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newfeeling77 Ā· 1 year ago
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this yearā€™s andi cocktail is 2-3 shots of bacardi, vanilla selzter, and a splash of cherry coke
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captainchilly Ā· 8 months ago
side eyeing the warner brothers instagram cause you donā€™t cas at all apparently
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anthonycrowley Ā· 8 months ago
brewery near me that plays vinyl save me. brewery that plays vinyl. save me brewery that plays vinyl.
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sohannabarberaesque Ā· 1 month ago
Poetry Corner
Soooo ... with Skat Cat out of the way, is it safe to imagine all the more where the Skatebirds have more or less free reign on the road in their inline skating misadventures and escapades?
So what exactly do the Sour Grapes Girls exactly want from The Banana Splits in the first place, for starters? Is it maybe a desire for the sexual going half the night and not much else?
When will those Goofy Guards ever learn that seltzer water is for drinking, for refreshment, and not for squirting around in low-comedy, Three Stooges-brand manner (especially where seltzer is the cold table buffet beverage)?
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125storejuice Ā· 8 months ago
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resetmypatientviolence Ā· 1 year ago
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Fargo surely knows how to keep you warm in the winter with booze.
Greet weekend up in the tundra celebrating my nephews FIFTH birthday!
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insomniamamma Ā· 8 months ago
Hi, J! How about your top 6 beverages?
Ezra tax as a bribe *COUGH* I mean, a thank you šŸ˜‰
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Thanks for asking!
Gin with selzter water and basil simple syrup. This is my go to.
Diet Dr. Pepper. Need at least one a day to function and it has to be diet. The full sugar stuff makes my teeth feel gross.
Beer. I fuckin love beer, but I'm picky about it. I love a good hefewiesen (spelling?), sour beers and wheat beers. I HATE IPAS THOUGH! It's like deep throating a tin can!
Green tea. Especially cold. Unsweetened please and thank you.
Good bourbon. I love the smell and the way the taste changes as you drink. I like the complexity.
Dunkin Donuts coffee. Extra cream Extra sugar. It's like sucking down vaguely coffee flavored candy. I currently live in a Dunkin Desert, so i miss my screaming hot styrofoam cup of diabetes.
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anachronistic-falsehood Ā· 1 month ago
I SPILT SELZTER ON MY TRIGUN SHIRT :( oh shit i need to put my laundry int he dryer brb
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candiedspit Ā· 1 year ago
took my nighttime combo (Latuda+Lithium+Lamictal+Alka Selzter+Valerian Root+Eczema Cream) brushed my teeth, washed my face & now Iā€™m off to dream about caves and horses
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tsunderrated Ā· 7 months ago
Selzter brand called nutrl. This has to be a parody
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circumlocutive Ā· 1 year ago
Cider being on here but not selzter
I'm a liquers lover oog
Vodka good too
*See this poll to choose your least favorite alcohol
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daniellehelenamusic Ā· 10 days ago
12 Uses For Baking Soda That Will Save You Money!
Are you looking for ways to do more with less? Baking soda is that homegirl who always has your back. And before you come for me, soda ends with an ā€œa,ā€ so, yes, homeGIRL is accurate. But in all seriousness, you should always keep your girl on deck for the many uses below. Some I swear by, some Iā€™ve tried a few times, and some Iā€™ve only read about, but here are 12 uses to convince you to keep baking soda producers in business in no particular order:
SOOTHE A BUG BITE - mosquitos and spiders love to treat us like we donā€™t belong outside when we doā€¦but if you ever need to soothe a bug bite, mix baking soda and water to make a paste and apply directly to the bite for relief (works on rashes too but do not apply to broken skin).
ALCOHOL-FREE MOUTHWASH - mix a little baking soda and water to create a rinse that can freshen your breath and prevent gum disease. You can add a drop or two of clove essential oil or peppermint diluted with fractionated coconut oil for an extra boost (but please donā€™t swallow essential oils).
DIY ALKA-SELZTER - make your own alkaline water solution to combat acid reflux and heartburn - dissolve a 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of water and squeeze and drop some lemon wedges in it. Drink as needed, and donā€™t get your hopes up. This tastes disgusting, but the store-bought version is baking soda, citric acid, and aspirinā€¦and you donā€™t need the aspirin.
DIAPER RASH RELIEF - if your mini is dealing with diaper rash, add a little baking soda to your babyā€™s bath water. Baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritation and calm itching.
TREAT FOOT FUNGUS - you can soak your feet in a baking soda/water solution to prevent foot odors and toenail fungus. Baking soda creates an alkaline environment where fungi and bacteria canā€™t survive.
CLEAN YOUR BRUSHES - although you may find it too drying for more delicate bristles, you can mix baking soda and water to clean hair brushes, combs, and makeup brushes. A baking soda solution will remove oils and build-up, but be sure to thoroughly rinse it out to avoid any baking soda residue.
DIY TOOTHPASTE - This one has benefits and drawbacks, so you can only do this sporadically when other options arenā€™t available. Some benefits include teeth whitening, plaque removal (because of its abrasive nature), acid neutralization, and mild antibacterial properties. Baking soda is suitable for cleaning many things, but it doesnā€™t prevent cavities, and the taste is not as pleasant as traditional toothpaste. However, you will find baking soda in many toothpaste and toothtab formulas as a supplement to other vital ingredients that improve tooth and gum health.
DIY SILVER CLEANER - Clean your jewelry and tarnished silverwareā€¦ make a paste and wipe with a cloth (not paper towels), then rinse. For those who like working smarter and not harder, the last time I did this, I lined a glass pan with aluminum foil, put in a bunch of vintage silverware, and topped it off with hot water and baking soda. It works, and hereā€™s why: there is free-flowing sulfur in the air, and when it comes into contact with silver, they combine to become silver sulfide. So when we say something is tarnished, it usually suggests a build-up of silver sulfide. Aluminum foil is highly reactive and is happy to donate electrons wherever possibleā€”especially if heat is involved. So what does that mean? When we mix heat, aluminum foil, silver sulfide, and a baking soda solution, we end up with tarnished aluminum foil and clean silver. The sulfur leaves the silver and transfers to the aluminum foilā€¦becauseā€¦chemistry. Ta-da bitches.
DEODORIZER - You probably do this already, but leave some baking soda in the back of your fridge to absorb weird odors. You can leave a full opened box, or if you buy baking soda in bulk, just put some in a repurposed glass jar. I recommend switching it out every 2-3 months (or sooner if it stops working). Baking soda can also deodorize cat litter, trash cans, shoes, carpets, upholstery, and mattresses (sprinkleā€¦let sit, then vacuum it up).
HOUSEHOLD CLEANER - I use baking soda to clean many household surfacesā€¦ including the bathroom sink, tub, and toiletā€¦ baking soda alone with a wet cloth does the trick, but for stubborn stains, add course salt (to aid in scrubbing) and a little soap. Baking soda and salt also work well on pans with caked-on grease, plastic containers with food stains, and ovens.
PRODUCE CLEANER - grab a bowl, soak your produce in water with a generous sprinkle of baking soda, and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub any visible dirt and rinse (I do this with vinegar and water, too).
LAUNDRY BOOSTER - I added baking soda to my homemade laundry detergent to brighten whites and colors and soften clothes. You can also wash baby clothes by throwing 1 cup of baking soda in the washing machine for a gentle clean.
Have more uses I didnā€™t mention? Teach me your ways! And no, this post isnā€™t sponsored by any baking soda companies, but I hope you turn to baking soda more for your everyday cleaning needs. We should collectively consume less and turn to products that serve multiple functionsā€¦bonus points for anything that comes in plastic-free packaging. But before you go wild putting baking soda on everything, here are some surfaces to avoid cleaning with our new bestie, including polished and unpolished wood, aluminum (that you donā€™t want to discolor), gold-plated jewelry, waxed or painted surfaces, eyeglasses, camera lenses, electronic screens, and unsealed grout. I hope this post was helpful, and cheers to cleaning with a conscience!
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starry-hughes Ā· 10 months ago
how u doing star nation
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the-travelling-witch Ā· 1 year ago
call it sparkling water then
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innermostinsight Ā· 1 year ago
How I'm Feeling Right Now
Artistic, lost, radiant, fulfilled, passionate, aimless, boring, unprepared, despondent, sparkly, centered.
The beginning of the semester was strange.
No matter how much I mature, I am always disjointed at the beginning of a new school year. There's comfort that how I'm feeling right now is how I've always felt.
It starts in August, as the year is looming ahead. I am always confronted with the same bundle of nerves over two central issues: boys and socializing. This year, my final year of school, perhaps the last of my entire life, was no different. The boys have now become men, but for at least the last 15 years, these issues have remained a consistent source of stress in my life. I am always nervous about being accepted and liked by others, and capturing the attention and attraction of men.
I blame those nerves for my under-eating and over-drinking the first weekend when everyone was together again. I was anxious and excited. To be around everyone, but mostly in anticipation of seeing one particular person, who I am loathe to admit I had developed an emotional connection to. And when I did see this person, my nerves suddenly felt like an unbearable itch that only the free seltzer at the party could scratch. And I had to drink all of it, quickly. When he engaged me in conversation, my nerves resulted in erratic, too strong emotions: initially I was fighting with him fiercely. My anger was firey, my tongue firing off the speech I had had planned for months. None of his protests could pierce the shield I surrounded myself with: my resolute indignation. I felt the interested stares of onlookers as we sparred, but my speaking volume would not be lowered for anything.
He found an opportune moment when I was reloading my verbal ammunition and drinking another can of selzter. I was wordlessly swept away by the familiar pull of his prolonged and meaningful eye contact, communicating with some desperate part of my heart. Then he spoke the words he must have known I was waiting with bated breath to hear, and I relented completely. All along, the shield was full of holes capable of being punctured by a heavy stare and a few strategic words. I can partly blame him for that. He knew what he was doing.
The next week, in an attempt to recover from my earlier stumble, I somehow repeated it all over again...but on a boat. And this time, there was a keen sting of rejection from the previously mentioned particular person. A dismissal. I wasn't anyone's preference. Despite my shiny dress, I had no sparkle.
When the sun came up, those occurrences left me off-kilter and embarrassed. I felt I had lost my general sense of control. I had certainly lost the power I once enjoyed over that person. He had lured me in, enjoyed himself for a moment, and then disposed of me, seemingly without a second thought. Worse, my classmates had seen, had gotten a glimpse into my private life. I worried that they saw me in class and thought only of my intoxicated antics. Did they sense I had been rejected?
I worried the most that I was losing a piece of myself, the kind, smart, innocent girl inside of me was being harmed by my poor decisions. I was afraid that part of me would leave me completely. That's how bad my "Sunday scaries" were.
A month later, and the feelings of shame and anxiety, which I feared would linger and torture me eternally, have now dissipated. I am mostly settled now. Life has gone on, none of the damage was really permanent. I'm still struck with uncomfortable feelings of sadness and frustration over it, but they're infrequent.
Moving to a new home, away from my parents, compounded the growing pains of this last new school year. As much as I have outwardly declared my need for freedom and independence, I rely on my parents. They remain the most important people in my life, and at this point have become more like friends and mentors that I trust so completely. I wonder if I have less of a reliance on my friends because of this. Leaving the quiet comfort of my family home has been an adjustment.
But I'm enjoying my freedom: the short, sweet walk from my student house to campus (just long enough to listen to two or three really good songs), the constant fun and liveliness of living with friends, the bed that isn't in my parents' house (I might never invite anyone to spend the night, but now I at least have the option).
My writing today is honest. I'm learning about the beauty of honesty, in all aspects of life. Being candid with myself about my own emotions, why I feel some things so strongly, and exploring (honestly) the motivation behind why I act in certain ways. Speaking to others honestly. Answering questions honestly, instead of editing myself to be more or less, to please someone else. It serves myself as much as the other participant in the conversation. I can see the surprise in someone's face when they receive a completely honest answer, a divergence from the expected. It feels strange having this renaissance internally while being surrounded by so many people in my industry who are so desperate to portray a certain image, who constantly strive to curate their own expressions to match that desired image.
As part of my honesty journey, I need to get back into my writing, the one thing that has always brought me peace and happiness. I write to understand myself and the world around me. It's how I process my own experiences and emotions. It has always been unbelievable to me that, as humans, we created language, that it isn't something primal and instinctual. It has felt that way to me ever since I learned how to write and became immersed in the world of literature. It is the most effortless form of expression that I have.
I want to be more honest with others about the fact that I'm a writer. I want to start behaving more like a writer. This blog is going to be the way I achieve that. I'll be posting a myriad of musings on this page. Blogging in 2023, probably more than a decade past the peak-era of blogging...it's kind of chic, right?
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sentientdessert Ā· 1 year ago
Okay, fuck Coca Cola... They've been buying up small really good companies and then discontinuing the products they offered. Today I learned Hansen's was a recent victim of this. Hansen's is soda I've drunk since I was a kid (when I could afford it.) The soda aisle at the natural grocer's was void of soda. Just flavoured selzter like La croix. So yeah, fuck Coca Cola. They're actively destroying good things. (Including the water levels of some places like Nestle, but that's another rant)
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