#seokjin color packs
achillesthv · 13 days
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✎I'm 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯' ✈♡ 'bout 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ☂
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kthice · 7 days
⚓ 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖾c𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗈𝓯 𝗌𝗈𝗎𝗅𝗌 靈魂.
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 🪩 。 ׅ ׂ   ͏𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 ͏'𝒗𝒆 ͏ ͏ ͏⭑ ͏ ͏𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 ͏ ͏'𝒗𝒆 ͏ ͏ ͏⭑ ͏ ͏ ͏𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 ͏ ͏'𝒗𝒆‌ 
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⠀💽⠀ 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗂𝗌 ❥︎ 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌, パヒ
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sugadelicate · 2 years
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like or reblog if you use/save ! ♡
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hollyhomburg · 6 months
Before I Leave You (pt.68)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Your time is running out. minute by minute, breath by breath, kiss by kiss.
Tags: Angst, Hurt (no comfort yet), illusions to past mental health issues and past domestic abuse, mentions of low-self-esteem, internalized shame and self-shaming behaviors, themes of abandonment, speeding, guns, violence,
W/c: 13.4k
A/N: ahhhhh so here we are! i've been dreaming of this chapter since the very beginning of the series! this is like...the ultimate chapter...thank you for giving me a little bit of extra time to sit with it! we've still got a bit to go! there is a little section near the end where the chapter will prompt you to click on a link to play kate bush 😂 if you feel like you'll be distracted by music in the background you don't need to push it- thats just the song that i always heard playing in my head whenever i heard that part playing.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
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Hobi is sitting on the edge of the nest sipping at his ice water when you come back into the nest room. Someone has drawn all of the heavy curtains over the windows and they pool on the floor at the rim of the room. The plastic pulled up too. The evidence folded and put away for later burning. Like a bad memory or a piece of clothing that doesn't fit right. Shoved in the back of the closet.
The rage and fear and panic are harder to put away. The conviction is not so easy to hide. You can’t put it down the same way that people file their taxes or their children's old scribbles.
You- like a child, have not been able to color between the lines. You- like a child, are messy.
You can’t stop yourself from walking over to him. Drawn to him where he sits nursing his injuries like a moth to a flame. You feel every heartbeat spent in his presence; every breath shared sticky like smoke in your lungs. Every second is savored and every second burns.
You want to ask him if he’s alright, but questions like that seem very pointless now.
Hobi’s not alright- but he will be. He will be okay forever if you do what you have to do. Now that you’ve decided it’s all you can think about. You rarely ever get to know that your last day with someone will be your last day, and now because you know- you look at him a little harder. A little longer.
You wonder what he’ll look like in 10 years and in 20. If he’ll get crow’s feet from smiling so much. If the salt water he loves so much will eventually grow into his features and make him look like something ancient.
You wonder if one day he'll get so many freckles that the tops of his shoulders will be permanently a shade deeper than the rest of his skin- Or if Seokjin’s sunscreen will spare him from the simple pleasure of looking like your favorite thing. Hoseok has always been one part sunshine one part everything else.
He looks pale right now. It hasn't been summer in months and you won't get to see him get all freckly and sun-kissed again.
Growing old is a privilege (you don’t want to grow old) and you’re reminded of that every time you look at his throat and see the bruises there (you wish you and Hobi could stay as you are- like this, in this house- both alive and healing- forever) but you can’t.
You can’t.
You touch his shoulder softly and his head jerks up, body going tense and then slack when he sees it's just you.
It’s quiet up here. The others are just downstairs and they’re making a lot of noise. Hoseok turns, setting his glass of water down on the floor, leaning into your hand in the same movement. It would be cute if he didn’t have black bruises crisscrossing his throat and blood in the whites of his eyes. In truth, every blink only convinces you that this is what you have to do. This is what you need to do.
You know that at any moment the pack is going to come looking for you. That they’ll all come and fill the room with their soothing noises and sweet concern. You're not too worried about finding the right time to slip away. Moonbyul’s given you 24 hours after all.
We didn’t get enough time, did we? I’d have liked more.
Hobi tries to speak and you shush him, he makes a frustrated hum of a noise. You sit down next to him when he tugs you, hand vicelike on your wrist. Your heart is beating really fast. You wonder if he can hear it or at least smell your distress. The whole house is a tangle of distressed scents; your rain, Yoongi’s ocean, Hoseok’s burnt caramel. burning burning burning. It disguises your scent. Hoseok can’t smell how you’re panicking.
You smile at him, and Hobi tries to speak again. unsuccessfully.
“Here your phone-” but Hoseok doesn’t reach for it, he doesn’t reach for anything but you. Pulling you closer to him. His thumb pressed to the pulse point of your wrist, where your skin becomes thin and sensitive. Pulling you until your thigh lines up against his.
The nest up here is the only place in the house that smells somewhat normal, still soaked with your sleepy muted scents from a few days ago (How long will it be until your scent fades from the house?) You take a deep shaky breath, trying to savor it. Hoseok bites his lower lip.
Hoseok starts on your thigh. His hand squeezes it once and then he starts to write. It’s slow going. He can only write one letter at a time but-
His eyes are positively boring into yours as your breath hitches and you start. “Hobi I-” he repeats it again, writing it out faster. You grab his hand squeezing it. But he pulls it out of your grasp.
You huff, frustrated and close to tears but stealing yourself not to show him your true feelings. How hard this is. You duck in low, kissing over one of the bruises on his neck. He jerks back, furrowing his eyebrows at you. And part of you is just begging him to let it go. You’re half sitting in his lap now all so that he can write out his distress on both your thighs.
“Alright- just stop.” You can hear the rest of the pack on the stairs. It’s getting late, they’ve done all of the cleaning they can manage for today. You can hear Yoongi on the stairway talking to Jin:
“Maybe we should just burn the railing, there’s definitely a bullet or two in it still.”
Jin’s reply is near hissed, utterly scandalized in the way that only Jin can sound. “It is mahogany Yoongi.”
Hobi writes on your thigh, a single tear trailing down his nose. He’s usually a little bit better at keeping himself together but the stress of the day wore him through. Polished all of his usually stubborn edges like the ocean polishes sea glass. He’s too tired to properly argue. Letter by letter as he goes.
“P-R-O-M-I-S-E M-E,” he writes across your thigh.
You have maybe a second before they’re upon you. You have to be convincing. Have to, or else Hobi might tell. You don’t think he’ll get in your way. You don’t want to think about what you’ll have to do if he does.
You dart forward, pressing your lips to his in a way that you don’t really feel, in a way that has him pushing you a little off of him. Trying to reassure him in the only way you know how.
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from crying and he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear. His fingertips skimming soft across your jaw and your lips. Pressing at the corner of your sad smile like he can peel the fake expression away from your face and have you tell the truth for once.
“I promise, okay? I promise.”
Hoseok is not convinced. He doesn’t believe you all the way. But the pack is up here before he has a chance to write out anything more. Yoongi appears in the doorway, smelling of soap and bleach, a bit of it turning the corner of his shirt yellow where it should be black. His eyes cautious but so loving it takes your breath away a little. He treads softly over to the two of you; like he's worried about spooking you.
The moment between you and Hobi passes when Yoongi's hand curls over the back of your neck and you tilt your face up at him. And he interprets the glassiness there as something else. something more sensitive and more like omegaspace than what it is. you falling through space and time, you dying and drowning infront of him.
He probably thinks Hoseok was just comforting you.
Yoongi’s hand settles softly on the ball of Hoseok’s shoulder too. an equally as tender touch. Long fingers splaying against his collar bones, cradling a bruise there forming. Asking softly, eyes all dark with the anguish and apology of it-
“Do you think either of you can stomach dinner?”
As always, you say you can hot because you want to, but because you know it will make him happy to see you eat. You might not get many more opportunities to make Yoongi happy- you should take this one and savor it.
Yoongi loses that vaguely wounded look in his eyes with every bite you lift to your mouth. His scent sublimating into something sweeter as the night darkens and quiets.
You can tell Hoseok is not convinced of your promises when he stays glued to your side through the whole of dinner. Almost stubborn with how he resists Yoongi’s prodding and Namjoon's. Changing out the cool dressings on his throat and shaking his head at Namjoon’s suggestion that he sleep propped up against the back wall of the nest, where it’s safest. Eyes tracking your movements as you get up and brush your teeth.
His focus remains solely on you, even when Jungkook carries Tae out of the bathroom and places her among the softest things in the nest. When Noodle squirms his way out from under the bed and tries to worm himself in between his legs. Nudging under his elbow with his pink nose.
He wraps himself around you as you get ready for bed. An arm slung protectively around your waist to pull you flush against his front where you couldn’t squirm away without him feeling it and waking up.
It feels like buying time even though you're too distracted to properly enjoy it- the way they try to cheer you up. Everything that they do to try and make things better feels far away like a photograph- a memory just out of reach- the colors a little off.
Jungkook needily wraps himself around Tae and croons soft reassurance into her ear about how pretty her hair looks, how soft her pajamas make her. And would she like some of her skincare routine? Jungkook will do it for her, will pat it across her cheeks, and won't drag it under her eyes to preserve the state of her wrinkles.
Tae answers all his requests with a simple shake of her head. Eyes still frighteningly blank, that 1000-yard stare that you've all seen on your faces at one point or another, that you see in the reflective surface of Namjoon's phone in the nest, discarded and not charged.
Tae's scent is something awful- none of her usual roses and all cinnamon. Does Tae smell more like her old self because that version of her was always afraid? Or was being a boy the first thing she hated and that's why she smells like boy tae now?
You hate it. You can tell the others hate it too. Yoongi drags her close to scent her silly. cheek and neck going all pink from how hard he scents her, and then scents you, and then goes back again.
Jungkook can do little more than cuddle Tae with Jimin, his big hands smooth down her thighs, while Jimin brushes her hair gently- careful not to let the bristles brush her scalp. He's learned how to take care of her over the last few months and he's the gentlest when it comes to detangling. Not like you- who's so used to ripping through your hair without thought.
Up and down their hands go as Jin fluffs the nest around you all. Making the edges of it higher, and more protective of the fragile pups at the center (like fluffy duvets could ever block bullets. In his dreams- Jin’s love is enough to keep you all safe).
Yoongi and Namjoon are only too happy to oblige him with the nest-making and the general fussing. But in between Jin’s request for a hairdryer and another cold cloth for your hands. You catch them watching the door like they half expect some new threat to appear.
Certain things are harder to ignore; like Yoongi sitting on the edge of the nest with a gun balanced across his thigh. Or the heavy thud of a fresh box of bullets, rattling in their acrylic case when Jimin sets them down on the floor. The red shotgun casings lined up in pretty lines- just like Tae’s lipsticks downstairs.
You ask for one of Hobi's sweatshirts and Yoongi puts the gun away to go and give it to you. Hoseok fingers the edge of your shirt stroking over the meat of your hip idly. But every inch of him is taught like he’s going to have to grab you and hold you down. You lace your hand with his and turn to give him a look.
Yoongi’s back with a sweatshirt but it’s Jin who demands to dress you- to guide your fragile and freshly wrapped hands through the holes. Jin pulls it down around your hips with a soft huff before he gets distracted looking at the bruises on your back and side. From getting thrown back into the wall and from an errant elbow. Every time you twist even a little bit- they ache.
A tub of soothing cream that the pack usually uses for the more wanted kind of bruises sits open on the edge of the nest.
The pack moves about in pairs, here and there. Going down to the ground floor in sets of two. Unwilling to let anyone out of sight. There are guns everywhere, Jimin must have let loose his hidden stash of them. A shotgun leans up against the bathroom door. A handgun with an extended stock is always close at hand. There's a larger plan lingering here. You hear it in Jin's soft reassurances. Said hushed over your heads.
"Witness protection isn't as bad as you think it is Yoongi-"
"It won't work- don't you think we know how it works? That won't be safe enough."
"We have at least a few hours, we don't need to make any decisions now."
Jungkook’s scared voice, “Are we really going to have the leave? The house and everything?” A pause. A look is shared between Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi. Jimin's eyes remain focused on Tae.
“Maybe bunny, we have to wait and see.”
“Do we have a carrying case for Noodle?”
“I think it’s in…” Yoongi trails off, but Namjoon answers for him.
“Yeah, it’s in the basement.”
They set about keeping watch for the night. those of you that aren't nursing wounds that is- mainly Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon- Guns remain at the ready and loaded. Jimin will go first, Yoongi second, and Namjoon last.
Jin tries but Namjoon nudges at his chest and growls in a way that has all of your ears perking up. The pack alpha’s commands can’t easily be ignored. Jungkook tries too to convince them too but even Hoseok shakes his head at him. No one is under any illusions of how fragile this peace is.
No one asks Namjoon to leave the Christmas lights on- but he doesn’t shut them off all the way- leaving just one string lit as a bit of a nightlight. None of you are quite brave enough to risk the darkness.
Hoseok stays close by, his hand clutching your wrist more often than not. Even when the pack settles in for sleep. He wraps his arm around your waist and settles in behind you, caging you in.
(Hoseok’s arms are not the prettiest cage you’ve ever been in but they are the cage you’ve liked the most. You think you’ll miss his arms and his hands. They’re so pretty and long, you lean down and kiss one where it’s gripping the nest and he makes a small noise in surprise that quickly gets swallowed by the hungry quiet.)
The quiet is very hungry, every brush of fabric against skin, every slight movement of the pack sets you a bit on edge. You think it will be hard to sleep- wound up as you are.
You don’t think you're even tired until your head hits the pillow and you have to struggle to stay awake. You want to stay up and listen to the sound of your pack, their soft and measured breathing, the sound of kisses shared above your head, the feel and safety of being in the nest. You want to commit the rhythm of them to memory.
Hoseok’s soft rasping breath on the nape of your neck evens out the more that his swelling goes down. It goes from hissing to more of a squeak as the night settles. Tae shakes through her aforementioned panic attack with all of you piled around her. You get your hand on her ankle at least.
Yoongi and Jimin’s shushing is the only punctuating sound in the half-light. Because what can you say besides sweet nothings when you know she has a perfectly valid reason to fear falling asleep?
You savor every little twitch of their trauma-worn bodies as you flit in and out of an uneasy sleep. Every slight sigh and hand on you rousing you. Jungkook, brushing his fingers through your hair. Hobi, pressed along your back like a second skin shifting and trying to tilt his neck to a more comfortable angle.
You get too hot with Hobi wrapped around you like that, eventually tugging at his sweatshirt that you wear and almost purring when kind gentle hands help detangle you from it with a soothing little shush sound so that you hardly have to wake. Yoongi, around midnight.
Yoongi’s thin but strong fingers rub a soothing touch along your jaw. Soothing away a small sad noise you make that has him curling around your front. The sound of Namjoon's low voice as he says something to your mate and then takes his place at the helm of the nest to stand guard.
“It’s okay pup, I’m here- I’m not going to let anything happen to you- not now- not ever.”
It’s unfortunate, but Namjoon can’t let Tae sleep for more than half an hour before checking her pupillary responses, making sure that her brain isn’t swelling. Concussions are no joke and Namjoon does not take chances with his prettiest alpha. He sends her back off to dreamland with a comforting scent mark and a soothing grumble. After the 5th hour when the risks turn nominal, he decides to just let her sleep.
But Hoseok doesn’t sleep, he can’t really. The pain keeps him awake and what with the way that his neck is injured he can’t find a comfortable position. He shifts and settles the whole night. Keeping you close with that arm around your waist every time you squirm so much as an inch away.
He’s restless until Namjoon gets up to get one of Jimin’s painkillers.
He’s resistant even then, half asleep still fighting. Trying to move away and shaking his head at Namjoon. Namjoon mistakes his unwillingness for simple fussiness and not for fear. If Hobi falls asleep it will be substantially easier to slip away- you watch from below as Namjoon props hobi up and pinches his jaw to make him open his mouth, encouraging the alpha to show his tongue with a prod of those gentle hands. His eyes are barely open, exhausted as he is.
“I know it hurts to swallow Hobi but you’ve got too.” Regardless of his shaken head, Namjoon insistently nudges his mouth with it. Soothing his gag with a stroke of his thumb down Hoseok’s Addams apple. A kiss to his lips for being good.
“This will help the swelling go down, you’ll be okay by morning.”
It’s minutes before they take effect. Slowly- Hoseok’s arm melts away from your stomach. His grip on you slackens from the drugs and his breath evens out. You say a quiet goodbye to him in your head and turn around to face him and kiss his forehead.
At least the last time you touch, it’s soft like that. At least the last time you touch him- it’s gentle.
Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon trade-off. A gun shared between the two of them. Perched on the edge of the nest. Eyes on the vacant stairway Infront of them. Listening for every creek and whisper met with a held breath and hand tightening around the gun. Waiting for the violence that you can all feel coming.
You won’t let it hit them; you won’t let it into this house again. Not while you’re still breathing.
When you're sure that Hobi is asleep you roll onto your back and stare up at the Christmas lights twinkling in the dark. You remember watching Jungkook hang them for you. You remember. You'll always try to remember; you promise yourself right then and there that you'll never let the memory slip away. No matter what happens.
You look over at Kookie, face so peaceful in sleep, a pillow hugged to his chest belly down in the nest, cheek squished close to the top of Yoongi's head on your other side. His back rising and falling.
Jungkook has always been a pretty omega. You reach over to him to stroke down the stiff bridge of his nose, to commit his face to memory. When you turn back to Hobi, you do the same, touching across the heart shape of his mouth, the subtle roundness in his cheeks everything. You look around at all of them- your pack, sleeping softly- sleeping safely. Namjoon's wide back, his shoulders that could hold the world up. Unaware that you're watching him.
You’ll remember all of it, every car ride, every trip to the beach. Every joke and jab. You’ll store each of the memories like a found thing in your pocket. A piece of seashell or sea glass.
You’ll take Jungkook’s laughter and store it- a memory to use when you need to remember that it’s okay to be young for a minute more. When you need to look after yourself you’ll remember how Jin did it and follow his example. And when you need to rest and be soft you'll remember yoongi. You’ll remember Tae like a tube of lipstick and see her every day in the color pink. And Jimin-
Jimin has a hard time sleeping. Even when Namjoon takes the last shift. He sleeps with one hand on a gun, spaced protectively in front of Tae. His bad arm unfolded from his sling. Putting his body between her and the staircase. Namjoon’s heart pulses dully with the knowledge of that when he glances back, just to check and make sure that Tae and Hobi are still breathing. You hide your open eyes from him when he turns, going extra still and feigning sleep.
Namjoon tamps down on his instincts; the last thing he wants is for his scent to go sour and possibly rouse them. But in the quiet, Namjoon's mind has too much room to fan out and overanalyze. Panic is a particularly alluring drug, his mind festers in it. Rolling around in bad ideas the way that Noodle would roll around in a puddle of catnip.
If he got the pack together, put you all in cars, and drove you far far away from here would that be enough to keep you all safe from harm? Or would that only be temporary? Is temporary safety worse when you know what you have to come back to? Or should he just try to talk to these people, barter with them something. Would money be enough? How much wouldn't Namjoon give? 
You are dreadfully similar to him. Only his planning stays in its infancy stage. 
It isn’t all silent. Noises punctuate the night here and there. Namjoon is so on edge that he all but snaps his teeth at the shadows. An alpha on alert.
Namjoon’s ears perk up at every car that dares to drive by your narrow street, the neighbor two houses to the left who leaves for work in the city at 4:05 every morning, right on time. Noodle and the sound of his scrabbly little paws on the stairs, zooming up and down them until Namjoon gets up to scruff him too. 
Your freaking cat does not like Namjoon on a normal day, he's only ever loved you and Hobi and tolerated Tae and Jungkook- condemning all the rest to hisses and claws, but Noodle settles with Namjoon's hand on the back of his neck. "See, that wasn't too hard was it?"
Noodle gives one last half-hearted hiss as Namjoon places him gently in the nest where he stays put after curled up around Tae’s head like a fluffy little hat. Purring and licking at her forehead. All but taunting Namjoon with his yellow eyes. Flinty and knowing in the darkness. Bushy tail flailing every time the alpha glances back.
You think you’re being quiet when you push yourself up onto your hands and knees. Untangling Hobi’s arm from around your waist and pulling yourself to the edge of the bed. He's out cold from the painkillers. Barely even stirring. 
Noodle stirs however, darting from the nest with a small murr sound as if to say, "see- she's awake so why can't I be?" Tail raised high as he prances to the doorway. 
You look striking in the half darkness, a pair of Yoongi’s green flannel pajama pants rolled up several times to fit properly around your hips. A thin white tank top that's almost falling down one shoulder. Namjoon’s heart pulses dully with the need to hold, the need to protect. He makes a soft noise in his throat and your head jerks in his direction.
You swallow, and your lips look dry, eyes glassy and innocent in their tilt when your mussed hair fluffs over your shoulder. Messy from where Hobi was nuzzling it in his sleep. 
“I was just getting a glass of water.”
Namjoon wordlessly holds his hand out to help you get out of the nest without teetering or disturbing the others. Noodle dashes back down the stairs with a soft meow. Tae sighs and re-settles, smacking her lips and Jimin’s arm tightens. Your mate turns face up in the nest, chest rising and falling, mouth opening like he can taste your scent on the air. 
Namjoon doesn't doubt he can, honed in on you and focused as he always is.
Namjoon doesn’t let go of your hand when your feet find the smooth floor. Instead, he checks the wounds on your hands and verifies that they’re clotting. The margins slotted together properly for minimal scarring (he'd redone the glue-suture after your shower with only gentle scolding). He presses a kiss to the bandages after they're re-fastened. Letting his lips linger there for a second.
Namjoon has always had big hands, warm and steadying as they cradle yours. Small and chapped and scarred.
Instead of continuing on downstairs, you linger for a second by Namjoon’s side. Eating up every breath he breathes, his scent, and the comfort of having him nearby. Something you know you won’t have forever. (Somehow- you know that this will be the last time that Namjoon holds you. You can wait one minute more. You can give him one more minute). He sets the gun to the side and pulls you between his legs.
“Joonie?” You ask.
Your pack alpha wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles forward, rubbing his spiky head across your midriff. Nose nudging the dimple of your belly button and the slight pudge there with a quiet happy growl.
Namjoon will never not be happy that he can see the evidence of the pack’s love on you. Will never not feel proud of you and how far you've come. He nuzzles, resisting the temptation to bite and nip with a breath let out through clenched teeth.
Namjoon feels your quiet laugh against his cheek. Your warm soft skin swelling with laughter. Namjoon’s face is blushing red when he pulls back to look at you in the darkness. Corralled in the safe circle of his arms, fingers digging into your hips and squeezing.
“What are you doing alpha?” 
“Just thinking- just-” Namjoon’s voice gets so much lower in the nighttime, it's a gravely growl. A sound that paints pictures of lightning and clouds hovering low like a blanket.
“When all of this is over, I want to go somewhere new.” Namjoon's hands tighten on your waist. fingers pressing to either side of your spine, thumbs sitting on the soft bones of your hips. “-With you. Just you. Just the two of us. Maybe.” Namjoon fights back a fresh blush at the confused cock of your head. “Maybe- like- a fancy Airbnb? Or something? Would that be fun? Would you like that?” 
You pause, humming. Indulging Namjoon in this as he holds you, fingers rubbing endlessly up and down the sensitive small of your back. Eyes wide and imploring like a child. 
You're only too happy to forget for a second and imagine. What would happen if you didn’t leave tonight? What would happen if you found some way out of this?
It’s easy to go further than just thinking about a simple weekend getaway. You Imagine far into the future; a day that you'll never see. A future with Namjoon and the pack. It hits you with such a profound heartache when you think it that you half expect to look down and see your white tank top speckled with blood. The ache so keen and visceral but- 
Namjoon would be a good father. 
He’d be kind and patient. He’d never snap. He’d never yell. For a moment that’s all you want to think about- not a stupid weekend but a lifetime. A family. A world where you’re never yelled at, where you don't have to be afraid, where nothing is hard, and even if it’s hard you do it together.
If you had pups, you know Namjoon would treat every skinned knee like it was surgery. Would never tell them to walk it off or say it wasn’t that bad. You know that he’d go through every tea party with gusto and stay up late to help them with their homework. That he’d struggle to say no but that you might never need to. It would be lovely- getting to give something small and innocent so much safety. It would be nice to have pups with Namjoon.
You can’t say you don’t want it, but you know in that moment that you won't get it. You'll never get to see Namjoon be a father- even if the pups aren't yours or are just his and Jin's. You’d love them all the same. What use is it to Imagine things that you’ll never get? What good are dreams like this but to tease you, just out of reach. 
Namjoon nuzzles into your stomach again. His nose drawing soft circles just under your belly button. 
You’d be a shit mother anyway. Too fragile. Too nervous. Too hurt. Too much of everything. You'd fuck them up just by being you. You'd fuck them up the same way you've fucked up this perfectly good pack. You've brought nothing but destruction upon them. The evidence of your wreckage is everywhere. The bullets in the ceiling, the blown apart door. Your hands and Hobi's throat. All of this is because of you. 
You snap back to the present, swallowing down the lump in your throat. You’re gnawing at your own leg to survive. All things that bite cannot resist it. What good does hope do at the end other than to hurt?
You can't resist asking Namjoon for more, curled around you like a protective barrier to keep out all the world's hurts (or to keep you in). 
“If we went? Where would we go? If we made it- What would it be like Joonie?”
Namjoon rests his chin on your belly button and looks up at you. Completely unaware of the longing tearing its way through you, of what you’re thinking about. Not just one trip or one year, but ten or twenty or thirty. 
“Maybe south, to see the cherry blossoms?”
“We couldn’t go, not without Tae- cuz of the pink, and Hobi- cuz of the flowers”
Namjoon nods, agreeing. “Yeah- she does really like anything that’s pink.” There is a Tae-shaped smile on his face, you can feel it stretching your lips too. But he shakes it off, head bowed before you. Eyes closed against the image. 
“Still, somewhere safe and quiet just for us, just for you and I to take a deep breath and-” Namjoon trails off, looking up at you. His eyes sparkle with the idea of it, all the little moments he’s picturing.
A private morning where he wakes up to just you. Where you hog his warm spot and his pillow in the chilly spring air. Your cold toes pressed to his shins with nothing to do but appreciate each other and take your loving slow and intentional. Your body and his body and all the space and laughter that you want in between. An idyllic picture of two young people quietly in love. Gently in it.
After almost losing all of it, he wants the chance to properly appreciate you one-on-one. The others too- but they’re asleep, and sleeping vessels cannot reply to Namjoon’s daydreams. You are the only one awake.
(In Namjoon's fantasy, he'll give each of his packmates a different trip. every one of them even if it's just the ones he's recently almost lost that have him thinking of these particular plans.
Hobi would want just a day trip. Namjoon knows the alpha doesn’t really like to be separated from the pack for all that long, a few hours sure. Maybe to some vintage stores that he’s been eyeing to the city or the botanical garden.
Seokjin he’d take somewhere grand and big and full of adventure, maybe to 6 Flags or something. Jin likes to be reminded that he’s allowed to be a kid again, that he doesn’t always have to look after everyone all the time. That he has Namjoon to lean on.
Tae, he’d take somewhere gilded just as she is, like teatime at the Ritz- or maybe abroad to the castle of Versailles. The hall of mirrors and a million pictures of Tae in pretty dresses, twirling. In Namjoon’s head- he watches her turn and flutter slowly like a top. Spinning and spinning).
But none of that is quite your style. You don't really crave outings or adrenaline or gilded things. Your wants are much more simple maybe- because you've always known how priceless quiet and peace is. Gentleness is all you've ever really wanted- not excitement or acclaim or ego.
“A little cabin somewhere in the mountains, a spot for just us. We wouldn’t even have to do anything, A staycation. A night or two.” As the world spins on, you are who Namjoon craves to be still with.
You swallow hard, lingering, still half leaning over him still. Letting him nose at your jaw and purr.
“That would be so nice Joonie."
You swallow, throat thick with something. You lean forward pressing a kiss- too brief, to his lips, Namjoon’s lips part and he breathes gently. You blink back the glassiness in your eye and hope that Namjoon dismisses it as the light from the moon streaming through one of the skylights. All white and black. Wrenching you through something that feels like film. You commit the feel of him and the sound of his voice to memory and then pull back.
“I really need to get a glass of water.”
Namjoon shifts to get up, to come with you, but you just laugh at him and push at his shoulder, he flops back onto the bed.
“I can go on my own Joonie.” He grumbles but stays put. Nosing at the goosebumps on your arms and leaning to retrieve Hobi’s sweatshirt from where you left it in the nest. It smells like sleeping pups and Jin. Milky and soft and safe. Namjoon’s body shivers happily when he sees you put it on.
You squirm out from between his legs. His palm stays wrapped around the tips of your fingers. They slide out of his a little, and then all the way.
“It’s not safe.” You heave a tired sigh, what he thinks is a tired sigh but is actually you trying your hardest not to cry. You lean over him to grab the gun from where it’s rested against the nesting barrier. Getting your phone while you’re at it and sliding it into the pocket of your sweatshirt.
“Is that better?” Namjoon grumbles but still lets you go. Sitting there on the edge of your nest and guarding the others. You look back at him from the top of the stairs and smile.
The house is quiet, with no creeks on the stairs and no winds blowing across the roof. No sound at all in the house beyond your quiet footsteps that Namjoon listens to as you go down the stairs.
Feeling every second of your distance like the sluggish beat of his heart, thump thump thump. Namjoon looks back to look at his pack. Their bodies curled and resting, so gentle in sleep. After a few minutes, there are footsteps on the stairs, small soft ones.
“They’re so beautiful” Namjoon comments to you. Waiting for reply.
The silence gnashes its teeth, still hungry.
When Namjoon turns back, it’s not you standing at the top of the stairs- just Noodle with his tail raised high. His yellow eyes glow almost florescent in the darkness, meowing and hissing so loud it might wake the others.
“Noodle, quiet.” The cat just doesn’t quit, batting at Namjoon’s ankles, claws and all. “Noodle- hush.” He scoops up the fussy cat, but Namjoon’s only reward is some claws to his forearms and some more squirming.
Downstairs, he hears a sound that makes him pause. Instincts going from at peace to on edge.
The front door opens and closes softly with a soft click of the metal doorknob.
Namjoon goes to the top of the stairs, holding Noodle in his arms before the cat squirms and falls to the floor with a thud. “Pup?” he calls, hushed. You don’t respond. Only silence greets him, sated at last.
Thump, breath, thud.
Namjoon waits a moment, listening for a response that doesn't come before he goes down the stairs, Noodle nearly trips him on the way down, hissing and pacing back and forth in front of the door. The ground floor of the house is completely absent of you- absent of anyone friend or foe. The room is soaked in the blue darkness of morning that is not quite dawn. The white countertops are unassuming and the plates stay in their places.
The couch still has its dark spot from where Jin cleaned it. The tangerines are safely in the bowl back on the counter shining like several small suns or planets. Everything is empty empty empty.
Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud
Namjoon checks the shoe rack. Your sneakers are missing, the same ones that match Hobi's and usually sit side by side with his. The spot where they should be empty.
Your wallet is missing from the bowl just inside the door.
Namjoon looks out onto the street and finds it empty.
Thud thud thud
Namjoon does not panic, Namjoon does not head out onto the street and chase you down- maybe he should have. He should have done any number of things. The sun is just barely rising turning the sky into that honey blue-green color and Namjoon just stands there and stares.
Namjoon is frozen. What kind of alpha is he- why kind of alpha freezes instead of fights or flights?
Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud
A few minutes pass and something must tip off the packmates upstairs- either the empty nest or the sound of Noodle yowling and quite literally trying to bite Yoongi's ear off.
The next thing Namjoon is aware of is Yoongi is on the stairs, looking pissed off, looking terrified. almost falling down them with the speed at which he descends.
He takes the stairs down two at a time, colliding with Namjoon at the bottom of them. He looks like a puffed-up cat, hair wild and eyes equally as glaring as Noodles when he shakes Namjoon, just a little. “Where is she? Namjoon? Where did she go? Where is my mate!?"
Is it Yoongi's scent- acrid and angry- that knocks him out of his stupor? Or is it the top of his ruffled head almost colliding with the bottom of Namjoon’s jaw when the beta shakes him again.
Namjoon stutters, panic making him inarticulate. So scared he repeats it twice. "I don't know- I don't know, I- she said she was just getting a glass of water. I swear-"
Yoongi's fists tangle in the front of Namjoon's shirt. He sounds sick with it. Voice twisting in pitch.
"You were supposed to keep an eye on her- you weren't supposed to let her out of your fucking sight.”
There are other people on the stairs, roused by the sound of raised voices. A lone light flicked on sends everyone into yellow chiaroscuro. Namjoon is still staring at the street, heart thundering quicker than your footsteps as you run. The streetlights wink out behind you as you go. Fleeing with the night and bowing under the weight of oncoming daylight. Running as fast as your body can carry you.
Could he catch up if he started running now?
It's Jungkook, his dark hair pushed up at the side where it rested against the nest, who asks, “What happened?What’s going on?”
Tae’s eyes dart between Yoongi and Namjoon, her pink silk dressing gown wrapped tight around her shoulders. “Where’s the pup?”
"Yeah Namjoon, where the fuck is my mate??" Yoongi grits his teeth, shaking Namjoon so hard it almost knocks him off his feet and sends him careening a little into the narrow dresser table that the pack keeps by the door for gloves and mittens and keys and wallets.
“I don’t know, I don’t-"
Jungkook and Tae have just spilled out from the stairs into the entryway when Yoongi’s hands hit his shoulders, pushing and then digging into Namjoon’s skin. He’s shaking so hard he can hardly speak.
“You were supposed to be watching her. You were supposed to make sure she was safe-”
“Yoongi- hey- Stop” Tae’s not shaking anymore when gets her hands on his shoulders pulling him away from namjoon where he simmers. Jin is still asleep upstairs. Hasn’t been roused by all the tense voices. Too tired from yesterday- from staying up to scrub blood with Yoongi.
Jungkook skitters to the door as Jimin and hobi descend the steps. nearly bouncing on his heels as he opens the front door letting in a gush of cold air. “What are we waiting for? lets go."
Yoongi's face crumples. “I don’t get it, where did she go- why would she have-”
Hoseok swallows but talks softly, the swelling’s gone down enough even though the bruises look a million times worst in the sunlight streaming through the window. It’s not even 6am yet. His soft hiss is gentle, but the pack pauses to hear it.
“A deal- I think she made a deal.”
It's the first words he’s been able to speak since the attack. Vocal cords straining with every word. Everyone quiets to listen to Hobi. Jimin’s got the shotgun in his hands. He leans it up against the doorway. The heavy thunk punctuates the shocked quiet- but hobi continues.
“When the man was here- she tried to barter our lives with hers." Everyone looks to Tae. And her eyes lower to the floor.
“She did say that but I didn’t think she was serious, I just thought-”
The conversation is a flurry, everyone talking over each other as conversation explodes. Yoongi's face twists from devastated to enraged. “Jesus fucking Christ- that stupid stupid-”
Jungkook clings to Jimin's t-shirt, “What are we going to do? Hyung- what should we-”
Jimin hasn't spoken a word yet, and softly draws Jungkook's hands away from his shirt. “Where would she even have even gone?"
“Did someone pick her up?” Hobi’s words seem to ring out, even though his voice is so fragile.
Namjoon shakes his head. “No- I was listening, I didn’t hear any car in the road- not for like the whole hour.”
“So, you were listening enough to hear the street but not to stop her from literally walking away from us, great. Good to know Namjoon.”
“Yoongi that is like- the opposite of helpful.”
“There's still the matter of where would she have gone. She didn't take a car-” Hoseok looks up in Tae’s direction. She sees the realization light across his face.
But Hoseok ignores her, lurching to the small cabinet by the front door; the pack’s drop-off points for their keys, their wallets and your fuzzy little purse from your first ever date with jimin and tae as well as a good slice of Tae’s collection of little red pocketbooks. They keep their things this way because Namjoon loses his keys at least once a month a nd having a communal spot always helps the general disorder of having 8 people live in one house.
Hoseok scrambles not for your wallet but for his.
He reaches for his wallet. Opening it and searching but-
The train ticket is gone.
Your train ticket- the one that you gave Hobi for safekeeping so many months ago is missing from where he usually keeps it in the last slot. Right next to that folded poem of Tae's and an old gift card. In its place is just a simple folded note, a new piece of paper that hasn’t been worn soft at the edges yet. Torn from the same pad of paper that Jin writes the grocery list on. Hoseok’s hands shake as they fish it out. 5 words that aren’t nearly enough.
I’m sorry, I love you.
You’d never told him that- that you loved him. Not after you’d had sex and he’d confessed. Not in the tangle of moments that followed with Jimin bloody and the pack breaking. You’d never spilled your heart to him that way. In the back of his head, he realizes that there just hadn’t been time.
This is the first time you’ve told Hoseok you love him and maybe the last. Hoseok’s heart beats quick. She loves me. Thump. She loves me. Thump. She loves-
Hoseok shoots off like a bullet out the open door, thundering across the porch slats. Too fast for the rest of the sleepy pack to properly anticipate and follow. Peering out after him, a little sluggish and a lot shocked. His socks skid and slip as he tries to arrest his momentum and almost falls as He doubles back for his shoes.
The rest of the pack stares down at him blankly as he tugs them on, sprawled there on the floor just outside the door. Hands shaking too much for bunny-eared loops. He doesn’t even bother to lace them before he’s lunging for his car keys in the bowl too. Nearly knocking over the table in his haste.
“The train station- she’s going to the train station.” He gasps.
The words you shared that night ring in his head, playing on repeat. Like a record that’s been scratched too many times. He’s replayed those moments too many times. He’s not sure if he remembers it correctly.
“Give me one chance, let me try to convince you to stay and if I can’t- then I’ll let you go, and I won’t tell Yoongi what train you took.”
The countless times you’d joked with him after that, the moment so light that Hoseok didn’t notice the weight behind them.
“You still got that train ticket?”
“Of course I do.”
Hoseok never thought that you’d use it. He thought that the ticket would have stayed frayed and pretty in his wallet until you framed it or something. Until you could look back on it and laugh and say things like “remember that night? Remember how it used to be before we loved each other?”
“No, I don’t, can you remind me?”
This is not that, this is not the future that Hoseok had imagined for the two of you. This abject terror. Suddenly Hoseok is unmoored, suddenly he is falling. Usually, you can see the end from a mile away. Is it worse if you lose the person you love because of circumstance or because they decide to leave on their own? Hoseok never thought you'd actually do it.
Hoseok thought your promise last night meant something. Later when he’s not so scared he’ll remember that he’s angry about that.
The rest of the pack explodes too. Jungkook doesn’t bother to put on his shoes- just heaves Hobi up by his shoulders and pushes him towards his car. Yoongi snatches both of their pairs from the floor and joins them. Cold feet on the small pea-gravel driveway. Jimin darts forward wrenching off his arm sling regardless of Namjoon’s protests.
“I’ll drive” Jimin doesn’t have to wrestle with Hoseok’s keys for long. Even with his hands numb Jimin is still the best driver. He won’t pull corners or care about hitting curbs. He reeves it with a roaring purr while the rest get in and looks at Tae in the rearview mirror. Standing on the porch looking breakable and not all there still. Her eyes on his have that same peculiar weight, the same weight that makes Jimin’s blood sing with purpose.
If there was ever someone that Tae needed, it was you. Not Jimin. He will haul you back from the edge of hell if he needs to, for her. because this is not the ending that you and tae deserve. Jimin will tear you from hell. Teeth and sin and all.
Jungkook has barely shut the door before Jimin peals out, reversing until the tires screech against the asphalt and leave dark lines in their wake. Tire tracks, strings of fate, shoelaces. He shoots off down the street and out of sight, knocking over a trash bin with a clang and leaving Tae and Namjoon back on the porch.
Hoseok knows the name of the station you were most likely to go to but not how to get to it. It's an 15 minute walk, maybe a 10 minute run and it's already been 8 since you left. Jimin points his car in the direction of the main road while he pulls it up on his cell phone.
With every sharp turn Yoongi and Jungkook slosh in the back seat and hit into each other. Some early morning commuter honks his horn at Jimin but he doesn’t even see them. The scenery flickering by and the asphalt melting away underneath the wheels of Hoseok’s red car. The small grey towns melt away, Break lights bleeding less than they should. The engine stutters and engages but no one cares about the uneven acceleration. Hoseok would total this car in a heartbeat if it meant getting you in time.
At the straightaway Jungkook stoops to slip his feet into his shoes, Yoongi holding his shoulder. The phone in between them slides on the leather seat, spitting out its electronic voice, overly cheerful.
“Wait Minnie- go left.”
“Fuck!” Jimin makes the turn just barely, sparks skittering and burning out as he goes over one of those tiny reflective dividers. Hoseok curses every pothole for damaging their momentum and slowing them down.
“Are you sure? Are you sure that it’s this station that she'd go to?” Hoseok’s heart is thundering in his ears, beating furious and fast.
“Almost positive.” Yoongi holds onto the back of Hoseok’s chair to keep himself in place.
“We have to get to her before she gets to the city. Can’t you go any faster?” Jimin jerks the wheel around a flashy BMW. Almost hitting them with how close he gets. Jimin lets the speedometer answer Yoongi's question. Pushing 60 in a 35 and then 70.
Your note is crumpled tight in Hoseok's fist, a tiny bit of yellow paper that he unfolds and looks at before shoving deep within the confines of his jacket.
Yoongi is not looking at hoseok when he says his next sentence. Hoseok's not even thinking about his old pack, he's just thinking about the fact that you love him and he never got to hear you say it. Not when Yoongi pulls himself almost between his and Jimin’s seat and repeats the same to Jimin again, the same only different.
“We have to get to her before Moonbyul does, if she gets to her- I don't know what I'll be able to do Minnie- even with the power that I have Moonbyul still has more-”
Hobi’s flinch is visceral, jerking like he's shocked.
He turns around to look at Yoongi as Jimin blows through a stop sign and then a red light. Jungkook winces and doesn’t say anything. Pushing Yoongi’s shoes across the seat. “Hyung- you should get ready to run.”
Hoseok and Yoongi look at each other. Hoseok's turned almost all the way around in his seat to stare at Yoongi- more specifically Yoongi’s mouth. He’s not sure if Jimin’s painkillers would make him hallucinate but that’s the only logical reason his brain can come up with after hearing that name- her name- come out of Yoongi’s mouth.
Jimin's voice is deathly quiet. "Hoseok- turn the fuck around. If I get into an accident at this speed you will die if you're not facing forward to the airbag."
Hoseok turns back to face the road. Jimin grips the wheel so hard his knuckles are white. “Thank you.”
The sunlight is just cresting the tops of the trees. Dotting the scenery blue and yellow. Hoseok’s ears are ringing with her name.
Yoongi pulls himself closer to Hoseok, hands still gripping the headrest, the only thing that keeps him from bobbing and moving with the movement of the car. Eyes locked on Hoseok's face in the rearview mirror.
"I said something- I said something and you're having a thought."
"I fucking hope so-" Jungkook's quip goes unnoticed. Unnoticed through the volley of honking horns as the red car tares through the street. By some miracle, they haven’t passed a cop car yet.
Hoseok looks in the rearview mirror, at Yoongi’s face. Biting his lower lip. “It’s nothing just that name.”
Hoseok looks at Yoongi and all he can think about is how he'd never said- he'd never told Yoongi their names. Saying them or even thinking them reminds Hoseok too much of his own begging. What kind of alpha begs for an omega to hurt them- to stay?
Yoongi just about puts himself in the front seat of the car as Jimin breaks hard to navigate around a tractor-trailer. Riding on the shoulder, the rumble strips vibrating all of them hard and roaring just like Hoseok’s blood thundering through his ears.
“Moonbyul? Moon Byul-yi? You know it?”
Hoseok shivers, the reaction of his body route, unavoidable. Jarring. Trauma builds itself into your bones whether you like it or not. Triggers are not so much a part of you as they are a light switch that makes the worst parts of you turn on.
"Yeah- I do. It’s the name of my ex-pack omega.” Now it’s Jimin’s turn to be distracted, and he almost gets into an accident for his troubles. They’re silent for a second, Yoongi and Jimin look at each other.
“It could be the same name.”
Yoongi scrambles for his phone on the seat right as Jimin makes a turn and it goes flying. He finds it underneath Hoseok’s seat, hands slippery with sweat on it.
“Hang on, I think I have a picture of her somewhere.”
Yoongi scrolls all the way to the back in his phone. Switches to Instagram, going back and back and back through time, and then he's sticking it in Hoseok's face.
Seeing her face feels like Yoongi’s slapped him. Her face is on Yoongi's phone. Why is her face on Yoongi’s phone? Her hair is longer than it was when they dated, she must not have cut it since. But it's definitely her.
Hoseok feels like he's spinning, it's been so long since he's seen her face but it's definitely the one from his nightmares, the one he sees grinning and crooning false praises that have stuck to Hoseok's soul like glue. The face that he sees behind his eyes and sees in every criticizing comment only on his bad days. She's standing shoulder to shoulder with Yoongi, both of them in black suits along with a man that looks enough like Yoongi for him to guess that that's his brother, your ex-husband.
Your abuser and his and Yoongi in between them. Hoseok can only hear ringing in his ears, he knows he sounds accusatory when he snaps. "How the fuck do you know my ex-pack omega?"
“She’s my cousin. Are you sure that's her?”
Hoseok feels like he’s spinning. “Yeah, I'm sure.”
“I thought you said your old pack was all omega’s?” Yoongi knows Hoseok’s lore, knows it like he knows the back of his hand. He looks up, hair falling across his face. Hoseok frowns jabbing his finger at the phone.
“I did. She’s an omega.”
The dissonance hits him and Yoongi almost wants to disagree but then-
Hoseok watches the lightbulb go off, Yoongi’s eyes widening imperceptibly as he paws at the phone and Hoseok’s hand. The car sickness lurches in his stomach as he turns to look back at Yoongi, and the g force hits him as Jimin takes another turn Impossibly fast. The seatbelt across Hobi’s chest engages with a click, digging into his skin and the bruises on his neck with a painful jerk.
“Are you sure? Hoseok- you have to be sure.”
“I’m sure.”
This is all a game of leverage. A game of who knows what secret and what gets exchanged for whom. Yoongi spent most of last night wondering about Moonbyul's motivation, and now he knows why.
Hoseok is holding onto Yoongi’s phone, they’re hands gripping it together. “Is this who she’s going too? The one who tried to kill us? Is-” Hoseok has to swallow to get the words out right. “Is Moonbyul the one trying to take her?”
Hoseok shivers, eyes darkening, scent spiraling wildly. His muscles trembling as he thinks about it. You and Moonbyul.
Yoongi pulls himself around Jimin’s headrest. Hand on his throat, digging into his scent gland. He doesn't have time to explain to them.
Only alphas can lead the family, only alphas can rule. If Moonbyul isn't one- that calls into question the legitimacy of her rule. The families would never stand to see an omega on the throne, she'd be ousted, probably killed for daring to lie. The families would tear her apart piece by piece and Yoongi would let them.
If Moonbyul is the person who hurt Hobi- and now she's going after you- that's two people that Yoongi loves that she's directly hurt. Yoongi is thinking all sorts of dangerous things. But they have to get to you first.
If Moonbyul isn't an alpha then Yoongi's just found his leverage and maybe the whole reason why the pack was targeted in the first place.
A packmate for a secret. Yoongi imagines the worst-case scenario; Don't tell and I won't hurt her. Don’t tell anyone and she lives.
How long had she stewed and festered- knowing that Hoseok was out there- knowing that he knew the secret that could lead to her undoing. Maybe she thought his knowing would never come back to bite her, and had intended on tying up the loose end later. Maybe she didn't know Hoseok had found his way into Yoongi's arms until after the old Don and Beta had died. She probably thought that they’d never put it together- at least not until it was too late.
Whatever her reasons, this has gone on long enough.
Yoongi opens his mouth, but Hoseok’s body is taught like a spring-loaded and ready to burst. His voice a near growl.
“Jimin, I need you to drive.”
Tae and Namjoon are left standing there on the porch. Namjoon left staring after them as they hurl away from the house. Running his hands through his hair hard. Thinking of what to do until-
Tae tugs on his sleeve, “Your phone- Joonie- you should call her.”
“Right- fuck-” Namjoon goes and gets it, and comes back to stand with Tae on the porch. “Come on- come on pick up.” Namjoon paces back and forth on the front porch, the snowmelt from the roof drips out an uneven rhythm onto the railing. the cold spray hitting his stress-warm skin.
Tae stands by the door. Frozen, a statue of Namjoon’s distress. Inside, Namjoon hears a voice. Jin coming down the stairs, probably roused by the sound of the car screeching out of the driveway and down the road.
“Tae? Where is everybody?”
“Pup’s being stupid. The others left to go get her before she’s like- really really stupid.”
Jin freezes in the doorway, fist rubbing his eye. He sounds smaller and younger than Namjoon’s ever heard him. “Am I having a bad dream?” namjoon's pacing stutters and then starts up again. Jin doesn't need him right now, Jin he can help later.
Tae takes Jin's hand and leads him to the outdoor furniture. The cushions have to be damp but they sit anyway. Tae pulls her knees under her and rests her cheek on Jin's shoulder. “That’s what I thought too at first.”
Namjoon almost sobs when he hears it- the click of the dial tone and a single breath. He can hear the thud of the train in the background, the hiss of pressure against the scratchy speaker.
“Pup? oh thank god, stay where you are- the others are-”
“Namjoon? Joonie stop- I didn’t pick up so that you could convince me to come back. I only picked up because I never said goodbye.”
Namjoon freezes, and he feels like the snowmelt from the roof has just dripped down his back. Growing frigid more with each word. If there was ever a question on if you’d gone willingly or been taken- it was answered with that.
“Pup, come home right now or I swear to god-”
“No! For once you’re going to listen!” You’ve only shouted at him a handful of times and he’s hardly ever heard you sound so serious.
"No- you can't-"
“Namjoon, The second you say anything to try and convince me to stay is the moment I hang up, so what is it gonna be?”
Namjoon goes silent and stops his pacing. Holding the phone so hard it feels like the plastic and metal might break.
Namjoon’s very being hinges on every syllable you say, Like the ocean hinges on the moon. Water tethered and kept from the shore by something as simple as gravity. Tae is right there. Tae is watching the driveway not saying anything with that same blank look Namjoon has seen on your face countless times.
All at once Namjoon is reminded of you in the summertime back when he first met you and trauma had you all quiet. Staring off into space in much the same way. Small and fragile and worth saving. You’ve always been that for him; worth saving.
Jin scrubs a hand across his face, clearing himself of the last little bits of sleep. He holds out his hand for the phone, but Namjoon doesn’t give it to him just paces right by him as he listens to you.
“I only picked up the phone because I have some things that I want to say to you.”
You sound more settled and less angry but just as resigned and convicted of what you're doing. Like no part of you doubts your choices. Namjoon wishes you sounded angry, that you sounded sad, but you don’t sound like any of those things.
“I'm not leaving because I think I don't deserve a life with you and the pack. I’m not leaving because I think that I’m not worth your love. I’m leaving because for the first time I know that I am.
“For the first time I understand why Yoongi left and why he didn’t come back until he knew it would be safe. Because when you love something the way that I love you, you’ll do anything to protect them. Can you really blame me Joonie? For doing what you might have done?”
You continue on like you’re not wrenching Namjoon’s heart clean from his chest. Like you’re not a hurricane on his very being- dark and thunderous tearing through him as impersonal as wind. Namjoon’s heart thuds and thuds and thuds.
“Before I leave you, I want you to know that if I loved you less- I might have stayed.”
Namjoon’s lungs ache, ache and sting and swell with words he can’t say, he can’t breathe. His mouth screwed into a soundless sob. He actually might be having a panic attack. He's never had one before- he's not sure if he knows what one feels like. If it's like this- if it's like this he can understand why people call them an attack.
It's frantic, like he's chewing off his own leg to get out of your words. The panic is so terrible. Namjoon hasn't been this scared since he was a child. At least Yoongi had the fucking decency not to make his leaving so visceral.
Namjoon is bent over, tears dripping down his nose, sagging almost to his knees. “Why are you doing this to us!? To me!”
Something jiggles the phone, something that makes your voice all warbly- Namjoon imagines you on the train in a window seat. Resting your cheek against the balmy glass while you talk to him. Staring out at the scenery racing by. Hurtling towards your future like a comet or maybe an asteroid (something more destructive- more appropriate for the wretchedness filling Namjoon’s lungs like tar, the desiccated bodies of the dreams he had for you and the plans he made with you in mind clogging his lungs and making it hard to breathe).
Who knows, maybe off between the trees and the road, you see a red car zooming, trying to keep pace with the train.
Namjoon’s heart feels like it’s skipping too many beats.
“Something Jin told me the other day got stuck in my head and I keep thinking about it, would you like to hear it?”
You take his silence for permission and Namjoon does not turn to look at Jin and Tae sitting on the outdoor furniture. They just sit there; they don't do anything. Namjoon wishes there was something they could do or something he could barter for your safe return but you already have all of him and all of him wasn't enough to make you stay.
“Jin showed me this little article the other day- a few weeks ago now. He can tell you it in more detail but basically, it was about these mice.”
Namjoon struggles to say something- unsure where you’re going with this but desperate to keep you on the line. At least until the others get to you. Drinking down your voice, the whisper of your breath, everything.
“They made like- two test groups, they wanted to measure like- willpower- or how long they would try to live before they gave up. It’s kinda dark I guess. I'm not a good judge of things like that you know.”
Your laugh is the prettiest and saddest thing that Namjoon’s ever heard. He wants to record it and save it for later like some hidden track and he never wants to hear it again.
“Anyways- they put the mice and a bucket of water and timed how long it took for them to stop swimming, to stop trying to live. They’d try for a little while but give up pretty quickly. Like- an hour. That’s how much will to live that they had: an hour’s worth of it.”
Namjoon breaks, shouting, “I don’t want to talk about mice I want to talk about getting you the fuck home!”
Namjoon can hear your smile in your voice, And no-no-no you won’t even let him fight- you won’t even let him snap at you and engage with it. Namjoon’s seen you sad, he’s seen you defeated. He’s seen you so hungry you could hardly hold your head up. But seeing you convicted of this punishment is worse than anything.
“Anyway- they just killed the first group for a baseline. But with the second group just before they died- just before they went underwater- They took them out of the water and dried them off.”
Your voice goes hushed at the end. The morning sunlight cuts across the top of the house yellow. The tree too- it’s early morning- Namjoon’s favorite time of day and he won’t be ever able to properly enjoy it again. Won’t ever be able to wake up at this time of day and not think about the morning you left.
“They let them rest and gave them some food.”
Namjoon feels like he’s about to have a heart attack, blood thumping and hitting against his ribcage. Bullying out the flowers and the butterflies in his stomach.
“Cuddled them a little.”
Namjoon stands at the doorway to the pack den. Hands so tight in their fists that they ache and ache. Namjoon’s hands have saved countless people’s lives before, and they’ve saved yours too- but right now they just hurt.
“And when they put them back in,”
Noodle meows dolefully from the door, swatting at Jin’s ankles and then purring around Tae’s. Namjoon’s knees are shaking.
“They lasted for a whole 12 hours longer. Because they thought they might be saved. Because they had some love to remember. They were able to last for a lot longer than they would have otherwise.”
His face is screwed something terrible with how hard he’s sobbing. How is it that just an hour ago you were safe in his arms, talking about getting away from here. Just an hour ago. It's still 5am a time zone away, if Namjoon got on a plane and flew there- would you still be safe? Is there any way to turn back time?
You only get to love people for as long as you get and not a second more. You get what you get and you don't get upset. Yoongi might have been your lifeblood, the air in your lungs and your reason for existing, but you’d still be that fragile creature close to drowning if it wasn’t for Namjoon.
“Namjoon?” You say his name once and then softer, a croon. “Joonie.”
He's sobbing too hard to see, “Don’t-”
“Thank you for drying me off.”
The phone clicks and disconnects.
Namjoon falls to the stairs, ass in a puddle but none of him cares. He remembers the first day he heard you speak, sitting on these stairs while he helped Yoongi fix the railing. Namjoon remembers the summer heat and feeling scared for you for the first time- because the railing felt so rickety and the last thing he wanted was for you or Jungkook or Hobi to fall. Namjoon is the one who is falling, hurtling towards destruction that stops and ends with his heart.
His hands hurt. He remembers laughing with the others and stealing sips of sweet tea. Nibbling on the sour lemons, sweaty and hot and dusty. His eyes feel like they’re going to fall out of his head with how hard he’s crying. He remembers that you’d poked his dimples and called them pretty, he remembers feeling tired after but fulfilled for it.
One scene in summer and the other in winter now. At the beginning of a relationship and now at the end. The stairs still creek, the wind still blows and Namjoon's hands are still sweaty.
Namjoon sobs loudly and it echos across the empty cul-de-sac gut-wrenching. People cry differently when they lose people they love. Namjoon has heard people cry like this after he’s told them bad news, no sign of brain activity. We did everything that we could. I'm so sorry. It sounds different now that it’s coming out of his own mouth.
He actually might pass out with how hard he’s breathing. Teeth dig into his lower lip so hard he tastes blood. He’s still holding the phone to his ear. “Pup- wait- I love you- you can’t do this to us- to me.” But you’ve already hung up on him.
The dial tone tears through him like a bullet. Namjoon should be bleeding, broken hearts don't hurt this much without blood. People don’t hurt this much without actual wounds.
Eventually, something touches his back, a soft furry creature that only makes Namjoon sob harder as Noodle bullies his way under Namjoon’s arm and licks at his fingertips. Before long there’s hands on him. Jin and Tae pull him up and onto the furniture. One hand in his hair and the other on his shoulder. Jin grabs his wrist. Circling it gently before he holds his hands and nudges them until they relax from their clenched fists.
Namjoon cries.
Together they watch the road and wait for the others to return.
(Hidden playlist ▶ Play track?)
They miss the first train by just a few seconds. It screeches away from the platform when Jungkook gets out of the car. Standing there for a breath and watching it pull away. The metal thud screech of it drowns out Yoongi’s voice.
Jimin hits the wheel and growls before he revs the engine and turns, almost hitting a fire hydrant with how quick and jerky he backs up and accelerates. Leaning forward through the window to snap at Jungkook.
“Get back in the fucking car!”
Jungkook does, the door barely latching and almost swinging free as Jimin peels out of the parking lot. Slamming back shut when Jimin does a near 180 to accelerate back onto the main road.
“Sorry hyung,” Yoongi doesn’t need to reply- they all know that every second matters.
Jimin almost collides with a car stopped at the light before he drives on the shoulder, spinning around them. The train matches the road at this part of the tracks so it’s easy to follow it. They keep pace with it as Jimin pushes 70 miles an hour and then 80.
Jimin keeps the gas pedal well acquainted with the floor until they're going faster than the train. Weaving in and out of traffic back and forth, getting honked at and almost cut off several times. Leaving his packmates to grip to seats and their handles. Worried about getting thrown off but still- not wearing their seatbelts.
“We’re never going to make it! It’s too fast! We’re going to hit traffic soon!” The closer they get to the city the less likely it is that they'll be able to catch up to you. It's nearly early morning rush hour, another 30 minutes and these roads will be at a standstill.
“Hang on- let me see the map,” Hoseok watches Yoongi look at it.
“If we go to the next station, we won’t make it. But, if we try to go to the one after that and cut it off-” A look around the car says everyone agrees with Yoongi. Jimin steps on it, and there are a terrifying few minutes where Jimin’s driving skills honestly make them all count their prayers and promise things to gods that they’re already not fond of- but when they skitter and screech into the next station he hears it.
“The next inbound train will be arriving shortly, please collect your belongings. And remember-“
Hoseok is hot on the announcements heals. Sliding to get out of the car before it’s really stopped. “If we miss this one just go to the next station without us-”
“-if you see something say something.”
The train is coming- Hoseok can see the lights about a 100 feet down the tracks and it's moving fast. Yoongi almost makes to get out but Hoseok just shoves him back inside. Jungkook gets out of the car too, bolting in the direction of the stairs. “Hoseok-”
“Yoongi- Just go!”
There are maybe three flights of stairs up, then 50 feet across the tracks, and then the same amount of steps down. He and Jungkook book it up them. Making every second count. Hurtling through time and air. Ignoring the sore and tired pulse of their muscles. They’re clearing the top step and the train is below them. A silver bullet careening and destined to do damage but slowing down.
They bolt across the landing past the ticket kiosk and through the push doors. The train is stopping with a hiss of breaks and a screech of metal. A release of pressurized air that billows up to them warm carrying with it the smell of tar and city.
Hoseok’s lungs are burning. Jungkook is usually faster by just a little bit and would be on any ordinary day. They might be roughly the same height but Hoseok doesn't do cardio nearly as often as Jungkook does. Jungkook's the one who runs every day, who does cardio like it's sleeping and marathons like they're mid-afternoon naps. Who works out and hones his body to a lethal edge just because he can.
But he doesn’t run like Hoseok does.
Hoseok runs like his life depends on it- the same way you would run if he was walking into Geumjae’s arms. You’d never let Geumjae touch even a hair on Hoseok’s head and if- if Moonbyul is who you’re going to- then there is more at stake than just your phsyical safety, too much at stake for Hoseok to be held back by his body.
Hoseok thinks of the tiramisu. Of walking with you on the beach. Of making your nightime stacks just the way you like it. Of holding you that one time you almost fell into the water. Telling you that you had to be careful. Hoseok remembers driving out in his car, tugging your seatbelt to make sure it fit snug. Standing with you side by side in the flower refrigerators at work and the feeling the first time you’d rubbed your scent gland to his. Every playlist of his with your name on it, every song that you ever shared. All of that- she’s going to destroy all of that if Hoseok doesn’t get to you in time.
He remembers how small she made him feel. How small you were when he first saw you. He won’t let you get that way again. Hoseok won’t let you disappear.
Jungkook is the one who would win this race on any other day, where the stakes any different, but just this once Hoseok is faster. Hurling himself over the concrete as fast as his body will take him. Hoseok cuts through the air like wind.
They run, feet thumping. Bodies thudding, hearts and lungs delivering oxygen to their needy muscles. Beat-up sneakers gripping the concrete. Down and down the stairs, plummeting. Almost tripping and falling on the slippery concrete steps. The doors start to close just as they round the corner.
By some miracle of blood and sweat, Hobi's the one who overtakes Jungkook. The doors are closing and the train's metal shell is beginning to hum and vibrate as it makes to pull away from the tracks.
In a last-ditch effort, Hoseok throws himself in the direction of the closing doors.
Please Like, Comment, and Reblog! Every bit of encouragement helps me write the next chapter!
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Do i think that hobi could have actually warned the pack what she was planning to do? Yes. Do I also think that he thought he had more time to warn them and really wanted to sleep off his near death experience? also yes. Namjoon giving him drugs obviously didn't help. i honestly don't think he was thinking clearly.
this is one of those chapters where everything could have gone differently if they'd just been given a little bit more- but i digress- we all know life isn't so neat and tidy.
I can't not write thinking about the angsty alternative ending for bily- but you guys should know the namjoon/m/c scene...if things had gone poorly in this chapter- this would have been the last time they spoke or touched each other for 3 years- for those who are wondering about the alternative ending- i will NOT be posting any of it on AO3. Only on tumblr through asks! i'll try to tag the super triggering stuff but yeah.
when i think of namjoon and the m/c and their relationship- i think that what they want most for each other is to just see the other old and happy like- that becomes the foundation for their relationship. thats why it's namjoon who she thanks. it also doesn't escape me that yoongi is not in this chapter very much- this is intentional. just wait for next chapter and his anger! i swear its so fucking hot my god i really wanted them to fuck in the next chapter but i just don't think it's going to happen.
the og version of this chapter called for jimin parking hobi's car on the tracks and literally letting the train hit it- not derail- but just hit it. just to get it to stop for the m/c however i figured that was going a bit too far.
Me writing any part with jimin in it- "what if i added a bit of religious trauma to it?"
the line where namjoon talks about his hands hurting is like- directly related to me, because my hands didn't hurt all the time before i started writing bily but now my Knuckles hurt almost every morning. After writing for more than an hour they hurt. i guess when you love something enough it hurts you lol i don't mind.
the "you want a lifetime with them" lines are mostly a callback to like...grey's anatomy. namjoon's charecter is LOOOSELY based on mcdreamy of course the whole...neurosurgeon thing and i am 3 seasons into a re-watch so~ you will have to tollerate that cringeworthy refrence~
i've always wanted to structure a chapter around the thud and thump of a heart and yeah!! i think did a few back but i wanted to do it again~
i don't think i was very subtle with the hoseok train station and the train ticket parts of the story like- i think i forshadowed pretty heavily that it was eventually going to be used but! i hope you liked the big reveal.
how did you guys like the cliffhanger? should i spoil it for you when i've always said that bily would get a happy ending????? i mean...come on... we all know hoseok's gonna be fast enough right?
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Still Untitled
[jungkook x reader] [ 1k+ fluff]
A/N: Something short and sweet. I initially wrote a lil bit of smut, but it came out a bit perverted and I don't think it fits the character of Jungkook in this fic. I still have no title for this, but I'm so glad to receive such great lovely feedback!
Before you can talk yourself out of it, your feet are walking towards Jungkook.
A breathy and meek hi leaves your mouth, the sudden greeting has him turning around to face you. Before you can backtrack, your hand extends to offer a carton of banana milk to Jungkook.
You're not sure if you're glad he's being super quiet, but wanting to get this done in one go, the words swiftly fly out of your mouth.
"I'mreallysorryaboutlastnightImistookyouforsomeoneelse," you expel in one shaky breath.
Jungkook looks perplexed, probably unsure what to make of the sudden apology, you assume. You were contemplating if you needed to elaborate, but as soon as Jungkook took the milk from your hands, hesitantly—you observed—your legs were quick to find their way back to your space and hide behind your propped up easel.
Had you stayed a second longer, you would have witnessed Jungkook break out a childish grin and blush. His hold on the carton was so gentle, one would have thought he was holding something far too fragile than a drink.
The class had passed quickly, which you were thankful for, for the first time. As soon as the clock hit 5:00, you rushed to bag your stuff—no plans of staying extra hours for today. You're still mortified from yesterday and while you don't think a lousy apology makes up for your misplaced accusation, you also don't have the courage of facing Jungkook.
At least, not now, you reason to yourself. Promising to scrape more courage for next time.
In your haste of leaving, you forgot to unhook the strap of your tote from the chair and as you lug your bag behind you as you speed walk, the chair topples and your things tumble out and scatter to the floor, much like the smithereens of your dignity.
A whispered curt curse is heard from you before you rush to pick up the rolling colored pencils.
"Here," Even with your head downcast and eyes glued to the floor, you know whose tattooed hands are handing your pencils towards you.
"Thanks," you clear your throat and glance at the man you wronged. "I got it," you softly say, a subtle way of shoo-ing him away, once again.
You stood up abruptly after shoving everything inside your bag. You see Jungkook lift the chair upright and thank him. You get a response in the form of a smile.
You made three streps before you heard your name called. With obvious reluctance, you face Jungkook and raise your brow in question. Afraid if you open your mouth, something judgmental comes out. Or maybe just that you choke from the clawing embarrassment.
"Do you wanna get coffee?" Jungkook adjusts his backpack on his shoulder. This time, he's taking Namjoon's advice. Just ask her to go out, even if it's just getting coffee after her class. It's a better way to get to know each other. Pick up lines are lame, his hyung said which earned a loud yelp of disagreement from Seokjin. Still, Jungkook thinks Namjoon made more sense.
Plus, he remembers those times whenever he sees you on campus, you always held a cup of coffee. And today, before class, he noticed you had nothing with you other than milk—which even turned out to be for him. He'd get all giggly later, for now, he has a bigger daunting task.
Throughout the class, Jungkook was internally hyping himself up to ask you for coffee. He almost felt pathetic when he saw you quickly pack your things and rush out, already thinking he'll have to run after you. But lo and behold, the universe bought him time.
"I-It's kinda late for coffee, don't you think?" You covered your uneasiness by clearing your throat and pretending to look at your watch. It was too quick of a glance to read the time, he notices. He knows you're evading him. Panic rushes into Jungkook. While on good days, he prided himself for thinking on his feet—those days helped him win rebuts with Seokjin—this moment would have been the one time where the words he uttered couldn't be more nonsensical and embarrassing, "Well, drinking coffee before bed will keep you awake at night is a myth, anyway." The words trailed off one by one as it reached the end, but you heard him loud and clear.
You were to quick to mask your visible confusion by pursing your lips, as if considering what he just said. But Jungkook knows how stupid he sounded. There was no redemption from this.
But just when Jungkook was ready to wave the white flag, he heard you snort a laugh. He looks up and sees your lips break out in a grin—one you tried to hide with an adorable nose scrunch, but your amusement still shone through with a tight-lipped smile. Then, finally, you look at Jungkook and this moment, he'll forever remember because you're looking at him with adoring eyes.
"Fine, then," you agree, lips still toying an amused smile. "Since you're so desperate for coffee you're making stuff up. But I'm getting a decaf."
Your turn and walk towards the approaching evening, and Jungkook follows suit with a lovesick smile.
"Wait... you thought I was Kim Jongkook?!"
You sheepishly smile, your fingers on the table scratches the surface, an anxiety tick. But you also look like someone desperately digging for a hole where you can escape to. You want to be away from this awkward confrontation where you have no excuse, no rebut.
“It really was an honest mistake. I’m sorry for lashing out on you.” Your head hangs with shame as you apologize for the nth time.
Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook noticed and took note of your tick. He really was just teasing you, enjoying your adorable puppy eyes, even more so that it's directed towards him. But perhaps, he had his fun. He smiles and comforts you—saying it’s fine and he understands. Right as you look up at him, your names are called for your ordered coffees.
In the same breath which he decides he wants to always be this close with you, he's also unsure how much he can hold back from wanting to just kiss you. And so, as much as Jungkook didn't want to break away from the moment, he stands from his seat, “I’ll get it. Just… you won’t leave, right?”
You would think he was teasing, making a jab from the couple of times you walked out from him, but seeing his pensive eyes had you retracting your assumption. “I’ll be here,” you smile reassuringly.
Your trip for coffee, but as per Jungkook's delusion—your date— lasted longer for hours. Small conversations were shared between the tiny round table that held your cups of drinks. No more hole-scratching on the table and downcast embarrassed eyes.
Jungkook thinks his heart may burst from happiness.
Unfortunately, your phone pings, breaking the bubble that enclosed you and Jungkook, one that temporarily kept you away from the outside noise. “Oh, sorry. That’s my alarm.” Your eyebrows furrow as you glance at your watch. This time, really looking at the time, Jungkook observes.
“I should be somewhere now, actually.” As you quickly gather your things, Jungkook matches your pace—grabbing your littered cups and tissues on the table, picking up the proof of your shared evening.
“This was really nice, Jungkook. I now partly feel bad for judging you too quickly,” you tease as you watch him trash the stacked cups.
“That’s not good enough,” Jungkook crosses his now free arms, biceps bulging that were not missed by your eyes. He sees the trail of your sight and that was just what he needed to be confident enough to ask for another coffee date. One that you agreed to without hesitation.
He grows giddy and excited. Wanting tomorrow—Thursday—to come sooner. He doesn't mind if the day ends quickly now as you part ways. And it isn’t until you round a corner that you both stop turning around to check on the other.
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taevbears · 10 months
To Be Loved - 03
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Please be our guest
⤑ pairing: namjoon x reader (a bit of reader x jungkook) ⤑ genre: hybrid au, romance, hurt/comfort ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.3k ⤑ warnings: hybrids are seen as sub-human, brief descriptions of abuse throughout the chapter, a bit of angst, the boys are very guarded and kind of mean toward the reader, reader is stress lol ⤑ note: sorry for the delay in this chapter, it's been really hectic these past few weeks being sick and super busy. i'm curious what your thoughts are and what you guys think namjoon is! also, i hope you all have a safe and warm holiday full of delicious food!
Chapters 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 (End)
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Dinner is served.
Laid out across the table is a small feast consisting of homegrown vegetables from their garden, hand-picked fruits of the season, grilled fish caught from a nearby river, roasted poultry and cooked eggs, and homemade brew that’s been aging in their cellar. Food that’s clearly been hunted and gathered from around the manor.
“You two are our guests,” Rap Monster says to you and Jungkook from the head of the table, sitting directly across from you. “Please feel free to help yourselves.”
He glances over at the wolf hybrid and gives him a tiny nod. The eldest among the pack picks up his utensils and begins to put food on his plate, and the others soon follow suit, reaching for whatever appeals to their appetites. Even Jungkook begins to pile up on the food he’s been eyeing since they’ve been set down before him, and then passes the dish to you, starving after everything you’ve both been through since you’ve ventured off the main roads.
“This is seriously so good!” Jungkook praises between bites. His eyebrows are furrowed together, as if he’s angry at how incredibly tasty everything is.
“You’re just hungry,” the leopard hybrid remarks, shoulders raising a bit as he puts some fish on his plate.
“Thank you for cooking,” you add softly, though you’re not really sure who to direct it to. Jimin had mentioned that someone named Seokjin and someone named Yoongi prepared tonight’s meal. The deer hybrid only stares at you with a frown, the leopard hybrid doesn’t even bother to make eye-contact with you, and the wolf hybrid merely nods his head without saying anything back.
The table is relatively quiet, but you can tell that it’s a level of silence they’re not used to. Although the pack of hybrids try not to make it too obvious, you can tell they’re all observing you closely.
It starts to make you feel self-conscious as you bite into an apple, not really tasting the food but going through the motions of it.
You hate attention. You’ve always had.
The pressure of everyone’s eyes on you, watching your every move, and judging your every word and action makes your skin crawl, constricts your breath, and knots your stomach. Whenever you’re forced into the spotlight – Kangdae dangling you around like a pretty thing to envy – you keep your gaze on the ground. Your voice starts to tremble. You hear people asking what’s wrong with you.
As your eyes burn on the plate, you realize that’s what’s happening now. The hybrids are making you as nervous as you’re probably making them.
Humans, after all, are the most dangerous threat to them.
“My name is Jimin.”
To your right, opposite of Jungkook, the swan hybrid speaks. He seems to sense your uneasiness and then gestures for the others to follow.
Next to him, the bear hybrid grunts, “Taehyung.”
“Seokjin,” says the wolf hybrid, gnawing on a bone.
“I’m Hoseok,” the deer hybrid pipes up from the other side of the table, across the wolf.
“Yoongi,” the leopard hybrid calls himself, sitting between Hoseok and Jungkook.
Across from you, at the other end of the table, the one you know as Rap Monster merely smiles. The dimples on his cheeks are deep as he looks at his pack fondly before his colorful eyes meet your gaze. “I don’t go by Rap Monster anymore, so you can call me by my real name. It’s Namjoon.”
Finally, you have the name of the mysterious rapper.
You tell them your name, and Jungkook finishes the round of introductions with his. With one question answered, another one pops up. This time, from you. “How do you all know each other?”
The air shifts with a sudden tension, and you instantly regret the words leaving your mouth. It feels like you’ve come across a taboo topic. Information that, perhaps, none of them feel comfortable sharing with a human. You can see, by some of the emotions that cross their faces, that it hadn’t been easy for them to get here.
“The short story is that I took them all in,” Namjoon explains lightly. “Society isn’t exactly kind to creatures like us. Humans only see us as abominations. A lot of them can be unnecessarily cruel to the things they’re afraid of. To the things they don’t understand. I found them and I offered them a place in my home.”
“Which brings us to question,” Seokjin interrupts, his yellow eyes practically glowing when he looks at you, “what brought you into our territory?”
It’s a question they all seem to be wondering. Even before the car accident in the woods.
The words get stuck in your throat. 
Taehyung crosses his arms. He looks broader when he does that. More intimidating. “We don’t allow humans to come anywhere near this place.”
“But she’s not like other humans!” Jungkook speaks up on your behalf, eyes wide as if that would help convince them of his plight. “She’s really nice, and she’s my friend.”
“Jungkook,” you start, your voice barely above a whisper. You want to stop him. To tell him that he doesn’t need to defend you. That you understand their hostility, and that you swear you’ll be gone as soon as the storm stops.
His ear twitches toward you, showing that he’s heard you, but he decides to ignore you.
“I was in bad shape when I met her, but she helped me. She treated my wounds after my owner nearly…” He shudders, unable to finish his sentence. Given the bruises and cuts on his face, and the welts and scars on his body, it’s not hard to imagine what could’ve happened. Or how far his owner would’ve gone to hurt him. “She fed me too. And bought me ice cream and banana milk.”
Seokjin snorts at that. For a brief second, Hoseok and Taehyung look a little amused by his last comment. Whereas Yoongi and Jimin visibly frown as they look more closely at Jungkook’s wounds. Namjoon’s eyes meet yours for a moment, and you feel your heart flutter before he turns to Jungkook and gives him a nod, encouraging him to go on.
“And she’s been trying to find a safe place to take me to,” he continues, turning to look at you. There’s gratitude in his eyes when he does. “We were trying to take a shortcut through the woods, but it was raining so hard and we could barely see where we were going. We’re both just trying to get away from our bad humans.”
By the silence that follows, you’re not entirely sure if they believe you’re a good person yet. That, despite Jungkook trying to defend your honor, there’s still a bit of skepticism over a human helping a hybrid out of the goodness from their heart. After everything they must have gone through by the hands of those who try to control them, you can’t blame them at all for feeling jaded.
“I believe it,” is all Namjoon says. His gaze is fixed on you now, and again, you start to feel nervous at the attention. But… not in an entirely unwanted way. “You were kind to me once before, too.”
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For years, the old manor has been something straight out of a storybook. A beautiful, old home, stuck in time, untouched by humans. Deep in the woods and hard to find unless you know your way to it. Forgotten, but with a timeless and enchanting charm.
It begins with Namjoon, who discovers it. And then Yoongi, who helps him rebuild and restore it. Then, they find Hoseok, and for a while, it’s just the three of them. But that all changes when they meet Jimin and Taehyung and take them in at the same time. And finally, Seokjin joins their pack.
One by one, the hybrids have contributed and worked together to make this abandoned place their own. You see the way they protect each other, how they take care of each other. Humans haven’t stepped near their secret haven for years, and yet, here you are – an intruding threat to their sanctuary. A walking reminder of what they’ve run away from.
Yoongi, captured and thrown into a cage, about to be sent overseas in cargo to be auctioned off had he not managed to escape from his captives.
Hoseok, left for dead by the hands of hunters, antlers forcibly cut by the time Namjoon and Yoongi find him barely breathing.
Jimin and Taehyung running away from a shelter that was abusing the hybrids, starving them out, depriving them of basic essentials, and throwing them into tiny, cramped spaces before they’re next in line to be euthanized.
And Seokjin, forced to become a lone wolf after violently losing his home, family, and everything he knows to the greed of humans until he finally found the others.
“If you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask,” Namjoon assures you, clearing the plates away from dinner to wash. “I want you to feel comfortable while you’re here.”
“I appreciate it, Namjoon. Thank you,” you tell him sincerely. He grins at you, practically beaming as his name rolls off your tongue. You can’t help but smile back at him, although shyly.
It’s strange how flustered you feel around him.
“Can we look around?” Jungkook asks, coming up between you and Namjoon. He looks at him curiously as the two of you finally look away from each other.
“Of course. Jimin? Mind showing them around?” Namjoon asks the swan hybrid, who just finishes up wiping down the table.
He looks a bit surprised, but nods his head. “Oh. Sure. Let me finish this up and I’ll be right with you guys.”
“I’ll go with you guys,” Taehyung offers, glancing at you for a brief moment before he finishes up sweeping.
“What about you?” you ask. Not that you don’t mind Jimin. He’s been nice to you. Taehyung as well, though out of obligation.
You were just hoping to spend more time with Namjoon.
“I’ll catch up with you later,” he promises as he looks at the other hybrids, all pretending they aren’t listening to the conversation. “I need to make sure no one else followed you here.”
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As requested, Jimin and Taehyung show you and Jungkook around the manor.
The east wing is where you’ll be staying. The room that you woke up in is yours, and Jungkook has his own room near you. Dinner is at the same time every evening, and it is expected that the two of you will join the rest of the pack. There are many rooms that make this place feel like a modern castle: a ballroom with a grand piano, a lounge room with board games, puzzles, a pool table, and old gaming consoles, a conservatory with curtainless windows, table tennis, a seating area, and a greenhouse.
You can see that Jungkook is fascinated with the manor as much as you are. Maybe even more so. His eyes practically sparkle with excitement when he sees a familiar game that he played as a child, or that cheeky smile on his face when he asks if you can dance or play any instruments in the ballroom. You see Jimin and Taehyung eager to show him the cool stuff around the manor too, and you suspect that at one point, they’ve forgotten you’re on this tour as well.
Still, it’s so nice to see Jungkook smiling and laughing. Despite everything he’s been through, there’s still an endearing, childlike innocence to him. A shy, friendly aura that makes him so approachable and well-liked.
You can see him being very happy here. Even if you’re not in the picture.
“What’s over there?” Jungkook asks, curious as he nods toward the west wing.
“Oh, that place is off-limits,” Taehyung explains without giving it a second glance. “No one is allowed to go there.”
You’re a bit surprised by that. The west wing looks completely normal from where you stand. “Why not?”
“It just is,” Taehyung cuts in a little harshly as he glares at you. Your mouth immediately snaps shut, a bit hurt and taken aback by the outburst.
“You’re free to go anywhere else in the manor,” Jimin adds, trying to drop the topic. His voice is gentler as he shoots his companion a warning glance. “Just not the west wing. Understand?”
You merely nod your head, not trusting your voice at this point.
While the hybrids like Jungkook, it’s clear that they don’t feel the same about you. And you’re not certain they ever will.
As the tour continues, you can’t help but notice the other hybrids’ reactions when you come within their personal spaces in the manor. Yoongi stares at you from the high wooden beams on the ceiling. His spotted tail slowly swishes back and forth in distrust as his glaring, feline eyes never leave yours. Hoseok hides from you whenever he hears you approaching. He’s so scared, he’s trembling as you catch his wide-eyed, petrified gaze, and the guilt of almost hurting him weighs more heavily on you. Seokjin covers his mouth to hold back a low growl when you come near his room. His body is tense and his lips are curled back into a snarl. Even Taehyung is only accompanying you to make sure that Jimin is safe. That you won’t harm his dear friend.
Rain continues to heavily pour outside. You wish that the storm would die down already. Clearly, you’re not welcomed here.
A hand touches the small of your back, and you raise your head to see Jungkook giving you a tiny, comforting smile. Just like at the motel stop with the scary men, he subtly assures you that he has your back.
You give him a wry smile back, squeezing his arm in appreciation. It’s a silent exchange that doesn’t go unnoticed by the other two hybrids with you.
“This is our last stop,” Jimin announces as he and Taehyung open the double-doors. Your eyes widen in awe at the sight before you.
A library.
There are two levels, and both have standing shelves full of books. Art pieces that look like they belong in museums decorate the room as well, from busts of philosophers to exquisite paintings hung on the walls. In the center is a large couch that looks cozy enough to sink into, curled up with a good book. It’s a place much bigger and prettier than the tiny book nook in your town.
“Wow…” You step inside, mood instantly lifting as you marvel at the sight before you. You could spend months here, just trying to read through the massive collection. “This is amazing!”
Jungkook looks surprised. “You think so?”
“Is it okay if I look around?”
Jimin and Taehyung exchange looks with each other, but they nod their heads. You disappear into the nearest aisle, browsing around. Your fingers run across the spines of books and their printed titles before landing on the ones that catch your interest. Things that were in your to-read list, things that you’ve just discovered now, things that you fondly remember reading before.
To the two residential hybrids, it’s probably one of the more boring parts of the manor, yet you’re absolutely enthralled by the room.
“Are there any comics?” Jungkook shyly asks, and Taehyung’s eyes brighten a bit as he takes his wrist and shows him where they are. The two leave Jimin alone as he watches you with curiosity.
“That’s funny,” he says to himself before he follows after the other hybrids. “This is his favorite room too.”
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Sleep doesn’t come easy for you. Not tonight, at least.
After everything you’ve been through – running away from Kangdae, being on the road for days, looking for the perfect home for Jungkook, being careful to cover your tracks and not get caught, and finally ending up here – you’d think you would’ve been knocked out by now, exhausted from everything.
But as you turn to face the window, the relentless storm outside seems to reflect the turmoil you feel.
The storm won’t last forever. You’ll probably be here for two or three nights. Maybe a week at most. Then, as soon as the rainy days clear up, you’ll be out of here.
But Jungkook should stay.
As you toured around the manor with Jimin and Taehyung, it’s so clear to you that this place could be exactly what you two were hoping to find for him. A place to call home.
The hybrids provide for each other. They take care of each other. And they’ve clearly taken a liking to Jungkook. He’ll have his meals, a warm bed in his own room, plenty of fun things to do, friends to talk to. He’ll be happy here with them.
You turn to face the ceiling, already dreading the inevitable conversation you’ll have to have with him. He’s become your friend, and someone you care a lot about. You just hope he won’t be so stubborn and make it harder for you to let him go.
Especially since the other hybrids don’t like you as much. Or rather, at all. In fact, you’re pretty sure they’re eager for the storm to pass as much as you are so that you can leave their secret haven.
The mean looks some of them give you. The way they snarl and hiss and tremble at your presence. It feels like there isn’t anything you can do about it. Even if Namjoon allows you to stay, even if Jungkook is there to vouch for you, they’ll just hate you no matter what, simply because you’re human.
You sigh. You can’t force them to like you, of course, and you don’t blame them for being weary of you. But the bigger problem seems to be how you’re going to get out of the woods without a car. With your face all over the news. With Kangdae’s family exhausting all their efforts to look for you.
And as you roll to face the door, you think about Namjoon.
He’s as much of a mystery to you now as he was back then. He has a charisma that commands the room, that makes it obvious that he’s the leader of the pack. That alone has all the hybrids respect him and look up to him. And to top it off, he’s also so kind for letting you and Jungkook in, for making you both feel comfortable in his home.
You can’t remember the last time Kangdae treated you as nicely. He was always so selfish and cruel, and you feel foolish to think that’s what love was.
When in reality, ever since you finally left him, you realize you know nothing about love at all. You thought, if you stayed with him long enough, you could learn to love him. That you could learn how to be loved back.
But the pitiful ache in your heart only makes you realize that, at least with Kangdae, there was never any love at all. 
And yet, Namjoon…
With a finality, you throw the covers off of you. Since you can’t sleep, you decide to do something else to force your thoughts away.
You try your best to avoid the creaks on the floor as you quietly sneak out of the room. The halls of the east wing are dark, but luckily, you aren’t met with any grumpy hybrids just yet. As quietly as possible, you shut the door to your room and try to navigate through the shadowy hall, trying to remember where exactly the library is located in the huge manor.
However, your endeavor is halted when you hear voices at the end of the hall.
“You could be a little nicer to her,” Jimin begins, standing near a window where the moonlight illuminates his face. The tone in his voice sounds like he’s disappointed.
Standing before him is no one other than Taehyung. “She’s human.”
“She could be—” Jimin starts, but lowers his voice. You barely hear him as he tells Taehyung, “I think she’s it.”
His eyes widen a little, seeming to know exactly what he’s talking about.
“You think she’s—” An abrupt silence follows when they sense they’re not alone. Both of them turn to you. Even in the darkness, you think they can still see you. Then, Taehyung confirms they can when he asks, “Little human, where do you think you’re going?”
“I can’t sleep,” you reply honestly. On cue, the rumble of thunder ominously rolls in, sounding like the roar of a beast. You’re vaguely reminded of the sound that spooked Jungkook right before the accident, and you wonder if whatever it was is still out there.
“Are you afraid of the storm?” Jimin asks with a tilt of his head.
“It’s not that.” You don’t mind the rain or the sound of thunder, especially if you can stay safe and cozy indoors, sheltered from the bad weather. Under other circumstances, you might even enjoy the ambiance it brings in the background of a good book. “I think I just want to read something before I go to bed.”
“Are you afraid of us?” Taehyung suddenly asks you. His eyes glowering as he waits for your response.
But you look confused. “What do you mean?”
“Do you think we’re monsters?”
“Taehyung,” Jimin warns with a frown. He turns back to you, opening his mouth as if he’s about to tell you to just forget about his friend’s question.
“You’re not monsters,” you tell him seriously, without hesitation, without looking away. Your answer surprises not just the two hybrids before you, but also the ones in the shadows, listening in. “None of you are.”
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You love books.
From the stories that your parents would read you to sleep, to the short stories full of childlike adventure and wonder, and later opening up to genres of drama, horror, fantasy, and romance. Even now, you love immersing yourself in the worlds of writers, escaping and overcoming trails that aren’t your own, and imagining yourself as the main character with every page you turn. It’s something that you can’t get enough of.
You love the weight of a book in your hand, the smooth texture of paper beneath your fingertips, and the earthy, musty smell of aged and worn pages that’ve been sitting on their shelves. You love being so captured by a story, you forget everything else around you, hung to every inked word across the page until the final conclusion.
Entering the library for the first time, surrounded by one of your favorite things, brings you a comfort that you haven’t felt in a long time.
Kangdae never understood your fascination with books. He couldn’t relate to that interest at all, finding it boring and a waste of time. It got harder to indulge in reading when you were with him. There were always chores to do after a long day at work that he never bothered to help with, or spontaneous trips and outings that he’d drag you to just so he can ignore you for his friends and other pretty women throughout the night. Even the books you do own, Kangdae never respected them – he never did with any of your belongings – throwing them when he was mad until the pages were bent and torn from the bindings, or using them as coasters or to spill his drinks on.
Finding yourself in a place like this brings you back to a time before you ever met Kangdae. Where no one really knew you, and you could quietly indulge yourself in the stories you’ve always loved.
Of all the books in the library, one of them catches your eye.
It’s your favorite one. The one about a far-off place with daring sword fights and a prince in disguise.
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you hold the book in your hands, flipping through the pages. It’s been well-kept, as have all the other books here. Unlike the copy you had at your home, ruined beyond repair. As you skim through the pages, the story immediately jumps out at you. The descriptions make it easy to imagine, and the flow of words make it hard to put the book down.
Even though you’ve read this story countless times, it never gets old. Because within the pages, entwined with all the action, adventure, and drama, is a love story.
To be loved and to be loved in return.
You’ve always wished for something like that for yourself.
All you’ve ever known about love is from Kangdae. The misery, the arguments, the fear, the anger. You think that’s just the reality of what love is supposed to be. But at least in this story, love seems nice. Even if it’s only fiction.
“That’s a good one.”
You’re startled when Namjoon appears beside you, looking at the book that you have in your hands. He looks wet, as if he’s been outside. Water drips from his soaked clothes, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it at all.
You smile at him sheepishly and admit, “It’s actually my favorite.”
He returns your smile. Those deep dimples pop up on his cheeks as he offers, “If you want it, it’s yours.”
“Oh! Thank you, I appreciate it, but I really can’t,” you decline, although very touched and almost tempted by the gift. “I don’t know how I can repay you for letting us stay here until the storm passes.”
“You don’t need to repay me anything,” he assures you sincerely. Perhaps to him, he’s just returning the favor you did for him years ago.
“I should at least give you money or something.” You don’t have much on you, though. Just whatever is left of what you’ve been secretly saving up.
Namjoon seems to consider it, but then, almost a bit shyly, he asks, “What about a date instead?”
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You’re not entirely sure what Namjoon is thinking when he asks you on a date.
It’s still raining outside. Thunder, lightning, strong winds, and all. Even if you could leave the old manor, there isn’t anywhere to go. You’re surrounded by a thick forest in the middle of nowhere.
Still, Namjoon has you close your eyes.
His big, strong, and incredibly warm hands take yours in his, as he guides you to wherever he plans to take you. He smells like rain, and his clothes are still slightly damp from patrolling outside.
Your footsteps echo together in the quiet manor as he leads you out of the library. You can feel his gaze on your face, making sure you don’t ruin his surprise, and taking in all your features up close. And you bite back a giggle when you hear him bump into things every now and then before quickly assuring you that he’s okay and reminding you not to open your eyes yet.
“Watch your step,” he warns as he takes you somewhere colder. You clumsily stumble over the step anyway, nearly falling if it isn’t for his hands steadying you.
“Namjoon, where—?”
“Okay,” he says with a baited breath. “Open your eyes.”
Connected to the curtainless sunroom with the tennis table and the comfortable seating area is a greenhouse. You noticed it when Jimin and Taehyung showed you around earlier, but you didn’t have a chance to look inside. Namjoon smiles eagerly as he shows you his private, indoor garden: the bonsai trees that are starting to bloom with flowers, monstera plants standing tall with giant leaves, and bundles of flowers like roses, snapdragons, and lilies.
“Wow, Namjoon,” you say in awe, looking around. It feels like walking into the library for the first time, marveling at the magic the room brings. “These are beautiful.”
“I grew them myself,” Namjoon proudly states, rubbing his neck shyly. “They’re nothing compared to Hoseok and Jimin’s garden, but I thought I should still show you this place. I like coming here when I have a lot on my mind.”
“I can see why,” you remark. It’s nice here. All the flowers and plants look like they’re well-taken care of, healthy and thriving despite the ominous weather conditions. You come across a flower that you’ve never seen before. It looks like a cross between a lily and a rose, iridescent in color but with a thing of blue and purple. Their leaves and stems shine green like emeralds. “What are these?”
“Pretty, right? I call them smeraldo flowers,” he explains. His eyes light up with the way you admire them. “In the language of flowers, they mean non potevo dire la verità – the truth that couldn’t be told.”
“I’ve never seen anything like them.” You carefully touch the soft, delicate petal of the flower. They almost look like they’re made of magic.
“They’re beautiful like you.”
You look up at Namjoon just then, a bit surprised by the compliment. He seems a bit embarrassed, trying to hide his face as if he hadn’t meant to say those words out loud.
You’ve been called beautiful before. Sometimes, you think your natural beauty is all that Kangdae sees in you. It’s the only reason he ever tried to pursue you. But hearing it from Namjoon, who seems sincere with his words and intentions, it feels different.
It feels nice.
“I don’t know about that. These are very beautiful flowers,” you reply with a shy smile. “But thank you, Namjoon. You’re really kind.”
“I know the other guys are having a… difficult time adjusting to you. We haven’t had a guest here in a long time, especially a human one,” Namjoon tries to justify on their behalf. “They’re not bad, though. None of us are. So, you don’t need to be afraid while you’re here. But if you ever feel lost or scared, you can always come here. This place, these flowers, they bring me comfort. I hope they do the same for you.”
“Thanks Namjoon,” you repeat with a small smile. He really is so kind to you. “And I get it. Don’t worry. I don’t know what any of them have been through, but I don’t blame them for being cautious of me.”
Although you haven’t had many encounters with hybrids before, you know of the mistreatment they’ve endured from humans. How they’re treated like outcasts, and are constantly on the threat of being enslaved as laborers, entertainers, or pets. You see them protesting for their rights, and how laws constantly change to their disadvantage. 
But if you’ve learned anything while being with Jungkook, it’s that he isn’t too different from you. He likes to sing and dance to music while you’re driving, he snores in his sleep, he loves the taste of banana milk and ice cream.
It hurts a little, but you understand why they’re weary of you. Why the hybrids aren’t able to easily trust you the way they can trust Jungkook, even though he’s just as much of a stranger to them as you are.
“You really are different from other humans,” Namjoon states with intrigue. The look in his colorful eyes is full of warmth and sincerity.
“I don’t think I’m doing anything different than what any decent person would do.”
“It’s because not a lot of humans treat us like decent people,” Namjoon explains again with a sad smile. “You know, you humans are so fascinating to me. You build grand cities with tall skyscrapers, you create beautiful art pieces that evoke feelings and different interpretations to your work, you write countless moving stories of wisdom, fantasy, and poetry. I wanted to be a rapper because I felt like I needed my voice to be heard in this world. All the anger I felt about being born a hybrid, all the sadness and loneliness I felt from being shunned away, all the fear of never being able to be heard or accepted. I went to the underground to prove that I can be as good as the humans are. That my voice is just as worthy to be heard as theirs.”
“It is worthy,” you tell him firmly. “I still remember the night I saw you perform so clearly. You were the best one out of all of them. Even better than some professional rappers in the industry these days.”
He looks away bashfully, but quietly replies, “Thank you. I’m glad you think so.”
“After the incident,” you start, both of you recalling that night when people discovered that he was a hybrid, “I was hoping that I’d see you again.”
“I had hoped to see you too.”
The confession is soft, but you still hear it over the sound of rain and thunder. In the greenhouse, standing in the garden where loneliness is in full bloom, you feel something stir inside you. Something warm. Something real.
You can’t place your finger on why. But you start to think about the meaning of love.
And you have to wonder, has Namjoon been thinking about you this whole time? Does he remember that night he met you as clearly as you do? Is that why he’s so welcoming to bring you into his home? Is that why he’s been so kind to you?
His eyes are so mesmerizing, you don’t realize the rain has stopped. That the roars of thunder and flashes of lightning have suddenly died down. That all you can hear is your own heartbeat in your chest as you look up at the handsome man before you.
“What kind of hybrid are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
For the other hybrids, it’s obvious what they are: Seokjin is a wolf, Yoongi is a leopard, Hoseok is a deer, Jimin is a swan, Taehyung is a bear, and Jungkook is a bunny. But Namjoon, who mostly looks human, you have a hard time figuring out what he could be.
“I’m a beast. A miserable, ugly beast.”
Your brows furrow slightly. “I don’t think you’re—”
“But I am,” he interrupts with a frown. He looks at you seriously. “Trust me. You don’t want to see me in that form. You’ll be scared.”
You want to disagree. But you can tell that he doesn’t want to talk about the side of himself that he seems to hate so much, so you drop it. “Sorry for bringing it up.”
“No, it’s okay. I knew you’d be curious.” He sighs and rubs his neck again, seeming a bit torn with himself. A clash of thunder sounds from the distance, as if the storm is about to pick up again. As if the anger and sadness in the skies reflect Namjoon himself. “It’s just… if I had it my way, you’d never have to see it. You’ll always remember me the way that you see me now.”
You nod your head in understanding. Perhaps that’s why you’re also forbidden to go into the west wing. Maybe the truth of what kind of beast he is lies in that area.
Your gaze turns back to the smeraldo flowers. Under the moonlight, they almost look like they’re glowing with an ethereal and tragic beauty Flowers that mean an untold truth. Somehow, that makes you feel a little sad.
“Whether you’re a beast or a human, you’re not a monster, Namjoon.”
He smiles at you sadly. “I wish I could believe that. But thank you.”
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The spontaneous “date” comes to an end, and like a gentleman, Namjoon walks you up to the east wing and stops in front of your bedroom.
Before you go inside, you turn to face him. “I had a nice time, Namjoon.”
You mean it, too. Quiet nights in, looking at beautiful flowers in the garden, sharing book recommendations in the library. It’s the perfect night for you.
“You don’t have to go after the storm ends,” Namjoon suddenly tells you. “You can stay here if you want. Both you and Jungkook.”
“I don’t know, Namjoon. Your pack—”
“I’ll talk to them. I’m sure they’ll come around to the idea,” he starts, looking like he wants to add more to it. Because, for some reason, you’re very special to him.
“It’s not just that.”
He’s already done so much for you already. There’s no way you’ll be able to repay him.
“How about we make a deal?”
You pause, looking at him with hesitance. “What kind of deal?”
“I don’t want your money, or do anything that you won’t feel comfortable with,” he quickly assures you. “The woods are dangerous, and the storm isn’t going to stop anytime soon. At least here, you’ll be safe. You’ll have your own room, you can have dinner with us, you’re free to wander the east wing and use the common rooms. All I ask is that you go on another date with me tomorrow night. And the night after, if you still decide to stay.”
You think about it. It seems like the best option for now.
You’ll still be hidden from Kangdae and the people looking for you. You’ll be safe from the wolves and other predators lurking in the deep, dark woods. You won’t have to say goodbye to Jungkook so soon, and you can spend another night like this with Namjoon.
“Why would you want me to stay when I’m human?” you ask him.
“Humans are fascinating. You’re fascinating,” Namjoon admits with a shy smile. “I just want to get to know you more.”
“I don’t think I’m that interesting of a human.” You can’t build skyscrapers, you can’t create masterpieces, and you can’t write stories the way your favorite authors do. “You’ll be disappointed.”
“I won’t. Because you’re you.” He seems so sure of that.
You smile a little at that.
“I’ll consider it,” you decide, heart fluttering as you half-joke, “I feel like you’re trying to make me fall in love with you.”
“You won’t,” Namjoon softly says, also just as sure. The way he looks at you makes your heart ache. “Why would someone as beautiful as you ever love a beast like me?”
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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wishesunderthestars · 2 years
Eunoia // The First Christmas
Summary: An Eunoia Christmas special in which the pack spends their first Christmas together.
Word Count: 2.6k+
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
Christmas music poured out of the large speakers in the living room. A cozy fire was burning in the grand fireplace and colorful socks, large and small, were hanging from the mantle. Firewood was stacked next to it in a box painted with stars and mistletoes. The soothing smell of firewood mingled with the sugary aroma of all the desserts that were laid on every available surface.
Four different kinds of cookies—sugar cookies with icing in the shapes of Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes,  chocolate chip cookies, chocolate crinkle cookies, and of course gingerbread cookies—, red velvet cake, cinnamon rolls, black forest yule log, cupcakes of various flavors, espresso martini brownies and a massive gingerbread house currently residing in the middle of the dining table. All of them homemade.
You had been cooking and baking since the previous day to have everything ready for Christmas dinner. You had jokingly suggested ordering everything to avoid the hustle and it had sent Seokjin into a frenzy, spluttering and scolding you while threateningly holding a large rolling pin. You hadn’t suggested it again.
Most of Christmas Eve had been spent in the kitchen and everyone in the family had offered a helping hand. You, Seokjin, and Yoongi were in the center of the action as the ones with the most experience in cooking. You worked together like a well-oiled machine, dividing the tasks and handing things to each other. You had put on music and danced around while the younger ones tried to steal bites of whatever you were making. It was so much fun, you hadn’t noticed the day passing until Jimin came to drag you to the living room to watch Home Alone.
You had been invited to more than five Christmas parties, including a charity ball hosted by your parents. Your mother had expressed her deep disappointment when you had rejected the invitation without an explanation. For the first time, you didn’t care at all. This Christmas you would do what you actually wanted to do with the people you loved.
For the special occasion, you had bought a form-fitting green velvet dress cinched at the right hip with three white crystals and ending above your knees. A section of your hair was pinned to the side with a diamond clip and you had kept your makeup simple but elegant with red lips and neutral eyeshadows.
“John texted that they are on the way,” Namjoon said, appearing at the door of your bedroom. He was wearing a black turtleneck with a blazer over it. Everyone was dressing a little more formally for the dinner.
“Give me a minute, I’m almost ready.” You looked at yourself in the mirror again. It wasn’t nearly as extravagant as what you used to wear at the balls hosted by your parents but you liked this so much more. The finishing touch was a simple diamond teardrop necklace.
Namjoon came to stand behind you and took the necklace from your hands. “Let me.” He brushed your hair to the side before settling the necklace against your collarbones and clipping it. He placed a kiss on the side of your neck, soft as the touch of a butterfly, before taking your hand and leading you outside. His touch still ignited a fire within you, strong and steady. “You look perfect. As usual.”
“Cheeky wolf,” you said, pushing his chest lightly.
The Christmas tree towered over everything in the living room. It was the biggest one you had found and the top of the star was touching the ceiling, even though the walls in the Castle were pretty tall. Normally, you would go for something smaller that was easy to decorate but that wasn’t a problem now. Hoseok had spotted this one at the Christmas Tree Farm and had called everyone over to see it, they all got so excited and you couldn’t deny them. So you had one of the largest Christmas trees you had ever seen in your living room.
A huge Christmas tree also meant more ornaments and more lights, which prompted a long trip to the mall and three carts full of Christmas decorations. Last Christmas, you had only decorated the main rooms with Helen’s help. After your breakup and considering your busy schedule, you hadn’t been in the mood to celebrate. After all, you went home only to sleep. This year, you weren’t alone anymore—you were starting to realize that you were never truly alone—and you promised yourself you would make this the best Christmas for your family.
You decorated every single room in the house, spending hours on ladders and dividing ornaments, and sticking lights on the walls. It was worth it to see their smiles. For most of them, it would be the first proper Christmas they experienced.
Jungkook was hopping up and down all the time the first few days, carrying his sketchbook everywhere to draw the tree and the lights and the animated Christmas villages, trains, and houses placed all over the Castle. For Taehyung, it was the first time he was seeing a Christmas tree up close and he couldn’t take his eyes away from it. The first night after decorating it, he didn’t want to go back to his room. You wouldn’t let him sleep on the couch alone so you carried the extra mattress you kept in the storage closet and you, Jimin, and Taehyung slept underneath the lights of the Christmas tree.
Gifts were overflowing now, spilling past the edges of the tree and taking up a lot of the floor space. Small and large ones, in colorful wrapping paper, red, green, silver, gold, and every color you could imagine. You had agreed to wait until after dinner when everyone was here to exchange gifts.
Hoseok and Yoongi were nestled together in a heavy red blanket on the couch, a Hallmark movie playing on the TV. Yoongi’s cheeks were dusted pink, probably from a venture outside.
They both turned at the sound of your heels on the floor.
Hoseok gazed at you in appreciation. “Green looks really good on you. You look incredible.”
“Thank you,” you said, doing a little curtsy. “I would say the same about you but I can’t see underneath that blanket. It isn’t even cold in here.” If anything, the Castle had great heating and the fireplace was also adding to the warmth.
He ran his hand over the blanket. “But I like it. It’s cozy.”
“You’ll wrinkle your shirt. Get out of the blanket and let me see your clothes. John will be here soon and Amelia won’t be far behind.”
“Come on,” Yoongi told him, pushing the blanket off. Hoseok giggled and waited for Yoongi to take his hands to pull him up. “I have to go to the kitchen to check on the food, anyways.”
Yoongi was wearing a blood-red silk shirt and black pants. His hair, the longest it had been since you met him, was framing his face in soft waves. Hoseok had unbuttoned his red velvet blazer leaving his sheer white shirt in view.
“You both look amazing,” you said, clapping your hands. The excitement of the day was making you a little giddy. “Let’s go to the kitchen then.”
“I’ll go to the kitchen, you’ll stay here and wait for our guests.” Yoongi stopped you, throwing an easy smile over his shoulder.
“Seriously?” you asked, crossing your arms.
He paused and turned around. “Deadly so,” he said. “We don’t want you ruining your dress.”
Hoseok laughed, loud and bold, the way you loved. The house got a little brighter, a little warmer.
“He’s talking as if his shirt alone doesn’t cost a thousand dollars,” you muttered.
“Does he know that?” Namjoon asked.
“I’m sure he does, we went to the boutique together and the total was out of this world.”
The shirt was from the new Valentino collection and soon after it had been launched, you had been invited to the boutique to take a look at the new pieces. You didn’t remember why and how Yoongi had tagged along but you did remember that you had spent five hours trying on clothes and commenting on each look. You had left the boutique with fifteen more pieces than you had estimated and your card thousands of dollars lighter.
You picked up the discarded blanket Yoongi and Hoseok had been wrapped up in and folded it, placing it over the arm of the couch. You surveyed the room once again to make sure that everything was in place. Because of your job, you had learned to instantly spot if anything was amiss during any given scene. It wasn’t like any of your guests would care about a mismatched candle or a wrinkled tablecloth but you were a perfectionist in every aspect of your life.
“It smells like a sweets factory in here,” you said. “I’m not sure it was a good idea to put everything out already. Alice will want to eat the cookies as soon as she sees them.”
Hoseok took a deep breath of the sweet aroma. Cinnamon and sugar, chocolate and vanilla. “I want to eat them. But I’m too afraid of Jin.”
“We did spend hours making this dinner. Believe me, you won’t regret waiting.”
Hoseok took your hand in his. “I’m sure I won’t. Everything already smells delicious.”
“It must be almost ready,” Namjoon said, just as Jimin walked out of the kitchen.
The cat hybrid was wearing an electric blue flowy velvet jacket, a low-cut black shirt, and black pants. A black choker hugged his neck, expensive lace in swirling patterns and from it, blue tourmaline stones fell like teardrops.
Jungkook followed him. Like Namjoon, he was dressed in all black, a black satin shirt, unbuttoned at the top, and black dress pants. Half of his hair was pulled up, showcasing the silver earrings in the shape of arrows adorning his ears while a silver necklace dipped down his chest.  
They bounced to you, their smiles widening. You stopped them before they could reach you, already knowing what they were going to do. “No one mess with my lipstick, I just applied it and red lipstick is very easy to smudge.”
Jimin pouted, his bottom lip sticking out. The lip tint he had applied painted his lips a dark rosy hue, the gloss making them shine. You had to hold yourself back from doing exactly what you had warned them against.
“But… We’ll be careful,” Jungkook said, eyes wide the way he knew could get the pack to do anything for him.
“Photos first, then dinner, then we’ll see.” Jungkook pouted too. The last thing you wanted was John asking if you had started eating without them, already knowing that that wasn’t the reason. To appease the younger ones, you pulled them both in a hug and they instantly melted against you, wrapping their arms around your waist. “Our guests are almost here, just wait an hour or so.”
You felt Jungkook nod before both of them started scenting you. You couldn’t appreciate it the way a hybrid would but it was enough for you to see how it settled them to have your scent of them and leave their scent on you. As long as it made them happy, you didn’t care about anything else.
Regardless of what Yoongi said, you made your way to the chef’s kitchen next. You hadn’t touched the other kitchen, which was decorated for the holidays with a Christmas tree, garlands on the countertops, and ornaments on each cupboard’s handle. It would be a shame to dirty it. For as much cooking you had done and all the dishes you had made in just two days, the kitchen should be a disaster—flour everywhere, various ingredients littered on the counters, bowls, pans, and pots piled in the sink. It was the opposite. Everything was in its proper place, the countertops shining.
Yoongi had the underrated but very much appreciated habit of putting everything back in place after he was done with it and cleaning as he went along. He had claimed he needed a clean space to work so you and Seokjin had also tried to do the same to help him along. As a result, the chef’s kitchen was now spotless.
Seokjin was decorating the last dish, a perfectly roasted lamb surrounded by baby potatoes on a huge golden platter. Taehyung was plastered to his back, looking over his shoulder at what he was doing. Seokjin was so used to having one of the youngest hybrids stuck to him that he didn’t even bat an eye. Yoongi was standing next to them, surveying the results of the long day of cooking looking pleased.
“It smells incredible, my mouth may have started watering,” you said.
“It came out really good,” Seokjin said, pouring the glaze carefully. “I hope they’ll like it. It could have used a few more spices and I forgot to-”
“Shhhh.” Taehyung’s deep voice stopped his rambling before it could begin. “It’s perfect.”
You place a hand on Seokjin’s arm “They’ll love it, believe me. It will be the best Christmas dinner they’ve ever had.”
Seokjin put the sauce down and looked at the finished dish. He had pushed the sleeves of his white shirt up and his black and gold blazer was thrown over the back of one of the chairs. “Everything is ready. Should we bring the dishes out?” He looked up at you then and you noticed how his eyes trailed on your body appreciatively. “Wow, someone looks good tonight.”
“We all look really good tonight,” you said. “We’ll take so many photos. So many photos.”
Yoongi groaned but you knew he didn’t mind. He pretended he didn’t like it but never told you no even if you were taking photos for an hour, trying to find the perfect shot. That one had been a very long afternoon.
Taehyung turned around, resting his cheek on Seokjin’s back. The edges of his smile blurred, his lips falling open. “Green- You look beautiful in green.”
You had worn green on a different night too. A beautiful long dress in a similar shade to the one you were wearing. You had wanted to burn it, to rip it apart with scissors after everything was done. Such a magnificent dress had turned hideous in your eyes because it represented the most awful parts of luxury, the most awful parts of humanity.
You hadn’t worn a green dress since then.
“Are you okay, baby?” you asked, caressing his cheek. You didn’t want to bring it up, you didn’t want to speak about that awful night. Not when this was supposed to be a joyous day.
Taehyung leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. “I’m happy. You really look beautiful in green.”
“Thank you,” you said. Both of you had come a long way.
The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house.
You smoothed down your dress. “Our guests are here. I’ll go greet then and I’ll come back to help.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Yoongi said, shooing you away. “Go greet them and make small talk or whatever people do at these things. We’ve got this handled.”
“Fine, fine,” you said in the end.
Namjoon had already opened the door when you walked into the living room. John was helping Alice take off her red coat while his wife put her own coat on the coat hanger on the wall by the door. Amelia did the same while talking to her. Jimin and Jungkook were hugging Astrid and Taylor, who was holding a transparent bag with what you guessed was an enormous box of desserts inside. As if you needed more.
“Merry Christmas!” you greeted them.
Alice struggled out of the last sleeve and ran to you, throwing herself around your waist and almost sending both of you toppling over.
“Merry Christmas!” she shouted.
“Merry Christmas,” everyone echoed. 
Please comment and reblog it motivates me to keep writing
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 3 months
ep 4. hey, you alright? | myj, jjk
sugar, spice, and everything nice ep 4. hey, you alright?
pairing(s): yoonji x reader x jungkook
summary: After encountering Jeon Jungkook's fuckbuddy on the train, Min Yoonji is in shambles. In shambles, but determined to do something about it. Doing nothing will only further the distance between her and one of her best friends. Yoonji figures she can throw a party, get him alone, and talk it out. And it works... sort of.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; pan!f!reader; pan!Yoonji; internalized homophobia; gay panic; ft OT6 (Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook come to Yoonji's place for games and grub); minor alcohol consumption; f/f/m love triangle confessions (!!!); non-idol!AU - Yoonji's POV
This was the worst.
Not that Min Yoonji was the doomsday type – well, maybe – but, fuck, this was the worst. She knew she couldn’t let it go on like this. Just get over it. It was impossible. No, she had lived long enough to know it would be a terrible idea to avoid it any longer. Against better judgement, she needed to know. Just pretend. Absolutely not. Lying was out of the question. Not after that prolonged eye contact in the semi-darkness in front of the bath house. That warm hand holding her hand. I can’t lie to those eyes. But then there was also…
Anyway, she had to do something.
And so, she hosted a party.
That was making it sound more than it was. It was more of a mild get-together. Yoonji brought another pack of cold beers to her coffee table, calmly placing them against the snacks as her living room erupted with cheers from three guys. She collected the empty cans and spared a look at the chaos. Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook were bouncing around in a circle, excited at the goal scored. Funnily enough, they were all dressed true to their personalities – Jimin in a neatly fitted sky blue sweater and dark jeans, Taehyung in a white t-shirt and loose brown pants, Jungkook in all black fit. A hoodie and cargo pants.
She had invited them all over to watch Team Korea’s match this evening.
Kim Seokjin hadn’t been able to make it due to work commitments. That handsome guy had an early call time for his latest movie shoot, which was understandable. He had been disappointed, because it was quite rare for Yoonji to host, and he had childishly complained about not getting the good treatment. That was Seokjin’s own way of expressing that he missed them. Yoonji missed him too, as he was the only one older than her, and, although she could never trust Seokjin during the apocalypse, she did appreciate that he always helped out with cooking and cleaning.
Seokjin also understood her, innately, and naturally overtook duties when she was wearing out.
She headed back to the kitchen. Yoonji didn’t host often because it was a social commitment that would last several hours, and her introverted self had limits. She did, however, enjoy watching sports, especially basketball. Football was also up there, bumped onto a slightly lower tier because, well, the black-and-white ball smacking into the net wasn’t nearly as satisfying as the swish of orange. Anyway, she was glad they could all come, even if it was noisy.
“Ah, glad I didn’t come back to a burnt stove or a chopped-off finger.”
Kim Namjoon made a face at her from above the onion. The way the tall, built man was clutching the knife was slightly concerning. Yoonji prodded over and fixed his hand positioning on the handle, shaking her head. Namjoon frowned. Comical for such a stern-looking face. Yoonji pointed to his light-colored sweatshirt.
“How did you get onion juice on you already?”
Namjoon looked down, his eyes widening, his deep voice annoyed. “What? Aw, shit!”
She didn’t know why such a clumsy guy had chosen a matching cream sweat set to wear. The world was full of mysteries. “I’ll ask Jimin to help,” she sighed exaggeratedly.
“Hah, noona, come on. I can at least cut an onion.” Namjon pouted. Now that was hilarious for a man almost two meters all. “Let the young ones have fun. Have some faith in me.”
With a wave of her hand, Yoonji made a disgruntled noise and turned away, already feeling the prickling of irritation at the corners of her eyes from the half-chopped onion. She would have overtaken onion duty if she didn’t go blind while doing it. Damn onions for being natural bioweapons. She began to prep the carrots instead.
“Don’t let year fourteen of knowing you be the last year.”
Still, she laughed under her breath. “Thanks for helping me with dinner.”
“I don’t know if I’ve actually helped yet,” Namjoon muttered, chopping very slowly.
She wanted to say something, but she found herself silent and going through the motions, swiftly slicing up the carrots and cabbage. Occasionally Jimin with his neatly parted hair and concerned face would pop into the kitchen, asking if he could help, and Yoonji would wave him away. Then, moments later, Taehyung would inevitably stick his nose into the kitchen after his bathroom break, his permed dark brown curls sticking up in every direction, peeking into the oven to see the crisping meat, and Yoonji would shoo him away too.
Jungkook only stopped by once.
“You two okay? I can help make ramyeon.”
Maybe it was just her imagination, but his voice sounded more timid than usual. She would usually raise her head and scold him. This time, Yoonji kept her eyes on the simmering pot and kept stirring.
“We’re fine. Go sit down,” she said to the noodles.
“Ah… Okay.”
Once she heard him moving away from the kitchen, she let out a contained breath. Namjoon came up beside her, holding the bowls of sliced carrot, onion, and cabbage. The poor onion looked as if it had been through a woodchipper. Meh, no one will even notice once it is all mixed in. Minced was an understatement.
“Hey, you alright?”
“Hm?” Yoonji answered absentmindedly, taking the bowls and gesturing to the carton of eggs on the kitchen counter.
The tall male went over to fetch them, sending her a searching look. “You were a pretty blunt just now.”
She paused slightly. “Ah… I was distracted.” She waited a moment and turned off the heat, ready to drain the noodles.
“I can’t help but feel that you’ve been a bit cold to Jungkook today.”
The hot steam shot up as Yoonji poured the water into the sink, carefully using chopsticks to hold back the bulk of the noodles. She sensed Namjoon backing up, probably due to the clouding of his glasses. She took the moment to reflect. Yes, that was one of the reasons for today, to figure out if she was okay in Jungkook’s presence. To test if she was, well, normal. To stop running away.
It was… going well.
“Did something happen?” he gently asked. “We can always talk later.”
She turned around to see a frowning Kim Namjoon. He looked like a worried Great Dane with his great height and presence.
“Ahah, no, it’s nothing like that,” Yoonji sighed, giving up. “It’s a small misunderstanding. I was going to ask him to stay back a little tonight and talk about it. You know how it is for me. When people ask me to talk one-on-one, I’m a lot more comfortable. When I have to initiate, I have to make a lot of effort.”
He nodded, understanding. “Oh, I see. That’s good. It’s been a while since just you and Jungkook hung out. He mentioned recently that he missed drinking at your place.”
She felt her cheeks warm. It was probably the steam of the noodles as she was transferring them to a metal bowl. She began to pour in packets of sauce and adding additional seasonings. “Oh.” Her hands moved quickly as her mind slowed down, noisily clacking the chopsticks to evenly coat the noodles. “I didn’t realize it’s been a while.” Or that he noticed.
Namjoon’s hooded gaze lowered, bending down slightly to keep eye contact. “You seem a bit withdrawn lately. Work going well? Or is it something else?”
She tried to laugh it off, but only just. “Work’s fine. Busy, but fine.”
“Creative block?”
Yoonji thought back to her lyric notebook, the pages crumpled, covered in scribbled confessions and confused fantasies that she desperately wanted to scream to the world, yet couldn’t. “Hm, you’re probably right about that.”
Her longtime friend nodded, his glasses and buzzcut making him look like a sage-like chestnut. “Yeah, that makes sense. My door is always open.”
She chuckled. “My experiments are a bit too childish for a professional.”
Namjoon made a face. “Don’t be like that. Even if you only want it to be a hobby like you said, you’re talented at making music, Yoonji-noona. I’ve always said that.”
“Haha, thank you.” She finished the ramyeon and added some cheese on top. She began to sauté the vegetables to add as a side dish, along with kimchi. “How about you? Working on anything new?”
“Hmm, finishing up some master mixes.” Namjoon was a music producer at an entertainment company. Probably what Yoonji would have done in another life, if she was braver. “Doing some experiments of my own now that I have time. I’ve recently begun to focus more on delivering those pure, closed-off feelings in my latest project, even if it pains me to do so.”
She flicked the pan, distributing the mix evenly. “Oh? How cool of you.”
“Ah, I don’t know of it’s cool or pathetic.” He sounded sheepish.
“It’s not pathetic to talk about painful things, Namjoon-ah. We all go through such things.”
A deep, embarrassed laugh. “Yeah… Haha, you’re right. I’m only having a little trouble because I want it to be simpler, but my own poeticism is getting in the way. If I’m allowed to talk about myself like that.”
With a hum, Yoonji wholeheartedly agreed. “You’ve always had a way with words.”
He sounded distant, as if he was talking to himself.
“Not a way with love, though.”
If there was a way to figure this out alone, Yoonji would have gone that route. If there was a way to stay silent and watch it work itself out, she would have let it happen. The answer wasn’t that simple, and so she found herself surrounded by Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook, the two who hung back to clean up after the chaos. Kim Taehyung had wanted to stay behind, but he offered to take Kim Namjoon home instead, who had passed out at some point. A testament to his long nights lately, she was sure, and Taehyung lived the closest to him. Jimin had dragged Jungkook to help him, not that the youngest needed to be ordered about. They had a textbook older-brother-younger-brother relationship complete with meaningless bickering.
“Take out the trash.”
“No, you.”
“You’re stronger!”
“That doesn’t have anything to do with anything!”
Yoonji simply shook her head and let them fight, watching Jimin carry the recycling out while Jungkook grabbed the trash bag. It wasn’t necessary, but it did save her the trip of carrying it all herself. She wiped down the kitchen counters as the last step. Waited a moment. Soon enough Jimin came back, ready to wash his hands before heading out. Yoonji frowned.
“Where’s the kid?”
Jimin stuck his tongue out. “I made him sort the recycling.”
“Hah… I should have gone with you two.”
He huffed. “He can handle it.” Those swift dark eyes shifted from the soap to her face. He rinsed them off as he added, “I wanted a word with you, anyway.”
She felt her frown deepen. “Hm?”
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” Jimin said softly, drying his hands on the spare towel. “It seems like… You’re having a hard time, maybe?”
A muscle in her eye twitched. Fuck, am I that obvious? “What?”
He straightened he sleeves of his sky-blue sweater. “Ah, come on, noona. We’ve known each other for a long time,” he chided, punching her shoulder lightly. She shot him a look and Jimin held up his hands in mock defeat. “Okay, I get it. Just…” His arms lowered slowly. He smiled, as he did when nervous. “I’m totally useless when it comes to problem solving, but I can listen. I have ears.”
Yoonji narrowed her eyes. “Hm, they’re kinda small. Like the rest of you.”
The little angel flared. “Hey! I’m not–”
She waved away his words with an impatient hand. “It’s not like I don’t get down sometimes. I’m human. Anyway, why do you think I asked you guys if you wanted to come over? I simply needed some human interaction. That’s all.”
Jimin softened. “Ah. Yeah, makes sense.”
They shared a beat of silence.
He was still giving her a strange look of knitted brows and upturned lips. She raised an eyebrow. He shook his head. And then Yoonji got it. Oh. Jimin seemed to catch on, too, that she finally understood what he had been hinting at. They had, after all, known each other for a long time. He had only learned of the very low lows after the fact, but the concern was valid. She shook her head.
“No, it’s nothing like that,” she assured him.
He seemed relieved.
“That’s good then.”
He placed a hand on her shoulder.
Jungkook burst into the apartment, looking pissed off.
“Park Jimin, you linthead, why would you–”
Insulting Jimin’s hair was a surefire way to get a fiery response. However, the youngest cut off mid-sentence, wide-eyed once he noticed the closeness between Jimin and Yoonji. She locked eyes with big, brown ones. An irrational guilt squeezed inside her ribcage to the point of crushing. There was a moment too long of frozen silence, and then she smacked her palms into Jimin’s chest, sending him stumbling back with a surprised yelp.
Both Yoonji and Jungkook watched as Jimin nearly crashed into the kitchen island, catching himself with one hand. He reoriented himself and sent Yoonji a startled look. A split second to decide to look away or glare back. She frowned and crossed her arms. Jimin seemed taken aback.
Jungkook said nothing.
The front door closed behind him with a squeak and a click.
“The fuck…?”
Jimin looked hurt.
She felt the tops of her cheeks warm. “Sorry, I…” She found that she couldn’t look at Jungkook so instead she reached out and held out her hand to Jimin. And lied. “The moment reminded me of a bad situation I was in the past. Really shitty déjà vu. Not your fault. I reacted badly. I’m sorry.”
He accepted her apology right away, taking her hand to lift himself up. “Oh.” He looked empathetic. It made her feel even guiltier. “That’s okay.” He was about to say something else but Yoonji patted his hand.
“You should have helped him.”
“Jungkookie’s a big boy,” Jimin teased, letting go of her hand. “Right, kid?”
She couldn’t help but feel a loss of safety at the action.
The youngest puffed a cheek. At least, that was what she heard. “Stop acting like you’re so much older.”
“Oh, as if you aren’t hitching a ride with me,” Jimin tutted, walking up to that big chest and pulling out his keys. “I gotta babysit the baby, noona.”
“Actually, uh…”
She finally raised her head to see Jimin and Jungkook staring back at her like two meerkats on the lookout. One in blue and one in black. An uncomfortable thump-thump tittered in her chest when she made eye contact with the one in black. Deep breath. “Actually, can you stay back for a bit, Jungkook? I want to ask you something. I’ll pay for a ride home for you.”
Something flickered in those dark brown eyes.
Yoonji tried not to bite her lip in nervousness.
Then, Jungkook huffed and poked Jimin in the chest. “Go babysit yourself, shorty. I have to go wash my hands because of you.” He stepped around Jimin, kicking off his shoes and heading towards the guest bathroom. “I was gonna call my friend to pick me up, anyway.”
“Your girlfriend?” Jimin snickered.
“Shut up.”
And, perhaps for the most fleeting of seconds, Jungkook caught Yoonji’s gaze.
They shared a stilled breath of silence.
Then he moved out of sight and yelled, from the bathroom. “Get out, Jimin-ssi!”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “Can you believe this guy? Acting like he owns the place.”
Yoonji smiled, feeling somewhere between relief and panic. “Thanks for helping me clean up.”
“Anytime, anytime.” Jimin slipped into his loafers and saluted her. “I leave the baby in your capable hands. Call me if he whines.”
She was about to say something related to that, but then Yoonji stopped, holding the door for Jimin.
“I’m sorry, again, for pushing you like that.”
He shook his head. “Hey, I get it. It was instinctive.” Jimin smiled, then reached out to give her a small hug. She returned it, feeling remorseful. He let go and beamed at her. “I know you’ll hate hearing this, but even if you’re older than me, noona, I still feel the need to protect you. Even if you don’t want me to. Me and the guys are your safety net, okay?”
She made a face and tried not to cringe. “Ew.”
Jimin grinned, making his eyes disappear.
“Love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, love ya. Go away before I vomit. Bye.”
She shut the door and held her breath.
I can’t do this.
She couldn’t blow all this up.
Implode everything for… for what? She almost wished she hadn’t talked to Jimin like that. It only reminded her of what she could lose if she opened her mouth. She leaned against the door. Exhaled heavily. She didn’t have to say anything. Fuck, was she not the older one? The more mature one? The one to take some damn responsibility? She was making a mistake. It was time to tell Jungkook to go home. She turned around, intending to go into the living room.
The door to the guest bathroom opened.
Jeon Jungkook stepped out, looking worn out as if he too he just lost his own internal battle.
His black hair was a bit damp, like he had splashed his face and pushed his bangs back. Wet strands drifted against his forehead. His hoodie sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, revealing one tattooed, muscular forearm and one equally defined, un-inked one. He ran his hand through his hair again, his head turning, searching in the stillness.
Yoonji paused.
The youngest of her friends stopped too, realizing they were alone.
He had such a handsome face, truly.
She cleared her throat a bit and started shuffling to the living room.
“You, uh, should call your friend.”
The words felt as if they were burning her throat as she said them.
Jungkook hesitated, then followed. “Didn’t you want to ask me something?”
She pointed to the couch. He obediently plopped down. She stared at him for a second, faltered, and backed away.
“Ah, on second thought, it’s nothing,” she forced herself to say.
Those large eyes followed her movement. Yoonji told herself to run. Then his gaze went downcast. She felt a tug of regret. His hands weren’t moving to his pockets yet. They hung between his legs. He slotted one onto the other.
Holding his own hand.
Then, he nodded.
“Okay, noona.”
His name flew out of her mouth before she could stop it.
He looked up, confused.
Her heart was beating so fast that it was choking her. Her hands felt hot. The ghost of recollection, another wrapped around the back of her hand, standing at the entrance of a bathhouse under the moonlight. A mischievous smile flashed in her mind’s eye. Shit, it felt so fucking weird with Jungkook, him staring at her as if they didn’t know each other. When had this distance appeared, and why? Yoonji found she hated it. She hated this distance more than all these other confusing emotions.
She went over and sat down next to him.
He seemed startled, his broad shoulders jumping, and Yoonji was pissed at how this closeness was no longer the comforting feeling it used to be. They used to be fine with this. They used to tease each other and laugh together. They used to be friends.
And she was going to lose him if she didn’t say something.
“Jungkook, I…”
Get it over with, Min Yoonji!
“I like your girlfriend.”
Those big brown eyes widened, his pink lips parting, the overhead light catching the tops of his cheekbones.
“Me too,” he breathed.
They stared at each other.
Then, his words actually clicked in Yoonji’s mind. Wait, what? But before she could say anything more, Jungkook grimaced and buried his head in his hands, mussing up his hair in a mild panic.
“Fuck, I should have asked her to be my girlfriend from the start!”
She jolted, not expecting this result. “You still haven’t?”
“Ah, I…” He shook his head like a dog, nervous energy pitching his normally deep voice. “She… fuck, Yoonji-noona, I know, I know, I screwed up saying nothing, just like last time…”
“Whoa, slow down.”
She reached out a hand, paused, then placed it on his upper arm. Jungkook was hunched over, elbows on thighs, not looking at her, stricken.
“Hey. Hey,” she said, shaking his shoulder. “Get a grip. What do you mean?”
She saw his brows furrow. He continued staring at the ground. “I… I don’t know. I can tell she’s pulling away, because of me… I can’t bring myself to say anything, because…”
“Hah?” Yoonji scowled and squeezed him under her hand. “What more assurance do you need?”
Jungkook lifted his head.
He looked beaten. He looked guilty. His gaze wavered. She held onto him. He felt solid and strong in her hold, but his eyes were lost, imprisoned in unspoken hopes and fears. Her problems seemed stupid compared to this heartbreaking confusion before her.
She sighed, putting on a resigned expression. “What is it? Do you need someone else to tell her for you?”
His eyes went from the floor to her face. Yoonji felt her teasing tone falter.
“I couldn’t say anything to you.”
Her heart stopped.
Jungkook lowered his head again, tilting his gaze. His voice sounded far away and sad. “If I couldn’t say anything to you, someone I am comfortable with, someone I have a friendship with, then how can I say anything to someone I absolutely can’t lose?”
Her hand left his arm.
“W… What?” she breathed, staring at him.
He took in a deep breath and turned his body a bit to better face her.
She couldn’t move, slack-jawed.
Apology in those deep brown eyes. He opened his mouth but Yoonji shot her hand out, gripping his forearm, his skin hot under her cold fingers. We’ve been friends for a really long time. If we were gonna date, it would have happened already. Oh, shit. She swallowed hard, realizing how her off-hand comment must have affected him back then. She tried to breathe. It was impossible, so she picked trying to speak instead.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” she croaked, wanting to run and stay at the same time.
He winced. “Uh… Yeah,” Jungkook mumbled, his eyes shifting away.
She shook his arm impatiently. “Since when?”
The sound of him clearing his throat seemed to radiate throughout the room. “Um. Well.” He stumbled through words, stringing them together oddly. “While ago. You were dating that… uh, you called him a bastard too. Even when you broke up, you seemed off. Really depressed. Drinking every night at Namjoon-hyung’s place. I was so worried, but he told me to give you time. I… Anyway. I mean, I’ve always only been a kid in your eyes. And you’re my friend. So. Wouldn’t work. And I… I would rather be your friend than be rejected. I guess I got over it. And I met her, eventually. Uh, so... you know... I’m over it.” He waved his free right hand awkwardly.
His fingers stilled.
He dropped his hand.
“But I don’t think I’m really over it.”
His lips twisted upward, revealing the small mole underneath them. Perfectly in the center. Perfect, like the rest of him.
“If I was, then she’d be mine right now,” Jungkook sighed, the air rushing out of his whole chest at his words.
She didn’t know what to say.
Her other hand grasped her jeans, trying to steady herself with the tactile world. Her mind went back to that Instagram post. It was then. Of course, she hadn’t been in the right headspace back then. She had been playing mental Russian roulette between all that gaslighting and toxicity. After the breakup, she actively numbed her emotions every day, every night. Tried so hard to dissociate. Wore out the words, I’m fine, like it was in fashion. The worst part was how she felt like such an idiot, knowing she had willingly let herself be that pathetic for someone that ultimately didn’t matter. That internal shame had projected into her avoiding any meaningful connection with her friends except for Hoseok. Probably wouldn’t have reconnected with them at all if it wasn’t for that ball of sunshine pushing her to rejoin society. Contrary to her intrusive thoughts, they had all welcomed her back as if she hadn’t lost contact for months.
Jungkook sighed.
It took Yoonji a moment to realize he had sighed her name.
No, not her name but her name.
“She’s so cool. That was the first thing I thought when I saw her.” He raised his head, gazing into a direction not in this room. “She hadn’t spoken a word and I already liked her. Fuck, when she looked at me… I swear my heart stopped. I couldn’t stop thinking about her eyes for weeks. So fucking hot. She’s smart, too. Knows so much stuff about everything. About life. I thought it must be a dream when she kept talking to me. Me? No way, right? She even likes my dumb humor. Her laugh is so great, especially when she can’t breathe… It’s so funny.” He smiled briefly. Then it vanished. “She’s tough too. She told me a little about how she grew up, and I… huh, is this selfish? I just keep thinking, I want to be the one who makes her happy. I want her to always be happy. But…”
He sighed heavily.
“Maybe I don’t have the guts, after all.”
There was no good word to describe how she felt. Stunned. Ashamed. A hinderance. Should she have known? Could she have known? If that now meaningless bastard hadn’t fucked her up so bad, would this conversation be different? But she couldn’t change anything now. The world was moving fast and slow at the same time. It must have been seconds, but it felt like hours. He wasn’t blaming her. And yet, Yoonji couldn’t help but think that her choices, her actions, her very existence had made everything worse, somehow. She pulled her touch away.
Jungkook’s head turned slowly, making eye contact.
“It makes sense,” he chuckled dryly. Half-smiled. “Why you would like her.”
Then those dark brows knitted together.
“Wait. What do you mean, Yoonji-noona, you like her?” he started, jerking back in alarm.
Her heart leapt to her throat.
Then, the devil herself interrupted.
An explosion of sound blasted from his right pocket. They both jumped, startled at the intrusion of a rising ringtone, growling singing mixed with heavy guitars. His hands fumbled with his pants and Jungkook yanked his phone out of his pocket, his eyes widening at the name, answering it after shooting her a frightened look.
“H-Hello? Noona?”
“Hey, you didn’t text me.” She could barely hear that husky voice but she could hear it all right. She sounded annoyed. “You answered so you’re not dead. I thought you said you needed me to pick you up?”
“Um.” He glanced at Yoonji.
She threw up her hands in a wordless the-fuck-you-looking-at-me-for stance.
“Oi. Earth to Jeon Jungkook.”
The tip of his pink tongue flickered over his lips. “Ah… yeah. Yeah, sorry. I’ll text you the address.”
“Hey, if you wanna stay longer, that’s fine. I just need to know a time so I don’t pass out too early.”
“No, noona, um, please.” Jungkook glanced at her again. Yoonji looked away, feeling her cheeks warm. Why was he looking at her repeatedly like that? “If you could come now. Please.”
“Hmm, a please, huh? Well… since you’re insisting so sweetly.”
And then the call ended.
She snapped her head back and clenched her jaw. “What are you doing–”
“Shouldn’t we talk to her?”
Yoonji froze. He was certainly right. She must be losing it if Jungkook was being the sensible one here. Argh, fuck it. She pursed her lips, not willing to meet his gaze.
“You’re right. Go on. Text her the address.”
“Are you su–”
She snapped towards him and nodded fiercely. “Come on. We’ve run around in circles long enough. I’m tired of things being weird between us. Before anything, we’re friends, Jungkook. Let’s not act like strangers.”
He was gripping his phone very tightly, his cheeks flushed pink, his big peepers extra big.
“Y… Yeah. You’re right.”
Black bomber jacket with an oversized ruffle on the shoulders, dark scarlet silk slip dress with an exaggerated black lace trim, and black heeled boots. The bright silver buckles were in the shape of moons. Her hair was wild. There was not a lick of makeup on her face except for lip balm that gave her full, mauve-pink lips a glossy sheen. She moved and Yoonji looked away, startled at the leg slits of the slinky dress that exposed even more of her upper thighs.
“Crazy I ran into you here,” Jungkook maybe-maybe-not girlfriend mused out loud. “Nice sweater. Excellent taste, might I add.”
Yoonji suddenly felt very shapeless in her dark-grey and black striped sweater and baggy light wash jeans. Shapeless, but not clueless.
The past twenty minutes had been pretty damn awkward. Neither she nor Jungkook could get the balls to speak to the other, even though one of them had grown up with them. Yup. What a sign of long-term friendship. Right. Maybe they both thought everything would be solved with the appearance of those scorched eyes. Or maybe they hoped they could pretend all this never happened if she didn’t show up. Perhaps she would get annoyed at the run around and tell Jungkook off.
Or something.
Yoonji backed up and ticked her head inside her apartment.
“Come in.”
A shift in gaze. “Simply to pick him up? What did you do to him?”
She tried not to notice or care about the mischievous glint under lashes. Like cinders still burning. There was nowhere else to look, though. The woman on the other side of her door had her hands in the pockets of her jacket. It was unzipped, giving peeks of those exposed collarbones and the lace-trimmed décolletage. Looking at those bare legs was an absolute no-go.
“Just get in here,” Yoonji muttered, backing away from the door and heading out of frame.
She didn’t bother to look. She did hear the faint hum and two steps into her home. A pause. Yoonji turned back around to see her front door being closed. They locked eyes. She looked away first. A soft, bemused sigh.
“N… Noona.”
Yoonji jumped at the appearance of a black lump with too-big eyes standing in the hallway. His hands were shoved into the front pocket of his hoodie. He had even pulled up the hood, like some kind of utterly useless fabric safety net to the fire before them. He awkwardly shuffled a bit closer, avoiding Yoonji’s stare.
“Hey, Jungkook.” Her tone was still light. “Sup?”
He coughed. “Uh…”
“You wanna tell me why I’m standing here with the two of you acting like you just buried a body?”
Yoonji winced. She turned back to a raised eyebrow. The woman hadn’t gotten out of her boots yet. Still standing there next to the door with Jungkook’s discarded sneakers and Yoonji’s everyday ones. When she shrugged, the oversized ruffle of her bomber jacket flounced to accentuate it. She flickered her gaze from one to the other. Still silence. Finally, Jungkook’s more-then-friend-with-benefits crossed her arms and shot them both a discerning eye.
“Look, I’m not the police. I don’t feel like interrogating.” She sucked the inside of her cheek and made a dimple appear. “Kinda seems like you both wanna tell me something, though. So, out with it.” Tilt of the head, her hair curling in waves around her face.
No one spoke.
Those dark eyes hardened to flint. She sighed, now impatient.
“Hm? You both confessing you fucked or what?”
Yoonji could feel her cheeks burn to red in an instant.
“What? No!”
“No? What!”
At the same time.
Jungkook had exclaimed in unison with Yoonji, flinging his hands out and crossing the distance. Immediately Yoonji backed up – into where else but towards the fire herself. She almost tripped when she felt a hand on her back push her forward. She spun, freezing as she ended up beside Jungkook, gawking at the woman standing by the door with an ominous but otherwise unreadable expression.
Said expression shifted from one guilty expression to the other.
“Yeah. Okay.”
She rolled her eyes and lowered her arms.
She made to leave. Jungkook called her name, pain in his tone. She stopped mid-turn, stilling. Yoonji could hear it too. She looked from him to her. That scalding stare informed them that she would not let herself be burned again. It wasn’t quite directed at either of them though. Just guarded in general.
“It’s not like that,” he pleaded. “Please believe me.”
A beat of bated breath. Then she straightened and regarded him like bird of prey. “It wouldn’t matter if it was,” she concluded. She shrugged again with an inappropriate, small floof. “I only need to know for my own sexual health. You said you don’t want to be my boyfriend. You don’t need to worry about my feelings being hurt, because they aren’t.”
The look on Jungkook’s face indicated that she might as well have slapped him.
Finally, Yoonji nudged herself forward. “We didn’t. I wouldn’t.”
The second that sharp gaze swiveled and pierced right through her, she winced. It was not the same as the teasing playfulness or even the ambiguous friendliness. It was disappointment. Not focused at her. Overall, at the entire situation. As if this happened enough times for her to know all the script, marks, camera angles. As if she knew this would happen despite not wanting the current cast to be part of the scene.
“But you would.”
There were a right answer and a wrong answer here.
Yoonji couldn’t answer at all.
A curt nod to the silence. Those predator eyes went to Jungkook.
“And you?”
He chewed on his lower lip, the windows to his soul glassy.
“You know I want to be with you. More than anyone.”
For fuck’s sake, there was more silence than there was talking. After a prolonged pause, the woman left out a low sigh, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets, running her tongue over her back teeth. Yoonji finally found her voice. Small and unsteady, sure, but she spoke up anyway.
“I wouldn’t do that to you.”
A shadow crossed over dark orbs. The fire within died down a bit.
Or, at least, was obscured.
“You know.” That soft, husky voice calmed, retracting the previous sharpness. “I believe sex is an action that reflects undeniable truths. But, I know unspoken intentions reveal more than the actions themselves. So, while you two may not have had physical sex,” she said, slowly tilting her head from one way to the other. “That part matters less than the omission of truth. And I think I’m missing a big part of the picture right now.”
Yoonji exchanged glances with Jungkook, who moved at the same time, almost if on cue. They looked away from each other, then back up. Raised eyebrows. Shit. He was right. She was smart. And tough. She wasn’t running.
She did not run, for their sake.
Another sigh and the other woman reached down to unzip her boots. Stepped out of them, easily, and then she was standing right on front of them. In black socks with surprised-looking white ghosts all over, funnily enough. Lengthy eye contact with Jungkook. An entire conversation in silence. Then Yoonji. She had the strangest feeling, staring deep into those eyes. Bird of prey was the wrong judgement. There was no intent to conquer. She had already conquered. Yoonji could see it, from the way she held herself to the measure of forgiveness she had already given them. This was someone that spared no more naiveté when it came to others, a trait that could only be earned by having their innocence scorched to ash. She had overcome it, faced it, become reborn from it.
Like a phoenix.
A phoenix.
Her own eyes widened in the dark mirrors of the other woman.
She smiled faintly at Yoonji.
“Are you ready to fill me in?”
Then she knocked shoulders with them and headed to the living room.
Jungkook seemed anxious. He turned toward Yoonji. Probably for reassurance. She had none to give. Yeah, you and me both. Her heart was ricocheting in her ribcage. Too late to turn back now. She made an irritated face, muttering under her breath.
“Hmph. Fuck you for having good taste in women.”
ep 5. trust that i trust you. sugar, spice, and everything nice
min yoonji masterpost | masterpost
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achillesthv · 2 months
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i 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 you to be 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ❀
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955 notes · View notes
sweetestofchaos · 4 months
BNAA: About Time | M.YG x K.SJ
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🔪Pairing: Alpha Gang Boss!Yoongi x Omega Maid!Seokjin
🔪 Rating: 18+
🔪 Genre: gang au, dead dove, parent au, a/b/o, angst, fluff, smut, mxm, mpreg
🔪 Warnings: murder, blood, torture (described), drowning, stabbing, physical violence, unprotected sex, knotting, fingering, slick/cum eating, anal sex, oral, breast feeding, lactation kink (if you squint), a/b/o dynamics, scenting, strong language.
🔪 Word Count: 11.2k
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Standing at the top of the world, Bangtan's Alpha leader Min Youngi isn't looking for anything. He has all he needs here with his pack, at least that's what he thought until the new maid that was hired walks into his office, Omega Kim Seokjin.
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a/n:  this story is completely fiction. it was written for the daddy’s home fest hosted by @btsfests. if i missed any warnings, please let me know. if you would like to scream in my ask box, feel free it is open. for the sake of time, i did not have this fic betaed, if you see any major mistakes, please let me know.
fest masterlist 🔪 ao3 🔪series masterlist
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🔪chapter one 🔪chapter two
It’s late into the night, the moon is hidden behind a soft overcast of grey tinted clouds. Stars twinkle bright and yet little light spills into the house surrounded by a thick forest. Cordless bamboo blinds keep the house dark with the added protection of pleated taupe blackout curtains throughout the house. Yoongi sits in a wide office chair, large and comfortable, ebony in color with brass tipped legs and matching nail head direction around the hem to offset the black fabric of the chair.
A small golden lamp with a black rounded shade, sits on a dark wooden desk; it gives enough light to bathe the room in a soft glow. The sound of keys clicking fills the air along with the scrap of a pen against paper. Somewhere in the hallway, a grandfather clock chimes on the hour and the sound of clicking stops. The pen is set down and Yoongi heaves a deep sigh, his pale fingers pushing his black hair from his face as he leans back in the chair and stares up at the mini crystal chandelier. 
Yoongi’s body is relaxed but his face is tense, there is a furrow between his brows and his mouth is pulled into a frown. The room is drenched in the scent of burnt thyme, spicy and sharp as he thinks over the events of today. Someone had tried to steal a quarter of a billion won from him. They had no chance of getting away with it but he felt annoyed by the act. He wasn’t impressed, he was pissed. The idiots had spit on his name and like any good alpha, it was his job to gain that respect back.
It didn’t take long to gather the lower members of the gang, the foot soldiers and runners. They flocked to him like moths to a flame. They were desperate to become part of the Min Pack and followed his every command. Yoongi stood before them, dressed in a brand new two piece suit from Valentino.
It was a tanned blush, slightly muted with a blush linen shirt that had a scarf collar underneath. It was a handsome suit and he made it a point to stand there with his hair parted in the middle, leather boots on his feet and gold rings on his fingers. The other member of his innermost circle, his true pack, stood behind him. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin were terrifying to look at with cold eyes and even colder hearts. 
Yoongi was powerful. He was the pack alpha and once he snapped his fingers, two members of his inner circle, Jungkook and Taehyung (the terror twins he liked to refer to them as) dragged two beta males out to stand before him with their hands tied together in front of them.
Yoongi kept his composure, asked if they had any last words and didn’t flinch when one of them spit at his feet. He simply scoffed out a laugh as his lips twitched and nodded his head. Jungkook and Taehyung wasted no time in dragging the men in front of two large metal waste bins filled with water. Yoongi didn’t take his eyes off the men as his pack mates pushed them head first into the water. The men struggled to break free but it was useless. Yoongi held his hand up and they were pulled from the water, coughing and sputtering. 
The stench of piss was strong in the air and Yoongi could hear Jimin grumble to himself in disgust in the background. Yoongi stared at the betas before him and cocked his head as they struggled to breath properly with water in their lungs. He looked around at the others around him  and grinned, his canines sharp and white in the moonlight and fire. He licked his lips and clasped his hands behind his back before he nodded his head once more. The betas were shoved back into the water. Their legs kicked and banged against the tins, water splashed onto the ground and soon their bodies slumped unmoving. 
Jungkook and Taehyung held them under a little longer just to be safe before they threw the lifeless bodies onto the ground in front of the lower pack members. The threat was clear and Yoongi turned on his heel, walking away with his packmates behind him.
In his office, Yoongi sighs and runs a hand over his face. He can smell gasoline on his clothing and the faint trace of blood from the dirt that touched the bottom of his pants. The thought of a shower passes his mind and Yoongi pushes himself away from his desk. A shower before bed sounds wonderful. Leaving his office, Yoongi walks down the hall with his hands in his pockets and he hums to himself. No one is awake at this time. The maids are all sound asleep in the lower levels of the estate, along with the cooks. 
In the bathroom, Yoongi strips off his suit and lets it fall to the floor in a pile of wrinkled fabric. It looks out of place, very bright compared to the tans and black of the bathroom. The floor tile is a tan and white marble while the walls are black and tan marble. The hardware is all black with a beautiful white floating sink that could easily fit a medium sized dog in it. There are two shower heads, one a large square and the other a smaller rectangle. They hang on the wall beside the large tub that sits flush against the wall in all its elegant beauty. A smooth glass door trimmed with sleek black metal separates the shower and bathtub from the rest of the bathroom. 
Standing nude, Yoongi turns on the shower and uses the toilet while the water heats up. He eyes the bathtub and shakes his head. If he sits in there now, he knows he will most likely fall asleep. As he steps into the spray of the hot water, Yoongi groans. His pale skin starts to heat and flush as the water washes over his tired muscles. The pressure is strong enough to work tiny knots out from under Yoongi’s skin and his eyes slip shut in relief. His black hair sticks to his neck and forehead, some pieces pressing into his lid but Yoongi doesn’t really care. Placing his palms against the shower wall, he lifts his face towards the spray of the water and holds his breath. 
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Yoongi would much rather be sleeping right now but duty calls. Hoseok called at six o’clock in the morning with news of a pack that came from out of town. Their main pack was the same size as Bangtan’s. Seven members with the youngest being the same age as Jungkook. The Lim pack, also known as Got7. Yoongi vaguely recalls hearing about them from someone else but he isn’t too sure. He will have Namjoon run a background check on the members and Jimin can set up a meeting if it is beneficial to do so. 
“Mister Min?”
Yoongi’s eyes snap up from his coffee cup and he sees Haeun, his head maid looking at him with a knowing smile on her face. She is an older omega and Yoongi sees the woman much like a grandmother or aunt. She had been a maid when his parents were still alive and once they passed, she stayed by his side while most of the older maids of the house left. Haeun is a wonderful woman and Yoongi trusts her judgment. 
“Did you not get enough sleep last night?” 
Yoongi shakes his head and takes a sip of his coffee, “I apologize, Haeun. Please continue.”
Haeun nods her head and continues to go over the new hire information. Two of the maids have left on maternity leave, so Haeun has found two replacements for the time being. Yoongi is half paying attention, he really doesn’t care much about the maids and cooks that live in his home. He has enough security to handle any issue that may arise. Plus, Yoongi always keeps a gun at his waist. Bok Yon and Kim Seokjin are the new hires that will fill in for a few months and possibly be offered full employment if they fit in well enough. From what Haeun says, Yon is a female alpha and Seokjin is a male omega. 
“Thank you, Haeun. I’m sure both will do well. I have faith in your teaching.”
Yoongi downs the rest of his coffee and sets the empty cup in the sink, upside down. He smooths a hand through his hair, pushing a few flyways down out of his face.
“I’ll be in the main room with the guys. See to it that we are not disturbed.”
“As you wish, Mister Min.” 
Haeun bows low and Yoongi leaves the kitchen with his head held high.
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Seokjin is in awe. The Min estate is as beautiful as it is opulent. It is a three story high mini mansion with an attic and basement. Both locations are off limits to the staff and that’s okay with Seokjin. The moment he steps into the home, he is overcome with the powerful scent of alpha. Thyme and charcoal are infused in the air, each lungfull makes Seokjin’s inner wolf whine and he ignores the animal. It is a known fact that Min Yoongi is a capable alpha and one of the most sought after bachelors. Seokjin isn’t sure why, if he is to be honest. Sure, Min Yoongi is handsome and rich but from what Seokjin has seen on the television, he seems too serious and isn’t much of a talker.
Haeun is a kind omega woman. She explains how everything works in the Min manor and texts him a map of the home to help him get used to the layout. The map is color coded, blue rooms need dusting, white rooms are dusting and windows, yellow rooms need to be waxed and so on. The red rooms are off limits to staff outside of Haeun and two others that have been here for a long time. Seokjin doesn’t really care. He is happy to have this job and make good money.
It is an added bonus that Seokjin is able to stay in the manor and save up his money. He gets three meals a day, all free and his dry cleaning for his uniform is paid for as well. Hell, even his uniform is decent. A simple pair of black slacks with a white button up. Seokjin has the option to dress it up with a scarf or tie depending on how he feels. As an unmated omega, Seokjin has a set of scarfs that he will wear to help nullify his scent. The last thing Seokjin needs is for a random alpha to smell him and lose control. Sadly, it has happened before and Seokjin doesn’t want a repeat.
Seokjin glances up from his phone to make sure he is in the correct hallway and he frowns. The map is basic at best and looking around, Seokjin thinks he is in the right place. Looking down at the phone he sees that two of the rooms are coded white, so it will take him a little while to clean. He has a small cleaning caddy that he holds in his freehand filled with everything he needs for the rooms. From looking over the map, Seokjin also knows that there is a supply closet with extra products and items that don’t fit in the caddy as well. 
Setting the caddy on the floor, Seokjin quickly pulls a pair of earbuds from his pocket and shoves them in his ears. He clicks on his music app and scrolls through his playlists until he finds one that will give him the added boost to stay positive while he cleans a bunch of stupidly posh and expensive items that most likely have little to no use. Picking the caddy up from the floor, Seokjin hums to himself as he walks down to the hall to the first door that he will clean. 
Grabbing the handle, Seokjin twists his wrists and pushes open the door. He steps inside, taking notice of the tall shelves that line the walls filled with books. It looks to be a library of shorts to which Seokjin rolls his eyes. 
“Who needs a fucking library in their home?” He mutters to himself as he closes the door behind him. “Bet my ass none of these books have been read.”
Seokjin goes over to the closet shelf and looks to see how dusty it is. He is surprised to see hardly any dust on the shelves. Setting the caddy down on the table beside him, Seokjin slips on a pair of rubber gloves and bobs his head to the music playing in his ear while he gathers the cleaning supplies he’ll need for the room. Holding a microfiber rag in one hand and a can of polish in the other, Seokjin starts to dust the shelves, making sure to remove the books and put them back in their place.
Seokjin turns to head over to the other side of the room and he screams when he sees a set of brown eyes staring at him. The items in Seokjin’s hands clatter to the floor and he stares wide eyed at the owner of the home, Min Yoongi. There is a barely there smile on his lips as he trails his eyes down the length of Seokjin’s body until they drop to the items on the floor.
Seokjin sees Yoongi’s lips moving and quickly rips the earbuds from his ears, his face flushing in embarrassment. He cannot believe that he didn’t notice the alpha in the room with him but in Seokjin’s defense the whole room smells just like the rest of the house, just a little stronger.
“Who gave you permission to come in here?”
Seokjin stares at the alpha before him, confused by the question. Permission?
“I, um, I’m the new maid?” 
Seokjin stumbles over his words, unsure of how he is supposed to answer the question. Yoongi’s jaw clenches as he stares at the unfamiliar man in his office. This room is off limits to anyone except Haeun. Yoongi narrows his eyes as the man, his supposedly newly hired maid, inhales deeply through his nose. The man’s scent is very faint, he must be wearing some kind of blocker but Yoongi doesn’t smell anything that suggests the man is lying.
Yoongi rises to his feet and walks around his desk, not once taking his eyes off the taller man. Seokjin gulps as Yoongi comes closer until they are standing toe to toe.
“What’s your name?” 
Yoongi’s voice is rough as he speaks, his tone commanding but not unpleasant. Seokjin gives his name without a moment of hesitation and Yoongi licks his lips; repeating the name. Goosebumps rise on Seokjin’s arms and the hair on the back of his neck, how can his name sound so sensual coming from a stranger’s mouth?
“You shouldn’t be in here…Seokjin.”
“I, I…why?” 
Yoongi chuckles at the way Seokjin’s Adam's apples bobs from his swallowing so harshly. Staring at the unmarked skin makes Yoongi’s gum itch and he licks at his teeth. 
“This room is off limits.”
Seokjin’s eyes widen twice as big and Yoongi watches as Seokjin’s body starts to shake. His words are jumbled together and he is quick to drop to his knees before Yoongi. Seokjin claps his hands together and bows his head.
“I am so sorry sir. Mister Min! Please, I really, really need this job!”
Yoongi would be lying if he said seeing the pretty man on his knees didn’t stir something deep within him. Hell, even his wolf was wagging its tail in interest. Yoongi squats down in front of Seokjin and grips his chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing the man to look at him. Such pretty brown eyes and the more Yoongi looked, the more he saw. Flecks of blue glittered like jewels as Seokjin’s eyes started to water and his lips pulled down into a frown. An omega…cute.
Yoongi’s eyes drop to the plump lips of the omega before him and he raises an eyebrow, “Tell you what ‘mega-”
A whine slips past Seokjin’s lips and Yoongi smirks. Such a pretty sound from a pretty omega. Yoongi pulls Seokjin’s face closer to his until their nose bush against each other’s. He inhales deeply and trails his nose down Seokjin’s jawline until he reaches his throat and presses his nose into the skin. Seokjin’s whole body shutters and he grabs onto Yoongi’s dress shirt to steady himself. He tries to speak, he wants to tell Yoongi to let him go and leave him alone. He’s too close to his scent gland.
Seokjin opens his mouth to tell Yoongi off but a whiny “A-Alpha”, falls from his lips. Yoongi growls low in his chest at the calling. He digs his nose into the flushed skin of Seokjin’s neck and presses into the slightly raised spot where his scent gland is. Sweet peaches with a subtle hint of spicy washes down Yoongi’s throat and floods his lungs. Now this is a scent he can see himself dousing himself in every morning. He just wants a little taste and he takes as much. His tongue darting out to swipe at Seokjin’s gland once, twice before he moans and wraps his lips around the raised skin.
Seokjin’s bones turn to jello and he falls into Yoongi’s arms, sending Yoongi on his ass with Seokjin’s half on top of him. Yoongi growls and Seokjin scrambles to straddle Yoongi’s lap, a soft whine leaving his lips as Yoongi sucks harshly at his skin. They both shutter as peach cobbler and smoked thyme mingle together in the air. Seokjin holds onto Yoongi’s shoulders for dear life. If he lets go of the alpha underneath him, he feels as if he will float away into the abyss and never find his way back to himself. 
Yoongi's tongue refuses to stop licking and he can’t get enough of the sweetness. He swallows mouthful after mouthful of Seokjin scent, he wants to drown in it…bottle it and keep it on his person always. Yoongi’s alpha demands that he bite the omega, claim him and never let him go and that’s what pulls Yoongi’s from his drunken state of mind. He pulls away from Seokjin’s neck and peppers kisses back up the side of his neck and jawline before stopping at the underside of his chin.
“You’re the only one I want cleaning this room. Understand?” 
“Yes, Mister Min.”
Yoongi huffs against Seokjin’s skin and places a fleeting kiss to the space right underneath his bottom lip.
“Get out.”
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Haeun isn’t pleased when Yoongi dismisses her and the others from cleaning his office. She doesn’t understand why Seokjin of all people is assigned the task. That is until she sees the marks on Seokjin’s neck when he comes out of his room on one of his days off. He isn’t in his typical outfit, the uniform replaced with a simple white t-shirt tucked into a pair of jeans. He wears a light blue button up shirt over top, completely open that has buttons on the shoulders, again open with his left shoulder out. A silver necklace with a single hoop in the center hugs his throat and faded marks litter his skin. Haeun raises an eyebrow at Seokjin as she hones in on the necklace.
She has been with the Min pack for a long time, and has raised the young master since he was in diapers. The necklace that sits on Seokjin’s throat is the same one that the pack omega, Yoongi’s mother wore when she was still alive.
“Going somewhere?” Haeun raises her voice to make her presence known and Seokjin jumps having not seen the older woman standing in the hall.
Before Seokjin can answer, Yoongi appears with a pair of black sunglasses on his face. His black hair is pulled into a half knot on top of his head and he isn’t wearing a suit. Instead he wears a black mastermind t-shirt and a pair of black cargo pants with a purple suede zip up knit jacket overtop. Yoongi lifts his sunglasses and pushes them on top of his head before he looks between Haeun and Seokjin.
“You ready, ‘mega?”
Seokjin’s face heats up, his ears flushing brightly before he nods his head and hurries over to Yoongi’s side. Yoongi grabs hold of Seokjin’s hand and holds him tightly before he winks at Haeun and pulls Seokjin down the hall. Haeun stands in the hallway alone and shakes her head with a laugh. She did a thorough background check on Seokjin just like the other maids and she approves of what she hopes is the young couple courting. Yoongi’s job is dangerous but even still he deserves love. Seokjin is a kind and sweet omega with a good head on his shoulders. Haeun is sure that Seokjin will tame the wild beast that is Yoongi’s alpha and she cannot wait to see it happen.
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Yoongi sighs as he rolls his shoulders while walking down the hall to his office. He has been gone for the past three days on business in Tokyo and has just gotten back. He needs a drink and as much as he would rather take a nap than work, he has a few files that he needs to look over. Running a hand through his hair, Yoongi pushes open the door to his office and he finds Seokjin singing to himself as he dusts. He’s wearing his regular uniform, black slacks and a white button up but it's been three days since Yoongi has seen his sweet omega and Seokjin’s ass is looking good. 
Yoonig makes sure to slam the door closed knowing that Seokjin didn’t hear him come in and he smirks when Seokjin jumps with a yelp, dropping the rag in his hand on the floor. Seokjin turns with a frown on his face, ready to give whoever scared him hell but the moment he sees Yoongi, Seokjin’s face relaxes and he clears his throat. He removes his earbuds and shoves them in his pocket.
“You’re back.”
“I am,” Yoongi states as he walks over to his desk.
“I can leave and let you get work done.”
Yoongi shakes his head as he sits in his chair and loosens the tie around his neck. He stares at Seokjin from across the room and licks his lips, “You’re fine. Do what you need to do, ‘mega.”
Seokjin’s cheek flush and he nods his head, happily going back to cleaning. Yoongi sighs as his body sinks into his chair and he closes his eyes for a moment. He inhales and breathes in the scent of spiced peaches. He is sure that Seokjin has at some point sat in his chair while he was away which makes Yoongi chuckle to himself. His omega is such a brat. Opening his eyes, Yoongi focuses on the task at hand and turns on his computer, typing in his passcode and using the retina scanner that Namjoon installed. 
While he works, Yoongi can hear Seokjin humming to himself. He can smell the cleaning products and they make his nose itch. Clearing his throat, Yoongi looks from his computer and Seokjin’s eyes are already on him.
“Open a window, it’s stuffy in here.”
Seokjin follows Yoongi’s order without complaint and Yoongi tracks his every move. Seokjin’s thighs look strong and mighty thick in those slacks. Yoongi feels his pants start to tighten around his groin and he grunts, trying to adjust himself without Seokjin noticing. 
Seokjin turns to face Yoongi, a soft smile on his face as he pushes a strand of hair behind his ear.
“Pour me a drink?”
Yoongi thinks over his choices and nods his head.
“Anything is good.”
Seokjin makes his way over to a liquor cabinet that is built into the bookshelves. It’s large and juts out like a bay window with a woven cane backsplash and crystal clear glass facing. Inside bottles of whisky, bourbon and soju sit neatly together in groups separated by proof and price. Glasses are set out, face down to keep dust from getting into them and are covered with a soft clean linen that is used to wipe fingerprints. Silently, Seokjin prepares a glass for Yoongi, filling it halfway with Hibiki whisky. There is a subtle scent of sandalwood and rose that burns Seokjin’s nose as he replaces the cap but he ignores it. He is more of a red wine fan but can appreciate the dedication to whisky. 
Holding the glass carefully in his hands, Seokjin makes his way over to Yoongi, keeping his eyes on the floor before him, so that he doesn’t trip. Yoongi calls his name and Seokjin looks up, he sees the teasing smile on the alpha’s lips and his face heats up. Seokjin offers a smile and it soon turns into a grimace as the toe of his shoe catches the lip of the area rug and sends Seokjin’s jerking forward. He catches himself before he falls face first onto the floor but the whisky in the glass shoots forward and drenches Yoongi’s pants.
Seokjin gasps in horror while Yoongi just stares unblinking at the wet spot on his pants. Seokjin starts to panic and hastily drops to his knees before Yoongi. Clutching a cloth in his hand, Seokjin pats at Yoongi’s crotch and stammers out a million apologies. His scent is sharp with fear, the spice of it making Yoongi swallow thickly on his spit.
“I-I’m so sorry!”
“It was an accident.”
Seokjin freezes mid pat and he tenses when Yoongi grabs his chin forcing him to look up into his dark eyes. Thin flecks of red bleed into the brown and Seokjin’s inner wolf rolls onto its back. Yoongi licks his lower lip, tonguing the inside of his cheek as he runs the pad of his thumb across the soft plushness of Seokjin’s lower lip. He lets his blunt nail dig into the tender flesh, harsh enough to sting but not enough to break the skin. Seokjin’s eyes are wide but start to drop into a hooded gaze as Yoongi pulls his face closer to the wet patch between his legs.
“Clean it up, ‘Mega…properly.” 
The words come out in a growl and Seokjin’s whole body shutters as slick slips out and dampens his underwear. Warmed peaches with a splash of vanilla and cinnamon; Yoongi’s mouth waters and he bites his tongue. Seokjin’s hands shake as he grabs onto the belt buckle in front of him and tug it until it comes loose. Keeping his eyes on the task at hand, Seokjin fumbles with the button on Yoongi’s pants and he curses to himself as the zipper gets stuck. He can already picture himself clearly in his mind, on his knees before such a handsome and strong alpha, bumbling around like a baby fawn…
“Slowly, baby. Take it slow,” Yoongi’s voice is deep and soothing, it shoots right to Seokjin’s core and he leaks more slick. Yoongi’s nostrils flare and he huffs a rumbling growl as he pushes Seokjin’s face closer to where he wants him most.
The button comes undone and the zipper pulls down easily enough with a little wiggling on Seokjin’s part. The black fabric of Yoongi’s briefs is pulled flush against his hardened cock, the material doing every little to hide how heavy his balls sit between legs. Seokjin whines as he presses his nose into the crease of Yoongi’s thighs where his scent is the strongest. His jaw falls slack as he mouths at the bulge and moans as precum seeps through, mixing with the whisky to burn Seokjin’s tongue. 
A hand falls to Seokjin’s hair and his tremors taper off at the comforting weight of Yoongi’s hand, the blunt nails dragging through his hair and against his scalp puts Seokjin’s mind at ease. 
Alpha. Alpha has me. Alpha will guide me.
Seokjin doesn’t even bother to use his hands to tug Yoongi’s underwear down, he waits and watches with shaky breaths as Yoongi tugs the fabric just low enough for his dick to spring free, slapping against Seokjin’s lips. There is no time wasted before Seokjin is kitten licking the flushed tip, greedily swallowing every dribble of precum that Yoongi gives him. As more comes, Seokjin opens his mouth wider and sucks two inches in before he is a moaning mess between Yoongi’s legs. 
The grip on his hair tightens and Yoongi purrs in approval. He knew Seokjin’s sinful mouth would feel like heaven. He knew it the moment he saw the omega and now that Seokjin is kneeling before him, sucking him so good; all he knows is mine. Seokjin is his and his alone. No one else will ever know the pleasure that his throat can give, the softness of his lips as they brush against his dark pubes or the sweet scent that is growing thicker in the air. Seokjin gags around Yoongi’s cock and Yoongi curses, his toes curling as he fights to keep himself from pushing himself deeper down the omega’s throat.
“That’s a good boy. Taking Alpha so well, good Omega.”
The praise makes tears come to Seokjin’s eyes or it could be the lack of air in his lungs. As Yoongi starts to fuck his mouth gently, Seokjin’s mind cuts off and he falls into the pleasurable headspace of pleasing the alpha. It isn’t until Yoongi is cursing above him, grunting low in his chest that Seokjin comes back to himself and he moans as Yoongi comes in his mouth. It’s tangy, bitter with a subtle sweetness that makes Seokjin gag as he swallows it all down.
He pulls away from Yoongi, gasping for air and Yoongi fists his hair tightly, pulling Seokjin upward, so that he is now standing on his knees. Yoongi’s eyes are a gleaming red, no brown to be found and Seokjin purrs, chasing after bitten lips that look so kissable. As their lips touch, Yoongi’s alpha howls in delight. The taste of himself on Seokjin’s tongue twists deep in his gut, spreading a fire through his body that only Seokjin’s gushing slick can put out.
He yanks Seokjin up to his feet and traps him between the desk and himself. Rising to his feet, Yoongi grabs Seokjin’s shirt and tugs it from his pants, the hem wrinkled as it hangs loose on Seokjin’s waist. Wordlessly, Yoongi rips the material down the middle, the buttons scattering in all directions. The white shirt is pushed open until Seokjin’s nipples are visible and Yoongi purrs loudly, it’s deep and inviting, making Seokjin’s knees knock together as he quickly spreads his legs to give Yoongi enough room. 
Yoongi shuffles forward and wraps a hand around Seokjin’s throat, holding him in place as he noses at the raised skin of his scent gland. His tongue is hot and wet as he licks at the flesh, pulling that sweet peachy scent from Seokjin tenfold. His lips are soft, so soft for someone who can kill without a second thought and Seokjin shakes that idea from his mind. He focuses on the way Yoongi samples his skin with tiny nips and sucks. His teeth don’t leave marks but goosebumps rise along the damp path they lead to Seokjin’s nipples, pebbled and tempting. 
The moment Yoongi’s lips wrap around one, Seokjin throws his head back and his hands shoot out to grab onto Yoongi. He has to hold on to something or else he will destroy everything in sight. 
Seokjin’s voice is loud, so very loud and Yoongi chuckles against his flushed skin.
“So sensitive. I haven’t even touched you properly…” 
The words are teasing enough that Seokjin’s whole face darkens and Yoongi licks his lips. 
“Such a pretty sight you are, bet you even taste as good as you look.”
Seokjin whines once more as Yoongi keeps suckling and licking his nipples, tweaking the buds between his fingers and pulling at the soft tissue. Yoongi can feel the way Seokjin’s pulse drums under his skin and it makes his alpha preen. 
“Present for me, darling. Show alpha what’s his.”
Stepping away from Seokjin, Yoongi watches in amusement as the older omega scrambles to turn around and lay flat on his stomach on top of Yoongi’s desk. Some papers flutter to the floor but Yoongi isn’t concerned with them. The sight of Seokjin’s pert ass sticking out has his full attention, even more so the wet patch from where slick has leaked through. Yoongi palms Seokjin’s cheeks with his two hands and spreads them as best he can while they are covered. He presses forward and rubs his hardened length along the fabric making Seokjin whine loudly.
“What should I expect to see, darling? You wearing cute little panties or something slutty for me?” 
Seokjin shakes his head, his mouth opening and closing as he fails to form a coherent sentence to answer Yoongi’s question. Yoongi clicks his tongue and slaps Seokjin’s right cheek making the omega jerk forward, the edge of the desk digging into his thighs and pinching the skin. Yoongi reaches around to unclasp the button of Seokjin’s pants and pulls the tight fabric down his thighs, just below his knees. The sight that greets him is a pair of checkered pink and white cheeky panties with white lace along the trim. There is a wet patch where Seokjin is leaking slick and Yoongi hums in approval.
“My cute Omega,” Yoongi mummers as he lowers himself to his knees behind Seokjin and presses a tender kiss to the small of Seokjin’s back. The spicy scent of cinnamon covered peaches is so strong that Yoongi can’t taste it in the back of his throat. His tongue suddenly feels too big for his mouth and he struggles to control himself as his Alpha claws at his heart.
“So fucking pretty with your little fucking waist.” 
Yoongi drags his nose along the back of Seokjin’s thigh and bites the meaty part of his right cheek. Seokjin inhales sharply and his whole body shakes, the wet spot on his panties growing larger right before Yoongi’s eyes. Licking his lips, Yoongi reaches up and traces the white lace with his fingertips. 
“Tell me ‘mega, do you want my mouth here-” Yoongi ghosts his fingers over the soaked patch of fabric, hardly applying any pressure to Seokjin’s leaking core, “or here?” Yoongi slides his fingers to the front of Seokjin’s panties, following the hardened line of the cocklet that is hidden.
Seokjin’s mind is mush, a puddle of slick and horny thoughts that don’t even make sense to himself. He wants all of Yoongi and in turn he wants to give all of himself away. He will take everything that Yoongi will give and more.
“Will you take everything?” Yoongi’s voice is caught between amusement and wonder; there is a hint of a challenge that makes Seokjin nod his head dumbly.
“W-Want A-Alpha!” 
Yoongi tugs down Seokjin’s panties and inhales deeply, growling as he stares at the puckered hole that releases another glop of slick. It slides down Seokjin’s inner thigh and Yoongi licks it right up, slurping at the sensitive muscle without any warning. Seokjin screams loudly, his voice cracking as he begs for Yoongi to use his tongue and fingers. He wants to, needs to come. He can feel the heat pooling in his stomach, alighting every since nerve and blood vessels aflame as his mind chants alpha, alpha, alpha!
Yoongi gorges himself on the feast before him. His tongue can hardly reach deep enough inside of Seokjin, so he uses two fingers to milk the omega, making his hands and face sticky with slick. Seokjin is a sobbing mess, begging for release and demanding that Yoongi make him come at least twice on his tongue alone. It is a challenge that Yoongi takes to heart. Having had his fill for now of Seokjin’s slick, Yoongi twirls Seokjin around and grins devilishly at the perfect mouthful of cock before him. Omegas are never more than three inches and Seokjin is an easy two, he rests nicely against Yoongi’s tongue as he sucks him dry.
By the time Yoongi has pulled two releases from Seokjin, the elder male is a shaking sobbing mess of spit, slick and cum. He’s sweaty and marked up, his skin flushed with bite marks from Yoongi being unable to control himself. Such a pretty sight and all for Yoongi’s eyes only. Standing behind Seokjin, Yoongi peppers kisses to the base of Seokjin’s neck and massages his hips with his strong hands. Seokjin melts into the touch, the body heat welcoming against the coolness of the desk.
Yoongi fists the base of his length and glides the tip between Seokjin’s cheeks, collecting slick to make the slide inside easier, though Yoongi is sure there will be no resistance. He made sure to prepare Seokjin for what he has between his legs. Yoongi isn’t one to brag but his knot is massive and what he lacks in length he makes up for in girth. Seokjin reaches back with sweaty fingers and grabs at Yoongi’s arm, his finger slipping twice before Yoongi places his hand overtop the back of Seokjin’s and laces their fingers together.
“Easy, darling.”
Yoongi pushes himself forward and the head of his cock presses against the wet ring of muscles before it gives way. He slips in with no resistance until his hips press into Seokjin’s ass. Seokjin moans loudly, the air punched from his lungs as his body spasms to make room for Yoongi. Yoongi gives Seokjin a little time to adjust to his size before he pulls back, the drag of him against the velvety walls makes Seokjin cry out. His hand squeezes Yoongi’s tightly as sweat gathers at his brow. 
“F-Fuck! Yesssss!” Seokjin’s voice is warped, a mix between a whine and a purr. It makes Yoongi’s stomach clench and his alpha howls once more. Yoongi stares down at where their bodies are connected. His cock gleams in the low lighting of the room, wet and shiny with the omega’s slick that squelches loudly in his ears. Loud moans, breathy ‘oh’ and half whined ‘mores’ echo in the air and merge with the rhythmic smacking of Yoongi’s pelvis against Seokjin’s ass and thighs. His fingers dig into Seokjin’s hips, holding the omega in place as Yoongi growls, his chest rumbling with pride as Seokjin falls apart before him.
“S-Sound so pretty Omega,” Yoongi groans, licking over his canines that have sharpened at the sight of the omega’s bared neck. “Taking Alpha so good,” Yoongi slides a hand up the length of Seokjin’s arm, over his shoulder and tangles his fingers in the honey brown hair at the nape of his neck. “Always knew you would open so prettily.” 
Tugging on Seokjin’s hair, Yoongi makes the older man’s back arch more and he sinks deeper in the wet warmth that is Seokjin. Seokjin mewls, his words nothing more than babble as he begs for more, drooling all over the desk beneath him as Yoongi fucks him good and hard. The white of his shirt is damp with his sweat, the material now translucent as it sticks to his skin and catches the precum that dribbles from his cocklet.
A strong hand wraps around his tiny cock and Seokjin’s whole body shutters as Yoongi starts to tease the weeping tip. Yoongi hums in appreciation and tugs on Seokjin’s hair more, forcing the omega’s body to lift from the desk. Seokjin is quick to grab onto Yoongi’s forearms, holding himself up before he can fall. His back is arched as far as it can go, his neck is exposed to Yoongi, his gums throbbing and teeth itching to sink into the tender flesh and claim Seokjin as his own.
Turning his head slightly, Yoongi licks a fat wet strip up the side of Seokjin’s neck, right over the swollen scent gland and his eyes flash red. The sweetest fruit, fresh and ripe, juicy and light is a heavy nectar on Yoongi’s tongue as he drowns himself in Seokjin’s peach scent. It’s warmer, fuller with hints of cinnamon, like peach cobbler. Yoongi’s inner wolf is feral, howling at the alpha to claim his mate once and for all.
“Alpha! A-Alpha please!” Seokjin cries with tears in the corners of his eyes. 
Yoongi knows what the omega is asking for but he wants him to say it. He wants to hear the words, he wants Seokjin to beg. Yoongi chuckles something between a growl and a laugh as Seokjin tightens around his cock.
“Please what, Omega? Tell Alpha what you want.” 
Seokjin grits his teeth, sweat pouring down his forehead as he tries to catch his breath. Yoongi is rearranging his insides, carving a place for only him; ruining him for anyone else. Yoongi’s grip on his cocklet is teasing as he covers it with his whole fist and Seokjin can feel himself getting closer to his release. He needs Yoongi’s knot, and wants his bite!
“K-Knot me! O-Oh…f-fuck, mark me!”
Yoongi’s mouth waters and he sucks at Seokjin’s scent gland, drinking down the sweet peach as his knot swells at the base. Seokjin’s whole body is on the brink of falling off the edge, Yoongi just needs to push him a little farther. Opening his mouth wider, Yoongi grunts as he thrusts harshly into Seokjin, his knot popping deep inside. Seokjin screams as Yoongi’s teeth sink into the side of his neck, breaking the skin around his scent gland.
Blood floods Yoongi’s mouth and he comes with a growl deep in his chest, vibrating against Seokjin’s back as the omega sags against him. Seokjin comes, squirting around Yoongi’s cock and dribbling in his hand. It’s messy; wet and hot as the room fills with the scent of both the alpha and omega mixed together. Yoongi licks at the mark on Seokjin’s neck, closing the wound with his saliva easily before he kisses the newly formed mating mark. He noses at the wet skin and hums in delight as Seokjin’s body presses harder into his.
“Easy, ‘mega,” Yoongi whispers as he lowers the both of them into the chair behind him. Seokjin sits in his lap, spent and happy. Soft purrs rumble in his throat as he starts to scent Yoongi’s neck, his nose pressing into the flushed scent gland and Yoongi cranes his neck to give Seokjin more access.
“Mark me. Go head, baby.”
Yoongi encourages, scratching at the nape of Seokjin’s neck before he rests his hand fully on the sweaty skin. Seokjin sniffs and licks at the skin, his purrs growing in volume as smoked thyme sits in his throat. He sinks his teeth into Yoongi’s neck, applying more force to break the skin with his own blunt canines. Something warm wraps around their minds, a silk soft link, stronger than iron that binds the two of them together.
Yoongi nuzzles his cheek against Seokjin’s forehead, purring deeply before he presses a kiss to Seokjin’s sweaty hair. He looks at the mess that is his desk, paper thrown about, wet spots here and there; of what? Yoongi isn’t fully sure but he doesn’t care. It is a mess to worry about later.
As if reading his mind, Seokjin looks at the desk and pouts to which Yoongi kisses his new mating mark softly before he speaks.
“We can clean up once my knot goes down.”
“Stay with me?” Seokjin whispers and Yoongi huffs a deep sigh as he wraps an arm around Seokjin’s waist, making sure not to get the omega’s cum on his bare skin. He wipes his hand on Seokjin’s black pants and laughs as Seokjin whines in disgust.
Seokjin takes a deep breath and his brows furrow, “Yoongi?” 
“The window was open.”
Yoongi’s lips split into a smile and he nuzzles his nose against Seokjin’s temple, “Wanted everyone to hear that you're mine.”
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Seokjin stands in the middle of his shared closet with Yoongi, grumbling to himself as he struggles to button the tan trousers that hang on his hips. Lately, Seokjin has noticed that a lot of his more form fitting clothing isn’t as easy to put on. Seokjin thinks over the last few days and a frown slowly starts to form on his face. He has random cravings throughout the week, mostly kimchi jjigae or fried chicken, two meals that he tries not to eat all the time.
Now that he thinks about it, he has eaten fried chicken at least four times this week and has had kimchi jjigae twice a day. Seokjin stares down at his stomach and clicks his tongue, he always gets cravings when his heat is near.
Seokjin chews on the inside of his cheek as he tries to mentally track when his heat will hit. As he does the math in his head, Seokjin feels his blood run cold. If his math is right (it is), he should have had his heat sometime last month. Seokjin’s heat is never late and he would have noticed sooner but time moves differently with his mate. When Yoongi is near Seokjin, it is as if time doesn’t exist or it simply forgets about them. They are in their own world when with each other and nothing else matters. 
Kicking out of his pants, Seokjin rushes over to the full length mirror and turns to the side. He stares at himself, hard, scrutinizing every inch of himself as he looks up and down. He squints his eyes as he focuses on his stomach, it doesn’t look any different, there is no baby bump and truthfully he doesn’t feel any different. Besides the cravings, Seokjin feels perfectly fine.
He shakes his head and dismisses the whole idea. Maybe having a mate has changed his body’s chemistry? Maybe his heat and Yoongi’s rut are linked through the mating bond? Seokjin is sure he has read about that happening to other mated couples before online.
“What are you doing, darling?” 
Seokjin startles from the sudden appearance of Yoongi in the mirror. He is so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the alpha approaching. Seokjin’s ears burn bright and he crosses his arms over his stomach, hiding his stomach and looking down at the floor while he digs his sock-covered toes into the plush area rug beneath him. Yoongi watches his mate in the mirror and raises one of his perfectly plucked eyebrows.
“I asked a question, ‘mega.”
Seokjin chews on his bottom lip and glances up into the mirror, looking at Yoongi’s reflection from underneath his lashes.
“You say nothing-” Yoongi steps into the walk-in closet, closing the distance with each step forward, “and yet, you look guilty of something.”
His arms wrap around Seokjin’s waist, his hands resting on top of Seokjin’s arm. The way he thumbs at the skin on Seokjin’s wrist, pulls his scent out little by little. Yoongi hums as he skims his nose along the back of Seokjin’s shoulder, up the length of his neck before he presses a sweet kiss the raised skin of Seokjin’s scent gland. Seokjin whimpers, feeling the dampness of Yoongi’s lips. He must have just licked them or applied a balm.
Yoongi flicks his tongue out to tease the gland and his body tenses, Seokjin can hear his blood rushing behind his ears as his heart pounds harshly against his ribcage. He wonders if Yoongi can feel it too? Another quick lick to Seokjin’s scent gland makes him shiver in Yoongi’s arms and goosebumps rise on his skin. Yoongi spins Seokjin around so that they are facing each other, his eyes are ruby red, his fangs are elongated, poking out over his bottom lip as he frowns.
Seokjin looks away, giving his attention to the empty spot on the wall. Now that he’s looking at it, Seokjin is sure that he could find a nice piece of artwork to hang there. Keeping himself distracted, Seokjin ignores the way Yoongi huffs in annoyance before the alpha’s hands trail to the front of his stomach. Seokjin growls defensively and Yoongi snarls, his lips curling up to show his fangs even more. Seokjin's eyes bleed blue, submissive and frozen as Yoongi squats down in front of him. 
Seokjin can’t get his words out, his thoughts are cut off by the harshness at which Yoongi pushes his hands away from his stomach. The air is cool, bitingly so as it washes over his exposed stomach. The fabric of his shirt now balled tightly in Yoongi’s fists. The tip of Yoongi’s nose is warm, so soothing and safe as it presses into the hollow of Seokjin’s navel. Yoongi inhales deeply, the air rushing over Seokjin’s skin as Yoongi breathes him in.
There is the faintest trace of heavy cream splashed over warmed spiced peaches. His nose trails drown the darkened curls of belly hair until the scent of heavy cream is stronger; just a few inches to the left of Seokjin’s happy trail. Yoongi growls, low in his chest, it’s not a threat. The vibration skins into Seokjin’s bones and turns him to mush. He sinks into Yoongi’s arms, a puddle of honey goo, eyes still blue as he purrs against Yoongi’s neck.
Tiny kitten licks to Yoongi’s scent gland, mixed with the heavy cream makes the alpha inside Yoongi wag its tail and run in circles. His mate is pupped! Seokjin is in fact pregnant.
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It’s midday, the sun is high in the sky and there is a humid breeze that refuses to break. Music, splash and shouting fills the outside air. Yoongi is hosting a pool party to show face with the next chief commissioner. The guy is easy enough to put on Yoongi’s payroll but it doesn’t hurt to show him and his friends a little of the sweet life to cement the deal. Yoongi is dressed in a pair of black swim trunks that stop just above his knees. His black flip flops are tucked neatly under a chair with a black and gold towel hung over the back. He sits at the edge of the pool, his feet submerged midway up his calves with a glass of champagne in his hand.
The people around him are drinking and laughing, having a good time as the waitstaff walk around with refreshments and hors d'oeuvres. In the pool, the terror twins (Jungkook and Taehyung) are playing a game of chicken with Hoseok and Jimin. Namjoon is currently out of the house with Seokjin. The older omega doesn’t have a bathing suit that fits and as much as Yoongi wanted him to wear one of his shirts, Seokjin insisted that he get something to wear. Namjoon, being the only one who didn’t change into his swimwear yet, went with Seokjin and they were gone for a little over an hour.
“Master Min?” 
Yoongi looks up when one of the waitstaff offers him a selection of orange or orange pineapple mimosas. Yoongi switches out his glass for the orange pineapple mimosa and nods his head in thanks. Sipping at the sweet drink, Yoongi lifts his face towards the sun and sighs; it really is a beautiful day. 
In the distance a phone rings and Haeun wipes her hands on her apron before she answers the landline.
“Min residence. Haeun speaking, how may I direct your call?” 
“Haeun!” Namjoon’s voice spills from the speakers in a panic. “Haeun! Y-You have to tell Yoongi it’s time!”
“Time? Time for what, Master Namjoon?”
“Seokjin’s water broke!”
“Oh!” Haeun’s eyes widen at the news and she tells Namjoon to text the hospital information to Yoongi’s phone before she hangs up and rushes out the back door. “Master Min! Master Min!”
Haeun is out of breath by the time she reaches Yoongi’s side. He is staring at her with worried eyes, his scent burning as the rest of his pack members swim over to his side of the pool. 
“I-It’s Master Jin!”
“Spit it out, Haeun!” Yoongi snaps, his eyes bleeding red as his wolf starts to creep to the surface.
“The baby! The baby is coming!”
Yoongi’s blood freezes and it feels like all the warmth in the world has slipped away. He stares up at Haeun with unseeing eyes. His ears are suddenly muffled by cotton or maybe he has fallen under the water? It’s hard to understand anything but the cold touch of Hoseok’s hand on his shoulder pulls Yoongi from whatever headspace he fell into.
“Come on man! You’re bout to be a dad!!”
“We’ll handle things here and meet you at the hospital,” Jimin informs Yoongi as Taehyung and Jungkook start to round up the people in the pool.
Yoongi nods his head and allows for Hoseok and Haeun to pull him into the house to throw on a change of clothes. A simple pair of black slacks, tucks a white t-shirt into it and throws a black oversized jacket with a pair of low dunk black and white Nikes. His hair is still wet from the pool and hangs in his eyes but Yoongi doesn’t care. He jumps into the passenger seat of Hoseok’s car and the two of them take off towards the hospital that Namjoon texted him the address to. 
Traffic is backed up, bumper to bumper and Yoongi is on the phone with a crying Seokjin. The omega is in pain and distressed because Yoongi isn’t by his side. Namjoon’s voice is heard in the background but Seokjin snaps at Namjoon, telling the alpha not to touch him unless he wants to lose a few fingers. 
“I know darling, alpha will be there soon. Hang in there.”
“A-Alpha it hurts!”
Seokjin’s tears clog his throat and he struggles to breathe as the pup slowly makes its way down, down, down. He wants Yoongi, he wants his alpha, now! From his phone Namjoon hacks the light system and gives green lights the whole way to the hospital. Most of the traffic isn’t going Yoongi’s way, so it soon clears up and Hoseok reaches the hospital in a little over forty minutes. 
Yoongi rushes into the hospital and walks right past the security detail that Namjoon has set up around the delivery room. A nurse helps Yoongi get disinfected and dressed into a set of scrubs before he enters the delivery room. Seokjin is screaming, refusing to deliver the pup, his eyes are bright blue, and his teeth are sharper than normal.
Yoongi growls low in his throat, smoked thyme flooding the room and making Seokjin’s whole body fall lax. From Seokjin’s side, Namjoon gives Yoongi a thankful smile and hurries out of the room with a quick, “Good luck, Hyungs.” 
Yoongi takes his place beside Seokjin, offering the omega his hand to hold. The doctors ask if Seokjin would like any pain medicine and he agrees, now feeling safe enough to let himself be put under the influence of medical drugs. His alpha is by his side, Yoongi will not let anything happen to him or their pup.
“Ready, darling?” 
Seokjin whimpers with a nod of his head and Yoongi kisses his sweaty temple. 
“I’m right here. Alpha is right here with you.”
The doctor gets in between Seokjin’s legs that are raised on a set of stirrups and nods his head.
“Let’s deliver a healthy pup!”
In the waiting room, Hoseok sits with his ankles crossed while Namjoon paces back and forth. This is going to be the first pack pup and Seokjin wanted to keep the gender unknown until the birth. Of course everyone made bets on the gender but right now, the pack is hoping for a healthy pup, no matter the gender. A half hour in, the rest of the pack walks into the hospital and finds their way to the VIP floor where Hoseok and Namjoon are waiting.
“Any news?” Taehyung questions, his face flushed from running up all the flight of steps.
“Last we heard, Seokjin was only four centimeters dilated…whatever that means,” Hoseok informs and Namjoon opens his mouth to answer but the doors to the delivery room open and an older female comes out with a large smile on her face. 
“The Min pack?” 
“That’s us,” Jimin states, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Taehyung and Jungkook both grab hold of his hands and lace their fingers together to keep the shorter omega from bouncing too much.
“The pack omega is healthy as is the pup. Your pack alpha wanted me to inform you that the maknaes won the bet.”
The doctor leaves and the waiting room is silent. Everyone just stares at the three youngest and Jimin breaks down in tears.
“It’s a girl!” He sobs happily, just picturing all the cute outfits he can buy for the pack pup.
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Yoongi stands in the doorway of the nursery, his eyes are soft, his face relaxed as he stares at the sleeping omega in the rocking chair. Seokjin is sound asleep, his head tilted to one shoulder as he snores gently. A basket of unfolded baby clothing sits beside Seokjin on the side table while a pair of pink tights rests in Seokjin’s lap. Yoongi doesn’t stop the smile that takes over his face, his mate is too cute. Such a perfect omega, made for him and his pup.
Yoongi steps into the room and peaks into the crib, where his pup, Miyoung sleeps soundly. Her features are a mix of himself and Seokjin. She has Seokjin’s full lips and happy eyes while Yoongi’s button nose and face structure stand out. She is a chunky baby, all rolls and happy coos. At three months old, Yoongi can’t be any more in love. As he stares down at his pup, Miyoung’s face scrunches up and she does a big stretch in her sleep before she farts loudly. 
Yoongi’s eyes widen at the sound, his nose twists at the sour smell. Miyoung’s lips start to twitch and Yoongi reaches down into the crib. He scoops his daughter into his arms and gags. The pup smells worse than the foulest of scents. Yoongi isn’t sure why she smells this way, he is pretty sure that babies shouldn’t smell worse than spoiled milk.
Miyoung opens her eyes, already wet with unshed tears and Yoongi smiles down at her. He strokes her chubby cheek with a finger and brings her close to nuzzle his nose into the crook of her neck.
“Hello, babygirl.”
Yoongi keeps his tone soft, so that he doesn’t wake Seokjin from his mid afternoon nap. Laying the baby down on the changing table, Yoongi tries his best to make quick work of changing Miyoung’s diaper. The little girl is a wiggle worm and somehow her foot goes right into the dirty diaper making Yoongi frown. He reaches for another wipe to clean Miyoung’s foot and as he pulls his hand back, she kicks her foot out and catches the back of Yoongi’s hand.
“Miyoung,” Yoongi sighs as he grimaces. The warmth and the squish on his skin is not a pleasant feeling. 
“You’re getting poop everywhere.”
Yoongi glances over his shoulder to see that Seokjin is awake and watching him with laughing eyes. Yoongi feels heat attack his face and he turns back around to finish cleaning and changing Miyoung. Holding the baby in his arms, Yoongi turns to face his mate and Seokjin is now on his feet, rubbing his eyes.
“Did we wake you?” 
Seokjin shakes his head at Yoongi’s question and yawns, “My tits hurt and I need to pump.”
Yoongi looks at the watch on his wrist and sees that it is time for Miyoung’s feeding. Walking over towards Seokjin, Yoongi easily gathers the bag that holds most of Seokjin’s breastfeeding supplies and equipment. He rocks Miyoung from side to side while Seokjin sets himself up to pump. He leaves his left side untouched and Yoongi understands that Miyoung will drink straight from the nipple.
“Okay, hand her over.”
As Yoongi hands his daughter to the awaiting omega he can’t help but pout, “It’s not fair.”
“Mmm?” Seokjin pays Yoongi little mind as he tugs down the collar of his shirt to feed Miyoung.
“Why can’t I help you?”
Miyoung latches onto Seokjin’s puffy nipple easily and starts to suckle, her tiny hand fisting the material of Seokjin’s shirt.
“What are you talking about Yoon? You help me.”
Yoongi drops to his knees in front of Seokjin and makes room for himself between his omega’s 
thighs. Seokjin stares down at him and gulps; the scent of spiced peaches tickles Yoongi’s nose. Yoongi’s hands are large and warm as they rest on Seokjin’s hips and massage the soft skin. He lets his fingers work their magic, not once taking his eyes off of Seokjin’s. Leaning in, Yoongi kisses the scarred skin of Seokjin’s tummy and licks at the stretch marks. 
“I wanna taste too, ‘mega.”
Seokjin inhales a shaky breath, between the look in Yoongi’s eyes and his words, Seokjin feels feverish. He has never thought of Yoongi drinking from him but now that the idea is in his mind, the imagery is tempting. Yoongi smiles up at Seokjin, looking at him through his lashes, looking very much like a cat that got the cream…or is about to get the cream. Seokjin sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and nods his head quickly, two times. Yoongi wastes no time in removing the pump from Seokjin’s chest and quickly attacking his lips to the flushed and puffy nipple. 
The milk is sweet and coats Yoongi’s tongue like honey. It sprays into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat and making him moan as he swallows mouthful after mouthful. He doesn’t have to suck very hard, the constant stream of milk seems never ending and Yoongi wonders if this is what Seokjin means by a let down. He continues to massage Seokjin’s hips, rutting his hips against the edge of the rocking chair as his length hardens in his slacks. 
Seokjin bites his lip to keep from moaning. The way Yoongi drinks from him feels amazing, it’s a relief that Miyoung and the pump don’t fully give him. Yoongi is able to draw more from him and he applies just the right amount of pressure to help guild the milk flow. Seokjin sighs as he relaxes fully into the rocking chair and looks down at his two loves. He can feel the way Yoongi is humping against the rocking chair, it takes all of Seokjin’s will to not tease the needy alpha in front of him. The warmth from Yoongi’s hands and mouth is soothing; it makes a need bubble in Seokjin’s stomach that wasn’t there before.
“I-I think that’s enough.”
Seokjin pushes Yoongi’s face away from his chest gently, not wanting to jostle Miyoung. Yoongi allows for Seokjin to push him away and when he looks up at the omega, Seokjin’s face is flushed. There is a bead of white on Yoongi’s lower lip and as he licks it, he moans softly, not once taking his eyes from Seokjin’s.
“How can you taste so good, nae sarang?” Yoongi slowly rises to his feet and Seokjin can see the bulge in his pants. “Everything about you is delectable,” he inhales deeply and his eyes flash red as spiced peaches sting his nose, “should I eat something else?” 
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Yoongi sits in the kitchen, eating a salad while scrolling on his phone. He has a flight to catch soon, Jungkook should be here any moment to pick him up. The sound of meaty skin slapping against the tiled floor at a quickening rate catches Yoongi’s attention and he glances at the doorway. A curl mop of dark brown hair, pulled into two space buns catches Yoongi’s eyes and he smiles. Miyoung has found him and is speeding his way. Setting his phone down, Yoongi turns in the chair, watching as his little pup crawls into the kitchen, dressed in a cute sunshine yellow onesies with white and clouds and daisy printed all over it.
Her gummy smile is identical to Yoongi’s and she squeals in delight at the sight of her Appa. Miyoung crawls faster, giggling when Seokjin’s shout of surprise sounds from somewhere in the home. Yoongi smirks as his daughter grabs onto the leg of the chair and pulls herself up. Her tiny hand fists his pants and tug while babbling about her great escape.
“Listen here you little Houdini,” Yoongi starts as he scoops Miyoung up into his arms and sets her on the table tops, “you’re going to give your daddy a heart attack one of these days.”
Miyoung pays Yoongi’s words no mind as she reaches out and grabs his nose with her tiny hand. Yoongi huffs a laugh and wiggles his nose back and forth making Miyoung giggle wildly. Her hand falls to his lips and he presses a million little kisses to her palm. Seokjin comes into the kitchen minutes later, having followed the sounds of Miyoung’s laughter. Seokjin’s brown hair is messy, a mix of curls and waves. Some of it hangs in his eyes creating a soft curtain that makes him look much younger than he really is.
“Baby,” Seokjin scolds lightly as he walks into the kitchen and Miyoung looks at him with wide, wet eyes. “You’re too fast for Daddy. We were supposed to see Appa together.”
The whine in Seokjin’s voice makes Yoongi snort and he picks Miyoung up from the table to hold her in his arms. Their cheeks squish together and they both smile at Seokjin who just shakes his head with the fondest of smiles on his face. 
“You got your Appa, huh?” Seokjin grins as Miyoung turns her head and gums at Yoongi’s cheek, slobbering all over him.
Yoongi’s phone chimes as a car horn honks from outside. Standing with Miyoung in his arms, Yoongi shoves his phone into his back pocket and offers his hand for Seokjin’s to hold. Together the family of three head to the front door and Yoongi slips his feet into a pair of black shiny shoes. Opening the door, Yoongi turns to face Seokjin who waves at Jungkook who is standing outside of the car with a cigarette in his mouth.
“Be safe okay?” Seokjin whispers as Yoongi pulls him into a kiss. Their noses brush against each other as Yoongi scents Seokjin and he does the same to Miyoung who is holding onto his shirt tightly. 
“I love you so much.” Yoongi pecks Miyoung’s forehead and carefully hands her over to Seokjin. He looks at his mate and kisses his lips once more. “I will text you the moment I touch down. I won’t be gone for more than four days, five at the most. Hoseok will take my place if there are any issues.”
Seokjin nods his head and grabs Miyoung’s hand, “Say bye-bye Appa!”
Miyoung lets Seokjin wave her hand and she smiles wildly at Yoongi, “A-Aaaaappa!”
Seokjin squawks loudly, almost crushing Miyoung in the tightest of hugs while Yoongi’s chest swells with pride. Reaching out he steals Miyoung and cuddles her tightly in his chest. 
“Appa loves you pup. I love you so, so much.” He scents her once more and puckers his lips out to which Miyoung gives him a super wet kiss. 
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xoxiu · 1 year
twinkle - ot7 x reader
chapter 04 table of contents masterlist
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summary: she had just wanted attention, that’s why she kept texting the strange number, updating him on everything in her life. little did she know how dangerous this relationship actually was. it had been jimin’s idea to kidnap the girl, but the ability to travel across the world to actually do it had been all hoseok’s doing. convenient how some things work, right? they knew that they were destined to have their baby with them, whether she wanted it or not.
tags/warnings: kidnapping, forced age regression, spanking, noncon, mafia au, drug use, stockholm syndrome, caregiver!bts, little!reader, nonsexual, diapers, panic attacks, fluff and angst, sickfic, referenced child abuse, unrequited love
a/n: i wrote this fic in 2018 on ao3 and wattpad, but im putting it here for archival reasons ♡
The van pulled into the hotel parking lot, and Ophelia still slept. The drugs had made her sick and sleepy, and Ophelia realized that if she slept, her nausea went away. She didn't want to sleep since that made her susceptible to whatever her kidnappers would do to her, but the internal ickiness and external weakness was just too much.
"I'll give Lia her bottle if the rest of you load up the van," Seokjin said, quickly unbuckling his seatbelt so he could move to sit next to the sleeping girl. 
"I thought we were going to stay at the hotel for a bit before flying back?" Jimin asked, stepping out of the van, desperate to stretch his legs after the long car ride. Once Taehyung got out and the sleeping boys in the back woke up, Seokjin took Tae's spot next to Ophelia, running a hand through her hair with a smile. 
"No, I want to get her home soon. She's looking a little pale," Seokjin brushed a hand over Ophelia's forehead and cheek, noting just how hot and clammy it felt. The girl whimpered and turned her head away from Jin in her sleep, causing Jin to give a small coo at the action. 
Once the rest had left the van to pack their things, Seokjin unbuckled Ophelia from her car seat and maneuvered her so she was now sitting on his lap. The movement caused her eyes to open in panic, and her breathing to increase to the point where she was nearly hyperventilating. 
Seokjin noticed the beginning of her panic attack and began to gently bounce her. Ophelia eventually ended up choking on her breaths and sobs, but willed herself to continue to fight despite her limbs not cooperating with her mind. The chloroform started to wear off, as Ophelia could think much clearer and make out small words.
"N-no..." Ophelia choked out, closing her eyes as if that would make everything stop and disappear. "L-let go..." Seokjin only continued to shush her, put her head under his chin, and reached down to grab a bottle of water and a baby bottle. With the baby bottle in her vision, Ophelia noticed white powder resting at the bottom and feared that it wasn't formula mix. Once the water was poured in and the color remained clear instead of a milky white, Ophelia's panicking increased as the water was drugged. 
"Open up, baby," he said, holding the bottle to Ophelia's tightly shut lips, "Open up for Eomma."
Ophelia was caught off-guard by the man referring to himself as 'Eomma,' and Seokjin took to opportunity to slip the bottle into her unwilling mouth. Ophelia refused to drink from the bottle, fighting the natural instinct to suck, and attempted to maneuver the rubber nipple out of her mouth. This only resulted in the water that was forced out due to gravity to smear all over her lips and into her mouth. This caused Jin to click his tongue in disapproval and put slight pressure on the bottle, forcing more water to flow into Ophelia's mouth. Ophelia still refused to swallow, having the water slowly fill her mouth, leaking out from where her lips were parted around the baby bottle.
Not removing pressure from the bottle, Seokjin began to gently blow in Ophelia's face, triggering her to swallow. Ophelia shut her eyes tightly and unconsciously swallowed, causing her to also begin suckling on the bottle. Realizing that some of the white powder was now in her, she admitted defeat and quickly drank the water, wanting to get out of the situation sooner. Being in the car seat was much better than being on the strange man's lap.
With her eyes closed in an attempt to block out her current situation, Ophelia didn't notice another man come back to the car until he spoke. 
"Awh, someone's tired," the deep voice said, gently brushing his finger across Ophelia's cheek. Ophelia opened her eyes and glared at the man, recognizing him as the one previously in the passenger's seat. He smiled in return, laughing slightly at the girl's annoyance. 
"She should be out again soon," Seokjin said, "We have a long flight and I want her asleep for most of it. Tae said she should be out for twelve hours after her bottle." Ophelia began to internally panic; she didn't know what would happen to her in those hours she'd be unconscious. 
Soon enough all the water was out of the bottle. Jin removed the rubber nipple from Ophelia's mouth and grabbed the rag that Namjoon held out to him to wipe the water all over Ophelia's mouth. When his rag-covered finger brushed over her lips, Ophelia bit down on the fabric, causing Jin to pull his finger back. Instead of the expected glare and anger, Ophelia was shocked when the man simply chuckled before continuing. 
"Silly baby," Jin threw the rag back into the bag and tapped the tip of the girl's nose, "Eomma's finger isn't your bottle."
Ophelia groaned and flung her head back as if the small movements she could make was enough to escape the man's grasp. This only resulted in Jin cooing and rocking her gently. Already feeling the effects of the drug (a downside of being a lightweight), Ophelia sleepily looked outside the van at the clear blue sky and the other men carrying bags. The bright sunlight hurt her sensitive eyes, but she now refused to close them, fearing what would happen when she fell asleep. They said that they were flying somewhere, probably somewhere far away where no one would find her. 
It's not like anyone would look for me, Ophelia thought. My parents would do anything to get me away from them. 
Seokjin noticed Ophelia staring at Namjoon and smiled, figuring that she was quickly warming up to them since her face didn't have the glare it previously did. Namjoon, however, wasn't paying much attention. He was too distracted by his phone to see little doe eyes staring at him. 
"Are you looking at Appa?" Seokjin asked the girl, giving her a small bounce on his lap. This caught Namjoon's attention, who looked to find Ophelia's stare on him. He smiled, but realized that she wasn't exactly staring at him- it was almost like she was staring through him, deep in thought and pretending he wasn't there. His smile was taken over by a concerned glance towards Jin, which was ignored for Jin was too busy staring down at the girl in his lap. 
Ophelia, internally, was at war with herself. On one hand, she realized she no longer had to deal with her parents. No more yelling at three in the morning. No more cleaning up broken beer bottles before her brother woke up so he wouldn't step on any stray glass. No more being the only mature adult of the house. No more.
But that also means she basically left her siblings to fend for themselves. Henry was only a middle-schooler who grew up relying on Ophelia. While neither of them would admit it, Henry really had no clue how to take care of himself and Rose.
And Rose.
Rose. Ophelia left Rose alone. Ophelia felt her panic internalize to the point she was so tense she could explode. How long had she been gone? Rose was overdue for a feeding, and the only thing Ophelia could do was hope that Henry got home from school okay. Sometimes on his walk home, he decided to stop by a friend's home or corner store for a snack. While Ophelia never seemed to care, this time she hoped Henry came straight home and found Rose alone and at least fed and changed her. 
Someone would call the police. While Ophelia wasn't exactly popular, she had a lot of good friends (some of who could be considered 'popular'). Once someone realized that she wasn't answering her texts or came to school, someone would get suspicious and call in. Maybe Henry would as soon as he got home, and Ophelia would be found quicker than the plane could take off. That was most likely impossible, seeing as even Ophelia didn't know where she was. 
Unable to fight against the threat of sleep any longer, Ophelia closed her tear-filled eyes.
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chimcess · 1 year
Birdie Shoppe || pjm (VIII)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 8.8k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the north and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Birdie, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the 123rd Birdie, a young girl who was given her position too early and asked by the goddess herself to fulfil a task none had ever done before- become the Grand Witch of the Foxglove pack. Now a woman, Y/N is revered as the most loved and powerful Birdie of all time, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: Cursing, ANGSTY, crying, emotional turmoil, panic attack, anxiety, some fluff, more backstory, banter, mentions of violence, talks of death, just a lot of heart strings being pulled in every direction, the slow burn is slow burning, brief mentions of sex, brief sexual tension A/N: I love all of these characters so much it’s insane. Thank you so much for your continued loved and support with this series. Writing this had been so much for me and I appreciate your kind words more than anything! This was originally going to be a much longer chapter, but after seeing how long we were getting already I decided to break it in half. The next part will be up in a few weeks! (also how do we feel about the roman numerals instead of numbers?)
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The sun was high in the sky, its rays warming my face as I stood by the window and laughed. Outside my friends had been tending my small garden while I sat inside and made dolls with the children. Litha has always been one of my favorite sabbots to celebrate even if I could only enjoy it looking out a window. Beside me, Mariana showed off her pretty doll covered in flower petals and colorful yarn. With a large grin on my face I told her how beautiful it was.
The sea coven had come over to celebrate along with Seokjin and Yoongi. Wendy had attacked me the second she saw me, her hug knocking all the air from my chest, and I knew we were alright. She and Jin had spoken and smiled with one another and warmth spread throughout my chest. I was glad to see they were able to be friendly with one another. I was even happier when she hardly acknowledged Yoongi’s presence outside of a greeting. The kitchen witch seemed happier about it than Jin. 
I heard Cordelia’s boisterous laugh from outside as she began telling Taehyung the story of a “little thief.” Rolling my eyes, I laughed to myself. I would never live down taking from her garden it seems. I heard Hyun-Jin brush her off, his deep voice smooth and monotone, and Wendy’s shrill laugh follow. Everyone was in high spirits today. Looking out the window again, I caught sight of Jimin and Yoona talking. Yoongi’s mother had moved out of Bangtan after Aldara’s death, as did Hoji, Heji, and Taejin, and I had not seen her much since. I was happy everyone had decided to come today. It had been a very long time since we were all together like this. Feeling my eyes on him, Jimin looked my way and grinned.
I smiled back at him shyly before holding up my own doll. They were a very common thing to make during the sabbots. Normally, you would use whatever you had lying around and sticks. This morning everyone had gone out to collect sticks, twigs, leaves, and flowers for the kids to get started with. I had gone out of my way to gather up my crafting supplies so they could have extra options. My doll was a simple bundle of twigs wearing a skirt of leaves and wildflowers. Jimin’s smile grew and he gave me a thumbs up. Giggling, I went back to helping the kids make the doll bodies.
“Snatcher!” Cordelia yelled, her voice thick with amusement. “Why haven’t you told these gentlemen about the fae incident?”
Knocking my head back, I laughed loudly and clutched my stomach. It had been so long since I had felt this carefree. Leave it to Cordelia to bring up one of our most embarrassing childhood stories.
“It never came up,” I got out, wiping the tears from my eyes.
I could hear my trio of friends all protesting, their laughter just as bright as mine. Wendy begged Cordelia to not speak a word while Jin threatened to never send her another shipment of honey again. Putting my doll down, I leaned against the windowsill and chuckled. 
“When we were about nine,” I started. Cordelia laughed as their insults were not being weighed at me. “Yoon, Jin, Wen, and I were all out in the forest playing. We were very serious about our games then and tag was the most ruthless game of them all. We played dirty, too.”
I laughed to myself at the memory. We had gone way too far into the forest and up into Moland. While I was allowed to explore everywhere I wanted to go, Wendy was forbidden from going out of the forest and her aunt would be very angry with her if she had. We had not noticed how far away we had gone until Jin had found himself falling into the swamp.
“Well, while we were in Moland,” I continued, “We had gotten really scared. We always heard the story of the three-eyed alligator from Thelma, she’s a swamp witch who is good friends with everyone, and we thought we were going to get eaten up. Instead, Jin fell, sprained his ankle, and got stuck in a fairy circle.
“Or, at least that’s what we thought. We made such a fuss over him and how he was going to be lost forever that we disturbed an actual forest faerie. They’re called Ghillie Dhus and they’re very nice. Well, all of us thought that it was about to steal Jin so we tried to fight it. Instead, it just laughed at us and said he had just fallen into a mushroom patch.”
Wendy laughed, “And then I started crying because it was getting dark!”
I nodded, struggling to catch my breath. “And then Yoon begged the fairy to take us home.”
Yoongi finally cut in, a large smile on his face. “Thelma ended up finding us cause we were being so loud and got us all in trouble.”
“Except for B,” Jin pouted. “Aldara always let her get away with stuff like that.”
I scoffed, “You try being trapped inside for eighty years and telling someone else they can’t explore.”
A kid tapped my shoulder and the conversation was dropped. Taking the bundle of twigs, I wrapped them tightly with cord before taking another bundle and tying them with an ‘x’ to create the arms. It looked like a cross before you added the legs. Adding another set of twigs to the bottom, the doll could stand up by itself and I glued a puffy ball to the top of the neck. The child, Diggory, thanked me and started decorating. That would be his fourth doll. Mariana still had the most of them all. 
The house began to smell of bread and I smiled. Everyone had brought something to eat with them. We always made focaccia here so I kept the tradition alive. Cordelia made sure to cook lots of fish while Yoongi made a delicious soup. Jin, like always, brought nothing except honey. Yoona had brought homemade lilac wine with her and the Kims made a delicious tofu stir fry. Later today I would have the kids help me make my famous lilac and lemon shortbread cookies. Jin had gotten so excited when I told him I was planning on making them and got Taehyung to join in on his begging, so I felt obligated to entertain them just this once.
“When are we getting cookies?” Seokjin whined, his timing creeping me out.
I hated when that happened.
“Whenever I get around to making them,” I replied, sassily. “If you want them so badly you can make them yourself.”
Still, despite my remarks I stood up and went over to my recipe book. They were extremely easy to make but I was not sure if I had enough butter to make them. I had not made any nut butters in a few weeks, but looking over the recipe again I was not as worried. I only needed two sticks or 16 tablespoons. Poking the inside of my cheek, I nodded and took out a few bowls and spoons. 
“Who wants to help?” I asked. 
All five of the children jumped at the idea and I had my hands full keeping them all under control. Mariana only agreed to let me zest the lemons if I let her cream the butter and sugar together by herself. Diggory and his brother Zyell fought over who would add the lemon juice and who would roll the dough. I told Diggory he could pour the lemon juice but Zyell would be able to put the arrowroot powder. Everyone would get the chance to cut out the cookies. 
“What’s in the sugar?” Cordelia’s daughter, Rori, asked. 
Chuckling, I shook my head and told the kids to step away from the cookies. Capturing their attention was simple enough, and once they noticed the sugar had a slight purple hue and flowers in it they were climbing all over me to get a closer look. I had to admit, infused sugars always looked beautiful. Lilac sugar was the prettiest of them all.
“It’s infused sugar,” I explained. I got a large round of ego boosting “oh’s” and grinned. “Those purple things are lilacs. They’re delicious when you add them to the sugar.”
“Where did you learn that?” Diggory asked.
My smile fell slightly, “My aunt.”
“Woah,” Zyell exclaimed overdramatically. “She must have been the greatest, best cook ever in the world.”
Laughing, I shooed them away and went back to making the cookies. It was strange having children so young running around the cottage. The thoughts of Jimin and the Yule tree came to my mind again and I shook my head in frustration. I needed to pay attention. I would not put anything about this mischievous bunch. 
“All of you,” I demanded, “Outside. Now. I have to turn the stove on and none of you are allowed around the fire. Understand?”
“Yes, cousin B,” Rori sing-songed before they all ran out the front door.
Striking up the fire, I laughed to myself at the title. Since when did I become cousin B? I would have to speak to Wendy about that. Listening to the conversations outside, I felt giddy as I finished putting the cookies in the oven. I began to make a simple glaze icing and hummed along to the melody in my head.
“May I ask you something, Jimin?” My ears pricked at the sound of Yoona’s voice.
“Yes, ma’am,” He replied. 
He sounded slightly out of breath and I put the icing to the side for a moment. The sun was high in the sky now and they had to be thirsty. Taking out a few glasses, I placed them on a small tray.
“Can I trust you to take care of Birdie for me?” The older witch asked, her voice earnest.
Embarrassed, I bucked my head slightly as I grabbed my large decanter of smreka. It was nice to hear her still looking after me even though I was a woman now. I felt guilty for not keeping up with her as often as I should have. Aldara would be furious with me if she were here. 
“She’s very important to me,” Jimin replied, his voice dropping slightly. I could not hear if he said anything more after that since Taehyung’s loudness echoed through my meadow. Gritting my teeth, I focused harder. “I’ll be sure she’s taken care of.”
Yoona sighed, “Thank goodness. I worry about her so much. It might sound silly but after the wolf situation I’ve been on pins and needles.”
My entire body froze and all of the conversations around me stopped. It was an honest mistake, a slip up, but that did not stop my anger from flaring. The betrayal hit me like a truck and the fondness for Yoona I had felt moments before evaporated. How dare she?
“What are you talking about?” Jin asked.
I squeezed my eyes shut and slammed the decanter on the island. The bowl of icing shook with the force. Focusing on my breathing, I knew I would have to play this off as best I could and hoped to God that Yoona would do the same.
As always, she bounced back from her mistake with ease.
“Don’t you remember that giant wolf that used to run around the forest a few years ago? It was massive and used to scare Birdie when she was a little kid.”
Hoji laughed, “Oh! Aldara used to giggle about it with me over tea sometimes.”
“Afraid of wolves, B?” Taehyung teased.
He had gotten comfortable with the nickname after overhearing Jin use it.
“Watch your mouth, freeloader,” I shot back, my wits still about. “It would be a shame if you had nowhere to sleep tonight.”
He laughed, “Please! Jin would take me in.”
The witch snorted in reply. “As if!”
Breathing easier, I went back to pouring. Filling them halfway, I used magic to lift small balls of the drink out of the decanter. Twirling them around in the air, I sang softly to myself and froze them all. I placed them in each of the glasses, having to redo the spell multiple times in order to chill each of them, before lifting the tray. 
“What’s that?” Cordelia asked, taking the tray from me.
“Smreka,” I explained. “It’s fermented alcohol made from juniper and water. I like to sweeten it with agave nectar but honey is fine, too.”
The witch took a hefty sip before smiling. She liked it. Happy with my work, I took the glass I had made for myself and Cordelia passed around glasses to the others. Taehyung was not as happy with it but he was not a fan of alcohol. Frowning, I asked if he wanted lemonade instead.
Shaking his head he replied, “It’s fine. Good actually. Just strong.”
Taejin snorted, “You think this is strong? I can’t think of anything lighter.”
Hoji shoved his shoulder. 
“Leave the boy alone. He’s just a lightweight is all.”
Taehyung seemed excited by the notion. I shook my head and sipped on my drink. Taejin was right. This was hardly considered alcohol and would take more than a few jars to have any effect. However, I was happy my friend liked it. I would have to let him try the lilac wine I would make this year. It was a very big hit.
After finishing my drink, I knew it was time to take the cookies out. I was very happy with the result and left them to cool for several minutes. The garden looked beautiful this year and I was immensely grateful to everyone who came. Grabbing two fistfuls of lilacs from my pantry, I placed them to the side so I could candy them.
“You eat rabbit food,” Cordelia joked.
“I’ve seen rabbits with better diets,” Heji chimed.
I ignored their taunts. Yoongi and I always received the most flack for our lifestyles. The kitchen witch less so than I. He would not avoid meat altogether and often feasted during holidays. I was far more conscious of my diet. The last cheat I had allowed myself was honey in my tea on the occasion. It was usually out of convenience or lack of other options, still I would never say I was perfect. I had even drank tea with honey at Jimin’s home. The memory brought a fresh set of butterflies to my stomach.
I still could not believe he had kept that stupid piece of paper.
“Did you know red meat isn’t good for you?” Yoongi mocked.
Taking the lilacs off the stove, I began icing the cookies and putting the flowers on the top of them. They would need to sit for a few more minutes. Lifting my hands, the dirty dishes around me started floating. Putting them in the sick, I charmed a sponge and soap to begin cleaning. The sponge bowed to me before turning on the water. 
“Lettuce has no nutritional value,” Wendy bit back.
Laughing I poked my head out of the window.
“Enough. Come in and wash up. We have cookies to eat.”
Jin was inside before I could finish my sentence. 
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Jimin sat down beside me on the floor. The afternoon had settled everyone down and spread us around the house. The rose bushes in front of the house had been trimmed back beautifully and not a single thorn had been left behind. Yoongi had fallen asleep on my big, red chair and the other witches were talking quietly at the dining table. Cordelia had left earlier to bring the kids home. Smiling at the wolf, I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Thank you for helping with the garden,” I said.
He wrapped his arm around my waist. “Anytime.”
He pulled away and left me feeling cold. Wanting to frown, I scooted closer to him and sighed heavily. Everything felt right when we were this close but still the dangers coming were hard to push away. I could only hope that we would make it through whatever it may be before it was too late.
Kissing the top of my head, Jimin hummed.
“What’s going through that mind of yours?”
I smiled bashfully, “How nice this feels.”
That pulled a large, toothy grin out of the wolf. He was always ready and waiting for compliments like that. Shaking my head, I scoffed.
“Don’t let that get to your head now,” I mumbled.
“Too late for that,” Jimin teased. “Come on. Indulge me.”
Pushing his chest, I scowled playfully. Jimin’s eyes lit up and I smiled back at him. If only I could stay in his orbit… If only…
“You’re very handsome, though I’m sure you already know that. Have I ever told you how lovely your dimple is? I can’t remember-”
“Alright, alright,” He laughed, cradling my face in his hands. “I get it. Thank you. You’re embarrassing me.”
I laughed. He was somehow worse with compliments than I was. I heard Taehyung laughing from somewhere in the house and grew even more amused. If there was one person who enjoyed how flustered I could make Jimin it would have to be Kim Taehyung. Jimin groaned, obviously hearing the laughter even more clearly than I could, and hid his face in my hair.
“Now you’ve done it,” He complained. “I won’t hear the end of this for at least another week.”
The sadness weighing on my heart deepened. I did not think we had another week for Taehyung to tease Jimin. We would be lucky if we lasted a few days. I do not know why I felt that way, or how I could possibly know it, but I did. I stopped questioning it a long time ago.
“Poor thing,” I mocked. 
I did not want to sour his good mood. Jimin had been radiant today and I would hate to take the happiness out of his eyes. Even if a part of me felt selfish for doing so, I wanted to keep him this way until the bitter end. I would always want to remember us this way. Twisting my head up, I kissed his jawline and curled into his side ever so slightly more.
“Oh, B!” Wendy exclaimed. “I’m so happy you’re finally together.”
“Same,” Yoongi deadpanned. “Still. A warning would have been nice. We are friends, aren’t we?”
I laughed, “Of course! I just didn’t know how to bring it up.”
“Just say it,” Jin replied, his tone condescending and filled with sarcasm.
“And you’re just the expert at love,” I replied, snarkily. 
Jin laughed. We both knew the teasing was in good nature and rarely got upset with one another. Jimin leaned into me. I had not felt the need to hide our relationship anymore and after talking to Shiloh, I had felt even less inclined to remain subtle. My familiar had not been surprised but was hurt I had not told her sooner. She was even more dramatic when she learned that Wendy had known more than she did. It took a long night of talking to calm her down but she was happy for me. She could not remember the last time I had seemed so certain. Neither had I.
“Son,” Hoji warned, waving her finger at Seokjin. “Don’t go picking fights you can’t win.”
“You mother’s right,” Taejin added. “Crow would snap you in half.”
This made everyone laugh. It was no secret my fighting magic was lacking, and we had formed many inside jokes around it by now. If anything, I should stop picking jokes before the solar witch blinded me. He was fierce when he wanted to be.
“She does run with wolves, Jinnie,” Yoona mocked. “Big, bad, scary wolves.”
“Enough teasing,” I chuckled. “Especially if you can’t perform a simple levitation spell.”
Yoongi snickered at his mother’s scandalized expression. Yoona was a formidable witch, one of the best potionists I had ever met, but outside of that she was laughably horrible. Aldara had told me a story about her before. They had been fourteen and my aunt had been trying to show the kitchen witch an invisibility spell she had made. Yoona had accidentally teleported herself into Moland, and Thelma had to fish her out of the bogs and take her home. Hwasa, her mother, had been so angry with her she did nothing but polish and clean for a week.
“That was a low blow,” Yoona stood up and waved her hands dramatically. “And it was an invisibility spell! What practical use does that have?”
“Ma,” Yoongi drawled. “It’s okay if your magic is a little lacking. We can’t all be great at everything like me.”
“You better stop picking on your mother, young man!” Yoona shouted, unable to keep the laughter out of her tone. “You better pray at your altar ten times tonight and beg Lilith for forgiveness!”
“And if I don’t?”
Yoona had to stop herself from smiling. Biting her lip and flaring her nostrils, Yoona held her head up high.
“Then Krampus is going to gobble you up come Yule!”
Unable to stop herself, Yoona burst. Our loud laughs bounced off the walls of the cottage and I wiped the tears from my face. I had not realized just how much I had missed this. It made me hope for a bright future all the more and the ache in my chest to grow ever larger. My love for these people was overflowing and I hid my tears behind laughter. No one needed to know just how torn up I was. No one needed to know the only reason I had gone through with this party was so I could have one last good memory of us together. No one needed to know just how much I wanted to reach out and hold them for dear life. No one needed to know a thing.
“Oh no!” Yoongi jumped out of his seat, holding his face, with a mock look of horror. “Not Krampus! What ever will I do?”
“What if-” Wendy joined in on the little charade and gasped. “What if it’s not Krampus? What if it’s-” She stopped herself suddenly, faking emotion.
“The Yule cat,” Seokjin whispered, menacingly.
I let out a loud, over the top shriek. Ripping myself from Jimin’s arms, I ran to Yoongi and grasped his shoulders. Shaking him roughly, I tried my hardest to keep a straight face. 
“I swear to you, I will make you a brand new outfit before then. Don't worry about anything, Yoonie.”
“And I’ll do all my chores,” He replied, clutching my biceps.
After a beat, we cracked up again. It was a common pastime to make fun of the Yule Cat in our circle. Yoona’s family was originally from a place called Kaltain. Instead of Yule Goats they had the Yule Cat. It is a huge, vicious cat that ate children who did not get new clothes for Yule. Apparently, children who did all of their chores got them while lazy children did not. It was always something we found silly but refrained from mentioning around Hwasa. She would have our heads if we ever made fun of the legend. 
“What are you talking about,” Taehyung interrupted, popping his head in from outside.
“I’ll tell you later,” I promised.
Letting go of Yoongi, I went back to my spot next to Jimin. The conversation continued to babble on but I just wanted to be close to him again. He reached out for me and sat me down beside him. Holding onto my hand, Jimin tilted his head at me.
He looked skinnier than he had when he first arrived. The stress must be getting to him more than he let on. Still, he looked right out of a dream. His cheeks were dusted in pink and his eyes twinkled. I raised an eyebrow.
“When will I have you all to myself?” He asked, feigning innocence.
My heart rate sped up. 
“Not today, I’m afraid.”
He smirked, “But tomorrow?”
I looked down and felt my ears growing hot. “That depends.”
“On what?”
“On you,” I whispered. 
Sex had been something relatively off the table for Jimin. He had said he thought I was not ready for that just yet, and I was not confident enough to fight him about it. He seemed even more wary of it after our conversation in my room a few weeks ago. Still, he often alluded to it and enjoyed seeing how flustered I could get. An eye for an eye he called it. 
Jimin softened. “Soon.”
It sounded like a promise. I wondered what he saw in me that I could not notice. I knew how observant Taehyung was but Jimin’s emotions were harder to gauge. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and kiss him, to tell him I was fine, and take claim on him. Part of me wondered if my virginity had something to do with his hesitance, or if it was all about my mood swings. Knowing Jimin it was more than likely both.
I hummed but said nothing else. I was appreciative of how careful he was trying to be. I knew it was not easy and his wolf was probably having a hard time keeping at bay. Then again, I could not be so sure. I knew the pull that wolves had for one another but would that still transfer over to us? Glancing at Jimin, I hoped that we were just as strong as a pair of wolves. 
A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Confused, I stood and made my way to the door. The conversation behind me ceased. Checking through the window, I was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar, unexpected face. I rushed to open the door and beamed at Thelma.
When I was young I had disliked the witch. She had come around the least and always ratted us out when we got into trouble in Moland. After Aldara’s death, though, she had become something more to me. Her and Hyun-Jin were important people in my life and helped me figure out how to rebuild. She was very reclusive and had not told me that she was coming over. Whatever it was, it had to be important.
“Thelma!” Yoona’s voice gave away her excitement. “Long time no see, stranger.”
The swamp witch smiled and let herself in. She had always been extremely petite, small in stature, with skin the color of taupe that was offset by a scattering of thick, large umber freckles that dusted her face. Her hair was dense and coarse like cashmere. When I was young, it had been a rich, ebony, but with her age it had gray streaks beginning to take root. She looked every bit as lovely as she had last I had seen her.
“Nice to see everyone,” Her voice had always been husky and soft. It was a comfort to me and I was over the moon she had come. I was confused by her son’s absence but did not read too much into it. Hyun-jin was even more reclusive than his mother. “I was hoping to speak with Birdie alone for a bit. I have something for her that I think would be best to share privately.”
Yoona flipped her inky black hair over her shoulder and nodded. She and Yoongi were identical. Yoongi had never met his father so I had no point of reference for what the man looked like, but he was missing from all of Yoongi’s features. Jin’s family left without a hitch, Jin pouted like a kicked puppy for being left out, and the Min’s followed suit. Jimin seemed hesitant to leave but Taehyung called for him before I had to ask him to go myself. The alpha looked displeased but left without a fight. Wendy was the last to go and gave Thelma a hug on her way out. 
Walking to the kitchen, I grabbed my kettle out of habit. Tea was an important part of any conversation, but Thelma stopped me before I filled it with water. Nodding, I could not stop myself from grabbing another bottle of smreka. Thelma sighed and shook her head but did not comment any further. My manners were getting the best of me. Grabbing two glasses, I poured us each a cup before sitting at the dining table. Thelma sat across from me and took a sip and two cookies from the tray beside her.
“Thank you,” She mumbled.
“Of course. You’re welcome anytime.”
She smiled at me sadly. Scooting the glass over, Thelma placed her hands out in front of her and linked her hands. A pit began to form in my stomach as I waited for her to say something. The expression on her face told me that whatever it was I would not be happy to hear about it.
“There’s something happening in the forest,” Thelma said, her voice very low. I leaned closer to her and listened carefully. “Moland is dark. Darker than usual. People are going missing. Hyun-Jin had a vision this morning that put him to bed for hours. He still won’t speak to me. He’s like Aldara in that way. I’m worried, Y/N.”
All of my fears were beginning to come true. Whatever was happening around us had nothing to do with the wolf pack. They were mere child’s play to the sinister forces working around us. The image of the injured wolf came back to me and I felt my breath picking up. If a wolf had not hurt Taehyung then what had?
“I haven’t seen something like this since the quietus still roamed the forest freely,” Thelma whispered. My blood ran cold. “I spoke with Ranvir, Hyung-Jin’s rat, and he said his friends have been saying the same thing. Our home is filled with pets and familiars who have been abandoned. Their owners went out and never came back.”
I closed my eyes and felt tears stinging them. My anger and frustration were palpable. All of this was happening, people were getting hurt and going missing, and yet here I was safe and sound from the outside world. I wanted so desperately to get out there and help. Yanking my leg, the silver chain dug into my skin and made me wince. I had never hated my confinement more than I did at this moment. 
“You are not safe in this house. You need protection spells and you need to make sure everyone else gets them. I brought some that Aldara gave me right before she got locked away. She wanted to make sure we had them in case things changed.”
Thelma pulled out a small, leatherbound notebook. It could be no more than twenty pages long and had the same height as my palm. In the swamp witch’s small hands it looked huge. Taking it from her, I began to skim through the pages.
“Have you told them?” Thelma asked, her voice knowing.
I shook my head. “No. I don’t need them worrying about this right now. I need to figure out what the forest has been trying to tell me.”
“What has it said?” She asked.
I closed the book with a sigh and fell back into my chair. Where do I even begin? Breaking down the vision and what the spirit had said to me, my lip wobbled and I fought back my tears. I wished I was strong and brave like Aldara, but I was just me. I thought of the wolf and I cried harder. I felt pathetic. 
“We’ll keep things between us. I will tell my son. I suggest you tell Sasithorn and Yoongi. Maybe even the man you’re in love with.”
I blanched. “Wh-”
“I saw you from the window before I knocked.”
I hung my head in shame and apologized. I was supposed to put my duty before everything, and yet here I was snuggling up to Jimin like my life was not falling apart. Thelma placed a hand over mine.
“Aldara had someone many years ago that you never knew about. You’re not wrong for wanting more than this life, Y/N.”
Thrown, I simply shook my head. This was all beginning to be too much. First a possible quietus invasion on the horizon, and now I get to hear about a secret lover I never knew about? Overwhelmed, I buried my head in my hands and continued to shake my head. Rocking back and forth in my seat, I counted my breaths and tried to calm myself down.
“Look at me,” Thelma said gently.
Peeking at her through my fingers, I tried catching my breath. I tried to focus on the way the orange of her top looked so lovely against her skin. Failing to concentrate on that, I went back to counting in my head.
“Hey,” Grabbing a hold of my hand, Thelma squeezed my hand and brought me back to her. “We need to stay strong right now. You’ll have time to cry later, but right now we need to get ready for the worst and hope for the best.”
Nodding, I sniffled and wiped my face. My hands shook and my body rocked but I forced myself to breathe. In and out. In and out. One, two, three, four, five; exhale. Thelma held my hand while I calmed myself.
“I’m not telling Jimin anything,” I finally managed to choke out. 
Thelma nodded, “It may be for the best. He could get himself hurt trying to fight one of those things.”
I had to remind myself to exhale at the thought of that. Jimin would surely die if he went up against one of the quietus but his pride would not let him see that. I thought of Taehyung and grew even more frantic. That boy would die trying to prove himself.
“The younger one,” Thelma quickly added. “Is he their alpha?”
I nodded. “They’ve rejected him. His mate is being kept from him back at the village. They don’t trust him at all. One of the other alphas, Namjoon, challenged him to a fight but Taehyung doesn’t want to participate. He’s been training with Jimin just in case it comes down to that.”
The witch hummed in response. She was thinking. Thelma always tried to choose her words carefully, but I knew she was going to say something that upset me. There was no way to put things lightly in a situation like this.
“They’ll need him more than ever,” She started wearily. “I can only hope whatever’s coming strikes before they do. If they lost any numbers…”
She trailed off. I did not need to hear the rest to understand what she meant. If any of them fell, even someone as inexperienced as Taehyung, the pack would be hit very harshly during the fallout. Sol would be lost without her mate, and I doubt she would fight on either side. Taehyung’s family would never forgive, and I would be damned if I helped those people. Still, even with my own personal feelings I had a duty to protect this forest. Foxglove could burn but Bangtan was my home. Jimin was my mate and I would protect him as well, and I knew no matter what happened, on some level, he would be there for his people. I would have to push aside whatever anger I felt and help them. For Jimin’s sake if nothing else.
“I’ll talk with Yoongi and Shiloh,” I started, voice low. “I’ll try to trick Seokjin into training with us. Say I couldn’t figure out how the spells worked and needed him to guide me through them- something. Jin is smart but takes things at face value for the most part. Wendy and her coven are a different fish to fry, though, I’m afraid.”
“I can handle that,” Thelma assured me. “Cordelia knows how to defend herself against these things just as well as the rest of us. Yoona and the Kims may not seem like it but they’re ruthless when the going gets tough. How do you think they managed to live in Bangtan all those years they were here?”
I sighed deeply, “So it’s decided then?”
“It has to be,” She resigned. “I’m sorry.”
Taking my hand away from Thelma, I rubbed my face roughly and began the hard task of composing myself. After several minutes, I felt ready enough to stand and check my appearance in the mirror in my room. I could hear Thelma calling out to the others. She had probably used some charm on her voice to make it travel further. It did not really matter to me. Taking a deep breath, I went back into the main room and collected the spell book from the table. They were quicker than I had anticipated. 
“You’re awfully quick,” Thelma grunted.
“Thank Taejin for that,” Hoji threw over her shoulder, already halfway in the house. 
“Should’ve guessed,” The swamp witch rolled her eyes with a smirk.
It was strange to see them all interacting as friends. I had known they were all close friends, but I had never been able to see them outside of Aldara’s position. All of them had gone off with their own lives, had children, and were growing together. Witches had long lifespans, Thelma was the oldest, but Cordelia was only a few months behind her. I tried to imagine all of them playing together before Aldara had become a Birdie but found it difficult. None of them looked the well-over 100 they were, but their age showed in other ways. Yoona was still the youngest at heart but I was no fool. Her eyes told stories and the faint streaks of silver beginning to collect in her hairline were telling. Aldara had once told me she was the only person who ever scared her.
“What was all the melodramatics about?” Yoona drawled, arms folded and leaning against the doorway.
“I found some old spells of Aldara’s,” Thelma explained, her acting convincing. “I thought Birdie would like to have them.”
Yoona’s expression softened immediately and turned to me. I was not sure how good my poker face was but she dropped the question immediately. Hoji wrapped her arms around me and gave a quick kiss to my cheek before stealing another cookie.
“You know,” Heji joked, her booming voice misplaced in my little cottage. “I’m getting tired of calling you that. Haven’t we known one another long enough? Aldara wasn’t this bad!”
Cracking a smile, I laughed quietly. It was easy for them to say that. My aunt had always had foresight. Always knew things she should not have, was often too right for it to merely be a guess and smiled knowingly at just about everything. So, when she told me as a young girl to keep my name guarded, I never went back on it. I only told people I felt comfortable telling. Despite knowing that no one in my circle would harm me I had grown paranoid. Now I felt like it was too late to bridge the gap. Besides, what difference would it really make if they knew or not?
“I’ll tell you one day,” I settled on. 
A round of groans went around the room and I laughed harder. Clutching the spell book to my chest, I tried my best to keep a clear mind. The wolves had not come back yet and Taejin had said they had gone for a stroll. Taehyung was tired of being human all the time. I rolled my eyes. Yes, that was definitely something Taehyung would say. Walking into my room, I put the spellbook into my dresser’s underwear drawer.
“What’s that?” 
Jumping, I clutched my chest and blanched. Shiloh’s head was poked out of her nest. Looking around, I placed my finger over my mouth and made my way to the door. Before I could close it, I made eye contact with Yoongi and made the rash decision to gesture him over. I did not want to have this conversation twice. I didn't even want to have it once. The witch nodded and started the grueling process of sneaking away.
Tip toeing, I sat on my bed and waited. Shiloh got out of her nest and perched on the windowsill across from me. Yoongi was in the room a few minutes later and shut the door behind him. The witches were still talking loudly with one another in the next room. Someone had brought up Heji’s horrible cooking and she was not happy about it.
“What’s going on?” Yoongi demanded, sitting next to me. “I could tell something’s been bothering you all day.”
I could always count on Yoongi to cut straight to the point. It was one of his many great qualities. Right now, it does nothing but give me more anxiety. I was not sure how to talk about this or where to even begin. I knew I had to speak soon. Shiloh looked annoyed with me already and I knew she was still upset about how secretive I had been lately. Rubbing my thighs, I steeled myself and began to tell them everything from my fainting spell a few weeks ago to the conversation I just had with Thelma. I was proud of myself for not crying.
“Where’s the book?” Yoongi asked, his voice hard. 
“Top drawer to the left.”
A large silence took over the room. Every fear, every nightmare, I had ever had was coming back to haunt me. I recalled a time when I was maybe 7 or 8, Auntie had told me my first story of a quietus. They were horrifying, shadow creatures that hid behind a human facade. They wanted to eat the souls of those they felt wronged them. I had trouble falling asleep that night and when I finally had, I had been so afraid when I woke up that Aldara had to sit with me for the rest of the night. It was always a comfort that we shared a bed but I had never appreciated it as much as I had that night.
“Remember this, Y/N,” She had said, cradling me close to her side. “They were people who hurt people because of their own hurting. It doesn’t make it right but they aren’t monsters. Never forget that.”
Blinking back my tears, I reached for Yoongi’s hand. It was a difficult thing to remember. I was glad that I was not having to be brave alone anymore. Yoongi squeezed my fingers and gave me a small smile.
“We’re going to be okay,” He whispered.
And I threw my arms around his neck. Oh, I hope so, I said to myself. I prey to Lilith that everything will be alright.
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Staring at the paper on my desk, I struggled to find the words to say. There was so much that I needed to convey and yet nothing came to me. My diary had always been a safe haven and now it was just a reminder of my own inadequacies up until now. If I was smarter, stronger, then maybe I would not be so reliant on the people around me. Maybe I could find the courage to look Jimin in the eye and tell him what had been plaguing my thoughts. Instead, I sat in the cellar and tried to wax poetically about my own pain. What a fucking joke.
Giving up, I put my pen down and walked over to the shelves along the back wall. My curiosity about Aldara’s lover had grown in the last few days and I had tried to keep my eyes away from her inner thoughts. It felt too personal and raw to look at but I had stopped caring about that. Afterall, maybe I could find something helpful in her diaries. Auntie was always boastful about her adventures. 
I heard the cellar door opening but I paid it no mind. I was not in the mood to talk or thinking about what I should or should not say. Listening to their steps, it sounded like Jimin. He would be harder to ignore if he approached me but he was more aware of my feelings than Taehyung and would likely leave me be. He just enjoyed being in my presence. We say nothing as I walk right past him and back to my desk.
Putting away my own journal, I opened up the one titled simple “One” and began to read. I had at least attempted to create original names and chapter titles for all my journals. I could only imagine Griselda telling the young adventurer to keep it classy. That made me smile.
My 10th Summer
I shook my head in disbelief. Even at such a young age she spoke in riddles. All she had to say was the date. Holding in my laughter, I continued reading the passage.
Griselda has finally allowed me my own journal. While this may seem mundane- it is simply monumentous. Finally, I can speak casually and drop all of this “manners” nonsense she continues to ramble on about. I just want to run through the wildflowers in the front but she’s more concerned about my apron getting dirty. Stupid elders and their stupid woes.
I laughed out loud then. Nice job sticking it to her, kid. I knew Aldara would never say anything like this to her mentor’s face. Griselda would have rung her up by her neck.
She always speaks of monsters. As if I’m afraid of some shadows! Well, she can sit inside and hide. Me? I’m going to go and beat one up so I can show her I can go wherever I want. That’ll show her.  Or not. I love Griselda but she’s a bit dim witted. -Ari
Ari? She had been called Ari? The affectionate name made my heart swell. God, she was a piece of work. I almost felt bad for Birdie Griselda but I knew she was more than capable of handling the young witch. Ari would start changing her tune all too soon. Grinning, I flipped a few pages.
My 13th Spring, I met a girl today. Griselda was angry with me for talking to her and said that I had no idea what could happen to me if I spoke to strangers. I think she’s still feeling antsy after a girl from Syrena went missing. I had only visited the coven to help. Cordelia was nice to me and older. All we did was speak normally and I told her I would help her look. Griselda did not seem amused by my back talking today. It was strange to talk to someone else. I knew that our families were aware of one another, and the girl had said that Birdie Heidi had been really close with her grandmother, but Auntie was not as welcoming. I told her she was just shy but really I know she’s afraid. So am I. The forest looks dark right now and I know it’s more than the fog blanketing everything.  I still haven’t told her about my trip to Moland. She would freak out if she knew I had left the forest. She just did not understand me at all. She never tried either. We had respect for one another but she was timid, meek, and frightened of everything she did not understand. I wanted adventure. I wanted to live life to the fullest before I became locked up forever. I don’t know how she can stand it. Maybe one day I could introduce her to Thelma. Maybe then she would understand why I keep going back. Once she sees what we can do to defend ourselves. Once she sees what I can do. Until then, I will keep playing dress up and learning the same water healing spells I’ve been practicing since last year.  One day. -Ari
It was nice to see how different she had become over the years. The woman that I had met had taken many years to come into her own. From fighting Quietus in secret with her friends to arguing with Griselda over who knew best. The twelve year old rebel was still so deeply ingrained within her that it was shocking to see just how far she had gone in order to get around Griselda’s iron-tight control. I felt for both of them but was happy that my aunt had done what she had. I doubted I would be who I was without her.
My 15th Winter, I saw my first hybrid today. She wasn’t from Foxglove. I have done so many rounds there, fought off Qs from their doorsteps, and tracked down pups too many times to have confused her. Her ears gave her away. They were large, jet black, and fluffy with off-white tufts sticking out of the middle of them. Her eyes were strange, too. She even had a tail.  I did not approach her. Just looked. She was chasing a butterfly and picking flowers as she went. Griselda would be livid if she found out anyone like her was around. I did not really know what to make of her. I had thought the hybrids dead. Still, I just watched. Even though I wanted to talk to her, to ask her where she came from, and to see if she had seen Qs anywhere else… I hadn’t. She looked too happy for me to burst that bubble. I’ll look for her again tomorrow. Maybe I’ll ask her then. -Ari
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Feeling drowsy, I finally shut the book. Auntie had not seen the hybrid girl again for several days and had stopped looking. She had been disappointed but knew they were probably just passing through. The forest was too dangerous for any permanent settlement. 
Placing the book back on the shelf, I pulled down the next one and placed it on my desk for later. Picking up my own journal, I looked around for Jimin. He was hiding in between some shelves in the middle of the room. He smiled when he noticed me.
“Ready for bed?”
I looked down, “I hope I’ll sleep tonight. I hate sleeping in my bird form.”
He nodded in understanding. “I can’t imagine it being very comfortable.”
“It isn’t. I can’t use my blanket.”
The quilt was too heavy and uncomfortable when I was a bird. Jimin walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms.
“I’ll keep you warm.”
Yawning, I nodded in his chest. That would be nice. The two of us went up the stairs together and I turned out of lights with a flick of my wrist. 
Taehyung was reading by the fireplace. He smiled at us as we walked by. I gave him a light bow and walked into my room. I heard the wolves giving one another quick goodnights and Jimin was back by my side before I made it into my room. 
“Is Shiloh in?” He asked.
I shook my head. “No. She’s out with Morla and the rest of them.”
I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from explaining why. The barn owl had gone to them to warn everyone about the things happening in Moland. They needed to get out of the area as soon as possible. She was also going to fly by Thelma’s to speak with Rory. Ranvir, or Rory, was Hyun-Jin familiar. He would have a lot of information that would be helpful for us. Shiloh and I would talk about it in the morning so I could write Yoongi. We were going to be putting our Jin plan into action soon.
“I hadn’t known people in the forest were so nosey.”
I chuckled, “You’ve been scaring away the forest since you were young, alpha.”
Taking a nightgown out of my drawer, I placed it on the bed while I took off my jewelry. I had worn Aldara’s skull ring every day since my fainting spell. My own ring had not left my finger at all. It was a comfort for me to fiddle and play with it. Remembering the hours upon hours my aunt had spent making it for me with love and care meant more than one would think. Flicking my wrist, I took my clothes off and put the nightgown on. I was only waiting for the sun to fully set. I would have no need for clothes after that. 
Jimin’s arms wrapped around my midsection, and I hummed in content. Leaning into his chest, I let his warmth envelop me. I was happy to stay like this all day but knew it was coming. Stepping out of his arms, I motioned for him to turn around as I walked further into my little room. 
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered as the sky turned purple.
As I screamed, I knew I was not only apologizing for him seeing me like this.
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Taglist: @greezenini​ @adventures-in-bookland @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12 @canarystwin @yamekomz @chimthicc​
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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hollyhomburg · 2 months
Before I Leave You (Pt. 73)
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(Sneak peek)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: You are everything to Yoongi, the yoke in his egg, the daffodils on the sidewalk, the sunshine in the morning. Everything. He just has to remember it. 
Tags: Nightmares, angst, hurt/comfort, mention of food issues but they're only talked about in terms of the m/c getting better, cuddling, fluff, comfort, panic attacks, implied ptsd, themes of forgiveness, inside jokes, butt touching but its romantic.
W/c: 10.0k
A/n: the irony of this chapter is that it's going to come out during the wedding of the two people who live in the house that inspired bily, the last time i was there there were sprouts growing in every windowsill and a fluffy throw on every couch so <3 everything will be alright wont it? the house is filled with love in this universe as well as the bily one <3
Previous part- Masterlist - First part
You are standing on a kitchen stool when he skitters to a stop on bare feet at the bottom of the stairs.
Yoongi has to blink a few times to make sure he's not dreaming, that the walls are the same light pink color they always were. Not brick red but not creamy plaster white- off color like the flush at your cheeks.
The sweater you wear is Hobi's- extra big especially at the wrists, pulling down all the way to your elbow as you reach up to stop the beeping from the smoke alarm with a wave of a newspaper. Nose wrinkled at the smell of smoke. You don't have the crusties at your eyes and your skin is glossy. Seokjin probably did your skincare routine for you as the pack omega is prone to do with so much extra time for fussing these days.
There is no one else in the house but you. The top layer of the air in the kitchen is cloudy with smoke. Yoongi watches you and scrubs a hand over his face. You do not turn and look at Yoongi in the doorway, although you know it’s him just because you can sense when your mate comes close, either scenting him on the air or through the dull pulse of the mating park.
He breathes in a deep breath of your scent, warm and sweet and slightly smooth, not frazzled or scared sour (the way he first knew your scent to be, back before he even knew that you smelled like cake and not rain). You smell completely unaffected, unworried, and unharmed. You don't smell at all like you would have in Yoongi's dream. You don't smell like you're dying.
So why is his heart still beating out of his chest?
He crosses the kitchen in a few shakey strides, just as you start to speak. “Hobi made pancakes but Jin and him started making out and they like totally forgot about them! So they’re out getting breakfast sandwiches, I didn’t wanna wake you so I just got you-”
Your voice cuts off abruptly as Yoongi lines his face up with your spine and plants his nose there, breathing in your scent once, then again shaky. Nuzzling into your lower back. Arms around your waist, gripping your hips.
You make a little noise, questioning, looking down at him with a mixture of shock and concern. And you should be shocked and concerned- it's been nearly a month since your mate hugged you- let alone clutched you to his chest like this. It’s roughly the same sound that Noodle makes when you wake him up with pets.
He holds around your waist as you stand on the ladder, three feet up. His hands tangle with the fabric at your hips. He blinks, looking down and away, at the floor.
“Yoongi? What’s wrong?”
Dimly, he's aware that he’s supposed to be angry at you. He flushes, the blood hot and pink at his cheeks. You’re not supposed to be speaking really- at least not about things that matter and to be fair- Yoongi cannot speak right now. Burying his face in your back until the feeling of your blood on his hands is a distant memory. Feeling the warmth of your skin until the idea of you cold and still no longer bothers him.
Not a memory- a dream. Not a memory. He has to remind himself a second time. Remind himself enough that by the time he doesn't believe it the space to answer your question comes and goes.
Your eyebrows lower and you set a hand on his head, threading routinely into his hair- long, shaggy and dark. And he pushes further into your skin and into your touch the same way plants press into sunlight.
Yoongi is so tired of being angry, he's so tired of being scared. Your hand touches his cheek and his eyes flutter. Lips parting. Namjoon cuddled him just last night- but Yoongi will always be touch starved just for you.
Your breath hitches, "Oh Yoongi."
Coming Saturday July 20th at 5pm EST
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BTS and Valentine's Day
Plot: How BTS would celebrate Valentine's Day with their partner.
Rating: F for fluffy.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, Suggestiveness but nothing explicit, Overall very sweet and fluffy,
A/N: Just a happy and short thing for Valentine's Day. This isn't proof read and there might be mistakes. Hope you like it and I'm always here to talk. I promise I'm working on stuff. Life just keeps getting in the way and writer's block is a bitch and a half. ~Bagel
This is a day for the two of you to just spend and enjoy with each other. He's set up video games for you two to play, a new show you've both been meaning to watch together. He's bought flowers and chocolates and junk food for you to enjoy. I don't think he would make it a huge deal. It would be almost like day off for the both of you.
He's cooked you breakfast, there's random gifts around the home. And they are little things that you've mentioned to him. That shirt you showed him last month, your favorite perfume that's running low, clothes that he thought you would look good in, that one snack you are constantly eating and running out of, that necklace you were looking at last time you went to the store. He would also be one to write you a poem or letter about how he felt and how much he cared for you.
He's taking you on a whole ass shopping spree. He's called ahead to a few high end stores to make sure it won't get too packed while you're there and you can enjoy yourself and not feel rushed. I think he would have ordered things beforehand tob e sent to the store to surprise you with when you get there. I also see him as someone to sign you both up for some sort of couple's lessons. Like a dance class or art class for you both to just enjoy and experiance together. He will buy you a whole outfit plus accessories to wear to a fancy dinner that he's had booked for months.
Little culture dates through out the day. A new art exhibit has opened up that you want to see but haven't had the time, he's taking you. You read about some sort of museum that seems cool, he's booked it. You want to go to a new bookstore nearby, you already know he has a list that he wants to get and he's letting you run around finding what you want. He'll have lunch in a cute little cafe that you two frequent regularly and dinner at a fancy resturaunt.
LEGO DATE!! He's gonna get the flower LEGO sets and the newest Vlaentine's Day ones and make a day of it. He's ordered your favorite take out so you don't have to leave. Along with dessert. He's gotten your favorite wine (or alcoholic drink if you don't like wine or just drink in general if you don't drink). He'll constantly steal kisses or give you random compliments to see you get flustered. He would absolutely be a massive tease during the entrie day. The LEGO set would be an afterthought for the two of you at one point because of his antics.
He's gotten you flowers and a giant ass teddy bear. He's the one I can see being the most cheesy about it and doing all of the cliche things. Chocolates, the bear holding a heart, flowers, I bet he would even try breakfast in bed. Making the pancakes into little hearts and using food coloring to make things pink and red. He's bought decorations too and has set up a cozy area for you two to "watch" some romantic movies (its not his fault that you look so good and that he's very tactile when showing his love). He would have dinner planned though. You two go to some underground bar that serves food and has live music. He would make sure you two would dance together at some point.
He made sure to have the day off. He's sleeping in with you all morning and making sure you both stay in bed untli lunchtime. His big gesture is something he's been working on since last Valentine's Day. It's a movie of different things you've done throughout the year. The dates, the small moments he's captured with you and Bam, moments you didn't think he saw. Like whenyou were singing along to a song while cooking one night or when Hoseok was teaching you one of the moves for their songs while Jungkook was resting during a practice. Pictues that the other members caught of you two where showcased as well. Like when you fell asleep on each other coming back from a concert or when you reunited after they came back from an overseas schedlue. You lifted in his arms pressing your foreheads together. Very emotional and thoughtful gift. He would be tearing up even while watching it. I do think though he would be similar to Jin in wanting to stay home and just spend time with you. He wouldn't want todo anything big beyond his gift to you.
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joonlaksme · 1 year
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-> Pair: Kim Seokjin x Reader
-> Type: Fluff
-> Genre: gn reader, Boyfriend au
-> Warning: Jin being cute
-> Word Count: 700+
A/N: I was going through the worst writer’s block for months so I figured I have to get something out. I hope this isn’t terrible :’)
Seokjin sitting on the dryer machine. He’s having fun, watching you toss clothes in the washing machine. His long legs swing to the beat of the newest batch of clothes that throws itself up and it feels warm against him. You can tell he’s thinking really hard.
He finds himself reaching towards you; arms curling around your hips because he so desperately wants your touch and he doesn’t know why. You laugh and make fun of his sudden clinging but of course you find it cute. The way he snuggles into your shirt to smell your soap and his senses are flooded with you. His legs pull your body close and you feel the warmth of the dryer press on your stomach.
“Mmph…” He hums on you, “Can you…imagine being more?”
You kiss his head and grin a hearty grin. “What do you mean?” And you want to pull the question out of him. Sure, you had some type of idea of what he was implying but every chance you had to tease him, you took it. You can tell he was nervous because he was hiding his face from you.
“You know.” His ears turn red. You attempt to nudge his face off your shoulder but he just whines for you to not let go. He mumbled your name, “Do you want to move in with me?”
If he were any farther away from you, you don’t think you would be able to hear him. You’re glad you do because you smile ear to ear and gingerly comb your fingers through his hair. “Do I? Let’s see…” You say out loud.
You would say yes immediately but you enjoy the way Jin squirms so obviously in anticipation. Maybe this has been on his mind for a while and that’s why he’s so nervous about what you’ll say. Maybe he’s thought about it ever since you had your first kiss after date number two (he was too nervous to kiss you day one. You were just too attractive!).
You raise his chin off your shoulder with little resistance and hold his face in your palms. He pouts cutely and you attempt to kiss it off.
“Of course I want to.”
He lets out the quietest gasp. Without any more words, he holds you tighter as a sign of how ecstatic he is.
The next few weeks are a blur. You had not moved ever since you were nineteen so you never realized how stressful it could be. You pack, organize, and have endless discussions about decoration. You talk about where most of your furniture will go since Jin’s things are bigger and more comfortable than yours anyways.
You discover many things that you never knew you had, lingering under your bed or in the corners of your room. Club clothes that were stuffed in your closet and forgotten about ever since you met your boyfriend.
Then the day arrives. You find yourself kissing Jin against the front door, right where all the neighbors can see. He pulls away, face completely flush and embarrassed. And you turn to the walkway that leads to the living room. You can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment and relief that everything was finally done. You will miss watching him walk around with his hair pulled back with pins and seeing his arms flex when he carried boxes.
As you sat on the living room couch later that evening, you were snuggled with your boyfriend. He watched your favorite show but you were busy looking at prettier things. Your fingers graze down his chest, setting goosebumps there.
He squirms in his position, “Babe, if you don’t stop, I’m gonna end up making you fall.” He laughs.
You laugh along with him because you find it so contagious. You take in the warm color of the lamp in the corner, arm leaning on the soft couch cushion, aware it will make lines on your skin due to its design. The faint smell of Jin’s cologne and the mixed flowers on the coffee table. It hits you that this is where you live now. Although some things here are yours, it’s a different environment that you’ll look forward to seeing every morning.
All likes, reblogs, and comment feedback are appreciated for stories like this. Friendly reminder that reblogs spread more than likes!
All rights are reserved © Joonlaksme
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bangtanloverboys · 2 years
class transfer // ksj
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summary - looking to further advance in your secondary school, you transfer over to krokotopia. there you meet your handsome houser, seokjin
pairing - ta!seokjin x transfer student!reader
genre - fluff; wizard 101 au
word count - 3.3k
warnings - dip’s made up lore, nothing but sweet friendship building
guide - sorcery = balance magic; conjoury = myth magic; divination = storm magic; marleybonians = british dog people; kroks = crocodile people; manders = salamander people
author’s note - welcome to the first of my wizard 101 aus!! i’m so excited to finally post these, i hope you guys enjoy! this does have a lot of lore and bits i’ve made up in order for it to translate nicely into words. enjoy! (yes everyone has a last name i made up to fit within the world)
the seven schools of ravenwood masterlist
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It was finally time. After months and months of working with Arthur Wethersfield on practicing and perfecting your sorcery skills, he finally told you it was time to advance further in your studies. You’ve already become a Grand Master Conjurer (thank the Spiral for that, Professor Cyrus Drake was a nightmare), and whilst you were far from done with your primary school, you could at least focus more on your secondary school: Balance. 
No one is fully expected to master their secondary school, especially when two of them are not always readily available: Death and Balance. The School of Death now only accessible to the Death students after being torn away from its place in Ravenwood. And then the School of Balance resides in Krokotopia, another realm where one must be granted permission to visit.
Permission you now have!
You all but ran back to your dormitory to pack your things, Arthur telling you to leave early tomorrow morning to meet your houser. Krokotopia being a desert world, you packed all your lightest colored robes, not wanting to overheat in your usual thick school uniform. You barely slept at all, excitement running through your veins. By the time the first rays of sunshine started to bleed through your window, you leaped out of your bed, grabbing your essential filled pack (wands, spell deck, robes, rings, and toiletries), and ran out the door towards Bartleby, the World Tree.
“Good luck in Krokotopia, young wizard!” Arthur Wethersfield called out to you as you passed him.
“Thank you!” You called back as you entered into the World Tree, and immediately, your breath was stolen away.
You’d heard stories from other students about how beautiful the inside of the World Tree was, but it was nothing compared to seeing it in person. Sunlight bled through the leaves overhead, giving the Spiral Chamber a natural soft glow. You could hear birds singing and flying through the tree. Then there in the center of it all was the Doorway. Through that door, you could go anywhere in the Spiral: Grizzleheim, Marleybone, Wysteria! Then your destination, of course, Krokotopia. 
Taking a deep breath, you walked straight forward towards the door. You could feel your heart beating wildly against your chest as you reached forward, grasping the doorknob in hand. Clearly in your mind, you pictured Krokotopia. The floating desert islands, tethered together with rope bridges. The pyramids and temples. 
Keeping that image in your mind, you opened the door, pushing through. 
The Spiral Chamber in Krokotopia was different from the inside of the World Tree. Stone walls surrounded you, small piles of sand in the corners, and large carved statues on either side of a tall staircase. At the bottom of the stairs was a man, smiling brightly at you. He was pretty handsome; tall, dark haired, and dressed in tan and white robes, fitting more the Krokotopian style than the stuff you’ve seen in Wizard City.
“Welcome to Krokotopia!” He said, “Are you the new transfer student, Y/N Owltalon?”
You nodded, beaming at the man. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Awesome, I’m Seokjin Duneheart. I’m gonna be your houser.” He held out his hand for you, which you eagerly shook. “Excited?”
“Very! Could hardly sleep last night.”
Seokjin laughed at that. “Sorry, just been a while since I’ve seen someone so excited to see Krokotopia,” he explained. “Anyways, I’ll show you around. Give you the Grand Tour of the Oasis. I’ll show you the school tomorrow, if that’s alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Alright then, just follow me.” He gestured up the stairs. You easily fell in step with him as you climbed up the tall stairwell. At the top, you were met with a pair of faded blue doors. Seokjin looked at you. “After you.”
With his permission, you pushed the doors open and were immediately blinded by the sudden brightness. Blinking your eyes furiously, you adjusted and the sight before you was incredible. Dozens of Marleybonians, Wizards, and Manders alike all roaming between the floating islands, and at the foot of a giant pyramid. 
“This is the Oasis, our safe haven whilst the Marleybonians excavate the temples. Up in front of you, is the Pyramid of the Sun. Built to serve as the Family Tomb of the Djeserit, and given the name sake due to their strong line of pyromancers,” Seokjin said as he pointed to the large sight before you. “Then over to our left, is the Tomb of Storms, built to serve as the Ahnic Family Tomb, and yes, had a strongline of diviners,” he said with a smile.
You chuckled at that. “And over there is the excavation camp?” You pointed over towards another small island, a bunch of tents all raised up around another small building, Marleybonians walking in and out of the area. 
“Yes, and as a precaution: stay out of their way. They’ve been working really hard and since some of the Kroks woke up, they’ve all been a bit irritated,” Seokjin warned.
“All the other buildings are all a part of the bazaar. Got your robe shop, rings, boots, hats, amulets, etcetera. All of which, you are free to roam, and accept any currency.”
“What’s over there?” You pointed over to a nearby island, floating off, too far to be connected by a rope bridge.
His grin widened a bit. “Right up there is the Krokosphinx! And the gem of it all, in my personal opinion, the School of Balance.”
You stared at your houser with wide eyes. “The School of Balance is in the Krokosphinx?!”
“Not in, next to. And underground. Marleybonians discovered it some years ago, once it was fully excavated, they allowed the Manders to bring the study of sorcery back, taking all kinds of students. Including Arthur Wethersfield.”
“That is- I- He didn’t tell me that’s where the school was! I’m- Wow!”
Seokjin chuckled at your speechlessness. “Guess he wanted you to be surprised I guess. But come on, time for you to get settled down, yeah? My place is an island not far from here, we can take the ferry if you want?”
“Yeah, the ferry is alright with me.”
“Right this way then.” 
Seokjin led you over to a small deck near the edge of an island where a heavily decorated flying boat was collecting passengers. You listened intently as Seokjin pointed out various people on the boat, telling you who was who, where they were from, what they were doing here. You were still buzzing with excitement when Seokjin said that his place was the next stop.
It was a quaint little island. A beautiful sandstone house, similar style to the houses at the bazaar, large walls surrounding the main building to protect from sandstorms. You’ve never had a house of your own, sure some of your friends back in Wizard City had houses and castles of their own. But you were content with your place in the dormitories. Maybe one day you’ll save up for a house, but not anytime soon. 
You followed Seokjin through the front door, eyeing all his various plants and artifacts and paintings that lined the inside of his house. “Sorry there’s so much stuff, I was a bit of a quester a few years ago. Don’t have the heart to sell any of this stuff yet,” he chuckled nervously.
“Don’t be, it’s all really cool!”
He smiled shyly at that before he continued. “You’re welcome to anything in the kitchen, so long as it doesn’t have a label claim on it. I do ask that you keep any loud noise to a minimum after sunset, and please remember to clean after yourself. Especially with the sand.”
You nodded along with each thing he told you, figuring there would be a handful of rules and specifications. You didn’t mind though, this was Seokjin’s house and he was kind enough to house you. You could at least follow his house rules. 
“Now, your room is upstairs, please follow me.” He gestured over to the stairwell that was up against the far side of the house. Climbing up the stairs, there were two doors. Seokjin walked over to the one closest to the stairs and opened it. “This is your room, I’m right next door. You’re free to decorate the space however you want.”
The room was plain; a simple bed, desk, and chest in the room. It was certainly a bit smaller than your dorm back at Ravenwood, but it was alright for you. You didn’t bring much of your things anyways. 
“Thank you.”
Seokjin waved his hand. “Don’t mention it. Anyways, I’ll let you unpack and get settled in. Welcome to Krokotopia.” He winked as he shut the door behind him, leaving you alone in your room. With a sigh, you toss your bag onto the desk and let yourself flop onto the bed. 
You were here.
You flailed about on the bed, silently celebrating the beginning of the end of your studies. Not a lot of people you knew wanted to finish their secondary school, or took their time with their primary. Like one of your Myth classmates, he’s been at Ravenwood longer than you, yet he was still years behind you. But that was due to him focusing more on training pets and helping out in the Pet Pavillion more than anything. 
For the next hour or so, you work on organizing the room to best suit you. Placing the desk under the window, your bed against the wall and your chest at the foot of it. You put all your extra robes and necessities in the trunk, saving your wands to decorate the walls with. You had a handful of wands with you, each one having a special reasoning for keeping it. But if you were being honest, the wand you loved the most was your first ever wand. You’d bought it in the Shopping District when you’d first arrived at Ravenwood, excitedly pulling your parents along with you to gather your new things. It was a simple sleek black rod with a white tip at the end. The starter wand for all novice conjurers. 
By the time you’d finished, the sun was already beginning to disappear off into the distance. Deciding yourself to be finished, you went back downstairs, a bit hungry after all the excitement. 
Seokjin was sitting off to one side of his house, in a little makeshift library; mixes of scrolls and books on the shelves. At the sound of you coming down the stairs, he glanced up from what he was reading. 
“Finally hungry?”
“Yeah,” you answered a bit sheepishly as you walked into the kitchen. You grabbed an apple from a fruit bowl. “So excited, couldn’t think of eating. Finally got to me, I guess.”
“I understand that, I remember when Arthur finally said I could transfer my studies here. Learn here at the birthplace of sorcery.”
“That’s right, your primary school is Balance.”
Seokjin nodded. “Yeah. Before the school was discovered, that was the end of that. We knew everything that was kept alive up until then. But since they found the school, we’ve rediscovered so many spells that were once lost to us.”
“That’s incredible! I remember when they announced they found it, I knew immediately I wanted to continue my studies there. Once I learned everything from Arthur, of course.”
“I’ll be honest, it was quite a shock to learn that someone wanted to continue their studies here for their secondary school,” Seokjin admitted. “Most people just learn the basics and don’t bother trying for more advanced stuff.”
You gave a shrug. “I’m a completionist, I guess.”
“Well, I’m glad then. Because now we get a new student and maybe you’ll be the first of many to also want to finish their sorcery studies.”
“Fingers crossed!”
Seokjin was quiet for a moment, furrowing his brows together in thought. “If I may ask, why did you choose Balance? It isn’t very popular because of the whole, no school building reason. Especially with Ravenwood students.”
You scratched at the back of your neck. “I’ll be honest, it was mainly because I found the topic interesting. I mean, it incorporates all types of magic, elemental and spiritual. Sure, the Krokotopians mainly focused on the elemental, but through that they found the spiritual and then what connects them all: sorcery.”
“I- wow.” Seokjin blinked at you a few times. “Never heard anyone talk about it like that.”
You flushed a bit. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s refreshing. Especially to hear someone talk so passionately about it. I hope the actual teachings don’t diminish that passion in any way.”
“I had Professor Cyrus Drake these past few years; needless to say, I’m good with staying passionate.”
He laughed at that. “Yeah, I’ve heard Cryus was a bit of a pain to learn from. Very by the book and no nonsense.”
“You could say that again!” You smiled as you pointed to your apple. “Anyways, I’m gonna eat this and then go to bed. Need to get up bright and early!”
“Sleep well!” He called after you.
Once again, you did not sleep again. Each time you felt sleep come upon you, you jerked awake with excitement as you remembered where you were. In the morning, you probably looked dreadful. But nothing could damper your mood, not even the odd stares you may receive. 
“Ready?” Seokjin asked as he walked with you out the door towards the deck where the ferry would pick you up, taking you both to the Krokosphinx island. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be!” You exclaimed, your voice a bit exhausted though. This morning, you were dressed in lighter robes, it didn’t do much to keep you 100% cool, but it certainly helped keep the heat off. Glancing over to Seokjin who stood next to you, he didn’t even seem to be sweating in his robes; probably designed to keep the wearer cool. Perhaps you should stop by the robe shop later today. While sure, your robes were fine, but you were sweltering. Factoring in your lack of sleep, you only hoped you didn’t faint on the way to school. 
“Glad to hear it,” he smiled. 
The two of you stood in silence as you waited for the ferry to arrive. It wasn’t at all awkward, comfortable and friendly. It was only a few minutes of it until the ferry appeared in your vision, nearly half full with about a dozen other folks. Dozens of Manders, Marleybonians, fellow wizards, and even a couple Kroks; all headed towards the Oasis for their daily activities. 
By the time you arrived at the Krokosphinx, the boat was packed. Only you, Seokjin, and a handful of other passengers got off at this stop. You couldn’t help but feel slightly relieved at the small number, meaning it probably wouldn’t feel as crowded. Seokjin made small talk with a few of the other people that got off, before they started climbing down into a hole. You were about to follow after them when Seokjin stopped you.
“Hang on, there’s someone you gotta meet.” Gently, he led you over towards a large, smiling palm tree. “I would like you to meet Niles, the Balance tree.”
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your skulls. “Oh my- Yes. Hello, it’s wonderful to meet you!”
Niles simply smiled at you, slowly blinking at you in acknowledgment. 
“That’s as best as we’re going to get, but come on. Let’s go, don’t wanna be late on your first day.” He winked.
Seokjin allowed you to climb down the ladder first, and you welcomed the sudden coolness of the school. The stone walls providing shade from the harsh desert sun. The first chamber was full of scaffolding and boxes, not much to look at. But the classroom. . . oh the classroom. 
Torches lined the sides of the walls, giving the chamber a soft warm light. Carved stone desks that were low to the ground lined either side of the room. Much like the classrooms at Ravenwood, there was a raised platform, with two blackboards on the far wall. Then front and center of it all, an old aged Krok stood. 
“Welcome, class.” His voice was low and gravely, speaking slowly. “Duneheart, where are you, boy?”
“Here, Alhazred,” the wizard next to you answered. “I have our new student with us today, Y/N.” 
The Krok, that you now knew as Alhazred, turned his head towards you. Squinting his white eyes at you, as if he was trying to get his old eyes to work. “Why yes, I see. . . take a seat.” He gestured off to the desks, most of which were now occupied. “Seokjin, you said you wanted to teach the lesson today, correct?”
Your head snapped to him, just in time to watch the tips of his ears turning a bright red. He never mentioned anything about teaching to you! Granted you’d only met him only the other day, but surely that’s something he would’ve mentioned.
“Yes, sir. If you don’t mind.”
“Carry on then,” the professor said as he hobbled off to a chair, set off in the corner of the room. 
“Right, excuse me,” Seokjin said, gently pushing past you to go to the raised platform. Leaving you to quickly move yourself over to the nearest free desk, which was just your luck in the front row. 
Lowing yourself down to your knees, you listened carefully as Seokjin began. Behind him, on one of the blackboards, chalk flew up, writing down the lesson for the day. Probably as a mercy for you, he mentioned a quick review over what they learned last class. But unfortunately, it was still a few levels above you. It was something you expected though, being a bit behind at the start, so you paid extra close attention to his words, writing down each sentence with vigor. Seokjin kept glancing at you, slowing down and giving you enough time to catch up.
By the end of class, your wrist was sore and covered in ink smudges. 
“How did you enjoy the class?” Seokjin asked once he dismissed everyone.
“I did, you didn’t tell me you were the teacher’s assistant though.”
He smiled shyly, looking down to his feet. “I’m sorry, it slipped my mind. Honest.”
“Do you want to be a teacher?” You asked as you both headed up towards the ladder, already feeling the heat from the square of sunlight coming down from above. 
“Yes, and considering the lack of a proper Balance professor-”
“Ahem,” Alhazred coughed from behind.
“-At Ravenwood!” He shouted back as you climbed up the rope ladder towards the surface.
You waited at the top for him as he climbed up after you. “You plan on replacing Arthur?”
“Replace?” He shook his head as he stood up straight next to you. “No, help. And if he chooses to retire, then maybe take his place. But there’s also a lack of secondary Death tutors.”
“That’s your secondary school?”
“I have a glutton for punishment apparently, teaching myself both subjects.”
You burst out a laugh at that. “You kinda dug your own hole there. But it’s definitely something Ravenwood needs. I’m sure both Arthur and Malron would be grateful for the help,” you said as the two of you walked over towards the Krokosphinx, hoping to find the shade beneath the age-old stone carving before the ferry came.
“That’s why I’m still here. Alhazred would like me to teach some classes here for another few months. Get used to handling a class. But my hopes are to one day help build an actual classroom, no more informal study groups in the library and commons.”
“That sounds like a brilliant plan, Seokjin. I hope one day it happens.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” He smiled at you, meeting your eyes. 
Heat rushed to your cheeks, leaving you unsure if it was the heat or not. “We should- the ferry-”
“Oh yeah, right. It’s almost here, come on!” Seokjin started back over towards the dock, while you strayed behind for a moment, watching him as he walked. You already knew you were excited to be here, to learn more and advance in your studies, but now you for sure had a bit more to look forward to. 
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