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indefinite-pitch · 7 months ago
Sepian - Baoba
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streetsofdublin · 2 years ago
Nasser Azam was born in Jhelum, Pakistan in 1963, and moved to London with his parents when he was 7 years old (1970).
HAS BEEN RELOCATED WITHIN THE BOTANIC GARDENS IN GLASNEVIN For some unknown reason it is almost impossible the get details of permanent public art on view in the Botanic Gardens. I believe that this bronze sculpture, recently relocated, is Sepian Blue by Nasser Azam. [UPDATE] According to a contact: “Azam’s monumental bronze sculpture Sepian Blue was exhibited at Sculpture in Context,…
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acronym-chaos · 26 days ago
Dark Fae/Poisonous Mushroom ID Pack
[PT: Dark Fae/Poisonous Mushroom ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Aethril, Agaricus, Amanita, Belladona, Calyx, Clavaria, Cortin, Darkling, Deliria, Enoki, Etheline, Flyssa, Gloamora, Hemlock, Hyacin, Lycora, Malrune, Mircalla, Moldain, Mycena, Myrilis, Nightcap, Nyxelle, Phylox, Rotheln, Scaevra, Sepian, Shadewick, Silvanis, Smolderen, Sporella, Threnith, Toadmere, Umbraeth, Venexia, Verdanthe, Viscrum, Wolfsbane
[PT: Pronouns].
Bloo / Bloom / Blooms, De / Dec / Decay, Du / Dusk / Dusks, Fae / Faem / Faems, Fungi / Fungus / Fungis, Glo / Glow / Glows, Mo / Moss / Moss', Myco / Mycos / Mycos, Ni / Nigh / Nights, Poi / Son / Pois, Ro / Rot / Rots, Sha / Dow / Dows [Shadow], Shroo / Shroom / Shrooms, Spo / Spore / Spores, Tox / Toxi / Toxic, Ven / Veno / Venom, Whis / Whisp / Whisper, Wil / Wilt / Wilts
[PT: Titles].
A Blooming Menace, A Mycelial Fairy, A Spore in the Wind, The Fae of Lethal Spores, The Fungus That Feeds the Forest, The One Who Grows On The Rot, The Poisonous Embrace, The Poisonous One, [Pronoun] Who Blooms in the Darkness, [Pronoun] Who Grows with Poisonous Intent, [Pronoun] Who Spreads Spores in [Pronouns] Wake, [Pronoun] Who Wilted Yet Still Stands
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, End ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @id-pack-archive
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kairunatic · 6 months ago
Another eidos of dragon vein Ch 6
Ep 21(Epilogue)
>>Link to the previous Episode
Yeah last EP for MQ
Honestly, it's a meh lmao I was expecting a Shadow King reveal for Azureterra but apparently not and we just got Dragon. Seggs instead
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So we start with Bal and Gaia seems to be taking a rest in one of the sepian lounge Gaia complaining that the sudden cold is giving hima. Chill so they cuddled in bed
Gaia then asks Bal if the whole "Shadow King of Eternity" ordeal is Bal was Hesitant at first and just says that "Eternity" is the strongest form of Desire that all Shadow kings strive for
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Gaia of course being dumbfounded again by Bal explanation. And he just said it's not worth the time to explain the concept of Eternity, But Gaia still wanna know since Eternity Is Bal and he's is being secretive about it
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strawberry-cow-sorceress · 5 months ago
The historical photo you loved is of Gladys Bentley, she was an American blues singer, pianist, and entertainer during the Harlem Renaissance.
As a singer, Bentley became known for a deep, growling voice and a trumpet-like scat. As a performer, she was advertised by event promoters as a “male impersonator".
Her career skyrocketed when she appeared at Harry Hansberry's Clam House, a well-known gay speakeasy in New York in the 1920s.
She created raunchy lyrics to well known songs and flirted with the females in the audience. She took the songs 'Sweet Alice Blue Gown' and 'Georgia Brown,' and combined them and it became a song about anal sex.”
At a nightclub in Manhattan called King's Terrace, she had a troupe of “liberally painted male sepians with effeminate voices and gestures” perform behind her while she sang raunchy songs laced with double-entendres that thrilled and scandalized her audiences.
Writer and photographer Carl van Vechten based a fictional blues singer in one of his novels off of her, writing that “when she pounds the piano the dawn comes up like thunder.”
Thought you might like to know more about her. 🤗
omg thank you so much for sharing i really did want to know more !!!!! i would’ve spent so much money to see her perform at the King’s Terrace lmao Gladys Bentley the icon that you are.
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444names · 3 months ago
Aangflo Aatosugus Abapitt Abedeth Ackmionae Acturice Adecramdysa Adiahith Adookuu Adrakuya Aelader Agandlee Agnulinis Alaferinkon Alavaszia Aleavist Alferăr Alisserto Alland Alulla Amachelion Amdany Amegeo Amplazita Anarlaccobie Andius Andorka Annaltina Anrisno Aphela Apitio Appytt Aqanaha Arajimen Aralia Arataldel Arcarne Armurée Arrlinarm Artercha Asseldal Astina Audick Aurguez Avania Avarria Azannos
Baatelinsalli Bacher Badeliusta Baldea Balhawrebínās Balvia Bamelfre Banathivta Banoir Bardie Batajn Batephŏthatŏr Bavalphi Baviandiae Bebbine Beleta Berasa Berayya Bestere Beterfȧ Biflith Biicksonia Biseissea Bizeevanth Bjammyakim Bleyeria Blynnahareks Bonominandes Boxawn Boötem Brahattey Brakelphate Breker Brinéandaldar Brystaurtemer Bømlan Caashèley Canbjea Caradlȧ Carafjoa Caroleins Caspiesh Cassis Catela Caveya Charamatt Chtrad Claniussis Clardarasa Coblioll Cobuxv Codegioto Colere Coratta Cordaricar Cytharra Dablai Dadanuruza Dakards Dalaraz Daldenger Dallan Daninius Darpette Dasummiuso Deirgie Denisow Dessyahĕrd Destrick Devorbya Dighnnix Dikursillia Dineppy Dittestindr Dorniae Doudnae Dundronght Dwaymaterag Dwillin Dárott Dăthen Eanunley Edamiear Ederinson Edrinsera Egornae Elbjörn Eloructer Emectopu Emelvaadav Emorannezaran Enstiting Erandroa Esbabilie Essigray Evalcandimpt Evendóna Evidsensieli Evrebkasaleen Evsbur Exephus Falapirimjan Faughȧ Flev'tȧ Flezabia Flȧkqȧywyn Fokinizzes Fonikun Foracesirtjai Forator Fraerrayus Fraitsaburlia Frasawn Frobria Førnis Fȧfhȧy Gamikhulpher Gamirlejadylv Ganalya Gangérick Gapiart Garwăn Gattowinient Gershanave Giffini Gotiggs Gracton Griquebiae Gundas Guniea Gwalaggupique Gérènes Găstra Halastia Hampea Harann Hasveran Haurulan Hendísle Heonga Hodosa Horturgaro Hotandria Hredvae Hufonne Hyeorevenn Hyrðurova Hătheron Ibezii Icenca Idienefatad Imodoodulicis Inelin Ivinaqa Jamollius Jaragnettea Jartia Jaster Johirhĕnleis Jordie Jorouk Jovian Judelbithunce Kaldavou Kargella Kastan Kattleel Kayumparisey Keuned Kimica Krieth Krimarsy Krobian Krulus Kundaw Kungotodez Kuryasalizsia Kvoudiae Kyersin Kȧhphoda Kȧppis Ladavie Lafalkanda Laivya Lanceas Larculla Larcuscal Lashyȧqonxin Ledowatala Levinia Linomegia Liplesheton Listis Lleyrig Lococaishaiya Loichana Lonikooison Lumolvenria Léonekeloma Lĕlgamdose Lĕstetiereiae Macarraia Macoris Madvio Magaldolo Malthăn Manamilicur Manchas Manklin Mannewast Manyas Mapoly Marang Marart Maritles Marmanele Maronuki Mashuer Mattuciac Mausir Mauxlares Maximsȧc Melystio Menjad Meptelyn Mesiae Mestiuslonse Mianushulia Mickaldil Miestatha Milcoliany Mililia Mishns Moloulin Moridy Morikhon Mosegoottini Movadras Muract Murimerber Naagatt Namand Napoth Nasadera Natamyriae Nebble Netheul Nianianoémis Nikratrie Nincicka Ninnara Nomarun Notaidi Noulus Nubianitha Nátishunt Nȧzvia Octisʹ Ohesiboudart Omelliana Ommyrúber Omovel Oparolò Ordiateg Orpidsar Oruvacor Osawalforia Osspatupie Parick Parosbubrani Pasalvest Pastilieloros Pataimpan Pawatians Peatle Pelizz Pendrachana Pennellaniann Perisimarða Pernaee Phibii Phorista Phosley Pitabarlendos Pollic Poservȧ Pragaran Priusa Prokotteld Pumorder Putsuu Qaplis Qardoman Qarsalta Qatcheriend Qolphenedy Qorastichia Ranatoidella Rarkavan Rastus Ratenicus Remelgrea Rephana Rictȧv Riglus Roboot Rochan Roweney Ruitabius Rélivollexim Róberniguer Rŏthée Sabuits Safera Sakoustucia Salbaathe Salinc Saneveliae Sapantefalley Saptis Scanox Scheatanaya Schoto Scopit Seberasug Sepian Sermedfrin Shelin Shembesam Shercae Shilnewej Shirius Shirsherna Sholey Shĕtharaciner Siniea Sitelohillae Snomoa Solana Soldris Somirmulues Sonalracus Sthtea Stimarben Stinetumro Strurantor Suanis Suenlŏs Sukilan Sullers’ Suunte Svestaerkétin Svĕrke Tabosĕn Tanlordt Telsaggapari Tepran Thagaoeith Theisan Thtannah Tomelius Travius Turius Tündos Tȧmosil Udranutius Urédon Utoiranda Vestistóf Viamteinto Vidattil Villes Viðurtus Vlȧfdeons Vonforus Votamelea Vougus Vuniana Vuoratede Vĕlphal Wabine Wagagtor Welbyn Wilkob Wremardivanst Wăthus Xunnoance Xȧzbelsette Yasating Yoshae Zacatis Zacelie Zaidaymarta Zuerit Ériandos Éventand Ŏlnines
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fioresphotogallery · 5 months ago
when my eyes closed I felt you around me. Your hand on my stomach, hugging me from behind. Your fingers running through my hair while you told me sweet words. I fell asleep on your bed while watching a movie. You laid next to me, even while I was asleep I could feel you moving. My eyes were closed, I saw dark swirling around me, I felt hands on me. All grabbing, craving me, I pushed away but they keep pulling me back, grip getting tighter. I think to myself, Why won’t they let go? Why won’t they let go? Why can’t I let go? They sink me into the darkness. I try to fight but my attempts are in vain. My mouth was above the murk as I took my last breath and woke up. Heart racing, breathing unsteady, eyes widen. I felt hands on me.“Que paso mi princesa?” The words rung in my ears. “You’re okay, don’t worry, I’m here.” I stared into him. Dark, wet, coily hair, brown sepian skin, and a goofy smile. His hands were on me but they were not craving me, they’re simply comforting me. My heart slows, my breathing steadies, my eyes calm. I’m safe. I now lay on my own bed. When I am cold I cannot feel your warmth. I have no one hugging me from behind. I have no hand on my stomach or fingers running through my hair. I have no sweet words whispered to me anymore. The dark is here again, I’m not safe anymore. I cannot let go. And when I close my eyes all I see is dark coily hair, brown sepian skin, and a goofy smile.
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thedestinysunknown · 1 year ago
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Lego Harry Potter: Year 1 - 4 - Year 2:
Now it's time for Chamber of Secrets, and there's some standout moments:
dealing with giant spiders;
play as young Voldemort in a sepian level;
fight draco malfoy;
and of course, fight the giant spider.
PS: the gameplay used for this gifset is not mine. The original video belongs to the user: Keyes, on Youtube.
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faefaye · 17 days ago
I love the Emperor's Edge series, but one of the things that keeps bothering me is the beginning of the first book. I can understand if with it being a published novel, there was a need for the plot to move quickly, but I feel a lot of things would be more believable had Amaranthe worked at the Imperial Barracks for a month or two before Hollowcrest sent her to kill Sicarius.
(rest of my thoughts under the cut because wow, this post became a lot longer than I expected)
As it stands, canonically:
-> Sespian meets Amaranthe one fine day -> has a huge crush on her despite her barely saying anything outside of expected courtesies -> tells Hollowcrest about his romantic feelings (including apparently saying that Amaranthe would be a wonderful mother???) -> Hollowcrest worries that this random woman Sespian met once will become empress -> this makes Hollowcrest decide to send her on a suicidal mission which he hopes will kill her rather than just have her killed because "I don't have to pay an assassin when Sicarius is around" -> Hollowcrest also hints that he's drugging Sespian right in front of Amaranthe -> Sespian gives her a valuable bracelet that Sicarius immediately recognises as being Sespian's, meaning it's unique
Now, consider a world where Sespian saw Amaranthe as he did in canon but from there, he just decides to have her transferred to working at the Imperial Barracks. Maybe he became curious about this rare female enforcer, looked into her records and saw that despite flawless work for six years, she remained a corporal and wanted to evaluate her himself. Maybe there was some fledgling crush involved in him wanting to have her close by.
She's initially following protocol while talking with him, but eventually starts participating in their conversations about the changes he wants to make to the country and becomes his only actual friend.
Him mentioning his crush on her to Hollowcrest now happens more plausibly in passing, and there's actual reason for Hollowcrest to fear that Sespian might marry her despite her lowborn origin.
He can't have her killed because Sespian won't ignore her death and if it doesn't seem fully natural, he will have it investigated. Making her die by Sicarius' hands is better because he can pass it off as a risky mission that she willingly took.
Sespian giving her the bracelet when she leaves makes a lot more sense when he's known her for a good while.
Meanwhile, Amaranthe has suspicions about the drugging not because Hollowcrest said it right in front of her, but because she's been noticing something off about Sespian's behaviour in the time they've spent together. Maybe his headaches, the way he's unusually dull at times (especially after having had his tea) or whatever. Maybe she does notice that Hollowcrest insists on Sespian having his tea, but it's not as blatant as it is in canon.
Oh, and Amaranthe fights so hard to give Sespian the chance to rule not because of two conversations - if they can be called that - where he seemed nice and progressive (and what Hollowcrest told her about Sespian), but because she's had time to see for herself what kind of person he is, discussing his ideas and even giving him viewpoints about life in the empire that he doesn't have because of how he's trapped in the Imperial Barracks.
(Other than "this makes more sense to me", I'd really just like to see Sespian's and Amaranthe's friendship :p. I feel bad for Sepian that he has had very few positive relationships for a good part of canon... Amaranthe and Sicarius even discuss how lonely his life was.)
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dexare · 6 months ago
[Heavily Currupted Documen...]
"National Fores Administration, Caretakers of Phantom Wilds. Leading Force tasked with the administration and control of all the abnormal aspects of Animal Kingdom."
"Such examples can be CF/1999 (the Barron Shift Mosquito) originally believed to be an Aberration because of its invisibility, It was later discovered to be natural an of no notable intrest, by the Sepian Protectorate university Army."
"...Others species like the Yeti, big foot and the logness Monter's among a variety of aquatic abominations are dealt with accordingly to their point of origin.
The N.F.A. Primerily deals with these creatures in one of three formats:
•> Eradication/Expolsion - Found to be too dangerous for humanity or originating from an Aberration. In these cases, the entities are erraticated from earth or simply driven out, then exterminated in their local of origin.
••> Population Control/Quarantine - If found to be too destabilizing to the status quo in the current time's. In such cases under the P.C.W Constitution charter, these species are under the protection of the Lesser species bill and are given restricted areas where they are allowed to exist.
•••> Assimilation - in where a creature is introduced to the general population with additional miss information of the given subject to better accommodate into humanity's hold/care as in the case with cats, dogs an spiders...."
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The Fores Administration is tasked with confronting Aberration entities in real time as they appear on earth.
#ChroniclesofRebellion #Fragment
Fores: Situated at or towards the front, as compared to something els.
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xoxoofeeeliaxoxo · 9 months ago
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This is the diptych spread I want to go through with for the formative.
This design poster is an expression of my connection to place, and that is my hometown, Otara.
I've chosen to use the typeface Sepian to resemble a typeface used on an iconic mural in Otara dedicated to local rapper, Face Killah.
I wanted to use the colour green to represent its street signs, to which the street names are well known among locals. I initially started with the colours yellow and black, to resemble the colours on Face Killah's mural. However, with Face Killah being in the Killer Beez gang, I didn't want these colours show that was what Otara represented.
The texts used are taken from Otara's local music artists like Sid Diamond, Face Killah and music group STNDRD. I also used my own writing to emphasise my personal connection to Otara. In the first poster, I've warped the texts into circles, representing O for Otara.
Further refinement
just as I was typing this up, I've thought of taking inspiration from the design of foods that most of us grew up eating in Otara - Starz drink, Big Ben pie
think of different colours that could better fit this composition?
remember that the O in Otara needs a macron !!
consider creating a composition that conveys the lyrics from the music I've chosen?
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emulerscape · 1 year ago
Dimret - Aelo Border - Sepian winds out now
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prescitia · 3 months ago
Euphoria parts the hungry maw, stifled in its joy by the ever-haunting reminder. He's hurt the one he loves. Time and time again. And in his hurt birthing spite to wield against him as a weapon.
Throat closes tighter around a swallow, relentless and agonizing, his head lowers to press a gentle kiss to his lover's shoulder.
"I never meant...I never wanted to hurt you...Louis." Lips spread over the arch of collarbone, breath shuddering.
"I could spend eternity trying to mend what I have broken- and I know I never will. I can not undo what I have done..the pain I have caused you.." A hesitation to press a kiss to the curve of his jaw, settling in the crook of his neck to breathe in the gentle cologne. Sepian skin tints rose, eyes lidding against the well of tears to mask it in worship placed in strategic kisses peppering along his lover's chest.
"I love you, Louis." Not a declaration, a reassurance. Weak and warbling as it falls from his lips but the swell in his chest it evokes feels a landslide against which there is no bracing. He would set his beloved free of his torment if he weren't so fiercely jealous of the hands that would steal him. Regardless of the balm of his request.
there's a tilt to his head as he listens to lestat speak , still in a haze due to the affection which he currently drowned in . he always spoke as if the two of them were on a stage ㅤ ─ ㅤ it was as beautiful as it was infuriating ; lestat's manner of speaking made louis feel like a wretched thing , incapable of producing poetry like the heavenly being hovering over his body . emerald eyes shift across his lover's face as he opens his shirt , letting his pale hands to explore the burning flesh waiting there . louis is surprised by the shaky exhale which escapes from his parted lips ; there's an anticipation trapped there for getting lestat to come closer still . a burning desire to make him squirm like louis had been in the depths of his mind every time he heard the door of their home shut behind lestat .
" our bed . " louis corrected , letting his free hand wander down the blonde's back , latching onto the other man's backside . he tightened his grip while rolling his own hips up against his lover's ( his torturer , his maker , his heart ) . if this was to be their hell , then louis would make sure lestat would be begging him for an early release . " i hurt you , you hurt me and the ride keeps fucking spinning . " he tilts his head back against the couch , denying lestat any further kisses for him to muffle his beautiful voice with . a particular movement from his hips made louis' own breath falter but still he persisted , determined to watch every reaction which might flash behind the other vampire's eyes .
his voice suddenly became softer . " maybe one day we'll get the hang of it . but until then ㅤ ─ ㅤ " louis' struggled to keep his own pleasure silenced but found it hard when feeling lestat's heartbeat drumming against the palm of his hand so fervently . " don't let go . "
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windanjh-blog · 2 years ago
Dari sepinya malam atau sepinya perpus, sepian mana? Sesepinya perpus aku masi bisa telponan sama orang, sesepinya malam aku masi bisa nangis teriak diam-diam. Terdengar kata pinang, pohon pinang? Tiba-tiba pinang datang, tapi malah lambaikan tangan dan tertawa pelan-pelan. Ferguso, ini bukan candaan! 🤣
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kairunatic · 11 months ago
Heated and Sprung at the Hot spings
Ep 10
>>Link to the previous Episode
This ep was genuinely Hilarious
CW: Literally an amogus reference
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So we start with the peeps from Sepia who seem to be enjoying their time at hot springs and are celebrating the new years there
They all had a party and drink and eat
Although Baccarat is not there with them(which makes this counted to casino event and making it Canon FUCK!) they missed him but they are sure he's doing alright
But anyone they continued there party and almost half of them are drunk
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But then out of nowhere Xiaolong burst into there room Saying there's a virgin among them
Not a few sec Bal came along drunk asf and demanding the sepians to fuck the shit out of him
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viyil-words · 2 years ago
Letter to Depression
Dear Depression,
Are you happy?
I woke up today with your veil over my eyes. The black one, the one that only lets slivers of light pass through. When I stood up it was like I was walking through a forest, a thick foliage of night and despair clouding my vision. I knew it was day. I knew sunlight was peeking through the blinds and I knew the lights were on and I knew I could see, but somehow, everything was dark, like a poorly developed roll of film; vignetted and almost unrecognizable.
That’s your specialty, I guess. Darkness. I’d like to say I appreciate your artistic taste, the way you crept up on me in shades of gray, growing just slightly darker each day until you surrounded me with your midnight blackness. I’d like to say I admire your persistence, the way you never gave up on me–but oh, how I wish you would.
No, I don’t appreciate or admire you. Not even with all of your good morning hugs and bedtime stories, retold with the distortion of a funhouse mirror. I loathe you. I loathe you like a child loathes his bedtime, like a caged bird loathes his freedom. Yes, I despise your existence, the sepian glaze you cast over every word and smile and friendship.
And yet, you’ve grown so familiar. The crushing weight of your hands on my chest feels almost like a cold hug, some days. Like a child clinging to his mother, you wrap your arms around my neck, and I carry you from my bed to the bathroom to work and back home again. I listen to your whispers in my ear, disguised as my own voice, and no volume of love is ever enough to drown you out. As I drift off to sleep, you let go, and for a moment I am weightless, unconscious, free.
And then I wake up, and your icy nails dig into my chest, and the heels of your feet press into my stomach, like weights, and I can only just barely sift the air into my lungs before you choke it back out again, leaving the copper taste of emptiness on my tongue. Sometimes I wonder if I am breathing at all.
I have tried praying you away. I have tried talking to you, asking you kindly. I have tried to outrun you, to tear you off of my back with perfectly calculated words and conversations for two hundred dollars a session. I have tried to poison you, but fifteen orange bottles later, you’re still here, London-scented and suffocating. I think I only poisoned me.
Depression, are you happy? I have carried you for so long, and my feet are tired. My shoulders are tired. I am tired.
If I go to sleep, will you let me go?
Desperately, Your Latest Victim
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