#seokiin fluff
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agustdef · 4 years ago
First Encounter
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Pairing: Jin x Black!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: None.
Rating: PG
The last shoot while they were in LA was supposed to start promptly, but when the boys arrived they witnessed the photographer rush away and then his assistant return saying that he had been taken to the hospital and they were going to get a replacement.
That left the group worried and annoyed for over an hour as they awaited their new photographer. They were concerned for the previous one, but also hated the idea of waiting for who knows how long for another. It was a professional shoot after all and those usually had back up photographers ready, but the one time it was useful it wasn’t the case.
While they waited they got ready in their clothes and the make-up done. Then they were free to sit around for a while. After twenty minutes of doing it Jin got antsy and went to walk around.
He walked around the area they were to shoot in. It was an old warehouse and they were to get some shots amongst the decaying building. The main shots were supposed to be around a space where the floor had given way in one area. He walked up to it and stared down to see that they could fall three stories down if they weren’t careful and the nerves kicked in hard.
Photoshoots got him nervous enough without the thought of plunging to his death trying to get nice pictures.
“Uh, please step away from there,” a soft voice called out.
It startled him a little, but not enough to have him accidentally tripping and fulfilling the thing he feared. He stepped multiple paces away before turning to see the owner of the voice. When he did Jin was met with a Black woman who was carrying several bags and looked disheveled, but cute. Really cute.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
The woman's eyes widened as she seemed to panic, but then a second or two ticked by and she smiled at him. It was gentle and genuine, one that lulled Jin into a sense of comfort.
“Oh, no need to apologize. It’s just unsafe, I wouldn’t want you to fall. I have no clue why they set up there. We’re definitely not doing the shoot near that,” she said in Korean.
Her speaking his language through him off, but he didn’t have time to focus on that. Jin found himself unsure of what she meant about not doing the shoot there, but before he could question it or even come to his own conclusions someone approached her and began to speak.
“You got here quick,” they said.
The woman rolled her eyes. “You told me to get here quickly. You’re lucky I hadn’t left my last shoot earlier because I would've been home and that’s even further away. I just barely missed rush hour.”
That answered the question about who she was. Their new photographer had arrived for the shoot and though most of him was focused on how cute and kind she was, he also felt a sense of relief of her finally getting there so they could get it done.
“Also, we’re not shooting near that hole. I’m not risking them. I don’t care what measure you had in place for safety, but I refuse to tempt fate. The ground floor gives me a great angle to work in the hole if need be and out back has some great spots. And no this isn’t up for debate, so you can tell Alvin that his whining about it will not change my mind.”
Jin found himself laughing at that. She spoke a little fast, but he managed to keep up and could tell that Alvin person was a pain in the ass.
“Jin there you are,” Sejin said as he walked up.
His manager looked tired and a tad distressed, though he relaxed a bit when he made eye contact with Jin. Not that that lingered for long, because the moment he was in distance he grabbed Jin’s hand and carted him off to where the other boys were. Everyone was grabbing their stuff to head down to the ground floor and Jin was rushed along to do the same.
It happened relatively quickly and before they knew it they were set up in a room down there, all their stuff deposited in its respective spots.
“Why couldn’t we just stay up there? What’s the point of even coming down here,” Jimin grumbled.
“Safety,” Jin remarked without thinking.
“What?” Namjoon asked.
A few seconds passed before Jin realized what he’d said, which meant that all eyes of his group were on him. He hadn’t even intended to say anything and just let Jimin be grumpy, but something in didn’t allow that.
Jin cleared his throat. “I ran into the new photographer while walking around. She said she didn’t want to do the shoot up there near the hole because she didn’t want to risk our safety. Something about being able to do shots down here and outside fine.”
That sated them all, including Jimin. There were even murmurs about how she was better than most who just pushed them towards whatever, no matter how uncomfortable or unsafe it could be.
After that everyone settled in, getting their make-up retouched, clothes looked over, and just relaxing. About ten minutes passed before they were called out of their makeshift dressing room.
When they emerged they found the magazine’s staff all surrounding the photographer with a mix of happy and blank expression, not including one man who kept glaring at her every five seconds and who Jin assumed was Alvin.
Once the boys were front and center she stepped forward and smiled at them.
“Hello, I’m YN. I’ll be the head photographer for this shoot. I apologize for all the waiting you all had to do. I would’ve been here sooner if I could’ve been. But I promise to get these photos taken and you off to do whatever you had next in a timely manner. Again, I apologize for the delay,” she said in Korean.
The boys held the same shocked expressions Jin did when he’d heard her speak it the first time, but it didn’t last for long. Everyone could see how much more relaxed they got with her after that and it showed more as they individually introduced themselves and shook her hand.
“I’m Jin,” he said when it was his turn.
YN smiled. “Nice to meet you officially, Jin.”
Without hesitation Jin returned the smile and released her hand sooner than he wanted to.
Upon their parting everyone moved into action. YN had them in place and began shooting. She let them dictate movements and occasionally shouted out something in Korean if she wanted something specific. The group shots were done quickly and she switched to some solo and unit ones, which also flew by. Before they knew it they’d moved outside to get in a few more pictures. Their YN got a little more specific on what she needed but was still rather chill. Even when Jin looked at her instead of off to the side as she’d asked five times in a row.
By the time they were done it was midafternoon and around the time the shoot would’ve originally ended. Everyone was clearly happy to be done and wanting to leave, but then someone wanted shots with different arrangements, so they had to be obliged.
Not without a break though.
YN called for a thirty-minute break so everyone could breathe and eat something since they’d gone non-stop for the most part.
Everyone dispersed, but moments later all ended up around craft services trying to get something to nibble on; Jin included. Though after he grabbed some random sandwich and a bottle of water he noticed how YN never approached the table. He turned his head to find her, only to see her seated near the back doors of the building with her head in her hands and alone.
Something in his said to go talk to her, which was strange because he was never the one to go start up conversation during shoots. At least not ones that weren’t being run by BigHit and surrounded by staff he was familiar with. And he definitely didn’t ever just feel it based off the person being cute. He’d encountered many cute people in his line of work. But something pulled him towards YN, so he grabbed one of the premade bagel plates and a bottle of water before walking over to her.
Since YN had been in her own world she didn’t see him coming at all, so when he tapped her shoulder she was so startled that she almost made him drop their plates.
“Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry,” she said.
“It’s okay,” he said as he held out the plate and bottle. Seconds passed before she put two and two together and took it, but she did so with a smile and a soft thank you.
With that said and done Jin plopped into the chair next to her and took a bite out of his sandwich. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her nibble on the bagel, completely ignoring the cream cheese on the side. He found it adorable but refrained from saying anything or being too obvious. Or at least he hoped he wasn’t obvious.
For several minutes they went on like that before Jin broke the silence.
“Thank you,” he said.
“For what?” YN said, frowning.
“For making sure that we weren’t doing anything dangerous for a picture and still managing to make them look cool.”
“Well, it is my job to make sure I take all the cool pictures, but it’s you guys who make them cool.”
That made Jin laugh, which in turn made YN laugh. The way they’d responded showed they both knew they played major parts in the magic but refused to fully acknowledge how much.
“Do you enjoy your job?” Jin asked as they calmed down.
As the words left his mouth he scolded himself for the horrible choice in question, but YN didn’t have an adverse reaction to it.
She nodded. “Yes. I’ve wanted it since I was little and was lucky enough to be good enough at it that I caught the eye of people in the industry who wanted to further me in ability. I’ve even managed to get a job at my dream magazine.”
Jin didn’t know what to say, so he merely nodded along and appeared interested; which he was.
“How about you? You enjoy your job?” she asked.
There was a teasing lithe to her words that made Jin crack another smile.
“I do. Want to do it as long as I can,” he said.
YN gave him the same reaction, though there was a clearer smile on her face.
“Well, I’m sure that’ll work in your favor. You’re doing so well right now.”
“That is true.”
From there Jin thought the conversation would fizzle, but it didn’t. In fact, he grew more comfortable and became more open as they continued to talk. The subjects were all over the place, but also answered some questions he’d had when he first saw her. Namely how she appeared so fluent in Korean. They had such a good talk and were so in their own world that it took YN’s assistant reminding her of the time to break them apart.
Sadly, that meant they got right back to work and they were in front of the camera and then done so fast that it made Jin’s head spin. Before he knew it he was changed into his clothes and ready to head out with the boys, but all he could focus on was finding her. Which didn’t happen or at least didn’t until he’d been practically shoved into the car by Jungkook who’d wanted to get back to the place where they were staying so he could play video games with Yugyeom.
Jin’s last glimpse of YN was as she got into her car and drove off, though their car soon followed.
“That was faster than I thought it would be,” Yoongi said.
“Yeah. The pictures she did were amazing and she didn’t drag it on forever. I want her for all of our shoots if she’s that good and always that fast,” Namjoon mumbled.
There was silence for a moment and then from the front seat Sejin spoke up.
“Well, you’re in luck. If I remember correctly she’s the name of the person you’ll be dealing with when we get back to Korea. They said they were bringing on their talented, new hire for your shoot.”
That made Jin’s head snap up so he could look at Sejin in the rearview mirror and that’s when he noticed the man looking directly at him as he said it, a smirk playing on his lips.
Never had such a burst of joy filled Jin like it did in that moment and while everyone responded positively he merely sat back and imagined how he’d approach YN the next time he saw her. That thirty-minute break had him wanting to know more about the cute girl.
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kookieswan · 2 years ago
Shadow Play – Introductions
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Haunted!2Seok x Medium!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Tags/Warnings: Poly!AU (eventually), Ghost/Demon!AU, Angst, Fluff.
Warnings: General spookiness/horror, Mentions of Injury/Bodily Harm, MC can see spirits/demons/unsettling things. More to come!
Notes: SO! The Shadow Play series is being rewritten. I’m reworking each chapter to fit a new sort of pacing, but the general story will remain the same for the most part. I hope you all enjoy! Also! Some spookiness for October heh.
This is the 1st instalment of the Shadow Play Series! Find the Masterlist here!
Staring up at the enormous apartment building, you already feel unbelievably uneasy. It’s 7PM, the sun is starting to slowly set over the horizon, casting shadows over the architecture around you. Shaking your head a bit, you try and clear your mind, adjusting the large backpack you brought and making your way through the front entrance to the center desk. There’s a man there, security you’re guessing, so you stop and confirm with him first. You try to ignore the nametag which proudly states ‘Dick’. Glancing down at your phone, you read the info the frantic men had sent you.
“Uh, excuse me…. I’m here to see Hoseok Jung and Seokjin Kim. Apartment number… 666.” Of course, they live in 666, why wouldn’t they? The man nods his head, stating that they were already expecting you and that you’re allowed to pass up to the penthouse. With that, you step toward the elevator to get to the sixty-sixth floor of the building. It’s shiny, and you can’t help but wonder exactly how an entity had come to haunt such an upscale place, particularly since it seems to be a relatively new building. Everything around you screams money, the sleek black of the marble in the lobby, the large vases of flowers, everything…
Thinking back, you had thought it amusing when the men first called you. They sounded scared shitless, which you suppose is understandable if they actually DO have something disturbing them. Both men took turns practically yelling into the phone, trying to explain that they’ve been seeing and hearing things for months now. Something or another about broken dishes, flipped trash cans, and odd sounds. The thing is though, most people call you only to waste your time. Claiming that a ghost is haunting them, only for it to be a tree branch outside of their house brushing against a window, or something similar to that. Some of them are honest mistakes, others, well…
The elevator dings when you finally make it to the 66th floor, letting you know that you’ve made it to the right place. Before you step out, you try to feel for something off, something that stands out, but nothing seems to be out of place. There’s only a single door in front of you, number 666, since this is apparently a penthouse. Blowing out a huff of air, you raise your hand and knock the door, only getting two knocks in before the door flings open almost dramatically. Who you’re guessing is Seokjin and Hoseok stand on the other side, eyes blown wide as saucers as they take in your form. They’re both scarily good looking, very different from each other but both carrying their own charm. The two men are dressed quite nicely but it makes sense considering where they live. You’ll have to ask them what they do for work when you get the chance.
The one with the broad shoulders introduces himself as Seokiin, taking your hand hastily and shaking it. You can feel how balmy his hands are, veins popping out slightly. Glancing at him, you take note that his hair is a warm brown color and fluffy, almost matching the tone of his eyes. It wouldn’t be far fetched to call him the prettiest person you’ve ever seen.
Hoseok doesn’t waste much time grabbing your other hand, shaking it up and down quickly while he gives you the biggest heart shaped grin. He has darker hair, black and wavy, but his eyes are a similar color to Seokjins. If only all of your clients caught your attention like this; last week it was an old lady who accidently let her pet hamster out, which then proceeded to terrorize her. That poor, poor, hamster…
“We’re so happy you’re here! Honestly, we’re at our wits end trying to figure out what to do. We even considered calling the church, but Hoseok insisted we’d ignite if we stepped foot inside.” The men continue to stand side by side as Seokjin drawls on, handsome faces trained on you as you stare directly past them. Another quick glance for something that could potentially be wrong, but nothing makes itself known. Snapping your eyes to look between them, you try your best to give them a small smile, and silently wonder why they’re possibly making everything up.
“I’m happy to be here to help you both. May I come in…?” They part from each other and let you come forward without further question. You step in hesitantly, unsure of what exactly you’re facing at the moment. If there really is something causing them issue, it’s hiding away from you and likely won’t show itself if it already hasn’t. The men usher you a little further inside to what must be the living room as you glance around, taking note of the way the penthouse is laid out.
“Would you like something to drink?” You do, suddenly feeling unbelievably parched, so Hoseok gestures for you to sit in a chair opposite to their couch while Seokjin leaves to go grab tea. Settling in the spot while making small talk with Hoseok, you glance around the area to try and find any sort of darkness, but only light continues to gleam through the large windows. A good development you suppose, nothing is certainly better than something. Seokjin comes back a few minutes later, a tray with tea and a few pastries on it. You thank him, pulling your notebook out of your bag, and ask them to tell you about their experiences.
“So, tell me everything you can. Every little detail is good, but maybe start with the bigger issues or events you’ve been encountering.” The men are quiet for a moment, glancing at each other and fidgeting uncomfortably. Seokjin sits forward, remaining quiet, but you wait patiently as you take a sip of your tea (which is delicious). If this is real, you can only imagine what they may have seen, and you don’t want to pry. Not right away at least, not before you hear their side of things.
“Well… We see things. All the time. There are shadows everywhere, even when we have a bunch of lights on. It’s like something always… creeping around?” You start to take notes diligently, wanting to make sure you have a good understanding of the type of scourge you could be facing. From what’s been said already, it seems to like to hide in the shadows, hunting its prey quietly but effectively; the only issue being that you haven’t seen jack shit. Malevolent things like to hide though… Hoseok nods before piping up, voice wavering as he speaks.
“I’ve been pulled out of my bed… On more than one occasion. Things move all the time too. I’ll be in the shower, and something will fall off the sink, or I’ll be in the kitchen and suddenly the spoon I was using moved across the room.” So, if it is something, it’s fucking with them, that much is clear. The biggest question though is if had physically harmed them yet. There’s a distinct difference between light mischief and actual damage.
“Have you been physically harmed? Scratches, burns, cuts… Anything like that?” They both shake their head and you breath out a sigh of relief, happy to know that they’re at least kind of safe for the time being if this thing is real. You entered their space though, its space, and that could certainly stir things up a lot in the long run. Seokjin lets the smallest of smiles grace his face before answering you.
“No, Petunia hasn’t touched us. Well, beside occasionally pulling us from our beds. Maybe they just think we’re cute, I don’t know…” It’s dead silent after that, and your raise a brow in disbelief. Leaning forward, you frown and look the handsome man dead in the eye as he sits back in his seat, smile turning uncertain as you get into his space.
“You… you named the thing that you think is haunting you?!” They blink at you owlishly and nod as you sink further into your seat. Delicious idiots the two of them, trying to dig their own graves rather early in life. Letting out a long sigh, you crack a few of your fingers warily before addressing the situation. They were being dumb, sure, but it seemed to be unintentional for the most part.
“You give spirits power by naming them. It’s something you should never, ever do.” Hoseok actually seems to turn a green color while Seokjin looks unbelievably pale. It’s too late now, but hopefully the entity wasn’t too encouraged by the action. Petunia isn’t the most empowering of names anyways. Writing down more of the info they gave you, you nearly jump out of your skin as Hoseok shrieks loudly out of nowhere, Jin falling off of the couch and onto his ass.
“It just ran behind you! Like a shadow, holy shit!” Glancing behind yourself, you don’t see a single thing. Not a hint of coldness, no eerie shadows in sight; everything looks normal save for the curtain blowing in the breeze. Glancing back at the two men, you take in their scared expressions quietly. They look real enough, but still… Something about all of this doesn’t seem quite right.
“Hey, both of you. It’s alright. It’ll be alright, I promise I’ll figure this all out for the two of you.” They both nod although there’s definitely a loss to the chipper qualities they both held before. Hoseok’s hair falls into his eyes as he looks around, back and forth almost animatedly. Seokjin is about the same, but his long hair is slicked back from his face, allowing you to see the way his brows furrow.
Even if all of this does seem suspicious, it’s clear that these men are scared of something within their home. Perhaps a bird’s shadow flying by a window, a loose pipe, a damn mouse even… But it’s bothering them, and something tells you that you have to do something about it. You have to do something to make them feel better. And so, sitting forward in your seat a bit, you take a deep breath and look back and forth between them, determination in your eyes.
“I think… I’d like to stay the night to observe if that’s alright?”
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