#sending you so many virtual hugs owo i hope you receive them one at a time ✨
ackerfics · 3 years
omg i had an idea in my head-
When reader comes visits her boys in the corps (a surprise), shes greeted with the 104 (not including her sons they’re prob doing a job for their dad cuz they’re most likely the only ones who cant piss him off ).
They’re in aw and wondering who the hell is she here for?, then caelum and altair pop up and r shocked and come and greet her and stuff, levi prob heard (idk call it his fatherly senses or smthg) and walks out of his office. Reader is too busy with her sons to realise levi walking his way and Reiner flat out says, “Damn, Mrs Ackermann is a MILF.” And proceeds to shit himself when levi puts his hand on his shoulder.
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a pleasant surprise — a bonus drabble for the parent trap au ft. levi. (canonverse)
series masterlist
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You visiting the survey corps is a normal occurrence for the veterans.
Being one of the nobles behind their finances, you are expected to be in a lot of meetings with the commander, captains, and squad leaders. It's a regular day in the survey corps, a day dedicated to training and conditioning for the upcoming expedition, when you saunter inside the headquarters' property. After receiving that pleasant surprise from your husband and sons a week before, you thought it's best to return the gesture. So, with a basket of their favorite snacks and drinks, you walk with a purpose until you're met with a bunch of teenagers by the training field. They're kids who look to be around the same age as your boys. You assess them behind the brim of your hat and you instantly feel disappointment pooling in your stomach at the absence of your little dreamer and adventurer. The most viable option to know their whereabouts will be asking the recruits.
You do just that.
See, the cadets from the 104th training corps have no idea what the twins' mother looks like. So, witnessing a gorgeous woman walking towards them, clad in a floral milkmaid dress swishing around the middle of her calves ... the sight of her renders them immobile. She's a vision. You're a vision. Not only do you carry yourself with an air of grace and statuesque beauty, but you also seem to be magnetic enough to catch their attention without asking for it. It's like you're a goddess in mortal form favoring them with your presence.
"Excuse me?" you ask the kids with a pretty smile that reaches your eyes, crinkling them in the corners. "Are you perhaps the recruits?"
Armin sputters in response. "Y-Yes, Ma'am! These are my comrades from the 104th Training Corps! How may we help y-you?"
You raise your eyebrows in shock. "104th Training Corps you say?"
The blond rapidly nods. "Y-Yes, Ma'am!"
You nod, putting a stray lock of hair behind your ear. Now that you think about it, Levi prefers having the twins inside his study ever since they can babble, letting them chatter in the background while he diligently reads his paperwork for the week. It's a habit now acknowledged in your household. Plus, he admitted that having them with him calms him down enough to not rely on his strong black tea for the rest of the day. Pushing aside the question regarding the twins, you turn back to the red-faced kids of the Survey Corps. A little small talk won't hurt, right? These are your children's friends, you might as well get to know them. "How are you finding the Survey Corps so far?"
This time, Eren takes the initiative to carry the conversation, his vibrant viridian irises focusing on you. His confidence falters when you smile at him, the rapid beating of his heart clogging his throat. You recognize the boy from the previous trial in the Inner Walls. This is the shifter who suffered from Levi's kicks of fury. You scolded him soon after for doing the extreme, humiliating a fifteen-year-old in front of a crowd. Your husband sought out your forgiveness at that time with many kisses and sweet nothings.
"U-Uhm, w-we're doing fine, Ma'am! The veterans are honing our skills for the expedition. We're thankful for them, Ma'am."
You chuckle a song-like laugh that has the cadets entranced. "I trust they're treating you fine? Especially you, young man." You slightly lower your head in a bow. "I apologize for Captain Levi's spectacle in the trial." You see a black-haired girl who looks similar to your eldest shift demeanors. At first, she's staring at you with bright light blue hues, the next, she's curling her lips. She's now clenching her fists at the mention of your husband. How interesting. "It seems he touched a nerve. He was merely following a script. For that, please accept my apology and I hope you understand the reasoning behind his actions."
Eren frantically fumbles for his words. They're a mess of broken sentences that you laugh at his behavior.
Meanwhile, with the other cadets, they're too busy gawking at you in awe and admiration. All of them wonder who are you here for? Who are you visiting in the Survey Corps, a place where people with death flags gather to be weirdos? You look like someone who experiences the lavishness brought by the Inner Walls, a fact that somewhat doesn't sit right with you and makes sense at the same time given how you answer some questions with rare phrases. You continue conversing with the cadets who engaged in conversations with you, not hearing the exchange of some kids.
"What the fuck?" Ymir murmurs under her breath, her cheeks hot as she gapes at you. "That is one beautiful woman right there."
"I think I'm in love," Reiner mindlessly rambles.
Bertholdt gives him a funny look.
The ever-sweet Christa sighs in wonder, her hands carefully pressed against her chest. "She looks like the princesses I read back when I was a kid. Her partner must feel so lucky!"
"Do you think she has some food inside the basket?" Sasha giddily asks, her eyes going back and forth between your face and the basket in the crook of your elbow. The brown-haired girl just knows when someone is carrying a scrumptious meal with their person and the smell of something sweet and savory wafts from your basket. "If I ask her politely, she'll say yes, right? She looks kind enough to share her food!"
Two blurs of black hair speed through the entrance of the castle and onto your figure.
You exclaim a yelp of shock before laughing at your sons hugging you like they would when they were little. Well, they're still your little dreamer and adventurer but from how tight they're hugging you, you can tell that they've grown since joining the Training Corps. Your vision mists as you wrap your arms around the two boys. "Oh, little prince, starlight!" You lean back, placing gentle palms on each of their cheeks to fully see them. "Have you two been eating well? Don't overwork yourselves, alright? If I hear so much from Oluo as you two not taking rests regularly, I'm riding here until I can tuck you two in bed." You playfully glare at them.
Altair rolls his eyes yet the smile on his face says that he relishes in your fretting. "We're eating well here, Mom. We're also sleeping at exactly 10 pm so that we're not late for morning training. The one you should be telling those is Dad."
"Now that I remember it, he didn't eat lunch earlier," Caelum muses from beside his brother. "All he ingested were cups of tea. He even made us do errands around the castle to leave him be in his office. The last thing I saw him do was curse out the report he was trying to finish."
"Of course," you sigh. Remembering the basket on your elbow, you lift it with a grin. "Good thing I packed meals here. It's quite strange that he kicked you two out of his office. He lets you do whatever you want in his office when you were little. What changed?"
"I think it's because Altair argued with me about the superior fruit. I still think it's mangoes, though."
"You started it! And apples are better than mangoes any time of the day!"
"I'd accept your sentiments if you said watermelon but," Caelum sighs, "you made me disagree with how assertive you sounded earlier."
"You once ate apple pie like you were about to lose a race!"
"That was different. It was pie. Of course, I'm going to eat it like I'm starving. It's Mum's apple pie, too."
They look down and simultaneously answer, "Sorry."
You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at your two sons. "I could only imagine what Levi experienced with you two inside his office. How many times do I have to tell you to never argue about your preferences? All of us have different tastes in things. Now, we have to deal with a stressed captain."
The remaining cadets stare at you three with slacked jaws. They can't believe it. You're their mother? The goddess inside the walls that broke the hearts of many after marrying the love of your life and partner? Now that explains Caelum's eyelashes and eye shape. The more they stared at the twins flocking around you; the more they notice that aside from Caelum's features, you seem to pass down your bright countenance to Altair. They see the love you have for the twins radiate in rays, making them miss their own parents. They watch as Caelum takes the basket from you while Altair links his arm with yours. The events from this week are relayed to you akin to a river's flow --- never stopping yet rejuvenating. You lovingly stare at your sons while they animatedly recall flying through the forest and cutting up faux Titan napes. The other cadets take this as a bittersweet moment for them but it is a scene where the twins smile their widest, something they never did with them.
It's Reiner who ruins the comfortable atmosphere. "Damn, Mrs. Ackerman is a mother I like to f---"
A firm hand grips his shoulder alongside a most murderous tone known to mankind. "I dare you to finish that sentence, cadet."
Reiner signs his death certificate that very day.
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ackerfics · 3 years
I'm in severe agony at the moment due to period pains and I'm curious as to how modern au levi would comfort his s/o during their period cramps🤔
period pains are a bitch tbfh aaaaghhh i hope you received the virtual hugs i just sent you, anon :<<
levi is a person who pays great attention to his surroundings and to the people around him, which is why he's so good at gauging what you're feeling the moment you two got in a long-term relationship. just the slightest purse of your lips or downturn of your eyes makes his eyebrows furrow, his mind running on scenarios on what could've caused you to feel down. you usually do that when it's that time of the month, becoming this sassier-than-him person and always groaning in pain. this prompted him to keep track of your period after a few months of dating because you're sometimes expressive whenever your cramps start to kick in.
he has an app, i tell you --- a period tracker.
he's that dedicated to making you feel better.
levi bought you a heating pad the first time he saw you nearly crying on your shared bed because of cramps.
this man feels a strong sense of protection over you when you're trying to ease the pain by rubbing over your lower abdomen so he stocks up on these essentials he researched over the internet. heating pads with different prints on the surface. chocolates and the snacks that you like. ibuprofen. pads. tampons. your favorite flavor of milk. anything to comfort you and to gradually ease the cramps.
even if the heating pad with the cat print is already settled on your abdomen, levi will still slide behind you under the covers. if he hears the slightest whimper from you, he places tender kisses on the nape of your neck while his larger hand slightly massages your lower abdomen under the heating pad. sometimes, he hums a lullaby under his breath, right by your ear, to put you to sleep because he knows that rest is important. he handles you with so much care that it makes you cry a little. levi doesn't know what to do if you cry, with you trying to tell him it's because of the fucking hormones. he only kisses you to prevent the tears from trailing even further, his arms around you tightening in the most soothing and securing way possible.
thus, the cuddles will be more frequent once you have your period cramps. it's a win-win situation either way (with the both of you craving some affection from the other (levi is a touch-starved man and i stand by this)). plus, he doesn't mind lazing around with you in your shared home.
since we can't separate levi from the holy grail that is tea, he brews you some, each day a different kind that he knew would help you through your period cramps. he'll watch you drink it with a little bit of sugar to suit your palate, elbows on the countertop and eyes never leaving your figure. he makes sure that you finish a cup, reminding you that it drives away the pain if you do so. he's actually thankful (as much as he doesn't want to admit it because it might sound like he's an asshole) for your period because one of his favorite domestic moments with you is making you a cup of tea. it's like an indication that he loves you so much.
levi is already gentle when it comes to you but it increases if you're on your period. thank the almighty person in the heavens that he doesn't experience it, but that doesn't mean he's going to neglect you just because he lives the luxury of not feeling this pain once a month. he truly makes an effort to be there for you if the cramps get too much that you can't move on your bed.
levi is more on being a silent lover so it is during these times that physical acts of affection and quality time rule out words of affirmation, something that levi appreciates.
so, darling, you're absolutely blessed by the stars for having a partner like levi ... because this man will eternally consider you as one of his priorities.
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ackerfics · 3 years
how would levi react to his partner being in the middle of a mental breakdown due to university stress! because I am going thru it atm 😭👍🏼 I'm literally a giant ball of anxiety right now but I can't be anxious because I don't have time with all the deadlines and the studying and I feel guilty about taking breaks too? I'm guilty about sleeping as well like is that normal??!$;2(2 I'm literally guilty about making spending time typing this rn
oh, love, i'm starting this by saying that a big hug is coming your way. you better receive it, okay? i completely understand the feeling of being guilty over the littlest of things because of academics :(( but, love, you have to sleep, okay?? if you feel guilty while taking breaks, treat sleep as your break and resting time as a whole :(( exhaustion can be a little shit and we don't want you going thru your days as sluggishly as possible. taking breaks is completely okay, even just for an hour or thirty minutes. i'm here to remind you that taking rests is not something to be guilty about. always remember that, love <33
now, levi witnessing his s/o having a breakdown because of uni spurs the protective side of him. he just got back from a day of hectic lectures when he hears sobbing coming from the spare room of the apartment --- the spare room that you two made as a study. he immediately comes to his partner's side the moment he sees them hunching over a bunch of readings, kneeling down in front of them with their face cupped in his hands. for a person who never shows any emotions in his face, levi looks so worried about his partner since it looks like they're out of it most of time. he then remembers how frantic they are when it comes to academics, always burying themselves in reference books and notes even during meals in their apartment or within the campus. he remembers the look in their face. it's not the same as the eager ones they have a year back. so, with a gentle voice, levi rubs his thumbs over the apples of his partner's cheeks, whispering, "let's go and have dinner. don't look at me like that. i won't let you near this study for the rest of the day. please, beautiful, just take a rest and breathe with me, yeah? if you want, we can order your favorite or i can cook for you." excusing himself for a moment, he hastily prepares a cup of chamomile tea for his partner to calm them down. after a few minutes of convincing that the schoolwork won't be going anywhere, the two of them cuddle in the couch with a bunch of food on the low table. levi presses a kiss on their temple once they manage to fall asleep on his shoulder, saying a soft "good night" in their ear before carrying them to their shared bedroom.
to make his s/o's workload a lot better, he'll make a much better schedule for them. he got his partner's schedule memorized so it's not that hard to make a calendar fitted for their major. he writes down the necessary deadlines on each box, not forgetting the little notes that boldly say "don't rush things, okay? work at your pace, love. i'm here to always help you if needed. i love you." he's there to pull away the love of his life from academics, acting slightly clingy all the way to the bedroom, a good sleep beckoning them to the covers. anything for his partner's well-being.
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ackerfics · 3 years
hii i came across this tiktok video and i immediately thought of levi! 😩
levi whose been doing pottery for years!! idk i just feel like pottery suites him really well and it helps to calm his mind that's why he's really good at it. idk i just feel like in addition to that his fingers or hands would do wonders to reader!! and he would say such things like "you are perfection and even god took his time for everyone to see how beautiful you are darling" 😩🦋
btw i hope you're having a wonderful day!! <33
shayne ... YES !!! omg levi who does pottery ??? sign me up pls 😩 and don't get me started on that line there [screams], do you want me to die young, love ??? bc that is coming for my heart right now and i am not complaining at all.
i know he would have the loveliest hands to ever exist on the planet. artist hands i tell you, ones who have toiled for so many years perfecting their craft yet they remain so fragile and exquisite that you're afraid of them getting scarred. the image of levi with a tank top while doing pottery is sending me to the seventh heaven, so God help me 😩 he'd definitely do that scene in ghost where he's going to teach you how to make bowls and teacups. he'll wrap his sculpted around your waist from behind, his chin resting like a puzzle piece on your shoulder, and his hands covering your own over the clay. levi will carefully whisper instructions close to your ear and it melts him every time when you turn to him to check if you're doing the right thing. a small kiss on your neck or shoulder is always the reward at a successful work, which is all the time because he finds it amusing how giddy you are at a lump of clay that you claim to be a vase. (he'll tell you it needs more work tho 🤭) his hands will always treat you like an intricate piece of art, whether it be casual or in a more intimate setting. he'll murmur how you're perfection in his eyes every moment he gets a chance, eager to see that flustered reaction he finds adorable (tho he never admits this out loud, usually this radiates in his low chuckles). sometimes, you're overwhelmed with how delicate he makes you feel; with the careful brush of his fingers on your skin, how his hand molds your curves in the secret cove that is your shared room, or the way he worships you and your entire being like a pious believer of a goddess that resembles you. you wonder what good deed did you do in your previous life to have someone love you the way levi makes you feel every second he's breathing. 🦋🦋🦋
because of your ask, now, i have an amazing day !! ily and stay safe always <33
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ackerfics · 3 years
Rory, what're your thoughts on these 2 levi careers/aus/concepts: #1 Househusband Levi <3 AND #2 Dr. Levi Ackerman (idk you can pick a specific medical speciality, maybe pediatrician, surgeon, Ob/Gyn, Cardiologist etc etc)
omg those are very amazing concepts !! i'm in love owo <33
1. househusband levi ??? i am always in love with that one since i started reading fics for aot jdiwdjd every time i imagine him as one tho, i always imagine him in the place of that househusband anime, which is so fitting for him istg. thinking about how he carefully makes your lunch boxes, putting some intricately-cut vegetables and small fruits, and thinking that if he wants you to have an appetite while eating lunch, might as well go all-out on the appearances. you're there sitting in your workplace having a life crisis bc the lunches levi makes are so pretty that it hurts to eat. heck, there are hotdog octopuses and bunny apples, too. meals aside, the chores??? oh my God, your house will probably be the cleanest in the neighborhood. maybe this is just me projecting bc if ever i want a husband, they should be a househusband swksjwkwj just joking :>
2. doctor levi ..... i am weak AAAAAA there's something about doctors that's so attractive to me idk why [screams]. i like seeing him as a surgeon for some reason, that's the first time coming into mind when i think of him as a doctor. his cleanliness will be a blessing in the field, he's always disinfecting any second of the day. ooooh, just for some lighthearted wishful thinking ... levi as a pediatrician. that would be so cute to see !! as much as he hates the thought of kids disrupting his work, he's actually surprised that the kids that enter his clinic are well-behaved. he probably doesn't realize that his face is scaring them but once he starts talking, the kids will be calming down. his voice is so soft while talking to them, giving them treats and letting them be occupied while he's doing the check-up or shots. i'm soft aghhh.
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ackerfics · 3 years
Rory, your reply made me so fuzzy and loved 🥰, thank you!! I am no having best days, your reply made my day brighter.
I can’t stop myself saying how much I love tpt. Not, to mention the twins. I have this sudden urge to hug them and smooch them with kisses.
Altair calling maman cruella, that really cracked me up so hard. It really made my day. Altair finally meeting his grandpa made me so soft 🥺. Levi being absolutely livid because of maman calling the twins “miscalculation”. If she would have been a man and not related to the reader, Levi would commit murder. Even though, after all maman has done, I feel sympathy for her because of how she was treated on her younger days.
I have this scenerios in my head:
1. Levi and reader getting re-married finally. The twins can help themselves, but be every time with their parents. So, after they get married, Levi and reader go on their honeymoon. The twins wants to follow them (al’s idea) so they drag Hange, Petra and Oluo. They see how much Levi is in love with her after all these years. When Levi leans to kiss her, al tries to take photo (let’s just say he uses Hange’s phone), Hange suddenly sneezes and all of them falls like dominoes. Levi being pissed because his moment with the reader is ruined would be understatement. (You can envision what will happen next).
2. We all know al’s love for Pokémon go and his Switch. Al ditching his homework and playing Pokémon go. He drags cae into this. The game indicating the pokemon’s location, which is the forest plantation. Al leaves, dragging cae. They get lost. Reader searching for the twins and panicking (she was busy designing), calls Levi and Mikasa. Mikasa murmurs “not this again” when she heard the twins are nowhere. Mikasa and Levi both know that where they are. So, both of them went to forest and Mikasa drags al, pulling his ear. Al speaks “I swear to God I will never do this again”. Let’s just say Levi wasn’t happy about it, making the reader worry. He confiscated al’s Switch for a month.
darling, i'm so happy that my reply made your day brighter !! it kinds feels like i did my job right -- all for you to have a smile while visiting my blog ^^ everything you put in here is so sweet, i am combusting rn <3 the twins being your favorite melts my heart -- they really deserve all those smooches and hugs.
altair calling maman cruella is a power move 😌, even though he said it out loud in front of his grandpa hhhhnej holy shit, if maman were someone else, lucas for example, levi would throttle him to the dirt. nobody messes with his little boys. immediate k.o. for that poor person. however, levi drinks his respect women juice every morning hhhh no matter how much of a bitch maman acted, she's still his wife's mother and he can't exactly knock her out 😭. now those scenarios are amazing, darling !!
1. I'M TAKING NOTES -- THIS IS GENIUS. i am wheezing oh my god. the twins never fail to make me cry with their impulsive plans ... well, i guess, altair never fails to make me cry with his impulsive plans. levi and reader will try so hard to keep their honeymoon location a secret but the twins manage to overhear oluo talking about their parents staying in maldives, they'll ask help from maman and their grandpa and follow their unsuspecting parents with their spy group. levi probably considers jumping off the railings and into the clear ocean waters the moment he registers that his children followed them in a different country.
2. AGAIN, YOU'RE A GENIUS. once again, levi has a near heart attack when reader tells him that the twins are nowhere to be found. poor reader looks at mikasa confused after she murmurs that this has happened a million times, not to mention dragging his little brother in the middle of the forest. after the two find them, altair will squirm from mikasa's hold and uses reader as his shield hides behind his mother. caelum, poor little dreamer, stands there like the standing meme since he doesn't know that altair gets lost in the forest as if it's written in his daily schedule. while reader cries, hugging her baby boys, levi and mikasa are shooting daggers at al, who cheekily sticks out his tongue at them. aside from confiscating al's switch, levi has no power when reader fusses over the two boys.
this is so amazing, darling !! have an amazing day or night there -- take care of yourself! <3
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ackerfics · 3 years
What would levi do if his partner (with adhd) gets a stimuli overload at a gala or smth.
When I get a stimuli overload I usually shake alot (not like shaking when you're cold, more like, jerking my arms or legs-like a tick) and can't really ask for help by myself until someone taps my shoulder or directly talks to me. I might rub my clothing on my skin and stretch a lot.
To sum it up, overstimulating for me feels like when you feel that one texture that makes your skin feel weird so you have to scrub it until the feeling is gone. And then multiply that feeling by like, 10. The most I could ever say during one of them is "I feel uncomfortable."
In conclusion, overstimulations are terrible :)
awww :<< thank you for letting me know more about adhd, love. this is the most i've actually learned from that condition and it's nice that i gained something from interacting with you <3
i think levi will immediately notice his partner's ministrations. knowing him and his perceptive vision, he'll take them away to a more secluded yet open part of the gala's venue, the balcony for example. his questions on what makes you uncomfortable are as gentle as possible and once he knows about the cause, levi will excuse them from the gala, more specifically from erwin and the others. at the reason that they are done interacting with others for the night, erwin understands and lets them off. every time his partner's stimuli overload surfaces, one wouldn't recognize levi for how gentle and tender he is with his love. during these times, his patience will rise since it's his partner we're talking about. he'll always prepare some snacks (heat up the dinner or whip up something that his partner particular likes) and let them rest for the entire night. levi is a great listener, with his attention solely focused on the love of his life while the rest of the world goes on, so he'll never take his eyes off his lover as they recount on what made them feel uncomfortable in great detail. levi will always make sure his s/o will feel the most safe while he's alive and breathing.
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ackerfics · 3 years
I’m ded. I can’t believe emotional stress hit this hard. 😣😩
Hope you’re doing well on your end, dearest!
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And I saw this gif when I searched “lean on anime” I think my soul got cleansed… slightly.
aliaaa, keeper of my heart, i'm sending you so many warm virtual hugs, you better receive them :<< i hope you'll feel better !! always remember that my messages are open, okay?? feel free to talk to me !! and that gif of levi aaaaghhh i might have stared at it for an entire minute like an idiot in love :<< take care of yourself, alia, i love you <33
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ackerfics · 3 years
Fck what pottermore says. If you’re ravenclaw, i say your ravenclaw! You do you sweetie! Lmao. It suits you. Being in ravenclaw. And Imma read your newest Levi fic now~ 😘💙
omg alia 😳 the way my heart fluttered bc of this owo to hell with pottermore 😤 (but i'm tempted to take another test there to really see ravenclaw with my name oop). and i hope you enjoy the new levi fic, love !! 🧡
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ackerfics · 3 years
Rory rory rory!!! Okay so been stalking your answered asks and I just wanna say I appreciate you and I appreciate your works so so soooo much!
I love how careful you are with your words and how your works made my heart go doki doki. And I know that there are days where it’s slow paced and not many will leave likes or reblogs but I wanna let you know that you have a frequent reader in me.
Take the time you need and I hope you do well with your exams (if it’s that time of the year now)
As always, I leave my heart out to you. 💙 please take it
🥇 Levi
🥈 Flynn Rider (but like with a gap of 1.5 m from Levi)
ALIA, YOU JUST MADE MY DAY EXTRA BETTER 🥺 this eases my anxiety and worries surrounding my time here on tumblr and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 🧡 you better receive these hugs and kisses coming your way bc there are a lot of them jfkejd my heart is always with you, alia 🦋
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TANGLED AU LEVI IS SO CUTE BCJWJSKD i feel like i'm cheating on flynn rider while writing levi in this au NAKSNDJD WE'RE SO SORRY, FLYNN, BUT LEVI WON THIS ROUND FOR NOW 💖🤩
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ackerfics · 3 years
It’s gonna be new year soon so HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thank you for being a part of my year, dearest Rory.
Seeing your posts and reading your fics is heartwarming. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m in love with your perception of love. You make everything warm and fuzzy and I cannot wait for more from you.
Do make sure to take care of yourself and to take breaks in between! Love ya lots and here’s to a great year ahead!
thank you for being a part of my year as well --- you made my stay in tumblr beautiful. i love you so much. interacting with you is one of the highlights of my day and i hope you receive the many hugs and kisses i'm throwing your way right now. i adore you so much and to tell you the truth, i follow you with my anonymous personal acc here and i can see how much you've grown. i am so proud of you as well. ^^
take care of yourself, too, love !! always stay safe there and take a breather once in a while. again, thank you for this wonderful message and i love you so so much. hoping for the new year to be kind to us !! <3
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ackerfics · 3 years
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ackerfics · 3 years
rory your beuatiful and preety i like you mwuah *runs away*(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
omg, come back here, don't run away (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ i am so flattered, love !! you're pretty and beautiful, too !! 💗 stay hydrated and healthy, okay? ily (´∀`)♡
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ackerfics · 3 years
hey Rory, i hope you're doing well.
have you watched "your name"? i saw it this weekend and I loved it
hi, anon !! i'm doing great 😚
omg your name holds a special place in my heart 🥰 i hope you watch weathering with you next !! it's the same director and it's just as amazing, too. 💗
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ackerfics · 3 years
WAIT thank you to the anon who recommended the sports captain levi fic I absolutely loved you are a gem😩
Rory have you read it? do you have thoughts because I do fhejwjjw
that anon is so amazing !!! 🤩 AND YES, i've read it and it's so so so fucking good ??? the first chapter gives me so much high-teen movie vibes and i am here for it (this is what today's netflix teen movies are aiming for tbfh HHABDJDB). now, i know this is a levi fic and we should put all our attention on him and his soccer captain agenda .... but i can't help but find reader so attractive OMFG i have a thing for smart girls and holy shit, when she's described as this person who's so extraordinary, MY HEART IS TAKEN AWAY AAAABCJDB (levi, i'm coming for your girl ✊🏼) because of this, i can't help but be hurt when she didn't show up 😭 fucking hell — the jersey, levi's disappointment, her disappearance ... i feel so empty. and i know that there's something going on and i think it's related to her father since that little detail of levi accidentally liking her instagram picture with her dad is too important to brush off.
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ackerfics · 3 years
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