasa who was beside you. Hearing him laugh and having fun always made you happy. This was definitely a break from what was happening in the broadcasting room. Natsuhiko wouldn’t shut up about his love for Sakura and you two needed a break so you left.
Tsukasa and you walked around the school, taking in the scenery that came with it. Every once and a while Tsukasa would pick something up and bring it to you like a child does when they find a bug in the park that they want to show their mother. It brought you joy to see him like this, it's not often you two get alone time so you wanted to cherish this moment.
“Y/n!!” Tsukasa smiled brightly and brought you a tulip. You examined the tulip, it was in good condition which showed that whoever worked on it spent a lot of time caring for it.
“Thank you!” You smiled as you took the flower in your hand, examining the delicate thing. You smiled softly as you looked back at him. He tried to examine your facial features, wishing that he had the ability to read your mind.
“What is it, Tsu?” You blinked a few times before he opened his mouth to answer you
“What do you think of the flower??” He was excited to hear your answer.
“I love it, it is very beautiful!”
“I’m trying to find a flower that you will love! I won’t stop until I find the perfect flower for you!”
“That’s so sweet of you! You don’t have too if you don’t want to-“
“I want to!!” His words make you blush, not expecting him to actually want to do this for you.
“Thank you, Tsukasa” You smiled and he ran off. You let the air fill your lungs but you felt your chest tighten after you did so. You reached in your pocket to grab your inhaler but was shocked to see it wasn’t there. This only made your heart race more but you knew that that wasn’t good in the situation you were now in.
You tried to calm yourself down, not wanting to have an asthma attack here of all places. However, this feeling did not go away but it only got worse. By the time Tsukasa got back you were gasping for air but was unable to get as much as you needed. Tsukasa was confused by this and rushed to your side.
“Hey, what's wrong?” He asked as he looked up at you. You tried to answer him but nothing came out. He knew that something wasn’t right and he now took the situation more seriously. He picked you up and took you back inside the school, looking for Sakura. He didn’t know what was going on and he hoped that she would know. He ran to the broadcasting room where she was.
“Sakura! Something is wrong with Y/n!” Tsukasa sounded desperate and like he was about to cry which surprised the girl. She looked over to you as you coughed.
“Is she having an asthma attack?” The green haired girl stood up from her seat.
“I don’t know…” Tsukasa held you closer to him. She walked over to you and noticed you weren’t breathing and knew you were having a severe asthma attack.
“She is having an asthma attack, give her room to breathe Tsukasa, she needs air.” She was visibly not panicking and ran to the nurse to get a spare inhaler. Tsukasa didn’t squeeze you as tight, wanting you to breathe. You wheezed and coughed in his arms, your eyes filled with tears due to the pain.
“Try and breathe.. please try and breathe” He whispered to you, not wanting you to stop trying to breathe “You will be okay, I promise”
Sakura soon came back with a spare inhaler and gave it to you which you quickly put to your mouth and used. You felt yourself calm down a bit as you laid in Tsukasa’s arms, tired.
“She had an asthma attack but she should be okay now.. just give her a moment. I’ll get you a glass of water” Sakura told you two before she left.
“What happened…?” Tsukasa frowned.
“That was an asthma attack.. I didn’t have my inhaler with me and I started to panic…” You whispered back to him.
“You should always have your inhaler! I don’t want anything like this to happen again!” He was serious as he pouted and it only made you laugh
“It won’t happen again, I promise..”
Tagging~ @bladethrowsshade @old-poptart @hanako-san @cobertoravermelhado
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