lemongogo · 1 year
#yall ths art block is so bad its actually making me so stressed out😭😭😭#its been awful plenty of times before BUT THISSS???IT FEELS NEVER ENDINGGG#so fucking frustrating-__- and i was finally working on smth i had started to like yday#but i hit this mid point where i didnt know How 2 break thru from like .. rough > finished#and im like T__T . brah . head in my hands#IDK WHAT TO DOOOOOOO . < lamenting . < woe is me .#sry i luv talking abt it . its therapeutic tbh . what do u guys do when u are in this position#i also try to go back to basics and j do gesture studies until i feel more capable#but im like shakig the bars of my cage . let me do smt fun again. please ❤️ PLEASEE ❤️#i think part of it is also imposter syndrome whre like .. u see so many people u look up to doing so many cool things w their art#and its like . falling back into the trap of comparison and feeling like nothing u make can replicate the feeling of seeing those other#things ykwim🤔#sick in da head . i think its also a twt issue#like ever since i started posting on there ive been feeling like i have 2 make . quote unquote good things which . obviously dookie sentimen#bc any art is objectively good art there isnt like . U CANT BE BAD YKWIM HELP#but when i j posted to tumblr it was like . u send it off like slapping a horse on the ass and u see it ride away and its so lowkey#and fun.. the community here is so muchc fun .. j dont feel pressured here#smiles sweetly#<gi influence#maybe ill delete the app 4 a while until i feel normal again#guys we need to kill all social media#guys we need to go back to drawing sheep on rocks (<giotto ref(#if i had 2 elaborate ig it feels like . i am following the path of most resistance -__- like wading hesdstrong in2 waves that keep pushing#me back . theres so much i want to do Wish i could do but its like damn i can barely draw like two complete things over the course of 2-3 mo#from how HARD IT ISSS🚶and my aphantasia compounds it . fumbling arnd in a dark room hoping smth sticks#graa.. i think its the realization that i couldnt ever do art professionally bc im such an obstinate artist T_T#tbh saying all this now its like looking up in2 the eyes of all my art insecurities looming over me#CASTING 100 FT SHADOWWWW🧍#whteve . check back on me in 2 months hopefully i feel normal ab it then
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dogcasino · 1 year
Hey there I'm genuinely wondering why "yellow face frisk/kris" is a problem? As an Asian person I'm just happy protagonists are heavily implied as Asian in games and in fan arts
I don't see what's the issue here can you explain what you mean
hi! i'm really happy to explain my thoughts but before that i do want to say i am white and i do not want to tell you how to feel about this. if you still feel happy or take away a positive perspective from this, that's great! my perspective is based on what other asian people have said on the subject as well as what i know of historical racism against asian people and how that has manifested in art (specifically in the US, where undertale was made).
so firstly, i don't actually think frisk or kris were Intended to be asian by toby and i think it would be fairly upsetting with how their current designs are if they were. in my understanding, their designs resembling yellowface caricatures was an unfortunate coincidence, which was pointed out by fans with the hopes that there would be some form of course correction or acknowledgement that making a character with bright yellow skin, a brown bowlcut, and squinted eyes is, not ideal. instead, the design motifs (barring the eyes) were repeated in deltarune. people take issue with them because yellowface historically has not been used to represent asian people with kind intentions- i bring up US history because when i think of yellowface some prominent examples i think of are anti-japanese propaganda from WWII which led to the establishment of concentration camps for japanese americans and art in support of the chinese exclusion act targeting chinese immigrant laborers to keep them from being able to work in the US. both of these had real, horrible impacts on asian americans and the depictions of asian americans in art during these eras were reflections of the intentions to do harm to and dehumanize asian americans. because of the harmful past of these caricatures, i feel like many don't see kris and frisk's resemblance to them to be representation, but instead a hurtful accident that intentionally or not references a visual tool that has been used to harm asian people in the past and present on a political scale.
i think it would be amazing for frisk and kris to be asian but i think there would have been a better way to accomplish that than giving them unnatural skintones and making them resemble these caricatures. i don't intend to strip any potential asian identity from them by asking that people in the safeutdr tag draw them in natural skintones, and i believe many people do actually draw them as asian in the tag! i would also like to invite anyone else with thoughts on the matter to chime in, especially anyone who is also asian like anon. this is worth talking about and the last thing i want to do is say "i'm right so shut up" haha.
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altar-ov-plagues · 2 years
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Sentimen Beltza - Zulo Beltz Eta Sakon Honetan (2012)
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krizhiastaana · 5 months
Hate it to break it to everyone How opinions are so scattered Yet comprehension has always been MIA Opening one’s mouth is easy But can’t even keep up with its complexity Hate it to break it to you That once you are all on your own Your views about something Wouldn’t even comfort your well-being Hate it to break it to myself That I was busy catering everybody’s judgement Still, leads me to scars and in predicament Oh, how lonely of this world could be For we were expected and raised to be people pleasers Yet no one even dares to be real.
-ksa 2024
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I don't even know what triggered me but I need to kill her right now
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hat-ari · 1 year
if anything is to represent Europe's political sentimens in early 2020s in the annals of history, I'd be glad for it to be this
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aimseytv · 1 month
sorry, but of a stupid question, but are marceline and princess bubblegum in love in the show, or is it one of those things that are heavily implied?
they are in love. despite peoples strange complaints and "criticisms" that say it was a rushed romance, you can see the signs and hints from the first episode they are introduced which is "go with me". evident bitterness between the pair and its the *first* time the audience is introduced to them, and their dynamic, and the entire episode is about marceline "helping" finn ask bubblegum out on a date, despite her purposely meddeling and telling him to complete tasks that are the opposite of what bubblegum would want. then we fast forward to season 3, and we see the pair in the episode "what was missing" which is an episode where a door-lord as stolen each of the characters most prized possesions, and the item stolen from bubblegum is a rock t-shirt marceline gave her years and years ago that bubblegum admits she still sleeps in.. which causes marceline to blush. you may think im joking but no, marcy blushes which is followed with bubblegum then blushing about it. we move a few episodes down the line and marcy asks bonnie for help with a task in retrieving her teddybear, hambo, which was given to her by her father figure simon before he abandoned her (ouch). in the start of this episode however, we have scenes of bonnie waking up wearing the t-shirt marcy gave her years ago, her sniffing it as she wakes up (???) then moving to her CLOSET which REVEALS a POLAROID of MARCY AND BONNIE in the CLOSET that is STUCK THERE hidden AWAY only for BONNIE TO SEE.... anyway back to the teddy bear hambo, to retrieve it bubblegum had to give away the t-shirt i just mentioned, which according to maja the skywitch had more meaning and "sentimenal value" than the LITERALLY TEDDY BEAR GIVEN TO MARCY BEFORE SHE WAS ABANDONENDED!! CONTEXT CLUES BABY!! anyway then we move forward to season 7, specifcally the episode varmints, which is an episode very clear in healing the pair through their past as bonnie finally apologises for the problems and issues the pair had, as well as them both opening up to each other about the things neither one of them wanted to bring up in fear of being either rejected or the fear the other would just shoot them down. its an episode of healing, and in the end of it bonnie falls asleep on marcy, a clear sign of returning to comfort and what they used to know. then we have the stakes mini-series which is all about marcy going back to what she thinks she wants (humanity), and gives us the gorgeous amazing and talented scene of marcy not understanding these new human feelings, and thinking her being hungry is her being in love.. as shes with bonnie.. which causes bonnie to blush hard. gay people right? and then we have the finale, which is where the pair finally make up in the midst of a war where marcy thought bonnie had died, and marcy reveals the gorgeous quote of "even when we werent talking i was always scared something bad would happen to you and id not be there to protect you, and i guess i didnt want to lose you again". they then both kiss. so to answer your question, yes, there are clear signs throughout the show. sorry i am not normal about this okay goodnight
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nonaabuabu · 5 months
Hidup yang Begini-Begini Saja
Aku sering berpikir, sepertinya poin paling besar yang menjadi pembeda seseorang dengan orang lain adalah dirinya sendiri; ceritanya, perjalanannya dan kompleksitas cara berpikirnya. Itu kenapa aku sering sekali merasa seharusnya aku menuliskan ceritaku, perjalananku, dan semua huru-hara hidup yang membuat jatuh bangun.
Namun di sisi lain, masih sering sekali skeptis sama diri sendiri; 'Memang apa yang kau tawarkan dari cerita itu? Hei, lihat dirimu, masih saja terlunta-lunta urusan hidup.' Tapi, itu menariknya kan? Kita sering melihat, cerita duka hanya dibaca jika disampaikan oleh orang yang sudah bersuka ria. Cerita sedih dilirik jika sudah ada titik bahagia. Kegagalan didengarkan saat ada kesuksesan yang turut bisa dijual. Lalu kenapa kita yang seringnya merasa masih begini-begini saja, bersusah payah untuk didengarkan dengan berbagai strategi dan upaya, padahal kisah sendiri adalah kisah yang tiada duanya.  Tapi sebenarnya apa itu menjadi begini-begini saja?
Uang? Kekuasaan? Kecantikan? Popularitas? Semua itukah yang membuat kita menjadi seseorang? Atau terlalu naif kita untuk memahami, bahwa banyak hal yang terjadi dalam hidup ini meski tanpa semua itu.
Aku tak cukup bijak untuk mengambil kesimpulan, tak cukup lainnya untuk didengarkan, namun ayolah, untuk diri sendiri setidaknya kita mau menerima dan mengerti, bertahan sejauh ini menjadi seseorang yang memahami kebaikan bukankah sebuah pencapain? Mari sama-sama hitung orang di sekitar kita, berapa hati yang menghilangkan kebaikan dalam dirinya demi semua hal yang sifatnya materi itu? Bahkan tanpa sadar kita sering melakukannya.
Pemahaman ini, pelajaran ini, bisa jadi sesuatu yang diketahui banyak orang. Tapi ada saja alasan yang digunakan untuk memaklumi bahwa adil menjalani kehidupan yang penuh kelicikan dan kepura-puraan demi semua pencapaian yang hingar bingar. Sehingga hadirlah sentimen bahwa menjadi seseorang yang berintegrasi dengan kejujuran, kebaikan dan prinsip menjalani hidup tidak seperti orang kebanyakan menjadi sebuah pilihan yang terlalu naif. Sayangnya aku juga pernah percaya itu.
Pada satu titik aku juga pernah menjadi si orang paling stress bahkan depresi akan hidup yang masih begini-begini saja. Melihat kiri kanan yang penuh dengan pencapaian, mendengar depan belakang yang penuh tekanan. Titik yang akhirnya membuat diri tak hanya stagnan dalam bergerak namun juga berhenti dalam berpikir. Hanya karena agar sama dengan orang lain, agar diterima di semua kalangan, dan agar-agar lain yang kalau kupikirkan sekarang, untuk apa?
Mungkin jika tidak melalui semua itu tak banyak yang kupelajari soal hidup. Mungkin hidup yang begini-begini saja adalah pengalaman yang tidak sembarang orang miliki, jadi kenapa harus merasa bahwa tak ada hal yang bisa kuceritakan sebab aku masih begini-begini saja?
Aceh, 02 Mei 2024
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
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cole—spirit or human? 
this, like all my meta, is just my personal feelings or interpretation: I am not trying to claim any kind of objective correctness, or to dismiss those who feel otherwise. I remember conversations about cole being somewhat strained so I'm hoping ppl aren't going to be super weird on this post. 
so—cole. I've played both routes and I actually enjoy both of them, but I'm strongly inclined towards making him more of a spirit, and my reasoning comes down to three primary aspects: 1) respecting cole’s autonomy and his choices up to this point, 2) acceptance of an “other” way of being as equally valid to a “human” way of being, and 3) making him more human feels weirdly to me like asking him to replace the real cole in full rather than be himself
1—respecting his autonomy.
cole states early on that he became more of who he was and less human, and that it lets him help. that's a choice he made. on a personal level, even though he's just pixels, I find it deeply uncomfortable to unmake the choice he made about his nature. I understand that he's shown as happy and fulfilled regardless of which path you choose, which is part of why I like both, but this is why I prefer the spirit path: making him more human feels, to me, like the inky is making him more… palatable. or like the game is giving a “comfortable to the player” option. I felt this way when I first played dai when it was new, and I continue to feel this way now
he is happy in both and that's nice, and i like that there's no strong delineation of a right v. wrong choice. at the same time, i've always gotten the sense that cole wants to be more spirit—maybe not because it brings him joy or satisfies him, it could well be that he just believes he will be more useful/functional as a spirit, but even making "bad" decisions (which i don't think this one is, but for the sake of argument) is an individual's right and part of their autonomy
2—acceptance of an “other” way of being as equally valid to a “human” one
in a watsonian, in-text view (which does tend to be my approach), I think it's very important to accept the personhood of spirits, even when they're so fundamentally different. spirit!cole forgets things, can erase negative experiences, etc.—there's a lack of what we'd see as typical growth and maturity going on there, but I'd argue that we can't really effectively apply human (or “mortal” ig, bc elves, dwarves, qunari…) norms to a spirit. 
cole as a spirit of compassion is the way a spirit is supposed to be. the way a spirit is supposed to be is not the way a mortal is supposed to be. and to me, it does feel like his preference throughout the game is to act as a spirit. he stays "pure" and "clean," and that allows him to help without becoming corrupted or changed. it's tempting—and not wrong—to view this through a human lens and to find it unhealthy for him, but i tend to defer to solas' explanations of how spirits are in this case. they can easily be corrupted because they are a Single Thing. that is their nature. wisdom is wisdom; changed by perception, expectation, memory, or pain, it becomes something fundamentally different. spirits are malleable in a way mortals are not
3—replacing the “real” cole 
tbf, this one isn't really supported by anything in game, just a personal discomfort. but he “became” cole after the young man's death. honestly, I find that a little uncomfortable, but I can understand it: the textual “simplicity”/purity of spirits makes sense of that kind of reaction to compassion’s “failure,” its inability to help the real cole (according to its own standards where help=fix: it did help the real cole by being there) 
so, to me, it reads a little like you're confirming that direction when you have cole become more human. ik it's not presented that way, but yeah, personally just makes me uncomfortable bc it feels like I'm encouraging cole to view himself as a replacement of the real cole 
spirits can come back, but they are the sentiment that gave rise to it in the first place, not the individual being itself. compassion taking on cole's name in the first place feels like that to me, but becoming more human feels like it's taking it a step too far. bc then cole becomes a young man who's taken on the face and name of a dead man and it's… it's a lot. for him to grapple with down the line, for the people around him, for everyone. but as a spirit, that kind of behavior feels more like a way of recognizing and respecting the being that came before 
and of course, cole isn't 100% either—he's more human or more spirit. so it's fair to say that it'd still be a sign of respect and acknowledgement of the real cole even if he becomes more human, it doesn't turn automatically into a Bad Thing, and the complexity can honestly be fascinating to explore, bc i imagine as more-human he will develop some complex feelings about all of it
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sky-of-dusk · 3 months
Hikaru: Headlamps, Director.
Ryuusei: Right. Where would I be without Hikaru?
Hikaru: In a ditch, Director. Hopelessly trapped in the twisted wreckage of your car.
Ryuusei: Rhetorical. Question.
Hikaru: Mangled. Limbs.
Ryuusei: You're ruining the sentimen-
Hikaru: Probably on fire.
Ryuusei: I don't think we need all the gruesome det-
Hikaru: With your records all out of order.
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hallow-is-hallow · 11 months
i need a fic where steve agrees to go with robin and eddie to a gay club wanting to support her but at the club, some guys are hitting on him and eddie is jealous but can't say anything while steve is oblivious of the sentimen of eddie but he like the new attention and decide to accept an invitation to dance where the new guy kiss him and at first steve is uncertain but then he reciprocates
I just want a steve who explores his sexuality w/o eddie and a jealous ed who have to sit there and watch it happen
pls share the link if u know anything like this :')
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hdslibrary · 1 year
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Best Foot Forward
We are happily marching into the weekend like this little fellow spotted in a late 18th century French edition of a work of English church history by Francis Bacon.
Bacon, Francis. Le Christianisme de Franc̜ois Bacon, chancelier d'Angleterre : ou, Pensées et sentimens de ce grand homme sur la religion. A Paris: Chez Nyon, aîné, Libraire, rue du Jardinet, No. 2. [Chez] Belin, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue Saint-Jacques, No. 22. An VII. [i.e. 1798-1799].
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fawazsidiqi · 8 months
Saya Dukung Pak Anies, Tapi..
Saya mendukung pak Anies menjadi presiden, tetapi yg saya dukung adalah akhlak (setidaknya yg nampak selama ini), ide dan gagasan secara rasional, bukan semata-mata orang dan sentimen tidak berdasar lain.
Jika setelah nanti terpilih pak Anies justru mengkhianati apa diejawantahkannya hari ini, maka saya akan mencabut dukungan tsb. dan ikut mengkritisi pengkhianatan yg terjadi.
Saya mendukung pak Anies menjadi Presiden, tetapi jika ternyata kalah, saya sama sekali tidak menyesali keputusan tsb., karena saya tidak merasa melakukan kesalahan apapun.
Saya mendukung pak Anies dan menghargai pilihan berbeda orang lain sebagai sebuah keniscayaan, tetapi saya tidak menyukai sikap berkilah atau "mencari pembenaran" terhadap kesalahan yg dilakukan paslon. Akui kesalahan sebagai kesalahan, jangan sibuk "menceboki" apalagi sampai memutarbalikkan fakta.
Saya mendukung pak Anies yg mengikhtiarkan terwujudnya keadilan dan kemakmuran unuk semua, tetapi bukan berarti saya melupakan dan meninggalkan salah satu inti dasar tauhid, bahwa segala hal yg mewujud di alam semesta pada hakikatnya terjadi karena kehendak dan kekuasaan Allah Ta'ala, bukan kehendak dan kuasa seorang manusia.
Bahwa kesejahteraan, keadlian, kemajuan, pun hal sebaliknya (kesengsaraan, ketidakadilan, kemunduran), terjadi atas kehendak Allah sebagai bagian dari ujian untuk kita, manusia.
Semoga Allah menganugerahkan kepada kita pemimpin yang memiliki rasa takut kepada-Nya dan kasih sayang kepada rakyat-nya. Aamiin Yaa Rabbal'aalamiin
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altar-ov-plagues · 2 years
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Sentimen Beltza - Atatxa (2015)
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lebensmoode · 8 months
Makanya jangan pongah, Samsul 😇
Jujurly gw lebih excited nonton debat capres sih daripada debat cawapres. Since their first debate, gw udah jengah banget sama gaya debat si paslon tengah yg menjatuhkan dan ingin terlihat sok pintar. Iya gw emang udah sentimen parah sama si anak jalur dalam ini, jadi udah gabisa objektif lagi. Namaste 🙏🏻
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
Idk if this has been said yet because I’m sure everybody had a million things to say about this scene back when it aired, but I want to talk about Trent’s article that he wrote about Ted in s1 e3. I typed out a transcription of it since I couldn’t find one and I first just want to paste that in here because I will be referring back to it: “Whatever you think of Ted Lasso as a football coach, I assure you the truth is harder to swallow. And swallow you must because Ted is out there in the community either bravely or stupidly facing the music — that’s for you to decide. And yes, he’s in over his head. He insisted twice that he didn’t care if Richmond won or lost. But if the Lasso way is wrong, it’s hard to imagine being right. In a business that celebrates ego, Ted reins his in. His coaching style is subtle — it never hits you over the head — slowly growing until you can no longer ignore its presence. Whether that means allowing followers to become leaders or, in a show of respect, eating food so spicy it’s sure to wreak massive havoc on his intestinal system. And though I believe Ted Lasso will fail here and Richmond will suffer the embarrassment of relegation, I won’t gloat when it happens because I can’t help but to root for him.” First and foremost, I just really want to talk about the voice switch in this part. This scene in the show starts off with Leslie reading this to Rebecca, but at the start of the second paragraph, it switches to Trent’s own voice. To me, that is hugely significant because we get Leslie reading the part that is actually critical and then starting to hesitate and choke a bit on the last line of the first paragraph before Trent picks up for that entire second half which, coming from him at this point in the show, is essentially glowing praise. Leslie is the one reading the part that’s most in keeping with the slander Rebecca was looking for but then Trent takes over to praise Ted. Secondly, going off of that, I truly believe that the use of Trent’s own voice is a reflection of the idea that the part they use it for is the part that’s a truer reflection of himself and his true thoughts and feelings. In contrast, the part Leslie reads is moreso just a reflection of the writing style of Trent Crimm, the journalist who’s so well known for being critical. I believe that we have is a textual representation of the real shift that happens in Trent’s character in the show which, like the article, is centered around Ted. In the article, Trent goes from “Ted is out there in the community either bravely or stupidly facing the music” to “I can’t help but to root for him” just like how his character goes from being a journalist who’d write a scathing, downright mean review of a 17 year old footballer to the kind of man who would throw away his whole career on purpose for someone else. The other parallel I see with what Trent did at the end of s2 is actually in this article, in the penultimate line about Ted of “Whether that means allowing followers to become leaders or, in a show of respect, eating food so spicy it’s sure to wreak massive havoc on his intestinal system.” In that line, he’s talking about the lengths Ted goes to in order to support or show respect for others, and I think that is exactly the core of what he refers to as “the Lasso way” that he refers to at the end of the first part. I talked in my other post about how Trent is the only one who does for Ted as much as Ted does for others with what he did in s2, but here we can clearly see as far back as the third episode of the series that that came directly from being inspired by Ted. Trent was so inspired by Ted’s kindness and consideration that he then became the only character in the show to truly give it back to him on the same level and scale that Ted himself gives it out. Others have talked about the scene in the restaurant when Ted says he’s enjoyed his time with Trent, but think about how huge that scene actually is given that that one sentiment is what sparked this article and Trent’s future actions and everything else.
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