#sender: ivy
showf4lls · 2 years
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gilverrwrites · 3 months
Meet Cute Uglies [Bruce]
AN: Shout out to @luckyarchaeologist whose comments inspired me to go a completely different direction to what I had envisioned.🩷 And everyone else who reblogged/comments/voted for a part 2! I hope it lives up 🩷
GN!Reader/Bruce Wayne, 1.6K Words [2/?]
Part One >[Here]<
CWs: Mild/nonexplicit threats of violence, teasing
His hands are soft, and warm, soothing the tension from your body as he uses them to cup your face and hold you steady as he pushes closer, pressing your body deeper into the wall with his broad chest. Up close you can see a smattering of his five o’clock stubble coming through, even under the dim slivers of moonlight breaking through the gloomy alley. You note a hint of coffee on his breath before his lips brush against-
Loud banging at your apartment door startles you awake. Tired eyes sluggishly take in the time on the nearest clock, you’re barely able to process the numbers before the knocks come again. It’s too early. It’s your day of for goodness’ sake and it sounds like someone is trying to break down your door with their fists. When you answer it’s an equally disgruntled delivery driver. They ask your name before bombarding you with a large box and snapping a proof of delivery photo. You ponder your unkempt morning appearance and pray the sender of this parcel doesn’t ever check that photo.
It was almost certainly not from you because you hadn’t ordered anything, especially not anything this big. You don’t recognise the logo, but it, the matte black tape, and the distinct florally smell permeating from the smooth white container tells you that whatever is inside is expensive. That or it’s a trap, designed to lure you in with its unsuspecting exterior, then BAM Ivy toxin or Joker gas. You’re not dumb, you’ve seen the PSAs.
30 minutes, one morning brew, one disposable mask, one sharp knife, 2 gloves, and a whole lot of nerve later you gently remove the contents from its packaging. It’s wrapped in a layer of security card and glittery tissue paper but it’s pretty evident what it is. It’s a very nice bouquet of flowers. A mix of carnations, hyacinths, and baby’s-breath, already sitting in a pretty crystal vase that probably cost more than your rent.  A gold envelope stands out amongst the colourful petals, and you fork it out to read despite being certain you already know who it's from. Nobody else in your life would spend this much money on flowers for you, even if it were a special occasion. The repercussions of telling your name to a stranger, even a famous stranger, who you’d known of all your life, but never known hadn’t occurred to you until you see it printed in foil against the high-quality textured card.
“As you understandably didn’t allow me the chance to apologise last night, please accept these as a token of my penitence. Regards, B.W.”
You’re not sure which irks you most, him cornering you in a dark alley in the first place, his seeking you out to apologise in an unsettlingly short amount of time, the absurd display of wealth, his pretentiously unironic use of the word ‘Penitence’, or the fact that you kinda liked it. The fact that you’d spend the night dreaming about slivers of moonlight and soft hands that didn’t exist. In actual fact, the remainder of the scene had been clumsy and anticlimactic.
“Who are you?” He demands. “And why are you following me?” You squint to read his expressions, barely able to make him out under the faint light of apartment windows high above your figures. There's a disconnect between the upper and lower halves of his face that adds to your already heightened nerves. His jaw and lips remain in an ever-present scowl, but steely blue eyes seem to soften as you tell him your name. “I'm not following you.” Your voice is stunted, weak due to the unrelenting pressure actual billionaire Bruce Wayne is applying to it. “I swear! It’s a coincidence.” He seems to believe you, or at least, he doesn’t consider you much of a threat because his grip loosens enough for you to find your footing again. Before he can change his mind, you scramble out of there, almost tripping on your accidentally discarded bag on the way. Whatever is up with him is not your problem. “I-“ “Save it.” Creep. You’re not interested in his apologies or excuses. You’re just an average person trying to make their way in the crime capital of the world, probably. It’s a miracle he didn’t put you in an early grave due to a heart attack. You could see the headlines now: ‘Playboy Billionaire Charged with Manslaughter: Officials unsure why he corned innocent Gothamite’ which is to presume a man with as much wealth as Bruce Wayne would ever be charged with a crime. Rich, ill-mannered, paranoid, handsome, creep. “Just stay away from me.”
As you stand motionless, relaying the events of the previous night in your head, it occurs to you that there's still something in the envelope, something slightly smaller and thicker than the apology card. You slip it out and flip it between your fingers, a gift card to the coffee shop you’d first seen him in, with a pre-paid value high enough to keep you and all your colleagues caffeinated for the rest of the year, if not longer.
The remainder of your day is spent relocating the two gifts between errands and relaxation time. The gift card is inserted and removed from the card section of your wallet so many times you’ve probably incidentally rubbed off its magnetic strip. Accepting it, and using it wasn’t bad, not really. He wasn’t buying you or your forgiveness it's just a show good intent, not to mention it was basically pocket change to a man with that much money.
But it did feel a little bit like being bought.
And the flowers reminded you of that conflict every time you looked at them, so they made their way onto every feasible surface and counter until you found a spot with enough light to keep them alive that wasn’t in plain sight 90% of the time. Maybe you could sell or donate the vase once the flowers are dead. It really did make the rest of your living space look shabby-er in comparison.  Or maybe you could paint it to match the rest of its new home, cover it in acrylic paint and use it to hold anything else. If you ever see Bruce again you could show him a photo, see if he really did give it in good faith to be used however you pleased, or if it makes him uncomfortable.
In fact, on your next day back at work you’re scrolling through Pinterest for design inspiration as you queue up for the first of many Wayne-funded drinks when you sense it. Him. The enticing scent of his cologne clueing you into his presence. You cast a look over your shoulder and there he is, smiling at you with perfect white teeth. He seems more casual today, his hair still perfectly styled but appearing free of any products, his suit traded in for just the slacks and button-up. Once again, you’re reminded of his player image, it’s not hard to tell why so many people swoon all over him.
“Oh, hello.” He greets, raising his hand as though to wave at you. His fingers don’t look nearly as soft as you’d imagined. They look sturdy and calloused, strange for a man who guzzles champagne and stands behind a podium, smiling for photographers more days than not. Paperwork does not account for skin that thick. “I was hoping to run into you here.”
“Really?” Internally you’re suspicious, but your voice comes out an octave higher than usual, your skin growing warm under his gaze. It’s stupid to think that he’s pursuing you, flirting with you. He’s probably just looking for closure on his apology, ensuring you don’t slander his image by selling the story to the papers. He really is buying you. Your silence. “Why?”
“I was hoping I could buy you a drink.” And without your confirmation he sides steps around you, joining you in your spot amongst everybody else waiting to be served.
“You’re already buying me coffee.” You flash him the gift card he’d paid for. “Or did you forget casually dropping this much cash?”
He laughs at that, like you’ve made a joke. He’s deflecting? Maybe. But he sounds so genuine, so hearty it’s contagious. Your laugh isn’t as cheery as his, but it slips past your lips regardless.
“No, no. I didn’t forget. I couldn’t forget anything about you. Especially not after seeing you in that delivery photo.” He finishes with a wink. That was flirting, definitely flirting. Or maybe an insult. Either way, you’re feeling just as nervous, if not more than you had been that night in the alley. This is just a different kind of nerves, it’s the butterflies in your belly instead of the pit in your stomach kind. “What’s one more between new friends, huh?”
“Friends?” You raise your brows. He does not have the decency to look sheepish under your dubious stare, he just looks back at you calm and collected, just like he is on the TV. A few days ago, you might have bought it, but you’ve seen him lose his cool in person. Something feels off.
“I’d like to be friends, or I’d at least like to apologise in person. If you’ll let me.” For a man so bent on making amends with you, there isn’t a hint of sorrow in his tone or posture.
It’s almost your turn at the counter, you have seconds to make your decision.
The barista gestures for the next customer, as you answer. “Okay fine, let’s be friends.”
“Excellent. You just made my day.” And then his hand cups the small of your back as the two of you step up to order. He does it so casually that you almost don’t notice, you’re not sure if you’re just susceptible to his moves, or if he’s practised them to perfection. Maybe you’re reading too much into it, maybe all pretty boy billionaires act like this, maybe it’s all strategy to keep his image clean, or maybe there’s something shady about Bruce Wayne and his weirdly hard, slick hands. Maybe he's hiding something, and whatever it is, you intend to figure it out.
If you should enjoy the view along the way, well, who could blame you?
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rainystarters · 1 year
* ☔ : action prompts inspired by FANTASY, NOBILITY, ETC. some prompts are usfw. add reversed for the muse receiving the meme to perform the action instead. ( adjust scenarios or specify details as needed. )
crown of dawn. sender swears their fealty to the receiver.
crown of silver. sender congratulates the receiver on their political engagement, hiding their true affection for the receiver.
crown of midnight. sender dances with the receiver at a masquerade.
crown of glass. sender meets the receiver while their true identity is concealed.
crown of shadows. sender controls the receiver through magic or blackmail, making them their pawn so they can rule from the background.
crown of ink. sender meets the receiver for the first time after they are joined in an arranged marriage.
crown of starlight. sender kneels before the receiver to receive a boon.
crown of rot. sender accuses the receiver of failing their people.
crown of sorrow. sender tells the receiver they are the new lord/queen/etc. as those ahead of them in the line of succession have died.
crown of blood. sender stands before the receiver to be judged for their crimes.
crown of lies. sender accuses the receiver of not being the true heir.
crown of thorns. sender crowns the receiver after killing the previous ruler.
crown of nightshade. sender consumes a poisoned drink meant for the receiver.
wand of bone. sender uses necromancy to raise the receiver's companions from to dead to aid the sender in fighting against the receiver.
wand of ivy. sender ensnares the receiver in a net of living vines.
wand of twilight. sender conjures the spirit of the receiver from the land of the dead to speak with them.
wand of clouds. sender infiltrates the receiver's dreams to learn their desires.
wand of portals. sender summons the receiver to their world.
wand of resurrection. sender brings the receiver back to life.
wand of memory. sender clouds the receiver's mind so they don't leave.
wand of blossoms. sender grows flowers in the receiver's hair.
wand of salt. sender heals the receiver's wounds.
wand of leaves. sender asks the receiver to read their fortune.
wand of lightning. sender conjures a storm to impede the receiver.
wand of masks. sender crosses paths with the receiver while disguised as them.
wand of flesh. sender wounds the receiver to fuel their blood magic.
sword of honor. sender challenges the receiver to a duel to decide an argument.
sword of moons. sender wakes up to discover the receiver pressing a blade against the sender's throat.
sword of sacrifice. sender takes a deadly attack meant for the receiver.
sword of wrath. sender kills the receiver's loved one(s) as they watch.
sword of loyalty. sender executes someone at the receiver's command.
sword of blessings. sender asks the receiver to bless their weapon before battle.
sword of madness. sender tries to stop the receiver's bloodthirsty rage.
sword of ruin. sender tortures the receiver for information.
sword of defeat. sender surrenders to the receiver after a hard-fought battle.
sword of ash. sender asks the receiver to kill them for failing the receiver.
sword of spite. sender twists their weapon deeper into the receiver's wound.
sword of wind. sender quickly kills an enemy before they attack the receiver.
sword of betrayal. sender stabs the receiver in the back.
card of misfortune. sender catches the receiver trying to pick their pocket.
card of coins. sender buys the receiver a drink at a tavern.
card of vipers. sender meets the receiver in a thieves' den.
card of fools. sender finds the receiver caught in a trap, magical or otherwise.
card of iron. sender recognizes the receiver from a wanted poster.
card of vultures. sender is caught looting a dead body by the receiver.
card of songs. sender asks a bard to sing a ballad about the receiver.
card of keys. sender picks a lock to help the receiver escape.
card of winter. sender finds the receiver dying of frostbite and gathers them in their arms to warm them.
card of dust. sender finds the receiver asleep over a book and wakes them.
card of stars. sender keeps the receiver company during first watch at camp.
card of crows. sender warns the receiver they're being followed but that the sender can protect them—for a fee.
card of twine. sender stitches a wound shut for the receiver.
heart of virtue. sender presses a kiss to the back of the receiver's hand.
heart of devotion. sender slips their signet ring onto the receiver's finger.
heart of roses. sender gives the receiver a token of their favor before a tourney.
heart of thrones. sender kneels before the receiver to pleasure them.
heart of destiny. sender tells the receiver they are fated or reincarnated lovers.
heart of honey. sender intimately feeds the receiver by hand.
heart of darkness. sender cloaks themselves and the receiver in shadows so they can kiss in public.
heart of stone. sender asks the receiver to be their lover as they can't marry.
heart of gold. sender renounces their title to be with the receiver.
heart of wolves. sender intimately licks blood from the receiver's body.
heart of knives. sender cuts the clothes from the receiver's body, unable to wait.
heart of dusk. sender meets the receiver in secret to be together.
heart of embers. sender initiates intimacy to keep the receiver warm.
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kwyrmagic · 11 days
hello! any mail boy/girl/enby id packs? /nf!! tyvm if you accept!
and, just wanted to say..
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System Names: carrier doves, the mailboys, the mailgirls, the mailpeople, the travelers, those that walk through the city, those that run away from dogs, the deliverers of packages, those that tip their cap, the package pigeons, the stamp collection, the postpeople, the envelope senders, the satchel carriers, letter lovers, dove coos, pigeon squawks, those at the post office, those sorting through letters, the package receivers, the mail truck drivers, those that open mailboxes, carriers of gifts, deliverers of surprises
Usernames: mail4you, wowtherestrees, runfrmdogs, wavetopeoples, down.town, enveloves, pooostoffice, parcelpigeon, penciiilpals, quiet.townn, ghostatthepost, postprince[ss], carrierpige0n, stiiickersss, penpaaaals, flimsypaperrs, doodledanny, envelopunny, maaailbox, inkyyprints, cloudy.town, deliverydutyy, flutteringd0ve, deliverydove, givingdove, giftsfromyrstruly, doodlesforyoodles, no1postman, penmanshiip, heresanote, pitterpatter, boxesrsoheavy, owboxes, writemealetter, smilingparcels, scaredofbarrrks, atthepostoffice, darlingparcels, packagepirate, envelopes4youu, st.ampsss, inkstaaiins, no1letterlover, siillynotes, sentfromaway, organizetheoffice, summerstrolls, envelopesfrmyou, parcelpwr, lettersletters, ilovemail, messyletters, sendingstuff2you, youvegotmail, letterlvr, lovelylettr, mailmale, smilesformiles, parcelfromadove, writingacrssthewrld, prrttymailgrl, prettyparcelsss, g1ftg1ftg1fts, greetingyouu, dizzypackages, ssillystamps, scribblesilly, dancingletters, mailbooooy, hidinginurmailbox, notesfrmthesky, brightdaaay, proudserviiice, in2urmailbox, bewareofd0g, mailtruckdrvr, openbxes, sootcasee, stackofletters, boxoflovers, envelopeoflove
Names: alexander, alfred, alice, annette, archer, archie, arden, arlo, atticus, august, augustus, autumn, barnaby, bartholomew, basil, beatrice, beau, benedict, benjamin, bennett, birdie, blake, cedric, charlie, chester, cliff, clifford, clive, clyde, cornelius, cory, cullen, darwin, diggory, dom, dominic, dorcas, earnest, edgar, edith, effie, elijah, eliza, emerson, emilio, emmanuel, eugene, everett, fennel, flint, florence, flossie, floyd, ford, gale, galina, genevieve, gideon, glenn, greyson, gwendolyn, harriet, harvey, hattie, hayden, holly, ink, ivan, ivy, josette, josie, july, june, kane, kate, katherine, kay, kendell, kinley, kip, kleo, leo, logan, maeve, maggie, malcolm, marion, margot, marlowe, marshall, matilda, mayfaire, melvile, meredith, milton, minnie, molly, mortem, mortimer, nadira, nancy, nannie, navy, neith, nelda, nellie, nells, nettie, ninette, noah, noel, noemi, norman, note, oakley, odette, oliver, orson, orville, oswald, otto, parcel, parker, polly, posey, presley, quill, quinton, ralph, randall, raymond, reed, reid, rhett, romee, rory, rowan, rye, sabina, sawyer, scout, silas, sloane, spencer, stanford, stanley, summer, susan, tallulah, tatum, thelma, thena, thisbe, thomas, tibby, tillie, timothy, tinker, toby, tom, torin, trey, troy, violet, virgil, walden, walter, warren, willard, willow, winnie, woody
Pronouns: letter/letters, mail/mails, write/writes, pen/pens, ink/inks, note/notes, deliver/delivers, gift/gifts, scribble/scribble, doodle/doodles, carry/carry, give/gives, walk/walks, hum/hums, parcel/parcels, package/packages, box/boxs, stamp/stamps, sticker/stickers, smile/smiles, proud/prouds, newspaper/newspaper, envelope/envelope, sun/suns, mailbox/mailboxs, pencil/pencil, scrabble/scrabble, sketch/sketchs, house/houses, satchel/satchels, bag/bags, hello/hellos, twine/twines, string/strings, wrap/wraps, town/towns, cloud/clouds, clutch/clutchs, send/sends, post/posts, office/office, sort/sorts, organize/organizes, rain/rains, flimsy/flimsys, thin/thins, street/streets, apartment/apartments, greet/greets, pass/pass’, road/roads, home/homes, locker/lockers, wave/waves, cheerful/cheerfuls, joy/joys, old/olds, weathering/weatherings, service/services, dog/dogs, truck/trucks, fence/fences, sign/signs, slot/slots, city/citys, drawer/drawers, pin/pins, 🫶, 🌳, 🍃, 🍂, 🪹, ☀️, 🥖, 🥠, 🪃, 🛹, 🎫, 🎼, ♟️, 🚐, 🛞, 🚦, 🚏, 🗽, 🏢, 🏘️, 🏙️, 🎞️, 📺, 📻, 🕰️, 💵, 🪙, 🩹, 🧺, 🚪, 🪟, 🧧, ✉️, 📨, 💌, 📦, 🏷️, 🪧, 📪, 📫, 📬, 📭, 📮, 📜, 📃, 📋, 🗞️, 🗂️, 📔, 🧷, 🖊️, 🖋️, 🖇️, 📝, 🧳
Titles: the cheerful giver, prn who presses stamps to letters, the delivery thing, bringer of mail, prn who delivers packages, the penner of letters, the deliverer of mail, the mailboy, the mailgirl, the mailperson, prn who walks the streets, prn who drives the mail truck, gifter of deliveries, prn who strolls through the city, prn who gives mail [to those who need it], the mailman, the mailperson, the mailwoman, the carrier pigeon, prn who carries mail through the sky, the carrier dove, prn who drops mail from the skies
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lindwyvrm · 5 months
[ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 ] : sender has just told receiver "you belong to me". (i'm sorry in advance) (please don't let this ruin your opinion of him ivy he's just a little Stupid) (diamant look away)
Hand over his heart, face alright with love infatuation, Laslow dares to make his boldest declaration yet.
"My lady, I've heard the message in the stars themselves. Your heart belongs to mine! May I take you out to dinner in celebration of this gods-blessed romance?"
Any other woman would’ve slapped him mid-sentence.
But Ivy lets him speak, waiting with bated breath for his next words, each syllable more flowery and fantastical than the last. He speaks like a teenager’s first love poem come to life. Her eyebrows rise higher and higher — eventually disappearing into her bangs — as Laslow proclaims his love for her on this nondescript afternoon. He is practically glowing; Ivy wonders if anyone had ever believed the things he proclaimed as earnestly as he did.
“...belongs to you?” Ivy repeats, tone middling between amusement and incredulity. The proclamation is so bold it nearly makes her laugh. “Is that so?”
She tilts her head, mimicking curiosity. “In Elusia, marriages forged from love are only between those who are lucky or stupid. Is dinner all you have to offer? The last suitor who asked for my heart offered me a mountain’s weight in gold.”
Ivy smiles, bringing a hand under her chin. “I expect dinner to impress.”
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erstwhles · 1 year
✿ — Joel and Ivy
fall & autumn prompts / ✿ — [sender] and [receiver] carve a pumpkin together
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For all of the care that they put in draping newspaper over the counters, Joel has to marvel at the mess of pumpkin innards covering the kitchen. Pumpkin strings are draped off of the counter and across the floor. Looking up, he thinks he can see some orange on the ceiling, and when he looks back at Ivy to point it out, he is overcome with a fit of laughter at the mess that is tangled in her hair. "We are never going to clean this up!" He says, reaching a pumpkin-covered hand to clear her hair. Of course, being a mess himself, it isn't much help.
"Y'know, I wouldn't even be mad if there was anything to show for it, but—" Making his way back across to his humble pumpkin, he turns it around, revealing to her the lopsided face. "...Please tell me yours came out better."
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fornassau · 2 months
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving. Werewolf 👀
It was late in the day. Anne and Jack had left to go scout ahead near his former home. They wanted to see if Singleton brought any more wolves in, what kind of preparations for retaliation he might be setting up, and they wanted to give the hunter and hunted some privacy. It would never be completely quiet, his children were in the house. This was a fact of his life, something that if Flint stuck around he’d have to deal with.
Luckily James had an extra room for them, and all three girls were cuddled up on one bed. He stood in the doorway a moment or two, just watching them sleep with a tired smile. He went to the side of the bed, softly ran his fingers through Ivy’s hair and kissed the top of her head. He pulled their blanket and tucked them in a bit more, and headed out to the living room.
He was having a difficult time sleeping. Wolves were nocturnal creatures, anyhow. While his children slept off the sun, Charles was still awake. He had so much on his mind that it was difficult to put it to rest. He had so much worry for his little ones, afraid that the pack might overpower them. He didn’t want them to lose their father.
Being up in the day meant he’d probably run into the human. He didn’t know what his schedule was like. But he thought he might go outside and check out the calmness of the lake on the cool day. But once he got close, he spotted Flint, their eyes locked and he raised his hands in surrender. “ Didn’t mean to interrupt. I’ll go back inside. “
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sherisens · 2 months
@aldereign sent : [ blood ] sender notices that receiver is bleeding .
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she'd felt it later. a slick, thick feeling on her finger. frightening —  had she not known where it came from. a light blush krept on her cheeks as she wondered for how long had the other been telling her of the cut. neera shook her head, hand reaching for a clean piece of fabric, cutting and tying it around finger. hazel eyes reaching deep brown in sincere apology. she was not so clumsy at all times, she promised ! now white bounded finger rose in the air, eyes telling all the other could know. everything was fine now. a mere kitchen accident. one she hoped was worth it.
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it had been so long since neera had cooked for someone other than herself. a small smile graced lips as she turned in rush, placing hot bread over the wooden table with wine and cheese. the wine she had ventured into town for, but the cheese she could make ; and was so proud of it. would the princess enjoy it? was she too used to the finest taste of things? the smell was delicious, at least. 'SORRY IF I WORRIED YOU.' her hands talked, the face a weak grim. 'FEEL AT HOME, PLEASE.' i made this for you, the unsaid came out through an offering at the food. her cottage was no place for the human kind, forgotten and covered with ivy and vines. on the outside the sun shone with brilliant gold. inside, crimson and wooden tones met. neera could not help it ; she was mesmerized by the way leia organa moved and curious and curious as to why she had come.
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intcxications · 11 months
"[ DRESS ]: receiver is supposed to help sender into their costume but they end up taking it off instead." for @fadinglights。
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"wow, you look so ... gorgeous in this." cameron tells ivy quietly as he stands behind her, his fingers reaching for the zipper as he stares at her through the mirror. he was supposed to go with her to this event that she had been invited to, a plus one. should've been zipping her up but instead, his face sinks down to plant a kiss onto her shoulder given so tenderly. "have you always had this before? i don't think i've seen you wear this ever." even before they broke up, it wasn't like ivy wore things like these with him. it wasn't even all zipped up and she looked ethereal in it. one simply couldn't help but stare or maybe touch as the hand holding onto the zipper drops to trace her bare spine while the kisses on her shoulder travels up her neck. his lips part more this time, looking at her the entire time still as he wanted to see the expressions on her face as he dips his hand into that dress of hers, palm to her abdomen as he pulls her closer. "so pretty, ivy."
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bcrntortured · 1 year
@thewxnderer || [ comfort ] sender tries to comfort receiver - bane @ ivy
The small act of kindness after a rather eventful night in Gotham, made a small smile came to Ivy's lips. The Foxglove, a rare plant with a new home in Gotham Botanical Garden, had almost been hers. But the Dark Knight never fails to swoop in and stop her plans before they see completion. Ivy gave into Bane's touch, tucking her smaller frame against his. Her voice slightly muffled from being in the crook of his neck, she finally broke the silence. "I swear I almost had it."
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showf4lls · 2 years
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gcholdtrops · 1 month
[COLLAR]: sender grabs receiver by the collar to pull them closer / ivy & mingyu
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀 👀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 | 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! | @fadinglights
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      attempting  to  figure  out  how  he'd  get  the  last  remaining  details  on  this  piece  of  art  that  he's  been  working  on,  for  ages.  or  at  least,  the  moment  he  knew  that  ivy  was  the  most  impactful  person  to  ever  have  stepped  into  his  life,  inspirational  and  also  in  the  grand  scheme  of  his  happiness  being  so  endlessly  high  all  the  time.  the  male  had  sometimes  struggled  to  find  motivation  when  starting  new  pieces,  especially  art  pieces  which  acquired  him  to  do  some  sort  of  realism  and  make  possible  watchers  guess  what  the  motive  and  imagery  of  the  person  he  had  painted,  either  felt  or  thought  about.
      many  images  had  flashed  in  his  head  when  he  decided  that  the  muse  for  this  piece  would  by  the  femme,  ivy  having  so  many  sides  to  her  that  he  had  trouble  which  one  to  best  describe  through  strokes  of  paint  on  his  easel.  so  far,  he  had  primarily  gotten  the  trees  and  flowers  lightly  in  place,  her  silhouette  in  the  blue  dress  sketched  out  without  any  details  to  her  features  or  anything  and  then  the  door  to  his  studio  opens.  mingyu's  ears  were  occupied  with  two  ear-buds  blasting  music  of  different  genres,  to  stimulate  his  mind  in  different  vibes  whenever  he  got  taken  out  of  his  drive  for  painting.
      ivy  had  called  his  name  out  a  few  times  but,  once  he  was  locked  in,  it  was  fairly  difficult  to  pull  him  back  out  and  yet,  the  femme  found  a  perfect  way  of  doing  so.  he  feels  delicate  fingers  on  his  shoulders,  causing  him  to  turn  and  pull  an  ear-bud  out,  shock  clearly  written  over  his  face  as  he  hadn't  revealed  he'd  do  a  piece  of  her  this  time.  "  can  you  recognize  who  it  is  ?  "  charming,  gummy,  smile  is  flashed  at  her  and  suddenly  he  feels  a  forceful  pull  of  his  entire  body  toward  the  femme,  making  him  blink  a  few  times  in  confusion  but,  he  can  see  that  she's  genuinely  surprised  at  what  he  was  doing,  luckily  it  seemed  to  be  in  a  positive  manner.  "  do  you  like  ?  "  soft  voice  as  he  leans  forward,  pressing  a  kiss  to  the  apple  of  her  cheek  while  smiling.  "  i  hope  it's  alright  i  used  you  for  inspiration,  even  if  i  haven't asked.  "
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headstrongblake · 6 months
[ BLUNDER ] for sender to walk in on receiver in a state of undress thus seeing their scars for the first time / grant & o hvh? / @thewholecrew
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they're somewhere different now. a safe house of grant's that he swears no one will come looking for them here. if they do, it'd be a significant amount of time before someone found them. plenty of time to completely heal for alec, especially after their disastrous escape after hydra found their motel room. while octavia still very much hovers around alec, protectively watching in case something else happens...with the bigger space, she's not always actively at his side. ever since fire engulfed the motel room directly from grant's back...there's a new silent trust she has in him to protect them. somehow, he's more like them than she ever could've known. it allows her to feel comfortable enough to shower in the bathroom that joins the two bedrooms down the hall while alec sadly goes on about the dead ivy leaves that cover most of the buildings outside to grant.
it feels foreign to octavia to shower freely like this. to move beneath flowing hot water instead of waking from some surgery, some experiment with her body being sterile but feeling anything but. it's nearly uncomfortable, leaving octavia to simply stand beneath the water, letting the pressure wash over her instead. by the time she stepped out of the shower, the room was filled with steam, condensation blurring the mirror. not that octavia looked long. only glancing to ensure her reflection was covered before she dried enough to pull on loose sweatpants. in the year that was stolen from her, there were no mirrors to look into. no reflection she wanted to see. the only time emerald hues ever really lingered on herself was to examine a new wound. one that would simply join all the other scars that littered nearly every part of her skin. & more often than not, octavia used her fingers to trace her scars, learning them that way instead of looking at them.
the steam began fading as she reached for her shirt, hues flickering to the clearing mirror before octavia slowly fled the bathroom. opting to finish drying herself and changing in one of the rooms. in the last year, she's never seen the full extent of the damage inflicted on her. never wanted to see the ugly scars and how they've ruined her skin, and now, it didn't seem like the best time to start. with her back to the ajar door, octavia brushed the towel down her arms, then through her long strands as she gathered her hair off her shoulder to one side.
if the facility trained one thing into her, it was that octavia had grown hypervigilant to sounds. leaving her to hear grant's footsteps ( she'd already learned to distinguish his heavy ones from alec's light ones ) in the hallway long before he appeared at the door. she continued drying her hair despite noticing how his steps hesitated in the hallway. how his eyes must be tracing every scar along her back. bearing witness to the painful, gruesome healing every time they cut patches of her skin away or tortured her for the sake of compliance. times, she simply had to heal like a typical human being without the help of hunter's abilities.
"it's not as bad as it could've looked; could be a lot worse." octavia murmured over her shoulder, breaking the silence. her brow lifted as grant quickly averted his gaze. though she couldn't tell whether it was out of horror or shyness at being caught, she watched him for a moment regardless, studying the tension in his muscles. "you need something?" she finally asked, turning back to grab her shirt. he mentioned food being ready as octavia tugged on her top, turning toward grant with a shrug. "thanks but that's okay, give more to alec, i'm not feeling it today."
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[ listen ] ivy & atticus 💕
[ listen ] sender listens to receiver explain something they're passionate about // @vicletnight
"They are doing so well," Ivy gushed, eyes sparkling as she flicked through the fistful of posters she held. "I mean look at this, she wasn't forming her B's probably a week ago, and now they look so much better, and at the start of the year, this little friend could barely hold a pencil and now he's tying to write his own name - and look, look at this bird this other student drew, he's been obsessing over birds and he did so well with this drawing and.."
The blonde paused, lowering one of the posters and glancing over at Atticus, with a sheepish look. "I'm rambling, aren't I?" She blushed. "I..I'm just really proud of my students and all their hard work.."
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
( scar )  :  receiver gently traces one of sender’s scars (loudnclearspot to Ivy)
scars — @loudnclearspot
She’d been sneaking around with Spot for a little while now but they were starting to spend more time together outside of casual hookups. It was nice being able to just sit with her sometimes, cuddled together on her couch. Ivy looked over when she felt Spot touching around her ankle. There was a small scar there that, even though it’d been such a long time since it happened, was still a little more sensitive at the surface level.
“I broke my foot during a show. They had to do a small surgery to fix it.”
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manor-tea-time · 9 months
A basket of bread, cloud berries and some cheese and spices for each individual.
You're not entirely sure who it's from, or where it came from. But attached to each basket has a small note attached to it.
"Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. May you enjoy your festivities and traditions with those you care and love for. Be it family or friends. I sincerely wish you all the best. Good fortune to your matches as well."
~ ?
The merriment for the season seems to have already spread to the residents, a festive glow filling their otherwise cluttered tea room. Carols are sung as seasons greetings are exchanged over small handmade gifts and sweets. The hope of a bright new year warming each of their hearts like the fire within the crackling fireplace.
Confusion echoed throughout the room as they tried to narrow down who might of sent the gift, but eventually they all seemed to have deemed it up to most likely be from one of the strange masked visitors they’d receive from time to time.
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Ivy ξ(❁) ⊕) ξ  :
“What a sweet gesture! I wish we were able to send something in return, I’d very much like to send my well wishes in return.” Ivy muttered to herself as she read the card, studying the envelope and basket for any signs of the sender. Eventually giving up in favour of trying one of the cloud berries.
“Oh my!” She blinked in surprise, holding a hand up to cover her mouth as she spoke. “They taste like raspberries - but much more sharp.” The costume maker soon took another to happily snack upon.
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Wayne (-⊕ ζ ⊕-) <  :
“This is very thoughtful. I’m glad I’m able to celebrate with so many kind people… It makes the possibility of a bright new year feel all the more possible.” A small smile formed on the lampsmith’s face. A flicker of hope and joy passing over them as they spoke.
“I should probably save some of this to share with some of the others later.” He noted as he began to eat bits of the cheese and bread. After the costume maker’s reaction to the taste of the berries, he was quite curious if he could ask someone to help him make it into jam.
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LeRoy 🗝️>(⊖▼⊗´)•ζ  :
“Thank you very much my mysterious friend! My best wishes extend to you as well.” He said as he merrily tasted the bits of cheese and bread. Only pausing as he tried to figure out the kind of berries sent.
“Cloud Berries?” He hesitated. Those were fairly rare weren’t they? He’d never thought he’d get a chance to see one, let alone try one! The Park Ranger let out a happy hum as he began to eat a few. How exciting this all was!
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Delilah Ⴑ(‘❁◡❁’)Ⴑ :
“What a peach!” Delilah said, adjusting a paper crown adorning their head before continuing with looking at the rest of the basket. Perking up at the sight of the berries and spices. “I bet I could make an interesting punch with these! That would be fun to drink in between projects.”
She paused, listening to a few ghostly whispers before speaking once more. “It’s always comforting to have nice company by your side. I hope we can all keep this merriment into the new year. It’ll be rather depressing if not!”
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Pip (◼⊗_⊗’)/*
“Oooo!” Pip excitedly looked through the basket, nibbling at a little bit of everything as he discovered each item. “I’m not sure who sent this, but I hope you are doing well too. Good luck and fun activities this time of year with the people you’re close to are a life saver. Especially after rough tests in school…”
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Miss Manni (,◡ _ ◡,)  :
“You all are always so sweet. If you’re not careful I might start to pinch your cheeks huhuhu~!” Miss Manni lightly teased as she read the card over a few times. She did have to admit, this holiday season was quite a bit more festive than the ones she’d participated in prior. She quite liked it.
“I’m quite excited to use these gifts. Perhaps I’ll make a jam!” She clapped her hands together. “It’ll be perfect with this bread I’d think. And perfect to share with friends during these colder months.”
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Eleanor (´⬬_⬬`) < :
“I will try baking this year.” Eleanor decided as she found the spices within the box. It would be fun to actually bring things to her new friends. Especially with the mysterious berries that this mysterious stranger had given them.
As for the food, well, she and Edward Rattington had already eaten a good portion of it in between the evening’s idle chatter. “Happy Holidays new friend, I hope you experience the same good fortune and joy you wish to spread.”
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Shadowed Man /++ ◡ ++\ :
“Has it honestly been a year already? How awfully unproductive of me..” The shadow mused, the sound of a mimicked yawn escaping them as they lounged by the fireplace. A lazy smile replacing their often unsettling one. The dim fire light was the most comfortable, nothing too bright. “I ought to step it up this year.”
The shadow flipped the card back and forth a few times before shuffling through the goodies within the basket. Puncturing a few of the berries with a claw, lazily eating them mid thought. “May your year be plentiful as long as you keep your life a glow.”
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Later that night, a basket full of trinkets for the mysterious sender can be found! Complete with a ribbon decorated lamp, fuzzy mittens, multiple holiday cookies and snacks, a small stained glass decoration, and a warm blanket can be found!
Happy Holidays and may your New Year be bright!
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