#serenscarlett edits
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serenofroses · 2 months ago
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Ania & Jazmyn in character modernisation update.
happy life day and birthday to them. <3
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years ago
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"What's the matter, darling?" they asked in a low tone, "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"What do you want, Jadus?" Ania snapped with venom in her tongue, lest she kept her distance from them.
"Now, now..." they chided her, "You should've known better to loosen the hostility towards me."
wip wednesday whenever theme. unexpected guest snippet that I've been meaning to redo the screenies with transfem! Jadus.
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lordviridis · 3 years ago
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Thank you @serenscarlett for the tag! Took a while to get to this, last week has been quite tiring with recovering from covid. So have a little snippet that's more an alternative pov to a Fictober fic from last October. With any luck I'll get this edited and published at some point.
No-pressure tagging: @anecdotesandelderthings, @sithhoplite, and @rainofaugustsith
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Mortis is quick to strengthen the Force shield, not wanting to become a casualty of the deadly power. He hadn’t expected- Aleena… she’s pulsing in the Force, alive, source of the storm that has engulfed the room. 
She’s clearly not focusing on the world around her, too absorbed in something else. Whatever the Padawan had said he would guess. She’s only few steps away, yet every one he takes is slow and heavy, his shield straining against the battering. He only wishes to reach her before the storm consumes her as well.
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serenofroses · 2 months ago
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the current main ocs apart of my swtor legacy via Sims 4.
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serenofroses · 9 months ago
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out of context 7.5 spoiler but make it memey.
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serenofroses · 1 year ago
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a shitpost at this finest hour.
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serenofroses · 11 months ago
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I dedicate this meme to @ashesfromfrost
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serenofroses · 1 month ago
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“I have no desire to dispose of you, my dear Agent. Killing you would be a waste of my resources,” Jadis told her, “I, however, have a better *substitution* for you." Sleep. It was the last thing Ania heard before unconsciousness took over as the shadow tendrils slowly released its grips and her body collapsed into the Sith’s arms. ~ snippets from the Dark Meeting oneshot.
Ania x Darth Jadis: [22/?] sw:tor Nevrakis legacy.
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serenofroses · 6 days ago
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Jazmyn x Lord Minerva: [1/?]
sw:tor Nevrakis legacy.
short snippet under readmore.
"You are not planning to leave so soon?"
Jazmyn was startled upon the voice filled the quiet hull of the starship, turning face to face with a pale tattooed Sith leaned against the doorframe and made herself welcomed at "home".
The young Jedi wasn't sure how did she acquire entry into the ship without the security code--she was left to speculate Tau let her in or perhaps she bypassed the system with Holiday's assistance. There was too many assumptions for her to mind to grasp for reasons.
Frankly, she doesn't care about that right now. She really need to leave this planet as soon as possible once the rest of her crew returned from supplies runs. The corruption had been subdued that prevented the spread of unspeakable disasters and the artifact that caused it was perished for good rather than returning it to Tython as the Masters requested.
"I'm afraid so. The longer I remain here, the more danger I'll be in." Jazmyn admitted with little truth in her words.
The Sith's icy white eyes filled with a cold flame fixated at her. "Back to the Jedi? A shame." Minerva sounded disappointed, she stepped away from the doorframe towards the red-haired woman.
"Sorry to disappoint you but our business was concluded." she claimed.
Minerva chuckled, "Was it? Who to say that our partnership have to end here? I believe you still owe me something."
Jazmyn raised her hand up but her wrist was caught on by Minerva and rolled down the sleeves to expose her forearm. A mark was formed on her skin when she made a Bond with Tau since her departure from Tython and in dire contact of the Noetikons.
And now the mark had expanded with the inclusion of Minerva.
Jazmyn made an exapersated huff, "You forced my hand in a complicated situation. You didn't give me much of a choice."
"I know because you were unwilling to work with me." Minerva reminded, "Without my help, you would've not lasted long to supress the corruption alone."
The former Sith was right. Had she not accepted Minerva's help to forge a Life Bond with her because of her own power, she wouldn't made it out alive, even with Tau as her other Bond she forged.
Her mission was critical to begin with. And it impacted the fate of the Galaxy.
"… You have a point. I suppose we can still work together when the opportunity arise."
"You won't regret it." Minerva released her grip off Jazmyn's wrist and rest her hand underneath her chin to lift her face as their eyes met, "So pretty Jedi," her tone changed to charm her seduction onto the Jedi, "Remember you still own me."
"What did I promised--"
Jazmyn was cut off as Minerva made the move to lean in to brush her lips against hers. She now recalled what "payment" she had promised to Minerva in agreement for helping out.
'I'm not interested in credits. A kiss from a pretty Jedi like you would suffice.'
The young Jedi blushed hard--feeling her cheeks and body flushed with warmth, her stomach twisted and turned with butterflies. Jazmyn wrapped her arms around the Sith's neck and pulled down close to deepen the kiss. Minerva's lip were firm but soft--devoured with passion and fire blended with the tamed gentleness from Jazmyn's.
The kiss lasted for a few seconds as they pulled away to catch their breath. Jazmyn rested her forehead against Minerva's--her red eyes studyed the Sith for a moment as an idea prompted to her.
Maybe Minerva isn't so bad, she is strong in the Force and is an excellent warrior that matched with Tau's strength... she could use her help in her upcoming mission.
"How you feel about joining my crew?" Jazmyn asked with ragged breath.
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serenofroses · 1 month ago
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Their arm wrapped around the hybrid as their hand rested on her clothed shoulder with gentleness without tightening their hold on her. Her body shivered upon the cold contact from their armour. If she felt uncomfortable by this closeness, she would've stepped away from them. They heard her contented sigh--she leaned into them--her slender fingers entwined with theirs with an ache to be sensually touched. Was it their warmth that she craved, or was their strong bicep made her feel comfortably safe? Marr knew they shouldn't be doing this. They knew Jadis is still courting her from what they were told. Though, the two of them did acquainted before, Marr couldn't sit aside while Ania ventured on an undercover mission to a brothel in the sketchy part of the city... alone. They had to do something. It was either pursuing this or let a stranger take advantage of her. "I can protect you if you accept my help." Marr vowed with a low murmur, "I need you to trust me." Their curiousity towards Ania grew the best of them. "Won't Jadis get angry at you for interferring?" she addressed her concern after her brain chip caught on to their words. "Leave that worry to me." They reassured, knowing the Sith too well to allow Ania in the company of other strangers, "I know for the fact that she does not like sharing you with anyone else. She would thank me later." But except Marr?, she thought quietly. "Why is that?" Ania asked curiously as she was well aware how possessive and jealous Jadis can be. She remembered what had happened to Kaliyo Djannis. "We had history."
Ania x Darth Marr: [36/?].
sw:tor Nevrakis legacy.
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serenofroses · 16 days ago
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Minerva | aged 28-32 | she/her, lesbian | Rattakai-Echani hybrid | ex-Sith Lord, gang leader | sith marauder.
potential new character for Nevrakis legacy cast who plays more major role in Jazmyn's canon divergence of Jedi (Consular) arc alongside with Tau and Jawas: Ziggy and Trixie.
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serenofroses · 8 months ago
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Nevrakis Legacy in Desperate Defiance. Kritanta. Ania. Jazz Eivor (Marr). Renata (Jadis). Tau. Nico. Kavi (Vowrawn). Elysia.
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serenofroses · 1 month ago
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hm. a sneak peak? 0w0
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serenofroses · 6 months ago
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pretty girl Jazmyn.
Jazmyn “Jazz” Nevrakis: [32/?] sw:tor Nevrakis legacy. Jazz is a miraluka-tsis (sith pureblood) hybrid.
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serenofroses · 3 months ago
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Darth Marr: [53/?] + new armour in this legacy.
sw:tor Nevrakis legacy.
Marr goes by they/them + she/her in my verse.
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serenofroses · 10 months ago
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just some edits of my ocs and their minor updates.
Kritanta, Jazmyn, Ania.
Elysia, Nico, Tau.
Marr, Vowrawn, Jadis.
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