#ser gilmore romance
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inquisitor-julia · 2 years ago
Starting the very long road to replaying and rereading all of the Dragon Age content in prep for DA4's *eventual* release and.......Cousland origin has me fucked up again 😭😭😭
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bravethelouistl · 2 years ago
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▪︎Wallpaper aesthetic▪︎
My favss
Like/reblog if u save
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sweetmage · 2 years ago
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dragonagepolls · 5 months ago
This doesn’t have to mean you agree with them morally. It’s ok to like a villain for being an interesting character.
*Characters who have EVER been controllable party members are not included (e.g. even though Leliana is an NPC in DA2 and DAI, she is controllable in DAO and therefore does not count). Romanceable NPCs (Cullen and Josephine) have also been left out in the interest of giving everyone else a chance.
Bracket 1
Bracket 2
Bracket 4
Bracket 5
Bracket 6
Bracket 7
Bracket 8
Brackets were seeded with a random shuffler. 
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thewardenisonthecase · 3 months ago
Anneliese Cousland
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Born in 9:11 Dragon, Anneliese was the youngest daughter of Eleanor and Bryce Cousland. From a young age, she showed an interest in sword play, and soon, her father had her trained as a warrior, though Anneliese was still fond of the "softer arts" (as her mother put it), such as embroidery.
She grew into a beautiful and very tall woman, as she's 1,90 m. She has had a few marriage propositions but she has turned them all down, because she wants to live a little first before settiling down. She's bisexual, and has had a few flings with some other noble girls and servants. She also had a massive crush on Ser Gilmore and before the beggining of the game, considered pursuing a relationship with him. On the night of Howe's attack, however, she was sleeping with Iona.
Anneliese is a very strong warrior and extremely capable in combat, though her phisique, in the past, has made her a bit insecure, as other noble ladies were not as physically strong as her, and it's why when wearing dresses, she prefers a looser fit.
She has a silver tongue and is very charming, with a only few words being able to make others change their minds.
After the events of the prologue, and when she reaches Ostagar, Anneliese is very monotone and barely responsive, and up until the Joining, she was pretty much on air plane mode. Alistair's humor, however, was a nice distraction.
I'm not going to describe right now her whole journey during the game, so here's a very quick run down:
Major choices:
Helped Redcliff defend itself against the undead and killed Connor.
Sided with the mages
Got Zathrien to end the werewolf curse
Sided with Caridin and crowned Bhelen as king
Did NOT defile the ashes and saved Arl Eamon
Killed the tevinter slavers in the Alienage
Alistair killed Loghain and was chosen as king in the Landsmeet
Got Alistair to do the Dark Ritual with Morrigan
Survived killing the Archdemon and was crowned queen of Fereldan with Alistair.
In regards to companions:
Recruited everyone except for Shale and completed all their quests
Hardened Alistair and Softened Leliana
Romanced Alistair, but she slept with Zevran first
Is besties with Sten and sees Wynne almost as a mother figure
Threesome with Alistair and Isabela
Did not kill Flemeth and lied to Morrigan about it
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nemeunemaya · 2 years ago
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*          discomfort on my face , wanna shut me up . warriors looking for game to hunt ! in your game, i’m the problem . (( plot ideas here ))   
🤍                  LITTLE HISTORY                  ;
Conheça um pouco sobre a Nemaya em alguns tópicos. 
nome : nemaya theongoni
idade : 27
módulo : esquadrão vil  
genitores : megara e hércules
traços : arrogante, sarcástica, charmosa e leal
hobbies : vida fit (todo tipo de exercício), pintura e piano no off
mbti : enfp
sexualidade : bissexual birromântica
comida favorita : mcdevil
inspiração : ellie (the last of us part. II), aelin galathynius (trono de vidro), louise le blanc (pássaro e serpente), johnny bravo && lorelai gilmore (gilmore girls)
skeleton : a duquesa sangrenta: nébula, a duquesa
faceclaim : im jinah
🤍                  PERSONALITY                  ;
A personalidade da desastrosa Nemaya. 
Por muito tempo, tudo que conheceu foi pesos de academia e flexões. Então, é de se imaginar que Nemaya não seja a pessoa que leva mais jeito com socializações possível. Muitas vezes, é pega falando algo que, para muitos, é indelicado ou até mesmo grosseiro, não conseguindo controlar a língua. É claro que também existe uma grande arrogância de sua parte, que faz com que seja excessivamente sarcástica, afinal tem noção do seu físico e acha que, só por isso, já coloca isso em uma posição elevada em relação a maioria das pessoas. 
Nemaya se demonstra, no entanto, tem um certo carisma que faz com que alguns não consigam tirar os olhos dela, principalmente quando faz alguma piadinha totalmente errada. Não se engane muito, pois ela sabe exatamente o que fazer para garantir que seja o centro das atenções. Além disso, é extremamente leal a quem se demonstra leal ela. Ah, mas se você fizer algo contra ela... Que Merlin te proteja! 
🤍                  BACKGROUND                  ;
O começo da vida de Nemaya foi um borrão de vazio e inconstâncias. As brigas entre Hércules e Megara eram uma certeza nos dias da criança, que vivia em uma guerra interna entre os dois. A genitora desejava a liberdade dos compromissos que envolviam ser a mulher de um semideus, enquanto ele se orgulhava firmemente de tudo que havia conquistado. A criança não era levada em consideração em qualquer momento, sendo criada por qualquer um exceto eles. Pareciam mais preocupados em destruir um ao outro do que com o que tinha sido o fruto daquele amor, que parecia não existir mais. Escutava, dentro do minúsculo quarto, os gritos e sons de objetos quebrando, revelando o quão perturbador era o relacionamento deles. Desde pequena, para Nemaya, o amor era feito de dor e brigas, nunca conhecendo ele de outra forma. Para ela, romance era intensidade o tempo todo. Mesmo com as brigas, na cabeça da menina, eles continuavam se amando apesar dos desentendimentos.
Tudo mudou quando Megara abandonou a casa que um dia tinha chamado de lar. Não sabe-se ao certo para onde ela foi, assim como as últimas palavras contendo mais ódio para aquela família que supostamente existia. Hércules não acreditou nenhum segundo que a esposa não voltaria, então falava para Nemaya que era tudo drama de uma mulher magoada. Depois de alguns meses sem retorno, Hércules perdeu a esperança, começando a colocar culpa na filha, que supostamente competia com a genitora e fazia com que Megara se sentisse inferior. Tentando não pensar na separação, o homem colocou na cabeça que a filha também teria o destino de ser uma grande guerreira, em um projeto mais pessoal do que pelo desejo da criança. Assim, o pai tornou-se o personal trainer da jovem. Comida restrita, muitos levantamentos de peso e muitas abdominais diárias. Ela podia ter apenas 8 anos, mas nunca é cedo demais para começar a praticar exercícios físicos! O shake proteico fazia parte do seu dia-a-dia, assim como uma boa barra de proteína pré-treino. McEvil nos finais de semana? Com certeza era proibido para Nemaya.
Ficou fadada a ser apenas o experimento de rato de academia do pai, vivendo o sonho de ser forte que nem ele, mesmo que jamais fosse acontecer. Enquanto isso, havia o impacto em não ter mais qualquer contato com a mãe, que era grande. Mesmo que desejasse enviar cartas para ela, tentando manter qualquer mínimo de contato, não conseguia descobrir o verdadeiro destino dela. Para Nemaya, era apenas uma confirmação do que o genitor tinha falado: era tudo culpa da sua existência. Assim, tomou como verdade aquilo, vivendo conforme o pai desejava, afinal apenas assim faria com que Hércules se afastasse. Por mais doloroso que fosse, ainda sim desejava ter uma família, desejando agradá-lo a qualquer custo.
A entrada em Tremerra representava supostamente a libertação para Nemaya, que não precisava viver atormentada pela ideia de Megara e pela pressão de Hércules. No entanto, as cartas enviadas constantemente para si por Hércules eram indício que jamais seria verdadeira livre da pressão que o genitor colocava na garota. Entrou nos Leões, assim como Hércules esperava e continuava com aquela maldita dieta, mesmo que uma vez ou outra conseguisse escapar. Quando sofreu o acidente, caindo do dragão, Nemaya foi impossibilitada de continuar no dragonball, o que foi um grande choque para a família. Ninguém sabia ao certo como reagir.
🤍                  POWER                  ;
Manipulação de corações.
O coração das pessoas irradiam emoções, fazendo com que Nemaya consiga ler através das cores presentes e da intensidade nas quais os corações brilham. Não pode evitar ver os corações de vez em quando involuntariamente (ou quando está curiosa), o que pega muitas vezes franzindo o cenho ao perceber as cores de alguém. Quando alguém está muito feliz, por exemplo, o coração irradia de uma forma quase cegante. Quando toca em outros, também consegue ver memórias associadas aos sentimentos que o coração implica, mas acontecem de maneira muito superficial. É muito útil, no entanto, quando percebe manchas escuras, por exemplo, tendo uma compreensão melhor das ações alheias. É frequentemente vista com dores de cabeça devido a intensidade de ficar recebendo sentimentos alheios o tempo todo.
🤍                  DAEMON                  ;
Conheça a Erato, dragão fêmea.
Sendo uma fêmea, recebeu o nome de Erato, em homenagem a uma das musas de quem o pai tanto falava. O contraste das íris púrpuras com as escamas pretas como ébano é algo que chama atenção, principalmente pela iridescência que as escamas parecem ter. Um amigo de Nemaya já brincou que parece que Erato sugou toda a luz do mundo, sendo a razão das escamas que tem um efeito único. De qualquer forma, mesmo que não seja o maior Wyvern já visto, é definitivamente um animal grande e excessivamente pesado. Por conta disso, o comportamento dele é um tanto preguiçoso, sempre dormindo e muito difícil de ser acordado se não desejar. Se tentar acordá-la antes da hora de alimentá-la, provavelmente receberá um olhar significativo para deixá-la em paz. Bem, não acontecerá nada demais caso não o faça, mas vai que Erato se revolta algum dia? Melhor não arriscar!
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enderevynne · 2 years ago
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↳ Howe Treachery
Mod creators are truly the Maker’s blessing upon us ohmygod
From the very first time I played the Cousland origin (a mere few weeks ago lol but I’ve replayed it a bunch of times already), I had the headcanon that Ness has been silently in love with Ser Gilmore for years; never saying anything or acting on it, as Gilmore works for his family (and will never not call him My Lord - which everyone does and Ness always hates but especially hates hearing from Gilmore), and that’s a line Ness will not cross. 
But even if Gilmore didn’t work for his family, even if his love for Gilmore wasn’t highly inappropriate, Ness still wouldn’t have acted. Because Gilmore never said anything either, and so Ness always assumed it was unrequited. Ness is someone who likes casual hookups; mostly with men, and maybe once in a blue moon with a woman - and that’s no secret to anyone. The only part of himself he’s ever hidden or felt shame for is his love for Ser Gilmore. Ness doesn’t give a shit about wealth and stature, but is well aware of the power his stature grants him, and so is careful not to abuse it. 
That’s also been my headcanon for why Ness hooks up with Dairren after learning that Gilmore is likely going to go off to become a Warden, never to return to his old life. Dairren is safe, Dairren is hot, Dairren loves books too, and Dairren is unabashedly interested. Ness is heartbroken and desperate to find a way to move on... and sweet, red-headed Dairren reminds him of Gilmore (and hoo boy does that add to his self hatred and guilt when that ends up killing Dairren right in front of Ness later). 
I also headcanoned that their night together actually ended up with them both enthusiastically agreeing to a proper date once Dairren returned - and that was before I knew Dairren was about to fucking die (I was so not prepared for that T_T). I’ve searched about for answers on whether he can be saved if your oc does not bed him because if so I’d go back and save him, but a small, evil part of me loves the hurt.
(I was not prepared for anyone at the castle dying, tbh. I thought his father and brother were definitely going to not return but damn what happened was nothing I was prepared for.) 
And I thought it couldn’t hurt more than not being able to say goodbye properly to Gilmore, other than Ness trying to stay behind with him to hold the gate but being refused.
Buuuuut then I found the Farewell Ser Gilmore mod. And it’s amazing and it hurts. Way, way more. And I love it!!
And even though yes you get to choose whether or not your character kisses him, I’m just gonna headcanon that Gilmore is the one who initiates the kiss. Because that hurts so much more. 
Another part this tiny but amazing mod added to my Ness story, is the awesome parallel that headcanon-turned-kinda-canon mod brought. 
See, even before the bi Alistair mod, I was convinced Alistair is pining for the Warden whether you can romance him or not. It’s painfully obvious in his jealousy etc. Then once thanks to the mod Ness finally could romance him, I let it drag on a while before they get together even so. 
Because Ness first has a very brief casual thing with Morrigan (very brief not because he doesnt like her, but because he breaks it off immediately after Morrigan suggests they just let everyone in the Circle get slaughtered) then with Zevran almost immediately after he’s recruited (he doesn’t much care if that might cause his assassination; he kind of welcomes the idea, but then breaks it off once he trusts and cares about Zevran). 
Like with Gilmore, Ness is silently in love with Alistair. But he is very well aware this time that his love is returned. But he is in no shape to deal with it. 
Ahhh this mod added so much to his story, it’s killing me and I LOVE IT SO MUCH
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moondustchiild · 11 months ago
please, luke, please, please, please... {gilmore girls}
Uma daquelas séries pelas quais te apaixonas no primeiro minuto.
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Gilmore Girls, conhecida em Portugal como Tal Mãe, Tal Filha, foi uma série americana que ficou popular mundialmente no início dos anos 2000. Esta foi criada por Amy Sherman-Palladino e estrelada por Lauren Graham e Alexis Bledel.
O enredo desta passa se em Stars Hollow, Connecticut, um pequeno povoado fictício onde vive a mãe solteira Lorelai Victoria Gilmore e a sua filha Lorelai "Rory" Leigh Gilmore e várias outras personagens bem peculiares. A série explora diversos assuntos, tais como família, amizades, conflitos geracionais e classes sociais e é caraterizada pelos seus diálogos rápidos com poucas pausas, frequentes referências à cultura popular, política e comentários sociais.
Sendo aclamada mundialmente Gilmore Girls foi um nome presente na minha watch list durante vários anos e por mais que eu tivesse vontade de a ver costumava olhar para as suas sete temporadas um pouco receosa. Séries exigem tempo por parte de quem às vê e esse foi o principal motivo pelo qual eu acabava por ficar de pé atrás com Tal Mãe Tal Filha: afinal, 156 episódios empoem respeito.
A real vontade de ver série surgiu quando a Netlix anunciou um revival da série para 2016 intitulado de Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life que eu também demorei para ver mas eu só fui começar a ver a série em dezembro de 2017. Por isso, a mesma acabou por me acompanhar ao longo de praticamente todo o meu ano de caloira na universidade e por isso tenho um carinho ainda mais especial por ela.
Alerta: Este post é longo e cheio de spoilers, prossiga por conta própria e risco
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Terminei de maratonar a série há algum tempinho e juro que a vontade era que tivesse outras sete temporadas para me perder um pouquinho mais em Stars Hallows.
Tenho a intenção de futuramente trazer a review de cada uma das temporadas e de cada um dos episódios ro revival mas no post de hoje quer mesmo falar vos de como Lorelai Gilmore e companhia me conquistaram. Gilmore Girls é, sem sombra de dúvidas, uma daquelas séries maravilhosas que quando termina te deixa com a sensação de que ficaste orfão. Com um elenco extremamente carismatico ou maioritariamente que te deixará caídinho/a de amores.
Considero a Lorelai um desses amores à primeira vista, o que facilmente a tornou a minha personagem favorita que é, na minha opinião, uma mulher excecional e exemplo de mãe e pessoa, que só muito ocasionalmente me fez passar raiva e sempre por causa da sua relação com o Luke.
Apesar de ser uma série que se focava tanto na mãe (Lorelai) como na filha (Rory) pra mim Lorelai roubou sempre a cena. Foram sete temporadas em que vimos uma mulher passar por vários desafios, alguns dos quais bem dificeis, sem se deixar abater e sempre disposta a dar a volta por cima. No final do dia sempre a viamos a fazer o melhor possível pra si e para quem a rodeava, mantendo o seu sorriso no rosto.
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De todos os arcos amorosos da série o seu foi o mais complicado: desde as suas indas e vindas com Christopher (que a levaram ao altar); o relacionamento com Max (um professor de Rory) e o romance com Luke (pelo que torci desde o primeiro momento). Ai, como esquecer o episódio Raincots and Recipes (4x22) em que o casal Java Junkie finalmente dei o seu primeiro beijo? Ainda me lembro de gitar e chorar de felicidade por ver que um dos meus ships favoritos estava finalmente a acontecer.
Infelizmente, após esse momento o relacionamento destas duas personagens não foi tão firme quanto eu gostaria que tivesse sido, na minha opinião, demasiados altos e baixos. Sadly os pombinhos nunca chegaram a subir ao altar e eu coloco toda a culpa em cima dos ombros do Luke Danes que não soube lidar da melhor forma com a descoberta da sua filha. Ainda sinto o sangue a fervilhar só de me recodar o quão ele exclui a Lorelai, vê-la sofrer com tudo aquilo foi de partir o coração. Amaldiçoada seja a sexta temporada que a cada episódio destruiu um pouco mais o melhor casal de Stars Hallow.
Em assuntos do coração quem também passou por muitos altos e baixos foi a Rory! Vários momentos das suas histórias de amor pareciam tirados de clássicos românticos de Hollywood como esquecer aquele You jump, I jump, Jack e isso torna um pouco difícil decidir qual dos seus pretendentes o melhor. Pessoalmente, o que menos me agradou foi o Dean, mas a verdade é que mesmo assim cada um dos seus pares amorosos teve o seu momento. Para mim a verdadeira disputa ficou entre o Jess e o Logan: cada um teve a verdadeira oportunidade de ganhar o coração da Rory e do espetador. Especialmente Jess, que ao longo da última temporada surpreendeu ao crescer tanto enquanto pessoa. Juro que julguei que a Rory iria aceitar o seu pedido de casamento, contudo isso acabou por não acontecer.
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Rory colocou sempre os seus estudos à frente por isso não foi de admirar que ela tenha escolhido a sua carreira invés do seu relacionamento. O seu caminho até Yale, e mesmo em Yale, não foi nada fácil e a jovem foi obrigada a enfrentar bastantes dificuldades. Do seu percurso estudantil é de salientar o seu discurso na High School Graduation, um dos momentos mais emocionantes de toda a série, principalmente as palavras que ela disse à sua mãe. Com um pouco de esforço vimos a Rory a formar-se em Yale, ao mesmo tempo que os colegas de primeiro ano - mesmo ela tendo feito uma pausa de um ano. What?! A melhor parte disto tudo foi poder ver o brilhinho nos olhos da Lorelai sempre que ela viu a sua filha alcançar uma nova conquista.
Ao longo das sete temporadas todas as personagens tiveram o seu espaço e a oportunidade de crescer, exemplo disse é a relação de Lorelai com os pais Emily e Richard: que mesmo que nunca tenha sido perfeita evoluiu o suficiente para as coisas terminarem bem. Até amigos mais próximos das Gilmores, como Sookie, Michel, Paris e Lane, deixaram lembranças maravilhosas que dificilmente serão esquecidas.
Os episódios finais foram os que mais me costuram a ver por sentir a dificuldade que seria despedir me de Stars Hollow. Mas, apesar da dor da despedida, achei o último episódio lindo. Desde a festa surpresa organizada para a Rory ao beijo re reconcialiação de Lorelai e Luke. Em caso de dúvidas, Gilmore Girls foi das melhores maratonas que fiz até hoje. E para quem ainda não viu: trust me está na hora de veres.
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Felizmente Stars Hollow estará sempre para nos voltar a receber.
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lynxkaya · 2 years ago
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PREPARE TO GET STARSTRUCK! Acabamos de ver CASSANDRA “CASSIE” HAYES passando pelo tapete vermelho! Com seus VINTE E CINCO anos, ela é uma CANTORA E ATRIZ conhecida pelos seus fãs por ser muito CATIVANTE e CHARMOSA, embora há quem diga que nos bastidores ela possa ser bastante INQUIETA e SEM FILTRO. Você ouviu o que os tablóides andam dizendo sobre ela? Não? Ah, eu te conto! Estão dizendo que ELA TRAIU SEU EX NAMORADO! Será que isso é verdade? Hm… esperamos que não comprometa os seus futuros projetos porque realmente gostamos de vê-la no topo!
          PINTEREST     -     CONNECTIONS     -     PLAYLIST
nome: cassandra “cassie” hayes.
idade: 25 anos.
profissão: cantora e atriz.
orientação sexual: heterossexual.
inspiração musical: billie eilish
albuns: don´t smile at me, when all fall asleep where do we go?, happier than ever (ainda está lançando esse)
filmografia: cayle cooper em The D.C (atriz mirim), protagonista em Moonstruck (parodia de starstruck)
inspirações: devon lee carlson, fatinha (malhação), jessica olson, lorelai gilmore e mais...
﹂ A vida imita a arte ou a arte imita a vida? cassandra nasceu e cresceu em uma família muito ambiciosa, filha de um policial aposentado e uma ex miss américa (que foi forçada a deixar sua carreira de lado quando deu luz a menina). sempre desejaram dinheiro, fama, prestigio, e com a criança não seria diferente. após notar o talento de cassie com o publico kristy resolveu leva-la para tentar a sorte em audições de TV. e não foi uma surpresa quando ela conseguiu seu primeiro papel em uma série adolescente.
﹂ o primeiro e único... ao menos em um bom tempo. seus pais que já haviam se acostumado a encher os bolsos de dinheiro e os copos de whisky enquanto promoviam festas regadas a jazz na sala de estar quase não acreditaram. a fonte de dinheiro havia secado, e após uma crise de choro e raiva a criança nunca mais foi chamada para atuar em outros papéis.
﹂ ainda na adolescência a cobrança de conseguir o estrelato para proporcionar um futuro melhor para a sua família continuava a todo vapor e cassie, que sempre amou cantar, lançou um cd independente, que não atingiu muito sucesso. no entanto, depois de muito tentar ela foi chamada para as gravações de Moonstruck, e foi lá que tudo mudou.
﹂ o filme em si foi um sucesso entre os jovens, retratando uma garota normal que se encontrava acidentalmente com um astro de cinema musical, e eles acabavam se apaixonando. mas assim como os fãs esperavam, o romance não ficou só nas telinhas, logo após encerrarem as gravações cassie e o famoso cantor engataram em um romance digno de novela, e por um tempo foram até eleitos como o casal do ano.
﹂ mas o termino veio após quase quatro anos, e muitos discos e musicas escritos em sua homenagem, havia acabado. assim como o previsto, as paginas de fofoca se encheram com as noticias sobre quem traiu quem, ou qual dos dois lados havia sido o errado. cassie saiu em partes mais prejudicada, sua fama havia aumentado e os holofotes agora estavam virados para si, mas a que custo? 
﹂ a saída foi usar todo o bom humor que sempre lhe convém para lançar mais musicas durante o atrito, deixando o publico curioso e sedento para saber mais sobre a historia. e ela jamais perderia a oportunidade de fingir que se diverte com isso... embora não seja muito reconhecida pelo fato de estar só começando, a mulher aproveita as regalias como pode, nunca recusando um lanchinho gratis ou pedidos de foto quando tem a oportunidade.
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cherry-leigh1993 · 21 days ago
THE BETRAYED; part one of hero
BOOK ONE ; hero
Elissa Cousland is the only daughter of Bryce and Eleanor, and comes from Highever. Her family has owned the Teyrna for centuries. That is, until one fateful night that changes the course of everything. Elissa finds herself being thrusted into something more than she ever bargained for.
A Friend Becomes an Enemy
THE CITY OF HIGHEVER HAS BEEN OVERSEEN BY THE COUSLAND FAMILY FOR CENTURIES. The current Teyrn was Bryce Cousland, who ruled Highever with his wife and two children by his side. As an independent city, they had an army at their disposal which was why he was calling for arms. He also had the men Amaranthine by his side. Bryce had his friendship with Arl Rendon Howe for this alliance. A part of him had been itching for the day he would ride into battle, another not so much. He was getting older now and a grandchild thanks to his eldest child. Fergus was also going into battle with him and he couldn't have been any more prouder of his son. As for his daughter, he and Eleanor had agreed that she should remain in the castle and take care of things whilst they were away.
Elissa Cousland, however, had other ideas. At the age of twenty-three, she had managed to dodge any marriage proposal that came her way. It made her mother so angry which amused her to no end. At five foot, three inches tall, Elissa was considered a beauty of her time with olive skin and bright blue eyes. Her dirty blonde hair was swept up into an elegant bun, as to keep within the current style. She did, however, replace the traditional dress with heavy armour that covered her figure and kept men from glancing her way. None of the knights bothered to chat with her anyway, save for the occasional ‘my lady’ or ‘lady cousland’. Any kind of flirting was improper for an unmarried woman of her status. People often asked why such an elegant young woman wasn’t wed yet and she would laugh at that. There was a simple explanation for this; Elissa was more into battles and a sword to waste away in such fancies. Marriage had never appealed to her and she thought that, with her brother being married, nobody would bother with her. Her mother, however, had put it upon herself to find suitors wherever she could. Eleanor was currently entertaining Bann Loren’s family and made every opportunity to mention his eldest son. Dairren was also her father’s squire and, whilst she agreed to his good looks, Elissa wasn’t sure if the two were well matched at all. His views on women were refreshing, however, but that was that. There were no such thing as awkwardness or butterflies when it came to him. Fergus had told her about the feelings of romance and it never matched up with how she felt for Dairren. In fact, he sort of reminded her of her brother or Ser Roderick Gilmore.
Elissa was informed by one of the knights that her father and Rendon was in the Great Hall, so made her way there. She had to take the long way, however, in order to avoid her mother and her guests. There was no way she would be involved in anymore marriage talks. She had enough of that during their meals. The mere memory made her shudder as she pushed open the grand door. Standing by the huge, stone fireplace was her father and the Arl along with a man she hadn’t recognised. He was tall, dark and ruggedly handsome, the kind of guy that one of her handmaidens would blush about. Not Elissa, no, she had yet to find a person to feel things. People often stated their confusion with her interest anyway so it never mattered to her. As for Rendon, he reminded her of a rodent; long face, squinted eyes and a hooked nose. He wasn’t as handsome as the tales depicted him as, she realised. Rendon wore a dark tunic, as was the custom of his Arling and trousers just as due. He was also slender which suited his fighting style and he wore a smile that sent shivers down her spine. There was something about him that made her comfortable.
Then there was her father. Kind and humble, always up for a joke. Fergus took after their father in the handsomeness but had their mother’s dark locks. Elissa was a mixture of her parents, inherited her father’s eye shape and her mother’s soft jawline. Bryce was tall, not as tall as her brother, but taller than herself and his wife. His blonde hair was grey now and he hadn’t shaved in weeks. His beard was also grey. He wore his own tunic of gold and red as befitting of his status. Elissa, however, preferred his armour as it was of grey steal and matched the Cousland colour palette perfectly.
“Ah, pup!” Bryce announced once she pushed the door shut. It made a snapping noise which alerted the three men to her presence. Her father smiled as he took in the sight of her; she wasn’t one to parade in a dress. That was too simple, too boring. “I hadn’t seen you come in. You remember Arl Howe?” His friend bowed his head and Elissa made the polite courtesy like she was taught. Despite her tomboyish demeanour, some etiquettes had stuck inside of her brain and she automatically used them. This often amused her brother whenever she went from ladylike behaviour to a barbaric monster. “And this Duncan; he’s the Commander of the Grey Wardens in Ferelden. You have heard about them, haven’t you?”
“I hear they’re famed warriors who have Griffons as their noble steeds,” she smiled childishly, forgetting who she was and who she was talking to. Elissa revealed in the old stories or heroes as she wanted to be one herself. Saving villages and cities from evil, and having children to aspire to be like her. For now, she settled for her nephew’s idolisation of herself and Fergus. Oren liked hearing about heroes and wanted to become a man soon. He made his aunt chuckle who often promised to teach him survival and marital skills. His mother disapproved of this heavily.
“You’re somewhat correct,” Duncan gave her an easy smile. “Except for the fact that Griffons are long gone now. Extinct, in fact.” She felt a little saddened by the news but asked as to why he was here. Her father wanted to tell her off for her questioning but the commander took it in his stride. “Recruiting. Ser Gilmore has peaked my interest.” Elissa said that he would make a fine addition to their ranks.
“That he would,” Bryce agreed with a wry smile. Roderick was part of life at the castle, naturally, but he needed this opportunity to flourish.
“But, might I be so bold, Elissa here would be welcome into our ranks also. With her skills as a -“
“You’re suggesting I send my only daughter into battle? I could not risk that, What with Fergus going into war.” Elissa opened her mouth to protest but her father continued on, “even if you want this now, Pup, I cannot let you go. What would your mother do if she found out?” She would get used to it. “Even if she did, I’d regret it if you were harmed in any way. Just… just go and find Fergus will you?”
“Whatever for?”
“It is my fault,” Rendon spoke up seeming to be embarrassed. “I misjudged the weather and now my men are delayed. Your brother is to head the men going to the Wilds tonight, whilst your father and I shall join him after tomorrow.” She didn’t know what to think of that; this wasn’t like the aging Arl at all.
“It’s not as though we can predict the weather, Rendon, so stop being so hard on yourself.” Her father always saw the good in people and this just proved it. Even rodent’s like Howe was treated with such kindness. Over the years, Elissa always found something off putting about their old friend. Maybe it was just his age that freaked her out? That had to be it, especially with her not being married.
“I shall go and find my brother straight away,” she bowed her head and left the room. Elissa made a silent vow to seek out Duncan once her father was gone. He couldn’t stop her from speaking with the man, after all. As soon as she was outside, she spotted a familiar redhead waiting for her. “What do I owe the pleasure, Roderick?”
“Your mother told me I could find you here, my lady.” He bowed his head and Elissa wondered why he had to be so formal. The two of them practically grew up together. “It’s just that your hound is causing havoc in the kitchens again. Nan won’t rest until it’s taken care of.” She sighed before asking Ser Gilmore to lead the way. She doubted that Nan won’t do anything too harsh until they got there.
ELISSA MADE SURE THAT THEY AVOIDED HER MOTHER, who was blocking the way to the family sleeping quarters. She had to explain the avoidance to a confused Roderick, who didn’t know what was going on. Eleanor Cousland wanted her daughter to speak with Dairren in the hopes it would lead to marriage. Elissa was never keen on the idea and told her friend that.
“Can you not tell your mother?” He asked after she was done telling all. She pulled a face at such a question.
“You know my mother will not take no for an answer.” She felt like a prisoner in her own home, until she found a perfect match. There were once a rumour about herself and Ser Gilmore being involved. But that was laughed off a while ago. No one knew what dissolved the rumour but it was no more. Elissa and Roderick found the whole affair an embarrassment.
“She will come around one day,” he told her, giving her a small smile. She didn’t believe that but she nodded in response. They continued down the corridors, pausing when guards and knights bowed their respect. Elissa felt awkward but smiled politely in response, trying to ignore her uneasiness. Was it bad that she felt bad and worried for that day? It was as if she expected something to happen. What would happen? That was a question she couldn’t answer honestly.
“Will got two stop standing around and do something?” Even outside on the other side of a closed door, Nan’s voice boomed making the two look at one another. The governess turned cook had a temper when provoked and nobody could calm her down. Perhaps it was time to teach her hound some manners? Elissa was the one to lead the way inside due to the fact it was her Mabari to have caused this ruckus. Nan was standing near the larder, glaring at two Elven servants who looked terrified.
“Calm down, good woman, we have come to tame the beast,” Gilmore slowly made his approach, failing to hide his fear. Nan turned her glare onto them, especially Elissa. No amount of status would make this old woman act scared.
“You,” she gestured to the young lady. “It’s your bloody hound that has us in this mess in the first place!” Elissa opened her mouth to respond but it was apparent that the cook wasn’t finished. “I could have gone to a fancy kitchen in Orlais but I chose here. Just… just be rid of that hound so we can continue making supper.”
“R… right away,” Elissa stuttered before following the knight to the door leading to the larder. After nodding one another, they both entered the storage room to see a large dog in the middle of the room. As soon as he saw his mistress, he bolted over to her, tongue lolling out, panting away as his tail wagged knocking over a bowl of salt. Elissa knelt down before him and proceeded to scratch behind his ears, hoping he would calm from the fuss. He barked once again, a slight growl underlying his tone.
“My lady, I think Grey is trying to tell us something.” She had to agree with her friend as she straightened herself up and withdrew her blade. From all around them were noises of scraping and squeaks, before something large caught their gaze; rats the same size of newborns leapt into view. Elissa, Roderick and Grey all sprang into action to rid the larder of the vermin.
"BY THE MAKER!" Ser Gilmore exclaimed once they had taken care of the pests. The floors, walls and the three standing in the room were painted with crimson splatters. Dead rats pooled the floor before them. “It had to be giant rats! My father always told me that an adventure can only start with giant rats.”
“That might be so, but Nan isn’t going to like her larder being covered with those things.” Elissa wasn’t sure how she felt about it herself. It wasn’t as if she felt bad or anything, it was just that she disliked the mere idea.
“You’re absolutely right. I need to go back to my duties, though.” He gazed at her apologetically. “I’m sure you have to deliver a message to your brother,” with that said, he left her standing there. She looked down at her dog and shook her head. The two then left the larder to face Nan who still didn’t look happy.
“There is the beast now,” she stared down at the latter who hid his snot behind his paws. Elissa mentioned the rats and the servants whimpered in response. Nan shook her head, “look what you’ve done now. What if he led those rats in there, in the first place?” It was Grey’s turn to whimper and he moved to hide behind his mistress's legs. That made the cook sigh and change her demeanour. “Don’t give me that look, you know how I feel about that look. Fine then, come and have some scraps of meat. Let it be known that Nan doesn’t let others go without.”
Elissa smiled softly and allowed her hound to get something to eat. She then said her goodbyes to her old nanny and the servants before leaving the kitchen. Fergus was probably saying his goodbyes to his wife and child, so that was where she headed next.
"AH, I SEE YOU HANDLED THE SITUATION IN THE KITCHEN." Eleanor stared down at the dog that remained close to her daughter’s heel. Her greying hair was swept up into a bun and her dress was a dark brown. Despite her simple style, the Teyrna still appeared to be elegant and now that her daughter stood before her, her elegance shone even more. Elissa Cousland was a more of a man than a girl. If it weren’t for her hair or breasts, she could have easily passed for a man.
“The situation is under control,” she replied, her light orbs dancing over to their guests. She remembered her mother’s friend Landra, the wife of Bann Loren, and a woman who couldn’t hold back her drink. Next to her, stood her son who could be seen as handsome in his own rights. The fact that his mother had drunkenly stated this fact was somewhat mortifying. She had even mentioned something about marriage and Elissa often switched off at such talk. “Of course I remember Lady Landra,” she curtsied when her mother spoke up, to introduce her guests.
“This is my handmaiden Iona,” Landra gestured over to the female elf who stood behind Dairren. In comparison to the other women, Iona was beautiful. Even Elissa, who never paused for such things, nearly choked on the air. “Come on, dear, don’t be shy; none of us will bite your head off.”
“It is good to meet you, my lady.” Iona curtsied politely, her voice was low and soft. Elissa smiled in her direction, causing the elf to turn away, a faint pink covering her cheeks. She was glad that nobody picked up on this as Dairren cleared his throat.
“Lady Elissa, you are looking as beautiful as ever.” The latter just stared at him, trying to pick away at his words. They just sounded off and shouldn’t have come out of his mouth. Instead, she smiled and said that it was good to see him too. Landra yawned and mentioned about retiring to her bedchambers. Dairren nodded in response, “Iona and I shall be in the library if we are needed.” With that said, the three of them went their separate ways leaving mother and daughter alone in the corridor.
“Don’t you think Dairren is handsome, my sweet girl?” Elissa knelt down to fuss over her dog, trying to ignore the subject. “Elissa, listen to me, you cannot avoid the subject of marriage.” Standing up, she allowed a soft sigh to leave her lips.
“And I said that I was not ready, mother.” Eleanor asked when she would be ready and her daughter shrugged her shoulders in response. “I don’t think I will ever be ready. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to speak with Fergus before he leaves.” Elissa brushed passed her mother and continued upstairs towards the bedrooms, ignoring the glare upon her back.
ELISSA FOUND HER BROTHER IN HIS ROOM, packing away his gear for the march. Next to him, his wife was passing him his things and airing her worries. Oriana was a woman from Antiva who was considered beautiful and all of the knights often gazed after her. She was dark due to her years in her home city and was slender. Her dark hair reached to her shoulders which was always worn down. On the floor, sat Oren who bore the Cousland pedigree perfectly. He had dark eyes, pale skin and dark hair just like his father. True, there was a slight scandal when the two first got married but that soon dissolved when Oriana proved herself as a remarkable lady.
“Don’t worry, my love, the king believes that the battle should be over within the fortnight.” Elissa lingered in the doorway, smiling at the small family unit. It wasn’t until Grey scampered over to Oren that her presence was known to the others. “And here’s my baby sister to show me off!” Scrunching her nose at the mention of baby sister, she slowly made her way into the room.
“Perhaps I ought to wait until you three have said goodbye properly?”
“Nonsense!” Fergus flashed her a toothy grin. He moved across and pulled her into a bone crushing hug, which Elissa matched just as easily. “I’ve always got time for you, Elissa.” The Cousland siblings were both competitive and affectionate towards one another. People never knew what to make of their bond as only the siblings knew it better than anybody.
“How I wish I was going with you,” she smiled softly as soon as they pulled away. Fergus squeezed her shoulder and agreed, saying that they would be a force to be reckoned with. “You will be missed, brother.” Elissa smiled over to her nephew who was now playing with Grey. It was rather sweet. “Did you know that there’s a Grey Warden visiting us?” Oren paused his play and looked over the adults.
“Really?” His eyes widened in excitement, “Did he arrive riding a Griffin?” All of the adults chuckled at his innocent words.
“Griffins exist only in stories now,” his mother told him gently, running a soft hand through his dark locks. The boy didn’t seem to be convinced by that and Elissa honestly didn’t either. Fergus smirked over to his sister, wondering why a Grey Warden would come to Highever.
“Recruiting, apparently Roderick is a candidate.”
“Is that so? If I were that Warden, I’d have my eye on you little sister.” Elissa made no attempt to reply, only making an effort to snort. That spoke volumes to her brother who knew that there had been a mention of it. He had no doubts that their parents would forbid it, as it was better to have one child survive if the other didn’t. Fergus, being the eldest, was to be the sacrificial lamb as always. He didn’t seem to mind that.
“By the way, Father tells me he can not join you on the road tonight. It has something to do with a judgement of error on the Arl’s part.” Fergus frowned at that, as he knew all too well that Arl didn’t make errors. This was unheard of.
“I’m afraid it is true, my boy.” Bryce and Eleanor entered the room, appearing to be conflicted by the news. It was the truth, Elissa had thought bitterly, Arl Howe had pretty much admitted that himself. Despite her father’s apparent faith in the man, she had her own doubts. What would happen when her brother left for the battlefield that night? Regardless, the Cousland tried to make the rest of their hours together a good few hours. After Oren departed for bed, Elissa announced her own retirement and her dog followed her towards her own bedchambers.
IT WAS ONLY A FEW HOURS LATER THAT ELISSA WAS WOKEN UP BY A LOT OF NOISE. The first sound came next to her bed, growling and scratching. She mumbled in her sleep and turned onto her side, ignoring her dog’s stupidity. It was a while after that a second noise properly awoke her. This time it hadn’t been Grey who alerted her to trouble; it was a child’s scream. She was almost in her armour when her door slammed open. It was one of her stewards, who appeared to be in shock and blood was painted over his torso.
“They’re taking over the castle!” He managed before an arrow went into his leg, causing him to collapse onto the floor. Elissa barked an order to her Mabari and ducked down to grab her sword. She had no time for her shield, however, when an assailant charged at her. Remembering her training, she moved to the left and spun around, bringing her weapon into the side of her attacker. After the man fell to the ground in a grunt of pain, she grabbed her shield and ran outside. Her animal was already on top of one of them, tearing out their throat amongst blood curdling screams. Elissa was quick to aid to her hound from an oncoming soldier. She knocked the man off his feet by bashing him with her shield. As soon as he was on the ground, she plunged her sword into his exposed neck. Blood spurted onto her clothes and face. She was ripping her sword away when a voice echoed the chaos.
“Their shields,” her mother cried, “but… but it’s impossible.” That was when Elissa was made aware of something she didn’t want to be true. She kicked at a shield on the floor and instantly spotted the sigil painted onto it. “These are Howe’s men,” Eleanor confirmed, stopping at her daughter’s side. The Teyrna was already in her armour with a bow in her hands. It seemed that the youngest lady wasn’t the only to be awoken by the noise.
“Oren,” Elissa whispered suddenly, moving towards her brother’s room. After kicking open the door, she made an attempt to prevent her mother looking at the horrible scene. Oren was on the bed, covered in blood and Oriana was on the floor near the door; she had obviously tried to protect the boy. “This isn’t right,” she sobbed at the sight.
“My little boy,” Eleanor had collapsed to her knees, shivering back her tears. “We need to find your father, he never came up to bed!” Elissa knew that he was probably with Howe and they needed to get there quickly. It was as they were passing the treasury that her mother hesitated, “The family sword, we mustn’t let Howe’s men take it!” She nodded and the two of them, plus Grey and a steward, went to get that sword.
AFTER THEY GOT THE FAMILY SWORD, shield and a better set of armour for Elissa, they entered the Great Hall. It was chaos in there with Ser Gilmore heading up the defence. Elissa charged in and decapitated a mage and slicing into a Howe knight’s rib cage. Once the hall was littered with men, Cousland and Howe alike, the women turned to address Ser Gilmore, who had honestly seen better days.
“They attacked us out of nowhere,” he explained after an awkward greeting. Elissa has never seen her friend so out of his depth; he was usually calm and collected when it came to combat. This was the real thing, she reminded herself ignoring the wave of bitterness that came with it. Her mother, bless her, asked where her husband was. Roderick shrugged, looking honestly helpless, “the last time I saw him, he mentioned the larder and went along there. I recall there being a secret passage through there.”
“Thank you, Ser Gilmore.” The knight nodded and said he would continue to barricade the hall from another attack. Elissa protested at this and the man pressed his lips against her cheek, in a brotherly gesture.
“Just tell Fergus… tell your brother I’m sorry for yesterday, okay? He will know what I mean.” Without an explanation, Gilmore went to hold the door with the remaining Cousland knights. Her mother pulled her towards the corridors leading to the kitchens. They had no time for any kind of talk now, it was too late for it after all.
TEYRN BRYCE COUSLAND WAS ON THE FLOOR OF THE LARDER, awaiting for Duncan to come back. He could hear shouts from outside of the small storage room, wondering if his family was doing okay. After seeing his cook and the rest of the staff dead in the kitchen, his hope had shattered. He wanted more than anything to see his girls once again, before death came to collect him. That could be the least of his worries as he ran a hand over the dark puddle surrounding him. His other hand was clutching the wound he earned from his own friend.
“Damn him,” he grunted trying to focus on the door. He just needed a little more hope, glad that his eldest child was nowhere near the castle. Fergus wouldn’t have stopped until Howe was dead along with everyone else in this castle. The door swung open and a weak smile wove onto his lips when he saw them.
“Bryce,” his wife whimpered as she fell to her knees, at his side. His daughter came in front of him whilst her dog tried lick away at his wounds. The mood was bleak, despite their silence. “Who… who did this…” Eleanor trembled, unable to hide her grief.
“Howe,” he looked up at his daughter who looked sick. She had fought her way through the attack, he had observed and managed to live. Elissa had some injuries but none that seemed to be life threatening. She was a Cousland through and through. When she made an attempt to help him up, he held up a hand. “I won’t survive the standing, I’m afraid.” Bryce winced once more and his wife gasped.
“Bryce -“
“I’m afraid he’s right, Teyrna.” It was Duncan, who had entered the room. His expression was grim and it seemed he had just been in his own battles. Eleanor went to accuse him of not being much help. “I did what I could, for your husband and home. Their attack caught us all by surprise.”
“Please, Duncan, take my wife and daughter to safety.” Bryce was now having a bad time speaking and the Grey Warden gave him a strained look. He explained there would be a price for such help, his eyes finding Elissa’s making his point clear. “I… I understand… just, please… get them out of here.” Bryce began to cough up blood and his wife placed a hand onto his shoulder.
“I’m going to stay,” she began and Elissa aired her disagreement. The older woman shook her head, instantly stopping her daughter. “You need more time to get out of here and I would rather die by your father’s side.” Tears found their way into the young lady’s eyes.
“Mother… Father,” she managed, coughing into her hand. This couldn’t be happening but the looks her parents gave her, told her everything she needed to know. Elissa should be protesting for their lives but she knew it would be too late, there was nothing anyone could do. “I… I’m so sorry…”
“Just find Fergus… your brother will help you in revenge,” her father croaked out and she slowly nodded, raising to her feet. Her gaze was now on the Warden who was standing by the door.
“I shall… avenge our house,” she vowed through her tears and made her way to the secret passage. “By becoming one of the finest Wardens this generation has seen.” After saying their goodbyes, and coaxing Grey into the tunnel, Elissa and Duncan made their escapes. This was the last time she ever saw her parents and their home. She reasoned that this was the beginning of an adventure, no matter how heart wrenching it had been.
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heylavellan · 2 months ago
Ramsay Cousland
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Even though Fergus was their elder brother, most of Highever knew that Ramsay was in line to become the next Teyrn. Their father's favourite, they were known to fulfill all their responsibilities. Ramsay had charmed every guest of their parents and those nobles they visited. The common folk of Highever knew them as someone who partied hard, started tavern brawls, and kissed barmaids. Becoming a Grey Warden completely changed their trajectory. Now as the Queen of Ferelden, she cares for the people of Ferelden and guides Alistair in dealing with their people. They still take the time to mingle with commoners, start tavern brawls, and kiss barmaids -- even a Queen should enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
˚∘⊰⋆ about ⋆⊱∘˚
age: 23 after da:a (21 at the beginning)
pronouns: any (prefers they!)
class: rogue (assassin, duelist, then legionnaire scout)
beliefs: Andrastian, though her family still honours the Alamarri gods.
strengths: brave, charming, loyal
weaknesses: overconfident, snarky, overly trusting
family: Eleanor & Bryce (parents, deceased), Fergus (brother, 30), Oren (nephew, deceased)
Usual story as per human noble origin. Ramsay spent a lot of time looking for a wife for Fergus, and he ends up marrying the sister of the Bann of West Hill. They have a few children.
˚∘⊰⋆ thoughts on companions ⋆⊱∘˚
romance: Alistair, though they have an open relationship. Has been with Zevran, Isabela, Anders, and Nathaniel.
best friends: Shale, Alistair, Nathaniel
close: Sten, Morrigan, Zevran, Anders
associates: Wynne, Leliana, Sigrun
dislike: Oghren, Velanna
˚∘⊰⋆ after the blight⋆⊱∘˚
cullen: "I'm glad to hear he's trying to turn his life around with the Inquisition. It's easy to get stuck on a past mistake and be filled with rage from it."
carver: "Stroud had him transferred to Amaranthine after Anders led him to the Wardens. Nathaniel introduced us briefly when I visited Amaranthine on behalf of my King. Seems like a good warrior."
hawke: "Alistair told me in great detail about the Champion of Kirkwall. Apparently they're with Anders these days. Wish I could have accompanied him to Kirkwall, all four of us could have had a fun time..."
isabela: "She hasn't docked in a while. Apparently she has been stranded in Kirkwall for a bit. We should invite her for a visit, it's been years..."
josephine: "Leliana says good things about her. I'm glad she has someone she can rely on after everything that happened."
sebastian: "He's requested aid from us, but I told Alistair we couldn't afford it. We're still rebuilding after the Blight and with the threat of Orlais... But I did send personal condolences. I've been in his position."
˚∘⊰⋆ related works ⋆⊱∘˚
serving highever - Before the slaughter of the Couslands, Ramsay was entangled with one of their knights, Ser Gilmore.
at your side - An AU where Ramsay fell in love with Zevran. Battle partners one shot.
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inquisitor-julia · 4 months ago
21, 24, 25, and 26 for all 3 canon protags!
21. what is their biggest regret? Elsanna Cousland: outside of the obvious being what happened to her family and having to leave her parents to die at Howe's hands I think her biggest regret is that Loghain was killed in front of his daughter. This isn't to say she didn't think Loghain had to be executed for all of his crimes, she does believe that it was the right course of action but she still regrets it. To Anora she'll always be just as much a monster as Howe was to her and that haunts her a little bit. (it is more nuanced than that but that's the gist of her regret)
Serafina Hawke: she has so many regrets, her story is full of them but I think her biggest one is her mother's fate because she really feels like she should have been able to do something to stop it. Most of her other regrets from what happened to Bethany to Corypheus getting free are things that were in part out of her control whether because of circumstance or lack of knowledge but she was actively looking into the murders when her mother was taken, she should have been faster or done better. In general she tries not to think on her regrets too much, she's been through a lot.
Nayeli Trevelyan: Her biggest regret during da:i is probably how she and her friends in the Circle fell apart as a group, she's not sure where most of them are now and they could have been lost in the mage/templar fighting for all she knows. Some were even lost at the conclave. She regrets fading away from those who weren't.
24. what languages can they speak?
Elsanna Cousland: I'd like to think she can speak multiple languages or at least has a grasp of them for diplomacy's sake. She'd try to pick up words and phrases in her travels to different places during the blight if she could. I imagine she knows some fairly unsavory dwarven phrases (thank you oghren). I think if she learned anything growing up it would have been a language that might be important for a port like Amaranthine. Highever is in charge of coastal areas after all. I think knowing a bit of a Marcher language or even a few antivan/rivaini phrases here and there wouldn't be outlandish for her. As queen she does *try* to pick up some Orlesian (again, for diplomacy's sake) and she hates every second of it.
Serafina Hawke: Monolingual, she does pick up the swears her friends use though.
Nayeli Trevelyan: also monolingual, she's tried to learn a few languages but she doesn't usually have the patience for it much as she would like to.
25. what did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
Elsanna Cousland: She saw a future for herself with Ser Gilmore, they grew up together and had a budding romance neither had acted on yet when the game began. She would have been happy married to him I think, I have an AU where she is in fact. If he'd been recruited into the wardens she would have stubbornly refused to just never see him again. She'd have her duty and he'd have his but it wouldn't have stopped her. I don't think she'd ever truly want to lead the teyrnir, her brother could handle that but she'd still be an important figure in ferelden as tenacious as she is.
Serafina Hawke: Honestly wasn't sure what her life would look like, she was honestly fairly sure she'd get taken to the circle at some point so she didn't let herself dream too big. She'd have liked just a quiet life with her family in Lothering though.
Nayeli Trevelyan: Was sure she was going to spend her life wasting away in the circle but once mages started rebelling she started to dream big, she craved the freedom for her life to be something other than being trapped in a dusty tower. Obviously since she was at the conclave she didn't advocate for the violence between mages and templars but she did advocate for an end to the circles. So I suppose she got some of what she wanted in the end.
26. do they get a happy ending?
Elsanna Cousland: I don't feel like she will until the blight is cured. She's Queen, Warden Commander, married to the love of her life, and has avenged her family and saved Ferelden but....she could lose everything so soon with the looming threat of the calling. And she can't have any children until she's cured of the blight and she desperately wants to. So....yes and no for her, as happy as it could be but still not quite resolved in my opinion. I do headcanon that (no matter what BioWare does with the warden), the blight is cured down the line and Elsanna and Alistair have a daughter named Alessandra.
Serafina Hawke: I wouldn't say so, no. She's had to leave her home again, she's lost so much in kirkwall and then to lose her place there as well? That's hard to stomach. She does at least have Anders at her side even if they are very much on the run for probably the foreseeable future. They do have a daughter named Lorena though at this point in the timeline. (I randomized a daughter for them in sims once and the game gave me a mini female carver hawke so that has been added into my belief system that Lorena looks a lot like Carver.) Serafina did not get left in the Fade so she's out there doing...whatever it is Hawke is up to these days. I still say it's not the happiest of endings but she is happy enough if that makes sense.
Nayeli Trevelyan: Her ending so far has been happy. She's married to Cullen, she disbanded the Inquisition, and her job is (publicly) over but she'd never sit back and let someone else handle them mess her friend and mentor is trying to make of Thedas, at least not fully. She's far too restless and determined to save her friend for that. So yes i'd say she's gotten a happy ending....so far...
Thank you so much for the ask!!! <3
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hahren-tabris · 8 months ago
My OCs :3
Heroes of Ferelden: Neve Tabris (romancing Alistair) and Aelon Mahariel (romancing Morrigan). Dual Warden Worldstate
Champion of Kirkwall: Anwen Hawke (romancing Fenris)
Inquisitor: James Trevelyan (romancing Cassandra)
Secondary OCs-
Arlessa of Amaranthine: Katherine Cousland (romancing Ser Gilmore)
Arcane Advisor to the Inquisition: Aveline "Ava" Trevelyan
Her Pupils: Lucas Amell and Madolyn Surana
Anders' Bodyguard: Hazel Ward (romancing Anders)
If I have drawn art of them, they'll be tagged as their name! (so "Anwen Hawke" or "Ava Trevelyan")
You can also learn more about them in this ancient twitter thread I made <3
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sweetmage · 8 months ago
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Click for full res! ⚔️
Post-canon Ser Gilmore from my canon 🥰 Still obsessed with that mod that lets me romance him. I'll never recover💖
(Local man walks face first into tree because he was too busy staring back at his husband)
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dragonagepolls · 5 months ago
Crowdsourcing time: Who are your favourite Dragon Age NPCs? (Feel free to list as many as you like)
Planning to do a poll on people’s favourite NPCs (romanceable NPCs, i.e. Cullen and Josephine, will not be included because obviously they’ll win). Obviously I can’t list every single NPC so I’m just trying to gauge the most popular ones. If they appear in multiple games they’ll only be included in the first game they were a part of. Here are the ones I’m thinking of so far:
Origins: Anora, Bhelen, Bodahn, King Cailan, Connor, Dagna, Duncan, Eamon, Flemeth, Ser Gilmore, Gorim, Greagoir, Harrowmont, Arl Howe, Irving, Isolde, Jowan, the Lady of the Forest, the Mad Hermit, Marethari, Niall, Rica, Ruck, Sandal, Shianni, Tamlen, Teagan, Witherfang, Zathrian
2: Arianni, The Arishok, Bartrand, Charade, Donnic, Viscount Dumar, Elthina, Emeric, Feynriel, Gamlen, Gascard, Ginnis, Hubert, Jethann, Ketojan, Leandra, Meraas, Meredith, Orana, Orsino, Petrice, Samson, Seamus, Thrask, Varnell
Inquisition: Ameridan, Ser Barris, Briala, Calpernia, Celene, Dennet, Fairbanks, Fiona, Giselle, Florianne, Krem, Maryden
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perkvpsvcho · 1 year ago
ontem eu tava assistindo candela e escrevendo meus surtos no bds, só pro meu notebook travar e eu perder TRÊS HORAS worth de comentários hilários...... not taking that chance again, pq essa porra aqui salva os posts como draft pelo menos. so.
NÃO MAS uns dias atrás eu vi o aniversário do ronin e (um dia antes do matt e eu, diga-se de passagem), ele veio NO DIA da transmissão de um ep da c2, horas antes deles ficarem live..... aí esse tempo todo eu tava me perguntando se a laura ia falar alguma coisa, quando ia ser, pq com as minhas contas, o ep que eu tava vendo tava em março e ???? aí no ep que tô vendo agora (o ep que a marisha se fode espirrandoKKKKKKKK iconic), ela FINALMENTE anunciou que tá grávida e agradeceu ao sam por estar escondendo a barriga dela esse tempo todo........... eu tô com raiva que não percebi, mesmo sendo praticamente impossível pela altura da mesa )o) ALSO ela 300% foreshadowing o nascimento do filho??? a mulher é uma bruxa! anyway vamos lá assistir a marisha lascando uma costela
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...do you want me to see thru your clothes? this fucking lesbian
jester your laura is showing!!!
o fjord puxando os googles da cara da beau TEM QUE TER na animação
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jester i see you romancing your player's husband
man i miss ashley
my girls being cute
"it doesnt smell of blood and feces" sam e liam: YET
dmpc: What's your name? Travis: Fjord dmpc: Do you have a last name? Sam: Tough a mesa:
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essas piadas com ford vão LONGE
the ruby of the sea is the best lay ever
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[harp sounds] laura bailey
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jfc from laughing hysterically to awful traumatic mommy issues background reveal moment I LOVE THIS TABLE
grrr saaammmm's mug
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molly: extremely charming beau: very in shape BEAU. YOU FUCKING LESBIAN.
nott: are we sure we want to leave this place? people like us here jester: its only a matter of time before they dont lmfao
caleb: a todo mundo: INSIGHT CHECK
marisha is a fucking beast e aí o matt leva ela pro hospital e termina preso dentro de um banheiro esse casal, sabe.........
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how u doin bby
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im dying babe how u doin
everybody's worried about marisha and thw whole time she's talking looking at matt
I'M GONNA GO TAKE CARE OF MY WIFE in the cutest most loving worried voice
break gotta pee
fut fut
wow... it took laura bailey being pregnant for me to think the belly is kind of cute? just dont think about it too much or its gonna backfire
nine [figures]? are they mightier than us tho?
omg we're fighting the ninja turtles
you have to be careful, we all have syphilis... EXTREME syphilis
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sam: oooh that's vax numbers
they havent had a bath in days, they kinda look like caleb
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fucking love beau
marisha: this guy is our new gilmore liam: i am not seducing this person matt: you say this now marisha: 500 hours later we're fighitng gods with him
mds a marisha morrendo de rir e segurando as costelas
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