keketle · 2 years
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“Don't try to break my fall,
Down this rabbit hole I go....”
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indefinite-pitch · 28 days
Sepian - Baoba
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streetsofdublin · 1 year
Nasser Azam was born in Jhelum, Pakistan in 1963, and moved to London with his parents when he was 7 years old (1970).
HAS BEEN RELOCATED WITHIN THE BOTANIC GARDENS IN GLASNEVIN For some unknown reason it is almost impossible the get details of permanent public art on view in the Botanic Gardens. I believe that this bronze sculpture, recently relocated, is Sepian Blue by Nasser Azam. [UPDATE] According to a contact: “Azam’s monumental bronze sculpture Sepian Blue was exhibited at Sculpture in Context,…
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mossmotif · 6 months
sepian (g.suguru)
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The lights are off, and the room is swallowed by darkness. Any sense of reality is overtaken by its teeth and hands. Its shadows eat at your figure messily, you spot the blur of your surroundings by memory and try to not let them slip through your fingers.
Suguru is next to you. He's sat upright against the headboard of the bed, and you can feel that his eyes are wider than yours, that his lungs are short of breath.
"What did you dream of?" you ask him. You hope your voice travels as gentle through something so greedy. It's taking from him as you speak, and kindness should be a stronger weapon.
He looks over to you, smudged with sleep. You feel the way he holds his breath, only for a second. It feels so pleasantly human to sense him so blindly, to know that he unconsciously allows you.
"I'd rather not say," he answers. At the sound of his voice, you close your eyes and breath as deeply as you can. It's tangible enough for you to latch onto.
He's denying you, of course; but he's kind about it. He reaches out to pull the covers over your shoulders.
"That's fine," you whisper. "Want to hear about mine?"
You rise up from your position and press your shoulder to his. The world doesn't melt away. Maybe it clears, maybe your eyes begin to adjust a little bit more. Whatever monster woke the two of you has had its fill, now sleeping at the foot of your shared bed.
"It's late," he answers weakly. It is out of kindness; he leans into you further, holds onto you.
"I don't mind," you assure. "Do you?"
There are multiple ways of knowing someone without your eyes. A gentle touch, the subtle curve of a finger against skin, his breath fanning against your skin, an arch in scent (there's a transition in cologne further down the nape of his neck).
"No," he says. And he could speak into ink and the ripples would reach you. An echo of him would tell you to stop looking for him, but he wouldn't stop you from doing so.
The two of you are hopeless, speaking to each other in the dark and surviving off of each others words.
Suguru has known for years that you've never dreamt of much, but he would never call you a liar. It wouldn't feel purposeful, it wouldn't feel kind. That sort of thing becomes a lash in the dark. It's the sort of violence held for those that are unrecognized when unlit: uncoordinated and messy. But the both of you have crawled from the foot of the bed, inevitably comforted by something you were both born out of, still weaned and gladly stolen from.
He looks at you as you speak. A dark face in a dark room.
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i have no clue where this came from LMAO but it was inspired by this prompt by @/creativepromptsforwriting
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kairunatic · 5 months
Heated and Sprung at the Hot spings
Ep 10
>>Link to the previous Episode
This ep was genuinely Hilarious
CW: Literally an amogus reference
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So we start with the peeps from Sepia who seem to be enjoying their time at hot springs and are celebrating the new years there
They all had a party and drink and eat
Although Baccarat is not there with them(which makes this counted to casino event and making it Canon FUCK!) they missed him but they are sure he's doing alright
But anyone they continued there party and almost half of them are drunk
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But then out of nowhere Xiaolong burst into there room Saying there's a virgin among them
Not a few sec Bal came along drunk asf and demanding the sepians to fuck the shit out of him
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xoxoofeeeliaxoxo · 3 months
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This is the diptych spread I want to go through with for the formative.
This design poster is an expression of my connection to place, and that is my hometown, Otara.
I've chosen to use the typeface Sepian to resemble a typeface used on an iconic mural in Otara dedicated to local rapper, Face Killah.
I wanted to use the colour green to represent its street signs, to which the street names are well known among locals. I initially started with the colours yellow and black, to resemble the colours on Face Killah's mural. However, with Face Killah being in the Killer Beez gang, I didn't want these colours show that was what Otara represented.
The texts used are taken from Otara's local music artists like Sid Diamond, Face Killah and music group STNDRD. I also used my own writing to emphasise my personal connection to Otara. In the first poster, I've warped the texts into circles, representing O for Otara.
Further refinement
just as I was typing this up, I've thought of taking inspiration from the design of foods that most of us grew up eating in Otara - Starz drink, Big Ben pie
think of different colours that could better fit this composition?
remember that the O in Otara needs a macron !!
consider creating a composition that conveys the lyrics from the music I've chosen?
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thedestinysunknown · 9 months
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Lego Harry Potter: Year 1 - 4 - Year 2:
Now it's time for Chamber of Secrets, and there's some standout moments:
dealing with giant spiders;
play as young Voldemort in a sepian level;
fight draco malfoy;
and of course, fight the giant spider.
PS: the gameplay used for this gifset is not mine. The original video belongs to the user: Keyes, on Youtube.
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emulerscape · 11 months
Dimret - Aelo Border - Sepian winds out now
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windanjh-blog · 1 year
Dari sepinya malam atau sepinya perpus, sepian mana? Sesepinya perpus aku masi bisa telponan sama orang, sesepinya malam aku masi bisa nangis teriak diam-diam. Terdengar kata pinang, pohon pinang? Tiba-tiba pinang datang, tapi malah lambaikan tangan dan tertawa pelan-pelan. Ferguso, ini bukan candaan! 🤣
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viyil-words · 1 year
Letter to Depression
Dear Depression,
Are you happy?
I woke up today with your veil over my eyes. The black one, the one that only lets slivers of light pass through. When I stood up it was like I was walking through a forest, a thick foliage of night and despair clouding my vision. I knew it was day. I knew sunlight was peeking through the blinds and I knew the lights were on and I knew I could see, but somehow, everything was dark, like a poorly developed roll of film; vignetted and almost unrecognizable.
That’s your specialty, I guess. Darkness. I’d like to say I appreciate your artistic taste, the way you crept up on me in shades of gray, growing just slightly darker each day until you surrounded me with your midnight blackness. I’d like to say I admire your persistence, the way you never gave up on me–but oh, how I wish you would.
No, I don’t appreciate or admire you. Not even with all of your good morning hugs and bedtime stories, retold with the distortion of a funhouse mirror. I loathe you. I loathe you like a child loathes his bedtime, like a caged bird loathes his freedom. Yes, I despise your existence, the sepian glaze you cast over every word and smile and friendship.
And yet, you’ve grown so familiar. The crushing weight of your hands on my chest feels almost like a cold hug, some days. Like a child clinging to his mother, you wrap your arms around my neck, and I carry you from my bed to the bathroom to work and back home again. I listen to your whispers in my ear, disguised as my own voice, and no volume of love is ever enough to drown you out. As I drift off to sleep, you let go, and for a moment I am weightless, unconscious, free.
And then I wake up, and your icy nails dig into my chest, and the heels of your feet press into my stomach, like weights, and I can only just barely sift the air into my lungs before you choke it back out again, leaving the copper taste of emptiness on my tongue. Sometimes I wonder if I am breathing at all.
I have tried praying you away. I have tried talking to you, asking you kindly. I have tried to outrun you, to tear you off of my back with perfectly calculated words and conversations for two hundred dollars a session. I have tried to poison you, but fifteen orange bottles later, you’re still here, London-scented and suffocating. I think I only poisoned me.
Depression, are you happy? I have carried you for so long, and my feet are tired. My shoulders are tired. I am tired.
If I go to sleep, will you let me go?
Desperately, Your Latest Victim
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myfontz · 5 years
Laura Worthington (3 di 3)
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Laura Worthington nel 2010 ha fondato l’omonima fonderia nello Stato di Washington, Stati Uniti.
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ltflog · 5 years
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indefinite-pitch · 3 years
Sepian - Entropic
Buy & support on Bandcamp: V/A - Raices
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granularspectrum · 3 years
Returning to our ancestral ways also means respecting the interconnectedness of all things and ensuring reciprocity with the natural world. This fills with Happiness, all the artists who join forces with us to achieve our goals of helping, 42 artists from around the world along with a great variety of musical styles focused on a reason that is worth supporting!❤️
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kairunatic · 2 years
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So here's what happend the Surstey gang are also in this event(Ornis,Baran,Folker and Archna) Who plan to gather new technology from verdacia, and bring it to there home land
Morgan along with Alec, Corca and barlitz are here too morgan is planning to creat a map for verdancia and to use for future buinsess stuff
We also have the Azuterra,Sepian, Yamato and the Pirate participating in this event(Basically all of them are here) Azuterra were in charge in distributing the ice the for edgar " Adventurer guild " at the beach. They also met Pino who is now branded a traitor and Bart ask Thomas to hand him over to azuterra. So he can be punish but thomas refused cause pino is still his business partner and needs his ship for there trading
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The Sepian also introduced there new Technology called " Jet Ski" Unfortunately Brute didn't handle it properly and got out of control
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Meanwhile on the other side Jalam and Zacharoff are ready to procced with there plan,Turning verdancia beach into a Dragon vein
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nichevoy-a · 3 years
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Zuria Sepian - Now I will steal the emperor’s heart
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