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transingthoseformers · 1 month ago
Ultra Magnus: Elita one is very promising, one day I hope—
Elita: *is lost on an unauthorized mission* (and is spiderified and becomes a decepticon)
Ultra Magnus: That is unfortunate. Well, someone has to be punished, I'm sorry Optimus you're out of the academy.
Optimus: *kicked out and demoted to spacebridge repair* (then goes missing for 50 years)
Ultra Magnus: Sentinel is a fine right hand mech, he's the leader of the Elite Guard. He's to become the next Magnus after me.
Sentinel: *gets back together with his exes and all three are subsequently seduced by the enemy leader who's back now*
Ultra Magnus: well fuck, at least Longarm...
Longarm Shockwave:
Ultra Magnus:
Ultra Magnus: goddamn it
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panboba · 27 days ago
Me reading, "Good Boys" by Fujin_Patata to naively think they all make out and live happily forever 🥰🥰🥰
(I am obsessed with this Polycule. It's probably my most doomed ship out of all of my collection. I need to see more content that either the angst is so good, it gives me a stroke or fluff content that makes me smile so stupidly. I saw a quote in Twitter where it stated, "Just because you ship it, doesn't mean they should be together" and I was like "true 💔". But I read Transingthoseformers posts to heal my soul, my favorite was that they all cuddle with each other and held each other when having nightmares. Ugh this ship is so addicting it's fucking taking years of my life *sobbing* I love them so much
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My SentOpLita 1AM relationship chart I did not think I'd be psycho-analyzing this dynamic as much as I thought I would..
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transingthoseformers · 1 month ago
Was perusing your blog and hit all the megaoptisentiaracjanid stuff and my whole brain was like "Megs is going to Regret having not 1, not 2, but 3 high maintenance relationships" and then I realized The Beauty of all of them is that they all definitely balance each other damn near perfectly so they're all super high maintenance but bc there's 4 of them they're all actually able to maintain each other. Senteniel being A Brat On Purpose bc he feels ignored bc Mega and Op gotta do Politics things? Arachnid is There and Handling Things. Megs and Op bout to throw hands bc of said politics? Senteniel gonna find that third POV that changes everything. Arachnid feeling left out? Not on OP's watcg she's not. OP overworking himself? The Squad giveth the privilege of doing the work and The Squad can taketh away if he's gonna try to work himself to death. Megs forgor date night bc planning battles and stuff? Best digitize those plans cause his bondmates Are Coming For His Aft
Exactly, they balance each other out (usually)
(when they don't though... WOOOOO BOY IS MEGATRON IN FOR IT)
(they will rightfully Get His Aft on occasion)
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transingthoseformers · 1 month ago
Ok ok, counterpoint; sentoprachnia + megs. Before Blackarachnia has a chance to leave the Decepticons to win back her exes, she's ranting and raving about Megatron stealing her boys when he turns right the fuck around and starts flirting with her too. Her brain just kinda, shuts off trying to process it cause there's no way right? He was just fucking with her by trying to go after her Primes and now is pouring salt in the wound by flirting with her, right?!?
I mean, it's a win-win situation on all sides. Optimus gets his friends/lovers he's been trying to reconcile with for years back on top of wining the affection of his secret academy guilty-pleasure crush. Score.
Sentinel won't ever fucking admit it, but he's quite happy with this turn of events. Three ridiculously attractive, talented, and powerful lovers?! What's the downside here? Ignoring the fact that one is a techno-organic mutant that used to be his girlfriend whom he thought was dead, the other his boyfriend in which he betrayed and belittled so badly that it impacted his self-esteem (and also thought was dead for 50 years), and the third being the LEADER OF THE FUCKING DECEPTICONS, but let's not focus on that shall we :)
Blackarachnia of course gets her boy toys back and presumably calms the fuck down enough to forgive and start taking responsibility for her own short comings (the same can't be said for Sentinel, without coercion) but gets to bag her boss on top of that?? She 100% knew about Optimus' crush and goddamn she can't blame him.
And Megatron gets three talented young mechs all to himself. The brilliant techno-organic spider beastformer scientist he picked up on a whim from a desolate condemned planet, then her two boy toys that are, 1) the Magnus' right hand mech and a powerful Prime in his own right (ha. Suck it, Maggy) and 2) the mech he's had his optics on since he got shoved out of the goddamn airlock by him and then systematically thwarted his plans and took him down damn near single-handedly with nothing but his rag-tag crew of TECHNICIANS in Under A Year. Oh yeah, he's bagging and tagging these three in seconds, no Magnus you can't have them back, not even Sentinel, they're Megatron's now.
Believe me I absolutely considered this myself, and it would be fascinating and such a fuck you to Ultra Magnus gsgsgdgdgfhf
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transingthoseformers · 1 month ago
I have a funny thought that Blackarachnia came back for her mechs because of Megatron. I can see Blackarachnia is sharing her revenge plan with Megatron and shows a pic of Optimus and Sentinel, and Megs go, "If I were you, I would have kept them as my pets", while smirking suspiciously. Blackarachnia starts observing that Megs is flirting with Op, and her jealousy starts bubbling but she controls it, and tries to convince herself it's not a big deal since she's not dating him anymore. That's until she saw Megs trying to also court Sentinel, she was laughing because there's no way the plowmech would give in, especially since Megatron is the enemy (Not like Sentinel give her a chance too). That's until Megatron starts being real smooth and gets Sentinel to be flustered. That's when Blackarachnia's jealousy breaks out. She leaves the decepticons and is praying on Megatron's downfall because there's no way Megs is stealing her mechs away. They're hers and that's the end of it. Blackarachnia starts making a plan to earn her ex lovers back while competing with a decepticon who unfortunately is handsome if not more powerful than her.
oughhh omg yes that's going to be such a thing
That could be such a thing
(especially if Blackarachnia starts her tfa predacon thing like she was to do in the cancelled s4)
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transingthoseformers · 2 months ago
Thinking about TFA Sentoplita/Sentoprachnia where Sentinel has a feminization kink. Like he’s doing the whole macho/big mech on campus shit Optimus and Elita used to call him good fem and it would bring him to his knees pratically. Esp force femming where he gets to pretend to put up a fight. And just like how interesting that could be if they get back into their poly post TFA with earth knowledge now, since clothes are more on their mind. Like I want blackarachnia to call sentinel “good girl” and the humiliation just hits so right for him ft Optimus trying to keep the peace a little because wow those two are a lot more aggressive with this stuff than they were before lol
100% willing to hear you out on this, I never even considered tfa Sentinel for this 😳
(imagine if Optimus and Blackarachnia had previously, though!!!!!)
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transingthoseformers · 1 month ago
Not a horny for once, but like, Sentoplita/SentOprachnia cuddle pile pre and post TFA.
Elita used to lay between her boys but now she needs to put her little spider legs on one of her boys, becuase otherwise she feels to cramped and claustrophobic. She often chooses Sentinel because even with getting used to her, her legs still wig him out when he’s unprepared and she thinks its fucking hilarious.
Optimus had been used to sleeping alone/sleeping in a pod while on the Orion so like, in part he was kept in place, so now he’s grabbier and wigglier than before.
Sentinel’s the only one who hasn’t changed except for his stupid specific military internal alarm that makes him wake up early and wiggle out from between the two of them because he’s only one that doesn’t budge during his sleep and with his smoother body he’s easier for two clingy bots to sleep on.
Bonus angst: All three of them get nightmares from time to time. Mostly related to Archa 7. But occasionally you can hear Sentinel muttering about Optimus in his sleep (fifty year time gap stuff baby!) or Optimus about his team or Sari. Blackarachnia also has nightmares about experimentation and being abandoned again. Having their partners there helps with getting through it though.
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transingthoseformers · 2 months ago
I sometimes imagine a scenario where Blackarachnia found Optimus and Sentinel together, and she's going to make them pay both until she sees Optimus and Sentinel going to pound town. She sees Optimus making Sentinel a slut out of himself while he's using Sentinel as a valve toy. She forgot her original plan and starts touching her spike or valve at the sight before her. Although she hates them, she can't help but have a strong desire for the two mechs. She remembers back in the Academy, the three of them would constantly interface with each other. She long for those days. After the two mechs are done, Blackarachnia hopes that these sessions would be frequent, so she secretly can watch. Yes, she still wants to punished them but that can wait
OOOOO okay okay so
Definitely here for this
Voyeur hours
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transingthoseformers · 1 month ago
MegSentOpArachnia thing: What if we were to add PROWL to the polycule?
That could be interesting, especially considering tfa Prowl!!
How would he integrate?
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transingthoseformers · 2 months ago
This is making me just think about Optimus and Sentinel using banging as a way to pspspsp blackarachnia back into interacting with and possibly dating them lol. They know what she’s into and goddamn are they going to use it (though this is probably more op’s plan lol)
😭😭😭 they are
Does it work
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cr0w-with-a-knife · 12 days ago
Your intuition is getting worse old mech
Ultra Magnus: Elita one is very promising, one day I hope—
Elita: *is lost on an unauthorized mission* (and is spiderified and becomes a decepticon)
Ultra Magnus: That is unfortunate. Well, someone has to be punished, I'm sorry Optimus you're out of the academy.
Optimus: *kicked out and demoted to spacebridge repair* (then goes missing for 50 years)
Ultra Magnus: Sentinel is a fine right hand mech, he's the leader of the Elite Guard. He's to become the next Magnus after me.
Sentinel: *gets back together with his exes and all three are subsequently seduced by the enemy leader who's back now*
Ultra Magnus: well fuck, at least Longarm...
Longarm Shockwave:
Ultra Magnus:
Ultra Magnus: goddamn it
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panboba · 2 months ago
Optimus: Why does Blackarachnia call you Babygirl?
Sentinel: How about we stop talking for a little while
Thinking about TFA Sentoplita/Sentoprachnia where Sentinel has a feminization kink. Like he’s doing the whole macho/big mech on campus shit Optimus and Elita used to call him good fem and it would bring him to his knees pratically. Esp force femming where he gets to pretend to put up a fight. And just like how interesting that could be if they get back into their poly post TFA with earth knowledge now, since clothes are more on their mind. Like I want blackarachnia to call sentinel “good girl” and the humiliation just hits so right for him ft Optimus trying to keep the peace a little because wow those two are a lot more aggressive with this stuff than they were before lol
100% willing to hear you out on this, I never even considered tfa Sentinel for this 😳
(imagine if Optimus and Blackarachnia had previously, though!!!!!)
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panboba · 1 month ago
Megatron's rizz is unmatched
Ok ok, counterpoint; sentoprachnia + megs. Before Blackarachnia has a chance to leave the Decepticons to win back her exes, she's ranting and raving about Megatron stealing her boys when he turns right the fuck around and starts flirting with her too. Her brain just kinda, shuts off trying to process it cause there's no way right? He was just fucking with her by trying to go after her Primes and now is pouring salt in the wound by flirting with her, right?!?
I mean, it's a win-win situation on all sides. Optimus gets his friends/lovers he's been trying to reconcile with for years back on top of wining the affection of his secret academy guilty-pleasure crush. Score.
Sentinel won't ever fucking admit it, but he's quite happy with this turn of events. Three ridiculously attractive, talented, and powerful lovers?! What's the downside here? Ignoring the fact that one is a techno-organic mutant that used to be his girlfriend whom he thought was dead, the other his boyfriend in which he betrayed and belittled so badly that it impacted his self-esteem (and also thought was dead for 50 years), and the third being the LEADER OF THE FUCKING DECEPTICONS, but let's not focus on that shall we :)
Blackarachnia of course gets her boy toys back and presumably calms the fuck down enough to forgive and start taking responsibility for her own short comings (the same can't be said for Sentinel, without coercion) but gets to bag her boss on top of that?? She 100% knew about Optimus' crush and goddamn she can't blame him.
And Megatron gets three talented young mechs all to himself. The brilliant techno-organic spider beastformer scientist he picked up on a whim from a desolate condemned planet, then her two boy toys that are, 1) the Magnus' right hand mech and a powerful Prime in his own right (ha. Suck it, Maggy) and 2) the mech he's had his optics on since he got shoved out of the goddamn airlock by him and then systematically thwarted his plans and took him down damn near single-handedly with nothing but his rag-tag crew of TECHNICIANS in Under A Year. Oh yeah, he's bagging and tagging these three in seconds, no Magnus you can't have them back, not even Sentinel, they're Megatron's now.
Believe me I absolutely considered this myself, and it would be fascinating and such a fuck you to Ultra Magnus gsgsgdgdgfhf
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