#serena has somewhat of a life
sailormoonandme · 29 days
The Last Sailor War Chapter 2: She is Legion a.k.a. SAILOR CHAOS vs SAILOR MOONS FROM EVERY CANON!
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Ao3 Collection: Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie Epilogue
<Please,  will you  help me!?  
I am Sailor Cosmos. I am a version of you who hails from another universe, one similar yet different to your own. My powers have enabled me to on occasion glimpse into your reality, charting its placement across the multiverse. But until now I’ve been incapable of contacting anyone outside my home universe.  
My ultimate enemy, Sailor Chaos, has eliminated almost all life in my universe and now seeks to tear down the very fabric of our dimension. I have done my best, but I lack the power to stop her reducing my universe to nothingness.  
My last resort was to use my own essence as the basis for this telepathic transmission. If it should work, it will find you, and other versions of myself from across the multiverse, and at the most temporally stable points in your reality’s timestream, forging a ‘tether’ between our shared souls. My hope is that you will let me bring you to my universe where you can lend me your energy. Together, there is a chance we will be able to end Chaos once and for all!>  
Wisps of Chaos’s smoky body snaked away from her. Breaking off completely, the wisps began dividing. The smoke ‘shards’ started reshaping themselves before they finally solidifying, the void shuddering.
Sailor Chaos was surrounded by nothing less than a whole army. Or rather, several armies.
“You aren’t the only one who can bring  back-up !” chided Jadeite. Behind him, several Shadow Galactica members snickered. 
“We are extensions of Chaos herself,” added Nephrite. “Forged from the imprints left by all who drew upon her power, even indirectly.” The Amazon Trio nodded in affirmation.
Amidst an assortment of Genius Loci and Snow Dancers, Danburite spoke up. “We’ve even got our own mental link.” 
“So our Mistress can direct us properly.” Zoisite grinned, his smile creepier than the jagged maws of the nearby Daimons. “Not that we can’t fight somewhat–”   
“–Independently,” finished Kunzite. As if to emphasise the point, Prince Demande flourished his cape and performed a mocking bow from the other side of the ranks.
The speaker was obscured by a crowd of Death Busters and Dead Moon Circus members. 
“... There are only eight of you…” 
The crowd parted, Black Moon Clansmen and Dark Kingdom Youma turning towards their comrade. 
“... And five thousand of us! ” roared Queen Beryl.  
A mad glee came over Sailor Chaos. “ATTACK!”
In an instant, hundreds of Youma, Droids, Daimons and Lemures were pressed up against the barrier. The shield weakened just enough for a single, familiar Youma to rip her way inside. As her comrades further dismantled the shield, Morga rapidly advanced upon the eight Usagis. Brandishing her talons, she–
“Moon Tiara Magic! ” 
Morga screamed and crumpled into dust.  
Despite penetrating the barrier, Chaos’s army halted, psychically sharing in their mistress’s shock and confusion. 
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you Negaverse dweezals would try something like that!” Said a second Super Sailor Moon. "Hey guys, you can call me Serena!"
Summary: Gathered together by Sailor Cosmos, Sailor Moons from across the Multiverse (and canons) make a last stand against Sailor Chaos and her army Sailor Moon's old enemies!
Ao3 Collection: Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie Epilogue
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diyasgarden · 6 days
Tashi had a cat when she was a child. She was named Serena after Serena Williams and Tashi absolutely adored her. She also bought or made numerous tennis themed cat toys for Serena. If you were childhood friends with Tashi a lot of your memories with her from that era is the three of you playing together. If you met Tashi later on in life, she has plenty of pictures to show you even if Serena had already passed away.
Art’s grandma is somewhat of a cat lady. She owns three cats and all of them HATE him. He doesn’t even know what he did to piss them off so much. When he was 10 he thought they were just evil. Now he thinks they just hate him because whenever he’s around they have to share his grandma’s attention with him. The first time you meet his grandma and his cats, he’s kind of shocked they got along with you so easily (somewhat jealous too even tho he wouldn’t admit it). When his grandma passes away, he knows the cats wouldn’t want to be with him, but he picks out new families to adopt him. You help him with this. You screen couple of families, until you find three with little kids who love cats. Each family takes one of the cats. They may hate him, but they were a big part of his childhood. He’d rather die than think they weren’t being taken care of.
Cats love love love Patrick. He doesn’t even do anything to gain the love. They just do! When he would visit Art’s house during the breaks, his grandma’s cats loved being around him (yes Art was jealous). It’s cute how much cats love him. They crawl onto his lap or up his arms (if they’re kittens) and just try to snuggle with him. The love cats for him, exists throughout his life. When you see him during the time he is living in his car, you notice he has a cat living in the back seat. You ask him about it and he just shrugs. Turns out one day it just followed Patrick there and he let the cat stay. He just calls it Cat, but it’s clear he loves him. That’s HIS cat.
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eliteseven · 2 months
I know this isn’t enough to make a request but is there any way you can share some domesticity headcanons but for Consonance?
I mean there will definitely be domestic moments in the next part of Consonance! But sure, I know what you mean
Consonance Domesticity HC’s:
-This one is obvious but Tav and Jen spend like…all of their time together. Even before they’re officially moved in- Tav is living with the Hallowleafs, and when she’s not, Jen is at her apartment 🥰
-Serena loves going through Shadowheart’s baby and childhood pictures. She loves seeing Isobel and Shadowheart’s friendship, from when they were little girls. Shads eventually begs Tav to show her a childhood picture- of the few she has. Tav finds one, and it instantly becomes one of Shadowheart’s most prized possessions. That little girl in the photo, smiling cheekily and missing a tooth, is just about the cutest person she’s ever seen. Tav looks so innocent, so pure. Shadowheart aches with her over her tumultuous past 😔
-Tav being somewhat afraid of thunder storms and Shads knowing this, constantly distracting her with little touches on her arm or wrist, kisses to her cheek, or just holding her tight. Words aren’t even necessary, she just knows how to read Tav and be there for her.
-on drives to the city: Shaddy is a passenger princess, I think. Tav ends up driving everywhere. Shadowheart likes to thread their fingers together and distract Tav with little kisses. She’s a menace.
-they swim together a lot more now 🥺💕 Tav’s heart swells when she sees Shadowheart dive in, so carefree and confident. It’s a world of difference from when she’d told Tav about the near-drowning incident. Buttons likes to join them.
-The two of them cooking together with Emmeline ❤️ Shadowheart learns to make Tav’s favorite dish, the one her mother used to make for her way back when, as best she can. Tav cries profusely into the crook of her neck.
-Shads singing for Tav around the house, and Tav melting every time she hears that voice. She has hearteyes all the time, she’s down so atrociously bad for her gf 😅
-Tav is still Tav in any universe: she’s shy about PDA in front of Emmeline and Arnell. Shadowheart is still Shadowheart. So she lives for slipping her hand into Tav’s rear jean pockets or whispering something positively FILTHY in her ear and then watching Tav flounder and squirm for the rest of the day, thinking about it. It is Shad’s guilty pleasure. There’s something about the innocence Tav wants to maintain in front of her gf’s parents, while Shads knows what she’s capable of in the bedroom…idk she just loves turning Tav into a flustered idiot 🥰
-Arnell and Emmeline are just…so happy now. Knowing their daughter is so beloved, protected, no longer with Shar…they see something so simple as Jen laying her head on Tav’s lap while they watch TV in the living room….with Tav softly stroking her hair, smiling down at her from time to time….and they just bask in the warmth. To know their daughter has found someone so gentle, who adores her more than life itself, is a blessing.
-Sneaking out to the Jeep, parking it in some wooded area, and having at it like teenagers. Shads is a bad influence on Tav. Tav loves it- loves seeing that almost child-like joy in her eyes, in her expression.
-on the subject: Shads will send Tav some very risqué photos if she wants her to come home immediately. Tav drops everything. Every single time. Those photos make her brain and heart stop. She isn’t bold enough to send her own but I do not doubt Shadowheart has warmed her up to the idea 😅
-Also: post sex lazy bed discussions. The two of them gossiping and making each other laugh like best friends after such passionate intimacy… it’s something Shadowheart never had with Shar. Tav truly is her best friend. (Isobel is a close second 💕)
-Them being each other’s lock screens is the cutest thing in existence and kills me to think about.
-sharing a closet. I’ve said this before but it’s just so cute that they share a closet when Tav moves her stuff into Jen’s place. She steals Shads’ Reithwin hoodie! Shads loves seeing her in one of her sundresses when it’s hot out. And of course, Astral Prism merch. And they do each other’s makeup before events. They often get distracted…but happily so.
-Tav, who used to fear wolves, napping amongst the pack in a pile of fur and fluff. Shadowheart melts whenever she sees that. Tav was meant to be hers- what with the way she’s integrated so perfectly into their lives. 🤍
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Hi! I’ve been following you for a while now (since before you started working on sisterhood). I love the concept you have for Sisterhood a lot. I’m just curious about what shippings you like since I feel like I know some of them but not all of them (and I know how shipping can change over time). If you feel like talking about them, I would love to hear about them!
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I've accumulated a vast assortment of pairings the past several years, particularly due to being a multishipper (but not a polyshipper-). However, for each protagonist there is usually what a friend of mine refers to as an "endgame" love interest: the one who I feel resonates with her personality most.
For example, the pairings related to Leaf are Conflictingshipping (Green/Blue x Leaf) and LeafStoneshipping (Brock x Leaf). The former is the "endgame" pairing for her. As for the latter, I actually concocted the name myself.
(There are a number of pairings I've been left with the solemn duty of bestowing a name upon, in actuality-).
An additional detail to keep in mind is, for anyone else who may be reading; the ages of several characters are altered in the universe of Sisterhood, meaning everyone involved, including the female protagonists, is a young adult.
Kotone, her "endgame" pairing is SoulSilvershipping (Silver x Kotone). Silver is truly the only person she has a romantic relationship with, although he is rather prone to experiencing jealousy when other male characters, such as Hibiki(Ethan) and Morty, are in her presence.
Haruka also has two paths of romance before her in the forms of HoennChampionshipping (Steven x Haruka) and NewRivalshipping (Wally x Haruka). What can I say? She has a type, and it's nerds. Haruka couldn't care less about the former's status and money, and she isn't so shallow that his looks would instantly capture her heart.
Hikari has no love interests to speak of in Sinnoh, but under the alias of Akari while in Hisui, she has quite a few options! Wieldershipping (Volo x Akari) and BrilliantDiamondshipping (Adaman x Akari) are the main contenders, but additionally... I also am somewhat partial to CandyTruffleshipping (Melli x Akari), for humor related reasons.
Ferriswheelshipping (N x Touko) is Touko's "endgame" pairing. Similarly to Kotone, she has no other love interests. However, Cheren does harbor romantic feelings for her during the course of Black and White's main game before eventually moving on and finding happiness with Bianca.
Technically, Mei has two and a half love interests? Initially, LiveCastershipping (Curtis x Mei) was intended to be the "endgame" pairing for her, but I gradually grew more and more fond of Hue and his one-sided affections. And to elaborate on the "two and a half love interests", Kyouhei(Nate) is sort of one, but... it's... it's complicated.
Serena is another protagonist who has a sole pairing associated with her, which is Kalosshipping (Calem x Serena). And yet, I also can't consider Calem her "endgame" love interest. I don't dislike him, but... he's lacking a certain je ne sais quoi. So perhaps Legends: Z-A may introduce Serena to her perfect beau?
Despite how frequently she teases and torments him, Mizuki's main love interest is Gladion. Although I do also enjoy some Malasadashipping (Hau x Mizuki) on the side. Regardless of whether their relationship is platonic or romantic, Hau is an important part of Mizuki's life in Alola now.
Gloria has two tsundere boys battling for her attention and affection. Not that Bede and Avery would admit this without raising a fuss. I haven't yet decided which will be her "endgame" love interest, so I suppose DressedInPinkshipping (Bede x Gloria) and Barriershipping (Avery x Gloria) will also be competing for my approval!
Juliana has the most love interests out of all the protagonists thus far! A grand total of four! HerbaMysticashipping (Arven x Juliana), Dipplinshipping (Kieran x Juliana), Tracksuitshipping (Drayton x Juliana) are the primary pairings, but Grusha does occasionally show interest in the academy's Book Wurmple as well.
There are also various pairings in Sisterhood which don't involve the female protagonists. Some include the male protagonists, such as Red possibly becoming a couple with Misty, while others are composed of non-player characters, one of my favorites being Surveyshipping (Laventon x Cyllene). The professor and captain are married in this universe, as a matter of fact!
And because the world of Pokémon is always expanding, this means there should always be more pairings! Legends: Z-A is soon to be upon us, after all! But hopefully not too soon.
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timkonshipper · 8 months
How I imagine Ash’s relationship with his friends to be(Part 2):
Ash and dawn are the ultimate wing(wo)men: They love to hype each other up, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t equally tease and make fun of one another. Dawn loves to try new food with Ash and to her Ash and Brock are basically her big brothers. They’re very touchy-feely with one another but everything is completely platonic/familial. It’s just reassuring for them to know that they have the other with them. 
My hc is that Ash has chronic pain which flares up in cold climates. Gary is Ash’s no. 1 support in that regard but sinnoh is cold af. Whenever the pain is too much for him to handle, ash and dawn curl up together with all of their pokemon. Brock is usually too busy to join but whenever he has the time, he automatically joins in. 
Dawn mostly keeps her hair down but whenever they have time to spare, Ash loves to test out new hairstyles on it. 
Note: Ash showers his friends with gifts because he has a ton of money to spare. If he sees something and thinks that one of them would like it, he could care less about the price. 
Ash isn’t super duper close with Iris and Cilan mainly because he had a lot on his plate in Unova. He was too caught up with working on himself to develop very deep bonds with them. That doesn’t mean theyre not close friends however. They talk somewhat regularly and keep up with each other's accomplishments. Ash and Iris bicker a lot but when it's really important, they can comfort each other just as well. Cilan is like their eccentric uncle who they love but do not want to be seen with in public. 
Ash and Clemont are best buddies: Clemont is super smart however he does have a couple of self esteem issues. Ash has no qualms in absolutely destroying them all and showering Clemont with praise and affection. Ash was Clemont's bi awakening but there’s nothing romantic between the two. Ash battled quite innovatively in Kalos partly because he loved hearing Clemont be in awe of them. They have deep convos over call but their chat is full of random memes and jokes or just things that reminded them of each other. 
Ash and Serena have an older brother-little sister bond dynamic as well: Serena’s crush was not as fullblown as it was in the show. She did have lingering feelings in the beginning but they faded out over time. Ash was a major part of her growth and development as a person. Serena’s character arc in the anime is absolutely amazing. She learns how to be confident and love herself. It wasn’t lightning fast because earlier on she only did it so that Ash would be impressed. But then she begins to understand that she wants to be someone that she can be proud of. 
Shauna sends her into a lesbian panic but Ash helps her sort out her feelings. Ash was basically her guide into the real world and helped her become her own person. Similarly, when Ash was in a funk she helped bring him out of it and taught him the lesson that he had taught her. 
Ash and Kiawe are rivals that are 100% gay for each other. Ash found it amazing that someone had a passion to rival that which he had for pokemon. 
Ash is instrumental in Lillie’s development until she reaches a point where she becomes the main person behind her own growth. Ash was the proudest of them all when she could finally touch pokemon again. He is the biggest shipper of mallow and lillie and tries to make it become a reality. 
Ash and Lana are high on life: Ash is sarcastic and cynical with Lana in a way that he stays true to himself but still manages to both have fun and get rid of repressed trauma. 
Ash and sophocles are texting buddies: They don’t talk a lot separately and stick to groups, but it would take a day to scroll up through their hours worth of messages. They bounce ideas off on another and talk about everything and nothing at the same time. 
Ash really likes Goh but their friendship is still quite new and still developing. Goh doesn’t take criticism well so Ash has to make sure that whatever he means isn’t taken the wrong way. They’re learning and defining boundaries, but Ash doesn’t mind the time it’ll take cuz he’s mainly relaxing and exploring more. Sure the world championship is nice but until the final stretch comes, he still has a lot of free time on his hands.
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maliceincandyland · 1 year
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Jessie (Pokémon) & Her Duality
Jessie is a gangster who is sweet but becomes cutthroat when she’s on the clock. Fracturing her personality into two halves weighs on her more and more over time, but she resolves this inner turmoil in the end.
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Her Past
Jessie grew up on the streets with no money or family. Being a criminal was never a lifestyle choice for her because being is a criminal is all she’s ever known.
When she was about 10, she had a crush on a boy who wanted to be a Pokémon Coordinator (a type of Trainer) and invited her to go with him. She declined. She figured that she should focus on her own life, and she thought that falling in love is what has doomed many a woman’s career (DP73). Then she auditioned for a big career-making play, but she didn’t pass the audition (DP73).
She applied to Pokémon school and met James (Kanto 9, Kanto 48). She passed the entrance exam, but James didn’t. She must have really, really liked him because she chose not to go, for his sake (Japanese version of Kanto 9). They both joined a biker gang and hung out together, for a time (Kanto 36, Kanto 48). But they ended up parting ways.
Jessie joins Team Rocket and goes from petty thief to full-blown gangster. Since she’ll do whatever it takes to survive, including leaving her Team Rocket partners for dead, her peers called her The God of Death. She didn’t care, and embraced being a femme fatale. She said that she had been on her own for so long that she didn’t know how to open up to or trust other people. She was somewhat friends with her co-worker, Cassidy, since Cassidy was the only person who wasn’t intimidated by her. They ragged on each other and Cassidy liked to hit below the belt, but they had some respect for each other (Chronicles 13).
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The God of Death
James joined Team Rocket and seemingly volunteered to be Jessie’s 13th partner. Like in Western culture, 13 is considered an unlucky number in Japan. (Thirteen is also the episode number of this episode in the English dub.) Although there are different ways that this flashback can be interpreted, it seems like Jessie and James recognized each other and that Jessie was upset with James (like if he left her or if they had a fight). I interpret it as him having left her because later on (in the Japanese version) he confesses that he tried to outrun his past and has been running away his whole life. She never asked what he was running from, or about any details of his past (Chronicles 13). He never told her, but she accidentally finds out, about 15 years after meeting him (Kanto 48).
In any case, she quickly warms up to him, giving him her food ration and telling him that she doesn’t open up to other people but that she knows that the three of them are kindred spirits. Subsequently, James tells her that he won’t run away from their Team Rocket responsibilities because if he starts running, then he won’t ever be able to stop running. Jessie is moved to tears.
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Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice
Women and girls in Pokémon become more self-sufficient and goal-oriented without becoming less feminine.
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Jessie is hyper-feminine, meaning she has traditionally feminine personality traits, a traditionally feminine appearance (ex. wears feminine colors), and traditionally feminine interests. She even has ‘a woman’s intuition,’ which is to say she’s a little bit psychic (DP105, DP134, JN24). Often when hyper-feminine characters go through an empowering character arc (ex. become a kinder person), their traditionally feminine characteristics decrease, because hyper-femininity is treated as an obstacle, instead of an asset. This is not the case with Jessie, who is just as feminine at the beginning of the series as she is at the end.
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Hyper-feminine characters are usually pitted against other women, but Pokémon doesn’t do that. Jessie battles women but it’s no different from her battling men. Jessie gets along pretty well with Ash's friends Serena, Shauna, and Dawn, and she roots for Ash's friend Iris at the World Championship, saying that Iris battling Team Rocket is what molded her into a Champion. Jessie was originally pitted against Cassidy, but they become friends, and they somewhat got along when they were in Team Rocket’s training school. Jessie and her co-worker Matori argue and enjoy to backstabbing each other, but sometimes they get along and Matori got Jessie and James promoted (DP191).
Damsel or Fatal
Jessie is both a Damsel in Distress and a Femme Fatale.
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Jessie is a very childlike character (she's 25). She, James, and Meowth spend much of their time playing dress-up, rhyming in limericks, and making up silly games. Jessie has a childlike curiosity and awe, and always finds something to laugh about. She is also petulant, however.
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She leaves the adulting to James; but she does learn how to bake, in order to do something completely on her own that she could be proud of (DP14, DP106). She keeps practicing and gets quite good at it (XY80, XY101).
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Jessie doesn’t take criticism or bad news well and needs it to be sugarcoated, otherwise she denies it or cries. Though she comes across as cocky, she's only cocky in bursts and it's to over-compensate for her lack of self-confidence. Dawn's friend Zoey points this out but Jessie is offended and denies it (DP49).
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Jessie considers creepy things to be cute, which is sweet, but she lets her guard down and gets into dangerous situations (XY14, XY60, SM3, etc.).
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Since Jessie has depression, she knows what the absence of happiness feels like all too well. Thus, when she's happy, she feels it with every fiber of her being and loves with all her heart. When she can't believe in herself, she believes in James and Meowth's faith in her. She also seems to believe that you won't automatically feel grateful for anything, unless you stop to appreciate what you have.
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Jessie has the courage to be sensitive, emotional, imperfect, and vulnerable in a world where people want to step all over you. She believes that being a delicate flower in a harsh world makes you brave, not weak.
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Being vulnerable and open is what allows her to connect with others (Chronicles 13), so she holds these traits near and dear to her heart.
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Jessie is a Damsel in Distress, meaning that she's in damsel in distress situations a lot (small things like James getting her out of the line of fire, and big things like being alone and under attack from wild Pokémon). Sometimes it's for the comedic relief of Jessie not thinking things through or James clumsily trying to save her. But when it's more serious (4th movie, Chronicles 13, DP73, XY63, SM38, JN95, etc.), then the purpose is that she shows great courage and comes out empowered, knowing that she overcame the scary, stressful situation. She emerges re-energized and having a bit more self-esteem, and sometimes with a better understanding of something. She finds an inner strength to keep going. It’s interesting that she continually has to be in these situations because personal growth isn’t a one-and-done; you have to keep doing it and gradually improve over time.
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Simultaneously, Jessie is a femme fatale. Femme Fatales are ‘unconventional’ female love-interests in film noir (as opposed to so-called ‘Good Girls’), and modern characters who are modeled after them. We first see Jessie dress in noir style clothing in the 29th episode of the first season, and she periodically continues to dress that way throughout the series (as do other members of Team Rocket). Some of the instrumental music that plays during Team Rocket’s scenes also have a jazzy noir sound.
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Femme Fatales in Noir
A femme fatale’s goal is to capture a man and his money, or together they'll take someone else's money. She usually uses seduction and tough talk to get her way. Often she's cold and aloof. Often she’s running from her past and won't talk about herself, though it's clear that she's either escaping an abusive relationship, escaping a loveless marriage, or she's poor and fed up. Usually she's sick of following the rules in a world designed to benefit only men.
Or, alternately, a femme fatale is sweet but unconventional in some way. She's in love with a gangster. Or she's a sexy singer/showgirl who gets mixed up in something bad. Or she has an unladylike interest in detective novels. And so on.
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“When I get excited about something, I give it everything I have.” ---Irene (Lauren Bacall) from Dark Passage (1947)
The femme fatale isn't interested in domestic life, at least not yet. She almost never has kids. She may marry her love-interest, or is having an extramarital affair with him. She may have killed her husband and/or his first wife.
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“I want things. A lot of things. Big things. I don't want to be afraid of life or anything else.” ---Annie (Peggy Cummins) from Gun Crazy (1950)
A femme fatale might be a good girl who's become street tough, she might be pure evil, or she might be somewhere in-between. Ultimately, she'll end up married and softened around the edges, or arrested or murdered. Though she is either punished or domesticated, often noir films seem to side with the femme fatale despite her vilification. She must be punished or reformed, but often she’s painted as having a good reason for having become a villain.
For instance, in Gilda (1946), Gilda does a sexy song-and-dance number that would ordinarily drive a man wild, but she does it to rub her beauty in jealous wreck Johnny's face. Thus, he gets no satisfaction out of it and has the bouncer get her off the stage. The song is about men blaming women for things that they didn't do.
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Legendary Hispanic actor Rita Hayworth, as Gilda.
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Poison Ivy in Batman the Animated Series/Batman Beyond was likely inspired by Gilda.
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Cartoon/comic character Jessica Rabbit was likely inspired by Gilda. Though she was already an existing character, for the incarnation of her in the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988), femme fatale actors Rita Hayworth, Veronica Lake, and Lauren Bacall are specifically cited as inspirations for that iteration of Jessica Rabbit. (Photo credit: imnotbad)
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In Pokémon, Jessie seems to parody Jessica Rabbit in XY123. Perhaps a nod to her English dub name?
The femme fatale will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Her passion usually brings out desire in a man, but leads to his downfall. She has a passion for other parts of life as well. She likes to dance, go out to cocktail lounges, have drinks with friends, etc.
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“I have my own life to lead. Good times, that’s what I want. And laughs with people I like.” ---Alicia (Ingrid Bergman) from Notorious (1946)
The femme fatale is hyper-feminine. They want all the beautiful and flashy things that will make them stand out in a crowd. They want perfume that makes a man have to get close. They want their man to think of them all day, every day. They want their man to want to steal or kill for her. They want pretty things and passionate kisses and dancing and to sink their claws into a man's soul.
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“I’ve got you and I’m enjoying it fine, because I’m not yours anymore; you’re mine.” ---Ellen (Veronica Lake) from This Gun for Hire (1942)
One of the themes in film noir is that you shouldn't sleep well at night, thinking nothing bad will happen to you and thinking the world is fine. Even the person closest to you could be working against you. The femme fatale is usually a symbol of how death can strike at any moment. (Recall that Jessie is “The God of Death.”) Men follow her willingly because she gives him a reason to live or a reason to live again. He has nothing left to lose anyway. He's a dead man walking. He's a man with no future and she's a woman with a past. She's beautiful, fascinates him, and excites him. She's usually the catalyst for the bad things that happen. Often she destroys her man from within by awakening something dark in him. Sometimes she hasn't done anything wrong per se, but her refusal to choose a suitor and her enjoyment of her independence drives her suitors to turn against each other.
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“Touch me and you won’t live ‘til morning” ---Kitty (Ava Gardner) from The Killers (1946)
By virtue of being a woman, she has to constantly put on a façade. She has to pretend to be happy when she's depressed. She has to pretend to be collected when she's furious. She has to pretend to be tough when she's scared. This molds her into a masterful liar and manipulator.
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“Last night, I dreamt I went... [home] again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive; and, for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me. Then, like all dreamers, I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers and passed like a spirit through the barrier before me.“ ---Mrs. de Winter (Joan Fontaine) from Rebecca (1940)
Living a Double Life
Jessie struggles to reconcile the part of her that’s sweet with her darker side.
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When Jessie joined Team Rocket, she suppressed the sweet part of her, but that made people not want to associate with her and that made her lonely (Chronicles 13). She would never want to go back to suppressing her loving, caring self.
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In XY63, she tries suppressing her dark side, but that seems to make her feel disingenuous. On top of that, it doesn’t stop her gangster toughness from coming out whenever she's in potential danger.
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James and their Pokémon love how sweet Jessie is, and that encourages her to embrace it and work harder on being kinder as the series goes on.
An example of her showing that she cares is when she takes her Pokémon, Mimikyu, shopping at the mall. She gives Mimikyu a makeover to try to boost its self-esteem and so that it can find a look that suits its personality. Mimikyu is adamant that its old identity (as an undead Pikachu) is who it really is. So Jessie fights off some Pokémon by hand to get its Voodoo doll Pikachu costume back, and sews it up (SM38).
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An example of her telling others that she cares is after she loses in the Kalos Masterclass Showcase tournament (similar to Coordinator style battling). Jessie must be absolutely devastated, but she collects herself and tells James and their Pokémon that she only got as far as she did because of their help, and that she’s really grateful for them. They’re moved to tears and James tells her he’ll take her out to dinner (XY113).
James/Kojiro: We’ll follow you anywhere, Musashi-sama! Jessie/Musashi: This [dinner] is going to be YOUR treat, Kojiro! James/Kojiro: I’ll pay! I’ll so pay!
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In order to use a special high-powered move called a Z-Move, a Trainer needs to send some of their auric energy to their Pokémon. The move also requires a crystal called a Z-Crystal, and these can only be obtained through tests of character. Jessie’s test reveals that she is willing to help others.
Jessie and James come across a Gengar who is eating the soul of a little girl, who turns out to be the ward of the local Kahuna (Gym Leader, basically). Jessie has her Mimikyu attack Gengar and James grabs his Z-Crystal that Gengar swiped from him. To avoid further attacks, Gengar possesses Meowth. Jessie gets mad and has Mimikyu knock out Meowth to force the Gengar out. Gengar then possesses Jessie. James has his Mareanie gently use a Dark Type move on Jessie since Dark Type moves are Super Effective against Ghost Types. The Kahuna and his ward give Jessie Mimikium-Z, which allows her Mimikyu to use Let’s Snuggle Forever. It’s a Fairy Type Z-Move that suffocates the opponent.
Integrating the Shadow
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Jessie and James get an apartment together and fill it with personal effects. They visit other countries, but return to their apartment whenever they’re back in Kanto. No longer lost souls wandering the earth, they finally have a home and someone to come home to. They start a podcast (JN106) and a YouTube channel (JN115) together in their apartment. The Narrator says that they continued being content creators from then on out (JN106). This is a pretty permanent arrangement. But it takes some getting used to. Living with someone was one of James’s biggest fears (AG147) and Jessie doesn’t seem confident that he’ll stick around. That is, she becomes concerned that he might be losing interest in being a gangster, and it seems like she thinks being her Team Rocket partner is the only thing that’s keeping him there. However, he’s been by her side for years and even promised to stay by her side in the afterlife (DP117). He is deeply insulted by her lack of faith in him and doesn't want to be partners anymore.
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After their fight, Jessie, James, and Meowth individually go off to do the same villainous scheme, which moves Meowth to tears and makes Jessie and James smile. They realize that the three of them are inextricably linked, and what initially linked them was their love of villainy. Jessie and James can’t part ways like they did as kids, because their souls are bonded. (Literally. Jessie, James, and Meowth can power-up each other’s Z-Moves. Some Trainers do this with a Pokémon, but Jessie and James are the only humans shown to have an energy bond.) With Jessie’s shadow of doubt out of the way, she embraces her dark side and becomes a fully-actualized villain. There’s nothing holding her back anymore, because she realizes that James is every bit as dark as she is, and will always be at her side.
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You can check out my James character study here
You can check out my Team Rocket music playlist here
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fluffalpenguin · 1 year
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IT'S HERE AT LAST @arcvmonth AU DAY YEAHHHH never mind that this post is late
I managed to stuff 10 AUs into this bad boy, so this is a image AND text heavy post, be warned! (I genuinely hope you enjoy the ride)
Not arranged in any particular order, and hyperlinks lead to doodles I've posted on Twitter unless stated otherwise!
(CW: imagery of drug use in the first one and mentions of violence in another)
1. Triad AU
It's the 1800s and everybody* does crimes! (*Not everyone)
Raised in the Fusion Society from an early age, Serena has always had mixed feelings about the child trafficking that her foster father's involved in. One day, she comes across a red-haired street performer that brings dazzling smiles of unbridled joy to children and decides to cut ties with her current life. As she eludes the men sent to retrieve her, she runs into who but the leader of a rival organisation, the Lancers!
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This holds the distinction of being the only au that I didn't include pawn in some way or another because I can't figure out where to fit Yugo in (probably why my interest in it has somewhat fizzled out already lmao)
I wrote a short ~500 words fic of Serena announcing her departure to Dennis, Sora, and Yuri (conceptually the latter perpetually seethes about her audacity throughout the length of this au because that's funny)
2. Vampire Knight AU
Vampires and humans learning to co-exist in a boarding school is a genius set-up, thank you Hino Matsuri for giving me undying brainrot (pun intended) through creating this (albeit cursed) manga
Turned into a vampire against his will during a brutal massacre, Yugo curses his fate to be a blood-sucking monster every waking hour. And if his life didn't suck hard enough already, he's also forced to partner with (be the research subject of) a human with a set of morals worse than the most depraved vampire he's ever met. At least that lessens his guilt about drinking blood, because if anyone deserves to be a juice box, it's that smug purple-headed bastard! Life at the academy revolves around humans attending Day classes and vampires attending Night classes, but Yugo begs the headmaster to allow him some semblance of normalcy (denial) by letting him attend the Day Class, in which he dozes off often. Luckily, his roommate, Yuto, is there to poke him awake just enough times for him to pass his classes. Like his cousin Yuri, Yuto is also paired with a vampire through the latter's term in the academy. As one of the last surviving pure-bloods in the world, Yuya is uncomfortably used to his fellow vampires looking at him with undiluted reverence while fending off dubious intentions. The two quickly form a close relationship, a stark contrast to the other two boys that they share a house with.
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I'm still deciding between having Yuri and Yuya being seatmates or not because both have their pros and cons (Also Yoko is a human, but is also the Night Class teacher; Yuya takes a liking to her pretty quickly)
Yuto, Shun, and Kaito are part of the school's Disciplinary Squad made out of vampire hunters-in training that patrol the grounds after dusk (to make sure their vampiric classmates aren't running around charming guileless humans into being supper) and Yuri, of course, despite being human has asked his beloved Papa for permission to attend Night Class in order to observe his research subjects in their natural habitat! (He unnerves everyone, but they don't disturb him because the last time someone tried they learnt first-hand that he has an taser whip to protect himself)
I've recently posted (how recent is recent?) a compilation post of doodles for this AU then I realised I never talked about the plot so
Childhood friends Yuto, Shun, and Ruri are training hard to join the elite ranks of the Dogmatikan Order. When Ruri doesn't return from her Ascension ceremony, the two defy sect rules to search for her. Yuto comes across a mysterious red-headed boy incarcerated within the inner confines of the Order's keep and...
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I know it doesn't look like it but pawn is more of a background ship in this story, counterpart and swift take center stage (because Yuto and Rin are the main characters to me)
When I cooked this up in 2021, I was so desperate to escape from my schoolwork that I ended up making an 15+ chapter outline, here's an excerpt
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(Just kidding I do have half a prologue and one chapter written out, one day I'll revisit this for sure)
Oh also, Yuri and Yuya are twins separated at birth
4. Exorcist AU
This one is the multi-series AU, because everyone has one, right!
This started as my 2022 Halloween pawn piece and then over a five-hour midnight bus ride at midnight two months later I decided to make a bad decision that led me to dozing off while queuing up in a theme park in the middle of the afternoon
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(Yuto's design is so horribly outdated but I haven't digitalised his new one yet sorry, also shark and kaito heads are by @2-ennn)
In a world ravaged by demons, Yugo has spent his entire life on the tiny island he's called home learning the ropes of exorcism. His life is shaken up when he's assigned to show a visitor around, an exorcist from the mainland with a devilish smile that raises his hackles. He finally drops his suspicions and guard when Joeri sustains injuries protecting him from a demonic attack, and the two become closer... (They even have cute fluffy dates) Well, only until Joeri reveals that it was all staged and that he's a demon (and that his name is actually Yuri) before making off with the church's most prized weapon/artifact/thing/sorry I haven't really decided yet
If you saw my tweet from last year complaining about how I have to write 7 chapters first before I can write about my otp kissing I was referring to this au (joke's on my past self because I skipped ahead to write it anyway)
Yubel, Placido, and IV are the respective leaders of the three factions, but the island that Yugo (and Rin) grew up on is managed by Sherry because man am I hungry for Sherry Yugo sibling-like interactions
I love this AU, but writer's block crashes down like a brick (I've attempted to rewrite Chapter 1 more than two times and I'm still pulling my hair out because I need it to be Perfect)
What's up Ace Attorney fans, do I have a fangame in the works for you! It's based on The Great Ace Attorney/Daigyakuten Saiban, but there's no spoilers for it if you haven't played it
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I can't talk too much about the plot since I do want to make a playable version one day but I will say that the first trial is defending Yugo from a murder charge (lol)
It's also one of the rare AUs where there's barely any explicit romance(?), only murder and mystery here! (you bet I'm going to write so many allusions for my favourite ships though winky face)
I started writing trial scripts for this but then I got really overwhelmed when looking for a good AA game maker so if anyone has recommendations please send them my way (Ideally they'd have the DGS UI...)
6. Casino AU
The Yuboys are dealers in a casino, and maybe it's a fun goofy little vn (it's a vn)
I have a whole thread on twitter for this one for the drawings i've made, but I'll post some on here so I can ramble a little
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It started out as a concept for gacha cards, but then became its own monster (that's currently slumbering)
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Originally Reiji was the owner of the casino, but I'm trying my best to include Ray and Zarc more into my aus when I can because I just want more excuses to write/draw my trophy wife (zarc)
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this drawing is so old but clutches head i love u4 so much rrrrrrr
I wanted to make little acrylic standees back then (honestly still do a little)
Speaking of little acrylic standees...
7. Rune Factory AU
This one is roughly based on Rune Factory 5, but all you need to know is... nothing, actually; I can't even reference the plot because I've barely played the game myself lol but i just really wanted fantasy farming yuboys
(and then none of the characters ended up being vegetable farmers, even outside of the yuboys)
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Harvest Moon/Rune Factory is a game where you live on a farm and eventually maybe marry someone, so one day when I've done all of the full body sprites (pauses and looks to the horizon) I want to make a uquiz that tells you who your destined Bachelor/ette is
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It'd be one of the AUs without any 'canon' ships but Ray and Zarc's backstories are kinda tied together so... yup anyway here's a list of things that are true in this AU:
yuya zarc siblings and zarc is a mean older brother
i was going to make zarc the cool mysterious guy that you rarely see but gap moe is one hell of a drug
yuzu and her dad own the grocery store, yuya helms the local inn with yoko, who manages the baths within, zarc opens his diner for business when he feels like it (he's actually so good at cooking), yugo and rin are a blacksmith/carpenter duo, kurosakis have a bakery, though ruri spends her time playing detective, yuto runs the local clinic and sawatari is the town mascot
every monday night, a mysterious phantom thief with orange hair stalks the streets!
the squad that reiji captains serves to fix problems like monster infestations, but they usually have a lot of free time on their hands (well, not reiji) so yuri is constantly annoying yugo and yuto for fun and serena spends her time befriending the girls
ray only returns to town and opens up her flower shop when you defeat the 2nd boss and yuri can be found loitering there often, ray is the only person that makes him remotely uncomfortable
i was going to make yuto the 'protagonist' with amnesia (it's a RF thing) but then i was told he'd be funnier as a doctor (and now I can also give him glasses)
8. Gunvolt AU
Azure Striker Gunvolt is a fast-paced 2D action sidescr-- okay you know what, all you have to know is that the yuboys are villains belonging to a mega corporation that aims to control society through the power of virtual idols and music (yes, this is a real plot point from the original work) and Serena storms their hideout to kick their asses in order to truly free Yuzu (who escaped and was found unconscious in an alley by her now gf) from their clutches
Yuuri: Well, well. Maybe today won't be boring, after all. Serena: Is… Is he in a straitjacket?  Yuuri: I'd really appreciate it if you didn’t talk about me like that to my face, thank you. Serena: If I did, would you move out of the way? Yuuri: If I did, would you free me of these restraints? Rin: That doesn’t seem to be the wisest thing to do. Serena: Yeah. Dream on. Yuuri: Then we only have one choice left, don’t we?
(Yeah I put him in a straitjacket)
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The grey numbers are for the design notes I wrote alongside when drawing this, here's a pastebin! (It's not required reading, but I would deeply appreciate it if you checked my rambling out)
Reiji is the final boss for some light AkaSere, but I'm still figuring out his character (and everyone elses', tbh)
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The main fun of this AU for me was definitely making parodies of the skill cut-ins! (Yuri's one is due for a remake... I also really need to get around to finishing Yuto and start on Yugo's to complete the set)
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Yuya's second one is for when you beat his first form and he uses his last resort to merge with the other three or something (His pose and cape is a nod to Astrograph!)
9. Obelisk Force AU
Okay, before you continue, go and get this song playing in the background first (I will give you a cookie if you read the lyrics too)
Okay, let's go! (with the energy of an excited tour guide)
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It'd be an absolute understatement to say I love the concept of Obelisk Force Yugo; one time I made a 10-minute TED talk trying to pick apart why I liked it so much, but back then I still didn't have a good grasp of what my ideal ObeFo Yugo/Pawn was... Until I came across that song on Spotify and asked a friend for help on brainstorming (lost if u see this HI) and the rest, as they say, was history
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Yugo is picked up (kidnapped) by Academia at an early age (think like, 5-6) after they witness his duelling skills (Leo really needs LOTS of child soldiers)
they erase his memories then for better assimilation into the academy, though he still retains a sense of stubborn individuality
he's constantly bullied by the other students for being an orphan from the Synchro Dimension, and he gets into fights often
eventually, Leo orders Yuri to take care of the matter (children will be children, but Academia MUST have order)
when Yuri approaches Yugo, he's just finished throwing hands against yet another crowd of students
Yuri attempts diplomacy, even challenging him to a duel, but Yugo is exhausted from his earlier fight and turns him down brusquely, stalking back to his room
Yuri attempts to block his way and gets shoved aside, falling to the ground and cracking his duel disk
he snaps, as the duel disk had been a gift from the professor, and how dare you?
he's beating Yugo half to death when a lightbulb goes off in his head
he proposes to Yugo to personally take charge of his education because he is so gracious and charitable and it's the least he could do for someone who shares his face
Yugo, of course, is completely dumbfounded but faints from a combination of blood loss and fatigue before he can reply no
when Yugo has recovered, Yuri pops the question again, and the two decide to settle the matter through a duel
Yugo loses (duh)
time flies as Yuri teaches Yugo how to stop students from coming back for revenge, among other things (it also helps that the other students are already creeped out by him) and significantly raises his quality of life at Academia which Yugo is thankful for
time skip! Yugo successfully joins the Obelisk Force and promptly unbuttons the jacket instantly (it's a tight fit, okay)
Yugo can feel his serpentine gaze drill into him from where Yuri sits cross-legged on a chair a distance away, his chin cradled thoughtfully in one hand. He waits for a comment, but nothing but silence comes. Finally, he mutters, "What, you're not going to scold me for desecrating the uniform?" A wide smile crinkles Yuri's face. "Not just your wardrobe, but even your vocabulary's upgraded, hm?" Before Yugo can form a retort, he goes on, "Actually, I think I like it." His chair barely makes a sound, muffled by the carpet as he stands up and makes his way across the room. The footsteps stop when teal and magenta are inches away. Lightly, he fingers the lapel of Yugo's new jacket as he rakes a half-lidded gaze from head-to-toe. "It makes you stand out from the others in the Force. And that's fitting. After all..." "You're not the Professor's. You're mine."
One day, Yuri and/or Yugo are sent to capture... Rin! Her picture gives Yugo a sense of deja vu, but he doesn't understand why...
Yugo's memories come back in a flood when he makes eye contact with his old childhood friend that he hasn't seen in almost a decade
The capture is successful, and back at Academia Yugo begs the Professor for the authority to be in charge of her incarceration (In trying to mold Yugo into his shadow, Yuri has unknowingly created a competitor for the Professor's acknowledgement)
Before the Professor can respond, a girl of Yugo's age steps into the room to report to the Professor as a fresh recruit
Leo introduces a brainwashed yandere Ruri as Rin's appointed jailer
Yeah that's right I managed to fit apple and swift in here thumbs up emoji
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Anyway it's now a romantic comedy with a love triangle (it's not)
10. Hades AU
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No deep thoughts nor any plans for this one it was more of a costume design exercise but I'm including it here because I still like them quite a bit
If you've actually made it this far, I don't know what to say... thank you!
If you'd like to see more of any of these (including some of the ones that I didn't manage to include but might have posted before like the Alice in Wonderland one, or the Dark Signer one, or the university one, or the Yuri half-turns into a Starve Venom dragon boy one, or the the Monster Hunter one (less of an AU and just a hey they are gaming), or the Z-arc suddenly has four toddlers and they are the yus and he has to juggle parenting and pro-duelling one, and whichever ones I might have forgotten, my ask box is open!! Again, thanks for reading!
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kayann9 · 6 months
How to turn the tide.
I'm not even sure if I remember how to post? I literally have written nothing for 4 years and so I don't think it's great. I just thought, why not? Some bad language so rated M for safety; 893 words.
Takes place after the Elminster visit and is a little moment between my Tav (Serena) and Karlach; she is not dealing with the news very well. Gale doesn't feature but it is Gale X Tav (f).
I do not own BG3 or Gale of Waterdeep - even if I wish I did.
Serena flung the axe at wood, growling as it landed to the left of her target.
It was the tenth throw. The tree wasn’t going to last much longer whether she hit the mark or not.
“Fucking Gods.” She hissed, pulling the metal from the tree.
As Gale’s brown eyes filled with resignation and acceptance flooded her mind, he released the golden hatchet again and let it splinter the dry wood.
She was exhausted. She was so very exhausted: her muscles ached, her throat was sore but mainly, and most sadly, her mind was tired. The frustration of living in a World ruled by Gods and Monsters, of the good suffering at the hands of the powerful, was eating at her. This evening had been the final straw.
Serena sunk into the grass and pulled her knees to her chest.
She couldn’t do this – whatever this had turned into. What had started as a minor expedition to get back home and get a tiny invader out of her brain, had turned into a divine mission from a variety of notable sources, one that she kept being told had to take precedent above all else.
This was the life she’d left behind – the selfless life of righting wrongs – that had now crept back up onto her.
“Godsdammit.” Her dagger slammed into the dirt as if she were trying to pierce the soul of the ground itself.
Serena heard Karlach before she saw her; she heard the heavy boots and the gentle grunt of the metal in her chest. Another victim of the machine.
“How you holding up soldier?”
Serena let out a humourless laugh. “Collecting firewood. I’m fine.” Somewhere along the line she’d become a terrible liar, she couldn’t even convince herself anymore. She played with a dried splinter between her fingers before holding it up.
“I’m not sure that will keep a fire going for very long. I mean, that tree has taken quite the pummelling. It’s almost as if you’re pretending it is a certain Goddess’…”
Serena stood up gathering another blade in her hand, letting it fly through the air with a whistle.
“That tree is a lot of things to me right now….. Mainly firewood.” Serena braced her shoulders trying to release the knot of tension that sat between the bones given to her from the dirt floor and the stress of the day. When she heard Karlach’s sigh, she knew she wasn’t fooling anyone. “Fine. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of these supposedly all powerful beings waltzing through our lives like unprompted lightning bolts, ignoring the destruction they cause, expecting our utter devotion just because they deem us somewhat noticeable.”
The Rosymorn Trail had been somewhat breath taking to Serena on her arrival through the Mountain Pass, a part of Faerûn that she had not seen before. No longer was she impressed with the vast and dramatic scenery; the vivid sunset bathing the valley in fire, all awe and wonder had been sapped from her body the moment she’d heard the words: use yourself as the catalyst that will burn it from this world.
“Sorry, I’m ranting.” Serena leaned against a tree and forced her gaze to the vast expanse of mountains.
Karlach’s intimidating size and stature hid a softer nature. The kind of nature that had made her follow her friend when she was trying her best to hide all the upset she clearly felt. She’d known she’d had to follow the moment Serena had declared she was going to find some food despite their camp being full of wine, cheese and meat and then found her stabbing a half- dead oak tree as if it were stray ghast.
“You’re not ranting…. Well, maybe ranting a little. But I get it. You’re upset. It was a shit thing to hear and it’s even shittier that he’s actually contemplating it.”
And there it was. The reason this had gotten to her so much. It hadn’t been that Mystra had dared to make such an obscene suggestion. Gods and their ilk were known, at least in her world, for making such grand demands of their devotees. By the Hells, it might not have even been the worst ‘sacrifice’ she’d even heard of on her travels. The thing that truly tore at her heart was the fact he’d accepted it. He’d said with such sad certainty there wasn’t another way.  
Tears pricked the back of her eyes, but she soon forced them away. Even in front of Karlach.
“It’s just not fair.” She was aware she sounded like a child who’d not been allowed out to play after dinner but there was no other phrase that she could pick. It wasn’t. It wasn’t fair that his punishment was to willingly end his life. It wasn’t fair that he felt it was apt. It wasn’t fair that she now cared enough about Gale for it to hurt when he’d accepted it.
With another surge of anger, she threw the great axe at the tree again.
This time it splintered.
It creaked and groaned under the ferocity of the blade.
“There. Firewood.” She shrugged and grabbed the larger splints.
“Be a moon unto yourself, mate.” Karlach smiled as she grabbed the rest of the wood and hoped the elder wizard's more enigmatic words would bring her friend at least some comfort.
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raeflora · 3 months
Do you think they ever got caught by henry ( or other children) when he was little? If yes how often do you think it happens and what was chuck and blair’s first reaction to that situation?
hi again!! this is so fun sksfjsk so I think statistically speaking he kinda has to have seen something inappropriate at some point, but when he was little enough to not really understand it. my own hc is that one morning when blair and chuck are trying for their second child he opens their door without knocking and is very confused. in terms of their reactions I think they'd both feel guilty and blair would be like "we've scarred him for LIFE" and chuck's like "he's two he's not going to remember this" but eventually they'd laugh about it. chuck feels a different kind of parental guilt though as he doesn't want henry to feel like he did growing up with bart and jack exposing him to sexuality too young and not caring, but blair reassures him that seeing your married and devoted parents in bed is completely different to seeing your father and uncle be promiscuous. I also imagine blair would stop kissing chuck around henry for a few days and serena is immediately like what's wrong?? and once blair tells her she just laughs bc it's kinda impossible for henry to never see anything. I do think as henry and grace (and potential bass baby 3 darcy if we're going full hc) get older they try to calm down somewhat bc being 2 is different than being 9/10 and they don't want henry to actually be scarred for life or their other children. that being said their children are surprisingly ok with their pda bc it's not weird to them, it's just their insanely in love parents. also I think henry definitely kinda walks in on them as a teenager and is like this is GROSS!! and chuck's like it's not the first time you've seen this and blair just whacks his arm sksfjkdk and then henry dramatically lies on the couch for like 2 hours while his sisters ask what happened and he gives cryptic responses while chuck and blair try not to laugh. aaand I'm now writing a fic about this so thank u sm!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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blossysartgobrr · 1 year
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Mack Ketchum
Info under the cut and can be found here!
Basic info
💞Name: McKenzie "Mack" Amber Ketchum (only family & close friends get to call them McKenzie)
💞Gender: Demigirl (they/she pronouns)
💞Sexuality: Lesbian
💞Age: 14
💞Birthday: October 27th
 AU Related info
💞Parents: Ash & Serena Ketchum; she is the Amourshipping child of the group and the main character of this AU.
💞They are a Kanto native but actively avoid the region due to their parents' popularity. Same thing with Kalos but to a lesser extent.
Natu (he thrives on making people uncomfortable)
Sentret (he's living his best life doing absolutely nothing.)
💞Currently traveling just for the sake of it, doesn't really have a goal in mind. She loves to watch contests and gym battles, though. Battling seems fun to participate in as well.
💞Is like her father in the fact that they rarely visit their parents. But despite that, their relationship with their parents is pretty good.
💞Personality wise they're a mixture of Original through Advanced Generation Ash & Serena, meaning they're extra sassy. This sass tends to go a bit far, though they try to be a good kid. As good as a troublemaker like them can be. They relatively "don't give a shit" about their parents' reputations and are living for themself and themself only.
Other info
💞Yes, they ARE wearing mascara because they "don't want to be mistaken as a ten-year-old".
💞Often gets mistaken for a twelve-year-old instead so mission somewhat accomplished.
💞LOVES puns. Her shirt is a pun on the phrase "I believe in you" and the word "Mew".
💞Gifted Holly a Skitty when they were both four.
💞Has a crush on Holly but only Botan knows.
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shinynewboots · 1 year
ivy / aemond x oc (Chapter 4)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, smut, infidelity, angst, mourning, dubious consent, grief, alcohol, loss of virginity
Summary: “Do be careful walking the halls at night Lady Serena of House Tarbeck, there are many untrustworthy men lurking in the shadows.”
“Even you,” She asked, unable to stop herself.
A wide smirk found itself on the prince’s features. “Especially me.”
Word Count: 2.4k 
Previous Chapter
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Serena was nervous. 
Once she had returned to her rooms, her skin felt as though it was on fire. Every inch of her body vibrated with desire and anticipation. Serena tossed and turned trying to sleep, though her mind was alive in the memory of Aemond’s touch. It was only when a haunting thought crossed her mind that she finally was able to cool her desires if only long enough to fall into a restless sleep.
What if Evyn simply never returned from the hunt?
Though she did not truly wish for his demise (While he was simple and a bore, he was not a terrible man. Perhaps he could have made another girl (a simpler one) quite happy), his death would have made Serena’s life significantly easier. At the very least, Serena could return home to her father and her bow without having to endure the constant nagging from her mother. 
Or, perhaps, a stray arrow could somehow have made its way into her dearly beloved husband’s manhood? 
“Oh Mother, I am so sorry to return in this way. My dear husband Lord Tarbeck has been made a eunuch before I was able to conceive a child,” Serena would cry to her mother (though, her mother did not have to know that the tears were ones of joy).
“My Sweet Child,” Her mother would sob, “We must annul the marriage! ”
However, Serena knew she was not that lucky. Evyn would return from his hunt, likely in a few day's time. Her escapades with the prince would have to end. She would be resigned to the life of being a Tarbeck wife and mother, delivering Tarbeck babies to an ungrateful Tarbeck man. 
The unappealing thought was enough to lull her into a restless sleep, hoping her dreams were better than her impending reality. 
Aemond was nervous. 
He had dressed in a simple linen shirt and black breeches. It had been years since he had accessed Maegor’s secret tunnels. Armed with only a lantern, he started his journey much earlier than he needed, if only to allow himself to get lost. Lest he find himself in the wrong suite giving an older lady of the court the wrong impression.
Aemond finally made it to the correct entrance within the tunnels,  where he hoped Serena Tarbeck awaited him inside. 
Maegor, or at least his architects, had been clever enough to place small holes are every tunnel entrance, only visible to those inside the tunnel. One never knew who was looking at them through the walls. 
Aemond peered into the hole and held his breath. 
Inside the suite, Serena Tarbeck paced the room anxiously. The warm glow of the fireplace and candles bounced across the walls in a playful manner. She wore the same overcoat he had seen her in the past few nights, though this time he could not see her thin nightgown as she had wrapped the coat tight.
Her hair bounced as she paced, the brown strands falling in waves down her back. 
Aemond could feel his resolve weakening. He tapped on the wall, alerting her to his presence.
Her eyes met his in alarm, as she tentatively walked towards what to her would only appear to be a wall. 
Satisfied that he held her attention, Aemond pushed on the wall that revealed itself as an entryway. She gasped and her eyes widened as he made his way into her rooms.
“This felt less conspicuous than using your main door,” He offered, now feeling somewhat foolish for his grand entrance.
She eyed him slowly, a nervous smile making its way to her features. “You Targaryens do like to keep your secrets.”
Aemond nodded and closed the secret passage. The chill of the tunnels was unforgiving and would not add to the otherwise warm ambiance of the room. He turned to Serena, his confidence waning. 
Perhaps this was a foolish idea. He was no better than Aegon, sneaking around concealed passageways around the keep and pushing unwanted advances onto women.
He looked over the woman before him, unable to meet her eyes. He watched her chest rise, a tad unsteady. Perhaps she was also trying to keep her nerve about her. He watched her hands play with the strings of her overcoat. 
“My prince,” She began, a slight stutter in her voice.
“Aemond,”  He corrected, his gaze still landing on her hands.
“Aemond,” She repeated. “I hope you do not find me too forward.”
He looked up at her sharply. She took in a deep breath and untied the strings of her coat. In an agonizingly slow manner, she slipped the coat from her shoulders to reveal her bare body. Aemond could do nothing but stare. Perhaps I truly am no better than Aegon.
“I hope I have not completely misread the situation,” She whispered, though her confidence grew as she spoke. “I am a virgin. I have been married for many moons and yet my marriage remains unconsummated.”
“You have not misread the situation,” Aemond replied, taking in a deep swallow. The revelation of her unconsummated marriage was news to him. The thought excited him. His hands, his mouth, his cock would be the first to ever touch her. He would mark her as his own, the unseen stain of his misdeeds forever upon her body. He walked towards her.
Her body was breathtaking. Her breasts were pert and appeared supple. Her shoulders were broader than most women, and her arms held the faint outline of muscle. Her hips looked as though they were sculpted by the Maiden herself. Dark, curly hair eyed him softly as at her core, begging to be touched.
“Her husband is a very stupid man,” He thought, captivated by the woman before him. He felt himself grow hard as he took her in.
She looked at him through her lashes, mischief shimmering in her eyes.
He reached out his right hand and cupped one of her breasts. Gooseflesh planted itself along her chest. He squeezed softly, pleased to find her breasts as supple as he had imagined. He ran his thumb over her nipple and felt it harden under touch.
A soft moan escaped from her lips. 
Aemond moved his hand in a slow manner from her breast and traced her collarbone with his thumb. She breathed deeply as if trying to control herself. 
In a sudden motion, he moved his hand to behind her neck and the other, unoccupied hand found itself around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He felt the heat from her body calling towards his own. 
Her lips parted as she looked up at him. 
“Aemond,” She whispered. His lips crashed into her in an explosive manner. The hand behind her neck tangled in her beautiful, brown locks. She kissed him back with such a need. This felt natural. This kiss felt as though it was something he had prepared for his entire life. 
His tongue licked at her bottom lip, at first asking for entrance into her warm, sweet mouth. Her breath, breathing into his lungs, was intoxicating. If all wine were as sweet and potent as her, he would spend the rest of his days intoxicated. No better than Aegon.
They began to move until her back hit the bed. Serena began to pull at his shirt, finding it unfair that she was the only one exposed. Reluctantly, Aemond pulled away and grasped at the collar, pulling the shirt over his head in a swift motion.
She eyed him hungrily, taking in his physique. Aemond knew he was toned and strong, all from the years of fighting Cole in the training yard. His chest was smooth, save for the occasional scar from training that had marred his chest. 
Uncontent with no longer touching her, Aemond grasped at her waist and sat her on the bed, pushing his body between her legs to part them allowing him to be closer to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her with a kiss. He could feel the heat of her core, so close to his cock. The only barrier was his breeches. 
Serena seemed to realize this and pulled at his breeches, willing them off. Aemond obliged and pulled them down, exposing the rest of his body. He was suddenly aware that his exposure might be her first glance at a bare man. The thought filled him with excitement.
She took in his full form, her eyes wide. She seemed more curious than nervous, which pleased him. She reached her hand out and hesitantly ran her fingers down the shaft of his cock. His cock jumped in response, which seemed to please her. She reached out once again, this time using a firmer grasp.
Recognizing that he would not last long if she kept touching him in such a manner, he grabbed her hands. He pulled them to his lips and kissed the inside of her wrists soft and slow, dragging out the anticipation for both of them. 
She bit her lip, a soft moan escaping her lips. He grinned as he kissed her. Satisfied, he pulled her hands close to him and kissed her neck. He felt the vibration of her moan as it escaped her throat. He sucked the unmarred skin, marking her as his, if only for tonight. 
He climbed onto the bed, covering her body with his own and placing her between both of his elbows.  She looked up at him with wild, green eyes. Frozen in time, she pushed a strand of hair from his face and touched his eyepatch. He pulled away, not willing to expose himself to her fully. 
“Not tonight,” He whispered and ran and hand through her hair, fingering her soft waves. She nodded, suddenly unsure of what came next. 
Aemond ran his hand that was just in her hair down her body, coming dangerously close to her core. He felt his cock brush at her thighs, further pushing him closer to his unbecoming. His fingers played at the dark hair concealing her cunt. She bucked her hips up at him unconsciously. 
“Please,” She pleaded in a breathy whisper. What else could he do but obey? 
His slender fingers separated her swollen lips and he was pleased to find her soaked in his presence. His fingers found her nub and brushed across it gently. Serena thrust her hips and let out a breathy moan.
“Please Aemond,” She breathed. Encouraged, he rubbed circles around the sensitive area and watched as she squirmed in pleasure beneath his touch. Her skin was flushed and red, building as he gave her more pleasure. Her flush traveled between breasts down her body, as if her entire being was brought to life by his touch. 
Her hands gripped at the bedsheets, holding on for dear life. Aemond had never seen anyone so beautiful. His hand moved faster and soon he knew she was close to becoming undone. 
“Aemond,” She whimpered. He met her eyes. 
“Let go,” He whispered. Serena jerked as she dissolved into waves of pleasure, her skin flushed and a glistening sheen of sweat coating her body. She breathed deeply and held her eyes closed as the high from her orgasm subsided. 
Aemond crawled up her body and kissed her softly. She opened her eyes and he saw they were clouded over in a haze, taking in the last few moments of pleasure. 
“You are beautiful,” He whispered. She looked at him and gave a lazy smile. 
“I need to feel you inside of me, Aemond,” She replied. Aemond almost came there. He nodded and reached down and grabbed his cock, positioning it at her entrance. 
“This will hurt,” He warned. She nodded.
“I know,” She replied, placing one arm on his cheek. “I want this.”
That was all the confirmation Aemond needed before he thrust himself into her with a groan. She let out a sharp breath. 
“Have I hurt you?”
“No, just give me a moment.”
Aemond stood still, waiting for Serena to adjust to his size and accommodation of him. She was warm and perfect. Her walls wrapped around him in such a way that even his wildest fantasies could not have come up with something better. 
“Keep going,” She begged. Aemond obeyed and buried himself deeper into her. She moaned and dug her fingers into his back.
Aemond thrust faster, knowing he would not last long though satisfied in knowing that he gave Serena pleasure before taking his own. They found a rhythm, Serena occasionally bucking her hips back in response when he hit her walls in a particular way. 
He found that he loved the way back stung from her scratches as she held onto him like a woman dying. He could feel himself getting close to climax. He thrust into her deeply.
“Fuck,” She moaned, her head thrown back in ecstasy. Aemond felt himself close to the edge. He pulled his cock from her cunt and positioned it over her stomach, cum spilling out over her stomach. Aemond hissed in pleasure, further aroused by his seed coating her body. 
Aemond breathed deeply, content and spent. He removed himself from the bed and grabbed a wet rag to clean her. She watched him as he crossed the room, his nakedness entirely on display. 
He cleaned her with the rag, cleaning her stomach and the small amounts of blood at her entrance. Some of the blood had strained the sheets. He felt somewhat smug at knowing that there was a piece of her that would always belong to him. 
“I will dispose of the sheets when I leave,” He said, gesturing at the stain. She sat up, wincing slightly, and looked at the damaged fabric. She nodded, still somewhat dazed. 
“I did not know it could be like that,” She admitted, lying back down. Aemond smirked, proud to know she felt as satisfied as he did in the aftermath of their crime. “Will you stay if only for a little while?”
Aemond nodded and climbed into bed beside her. He wrapped an arm around her waist.  Her body was so warm as he pulled it close, though she shivered under his touch. One of her hands found his own and she began to rub circles with her thumb in a soothing manner. Aemond soon found himself drifting on the edge of dreams. 
When he closed his eye and let his mind wander, he did not have to think about the reality of the situation: That he was truly and utterly fucked.
Notes: Okay confession time. This is my first time writing smut. I hope you enjoyed!
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gorbalsvampire · 3 months
𝖃𝕴𝕴𝕴 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝕱𝖊𝖚𝖉𝖆𝖑 𝕭𝖔𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖆
𝔄𝔠𝔱 ℑ, 𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 𝔦
Our story begins in the summer. Sister Alzbeta is startled from her contemplation of the spider by a summons from the Prince. Not even a messenger - a supernal call, a "come at once" felt deep in the veins.
Arriving at his solar within the castle grounds, she meets Serena (the Prince's advocate, a pale and deathless beauty with a voice like a steel file) and Ardan (the Prince's alchemist, who fully lip-bites at the sight of Alzbeta), whomst she knows, and Theodericus von Ingolstadt, a travelling Ventrue from Bavaria, whomst she does not know.
Prince Brandl (aloof, courtly, learned his endearing smile out of a book) has a task for the visitor and a woman of the cloth: visit the Jewish Quarter and deliver a message to Josef Zvi, concerning the admission of Cainites to the Quarter after dark, and the preeminence of Princely authority over the grant of domain.
At the historically inaccurate gate to the Quarter, Theodericus shows his quality of being utterly unable to tell a lie, and has Alzbeta lie on his behalf, spinning a yarn of a simpleton who's strayed into the Quarter by day and needs recovering before he causes trouble. Mordecai the gatekeeper is suspicious, as you would be, given the mysterious death of a revered elder, and Theodericus is forced to Compel him.
Within the Quarter, meanwhile, Mariam the Golem awakens and receives the sad news that Zachary, the eldest rabbi of the Quarter, has died suddenly of a brain fever that came upon him in the night - and the scuttlebutt that his study looked ransacked when his son Mendel found him.
Not wanting to rouse the household, and wanting to keep Mendel safe from any Cainite nonsense, Mariam sends in her familar Mr. Matzah Ball (the smartest and most patient stray cat in all of Prague) to explore Zachary's study on the third floor. And then has to climb the front of the building to look in the window and direct him. And then can't fit through the window, because she is six foot of leprous-looking muscle, and now hangs Obfuscated over the street...
At that moment, she realises a nun and a knight are walking down the street below her, and she picks her moment well, dropping from the lintel to the abject bestartlement of Theodericus and the utter calm and composure of Alzbeta. There follows an exchange concerning Josefs and the number of Josefs in Josefov, and the presence of gentiles after dark, and the acknowledgement that the Prince is an ass, and these two are half-asses. Theodericus is now convinced that "ass" is a Jewish term of high respect, because the alternative is of course appalling and not to be contemplated. Those Jews just love their donkeys, apparently.
Mariam relents, because the nun is polite and the knight is stupid and it's somewhat endearing, and takes them to the cemetery in the north of the Quarter to meet its keeper, Zvi. Zvi is unimpressed by these messengers, and bids them tell the popinjay Prince on his gold toilet that his authority and the Jews' claim on their land are derived from higher powers still. It is unclear whether he means the King or the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, but his stance is immutable.
However: he bears the messengers no ill will, at present, and he has no wish to send two more of Brandl's minions to the bottom of the Vitava, so he has Mariam escort them back to the bridge - just to be sure no harm befalls them as they cross the Old Town.
Next time: Mariam is tasked with an investigation; the matter of life after death becomes crucial; we meet the Cappadocians of Petrin Hill; and a thief is sought and (hopefully) taken.
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nekrophoria · 1 year
Fruity Asks! 🍉🥭 for Serena and 🍌🍇  for Mabon
Thank you so much for the asks! And I'm sorry it took me half an eternity to answer them >_&lt;
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🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?  
Definitely Summer.
a) She was born in Summer
b) It sorta fits her personality best imo, since summers can be harsh but are usually warm and welcoming and carry a sense of liveliness
and c) She's the kind of person who thrives in warm and sunny weather, plus she loves going swimming which is infinitely more fun in summer
🥭  :    how important to my muse is their hometown,  or where they’re from?  are they proud of it,  or considered a hometown hero?  did they move away,  or do they wish to?
Already answered here!
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🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
How Mabon would describe his childhood? Simple. "None of your business."
Mabon would never disclose anything he remembers about his childhood to someone he doesn't trust 200%. And even then he really wouldn't see any good reason to talk about it with anyone.
He's an Alter of a Dissociative Identity Disorder System. Dissociative Identity Disorder is caused by prolonged early childhood trauma. Based on that alone one could say that his childhood is the reason for him existing the way he does and that it had a huge impact on him.
Although he doesn't have an emotional attachment to his childhood and perceives it more as Mel's childhood than his own for the most part, he holds a lot of negative and traumatic memories of that time, and his outlook on the world, other people, Mel, and himself was shaped by it.
Whether or when he matured through that is hard to say . For the most part I think he was forced to mature way too early in life. In other aspects (especially the more emotional and interpersonal ones) his upbringing stunted his natural process of maturing quite a bit.
🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others,  or will they only do it when it benefits them,  if at all?  what makes them this way?  has it ever gotten them into trouble,  or inconvenienced them?
That one was more difficult to answer than I initially thought.
Generally...he wouldn't be inclined to help, not really.
Mabon's number one priority is himself and his or the body's well being. He's got a bit of a tunnel vision when it comes to anything beyond that.
Based on the context and situation if he benefits from it however he is more than willing to help someone, although for pragmatic reasons.
There are other alters in the system who are more prone to be triggered and front when Mel finds himself in situations where people rely on him or need support, which (so far) has kept Mabon from many scenarios where he could've been put in front of the moral dilemma "Do I turn a blind eye to someone who obviously needs help?"
I think if Mabon would for whatever reasons find himself in a situation like that and he could somewhat safely assess that the person in need is truly helpless/harmless or wouldn't screw him over in the process, or if lo and behold he actually cared for the person he'd have more trouble turning a blind eye than he'd like or might be aware of at this point in time
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mxstball · 7 months
"Zinnia-- happy Palentine's Day,"
It is a greeting that comes with a somewhat awkward embrace on the heroine's end, no thanks to the gifts in both hands. And whatever has she bought her on this day? Why, a bouquet so deliberately put together-- of gracideas, white jasmine, and the flower matching the lorekeeper's namesake in a red hue--, as well as something a little more lavish. A bolo bracelet, white gold with a diamond from a certain Diancie in its centre, surrounded by a halo of clear gems and, of course, a few emeralds in the cardinal directions.
"I don't know if this is really your style, but... what I do know is that you deserve to be spoiled today especially."
"Happy Palentine's Day to you too, love~"
Honestly, a part of her forgot that people celebrate today. Here she thought that she had the jump on Serena by getting something. Unfortunately for her, it appears that Serena was not one to forget. It's a good thing that her Reshiram next to her was holding her gifts. Zinnia accepted Serena's gifts -- a bouquet of flowers from gracideas to white jasmine to zinnias, as well as a fancy bracelet with a diamond, clear gems and emeralds.
"This is--woah." Zinnia was speechless for a while. While it wasn't typically something her style as she's not the fancy type, she was definitely going to wear it more often than she usually would for something like this. Zinnia was bright red in the face for a moment as she tried to come up with the words to say what she wanted to say. "Th--thank you. I... I don't think anyone other than my dad has given me something so nice before. I'll cherish it forever."
After a hug to her love and a quick smooch, it was now Zinnia's turn.
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"I got you something, too. I... 'unno if it's anywhere near as fancy as this but--" Zinnia turned to Shiro and gave the Reshiram Serena's gifts so Zinnia could get hers from the dragon. Once she had them, she gave them to Serena. There were four things: a bouquet of flowers -- a mixture of white lilies and bright gracidea flowers. They seemed extremely fresh -- and three statuettes. The first was of the Eon Duo, crafted through smooth stone and meticulously painted. They seemed to be flying around each other and forming a heart shape. The second was of Ho-oh, seemingly perched on a tower. The detail in the feathers and beak seemed just right. The final statuette was of Xerneas, made through meticulous detail both in stature and in color. They all were extremely colorful, bright, and faithful to their real-life counterparts. "Dad, Lacey, and I worked really hard to make these because we'd thought that you'd like them. Lacey and I thought of the Latios and Latias thing and thought it was really graceful and cute, but Rayquaza was strangely insistent on making a Xerneas and a Ho-Oh one. Said something about how fitting it would be. So, we made all three for you. Hope you like them."
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soukita · 2 years
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Anime has always been a dominating factor in the fashion industry due to its influence on its audience and cult following. On-screen cinema has inspired an array of people to dress similar or spot on to famous characters such as Serena van der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf from Gossip girl. These outfits and characters also transpire into having a lasting effect in cinema i.e. the Academy Award nominated film The Devil Wears Prada. Because these shows and movies have such a large cult following due to their aesthetic and nostalgic attachments, individuals bond themselves to the cinematic art these on-screen displays portray. NANA is the story of Nana Komatsu and Nana Osaki. They first meet on a train to Tokyo and discover that they are the same age.
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Both Nana’s have different styles. Nana Komatsu (pictured left) goes by Hatchi and Nana Osaki (pictured right). Hatchi and Nana both have different aesthetics, Nana dresses with a punk rock whilst Hatchi dresses in very girly-esq outfits. They both have different aspirations; Hatchi moves to Tokyo to be with her boyfriend Shoji, and Nana moves to become a famous punk singer.
In NANA, Vivienne Westwood is referenced in almost every episode. You can see almost all of the characters wearing something by the designer, even if it is as small as a pair of earrings.
NANA has had a huge impact on fashion, especially through its resurrection on social media apps i.e. TikTok, Pinterest and Instagram. In summer 2020, because of TikTok, Vivienne Westwood’s pearl choker with her crystal orb logo gained massive popularity, being seen on celebrities and influencers alike. The necklace is detailed as a single strand with pearls and a Westwood orb falling in the middle of the necklace. There is also a three strand version of the necklace. Both these necklaces were featured in NANA. Now, because of its resurrection, it is seen as the It-Girl accessory of 2021 thanks to its popularity on TikTok.
NANA has truly inspired a lot of people, knowingly or not, to buy many of the exact pieces featured in the show. Because of its affluence and hype, some of these iconic pieces are reselling on the second hand market for astronomically high price points.
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With the boom of Westwood’s influence on a newer generation, this makes it somewhat harder to get some iconic pieces due to Nana’s popularity. Because of this, it has caused a lot of fakes to be created via Aliexpress, Dhgate, and eBay to be sold on various reselling apps i.e. Grailed, Heroine and Depop. As a result, it sometimes gets harder to identify the real and authentic piece especially if someone is buying into the brand because of NANA and its symbolic influence it has on the buyer or watcher. It takes away from the brand because it’s turning an iconic brand like Westwood into fast fashion because of the mass produced pieces. In no way is this Westwood’s fault because she supplied products that rose in popularity due to anime, social media and seeing people wearing these pieces. However, if Westwood was to lower her prices and start to mass produce her items, it would take away from the brand’s exclusivity and message. An example of this would be House Of Sunny where they rose to fame due to their infamous David Hockney inspired dress. House of Sunny based themselves upon sustainability and spaced out drops however when the dress started to get popular they started to mass produce items. This also affected the quality of their garments and their dress was now being replicated on AliExpress. Westwood’s jewelry is costume jewelry, so they’re not made out of pearls, diamonds or precious metals. It’s up to you if you want to spend £120 on a MINI BAS RELIEF CHOKER via the official Vivienne Westwood site.
Westwood’s influence on fashion has inspired a generation of young creatives. However, her influence on NANA truly changed the way people correlate animated TV shows into real life outfit and lifestyle inspiration.
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madam-wakefield · 10 months
Open when...Chapter 5
AO3 Link FF Link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 When a few years into their relationship Bernie is asked to go back to the army and deploy Serena isn't sure how she's going to get through the nine months without her girlfriend. What she doesn't expect is for it to be her girlfriend who has the perfect set of surprises to get her through both the best and the worst days. Canon divergent - Elinor lives (well actually the accident never happens), Raf lives, and Cameron isn't a total ass! The staff of AAU also probably didn't all work on there at the same time in canon but do in this! The fic is already fully written with the first few chapters having already been Beta'd. 27 chapters including the epilogue. Hoping to post every Monday and Friday!
Chapter 5
Open when you have had a good day at work…
Bernie has been gone over a month before she really starts to feel somewhat used to not having her partner around. It isn’t easy, but it’s easier than it was when she first left. She and Jason have slowly fallen into a good routine, and this makes life easier for them both. Serena has also gained more confidence in Raf which means there are times when she lets him handle the red phone on his own, knowing he’ll call her in if she’s needed. 
Today has been one such day: She’d been working alongside Raf when the car accident had been called through, two victims with almost identical injuries. There is no way they could have chosen which one of them to prioritise and they didn’t have to. They’d each taken their own second doctor and taken both patients into surgery at the same time. She and Raf had both encountered different complications in theatre, but the end result is the same for both patients. While recovery will take a while, they should both be fine. 
That isn’t the only positive thing to come out of the day. The new F1s who have been driving her crazy for the past week finally seem to be getting used to how life at the AAU runs. They act professionally and sensibly but also aren’t scared to call on her for help. By the end of the day, she remembers exactly what she loves about her job and why she loves being clinical lead of AAU. Today has been one of those days when what she’s done at work has really made a difference. 
At the end of her shift she decides that today is definitely a day for one of Bernie’s envelopes. It doesn’t take her long to find the right one: “Serena – Open when you’ve had a good day…” 
Just as she’s collecting her bag and coat, Fletcher sticks his head round the office door to tell her they are all off to Albie’s for a drink. Normally she’d accompany them, but this evening she decides she wants to take her letter home and enjoy reading it before taking time to herself write to Bernie. She knows that while her day has been good, Bernie won’t be having the same kind of good days as she is, so she wants to share this with her in the hope it will at least help a little. 
The house is quiet when she gets home, and she can’t say it isn’t welcome. Jason is on a late shift which means he likely won’t be home until she’s already in bed. She heats up some leftover curry that she’d saved for the evening and pours herself a glass of red wine before heading to the table, taking the envelope from Bernie carefully out of her bag. 
She can’t help but smile at Bernie’s messy writing, it’s the epitome of a doctor’s handwriting. She takes the letter out of the envelope and lays it flat on the table so she can eat while she reads. 
My Dearest Serena,
I’m so glad you have had a good day and I hope that reading this will help make it even better. It’s so nice to have a day at the mad house that either runs smoothly or that works out for the best despite the challenges thrown at you. I’m so thankful to have you (and Raf) looking after the trauma unit for me. Please write to me when you can to tell me about your wonderful day but until then, let me pamper you with some of my own words of affirmation. 
I am truly lucky that I get to call you my girlfriend, because you’ve been everything to me these past few years. I value how you’ve always taken care of me, even when you’ve been tired. I love the way your eyes light up when you compliment me. The gentle tone you use when talking to me, the one that shows me that you truly cherish me. I know that this life we have created together is not a temporary thing but a permanent blossoming in our hearts. 
That final thought makes every day I spend deployed just a little bit easier. Knowing that at home is someone who wants to nurture and flourish this relationship as much as I do. That trusts me enough to let me have this time, to find the closure I truly needed. 
When I joined the army, I couldn’t openly be who I was. I would have lost everything. Yet here I am able to openly write that I am so thankful that I met you. Never in my dreams did I ever imagine that I would find anyone as wonderful as you. Here I am closing the army chapter in my life, openly gay and with the most amazing woman that I get to call my girlfriend. 
I hope this letter has helped to make your day even more enjoyable than it already was. 
All My Love, Bernie,
Your Big Macho Army Medic x
By the time she finishes the letter her heart is so full of love for Bernie that she’s surprised it doesn’t burst open. She can’t say this is ever how she imagined her life would be like, since she had never even considered kissing a woman before meeting Bernie. But right here and right now, she knows she wouldn’t have life any other way.
She stands from the table, picking up her half empty glass of wine, and heads towards the living room, grabbing her laptop as she goes. She loads up the INtouch electronic mail service, happy now that she’s gotten adept enough to do it by herself. She takes a long swig of wine before beginning to type.
Dear Bernie,
You, my love, are just incredible. I’ve had a good day at work today and decided it was the perfect day to open the matching envelope. You are truly correct, it has made my day even more enjoyable than it already was. 
I guess I’ll start at the beginning. I woke up having had a full nine hours sleep, I’m sure that’s the first time I’ve managed that since you’ve been gone. As Jason was on the late shift I didn’t want to wake him, so I decided to grab breakfast and coffee at Pulses, and my timing must have just been impeccable as the croissants were freshly baked just as I arrived, and smothered with a big helping of butter and black currant jam. They were just divine. (I’m hoping this isn’t making you too jealous. To help a little, I’ll send you a jar next time I send a care package over.) 
My day just got better from there. All of the F1s who were on shift turned up on time, and not a single one of them was hungover. They acted professionally and were even able to do parts of their jobs without me having to hover over them. Let’s just say my paperwork mountain is slowly looking smaller. 
Of course, the red phone didn’t behave all day, but I’m now at the point where I trusted Raf to take the first call with Jasmine. And I only jumped in on the second one because we had two patients with almost identical injuries that both needed operating on at the same time. Needless to say, both are doing well and will make a full recovery. (Don’t think that means I don’t want you back though – sharing an office with Raf isn’t as fun as sharing it with you.) 
Then I got home, and I read your letter, and if I’m not the luckiest woman alive, I don’t know who is! How fortunate I am that, even from over three thousand miles away, you are looking after me. That you want me to be the best I can be every day. That you want to hear about all the things that are happening to me whilst you are gone. I think the only thing that would make this day better would be hearing your voice, because I do miss that. I know there isn’t as much I can do to make sure your day goes well but what I will do is attach some recent pictures to this letter. 
All my love, darling
Stay safe, soldier.
Serena x
Just as she hits the send button, her phone starts buzzing. She looks down at it to realise her good day is about to become the best day. 
“Hey, you,” she says gently, smiling so wide that it’s threatening to split her face in two. 
“Hey, my love. Sorry I didn’t give you any notice before calling. I just felt like I needed to hear your voice today.” And Serena wants to say she understands but she doesn’t, not totally. Yes, she wants to hear Bernie’s voice, but she isn’t seeing what Bernie is seeing, isn’t going through what Bernie is. 
“That’s okay, I’ve just finished writing you an e-bluey actually.” They both know they aren’t officially called that anymore, but it’s so much easier to call them that when referring to them. 
“Thank you.” It’s said from under Bernie’s fringe. Serena’s fingers twitch with the urge to gently brush it out of her face but she can’t. “So how is everyone, everything?” 
Serena can’t help but study every inch of Bernie’s grainy face as she replies. “Things are good, it’s starting to get cold here now, the weather is feeling much more autumnal than It was. The trees at the spot where we go walking have turned into the most magnificent shades of oranges and reds. Actually, I attached a picture with the bluey I just wrote you.” 
“Oh, I imagine it’s beautiful, I’m glad you’re doing things for yourself while I’m gone,” Bernie says, smiling back at her. She misses seeing that smile in person, but she’ll take what she can get right now. 
“As if you’d have it any other way.” The chuckle she gets out of Bernie at that is music to her ears. “Mrs. Higgs from next door has been back in hospital though she seems to me home and on the mend again now. She told me to pass on her regards next time we spoke.”
“She’s having a poor run of it, isn’t she?” Bernie questions back. 
“She is, thank god for our brilliant NHS.” Bernie chuckles again at that and Serena would do anything to hear it all night, but she knows they don’t have that luxury. 
“What about you?” Bernie questions. “What else have you been up to?” 
Serena had been reserved about sharing this sort of thing during their first few conversations, feeling guilty for being able to talk about so much of the stuff she was doing when Bernie’s circumstances were so very different. But then Bernie had explained that she likes it, that it gives her a way of feeling closer to home. 
“Fleur and I went out for brunch on Friday, we tried a new café in town, and trust me, I’m taking you once you’re home. You’ll just love the French toast they serve. I’ve got a hair appointment booked for Thursday, my next day off. The grey is starting to show a little too much. Then the day after, I’m off to watch Elinor in her show. What about you? How’s the downtime been?
“Good, we played volleyball together earlier, though I’m not sure my back is very thankful for that right now. Oh, and your care package arrived, the sweets lasted all of five minutes, though in my defence I did share them with the rest of the team. Oh, and sorry to be a pain, but the next time you send one I’m almost certainly going to need some more deodorant,” Bernie says before yawning. Serena watches the way the corner of her eyes crinkle.
“Never! You know you can always ask me for the things you need. But now I think you need to go and get some rest, love. Isn’t it almost midnight there?” 
“It is, and you’re right, I probably do. I love you and miss you, remember that.”
“I love and miss you too, stay safe, soldier.”
And that night as she goes to sleep, Serena is the most content she's felt since Bernie went away.
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