#separate tag for my scrunkly
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warm-ups turned into brainrotting abt my pj variant
#salad kiss kiss mwah mwah#undertale#paperjam#salad#separate tag for my scrunkly#sans#error sans#ink sans#utmv#undertale au#kia doodles shit#paperjam utmv#paperjam utau#paperjam undertale#other pj tags......
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OC Deep Dive Questions
Thank you for the tag, @hippotooth
I may have forgotten this in my drafts... 😅
Answering on behalf of my 2 favorite Durges in separate posts... (the other one will be up tomorrow)
Reposting one of the beautiful shots made by @aristenfromwarsaw

For Tyrsa, my halfing Durge bard from my AU fic, in which she's been fighting the Urge tooth and nail since it manifested, answers are below the cut:
Also of note: ARACHNID JUMPSCARE ahead...

What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Tyrsa struggles with quiet. Alot. The Urge is always there, but if the world around her is loud and boisterous, it blends into the noise, making it easier to suppress. In silence, there's only it and her.
She's also claustrophobic and has a lingering concern about very dark places. It has to do with a fear of the dark inside being awakened by the dark outside.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Excessive unsolicited flirting really irks Tyrsa. This sweet little redemption Durge punched Gortash when they first met in person. And she was not there intending to murder him or anything.
She also rolls her eyes at Astarion and calls him a tart. He calls her a harpy. It's a running joke between them.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
She has two bedrooms. We'll start with the Temple of Bhaal. There's a dagger in an unsnapped leather sheath under her pillow, less for her protection than as a way to protect others from her. A bookshelf is lined with jars of pickled organs, the trophies from her more personally-motivated murders over the years. Behind a loose stone, an arm's length down into a sheer drop off, her personal journal is hidden. In between the pages are carefully folded letters sent by Gortash and all of the songs that Tyrsa wrote for him.
Tyrsa's other bedroom is shared with a certain scrunkly tyrant. Three things we find within are: a black marble artifice-powered hot tub designed by her sexy genius, a cabinet of outrageously expensive custom musical instruments of every portable variety (gifts from you-know-who), and in a dresser near the lavish four-poster bed, a leather harness that is used for something much more fun than mere bondage.
What do they notice first in a person?
Tyrsa has a knack for detecting the pain that someone is in, even when they're desperate to hide it. She was ill-treated by a lot of people over the years after she lost her parents, and the one constant she observed was that the people who were the most horrible to her were themselves in terrible pain. Easing the pain of others eases her own in turn.
Physically, she's drawn to uniqueness. She has a particular weakness for facial scars. She would have been all over Wyll and Halsin if Astarion hadn't already sunk his fangs into her heart.
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Like 12, maybe? They didn't really make the scale for her... Physical pain is a vacation from the emotional pain she's usually in. Screaming for Abdirak was all performance. More of a vacation, honestly.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
'May you never know the violence it took to make me this gentle.' An apt phrase for her.
Every memory the Urge shows her is a new nightmare she's desperate to avoid repeating. Tyrsa doesn't wish to do harm unless absolutely necessary, but once a fight is inevitable, she's calm and calculated. Battle is the only time she's even slightly in sync with her Urge.
Emotional pressure is a different story. Fight is usually her first instinct, either to prove a point in a verbal battle or to be the one who fights so others don't have to. Flight will activate if she's afraid of losing control, however. Her pride will go completely out the window, and she won't care if she looks like a coward, a monster, or an imbecile, so long as it saves innocent lives.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Yes and no. Biologically, Tyrsa has many Bhaalspawn siblings, though most are long dead. The couple that adopted her had no other children. That being said, her chosen family is very important to her.

What animal represents them best?
Before she meets Gortash...
While adorable AF, these tiny arthropods are agile hunters who expertly plan their attacks. Like all species of spider, they're also cannibalistic. One important note about female spiders is a penchant for devouring their mates as a post-coital snack.
After she meets Gortash...

Co-leaders of a pack, alpha wolves mate for life and fiercely protect each other.
After the tadpole...

What is a smell they dislike?
She blends into both. Her new, tadpoled, scared-shitless-yet-putting-on-brave-faces friends bring out protective maternal instincts that she, as a Bhaalspawn intent on never reproducing, had no idea she possessed. They are all her babies (except Astarion), and she will carry them until they are okay to make it on their own. She makes her Star walk beside her, not behind.
Have they broken any bones?
The coronation invite's scent made Tyrsa gag a little. Gortash's vanilla and rosewater cologne is the result of bad advice he took when his Durge wasn't there.
She also has this moment, when she's rejected Bhaal, after Withers saves her (I keep Orin's corpse intact in this AU because I hate Bhaal owning her so hard that he can just turn her into blood). Tyrsa bursts into tears because Orin's corpse actually stinks. It only stinks. Finally.
Many. Some of them were even her own. She's dislocated her shoulders multiple times as well. From restraints.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
It depends on the role she's playing. Tyrsa uses Disguise Self liberally, especially on hunts, and slips into whichever persona is required to accomplish her objective. Usually, she remains as forgettable as possible. When she's true to her core motivations, however, she is often seen as annoyingly selfless. For example, within twenty minutes of meeting her on the Nautiloid, Lae'zel called her she'lak and k'chakhi, Wyll and Gale reach Exceptional level approval for her super early, and Astarion is always griping about her good deeds. Yet he's still crazy about her.
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
Pre-tadpole, she was more of a night owl, as the most by-the-book Bhaalist murders take place at midnight. After her memory loss, she was deeply moved by Astarion's reaction to the first sunrise they watched together. Ever since, even though she's groggy, they wake before the sun and watch it rise. This is very poignant later because she won't help him ascend.
What's a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Do they have any hobbies?
Humanoid flesh. Tyrsa hates it; the Urge loves it. Outside of Durge-specific lore, however, she hates oysters. In spite of their supposed aphrodisiac properties, she thinks they taste like the ocean sneezed a glob of snot into her mouth.
Tyrsa loves tomatoes like a hobbit loves mushrooms.
Bards have so many! Songwriting, dancing, swimming, and, mustn't forget... contract murder. She's also exceptional at Lanceboard. She and Gortash played a strip version once. He won... but only because he cheated. Tyrsa has a weakness for scientific language, but only when Gortash says it. She calls it speaking inventor at her. And it always works.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Since Durges don't really have birthdays per se, I think most people with Durge OCs have lore for it. Here's mine: Tyrsa's adoptive parents, upon realizing her paperwork had no birthdate on it but she was estimated to be about three years old, decided to give her a birthday, on the day that they adopted her, which was Midsummer. The parties they threw her were among her happiest childhood memories. After the Urge killed her parents, she never celebrated her birthday again and sort of blocked out that she had ever had one, even before Orin's betrayal. It was impossible for her to remember her parents without pain, without the Urge showing her their deaths again. Even the happy memories she had to lock away.
Gortash knows this about her, and also that she always makes a huge deal out of his birthdays. In the post-game, once she's rejected Bhaal, he makes Astarion tell him when his birthday is. Star doesn't want to celebrate because it makes him feel old, but Gortash tells him it's not about him. Maybe calls him a sassy bitch? 🤷♀️ It is, in fact, all a ploy to get Tyrsa to help him plan a surprise party for Astarion that actually turns out to be her own.
So there's crying. The happy kind.
Jumpscare surprises--on the other hand--will get the offender punched.
Yes. Tyrsa has multiple piercings, including both ears, her eyebrow, and her navel. They're often fidgets, particularly the loop in her left ear and a silver ring with an infinity symbol engraved into it that she's worn on her thumb since she was thirteen. It was a gift from a kind person she sang to at a house of healing in Waterdeep when she was attending the Bard's College there. It's the only non-piercing that remained on her after waking on the Nautiloid.
One very precious jewelry item didn't make it, however: an intricately carved golden locket with a large, heart-shaped gemstone in it, a gift from Gortash that she had never once taken off. She unconsciously paws her chest for it after the memory loss. She tries on every new necklace she finds, but none of them feel right, just grasping at a memory she can't seem to hold onto. She's been known to fling amulets across the camp site in fits of frustration no more explicable to her than to her companions.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Tyrsa's handwriting is quite showy. Lots of loops, etc. It's just barely legible.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Rage and love. Sometimes simultaneously. There's a reason she was drawn to Astarion after her memory of Gortash was gone.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Very fine, soft cotton is her top pick, but leather gets an honorable mention for how deeply she loves the smell of it.
What kind of accent do they have?
She has the same London-sounding accent as Wyll Ravengard. Only with much, much, MUCH more profanity. Bards and language, ya know?
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During my holiday I expressed how I wanted to draw some of Terrarias fandom designs of the travelling merchant and so i went to work on it!

Group photo! Everyones here! I've never drawn so many blue top hats in the past 3 days oh MAN but yeah SCRUNKLIES
i also drew them separately and I'll be tagging them in order :>
@drzootsuit and @duckwawia
hope you all like it! <3

Edit: gonna put this cake here because i think it speaks for itself LMAO
#terraria#terraria npc#traveling merchant#suis arts#WOOOOOO#LETS GO#funky con artist appreciation post#but also everyone here#yall rock and i love ur art
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I posted 2,930 times in 2022
27 posts created (1%)
2,903 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 610 of my posts in 2022
#mcyt - 83 posts
#dsmp - 83 posts
#arcane - 75 posts
#the batman - 58 posts
#dsmp fanart - 41 posts
#the batman spoilers - 38 posts
#dream smp - 36 posts
#the batman 2022 - 25 posts
#technoblade - 24 posts
#my art - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#one moment i'm watching some minecraft roleplay about destroying a country and then i go on the news and see a real country being destroyed
My Top Posts in 2022:
Idk I just found it funny how quickly they went for the bell
3,215 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
love your batman art, keep the vengeance up :P
He's a freak I love him
3,682 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
3,709 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
See the full post
9,338 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022

So long King❤️
I've been introduced to mcyt and dsmp by my best friend and thanks to her I could discover Techno. For the past 2 years he had impacted my life a lot, through inspiring me to improve my skills on character design and art overall, to become more outgoing and full of passion for things I do. Because of covid and me finishing high school and going to university I had been struggling a lot with my mental health, but every time I saw a new upload or upcoming stream my day would instantly brighten up. He brought so much joy and love to the community and I'll forever be thankful for that.
This whole day had been a mess since I woke up and saw the news, it still feels unreal and when I think I'm alright, the feeling comes back again. Never thought that a person I didn't know, almost at all, would make such an impact on me.
I'm still going to make art of his character, I think that's something he'd want, to continue his legacy and for his character to still bring people joy.
I don't normally write much stuff here, only post art and reblog stuff, but I had to vent a little. I just wanted to thank Techno for everything and send love to anyone who is struggling about this too or is in a bad place overall. I hope you'll get better and everything will be ok❤️
And the universe said I love you
And the universe said everything you need is within you
And the universe said you have played the game well
And the universe said you are stronger than you know
And the universe said you are the daylight
And the universe said you are the night
And the universe said the darkness you fight is within you
And the universe said the light you seek is within you
And the universe said you are not alone
And the universe said you are not separate from every other thing
And the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code
And the universe said I love you because you are love.
And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love.
~End Poem
12,064 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
#tumblr2022#year in review#my 2022 tumblr year in review#your tumblr year in review#that longest tag tho#my art
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Intro Post I guess
Hihi! I go by Squid, she/they are both fine. I’m sorta new to whumpblr, and whump as a term, but I’ve always been a fan beating up my scrunklies so whump as a concept isn’t too new to me, just the word.
I do mostly draw the whump things, (but I write some too) and I’ll do some retagging for just my general whump art, for now you can find most of it under ‘#techno whump’ & ‘#doodles’.
I regret to inform you that I’m both Furry and Cringe (im not sorry tho) so all my go-to whumpees are fluffy lil bastards. You’ll probably see them in my doodles and drabbles.
Not sure what all else to put here, but my ask box is always open! Need to hook up with more whump buddies, so don’t hesitate to poke me.
Also if you’re part of the OG crew that followed me for things other than whump, I've got a not-whump sideblog that’ll have all the rest of my usual nonsense. There’s a chance I’ll swap over which is a main and which is a sideblog but we’ll see. For now I’m doing it backwards. Trust me, the fact that I’m separating whump and not-whump in the first place is impressive for me.
Also I tagspeak a LOT, always check my tags on whatever is on my blog because 9/10 I say something.
Favorite Tropes
Non-human whumpee (told you, furry)
Immortal whumpee
Muzzles & collars (still furry)
Pet whump/dehumanization
Whumpee & caretakers swap places for each other
Creepy/intimate whumpers
Lab whump
Blood loss
Like actually anything that makes whumpee slowly lose consciousness/awareness like mmMDMMDSMFD
“Keep your eyes on me, stay awake”
Mind control/loss of control
Eye gore
More realistic whump? Idk exactly, I stumbled on it once and it squicked me out but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why
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I posted 845 times in 2022
597 posts created (71%)
248 posts reblogged (29%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 776 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#donk post - 646 posts
#donk text - 427 posts
#sonic - 204 posts
#sth - 81 posts
#donk album - 64 posts
#donk art - 62 posts
#donk answer - 60 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 49 posts
#cats - 30 posts
#donk stream - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the issue here is that the reason for that is bc team chaotix are seen as so much of a unit that theyre not considered separate characters
My Top Posts in 2022:

they really said you cant put your sopping wet scrunkly in the microwave huh
97 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
colored the drawing by @candycatstuffs !!!! + genderqueer icon for my side blog :D
shout out to @kuroiyuki96-new for being a huge inspiration with the colors!!!!
117 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
im playing botw for the first time and i have only played a part of a zelda game before so im basically a newbie here
here's what i learned so far:
-link is hearing voices
-they will kick chests open and then get surprised when their foot hurts
-if you leave them alone for like a minute they start flexing
-also you can jump off cliffs in this game and there very much is fall damage
118 notes - Posted October 4, 2022

i think tails, amy, and knuckles should get new theme songs in frontiers actually
171 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
this came to me in a dream
1,463 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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🔥 - aaaa it was more because Tanjiro is my fav character and then gained kyo as my fav character after their first meeting. when i first saw them interact i just thought they r very cute together. then the sleeping together happen and i was just 👀 . i totally binge the rntn tag on ao3 that day
☀️ at home 🥲 ive known kny for much longer but decided to not watch it cause i havent been interested in anime for sometime.. but decided to finally watch when i got lots of free time and also because ig keep recommending kny reels 🙃🙃 im surprised i didnt get spoiled that kyo's gonna die so early in the series
⚔️ NO... at my first watch... because i was on denial lol like "haha no way he gonna die come on it's just a hand through ur chest is not that bad" even until the end of the season im still in denial cause no way he died cause he seems so importaaannttt. so yes i didnt cry on my first watch though i reaaaallllyyyyy like the song that plays on his last speech so sad yet inspiring. i only bawled on my second watch cause there i finally accepts his death
❄️ i've hated him even before he kills kyo lmao idk his face and smile just seems so annoying.. and im sorry fellas but i really dont like his theme song 🙃 its like hate on first sight (?) like even after i knew about his backstories it still didnt make me like him. it's like so what if u have a tragic backstory idc lol but then i realised that he's kinda forced to be turned into a demon yes? he just doesnt care anymore and got turned into a demon. so i just see them as different characters lol i like hakuji but i dont like akaza. yes there's an AU where i like him and it's something i made myself (??) jk i like an AU where they r separate person lol
💤 i dont like him im sorry 🙃🙃 i dont like the way he talks 🙃 i love that he's just a horrible demon without sad backstory. and i find it very funny thats he's a train perv in kimetsu gakuen lol
❤️ hmmmmmmm i like almost everything really.. as long as they care about each other UwU i do want to see a twisted version of reincarnation AU tho.. like since they dont have much time together on their previous life they get to be super protective of each other to the point of toxicity but it goes both ways lol like a yanderexyandere story. also omegaverse but with beta kyo and omega tan 🥺🥺🥺🥺
🥵 yes yes yes yes this has many story potential lol specially angst give me the slowburn pls
💭 i want them to interact more on the train awake 🥲🥲🥲
🍠 i love the rengoku family.. they have funny genes... i do wonder how would they turn out to be if Ruka is alive and well.. she seems like the quiet type and from what we've seen of childhood kyo he seems to be like that too.. i feel like he smiles alot cause he gotta put a front for sen and it becomes a habit to just smile on everything and also because of Ruka's words.. about the current one i do get where shin coming from.. and he keeps his feelings to himself and lash out on his children kinda sad really.. i want to believe that he never actually hit his children just verbally abuse and neglect them but finally breaks down after kyo's death. still doesnt justify what he had done to his children tho
🪨 i still find it funny that they have 6 children lmao like damn Kie no wonder ur husband so weak 😭😭😭 but i love that even with that many siblings the parents still try their best to raise them. and u can see that kie felt bad for making tan work so young. i do want to see more of their family specially when the dad is around. and also how Kie defend her children with her strong forehead lmaoo that caught me off guard
🗑️ his thigh man i dunno he's just a silly sad man who can't drink right. i remember when my friend told me that she didnt expect shinjuro looking like that since kyo refers him as "chichiue" which was very formal. so she was laughing so hard when shinjuro first appeared cause he look very scrunkly.
🎴hmmmm tbh he's almost kind with everyone he met so any ship would go well with him.. but i'd say InoTan. tho i do tend to read or look at tan being shipped with the upper moons lol in the context of rntn but kyo is dead lmao i like that
❤️🔥 no... :c i've seen lots of kyo ship while i do find it adorable but nah.. the closest would be renkaza but only if they were exes lol
💣 hmmm this one a bit weird.. i like omegaverse but i dont like genderbend.. so im not really keen with genderswap rntnrn fanarts. but this is not a rntn specific tho 🥲🥲
RenTan ask game!
Grit your teeth and join the fun.
Please reblog so everyone can see!

🔥- What first drew you to Rengoku Kyojuro/Tanjiro?
☀️ - How did you watch Mugen train for the first time? (In theaters, at home…)
⚔️ - More importantly, did you cry when Rengoku… yknow… died lol
❄️ - what are your feelings about Akaza? Was he an effective villain in the story? Do you like him in AUs?
💤 - what are your feelings about Enmu? Was he an effective villain in the story? Do you like him in AUs?
❤️ - what are your favorite kind of RenTan stories? (Canon, Rengoku lives, modern… etc)
🥵 - what are your thoughts about their rank difference? Did you want Tanjiro to study under Kyojuro?
💭 - In a world where the train ride lasted longer, what do Rengoku and Tanjiro dream of?
🍠 - what are your opinions on the Rengoku family, and how Kyojuro was raised?
🪨 - what are your opinions on the Kamado family, and how Tanjiro was raised?
🗑️ - just tell us everything you love about Shinjuro
🎴 - do you ship Tanjiro with anyone else? If yes, who? If no, why not?
❤️🔥 - do you ship Kyojuro with anyone else? If yes, who? If no, why not?
💣 - share your most controversial RenTan take. Set your thoughts ablaze!!
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I love u bb ❤️ @madschiavelique
Last song: Separate Ways (Worlds Apart ) - Journey
Last show: Stranger Things (Eddie Munson my love,,, light of my life,,, blorbo to my scrunkly,,,)
Currently watching: Westworld! (The newer seasons are Def my preference)
Currently reading: I was reading 1984 by George Orwell, other than that it's a lot of fanfiction lmao
Current obsession: Stranger Things (actually just Eddie but LISTEN—)
All my boos have been tagged already 😭
nine people i want to get to know better!
@chris-sya thanks for tagging
last song: I legit don't remember, it was forever ago. But I think I heard Passenger by Iggy Pop in the Boys yesterday
last show: Parks and recreation
currently watching: parks and recreation, better call saul
currently reading: Лето в пионерском галстуке - the book about gay teens in a ussr summer camp
current obsession: aeon flux!!! What the hell
Tagging @violet-amet @itsme-tori @silcosmoke @stepsonsilco @pokefighterlp @you-never-talk @i-am-the-balancing-point @senka-mesecine @cyberturbine
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