#senior golf tips
rotaryswinggolf · 4 months
The Golf Swing for Seniors 🏌️‍♂️ Best Way to Increase Golf Swing Speed
Are you a senior golfer struggling with a drop in club head speed? Don't worry, you're not alone! In this video, we dive into the Golf Swing for Seniors and reveal the Best Way to Increase Golf Swing Speed for Senior Golfers.
Many senior golfers face challenges in maintaining their swing speed, and the secret lies in the proper release of the club. I will show you how to use your hands to maximize club head speed.
Improve your golf swing speed with these tips for seniors! Learn to increase your golf swing speed with helpful training aids and techniques. Perfect for seniors looking to enhance their golf game!
Discover why understanding wrist release is the game-changer you need. With my clear explanations, you'll realize how greats like Bobby Jones and Tiger Woods mastered their swings and how you can. It's not just about power; it's about the proper technique. ⛳
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rotary-swing · 4 days
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Golf Swing For Seniors And How To Increase Swing Speed
Discover the perfect Golf Swing for Seniors with expert tips from Rotary Swing. This guide helps seniors improve their golf technique, reduce strain, and play longer with ease. Elevate your game while maintaining health and mobility. Learn more here!
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thegratefulgolfer · 5 months
The High Soft Lob Shot - Do You Really Need It?
Golf can be challenging enough without adding additional pressure to our game. The plethora of shots available to each golfer during a round can make our head spin with choices. One of those possibilities is the high soft lob shot! This specialty shot is difficult at best and really is something that elite golfers might master. A few years ago, I decided to carry a lob wedge because I felt I…
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virtualcoach-blog · 2 years
Special Livestream Guest Mark Teran of Piped Golf
Piped Golf isn't a pipe dream for a very determined man like Mark Teran. It's part of a systematic and strategic master plan on his quest to play golf with the best.
Have you ever imagined being a professional golfer? No, man. I’m serious. Has that ever been a personal aspiration of yours, something that you fantasize about during daydreams? Piped Golf isn’t a pipe dream for a very determined man. It’s part of a systematic and strategic master plan of Mark Teran on his quest to play golf with the best on the PGA Senior Tour. Coffee & Chat with Rev Bruce…
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treason-and-plot · 7 months
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Thank you so much for sending me these @anamoon63 and @108sims! This might be a good opportunity to introduce Connor's parents, Tom and Helene Brownlee.
After graduating from Simstate University with a degree in business and accounting Tom was hired by a prominent Bridgeport Accounting firm, where he soon became a senior accountant. He left after three years to found his own company, Brownlee and Associates.
2. He and Helene met when he visited a physiotherapist for a shoulder injury. Helene was the physiotherapist's receptionist. Tom was attracted to her elegant demeanour, husky voice and the way she used to poke the tip of her tongue between her teeth when she was listening to people talk on the phone. She still does it now when she's concentrating and he still thinks it's adorable.
2. Brownlee and Associates now operates in 6 different countries and provides (according to their slick looking website) 'a complete range of public accounting, taxation and audit services to individuals and business. The main areas of focus include taxation, estate planning, asset protection, and structuring.'
3. Tom and Helene's base is still Bridgeport, but they are also very fond of their villa in Monte Vista and their beach house in Isla Paradiso.
4. Helene had to have an emergency peripartum hysterectomy after giving birth to Connor so that put paid to their plans for any more children. Helene was quite relieved, really. Pregnancy and childbirth were quite the worst experiences of her life.
5.Tom used to play a lot of rugby in his younger days (it was how he got his shoulder injury) and he isn't thrilled about Connor's fondness for soccer. He thinks soccer is a stupid sport. What kind of sport doesn't allow players to use their hands, for Christ's sake?
6. Tom and Helene have now been married for twenty-one years. While there have been challenges, those years have for the most part have been very happy.
7. Tom deals with stress by playing golf and watching Westerns. Helene likes to read, meditate and go on long walks.
8. Helene's life since she got married has been geared to making Tom's career a success, and she loves her role as the loyal corporate wife. She knows she is good at it too. And the perks are extremely seductive, particularly the wardrobe and travel budgets!
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9. Both Helene and Tom expect Connor to enter the family business after leaving school.
10. They are also very curious about meeting Saffron...Connor has never admitted to having a girlfriend before! (Helene always imagined he'd marry Laura but it seems they don't think of each other that way, which Helene thinks is a great pity. Laura is such a pretty thing...she and Connor would have the most gorgeous babies!)
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stardust-swan · 3 months
How to marry rich?
I am a single woman who would rather marry middle class tbh so I can't really help with marrying a millionaire or anything. If I were going to try marrying rich though, here's what I'd do:
Do a six month legal or medical secretary course. If you're happy with being upper middle class rather than rich-rich, working at law firms or hospitals and doctor's offices are probably the best way of meeting lawyers, doctors and consultants. I've mentioned the story of the Emirati senior doctor who asked to marry me years back based on a picture, and that never would have happened if my mother hadn't known him by working at the hospital with him.
The downside is that the guys who have the most money are usually older and already married, while the ones who are still young and cute and less likely to be taken are probably paying off their student loans and saving up money, and some also realise they hate the job after a couple of years and retrain to become teachers or whatever. If you can find someone young who has their heart set on their career or don't mind an age gap relationship with a wealthier older man then it's a good route though (wouldn't personally recommend an affair with a married man though as you get them how you lose them, but there are exceptions ofc).
Use dating apps near places where rich men hang out. Like five star hotels and restaurants, golf courses, etc. More likely to match with someone wealthy if you're near where the wealthy hang out.
Wouldn't personally recommend this as gambling doesn't always end well, but some women in my city go to casinos trying to meet wealthy men that gamble for fun. If you go into the casinos at evening you'll see a bunch of single women who don't really look like they fit there. And they don't fit there, they're there to meet men.
Work on yourself. If you ever look at rich men's wives, they're always well-spoken, put together, and knowledgeable. You need more than just looks. Pretty faces get boring if you can't hold a conversation. Looks also aren't as paramount as you might think. You need to look attractive obviously, but you don't need to be jaw-droppingly gorgeous. It's rare to see a rich man with a wife who looks like Adriana Lima. It's more important to be well-groomed and put together with an engaging personality than it is to put all your energy into planning the cosmetic surgery you want because your nose is slightly too wide or your boobs are slightly droopy and you think you need to be the most striking one in the room at all times to have a chance (guarantee you that 99.9% of men don't notice or care about these things). Also obviously you should know how to behave, don't do anything that will embarrass him and make him drop you like a hot potato (like calling him "Daaaadddyyy" or something in front of his friends).
Tbh I'd recommend reading r/marryrich on Reddit. They'd have more resources like books and stuff you should read and you can also ask questions to people who have actually married rich.
Edit: should've have mentioned this, but avoid influencers like Anna Bey. A lot of hypergamy influencers who claim to be giving advice on marrying rich are actually giving sugar baby tips but in a covert way that won't get their pages removed from social media. For example, Anna Bey advises people to hang around in hotel lobbies to meet rich men, but you're not going to meet your future husband by hanging out in his hotel lobby. They'll assume you're a sex worker looking for clients. Just be wary of tips like this that are actually tips for sex workers presented in an innocuous way
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jaybarou · 1 year
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I don't want to be negative on an utopia post so I started my own.
For reasons, I have lots of golf lore. And transforming golf courses is a good idea in teory, but I'm afraid these kind of posts paint this trasformation as a miracle that will solve the housing crisis and become the solution to climate change. It's not.
There is a lot, and I mean a LOT of nuance.
For example, there's a difference between a links golf course in Scotland (a kind of course more integrated in the native nature in an already humid country), and a regular golf course in a desertic area in Florida. Or a par-3 course? (the one least eco-damaging and the friendliest to kids, old people and people in general)
More nuance: is the golf course in the middle of the city or is it a 60 minute ride from anywhere livable? (Because transforming a green area in the middle if a cramped city into more housing will increase the summer heat in the area. And transforming an isolated area is a waste of resources.)
Even more nuance: is it a golf course in use or one of the 200 golf courses closed in the U.S. in 2017?
And a big big nuance: is it a PUBLIC golf course or a PRIVATE golf course? Those are incredibly different problems with incredibly different approaches.
Most golf courses in the USA are a privately owned business that rely on the kind of clients that make business on the club house. And like to bee seen spending 8 hours staight walking around It is lucrative! Look at all that water, and the land they can aford with the tiny number of people perusing it at a time. Because they are not selling in bulk, they are selling exclusivity snd selling an image of power and richness.
One way to close them down is to ruin golf's public image. But this year they survived being shamed for betraying an association of terroist victim's families. I'm not kidding. I wish I was, but the golf lovers are willing to shove a LOT under the rug.
The tipping point for golf gourse private owners is not going to be shame. It's going to be: "is more profitable to exploit people through rent indefinitely than to sell the image of richness?"
You may love direct action, but a few weeks ago a main event for senior players was trashed. Destroyed, the ground was unplayable, and all the golf superintendants of the region pitched in and in the morning it was perfect and they played.
However you choose to dismantle it you have to take into account that this is still owned by people who live off the image of affluence, it is their business model. So whatever they build instead of a golf course is not going to be affordable for you and me.
It is not going to solve the housing crisis. The neighborhoods surounding a golf course are of high value, so you are going to find a strong opposition of a small army of semi rich Karens and Kens of the area unless you find something that will keep the value of their property up.
And this is not a crazy "what if" story. I come with receips because this has already happened.
Successful story of repurposed golf course into a park. The land had to be clawed out of private hands.
“It always had been identified,” Moskos said. “It just took 100 years to secure the land.”
Metro Parks bought the property, which had been a golf course for more than 50 years, for $4 million in October 2016. The 200-acre property connects three parks — Cascade Valley, Gorge and Sand Run — and creates the district’s second-largest contiguous area, at just under 1,700 acres.
Another repurposed golf course in Kent, this time apartments. Public space in debt sold to private hands to build "luxury rental housing". You decide if that's a success.
Auburn-based Landmark Development Group and HAL Real Estate will construct the project on the former Riverbend par 3 golf course property along the Green River they bought from the city of Kent for $10.5 million. The City Council voted to sell the property to eliminate the Riverbend Golf Complex fund’s debt of about $4 million and spend about $6 million to improve the 18-hole course across the street from the former par 3 course.
Marquee on Meeker will provide Kent first-of-its-kind, luxury rental housing and retail via two new six-story, 120-unit buildings featuring 6,000 square feet of retail each, and 21, 12-unit, three-story walk-up residential buildings. Residential units will feature high-quality finishes.
The apartment complex will include lounges, decks, fitness centers and a large clubhouse including a modern kitchen, pool, spa, outdoor fireplace and barbecue areas.
Yet another story, this time in Palm Springs. Dead golf course turned into "exclusive neighborhoods".
Overseen by Freehold Communities, a national real estate developer, Miralon represents one of the country’s biggest bets on agriculture-oriented real estate. [...] Residents in these exclusive neighborhoods can tend community gardens, fill up baskets of fruits in orchards, and, in Kukui’ula in Hawaii, even harvest guava, papaya, and pineapple.Selling a more experiential and exclusive lifestyle—“whether it’s tranquil, artsy, eclectic or organic, more or less everything is right where you want it,” says Miralon’s website. [...]
Of course, maybe the most sustainable use of land may actually be dense high-rises, which support resource conservation, public transit, and more efficient land use. But that may be a bit too radical, not to mention expensive, for Palm Springs.[...]
Miralon actually had its start as a failed golf course development named Avalon that, like it’s partial owner, Lehman Brothers, was stopped short by the recession.
There have been other successful stories, like Japan turning a defunct golf course into a solar farm. And there have been faillure stories about HOAs refusing to let affordable housing be built.
What can you do?
I don't know, do you live near a defunct golf course? Is there a public golf course in your town that you could encourage to plant local flora? Are you involved in a HOA that's blocking the repurposing of a golf course? Can you educate someone making seed bombs into a more productive course of action? I don't know! Here is where you have to think for yourself, learn about your area of influence and influence it.
Just make sure when you rage against the machine that you are aimed at the right direction, make sure there is at least one possibility of realizing what you set yo do, and know what will happen later to save yourself the pikachu face.
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irishgolfadventure · 1 year
Sunny Surprising County Louth
Today was another beautiful day in Ireland. All the native Irish have been commenting on how nice the weather has been for the month of May. This kind of weather will really spoil us for when we make a return trip! Today might have been the nicest it’s been since we’ve been here!
We arrived finally arrived at County Louth Golf Club this morning after a few misinterpretations of our GPS guidance. Nothing that a couple of U turns couldn’t take care of though. We arrived early enough to get a little practice in on their range. And then we met Sheldon and Marc our playing partners for the day. Sheldon was from Yellow Knives, Canada and Marc was from the Silicon Valley in California. Marc was a low handicap golfer and Sheldon was a 16 hdcp. 
The course was great!! Beautifully manicured, well designed and long. I had a choice between 6500, 6700 or 7100 yards. I didn’t want to intimidate the other two by playing from the tips so I chose to play the course from 6500. Whew, the back nine started with 5 straight par 4s - 398,464,410,408 & 322! Needless to say no pars on the first five on the back (in case you’re counting I went 6,6,5,5,5) but parred three out of the last four to shoot 43 for the nine ( back was par 35) and 90 for the round. I felt like I played really well for the distance and difficulty of the course.
The course itself had trouble everywhere. Lots of pot bunkers, small mounds of heather in the fairways and the greens were by far the most undulating that we have played and they were lightening fast. The caddie’s said the course was getting ready to host the Irish Amateur next week. Some of the green complex’s were crazy challenging. My caddie was great at reading the greens and forced me to make good course management decisions. I’m sure I would have scored at least 10-15 strokes higher if it weren’t for him. Probably the best caddie I had on the trip.
At Kim’s request, I haven’t been commenting on her game or scores but she played really well today. In fact, this was her best outing of the trip! Senior Ladies Tour is now a possibility:-)
We’re going out to eat tonight at O’Connell’s in Howth. It’s a small resort town located out on a very small and rocky peninsula that is almost an island. Jutting out into the Irish Sea, Howth’s buildings are bright colored and perched on the rocky cliffs. Cool little village and a very popular place to hang out. We’ll be there with all the beautiful people tonight!!
Tomorrow is a check out some of Dublin and Malahide. Malahide is a cool seaside town with lots of shops and a beautiful marina located on another of Ireland’s thousands of scenic bays. Blessings to all! 
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golfspain · 2 months
Exploring Golf Green Fees: What You Need to Know Before Booking
When planning a golfing trip, understanding the concept of golf green fees is essential. These fees are fundamental to the golfing experience and can vary significantly depending on various factors. 
Whether you're an experienced golfer or just starting, knowing what to expect and how to navigate these fees will help you make the most of your time on the course.
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What Are Golf Green Fees?
Golf green fees are the charges that golf courses levy for the privilege of playing a round. These fees contribute to the maintenance of the course, ensuring that it remains in top condition for all players. While the term "green fee" might suggest it only covers access to the greens, it typically includes the use of the entire course, from tee to hole.
Factors Influencing Golf Green Fees
Several factors influence the cost of golf green fees. Being aware of these can help you plan your budget and choose the right courses for your needs.
Course Prestige and Location: Prestigious courses, especially those with historical significance or designed by famous architects, often charge higher green fees. Similarly, courses located in prime tourist destinations or scenic areas may have elevated prices.
Season and Time of Day: Golf green fees can fluctuate based on the season and time of day. Peak seasons, typically during spring and summer, see higher fees compared to off-peak times. Additionally, morning tee times might be more expensive than afternoon slots.
Day of the Week: Weekend green fees tend to be higher than those on weekdays, reflecting the increased demand from golfers.
Course Amenities: Courses offering additional amenities such as luxurious clubhouses, professional caddies, and advanced practice facilities might charge higher green fees. These extras can enhance your golfing experience but come at a premium.
Membership Status: Many golf courses offer discounted rates to members. If you plan to play frequently at a particular course, exploring membership options could be cost-effective.
Types of Green Fees
Understanding the different types of golf green fees can help you make informed decisions when booking your tee times.
Standard Green Fee: This is the basic fee for playing a round of golf. It covers access to the course and any standard amenities provided.
Twilight Fee: Courses often offer discounted rates for rounds played later in the day, typically in the afternoon or early evening. These twilight fees provide an excellent opportunity to play at a reduced cost.
Junior and Senior Fees: Many courses offer special rates for junior golfers (usually under 18) and seniors (typically 60 and above). These discounted fees encourage broader participation in the sport.
Weekend and Holiday Fees: As weekends and holidays see higher demand, courses might have separate fee structures for these days, usually at a premium.
Group Rates: If planning a group outing or a corporate event, inquire about group rates. Courses often provide discounts for larger groups, making it a more affordable option for multiple players.
Booking Strategies to Optimize Green Fees
Securing the best value for your golf green fees involves some strategic planning. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your bookings.
Advance Booking: Booking your tee times well in advance can often secure better rates, especially during peak seasons. Early planning also ensures availability at your preferred courses.
Flexible Scheduling: Flexibility with your schedule can lead to significant savings. Consider playing during off-peak times or on weekdays to take advantage of lower fees.
Look for Deals and Promotions: Many golf courses offer special deals, promotions, and packages that can reduce the overall cost. These might include discounted green fees, bundled rounds, or complimentary amenities.
Join Golf Networks: Membership in golf networks or associations can provide access to discounted green fees at a variety of courses. These networks often have partnerships with courses worldwide.
Stay and Play Packages: If planning a golfing vacation, explore stay and play packages offered by resorts and hotels. These packages typically include accommodations and rounds of golf at a discounted rate.
Making the Most of Your Green Fee
Once you've booked your tee time, there are ways to maximize the value of your green fee and enhance your overall experience.
Arrive Early: Arriving early allows you to warm up properly, familiarize yourself with the course layout, and make use of practice facilities.
Utilize Course Amenities: Take full advantage of the amenities included in your green fee. This might include practice ranges, putting greens, and locker rooms.
Engage with Staff: The staff at golf courses are there to help. Don't hesitate to ask for tips on course management, local rules, or any other information that can improve your game.
Play Multiple Rounds: If your schedule allows, consider playing multiple rounds. Some courses offer discounted rates for additional rounds played on the same day or within a certain timeframe.
Exploring Golf Courses in Spain
Spain is a golfer's paradise, offering a diverse range of courses that cater to all skill levels. Understanding the green fee structures of Spanish courses can help you plan a memorable golfing trip.
Costa del Sol: Known as the "Costa del Golf," this region boasts some of Spain's most prestigious courses. Expect higher green fees at renowned courses like Valderrama and Finca Cortesin, but the experience is well worth the investment.
Costa Blanca: This region offers a variety of courses with more affordable green fees. Courses like La Sella and Villaitana provide excellent golfing experiences without breaking the bank.
Catalonia: Home to the stunning PGA Catalunya Resort, Catalonia offers a mix of high-end and budget-friendly courses. The region's diverse landscape adds to the allure of its golf offerings.
Canary Islands: For a unique golfing experience, consider the Canary Islands. Courses like Abama and Anfi Tauro offer breathtaking views and challenging layouts, with green fees reflecting their exclusive locations.
Comparing Green Fees Internationally
When comparing golf green fees internationally, it's important to consider the overall value provided. Here's a quick look at how Spain's green fees stack up against other popular golfing destinations.
United States: Courses in the U.S. can range from highly affordable municipal courses to extremely expensive private clubs. Public courses like Pebble Beach command high green fees, similar to Spain's top courses.
United Kingdom: The UK offers a mix of historic links courses and modern layouts. Green fees at prestigious courses like St. Andrews can be comparable to Spain's elite courses, but many affordable options are also available.
Australia: Known for its stunning coastal courses, Australia offers a range of green fees. Top-tier courses like Royal Melbourne can be pricey, while many public courses offer more budget-friendly options.
Portugal: As Spain's neighbor and a fellow golfing hotspot, Portugal's green fees are often similar. Courses in the Algarve region are particularly popular, with a range of prices to suit different budgets.
Understanding golf green fees is crucial for planning a successful and enjoyable golfing trip. By considering factors like course prestige, location, and amenities, you can make informed decisions and find the best value for your money. Spain, with its diverse range of courses and stunning landscapes, offers something for every golfer. Whether seeking luxury or affordability, there's a course in Spain that will meet your needs.Ready to book your next golfing adventure? Visit GolfSpain.com to explore top courses, find the best deals on green fees, and start planning an unforgettable golfing experience. Embrace the charm and challenge of Spain's golf courses and make your next round truly memorable.
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bluehillsrise · 3 months
The Benefits of Retirement Villages in Enhancing Senior Living
As you journey through life, the concept of retirement becomes a prominent and exciting chapter. It is a time to embrace new experiences, explore passions, and savour the freedom that comes with leaving behind the daily grind.
One increasingly popular option for those entering their golden years is moving into a retirement village. But what exactly are retirement villages Pakenham, and why are they becoming the preferred choice for so many?
Understanding Retirement Villages
Retirement villages are specially designed communities for individuals, typically over the age of 55. These communities offer a unique blend of independent living, communal activities, and support services tailored to the needs of seniors. 
Residents live in their own private homes or apartments, but have access to a range of shared facilities and activities that promote a vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle.
Key Benefits of Living in a Retirement Village
Community and Social Connection One of the most significant advantages of living in a retirement village is the sense of community. These villages are designed to foster social interaction and companionship, which can be incredibly enriching. 
Whether it’s a casual chat with neighbors, participating in group activities, or enjoying community events, there is always an opportunity to build meaningful relationships.
Safety and Security Safety is a top priority in retirement villages. Most communities have security measures in place, such as gated entries and 24/7 security personnel, ensuring residents feel safe and secure. 
Additionally, many villages offer emergency response systems in homes, providing peace of mind to both residents and their families.
Access to Amenities and Activities Retirement villages often feature a wide range of amenities and activities that cater to diverse interests and hobbies. From swimming pools, fitness centers, and golf courses to libraries, arts and crafts rooms, and communal gardens, there is something for everyone. 
Regularly scheduled activities, such as yoga classes, book clubs, and excursions, help keep residents engaged and active.
Maintenance-Free Living One of the significant perks of living in a retirement village is the ease of maintenance-free living. Residents don’t have to worry about home repairs, lawn care, or other household chores. This means more time to enjoy life and pursue interests without the burden of upkeep.
Healthcare and Support Services Many retirement villages provide on-site healthcare services or have partnerships with nearby medical facilities. This ensures that residents have easy access to healthcare when needed. 
Additionally, some villages offer assisted living or nursing care options, allowing residents to age in place even if their health needs change over time.
Financial Predictability The retirement villages Pakenham-wide often operate on a fee structure that covers various services, amenities, and maintenance. This can provide financial predictability and peace of mind, as residents know what to expect in terms of monthly expenses. 
Some villages also offer flexible payment options, making it easier for individuals to find a plan that suits their financial situation.
Choosing the Right Retirement Village
Selecting the right retirement village is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. Here are some tips to guide you in making the best choice:
Location: Consider the location and its proximity to family, friends, and essential services.
Amenities and Services: Evaluate the range of amenities and services offered to ensure they align with your interests and needs.
Community Culture: Visit different villages to get a feel for the community culture and see if it matches your lifestyle.
Cost: Understand the costs involved and what is included in the fees. Ensure it fits within your budget.
Future Needs: Consider the availability of healthcare and support services for any future health needs.
Final Words
Retirement villages offer an appealing option for seniors looking to enjoy their retirement years in a supportive, vibrant, and secure environment. With a focus on community, convenience, and quality of life, these villages provide an ideal setting for seniors to thrive. 
Whether you are looking for a place to pursue new hobbies, make lasting friendships, or simply enjoy maintenance-free living, a retirement village could be the perfect place to call home.
So, if you are considering your options for retirement, explore the world of retirement villages Pakenham and beyond. It might just be the key to unlocking a fulfilling and enjoyable next chapter of your life.
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thxnews · 4 months
Surrey Golf Club's Illegal Waste Scandal
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A scandal has rocked a Surrey golf club after it was discovered that illegal waste had been dumped on the course. The Environment Agency’s investigation revealed almost 700 lorry-loads of waste, resulting in significant fines for two Sussex companies and the golf club's owners.  
Reckless Behaviour Uncovered
The illegal dumping occurred at Rusper Golf Club near Gatwick Airport. An anonymous tip-off led the Environment Agency to uncover the reckless actions of Worthing-based Rusper Leisure Ltd, Crawley haulier Cook and Son Ltd, and Bell and Sons Construction Ltd of Faygate. The district judge condemned the behaviour as “reckless,” handing down fines totalling £38,000.   Environment Agency Investigation The investigation revealed that Rusper Leisure Ltd had planning permission to raise part of an embankment on the driving range by 2 metres, intended to catch stray golf balls. However, this permission was only for clean soil. Instead, the company allowed Cook and Son Ltd and Bell and Sons Construction Ltd to offload waste without the necessary approval from the Environment Agency.   Fines and Costs for Involved Parties Company Fine Amount Additional Costs Total Fine Rusper Leisure Ltd £2,000 £3,000 £5,000 Cook and Son Ltd £24,000 £12,500 £36,500 Bell and Sons Construction £12,000 £8,000 £20,000  
Investigation Findings
Investigators found the embankment's surface contained glass, wood, plastic, tarmac, brick, concrete, and other materials. Similar loads were also dumped around the course and nearby areas. Cook and Bell paid Rusper Leisure £100 per load for the waste dumped on and around the greens in late 2018.   Illegal Waste Stockpiling The investigation also discovered that waste was used to create more embankments and was stockpiled close to woods on the edge of the golf course and in the club’s car park. Builders' waste was mixed in with some of the soil, posing significant environmental risks.  
Environmental and Legal Implications
Jamie Hamilton, the senior environmental crime officer leading the investigation, emphasised the importance of obtaining Environment Agency authorisation for waste disposal. Despite this, the companies involved disregarded these regulations.   Statements from Involved Parties Sara Blunden, company secretary of Rusper Leisure, claimed she didn’t know a permit was needed, believing planning permission was sufficient. Duncan Bell, a director with Bell and Sons, admitted he didn’t check if an environmental permit was necessary. Christopher Cook of Cook and Son confessed that his drivers left waste on the course without verifying the site's legality.   Legal Charges and Fines Rusper Leisure Ltd was charged with operating a waste disposal site without an environmental permit. Cook and Son Ltd and Bell and Sons Construction Ltd faced charges under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for illegal waste dumping.   The Takeaway This case highlights the critical need for strict adherence to environmental regulations. The significant fines imposed reflect the gravity of illegal waste disposal and the Environment Agency’s role in enforcing compliance. The community is reminded of the importance of responsible waste management to protect our environment.   Future Implications The closure of Rusper Golf Club, once a renowned course opened by Ryder Cup captain Tony Jacklin, serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of environmental negligence. The Environment Agency continues to monitor and enforce regulations to prevent similar incidents in the future, ensuring that the environment is safeguarded for generations to come.   Sources: THX News & Environment Agency. Read the full article
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rotary-swing · 5 days
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Golf Swing For Seniors And How To Increase Swing Speed
Learn how to improve your Golf Swing For Seniors with tailored lessons designed to boost flexibility and power. Discover tips and techniques specifically for senior golfers, helping you stay active and enhance your performance. Check it out at Rotary Swing!
URL: rotaryswing.com
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thegratefulgolfer · 5 months
Great Tips For Senior Golfers
As we age, golf can become challenging than expected…..or does it? As I enter the back nine of my golfing career I often wonder what my game will be like in a few years. I have enjoyed a great deal of success over the years and my ego thinks that I should be able to continue without any challenges. Some of this is true, yet I am reminded that management of my expectations has to be part of my…
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dradityasharma-1 · 5 months
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Kidney stones can be incredibly painful and disruptive, but with the right treatment strategies and expert care, you can conquer this common urological condition and reclaim your health. Here, we'll explore effective tips for managing kidney stones and highlight the best urology care options available to you.
Understanding Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys and can cause severe pain when they pass through the urinary tract. They can vary in size and composition, with some being as small as a grain of sand while others can grow to be as large as a golf ball. Common symptoms of kidney stones include sharp pain in the back or side, blood in the urine, and difficulty urinating.
Treatment Strategies for Kidney Stones
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for preventing the formation of kidney stones. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to help flush out toxins and prevent mineral buildup in the kidneys. Follow a Balanced Diet: Certain foods can increase the risk of kidney stone formation, such as those high in oxalates, sodium, and animal proteins. Opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit your intake of processed foods and beverages high in sugar and caffeine. Manage Underlying Conditions: Conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure can increase the risk of kidney stones. Managing these conditions through lifestyle changes, medication, and regular check-ups can help reduce your risk. Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help dissolve kidney stones or alleviate symptoms such as pain and inflammation. Your doctor may recommend pain relievers, alpha blockers, or medications to control underlying conditions that contribute to stone formation. Medical Procedures: For larger kidney stones or those causing severe symptoms, medical procedures may be necessary to remove or break up the stones. Common procedures include extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), ureteroscopy, and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Expert Urology Care for Kidney Stones
When it comes to managing kidney stones, seeking expert urology care is crucial for personalized treatment and optimal outcomes. In Lucknow, sector B, you can find the best endo urology care and uro-oncology care options, including top-rated hospitals and specialists like Dr. Aditya Sharma for female urology care, pediatric urology care, and general urology care.
While kidney stones can be a painful and challenging condition to manage, with the right treatment strategies and expert urology care, you can overcome this obstacle and achieve relief. By following a balanced diet, staying hydrated, managing underlying conditions, and seeking timely medical intervention when needed, you can conquer kidney stones and enjoy better urological health. Don't let kidney stones hold you back—take control of your health and seek the best urology care options available to you.
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evanbassmensclinic · 5 months
Evan Bass Men's Clinics Shares Training Tips for Older Men
Evan Bass Men's Clinic: Low-Impact is the Way to Go
Evan Bass Men's Clinic says that fitness should be for men of all ages. They also believe that everyone should have access to knowledge on health and wellness.
Today, Evan Bass Men's Clinic shares a number of important reminders for aging men regarding health and fitness.
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Reminder #1: While the goal is to get fitter, the priority has to be safety.
Safety should always be a primary concern when working out. This goes double for men of an advanced age.
The bodies of seniors aren't what they used to be. Their bones are a bit more brittle, and their cardiovascular and respiratory capacities are more limited. Because of this and many other reasons, safety should be a primary concern.
Warm-up and stretching before exercising should be longer, as should cool-down time.
Reminder #2: Having a trainer is a huge plus for aging men.
During exercise, it's ideal that a trainer is present. However, if no trainers are available, a companion should be present.
In the same vein, when seniors go out for a nature hike or an early morning walk, Evan Bass Men's Clinic adds that it's better to go in groups in case of emergencies.
Reminder #3: Low-impact training is the best kind of training for aging men.
As previously mentioned, Evan Bass Men's Clinic recommends low-impact workouts for aging men.
With all the traditional and new-age HIIT workout routines reaching record highs in popularity, it's easy to overlook the low-impact exercises that fitness gurus and health professionals so often recommend.
People may not be aware of it, but swimming, brisk walking, and cycling are considered low-impact exercises. Low-impact exercises are those that are easy and smooth on the joints. For instance, jogging isn't low impact, but once modified to walking, it becomes low impact.
Reminder #4: You don't need to do away completely with high-impact training.
If you enjoy high-impact exercises such as HIIT or boxing, Evan Bass Men's Clinic says that you can still do it. However, it's recommended that you substitute some of the days with swimming or cycling.
Doing this once or twice a week can be enough to preserve the health of a person's joints. This is extremely valuable when he reaches old age.
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On a final note, regarding old age, Evan Bass Men's Clinic mentions that these routines are intense enough to strengthen the heart and lungs without weighing so much of a person's bones, bones that get more vulnerable with age.
Low-impact exercises such as golf also force a person to maintain proper posture, which is important when one reaches his twilight years.
Low-impact exercises also offer as much health benefits as other exercises. Just think of swimming and cycling and their effectiveness in full-body exercise.
Evan Bass Men's Clinic touches on essential topics such as fitness, men's health, fatherhood, and more. Visit this site to read similar blogs.
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qualityinnsuite · 6 months
Comfort Meets Affordability: Finding the Best Affordable Hotel in Lehigh Acres
Lehigh Acres is one of the best-known destinations in Florida for business travelers and vacationers. It is 12 miles east of Fort Myers and features ponds, lakes, and canals. This charming suburban area is perfect for both fishing enthusiasts and beginners. If you love golf, visit one of Lehigh Acres' four championship golf courses. This suburban community is the ideal retreat for families or seniors looking for an affordable and relaxed holiday because it has parks, lakes, tennis courts, and safe roads for bicycling or walking.  
However, many hotels are in the area, and finding the ideal hotel can take time and effort. You need to locate a hotel that is comfortable and suits your needs. Here are some tips for choosing the best hotel in Lehigh Acres: 
How to Choose the Best Hotel in Lehigh Acres?
Consider your budget 
Before you start looking for a hotel in Lehigh Acres, it is essential to determine your budget. Knowing what you can afford will enable you to narrow down the selection of hotels available to you in the area, which range in price from affordable to luxurious. Think about how long you'll be staying, the amenities you'll require, and your budget.
Check out the online reviews. 
Online reviews can be a valuable resource when searching for a hotel. Look for reviews on websites like TripAdvisor, Google, and Yelp. Pay attention to what people are saying about the hotel's cleanliness, staff, and amenities. If you see a lot of negative reviews, it may be best to avoid that hotel.  
Look for amenities that matter to you. 
Every traveler has different priorities when it comes to hotel amenities. Some people value a good breakfast, while others want a fitness center or pool. Make a list of the amenities that matter most to you and look for hotels that offer them.  
Consider the location 
Lehigh Acres is a sprawling community, so the location of your hotel is important. If you're visiting for business, you may want to stay near the airport or convention center. If you're on vacation, you may prefer a hotel that is close to beaches, shopping, or entertainment. 
Book directly with the hotel.  
Booking directly with the hotel can often save you money compared to booking through a third-party site. Hotels may offer discounts or promotions for direct bookings. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns about your stay, it can be easier to communicate directly with the hotel. 
Which is the best hotel to stay at in Lehigh Acres?  
Located in the heart of Lehigh Acres, the Quality Inn & Suites hotel is a great choice for your next visit to the area. This budget-friendly hotel is conveniently located near ABM University, Lehigh Regional Medical Center, Manatee Park, JetBlue Park, and Lee Civic Center, offering easy access to a range of local activities and attractions. 
One of the highlights of this hotel is the amenities it offers, including complimentary breakfast and WiFi, an outdoor pool, a business center, and an onsite restaurant. These amenities are designed to help make your stay as comfortable and convenient as possible. 
Whether you're in town for business or leisure, the Quality Inn & Suites hotel in Lehigh Acres is a great option to consider. Its affordable rates and convenient location make it a top choice for travelers looking to make the most of their time in the area. 
Final Words 
In conclusion, finding the right hotel in Lehigh Acres requires some research and consideration. By determining your budget, checking online reviews, looking for amenities that matter to you, considering the location, and booking directly with the hotel, you can find a comfortable and affordable hotel. Whether you're in town for business or leisure, the right hotel can make all the difference in your trip.
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